Windows Develop
Linux-Unix program
Web Server
Browser Client
Ftp Server
Ftp Client
Browser Plugins
Proxy Server
Email Server
Email Client
WEB Mail
Telnet Server
Telnet Client
Search Engine
Sniffer Package capture
Remote Control
TCP/IP Stack
Grid Computing
Cluster Service
Network Security
Game Program
Multimedia program
Graph program
Compiler program
Compress-Decompress algrithms
Crypt_Decrypt algrithms
Mathimatics-Numerical algorithms
Java Develop
assembly language
Other systems
Database system
Embeded-SCM Develop
source in ebook
Delphi VCL
OS Develop
MacOS develop
Upload User: jdb8708888
Upload Date: 2013-05-29
Package size: 19971k
Downloads: 2052
Development Platform:
Detail: csdn floor, the third floor of products provided by the OA download (including complete source code, documents and databases) to the author of this procedure where the development team took seven people eight months to complete a set of OA system, it is a rare quality, and a lot of other OA system kind, using SQL Server database for background ASP.NET C# language development, including the integrity of the source, Documents and databases. her biggest role is being developed for the development of OA and the forthcoming System friends a reference. you avoid the development process unnecessary logic errors or logic errors Documentation is the most important part of the code not busy testing, with a week to see documentation it
- Web.config
- WebForm1.aspx.resx
- UDS.csproj.webinfo
- SMS.cs
- Team.cs
- CM.cs
- Task.cs
- UBB.cs
- Role.cs
- Document.cs
- Error.cs
- Database.cs
- Department.cs
- Staff.cs
- WA.cs
- Project.cs
- AssignRights.cs
- Mail.cs
- DocumentFlow.cs
- Position.cs
- Class.cs
- Directory.cs
- BBS.cs
- WebForm1.aspx.resx
- Global.asax
- DatabaseClassExample.aspx.resx
- Global.asax.resx
- Index.aspx.resx
- UDS.sln
- WebForm1.aspx
- DepartmentTreeView.aspx
- UDS.csproj
- WebForm1.aspx.cs
- DatabaseClassExample.aspx
- Web.config
- UDS.vsdisco
- Global.asax.cs
- Index.aspx
- Index.aspx.cs
- DepartmentTreeView.aspx.cs
- DepartmentTreeView.aspx.resx
- AssemblyInfo.cs
- DatabaseClassExample.aspx.cs
- Tool.cs
- AssemblyInfo.cs
- Linkman.cs
- Desktop.cs
- Global.asax
- About.aspx
- DatabaseClassExample.aspx.resx
- Global.asax.resx
- Index.aspx.resx
- UDS.sln
- tr.js
- meizzDate.js
- calendar.js
- WebForm1.aspx
- DepartmentTreeView.aspx
- sms.disco
- sms.wsdl
- Reference.cs
- UDS.csproj
- WebForm1.aspx.cs
- DatabaseClassExample.aspx
- Web.config
- UDS.vsdisco
- Global.asax.cs
- udslog.txt
- Index.aspx
- Index.aspx.cs
- DepartmentTreeView.aspx.cs
- DepartmentTreeView.aspx.resx
- ClassTree.aspx.resx
- TreeView.aspx.cs
- RightListView.aspx.cs
- RightListView.aspx.resx
- ClassTree.aspx
- TreeView.aspx.resx
- TreeView.aspx
- RightList.aspx.cs
- ClassTree.aspx.cs
- RightListView.aspx
- RightList.aspx.resx
- RightList.aspx
- SelectReceiver.aspx
- SelectReceiver.aspx.cs
- MsgManage.aspx
- MsgList.aspx
- MsgManage.aspx.resx
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- MsgHistory.aspx.resx
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- Index.aspx.resx
- MsgHistory.aspx
- MsgList.aspx.resx
- SelectReceiver.aspx.resx
- MsgHistory.aspx.cs
- Setup.aspx
- Index.aspx
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- CustomLinkmanInfo.aspx
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- CustomLinkmanInfo.aspx.cs
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- ListView.aspx
