Upload User: weisheen
Upload Date: 2022-07-09
Package size: 19390k
Downloads: 5
Development Platform:
Visual C++
Detail: The code and note of COM by VC++
- resource.h
- clientDemo.plg
- clientDemoDlg.cpp
- clientDemo.cpp
- clientDemo.clw
- StdAfx.h
- clientDemo.rc
- clientDemo.dsw
- ReadMe.txt
- FirstDemo_i.c
- FirstDemo.h
- clientDemo.rc2
- FirstDemo.idl
- reg.bat
- clientDemo.dsp
- clientDemo.h
- clientDemoDlg.h
- StdAfx.cpp
- resource.h
- clientDemo.plg
- clientDemoDlg.cpp
- clientDemo.cpp
- clientDemo.clw
- StdAfx.h
- clientDemo.rc
- clientDemo.dsw
- ReadMe.txt
- FirstDemo_i.c
- FirstDemo.h
- clientDemo.rc2
- clientDemo.dsp
- clientDemo.h
- clientDemoDlg.h
- StdAfx.cpp
- Mycom_p.c
- Mycom.dsp
- Mycom.plg
- Mycomps.def
- myfirst.h
- StdAfx.h
- myfirst.cpp
- Mycom_i.c
- Mycom.rc
- Mycom.cpp
- Mycom.h
- dlldata.c
- Resource.h
- myfirst.rgs
- Mycom.idl
- Mycom.def
- Mycom.dsw
- StdAfx.cpp
- FirstDemo.idl
- IUnknownDemo.idl
- IUnknownDemo_i.c
- resource.h
- IUnknownDemo.rc
- IMyObj.rgs
- IUnknownDemo.plg
- IUnknownDemops.def
- StdAfx.h
- IUnknownDemo_p.c
- IUnknownDemo.dsp
- IUnknownDemo.cpp
- IMyObj.cpp
- IMyObj.h
- IUnknownDemo.h
- dlldata.c
- resource.h
- test.rc
- testDlg.h
- StdAfx.h
- test.h
- ReadMe.txt
- test.clw
- test.plg
- test.cpp
- test.rc2
- test.dsp
- testDlg.cpp
- StdAfx.cpp
- IUnknownDemo.def
- IUnknownDemo.dsw
- StdAfx.cpp
- ex.idl
- ex.dsw
- ex.h
- ex.rc
- work.rgs
- StdAfx.h
- ex.def
- work.cpp
- ex.cpp
- work.h
- Resource.h
- exps.def
- StdAfx.cpp
- ex.dsp
- IUnknownDemo.idl
- IUnknownDemo_i.c
- resource.h
- IUnknownDemo.rc
- IMyObj.rgs
- IUnknownDemo.plg
- IUnknownDemops.def
- StdAfx.h
- IUnknownDemo_p.c
- IUnknownDemo.dsp
- IUnknownDemo.cpp
- IMyObj.cpp
- IMyObj.h
- IUnknownDemo.h
- dlldata.c
- resource.h
- test.rc
- testDlg.h
- StdAfx.h
- test.h
- ReadMe.txt
- test.clw
- test.plg
- test.cpp
- test.rc2
- test.dsp
- testDlg.cpp
- StdAfx.cpp
- IUnknownDemo.def
- IUnknownDemo.dsw
- StdAfx.cpp
- com.txt
- resource.h
- clientDemo.plg
- clientDemoDlg.cpp
- clientDemo.cpp
- clientDemo.clw
- StdAfx.h
- clientDemo.rc
- clientDemo.dsw
- ReadMe.txt
- FirstDemo_i.c
- FirstDemo.h
- clientDemo.rc2
- FirstDemo.idl
- reg.bat
- clientDemo.dsp
- clientDemo.h
- clientDemoDlg.h
- StdAfx.cpp
- mysecond.idl
- mysecond_i.c
- mysecond.cpp
- mysecondps.def
- mysecond.dsp
- mysecond.h
- StdAfx.h
- mysecond.idl
- second.rgs
- mysecond_p.c
- mysecond.plg
- dlldata.c
- mysecond.rc
- mysecond.def
- second.cpp
- second.h
- Resource.h
- mysecond.dsw
- StdAfx.cpp
- myaddinter.h
- dlldata.c
- myaddinter.idl
- myaddinter_p.c
- myaddinter_i.c
- FirstDemops.def
- resource.h
- FirstDemo_p.c
- FirstDemo.plg
- FirstDemo.idl
- Hello.h
- FirstDemo.dsw
- StdAfx.h
- Hello.cpp
- MyAbc.cpp
- FirstDemo_i.c
- FirstDemo.h
- MyAbc.rgs
- FirstDemo.cpp
- FirstDemo.dsp
- dlldata.c
- Hello.rgs
- FirstDemo.def
- FirstDemo.rc
- MyAbc.h
- StdAfx.cpp
- IUnknownDemo.idl
- IUnknownDemo_i.c
- resource.h
- IUnknownDemo.rc
- IMyObj.rgs
- IUnknownDemo.plg
- IUnknownDemops.def
- regsvr32.trg
- StdAfx.h
- IUnknownDemo_p.c
- IUnknownDemo.dsp
- IUnknownDemo.cpp
- IMyObj.cpp
- IMyObj.h
- IUnknownDemo.h
- dlldata.c
- IUnknownDemo.def
- IUnknownDemo.dsw
- StdAfx.cpp
- myaddinter.rc
- Myfirst.rgs
- resource.h
- Myfirst.cpp
- StdAfx.h
- myaddinter.h
- Myfirst.h
- myaddinter.dsp
- myaddinter.cpp
- myaddinter.def
- myaddinter.plg
- dlldata.c
- myaddinter.idl
- myaddinter_p.c
- myaddinter.dsw
- myaddinterps.def
- StdAfx.cpp
- myaddinter_i.c
- IUnknownDemo.idl
- IUnknownDemo_i.c
- resource.h
- IUnknownDemo.rc
- IMyObj.rgs
- IUnknownDemo.plg
- IUnknownDemops.def
- StdAfx.h
- IUnknownDemo_p.c
- IUnknownDemo.dsp
- IUnknownDemo.cpp
- IMyObj.cpp
- IMyObj.h
- IUnknownDemo.h
- dlldata.c
- resource.h
- test.rc
- testDlg.h
- StdAfx.h
- test.h
- ReadMe.txt
- test.clw
- test.plg
- test.cpp
- test.rc2
- test.dsp
- testDlg.cpp
- StdAfx.cpp
- IUnknownDemo.def
- IUnknownDemo.dsw
- StdAfx.cpp
- resource.h
- AddressAdminDlg.h
- AddressAdmin.h
- AddressAdmin.cpp
- db.sql
- AddressAdmin.clw
- StdAfx.h
- ReadMe.txt
- msado15.tlh
- AddressAdmin.dsw
- AddressAdminDlg.cpp
- AddressAdmin.dsp
- AddressAdmin.rc2
- AddressAdmin.plg
- AddressAdmin.rc
- msado15.tli
- StdAfx.cpp
- resource.h
- AddressAdminDlg.h
- AddressAdmin.h
- AddressAdmin.cpp
- db.sql
- AddressAdmin.clw
- StdAfx.h
- ReadMe.txt
- AddressAdmin.dsw
- AddressAdminDlg.cpp
- AddressAdmin.dsp
- AddressAdmin.rc2
- AddressAdmin.plg
- AddressAdmin.rc
- StdAfx.cpp
- DemoBlobInsert.clw
- resource.h
- DemoBlobInsert.dsw
- DemoBlobInsert.rc
- StdAfx.h
- DemoBlobInsert.dsp
- ReadMe.txt
- msado15.tlh
- DemoBlobInsertDlg.cpp
- DemoBlobInsertDlg.h
- DemoBlobInsert.plg
- DemoBlobInsert.rc2
- msado15.tli
- StdAfx.cpp
- DemoBlobInsert.h
- resource.h
- AddressAdminDlg.h
- AddressAdmin.h
- AddressAdmin.cpp
- AddressAdmin.clw
- StdAfx.h
- ReadMe.txt
- AddressAdmin.dsw
- AddressAdminDlg.cpp
- AddressAdmin.dsp
- AddressAdmin.rc2
- AddressAdmin.plg
- AddressAdmin.rc
- StdAfx.cpp
- resource.h
- AddressAdminDlg.h
- AddressAdmin.h
- AddressAdmin.cpp
- db.sql
- AddressAdmin.clw
- StdAfx.h
- ReadMe.txt
- msado15.tlh
- AddressAdmin.dsw
- AddressAdminDlg.cpp
- AddressAdmin.dsp
- AddressAdmin.rc2
- AddressAdmin.plg
- AddressAdmin.rc
- msado15.tli
- StdAfx.cpp
- resource.h
- AddressAdminDlg.h
- AddressAdmin.h
- AddressAdmin.cpp
- db.sql
- AddressAdmin.clw
- StdAfx.h
- ReadMe.txt
- msado15.tlh
- AddressAdmin.dsw
- AddressAdminDlg.cpp
- AddressAdmin.dsp
- AddressAdmin.rc2
- AddressAdmin.plg
- AddressAdmin.rc
- msado15.tli
- StdAfx.cpp
- resource.h
- AddressAdminDlg.h
- AddressAdmin.h
- AddressAdmin.cpp
- db.sql
