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Communication Document
Development Platform:
Detail: modern communication system (Matlab version) with the code book. Provide channel capacity and coding, spread-spectrum communication system carrier modulation digital transmission simulation source code.
- x_fnct.m
- vq.m
- Uq_dist.m
- Invmulaw.m
- ip_04_08.m
- Centroid.m
- Ip_04_04.m
- ip_04_11.m
- Il4_8fun.m
- Lloydmax.m
- Signum.m
- mulaw.m
- ip_04_13.m
- Mse_dist.m
- Mula_pcm.m
- Variance.m
- Huffman.m
- Uq_mdpnt.m
- Entropy2.m
- U_pcm.m
- 2entropy.m
- ip_04_05.m
- ip_04_07.m
- Expected.m
- Ip_04_09.m
- Entropy.m
- lap.m
- x_a2_fnct.m
- Ip_04_10.m
- Normal.m
- Fm1.m
- Loweq.m
- ip_03_05.m
- Dsb2.m
- lssb_mod.m
- Fm2.m
- Fftseq.m
- ip_03_01.m
- Spower.m
- ip_03_10.m
- ussb_mod.m
- am_mod.m
- ip_03_04.m
- Analytic.m
- ip_03_07.m
- test.m
- Lssb_dem.m
- Am_dem.m
- Am.m
- ip_03_11.m
- Env_phas.m
- Lssb.m
- Dsb3.m
- Dsb1.m
- ip_03_02.m
- Dsb_dem.m
- ip_03_09.m
- dsb_mod.m
- ip_03_03.m
- Ip_01_05.m
- Loweq.m
- Ip_01_03.m
- Rect.m
- Fftseq.m
- Fseries.m
- ip_01_02.m
- Sinc.m
- Fseriest.m
- Analytic.m
- exp_fnct.m
- rectab.m
- Ip_01_08.m
- Signum.m
- Env-phas.m
- Ip_01_06.m
- ip_01_07.m
- spower.m
- Env_phas.m
- Lambda.m
- dis_spct.m
- Ip_01_01.m
- Quadcomp.m
- ip_01_04.m
- Sinc2.m
- lambdaab.m
- Normal.m
- ip_06_03.m
- ip_06_06.m
- ip_06_05.m
- ip_06_12.m
- ip_06_11.m
- ip_06_02.m
- Gngauss.m
- ip_06_07.m
- ip_06_10.m
- ip_06_04.m
- xrc.m
- ip_06_08.m
- ip_06_01.m
- ip_06_09.m
- Cm_sm34.m
- Cm_sm32.m
- ip_07_01.m
- Qfunct.m
- Cm_dpske.m
- ip_07_02.m
- ip_07_10.m
- ip_07_03.m
- ip_07_04.m
- Cm_sm52.m
- ip_07_11.m
- ip_07_06.m
- ip_07_05.m
- ip_07_08.m
- Gngauss.m
- Cm_sm41.m
- Cm_f34.m
- ip_07_12.m
- ip_07_09.m
- ip_07_07.m
- Bdt_f529.m
- ip_05_08.m
- Qfunct.m
- Bdt_f527.m
- Smldp510.m
- ip_05_07.m
- smldp511.m
- ip_05_06.m
- Smldpe57.m
- ip_05_10.m
- ip_05_05.m
- Smldpe54.m
- Bdt_int.m
- Smldpe58.m
- Bdt_f57.m
- ip_05_11.m
- Bdt_f531.m
- Gngauss.m
- ip_05_04.m
- Bdt_f533.m
- Smldpe56.m
- Smldpe55.m
- ip_05_09.m
- Bdt_int2.m
- Smldpe59.m
- DigModTutorial.m
- bpswnymf.mdl
- asknrzmf.m
- showmskr.m
- nyqui.m
- closmskt.m
- closetra.m
- bpsnyqmf.mdl
- qamnyqmf.m