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- index.aspx
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- ListView.aspx
- ORole.aspx
- Index.aspx
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- ListView.aspx.resx
- Index.aspx.cs
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- RoleTreeView.aspx
- Error.aspx
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- ShowDay.aspx
- SearchData.aspx.cs
- Default.aspx.cs
- Set.aspx
- DutyReport.aspx.cs
- rpt_DutyReport1.cs
- DetailDuty.xsx
- TotalDuty.cs
- rpt_DutyReport.cs
- DetailDuty.xsd
- rpt_DutyReport.resx
- TotalDuty.xsd
- DutyReport.aspx.resx
- DetailDuty.cs
- DutyReport.aspx
- TotalDuty.xsx
- SearchData.aspx
- tmpStaffData.aspx.cs
- StaffData.aspx
- Default.aspx
- Error.aspx.resx
- LinkmanListView.aspx.cs
- Linkman.aspx
- StaffList.aspx.cs
- ClientListView.aspx
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- ClientContact_thisWeek.aspx.resx
- StaffList.aspx.resx
- ClientListView.aspx.cs
- LinkmanListView.aspx
- Client.aspx
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- 41.txt
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- Fee.aspx.cs
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- sellmanclient.aspx
- sellman.aspx
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- ClientInfo.aspx
- index.aspx.resx
- ClientInfo.aspx.cs
- index.aspx.cs
- ContactInfo.aspx
- index.aspx
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- ClientHistoryContact.aspx
- ClientContact.aspx
- ClientLinkmanList.aspx
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- PositionTreeView.aspx
- UpdateCaste.aspx
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- NewStaff.aspx.cs
- NewStaff.aspx
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- ListView.aspx
- ChangePosition.aspx
- ChangePosition.aspx.resx
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- TreeView.aspx
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- Listview.aspx
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- Listview.aspx
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- Listview.aspx.resx
- Listview.aspx
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- Display.aspx
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- DeleteItem.aspx
- NewItem.aspx
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- index.aspx.resx
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- index.aspx
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- ListView.aspx.resx
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- ListView.aspx.cs
- ManageBoard.aspx.cs
- MoveItem.aspx.resx
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- NewItem.aspx.cs
- ProjectDetail.aspx
- Project.aspx
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- Index.aspx
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- SelectReceiver.aspx
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- Compose.aspx
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- TreeView.aspx
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- Setup.aspx
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- PostilDocument.aspx
- Listview.aspx.cs
- BindStaff.aspx.cs
- ManageFlow.aspx.resx
- SelectProject.aspx.cs
- ManageFlow.aspx.cs
- BindStaff.aspx
- BangdingRole.aspx.resx
- EditJump.aspx.resx
- BindStaff.aspx.resx
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- Query.aspx
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- DisplayTacheMember.aspx.cs