- AddressAdmin.clw
- StdAfx.h
- ReadMe.txt
- AddressAdmin.dsw
- AddressAdminDlg.cpp
- AddressAdmin.dsp
- AddressAdmin.rc2
- AddressAdmin.plg
- AddressAdmin.rc
- StdAfx.cpp
- resource.h
- AddressAdminDlg.h
- AddressAdmin.h
- AddressAdmin.cpp
- db.sql
- AddressAdmin.clw
- StdAfx.h
- ReadMe.txt
- msado15.tlh
- AddressAdmin.dsw
- AddressAdminDlg.cpp
- AddressAdmin.dsp
- AddressAdmin.rc2
- AddressAdmin.plg
- AddressAdmin.rc
- msado15.tli
- StdAfx.cpp
- resource.h
- AddressAdminDlg.h
- AddressAdmin.h
- AddressAdmin.cpp
- db.sql
- AddressAdmin.clw
- StdAfx.h
- ReadMe.txt
- msado15.tlh
- AddressAdmin.dsw
- AddressAdminDlg.cpp
- AddressAdmin.dsp
- AddressAdmin.rc2
- AddressAdmin.plg
- AddressAdmin.rc
- msado15.tli
- StdAfx.cpp
- resource.h
- AddressAdminDlg.h
- AddressAdmin.h
- AddressAdmin.cpp
- db.sql
- AddressAdmin.clw
- StdAfx.h
- ReadMe.txt
- AddressAdmin.dsw
- AddressAdminDlg.cpp
- AddressAdmin.dsp
- AddressAdmin.rc2
- AddressAdmin.plg
- AddressAdmin.rc
- StdAfx.cpp
- TEST.clw
- TESTDlg.cpp
- resource.h
- TEST.h
- TEST.plg
- TEST.rc
- TEST.dsp
- StdAfx.h
- TESTDlg.h
- ReadMe.txt
- msado15.tlh
- TEST.cpp
- TEST.rc2
- msado15.tli
- StdAfx.cpp
- resource.h
- BooksDAL.h
- BooksDAL.idl
- BooksDAL.dsp
- BooksDAL_p.c
- BooksDAL.def
- BooksDAL.rc
- StdAfx.h
- DALMyBools.rgs
- DALMyBools.h
- DALMyBools.cpp
- BooksDAL.plg
- BooksDAL.cpp
- BooksDALps.def
- BooksDAL.dsw
- dlldata.c
- BooksDAL_i.c
- BooksDAL.clw
- StdAfx.cpp
- DempParameter.cpp
- resource.h
- DempParameter.dsp
- StdAfx.h
- ReadMe.txt
- DempParameter.rc
- DempParameter.plg
- DempParameterDlg.cpp
- DempParameter.clw
- DempParameterDlg.h
- DempParameter.rc2
- DempParameter.dsw
- StdAfx.cpp
- DALMyBooks.rgs
- ExDAL.clw
- ExDAL.cpp
- ExDAL.plg
- ExDAL.dsp
- ExDALps.def
- StdAfx.h
- ExDAL.h
- ExDAL.rc
- DALMyBooks.cpp
- ExDAL.dsw
- DALMyBooks.h
- ExDAL.idl
- dlldata.c
- ExDAL_i.c
- ExDAL.def
- Resource.h
- ExDAL_p.c
- StdAfx.cpp
- resource.h
- BooksDAL.h
- BooksDAL.idl
- BooksDAL.dsp
- BooksDAL_p.c
- BooksDAL.def
- BooksDAL.rc
- StdAfx.h
- DALMyBools.rgs
- msado15.tlh
- DALMyBools.h
- DALMyBools.cpp
- BooksDAL.plg
- BooksDAL.cpp
- BooksDALps.def
- BooksDAL.dsw
- dlldata.c
- BooksDAL_i.c
- BooksDAL.clw
- msado15.tli
- StdAfx.cpp
- DempParameter.cpp
- resource.h
- DempParameter.dsp
- StdAfx.h
- ReadMe.txt
- DempParameter.rc
- DempParameter.plg
- DempParameterDlg.cpp
- DempParameter.clw
- DempParameterDlg.h
- DempParameter.rc2
- DempParameter.dsw
- StdAfx.cpp
- DempParameter.cpp
- resource.h
- DempParameter.dsp
- StdAfx.h
- ReadMe.txt
- DempParameter.rc
- DempParameter.plg
- DempParameterDlg.cpp
- DempParameter.clw
- DempParameterDlg.h
- DempParameter.rc2
- DempParameter.dsw
- StdAfx.cpp
- TEST.clw
- TESTDlg.cpp
- resource.h
- TEST.h
- TEST.plg
- TEST.rc
- TEST.dsp
- StdAfx.h
- TESTDlg.h
- ReadMe.txt
- TEST.cpp
- TEST.rc2
- StdAfx.cpp
- resource.h
- BooksDAL.h
- BooksDAL.idl
- BooksDAL.dsp
- BooksDAL_p.c
- BooksDAL.def
- BooksDAL.rc
- StdAfx.h
- DALMyBools.rgs
- DALMyBools.h
- DALMyBools.cpp
- BooksDAL.plg
- BooksDAL.cpp
- BooksDALps.def
- BooksDAL.dsw
- dlldata.c
- BooksDAL_i.c
- BooksDAL.clw
- StdAfx.cpp
- Exparameter.cpp
- ExparameterDlg.h
- ExparameterDlg.cpp
- Exparameter.dsw
- Exparameter.clw
- StdAfx.h
- ReadMe.txt
- Exparameter.rc
- Exparameter.rc2
- Exparameter.h
- Resource.h
- Exparameter.plg
- Exparameter.dsp
- StdAfx.cpp
- TEST.clw
- TESTDlg.cpp
- resource.h
- TEST.h
- TEST.plg
- TEST.rc
- TEST.dsp
- StdAfx.h
- TESTDlg.h
- ReadMe.txt
- TEST.cpp
- TEST.rc2
- StdAfx.cpp
- resource.h
- BooksDAL.h
- BooksDAL.idl
- BooksDAL.dsp
- BooksDAL_p.c
- BooksDAL.def
- BooksDAL.rc
- StdAfx.h
- DALMyBools.rgs
- DALMyBools.h
- DALMyBools.cpp
- BooksDAL.plg
- BooksDAL.cpp
- BooksDALps.def
- BooksDAL.dsw
- dlldata.c
- BooksDAL_i.c
- BooksDAL.clw
- StdAfx.cpp
- resource.h
- BooksDAL.h
- BooksDAL.idl
- BooksDAL.dsp
- BooksDAL_p.c
- BooksDAL.def
- BooksDAL.rc
- StdAfx.h
- DALMyBools.rgs
- msado15.tlh
- DALMyBools.h
- DALMyBools.cpp
- BooksDAL.plg
- BooksDAL.cpp
- BooksDALps.def
- BooksDAL.dsw
- dlldata.c
- BooksDAL_i.c
- BooksDAL.clw
- msado15.tli
- StdAfx.cpp
- TEST.clw
- TESTDlg.cpp
- resource.h
- TEST.h
- TEST.plg
- TEST.rc
- TEST.dsp
- StdAfx.h
- TESTDlg.h
- ReadMe.txt
- msado15.tlh
- TEST.cpp
- TEST.rc2
- msado15.tli
- StdAfx.cpp
- resource.h
- BooksDAL.h
- BooksDAL.idl
- BooksDAL.dsp
- BooksDAL_p.c
- BooksDAL.def
- BooksDAL.rc
- StdAfx.h
- DALMyBools.rgs
- DALMyBools.h
- DALMyBools.cpp
- BooksDAL.plg
- BooksDAL.cpp
- BooksDALps.def
- BooksDAL.dsw
- dlldata.c
- BooksDAL_i.c
- BooksDAL.clw
- StdAfx.cpp
- MyStruct.cpp
- resource.h
- MyStruct.rgs
- StructDemo.plg
- StructDemo_p.c
- StructDemo.rc
- StructDemops.def
- StructDemo.def
- StdAfx.h
- StructDemo_i.c
- MyStruct.h
- StructDemo.cpp
- StructDemo.clw
- dlldata.c
- StructDemo.dsw
- StructDemo.h
- resource.h
- test.rc
- testDlg.h
- StdAfx.h
- test.h
- ReadMe.txt
- test.clw
- test.plg
- test.cpp
- test.rc2
- test.dsp
- testDlg.cpp
- StdAfx.cpp
- StructDemo.idl
- StructDemo.dsp
- StdAfx.cpp
- exStruct.clw
- exStruct.plg
- exStruct.h
- exStruct.def
- exStruct.dsw
- exStruct.dsp
- exStruct.rc
- StdAfx.h
- exStructps.def
- exStruct_p.c
- exStruct.cpp
- exStruct_i.c
- exStruct.idl
- dlldata.c
- test.rc
- testDlg.h
- StdAfx.h
- test.h
- ReadMe.txt
- test.clw
- test.plg
- test.cpp
- test.rc2
- test.dsp
- Resource.h
- testDlg.cpp
- StdAfx.cpp
- Mystruct.cpp
- Resource.h
- Mystruct.rgs
- Mystruct.h
- StdAfx.cpp
- MyStruct.cpp
- resource.h
- MyStruct.rgs
- StructDemo.plg
- StructDemo_p.c
- StructDemo.rc
- StructDemops.def
- StructDemo.def
- StdAfx.h
- StructDemo_i.c
- MyStruct.h
- StructDemo.cpp