- msk.m
- askwnymf.m
- librnew.mdl
- qamnrzbw.mdl
- oqpnyqmf.mdl
- nyqrofr.m
- bpswnymf.m
- qpswnymf.mdl
- convnyq.m
- qpsnyqmf.mdl
- qpsnrzbw.m
- qpswnymf.m
- bwthui.m
- bpsnrzmf.mdl
- bpsnrzbw.m
- qpsnrzmf.m
- ookwnymf.mdl
- qamnrzmf.mdl
- setnoise.m
- qamwnymf.mdl
- askwnymf.mdl
- closqamt.m
- ooknrzbw.m
- closerec.m
- rcosfir.m
- simde2bi.c
- srcsicon.m
- rcosine.m
- librnew.mdl
- sdsprandsrc2.tlc
- qaskenco.m
- cplotpsk.m
- sinc.m
- cplotask.m
- constlay.m
- simbi2de.c
- modmap.m
- homopuls.c
- arymimai.c
- eyediasi.m
- gwnoise.m
- apkconst.m
- firrcos.m
- checkinp.m
- schdint.c
- trigicon.m
- sbiterr.m
- dspsafe_set_param.m
- regdown.c
- trigwksp.c
- de2bi.m
- randint.m
- flxor.m
- eyesampl.m
- dspblkrandsrc2.m
- regshift.c
- cplotqam.m
- qamnrzbw.m
- wnyqro.m
- ooknyqmf.m
- nrz.m
- oqpnrzmf.mdl
- convwny.m
- msk.mdl
- wnyqui.m
- showqamr.m
- showrec.m
- wnyqrofr.m
- bpsnyqmf.m
- closmskr.m
- qpsnrzbw.mdl
- asknyqmf.mdl
- asknrzbw.mdl
- setrloff.m
- closqamr.m
- qamnyqmf.mdl
- bpsnrzmf.m
- asknrzmf.mdl
- asknrzbw.m
- qamnrzmf.m
- ooknyqmf.mdl
- oqpnrzbw.mdl
- showtra.m
- showmskt.m
- bpsnrzbw.mdl
- oqpwnymf.mdl
- rcosfltk.m
- convnrz.m
- asknyqmf.m
- qamwnymf.m
- qpsnrzmf.mdl
- setrobin.m
- qpsnyqmf.m
- nyqro.m
- ookwnymf.m
- ooknrzmf.mdl
- ooknrzmf.m
- ooknrzbw.mdl
- showqamt.m
- bpskdemo.mdl
- pulsemenu.m
- backmen.m
- endemen.m
- abschuss.m
- filtmen.m
- auswahl.m
- closemodcross.m
- convmenu.m
- pshapemenu.m
- tutorial.m
- P_e_hd_o.m
- P_e_sd_a.m
- metric.m
- bin2deci.m
- Ip_08_05.m
- Q.m
- Ip_08_03.m
- Ip_08_09.m
- Ip_08_04.m
- Ip_08_12.m
- nxt_stat.m
- P_e_hd_a.m
- Cnv_encd.m
- deci2bin.m
- Il3_8fun.m
- viterbi.m
- Ip_08_08.m
- Ip_08_07.m
- P_e_sd_o.m
- Ip_08_06.m
- Entropy2.m
- capexmpl.m
- Ip_08_02.m
- Entropy.m
- Ip_08_10.m
- Ip_08_11.m
- Ip_08_01.m
- Ss_pe96.m
- ss42.m
- ip_09_07.m
- Ss_pe94.m
- Ss_pe97.m
- ip_09_05.m
- Ss_tbl31.m
- Gngauss.m
- ip_09_06.m
- ss_pe42.m
- ip_09_04.m
- Ss_mlsrs.m
- Gaus_mar.m
- ip_02_07.m
- ip_02_03.m
- binormal.m
- ip_02_02.m
- ip_02_06.m
- ip_02_10.m
- ip_02_08.m
- ip_02_05.m
- Variance.m
- ip_02_04.m
- Gngauss.m
- Rx_est.m
- ip_02_09.m
- Multi_gp.m
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