- DisplayFlow.aspx.resx
- DisplayDocument.aspx.resx
- DisplayTacheMember.aspx.resx
- DraftList.aspx
- ManageTache.aspx
- ManageTache.aspx.cs
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- DisplayStyle.aspx.cs
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- DisplayDocument.aspx
- DraftList.aspx.resx
- SelectProject.aspx.resx
- EditFlow.aspx.resx
- ManageFlow.aspx
- ManageStyle.aspx
- DisplayStyle.aspx
- NewDocument.aspx
- ManageProject.aspx.resx
- MemberListView.aspx
- Search.aspx.resx
- ModifyInfo.aspx
- Search.aspx
- ModifyInfo1.aspx
- Rehab.aspx.resx
- Search.aspx.resx
- Search.aspx
- ResultList.aspx
- ResultList.aspx.resx
- Search.aspx.cs
- ResultList.aspx.cs
- ModifyInfo1.aspx.cs
- ManageStaff.aspx.cs
- ModifyInfo1.aspx.resx
- Rehab.aspx
- ManageStaff.aspx.resx
- ModifyInfo.aspx.resx
- Search.aspx.cs
- ManageStaff.aspx
- StaffList.cs
- StaffReport.aspx
- StaffDataSet.xsd
- StaffReport.aspx.cs
- StaffDataSet.cs
- StaffList.resx
- StaffReport.aspx.resx
- StaffDataSet.xsx
- ModifyInfo.aspx.cs
- Rehab.aspx.cs
- Index.aspx.resx
- checkout.aspx
- checkout.aspx.cs
- checkout.aspx.resx
- Index.aspx.resx
- VerifySignIn.aspx.cs
- VerifySignIn.aspx
- Logout.aspx.cs
- Index.aspx
- VerifySignIn.aspx.resx
- Logout.aspx
- Index.aspx.cs
- Logout.aspx.resx
- NewStaff.aspx.cs
- NewStaff.aspx
- ODepartment.aspx.cs
- ODepartment.aspx
- ChangeDepartment.aspx.resx
- ChangeDepartment.aspx.cs
- DepartmentTreeView.aspx
- ODepartment.aspx.resx
- ListView.aspx
- ChangeDepartment.aspx
- NewStaff.aspx.resx
- ListView.aspx.resx
- DepartmentTreeView.aspx.cs
- ListView.aspx.cs
- DepartmentTreeView.aspx.resx
- Google.aspx.resx
- Listview.aspx.resx
- Listview.aspx
- Listview.aspx.cs
- Google.aspx.cs
- Google.aspx
- TaskComment.aspx.cs
- TaskStatus.aspx.resx
- TaskDetail.aspx.resx
- Manage.aspx.resx
- CalendarView.aspx.resx
- TaskDetail.aspx.cs
- TaskList.aspx.resx
- TaskStatus.aspx
- TaskDetail.aspx
- ViewDayTask.aspx.resx
- TaskList.aspx
- TaskList.aspx.cs
- CalendarView.aspx.cs
- TaskComment.aspx
- Manage.aspx.cs
- ViewDayTask.aspx
- ViewDayTask.aspx.cs
- TaskStatus.aspx.cs
- CalendarView.aspx
- TaskComment.aspx.resx
- Manage.aspx
- Index.aspx
- Index.aspx.cs
- USBKey_setup.aspx.cs
- USBKey_setup.aspx.resx
- USBKey_setup.aspx
- ControlPositionTreeView.ascx
- ControlRoleTreeView.ascx.cs
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- ControlClientContactHistory_thisWeek.ascx.resx
- ControlProjectTreeView.ascx.cs
- ControlHeader.aspx
- ControlProjectTreeView.ascx.resx
- ControlCustomProjectTreeView.ascx.resx
- ControlRoleTreeView.ascx
- ControlDepartmentTreeView.ascx.cs
- ControlHeader.aspx.resx
- ControlClientContactHistory_thisWeek.ascx
- ControlClientContactHistory.ascx.cs
- ControlHeader.aspx.cs
- ControlClientContactHistory.ascx
- ControlRoleTreeView.ascx.resx
- ControlPositionTreeView.ascx.resx
- ControlSellmanContactHistory.ascx.cs
- ControlSellmanContactHistory.ascx
- ControlCustomProjectTreeView.ascx.cs
- ControlClientContactHistory.ascx.resx
- ControlCustomProjectTreeView.ascx
- ControlPositionTreeView.ascx.cs
- ControlDepartmentTreeView.ascx
- ControlProjectTreeView.ascx
- ControlSellmanContactHistory.ascx.resx
- ControlDepartmentTreeView.ascx.resx
- AssemblyInfo.cs
- logout.asp
- login.asp
- DatabaseClassExample.aspx.cs
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- install.txt
- UDSsetupReadme.txt
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