- StructDemo.clw
- dlldata.c
- StructDemo.dsw
- StructDemo.h
- resource.h
- test.rc
- testDlg.h
- StdAfx.h
- test.h
- ReadMe.txt
- test.clw
- test.plg
- test.cpp
- test.rc2
- test.dsp
- testDlg.cpp
- StdAfx.cpp
- StructDemo.idl
- StructDemo.dsp
- StdAfx.cpp
- resource.h
- autoDemo.rc
- autoDemo.def
- autoDemo_i.c
- StdAfx.h
- autoDemo.idl
- MyAbc.cpp
- autoDemops.def
- autoDemo.cpp
- autoDemo_p.c
- autoDemo.dsw
- MyAbc.rgs
- autoDemo.plg
- dlldata.c
- resource.h
- test.rc
- testDlg.h
- StdAfx.h
- test.h
- ReadMe.txt
- test.clw
- test.plg
- test.cpp
- test.rc2
- test.dsp
- testDlg.cpp
- StdAfx.cpp
- AutoTest.clw
- resource.h
- AutoTest.rc
- StdAfx.h
- AutoTestDlg.cpp
- ReadMe.txt
- AutoTest.dsp
- AutoTest.h
- AutoTestDlg.h
- AutoTest.rc2
- AutoTest.cpp
- AutoTest.plg
- StdAfx.cpp
- autoDemo.dsp
- autoDemo.h
- MyAbc.h
- StdAfx.cpp
- MyStruct.cpp
- resource.h
- MyStruct.rgs
- StructDemo.plg
- StructDemo_p.c
- StructDemo.rc
- StructDemops.def
- StructDemo.def
- StdAfx.h
- StructDemo_i.c
- MyStruct.h
- StructDemo.cpp
- StructDemo.clw
- dlldata.c
- StructDemo.dsw
- StructDemo.h
- resource.h
- test.rc
- testDlg.h
- StdAfx.h
- test.h
- ReadMe.txt
- test.clw
- test.plg
- test.cpp
- test.rc2
- test.dsp
- testDlg.cpp
- StdAfx.cpp
- StructDemo.idl
- StructDemo.dsp
- StdAfx.cpp
- com.txt
- resource.h
- autoDemo.rc
- autoDemo.def
- autoDemo_i.c
- StdAfx.h
- autoDemo.idl
- MyAbc.cpp
- autoDemops.def
- autoDemo.cpp
- autoDemo_p.c
- autoDemo.dsw
- MyAbc.rgs
- autoDemo.plg
- dlldata.c
- resource.h
- test.rc
- testDlg.h
- StdAfx.h
- test.h
- ReadMe.txt
- test.clw
- test.plg
- test.cpp
- test.rc2
- test.dsp
- testDlg.cpp
- StdAfx.cpp
- AutoTest.clw
- resource.h
- AutoTest.rc
- StdAfx.h
- AutoTestDlg.cpp
- ReadMe.txt
- AutoTest.dsp
- AutoTest.h
- AutoTestDlg.h
- AutoTest.rc2
- AutoTest.cpp
- AutoTest.plg
- StdAfx.cpp
- autoDemo.dsp
- autoDemo.h
- MyAbc.h
- StdAfx.cpp
- MyStruct.cpp
- resource.h
- MyStruct.rgs
- StructDemo.plg
- StructDemo_p.c
- StructDemo.rc
- StructDemops.def
- StructDemo.def
- StdAfx.h
- StructDemo_i.c
- MyStruct.h
- StructDemo.cpp
- StructDemo.clw
- dlldata.c
- StructDemo.dsw
- StructDemo.h
- resource.h
- test.rc
- testDlg.h
- StdAfx.h
- test.h
- ReadMe.txt
- test.clw
- test.plg
- test.cpp
- test.rc2
- test.dsp
- testDlg.cpp
- StdAfx.cpp
- StructDemo.idl
- StructDemo.dsp
- StdAfx.cpp
- exautoDemo.idl
- exautoDemo.rc
- exautoDemo.cpp
- MyAdd.cpp
- exautoDemo.dsp
- exautoDemops.def
- StdAfx.h
- MyAdd.h
- exautoDemo.h
- exautoDemo.plg
- exautoDemo_i.c
- dlldata.c
- test.rc
- testDlg.h
- StdAfx.h
- test.h
- ReadMe.txt
- test.clw
- test.plg
- test.cpp
- test.rc2
- test.dsp
- Resource.h
- testDlg.cpp
- StdAfx.cpp
- MyAdd.rgs
- AutoTest.clw
- AutoTest.rc
- StdAfx.h
- AutoTestDlg.cpp
- ReadMe.txt
- AutoTest.dsp
- AutoTest.h
- AutoTestDlg.h
- AutoTest.rc2
- AutoTest.cpp
- AutoTest.plg
- Resource.h
- StdAfx.cpp
- exautoDemo.def
- exautoDemo.dsw
- Resource.h
- exautoDemo_p.c
- StdAfx.cpp
- MyAsd.cpp
- resource.h
- autoDemo.rc
- autoDemo.def
- autoDemo_i.c
- haha.cpp
- StdAfx.h
- autoDemo.idl
- MyAbc.cpp
- autoDemops.def
- autoDemo.cpp
- autoDemo_p.c
- autoDemo.dsw
- haha.h
- haha.rgs
- MyAbc.rgs
- MyAsd.rgs
- autoDemo.plg
- MyAsd.h
- dlldata.c
- resource.h
- test.rc
- testDlg.h
- StdAfx.h
- test.h
- ReadMe.txt
- test.clw
- test.plg
- test.cpp
- test.rc2
- test.dsp
- testDlg.cpp
- StdAfx.cpp
- autoDemo.dsp
- autoDemo.h
- MyAbc.h
- StdAfx.cpp
- MyStruct.cpp
- resource.h
- MyStruct.rgs
- StructDemo.plg
- StructDemo_p.c
- StructDemo.rc
- StructDemops.def
- StructDemo.def
- StdAfx.h
- StructDemo_i.c
- MyStruct.h
- StructDemo.cpp
- StructDemo.clw
- dlldata.c
- StructDemo.dsw
- StructDemo.h
- resource.h
- test.rc
- testDlg.h
- StdAfx.h
- test.h
- ReadMe.txt
- test.clw
- test.plg
- test.cpp
- test.rc2
- test.dsp
- testDlg.cpp
- StdAfx.cpp
- StructDemo.idl
- StructDemo.dsp
- StdAfx.cpp
- exsmartp.h
- exsmartp.cpp
- exsmartp_i.c
- exsmartp.plg
- StdAfx.h
- MyAbc.cpp
- MyAbc.rgs
- exsmartp.def
- exsmartp.idl
- exsmartp.dsp
- exsmartp.clw
- exsmartp.dsw
- dlldata.c
- test.rc
- testDlg.h
- StdAfx.h
- test.h
- ReadMe.txt
- test.clw
- test.plg
- test.cpp
- test.rc2
- test.dsp
- Resource.h
- testDlg.cpp
- StdAfx.cpp
- dlldatax.h
- exsmartp.rc
- MyAbc.h
- Resource.h
- exsmartp_p.c
- dlldatax.c
- StdAfx.cpp
- exsmartpps.def
- resource.h
- SmartPtrDemo.dsp
- SmartPtrDemo.plg
- SmartPtrDemo.rc
- SmartPtrDemo.dsw
- SmartPtrDemo_i.c
- SmartPtrDemops.def
- SmartPtrDemo.def
- SmartPtrDemo.idl
- StdAfx.h
- MyAbc.cpp
- SmartPtrDemo.h
- SmartPtrDemo.cpp
- MyAbc.rgs
- dlldata.c
- resource.h
- test.rc
- testDlg.h
- StdAfx.h
- test.h
- ReadMe.txt
- test.clw
- test.plg
- test.cpp
- test.rc2
- test.dsp
- testDlg.cpp
- StdAfx.cpp
- SmartPtrDemo_p.c
- SmartPtrDemo.clw
- MyAbc.h
- StdAfx.cpp
- resource.h
- DemoVariant.dsp
- DemoVariant.rc
- MyVariant.cpp
- MyVariant.rgs
- DemoVariant.cpp
- DemoVariant.clw
- StdAfx.h
- DemoVariant_i.c
- DemoVariant.def
- DemoVariant.h
- DemoVariantps.def
- dlldata.c
- resource.h
- test.rc
- testDlg.h
- StdAfx.h
- test.h
- ReadMe.txt
- test.clw
- test.plg
- test.cpp
- test.rc2
- test.dsp
- testDlg.cpp
- StdAfx.cpp
- DemoVariant.dsw
- MyVariant.h
- DemoVariant.plg
- DemoVariant.idl
- DemoVariant_p.c
- StdAfx.cpp
- resource.h
- DemoBstr.clw
- DemoBstr.def
- MyBstr.h
- StdAfx.h
- DemoBstr.rc
- DemoBstrps.def
- DemoBstr.dsw
- DemoBstr_i.c
- dlldata.c
- resource.h
- test.rc
- testDlg.h
- StdAfx.h
- test.h
- ReadMe.txt
- test.clw
- test.plg
- test.cpp
- test.rc2
- test.dsp
- testDlg.cpp
- StdAfx.cpp
- DemoBstr_p.c
- DemoBstr.plg
- MyBstr.rgs
- DemoBstr.cpp
- MyBstr.cpp
- DemoBstr.dsp
- DemoBstr.idl
- DemoBstr.h
- StdAfx.cpp
- DemoIUnknown.h
- DemoIUnknown.def
- resource.h
- DemoIUnknown.cpp
- DemoIUnknownps.def
- DemoIUnknown.dsp
- DemoIUnknown.clw
- DemoIUnknown.rc
- StdAfx.h
- MyAbc.cpp
- MyAbc.rgs
- DemoIUnknown.dsw
- dlldata.c
- DemoIUnknown.plg
- DemoIUnknown_i.c
- MyAbc.h
- DemoIUnknown.idl
- DemoIUnknown_p.c
- StdAfx.cpp
- DemoIUnknown.h
- DemoIUnknown.def
- resource.h
- DemoIUnknown.cpp
- DemoIUnknownps.def
- DemoIUnknown.dsp
- DemoIUnknown.clw
- DemoIUnknown.rc
- StdAfx.h
- MyAbc.cpp
- MyAbc.rgs
- DemoIUnknown.dsw
- dlldata.c
- DemoIUnknown.plg
- MyLog.cpp
- test.rc
- testDlg.h
- StdAfx.h
- test.h
- ReadMe.txt
- test.clw
- test.plg
- test.cpp
- test.rc2
- test.dsp
- MyLog.h
- Resource.h
- testDlg.cpp
- StdAfx.cpp
- DemoIUnknown_i.c
- MyAbc.h
- DemoIUnknown.idl
- DemoIUnknown_p.c
- StdAfx.cpp
- DemoIUnknown.h
- DemoIUnknown.def
- resource.h
- DemoIUnknown.cpp
- DemoIUnknownps.def
- DemoIUnknown.dsp
- DemoIUnknown.clw
- DemoIUnknown.rc
- StdAfx.h
- MyAbc.cpp
- MyAbc.rgs
- DemoIUnknown.dsw
- dlldata.c
- DemoIUnknown.plg
- MyLog.cpp
- resource.h
- test.rc
- testDlg.h
- StdAfx.h
- test.h
- ReadMe.txt
- test.clw
- test.plg
- test.cpp
- test.rc2
- test.dsp
- MyLog.h
- log.txt
- testDlg.cpp
- StdAfx.cpp
- DemoIUnknown_i.c
- MyAbc.h
- DemoIUnknown.idl
- DemoIUnknown_p.c
- StdAfx.cpp
- com.txt
- Extest.dsw
- StdAfx.h
- Extest.h
- ReadMe.txt
- Extest.cpp
- ExtestDlg.h
- ExtestDlg.cpp
- Extest.dsp
- Extest.plg
- Extest.rc2
- Extest.clw
- Resource.h
- Extest.rc
- StdAfx.cpp
- resource.h
- testPwd.h
- testPwd.dsp
- testPwdDlg.cpp
- StdAfx.h
- ReadMe.txt
- testPwd.plg
- testPwd.rc
- testPwd.cpp
- testPwd.clw
- testPwd.rc2
- testPwd.dsw
- testPwdDlg.h
- StdAfx.cpp
- resource.h
- demoActivex.rc
- demoActivex_p.c
- demoActivex.dsw
- demoActivex_i.c
- StdAfx.h
- demoActivex.idl
- demoActivexps.def
- MyPwd.rgs
- demoActivex.def
- demoActivex.plg
- MyPwd.cpp
- demoActivex.clw
- dlldata.c
- MyPwd.h
- demoActivex.dsp
- demoActivex.h
- StdAfx.cpp
- demoActivex.cpp
- resource.h
- ComCallBack.def
- ComCallBack.clw
- ComCallBack.dsw
- ComCallBack.cpp
- ComCallBack.idl
- ComCallBack.plg
- ComCallBack.h
- ComCallBack.rc
- StdAfx.h
- MyAbc.cpp
- ComCallBack.dsp
- ComCallBack_i.c
- MyAbc.rgs
- ComCallBackps.def
- dlldata.c
- MyLog.cpp
- test.rc
- Person.cpp
- testDlg.h
- StdAfx.h
- test.h
- Person.h
- ReadMe.txt
- test.clw
- test.plg
- test.cpp
- test.rc2
- test.dsp
- MyLog.h
- log.txt
- Resource.h
- testDlg.cpp
- StdAfx.cpp
- ComCallBack_p.c
- MyAbc.h
- StdAfx.cpp
- resource.h
- ComCallBack.def
- ComCallBack.clw
- ComCallBack.dsw
- ComCallBack.cpp
- ComCallBack.idl
- ComCallBack.plg
- ComCallBack.h
- ComCallBack.rc
- StdAfx.h
- MyAbc.cpp
- ComCallBack.dsp
- ComCallBack_i.c
- MyAbc.rgs
- ComCallBackps.def
- dlldata.c
- MyLog.cpp
- resource.h
- test.rc
- testDlg.h
- StdAfx.h
- test.h
- ReadMe.txt
- test.clw
- test.plg
- test.cpp
- test.rc2
- test.dsp
- MyLog.h
- log.txt
- testDlg.cpp
- StdAfx.cpp
- ComCallBack_p.c
- MyAbc.h
- StdAfx.cpp
- ExActievex.def
- ExActievex_i.c
- ExActievex.dsp
- ExActievex.clw
- ExActievex.cpp
- StdAfx.h
- ExActievex.plg
- ExActievex.rc
- MyPwd.rgs
- ExActievex.dsw
- ExActievexps.def
- MyPwd.cpp
- ExActievex.h
- dlldata.c
- MyPwd.h
- ExActievex_p.c
- Resource.h
- ExActievex.idl
- StdAfx.cpp
- ExVariant.rc
- ExVariant_i.c
- ExVariant.def
- ExVariant.cpp
- MyVariant.cpp
- MyVariant.rgs
- ExVariant.dsw
- StdAfx.h
- ExVariant.dsp
- ExVariantps.def
- dlldata.c
- ExVariant.idl
- test.rc
- testDlg.h
- StdAfx.h
- test.h
- ReadMe.txt
- test.clw
- test.plg
- test.cpp
- test.rc2
- test.dsp
- Resource.h
- testDlg.cpp
- StdAfx.cpp
- ExVariant.clw
- MyVariant.h
- Resource.h
- ExVariant.plg
- ExVariant.h
- ExVariant_p.c
- StdAfx.cpp
- resource.h
- DemoBstr.clw
- DemoBstr.def
- MyBstr.h
- StdAfx.h
- DemoBstr.rc
- DemoBstrps.def
- DemoBstr.dsw
- DemoBstr_i.c
- dlldata.c
- resource.h
- test.rc
- testDlg.h
- StdAfx.h
- test.h
- ReadMe.txt
- test.clw
- test.plg
- test.cpp
- test.rc2
- test.dsp
- testDlg.cpp
- StdAfx.cpp
- DemoBstr_p.c
- DemoBstr.plg
- MyBstr.rgs
- DemoBstr.cpp
- MyBstr.cpp
- DemoBstr.dsp
- DemoBstr.idl
- DemoBstr.h
- StdAfx.cpp
- TestCom1.cpp
- registry.bin
- MyTools.cpp
- TestCom1_i.c
- TestCom1.def
- TestCom1.dsp
- StdAfx.h
- TestCom1.idl
- TestCom1.dsw
- TestCom1ps.def
- TestCom1_p.c
- MyTools.h
- dlldata.c
- TestCom1.h
- TestCom1.plg
- Resource.h
- TestCom1.rc
- StdAfx.cpp
- webbrowser2.h
- demoIe.plg
- resource.h
- demoIe.dsp
- demoIe.dsw
- demoIe.cpp
- StdAfx.h
- demoIeDlg.cpp
- ReadMe.txt
- webbrowser2.cpp
- demoIe.clw
- demoIeDlg.h
- func.js
- moz-text-overflow.js
- demoIe.rc2
- demoIe.h
- demoIe.rc
- StdAfx.cpp
- TestCom1.cpp
- resource.h
- registry.bin
- MyTools.cpp
- TestCom1_i.c
- TestCom1.def
- TestCom1.dsp
- StdAfx.h
- TestCom1.idl
- TestCom1.dsw
- TestCom1ps.def
- TestCom1_p.c
- MyTools.h
- dlldata.c
- TestCom1.h
- TestCom1.plg
- TestCom1.rc
- StdAfx.cpp
- TestCom1.cpp
- MyTools.cpp
- TestCom1.def
- TestCom1.dsp
- StdAfx.h
- TestCom1.idl
- TestCom1.dsw
- TestCom1ps.def
- MyTools.h
- TestCom1.h
- Resource.h
- TestCom1.rc
- StdAfx.cpp
- com.txt
- webbrowser2.h
- demoIe.plg
- resource.h
- demoIe.dsp
- demoIe.dsw
- demoIe.cpp
- StdAfx.h
- demoIeDlg.cpp
- ReadMe.txt
- webbrowser2.cpp
- demoIe.clw
- demoIeDlg.h
- func.js
- moz-text-overflow.js
- demoIe.rc2
- demoIe.h
- demoIe.rc
- StdAfx.cpp
- TestCom1.cpp
- resource.h
- MyTools.cpp
- TestCom1_i.c
- TestCom1.def
- TestCom1.dsp
- StdAfx.h
- TestCom1.idl
- TestCom1.dsw
- TestCom1ps.def
- TestCom1_p.c
- MyTools.h
- dlldata.c
- TestCom1.h
- TestCom1.plg
- TestCom1.rc
- StdAfx.cpp
- webbrowser2.h
- demoIe.plg
- resource.h
- DemoIe.idl
- demoIe.dsp
- DemoIe.rgs
- demoIe.dsw
- demoIe.cpp
- StdAfx.h
- demoIeDlg.cpp
- ReadMe.txt
- webbrowser2.cpp
- demoIe.clw
- demoIeDlg.h
- func.js
- moz-text-overflow.js
- demoIe.rc2
- demoIe.h
- demoIe.rc
- StdAfx.cpp
- TestCom1.cpp
- MyTools.cpp
- regsvr32.trg
- TestCom1_i.c
- TestCom1.def
- TestCom1.dsp
- StdAfx.h
- TestCom1.idl
- TestCom1.dsw
- TestCom1ps.def
- TestCom1_p.c
- MyTools.h
- dlldata.c
- TestCom1.h
- TestCom1.plg
- Resource.h
- TestCom1.rc
- StdAfx.cpp
- TestCom1.cpp
- MyTools.cpp
- TestCom1_i.c
- TestCom1.def
- TestCom1.dsp
- StdAfx.h
- TestCom1.idl
- TestCom1.dsw
- TestCom1ps.def
- TestCom1_p.c
- MyTools.h
- dlldata.c
- TestCom1.h
- TestCom1.plg
- Resource.h
- TestCom1.rc
- StdAfx.cpp
- fff.cpp
- rrr.rgs
- ddd.rc
- resource.h
- ddd.plg
- rrr.h
- ddd.def
- ddd.cpp
- ddd.dsp
- StdAfx.h
- ddd_p.c
- ddd.dsw
- dddps.def
- fff.rgs
- dlldata.c
- fff.h
- ddd.h
- rrr.cpp
- ddd.idl
- StdAfx.cpp
- ddd_i.c
- webbrowser2.h
- demoIe.plg
- resource.h
- demoIe.dsp
- demoIe.dsw
- demoIe.cpp
- StdAfx.h
- demoIeDlg.cpp
- ReadMe.txt
- webbrowser2.cpp
- demoIe.clw
- demoIeDlg.h
- func.js
- moz-text-overflow.js
- demoIe.rc2
- demoIe.h
- demoIe.rc
- StdAfx.cpp
- BookAdminView.cpp
- resource.h
- BookAdmin.h
- BookAdmin.rc
- BookEntity.cpp
- BookAdminDoc.cpp
- BookAdminView.h
- BookAdmin.dsp
- StdAfx.h
- ReadMe.txt
- LeftView.h
- DlgBookAdd.cpp
- DlgBookAdd.h
- MainFrm.h
- BookAdmin.dsw
- BookAdmin.plg
- BookAdmin.cpp
- BookEntity.h
- BookAdminDoc.h
- LeftView.cpp
- BookAdmin.rc2
- BookAdmin.clw
- MainFrm.cpp
- StdAfx.cpp
- TEST.clw
- TESTDlg.cpp
- resource.h
- TEST.h
- TEST.plg
- TEST.rc
- TEST.dsp
- StdAfx.h
- TESTDlg.h
- ReadMe.txt
- TEST.cpp
- TEST.rc2
- StdAfx.cpp
- resource.h
- BooksDAL.h
- BooksDAL.idl
- BooksDAL.dsp
- BooksDAL_p.c
- BooksDAL.def
- BooksDAL.rc
- StdAfx.h
- DALMyBools.rgs
- msado15.tlh
- DALMyBools.h
- DALMyBools.cpp
- BooksDAL.plg
- BooksDAL.cpp
- BooksDALps.def
- BooksDAL.dsw
- dlldata.c
- BooksDAL_i.c
- BooksDAL.clw
- msado15.tli
- StdAfx.cpp
- sqlcommand.sql
- bookadmin.mdl
- DlgBookadd.cpp
- ExbookAdminDoc.h
- ExbookAdmin.cpp
- BookEntity.cpp
- ExbookAdmin.rc
- ExbookAdmin.plg
- ExbookAdmin.h
- StdAfx.h
- ExbookAdminDoc.cpp
- ReadMe.txt
- LeftView.h
- ExbookAdminView.h
- ExbookAdmin.clw
- MainFrm.h
- ExbookAdmin.dsp
- ExbookAdminView.cpp
- DlgBookadd.h
- BookEntity.h
- LeftView.cpp
- ExbookAdmin.rc2
- ExbookAdmin.dsw
- Resource.h
- MainFrm.cpp
- StdAfx.cpp
- TEST.clw
- TESTDlg.cpp
- resource.h
- TEST.h
- TEST.plg
- TEST.rc
- TEST.dsp
- StdAfx.h
- TESTDlg.h
- ReadMe.txt
- TEST.cpp
- TEST.rc2
- StdAfx.cpp
- resource.h
- BooksDAL.h
- BooksDAL.idl
- BooksDAL.dsp
- BooksDAL_p.c
- BooksDAL.def
- BooksDAL.rc
- StdAfx.h
- DALMyBools.rgs
- msado15.tlh
- DALMyBools.h
- DALMyBools.cpp
- BooksDAL.plg
- BooksDAL.cpp
- BooksDALps.def
- BooksDAL.dsw
- dlldata.c
- BooksDAL_i.c
- BooksDAL.clw
- msado15.tli
- StdAfx.cpp
- BookAdminView.cpp
- BookAdmin.h
- BookAdmin.rc
- BookEntity.cpp
- BookAdminDoc.cpp
- BookAdminView.h
- BookAdmin.dsp
- StdAfx.h
- ReadMe.txt
- LeftView.h
- MainFrm.h
- BookAdmin.dsw
- BookAdmin.plg
- BookAdmin.cpp
- BookEntity.h
- BookAdminDoc.h
- LeftView.cpp
- BookAdmin.rc2
- BookAdmin.clw
- Resource.h
- MainFrm.cpp
- StdAfx.cpp
- ex.dsw
- BookEntity.cpp
- ex.h
- ex.rc
- exView.cpp
- StdAfx.h
- ex.plg
- ReadMe.txt
- LeftView.h
- exDoc.cpp
- MainFrm.h
- BookEntity.h
- LeftView.cpp
- ex.rc2
- ex.cpp
- Resource.h
- exView.h
- MainFrm.cpp
- ex.clw
- exDoc.h
- StdAfx.cpp
- ex.dsp
- TEST.clw
- TESTDlg.cpp
- resource.h
- TEST.h
- TEST.plg
- TEST.rc
- TEST.dsp
- StdAfx.h
- TESTDlg.h
- ReadMe.txt
- msado15.tlh
- TEST.cpp
- TEST.rc2
- msado15.tli
- StdAfx.cpp
- resource.h
- BooksDAL.h
- BooksDAL.idl
- BooksDAL.dsp
- BooksDAL_p.c
- BooksDAL.def
- BooksDAL.rc
- StdAfx.h
- DALMyBools.rgs
- msado15.tlh
- DALMyBools.h
- DALMyBools.cpp
- BooksDAL.plg
- BooksDAL.cpp
- BooksDALps.def
- BooksDAL.dsw
- dlldata.c
- BooksDAL_i.c
- BooksDAL.clw
- msado15.tli
- StdAfx.cpp
- sqlcommand.sql
- bookadmin.mdl
- BookAdminView.cpp
- resource.h
- BookAdmin.h
- BookAdmin.rc
- BookEntity.cpp
- BookAdminDoc.cpp
- BookAdminView.h
- BookAdmin.dsp
- StdAfx.h
- ReadMe.txt
- LeftView.h
- DlgBookAdd.cpp
- DlgBookAdd.h
- MainFrm.h
- BookAdmin.dsw
- BookAdmin.plg
- BookAdmin.cpp
- BookEntity.h
- BookAdminDoc.h
- LeftView.cpp
- BookAdmin.rc2
- BookAdmin.clw
- MainFrm.cpp
- StdAfx.cpp
- TEST.clw
- TESTDlg.cpp
- resource.h
- TEST.h
- TEST.plg
- TEST.rc
- TEST.dsp
- StdAfx.h
- TESTDlg.h
- ReadMe.txt
- TEST.cpp
- TEST.rc2
- StdAfx.cpp
- resource.h
- BooksDAL.h
- BooksDAL.idl
- BooksDAL.dsp
- BooksDAL_p.c
- BooksDAL.def
- BooksDAL.rc
- StdAfx.h
- DALMyBools.rgs
- msado15.tlh
- DALMyBools.h
- DALMyBools.cpp
- BooksDAL.plg
- BooksDAL.cpp
- BooksDALps.def
- BooksDAL.dsw
- dlldata.c
- BooksDAL_i.c
- BooksDAL.clw
- msado15.tli
- StdAfx.cpp
- sqlcommand.sql
- bookadmin.mdl
- ex.dsw
- BookEntity.cpp
- ex.h
- ex.rc
- exView.cpp
- StdAfx.h
- ex.plg
- ReadMe.txt
- LeftView.h
- DlgBookAdd.cpp
- DlgBookAdd.h
- exDoc.cpp
- MainFrm.h
- BookEntity.h
- LeftView.cpp
- ex.rc2
- ex.cpp
- Resource.h
- exView.h
- MainFrm.cpp
- ex.clw
- exDoc.h
- StdAfx.cpp
- ex.dsp
- TEST.clw
- TESTDlg.cpp
- resource.h
- TEST.h
- TEST.plg
- TEST.rc
- TEST.dsp
- StdAfx.h
- TESTDlg.h
- ReadMe.txt
- TEST.cpp
- TEST.rc2
- StdAfx.cpp
- resource.h
- BooksDAL.h
- BooksDAL.idl
- BooksDAL.dsp
- BooksDAL_p.c
- BooksDAL.def
- BooksDAL.rc
- StdAfx.h
- DALMyBools.rgs
- msado15.tlh
- DALMyBools.h
- DALMyBools.cpp
- BooksDAL.plg
- BooksDAL.cpp
- BooksDALps.def
- BooksDAL.dsw
- dlldata.c
- BooksDAL_i.c
- BooksDAL.clw
- msado15.tli
- StdAfx.cpp
- TEST.clw
- TESTDlg.cpp
- resource.h
- TEST.h
- TEST.plg
- TEST.rc
- TEST.dsp
- StdAfx.h
- TESTDlg.h
- ReadMe.txt
- TEST.cpp
- TEST.rc2
- StdAfx.cpp
- resource.h
- BooksDAL.h
- BooksDAL.idl
- BooksDAL.dsp
- BooksDAL_p.c
- BooksDAL.def
- BooksDAL.rc
- StdAfx.h
- DALMyBools.rgs
- msado15.tlh
- DALMyBools.h
- DALMyBools.cpp
- BooksDAL.plg
- BooksDAL.cpp
- BooksDALps.def
- BooksDAL.dsw
- dlldata.c
- BooksDAL_i.c
- BooksDAL.clw
- msado15.tli
- StdAfx.cpp
- BookAdminView.cpp
- resource.h
- BookAdmin.h
- BookAdmin.rc
- BookEntity.cpp
- BookAdminDoc.cpp
- BookAdminView.h
- BookAdmin.dsp
- StdAfx.h
- ReadMe.txt
- LeftView.h
- DlgBookAdd.cpp
- DlgBookAdd.h
- MainFrm.h
- BookAdmin.dsw
- BookAdmin.plg
- BookAdmin.cpp
- BookEntity.h
- BookAdminDoc.h
- LeftView.cpp
- BookAdmin.rc2
- BookAdmin.clw
- MainFrm.cpp
- StdAfx.cpp
- TEST.clw
- TESTDlg.cpp
- resource.h
- TEST.h
- TEST.plg
- TEST.rc
- TEST.dsp
- StdAfx.h
- TESTDlg.h
- ReadMe.txt
- TEST.cpp
- TEST.rc2
- StdAfx.cpp
- resource.h
- BooksDAL.h
- BooksDAL.idl
- BooksDAL.dsp
- BooksDAL_p.c
- BooksDAL.def
- BooksDAL.rc
- StdAfx.h
- DALMyBools.rgs
- msado15.tlh
- DALMyBools.h
- DALMyBools.cpp
- BooksDAL.plg
- BooksDAL.cpp
- BooksDALps.def
- BooksDAL.dsw
- dlldata.c
- BooksDAL_i.c
- BooksDAL.clw
- msado15.tli
- StdAfx.cpp
- sqlcommand.sql
- bookadmin.mdl
- BookAdminView.cpp
- resource.h
- BookAdmin.h
- BookAdmin.rc
- BookEntity.cpp
- BookAdminDoc.cpp
- BookAdminView.h
- BookAdmin.dsp
- StdAfx.h
- ReadMe.txt
- LeftView.h
- DlgBookAdd.cpp
- DlgBookAdd.h
- MainFrm.h
- BookAdmin.dsw
- BookAdmin.plg
- BookAdmin.cpp
- BookEntity.h
- BookAdminDoc.h
- LeftView.cpp
- BookAdmin.rc2
- BookAdmin.clw
- MainFrm.cpp
- StdAfx.cpp
- TEST.clw
- TESTDlg.cpp
- resource.h
- TEST.h
- TEST.plg
- TEST.rc
- TEST.dsp
- StdAfx.h
- TESTDlg.h
- ReadMe.txt
- TEST.cpp
- TEST.rc2
- StdAfx.cpp
- resource.h
- BooksDAL.h
- BooksDAL.idl
- BooksDAL.dsp
- BooksDAL_p.c
- BooksDAL.def
- BooksDAL.rc
- StdAfx.h
- DALMyBools.rgs
- msado15.tlh
- DALMyBools.h
- DALMyBools.cpp
- BooksDAL.plg
- BooksDAL.cpp
- BooksDALps.def
- BooksDAL.dsw
- dlldata.c
- BooksDAL_i.c
- BooksDAL.clw
- msado15.tli
- StdAfx.cpp
- sqlcommand.sql
- bookadmin.mdl
- BookAdminView.cpp
- BookAdmin.h
- BookAdmin.rc
- BookEntity.cpp
- BookAdminDoc.cpp
- BookAdminView.h
- BookAdmin.dsp
- StdAfx.h
- ReadMe.txt
- LeftView.h
- DlgBookAdd.cpp
- DlgBookAdd.h
- MainFrm.h
- BookAdmin.dsw
- BookAdmin.plg
- BookAdmin.cpp
- BookEntity.h
- BookAdminDoc.h
- LeftView.cpp
- BookAdmin.rc2
- BookAdmin.clw
- Resource.h
- MainFrm.cpp
- StdAfx.cpp
- TEST.clw
- TESTDlg.cpp
- resource.h
- TEST.h
- TEST.plg
- TEST.rc
- TEST.dsp
- StdAfx.h
- TESTDlg.h
- ReadMe.txt
- msado15.tlh
- TEST.cpp
- TEST.rc2
- msado15.tli
- StdAfx.cpp
- resource.h
- BooksDAL.h
- BooksDAL.idl
- BooksDAL.dsp
- BooksDAL_p.c
- BooksDAL.def
- BooksDAL.rc
- StdAfx.h
- DALMyBools.rgs
- msado15.tlh
- DALMyBools.h
- DALMyBools.cpp
- BooksDAL.plg
- BooksDAL.cpp
- BooksDALps.def
- BooksDAL.dsw
- dlldata.c
- BooksDAL_i.c
- BooksDAL.clw
- msado15.tli
- StdAfx.cpp
- sqlcommand.sql
- bookadmin.mdl
- BookAdminView.cpp
- resource.h
- BookAdmin.h
- BookAdmin.rc
- BookEntity.cpp
- BookAdminDoc.cpp
- BookAdminView.h
- BookAdmin.dsp
- StdAfx.h
- ReadMe.txt
- LeftView.h
- DlgBookAdd.cpp
- DlgBookAdd.h
- MainFrm.h
- BookAdmin.dsw
- BookAdmin.plg
- BookAdmin.cpp
- BookEntity.h
- BookAdminDoc.h
- LeftView.cpp
- BookAdmin.rc2
- BookAdmin.clw
- MainFrm.cpp
- StdAfx.cpp
- TEST.clw
- TESTDlg.cpp
- resource.h
- TEST.h
- TEST.plg
- TEST.rc
- TEST.dsp
- StdAfx.h
- TESTDlg.h
- ReadMe.txt
- msado15.tlh
- TEST.cpp
- TEST.rc2
- msado15.tli
- StdAfx.cpp
- resource.h
- BooksDAL.h
- BooksDAL.idl
- BooksDAL.dsp
- BooksDAL_p.c
- BooksDAL.def
- BooksDAL.rc
- StdAfx.h
- DALMyBools.rgs
- msado15.tlh
- DALMyBools.h
- DALMyBools.cpp
- BooksDAL.plg
- BooksDAL.cpp
- BooksDALps.def
- BooksDAL.dsw
- dlldata.c
- BooksDAL_i.c
- BooksDAL.clw
- msado15.tli
- StdAfx.cpp
- sqlcommand.sql
- bookadmin.mdl
- sqlcommand.sql
- resource.h
- OffDemo.h
- OffDemo.cpp
- OffDemo.dsp
- StdAfx.h
- OffDemo.clw
- ReadMe.txt
- OffDemo.rc
- OffDemo.dsw
- OffDemo.plg
- OffDemo.rc2
- OffDemoDlg.cpp
- OffDemoDlg.h
- StdAfx.cpp
- resource.h
- OffDemo.h
- OffDemo.cpp
- OffDemo.dsp
- StdAfx.h
- OffDemo.clw
- ReadMe.txt
- OffDemo.rc
- OffDemo.dsw
- OffDemo.plg
- OffDemo.rc2
- OffDemoDlg.cpp
- OffDemoDlg.h
- StdAfx.cpp
- DemoBlobInsert.clw
- resource.h
- DemoBlobInsert.dsw
- DemoBlobInsert.rc
- StdAfx.h
- DemoBlobInsert.dsp
- ReadMe.txt
- DemoBlobInsertDlg.cpp
- DemoBlobInsertDlg.h
- DemoBlobInsert.plg
- DemoBlobInsert.rc2
- StdAfx.cpp
- DemoBlobInsert.h
- resource.h
- OffDemo.h
- OffDemo.cpp
- OffDemo.dsp
- StdAfx.h
- OffDemo.clw
- ReadMe.txt
- OffDemo.rc
- OffDemo.dsw
- OffDemo.plg
- OffDemo.rc2
- OffDemoDlg.cpp
- OffDemoDlg.h
- StdAfx.cpp
- resource.h
- OffDemo.h
- OffDemo.cpp
- OffDemo.dsp
- StdAfx.h
- OffDemo.clw
- ReadMe.txt
- OffDemo.rc
- OffDemo.dsw
- OffDemo.plg
- OffDemo.rc2
- OffDemoDlg.cpp
- OffDemoDlg.h
- StdAfx.cpp
- resource.h
- StdAfx.h
- SafeArrayDemoDlg.cpp
- SafeArrayDemo.dsp
- SafeArrayDemo.cpp
- SafeArrayDemo.dsw
- ReadMe.txt
- SafeArrayDemo.plg
- SafeArrayDemoDlg.h
- SafeArrayDemo.rc2
- SafeArrayDemo.clw
- SafeArrayDemo.rc
- StdAfx.cpp
- resource.h
- OffDemo.h
- OffDemo.cpp
- OffDemo.dsp
- StdAfx.h
- OffDemo.clw
- ReadMe.txt
- OffDemo.rc
- OffDemo.dsw
- OffDemo.plg
- OffDemo.rc2
- OffDemoDlg.cpp
- OffDemoDlg.h
- StdAfx.cpp
- resource.h
- OffDemo.h
- OffDemo.cpp
- OffDemo.dsp
- StdAfx.h
- OffDemo.clw
- ReadMe.txt
- OffDemo.rc
- OffDemo.dsw
- OffDemo.plg
- OffDemo.rc2
- OffDemoDlg.cpp
- OffDemoDlg.h
- StdAfx.cpp
- DemoBlobInsert.clw
- resource.h
- DemoBlobInsert.dsw
- DemoBlobInsert.rc
- StdAfx.h
- DemoBlobInsert.dsp
- ReadMe.txt
- DemoBlobInsertDlg.cpp
- DemoBlobInsertDlg.h
- DemoBlobInsert.plg
- DemoBlobInsert.rc2
- StdAfx.cpp
- DemoBlobInsert.h
- com笔记总结.txt
- DispCallBack.plg
- DispCallBackps.def
- resource.h
- DispCallBack.rc
- DispCallBack.dsw
- DispCallBack.idl
- DispCallBack.def
- StdAfx.h
- MyAbc.cpp
- DispCallBack_p.c
- DispCallBack.dsp
- DispCallBack_i.c
- MyAbc.rgs
- DispCallBack.h
- dlldata.c
- DispCallBack.cpp
- MyAbc.h
- DispCallBack.clw
- StdAfx.cpp
- MyControlps.def
- resource.h
- MyControl.h
- MyControl.idl
- MyPassword.rgs
- MyPassword.h
- MyControl.plg
- MyControl.clw
- MyControl.dsw
- MyPassword.cpp
- MyControl_p.c
- MyControl.rc
- StdAfx.h
- MyControl.dsp
- MyControl_i.c
- MyControlCP.h
- dlldata.c
- resource.h
- test.rc
- testDlg.h
- StdAfx.h
- test.h
- ReadMe.txt
- test.clw
- test.plg
- test.cpp
- test.rc2
- test.dsp
- testDlg.cpp
- StdAfx.cpp
- MyControl.def
- MyControl.cpp
- StdAfx.cpp
- EventDemo.dsp
- resource.h
- EventDemo_i.c
- EventDemo_p.c
- EventDemo.idl
- EventDemo.dsw
- StdAfx.h
- MyAbc.cpp
- EventDemo.cpp
- MyAbc.rgs
- EventDemo.h
- EventDemoCP.h
- EventDemo.rc
- dlldata.c
- EventDemo.plg
- EventDemops.def
- EventDemo.def
- MyAbc.h
- EventDemo.clw
- StdAfx.cpp
- ExMyAbcCP.h
- Abc.h
- ExMyAbc.cpp
- ExMyAbc.idl
- ExMyAbc_i.c
- Abc.rgs
- StdAfx.h
- ExMyAbc.clw
- ExMyAbc.dsw
- ExMyAbc.def
- dlldata.c
- ExMyAbcps.def
- Abc.cpp
- ExMyAbc.rc
- Resource.h
- ExMyAbc_p.c
- ExMyAbc.h
- ExMyAbc.dsp
- ExMyAbc.plg
- StdAfx.cpp
- DispCallBack.plg
- DispCallBackps.def
- resource.h
- DispCallBack.rc
- DispCallBack.dsw
- DispCallBack.idl
- DispCallBack.def
- StdAfx.h
- MyAbc.cpp
- DispCallBack_p.c
- DispCallBack.dsp
- DispCallBack_i.c
- MyAbc.rgs
- DispCallBack.h
- dlldata.c
- MyLog.cpp
- resource.h
- test.rc
- testDlg.h
- StdAfx.h
- test.h
- ReadMe.txt
- test.clw
- test.plg
- test.cpp
- test.rc2
- test.dsp
- MyLog.h
- testDlg.cpp
- StdAfx.cpp
- DispCallBack.cpp
- MyAbc.h
- DispCallBack.clw
- StdAfx.cpp
- resource.h
- Abc.h
- MyAbc_p.c
- MyAbc.clw
- Abc.rgs
- MyAbcCP.h
- MyAbc.dsp
- StdAfx.h
- MyAbc.def
- MyAbc.cpp
- MyAbc.rc
- MyAbc_i.c
- MyAbc.dsw
- dlldata.c
- MyLog.cpp
- resource.h
- test.rc
- testDlg.h
- StdAfx.h
- test.h
- ReadMe.txt
- test.clw
- test.plg
- test.cpp
- test.rc2
- test.dsp
- MyLog.h
- log.txt
- testDlg.cpp
- StdAfx.cpp
- MyAbc.idl
- Abc.cpp
- MyAbc.h
- MyAbc.plg
- MyAbcps.def
- StdAfx.cpp
- ex_i.c
- Myabc.h
- ex.idl
- ex.dsw
- ex_p.c
- ex.h
- ex.rc
- exCP.h
- StdAfx.h
- ex.def
- ex.plg
- Myabc.cpp
- dlldata.c
- test.rc
- testDlg.h
- StdAfx.h
- test.h
- ReadMe.txt
- test.clw
- test.cpp
- test.rc2
- test.dsp
- Resource.h
- testDlg.cpp
- StdAfx.cpp
- ex.cpp
- Myabc.rgs
- Resource.h
- ex.clw
- exps.def
- StdAfx.cpp
- ex.dsp
- resource.h
- Abc.h
- MyAbc_p.c
- MyAbc.clw
- Abc.rgs
- MyAbcCP.h
- MyAbc.dsp
- StdAfx.h
- MyAbc.def
- MyAbc.cpp
- MyAbc.rc
- MyAbc_i.c
- MyAbc.dsw
- dlldata.c
- MyLog.cpp
- resource.h
- test.rc
- testDlg.h
- StdAfx.h
- test.h
- ReadMe.txt
- test.clw
- test.plg
- test.cpp
- test.rc2
- test.dsp
- MyLog.h
- testDlg.cpp
- StdAfx.cpp
- MyAbc.idl
- Abc.cpp
- MyAbc.h
- MyAbc.plg
- MyAbcps.def
- StdAfx.cpp
- com.txt
- ExEvent.clw
- ExEvent.h
- ExEvent.dsp
- ExEvent_i.c
- StdAfx.h
- ExEventps.def
- ExEvent.def
- ExEvent.idl
- MyAbcd.rgs
- ExEvent_p.c
- ExEvent.dsw
- MyAbcd.cpp
- MyAbcd.h
- dlldata.c
- ExEvent.rc
- ExEvent.plg
- ExEvent.cpp
- Resource.h
- StdAfx.cpp
- resource.h
- MyPwdChange.dsp
- MyPwdChange.dsw
- MyPwdChangeCP.h
- MyPwdChange.def
- MyPwdChange.cpp
- StdAfx.h
- MyPwdChange.h
- MyPwdChange.clw
- MyPwdChange.rc
- MyPwdChange_i.c
- MyPwd.rgs
- MyPwdChangeps.def
- MyPwdChange.idl
- MyPwd.cpp
- dlldata.c
- resource.h
- test.rc
- testDlg.h
- StdAfx.h
- test.h
- ReadMe.txt
- test.clw
- test.plg
- mypwd.cpp
- test.cpp
- mypwd.h
- test.rc2
- test.dsp
- testDlg.cpp
- StdAfx.cpp
- MyPwd.h
- MyPwdChange.plg
- MyPwdChange_p.c
- StdAfx.cpp
- resource.h
- Abc.h
- MyAbc_p.c
- MyAbc.clw
- Abc.rgs
- MyAbcCP.h
- MyAbc.dsp
- StdAfx.h
- MyAbc.def
- MyAbc.cpp
- MyAbc.rc
- MyAbc_i.c
- MyAbc.dsw
- dlldata.c
- MyAbc.idl
- Abc.cpp
- MyAbc.h
- MyAbc.plg
- MyAbcps.def
- StdAfx.cpp
- Event_p.c
- Event.idl
- Event_i.c
- Event.h
- Event.rc
- StdAfx.h
- Eventps.def
- Event.dsp
- Event.cpp
- Event.clw
- EventCP.h
- MyPwds.rgs
- Event.plg
- MyPwds.h
- dlldata.c
- test.rc
- testDlg.h
- StdAfx.h
- test.h
- ReadMe.txt
- test.clw
- test.plg
- test.cpp
- test.rc2
- test.dsp
- Resource.h
- testDlg.cpp
- StdAfx.cpp
- MyPwds.cpp
- Resource.h
- Event.def
- Event.dsw
- StdAfx.cpp
- resource.h
- Abc.h
- MyAbc_p.c
- MyAbc.clw
- Abc.rgs
- MyAbcCP.h
- MyAbc.dsp
- StdAfx.h
- MyAbc.def
- MyAbc.cpp
- MyAbc.rc
- MyAbc_i.c
- MyAbc.dsw
- dlldata.c
- MyLog.cpp
- test.rc
- testDlg.h
- StdAfx.h
- test.h
- ReadMe.txt
- test.clw
- test.plg
- test.cpp
- test.rc2
- test.dsp
- MyLog.h
- Resource.h
- testDlg.cpp
- StdAfx.cpp
- MyAbc.idl
- Abc.cpp
- MyAbc.h
- MyAbc.plg
- MyAbcps.def
- StdAfx.cpp
- DispCallBack.plg
- DispCallBackps.def
- resource.h
- DispCallBack.rc
- DispCallBack.dsw
- DispCallBack.idl
- DispCallBack.def
- StdAfx.h
- MyAbc.cpp
- DispCallBack_p.c
- DispCallBack.dsp
- DispCallBack_i.c
- MyAbc.rgs
- DispCallBack.h
- dlldata.c
- MyLog.cpp
- test.rc
- testDlg.h
- StdAfx.h
- test.h
- ReadMe.txt
- test.clw
- test.plg
- test.cpp
- test.rc2
- test.dsp
- MyLog.h
- Resource.h
- testDlg.cpp
- StdAfx.cpp
- DispCallBack.cpp
- MyAbc.h
- DispCallBack.clw
- StdAfx.cpp
- DispCallBack.plg
- DispCallBackps.def
- resource.h
- DispCallBack.rc
- DispCallBack.dsw
- DispCallBack.idl
- DispCallBack.def
- StdAfx.h
- MyAbc.cpp
- DispCallBack_p.c
- DispCallBack.dsp
- DispCallBack_i.c
- MyAbc.rgs
- DispCallBack.h
- dlldata.c
- DispCallBack.cpp
- MyAbc.h
- DispCallBack.clw
- StdAfx.cpp
- resource.h
- TestAdo.plg
- TestAdo.rc
- TestAdoDlg.cpp
- TestAdo.clw
- StdAfx.h
- TestAdo.h
- ReadMe.txt
- TestAdo.cpp
- TestAdo.rc2
- TestAdo.dsp
- TestAdo.dsw
- TestAdoDlg.h
- StdAfx.cpp
- ExErro_p.c
- ExErro_i.c
- ExErro.h
- ExErro.rc
- ExErro.idl
- StdAfx.h
- MyAbc.cpp
- ExErro.def
- MyAbc.rgs
- ExErro.cpp
- ExErrops.def
- dlldata.c
- test.rc
- testDlg.h
- StdAfx.h
- test.h
- ReadMe.txt
- test.clw
- test.plg
- test.cpp
- test.rc2
- test.dsp
- Resource.h
- testDlg.cpp
- StdAfx.cpp
- ExErro.dsw
- ExErro.clw
- MyAbc.h
- Resource.h
- StdAfx.cpp
- ExErro.plg
- ExErro.dsp
- DemoError.idl
- resource.h
- DemoErrorps.def
- DemoError.dsp
- DemoError.dsw
- DemoError.h
- DemoError.def
- DemoError_p.c
- resource.h
- test1.rc
- StdAfx.h
- test1.clw
- ReadMe.txt
- test1.dsp
- test1Dlg.h
- test1.h
- test1.cpp
- test1Dlg.cpp
- test1.rc2
- test1.plg
- StdAfx.cpp
- DemoError.rc
- StdAfx.h
- MyAbc.cpp
- DemoError_i.c
- MyAbc.rgs
- DemoError.clw
- DemoError.plg
- DemoError.cpp
- dlldata.c
- MyAbc.h
- StdAfx.cpp
- DemoError.idl
- resource.h
- DemoErrorps.def
- DemoError.dsp
- DemoError.dsw
- DemoError.h
- DemoError.def
- DemoError_p.c
- DemoError.rc
- StdAfx.h
- MyAbc.cpp
- DemoError_i.c
- MyAbc.rgs
- DemoError.clw
- DemoError.plg
- DemoError.cpp
- dlldata.c
- MyAbc.h
- StdAfx.cpp
- resource.h
- MyEquation.rgs
- EquationDemo.idl
- EquationDemo.def
- StdAfx.h
- EquationDemo.rc
- EquationDemops.def
- EquationDemo.h
- MyEquation.cpp
- EquationDemo_i.c
- EquationDemo.dsw
- EquationDemo.clw
- EquationDemo.plg
- EquationDemo.cpp
- dlldata.c
- resource.h
- test.rc
- testDlg.h
- StdAfx.h
- test.h
- ReadMe.txt
- test.clw
- test.plg
- test.cpp
- test.rc2
- test.dsp
- testDlg.cpp
- StdAfx.cpp
- EquationDemo_p.c
- EquationDemo.dsp
- MyEquation.h
- StdAfx.cpp
- resource.h
- MyEquation.rgs
- EquationDemo.idl
- EquationDemo.def
- StdAfx.h
- EquationDemo.rc
- EquationDemops.def
- EquationDemo.h
- MyEquation.cpp
- EquationDemo_i.c
- EquationDemo.dsw
- EquationDemo.clw
- EquationDemo.plg
- EquationDemo.cpp
- dlldata.c
- EquationDemo_p.c
- EquationDemo.dsp
- MyEquation.h
- StdAfx.cpp
- resource.h
- TestAdo.plg
- TestAdo.rc
- TestAdoDlg.cpp
- TestAdo.clw
- StdAfx.h
- TestAdo.h
- ReadMe.txt
- msado15.tlh
- TestAdo.cpp
- TestAdo.rc2
- TestAdo.dsp
- TestAdo.dsw
- TestAdoDlg.h
- msado15.tli
- StdAfx.cpp
- resource.h
- TestAdo.plg
- TestAdo.rc
- TestAdoDlg.cpp
- TestAdo.clw
- StdAfx.h
- TestAdo.h
- ReadMe.txt
- TestAdo.cpp
- TestAdo.rc2
- TestAdo.dsp
- TestAdo.dsw
- TestAdoDlg.h
- StdAfx.cpp
- resource.h
- MyEquation.rgs
- EquationDemo.idl
- EquationDemo.def
- StdAfx.h
- EquationDemo.rc
- EquationDemops.def
- EquationDemo.h
- MyEquation.cpp
- EquationDemo_i.c
- EquationDemo.dsw
- EquationDemo.clw
- EquationDemo.plg
- EquationDemo.cpp
- dlldata.c
- EquationDemo_p.c
- EquationDemo.dsp
- MyEquation.h
- StdAfx.cpp
- resource.h
- TestAdo.plg
- TestAdo.rc
- TestAdoDlg.cpp
- TestAdo.clw
- StdAfx.h
- TestAdo.h
- ReadMe.txt
- TestAdo.cpp
- TestAdo.rc2
- TestAdo.dsp
- TestAdo.dsw
- TestAdoDlg.h
- StdAfx.cpp
- ExEquation_p.c
- MyEquation.rgs
- ExEquation_i.c
- StdAfx.h
- ExEquation.dsp
- ExEquation.plg
- MyEquation.cpp
- ExEquation.h
- ExEquation.dsw
- ExEquation.def
- ExEquation.idl
- ExEquation.rc
- ExEquationps.def
- dlldata.c
- test.rc
- testDlg.h
- StdAfx.h
- test.h
- ReadMe.txt
- test.clw
- test.plg
- test.cpp
- test.rc2
- test.dsp
- Resource.h
- testDlg.cpp
- StdAfx.cpp
- ExEquation.cpp
- ExEquation.clw
- Resource.h
- MyEquation.h
- StdAfx.cpp
- resource.h
- TestAdo.plg
- TestAdo.rc
- TestAdoDlg.cpp
- TestAdo.clw
- StdAfx.h
- TestAdo.h
- ReadMe.txt
- TestAdo.cpp
- TestAdo.rc2
- TestAdo.dsp
- TestAdo.dsw
- TestAdoDlg.h
- StdAfx.cpp
- Exado.plg
- StdAfx.h
- ReadMe.txt
- Exado.dsw
- Exado.rc
- Exado.dsp
- ExadoDlg.cpp
- Exado.rc2
- ExadoDlg.h
- Exado.h
- Resource.h
- Exado.clw
- Exado.cpp
- StdAfx.cpp
- ActiveX.rarActiveX
- code_and_note_of_COM.rarThe code and note of COM by VC++
- comp5.rarApplication MFC and ATL COM components to create an instance, you can learn to p ...
- cj.rarGOOD
- ObjectARX_FfeatureModeling.rarFeature modeling of components adapted to objectArx programming guide
- ATLInternalsWorkingwithATLSecondEdition.zipATL Internals: Working with ATL 8, Second Edition Addison Wesley Professional
- Codejock.Xtreme.Suite.Pro.ActiveX.v13.2.1.Retail.ICodejock Xtreme Suite Pro ActiveX v13.2.1 full source code, support for ActiveX ...
- caaInterfaceComponent.rarSometimes we need packaging CAA program code, so we offer only the header files, ...
- InsideCOM.rarINSIDE Com Chinese version, detailing the use of COM and Notes
- EssentialCOM.rarWhat is how to use COM COM reference for beginners
- mswordoperator.rarused to manipulate the VC Office. You can achieve such as : Word file and print ...
- axhost.exeThe app of interpreting and runing the active scripts language
- XFloorWndSource.zipThe control with multi-ui as that in OutLook or ICQ
- proppagecntr.zipUsing activex control to implement propertysheet
- TestClnd.zipA very cool date selector
- serialdebugger(VB).RarCom debugging tool with a source inside, and if necessary, make appropriate chan ...
- propgrid.zipAn good example of implementing propertysheet as grid
- XFloorWndDemo.zipThe test example of above control
- rnso.zipThe DCOM object transfering message
- windowless.zipThe container support non-window control