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Package: code_and_note_of_COM.rar [view]
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Code Size: 89k
Development Platform:
Visual C++
- // Created by Microsoft (R) C/C++ Compiler Version 12.00.8168.0 (5cc2e2ac).
- //
- // msado15.tlh
- //
- // C++ source equivalent of Win32 type library C:\Program Files\Common Files\System\ado\msado15.dll
- // compiler-generated file created 03/01/10 at 15:01:10 - DO NOT EDIT!
- #pragma once
- #pragma pack(push, 8)
- #include <comdef.h>
- //
- // Forward references and typedefs
- //
- typedef enum PositionEnum PositionEnum_Param;
- typedef enum SearchDirectionEnum SearchDirection;
- struct __declspec(uuid("00000512-0000-0010-8000-00aa006d2ea4"))
- /* dual interface */ _Collection;
- struct __declspec(uuid("00000513-0000-0010-8000-00aa006d2ea4"))
- /* dual interface */ _DynaCollection;
- struct __declspec(uuid("00000534-0000-0010-8000-00aa006d2ea4"))
- /* dual interface */ _ADO;
- struct __declspec(uuid("00000504-0000-0010-8000-00aa006d2ea4"))
- /* dual interface */ Properties;
- struct __declspec(uuid("00000503-0000-0010-8000-00aa006d2ea4"))
- /* dual interface */ Property;
- struct __declspec(uuid("00000500-0000-0010-8000-00aa006d2ea4"))
- /* dual interface */ Error;
- struct __declspec(uuid("00000501-0000-0010-8000-00aa006d2ea4"))
- /* dual interface */ Errors;
- struct __declspec(uuid("00000508-0000-0010-8000-00aa006d2ea4"))
- /* dual interface */ Command15;
- struct __declspec(uuid("00000550-0000-0010-8000-00aa006d2ea4"))
- /* dual interface */ _Connection;
- struct __declspec(uuid("00000515-0000-0010-8000-00aa006d2ea4"))
- /* dual interface */ Connection15;
- struct __declspec(uuid("00000556-0000-0010-8000-00aa006d2ea4"))
- /* dual interface */ _Recordset;
- struct __declspec(uuid("00000555-0000-0010-8000-00aa006d2ea4"))
- /* dual interface */ Recordset21;
- struct __declspec(uuid("0000054f-0000-0010-8000-00aa006d2ea4"))
- /* dual interface */ Recordset20;
- struct __declspec(uuid("0000050e-0000-0010-8000-00aa006d2ea4"))
- /* dual interface */ Recordset15;
- struct __declspec(uuid("00000564-0000-0010-8000-00aa006d2ea4"))
- /* dual interface */ Fields;
- struct __declspec(uuid("0000054d-0000-0010-8000-00aa006d2ea4"))
- /* dual interface */ Fields20;
- struct __declspec(uuid("00000506-0000-0010-8000-00aa006d2ea4"))
- /* dual interface */ Fields15;
- struct __declspec(uuid("00000569-0000-0010-8000-00aa006d2ea4"))
- /* dual interface */ Field;
- struct __declspec(uuid("0000054c-0000-0010-8000-00aa006d2ea4"))
- /* dual interface */ Field20;
- typedef long ADO_LONGPTR;
- struct __declspec(uuid("0000050c-0000-0010-8000-00aa006d2ea4"))
- /* dual interface */ _Parameter;
- struct __declspec(uuid("0000050d-0000-0010-8000-00aa006d2ea4"))
- /* dual interface */ Parameters;
- struct __declspec(uuid("0000054e-0000-0010-8000-00aa006d2ea4"))
- /* dual interface */ Command25;
- struct __declspec(uuid("b08400bd-f9d1-4d02-b856-71d5dba123e9"))
- /* dual interface */ _Command;
- struct __declspec(uuid("00000402-0000-0010-8000-00aa006d2ea4"))
- /* interface */ ConnectionEventsVt;
- struct __declspec(uuid("00000403-0000-0010-8000-00aa006d2ea4"))
- /* interface */ RecordsetEventsVt;
- struct __declspec(uuid("00000400-0000-0010-8000-00aa006d2ea4"))
- /* dispinterface */ ConnectionEvents;
- struct __declspec(uuid("00000266-0000-0010-8000-00aa006d2ea4"))
- /* dispinterface */ RecordsetEvents;
- struct __declspec(uuid("00000516-0000-0010-8000-00aa006d2ea4"))
- /* interface */ ADOConnectionConstruction15;
- struct __declspec(uuid("00000551-0000-0010-8000-00aa006d2ea4"))
- /* interface */ ADOConnectionConstruction;
- struct /* coclass */ Connection;
- struct __declspec(uuid("00000562-0000-0010-8000-00aa006d2ea4"))
- /* dual interface */ _Record;
- struct /* coclass */ Record;
- struct __declspec(uuid("00000565-0000-0010-8000-00aa006d2ea4"))
- /* dual interface */ _Stream;
- struct /* coclass */ Stream;
- struct __declspec(uuid("00000567-0000-0010-8000-00aa006d2ea4"))
- /* interface */ ADORecordConstruction;
- struct __declspec(uuid("00000568-0000-0010-8000-00aa006d2ea4"))
- /* interface */ ADOStreamConstruction;
- struct __declspec(uuid("00000517-0000-0010-8000-00aa006d2ea4"))
- /* interface */ ADOCommandConstruction;
- struct /* coclass */ Command;
- struct /* coclass */ Recordset;
- struct __declspec(uuid("00000283-0000-0010-8000-00aa006d2ea4"))
- /* interface */ ADORecordsetConstruction;
- struct __declspec(uuid("00000505-0000-0010-8000-00aa006d2ea4"))
- /* dual interface */ Field15;
- struct /* coclass */ Parameter;
- //
- // Smart pointer typedef declarations
- //
- _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_Collection, __uuidof(_Collection));
- _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_DynaCollection, __uuidof(_DynaCollection));
- _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(Properties, __uuidof(Properties));
- _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(Property, __uuidof(Property));
- _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(Error, __uuidof(Error));
- _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(Errors, __uuidof(Errors));
- _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(Command15, __uuidof(Command15));
- _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(Connection15, __uuidof(Connection15));
- _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_Connection, __uuidof(_Connection));
- _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(Recordset15, __uuidof(Recordset15));
- _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(Recordset20, __uuidof(Recordset20));
- _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(Recordset21, __uuidof(Recordset21));
- _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_Recordset, __uuidof(_Recordset));
- _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(Fields15, __uuidof(Fields15));
- _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(Fields20, __uuidof(Fields20));
- _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(Fields, __uuidof(Fields));
- _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(Field20, __uuidof(Field20));
- _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(Field, __uuidof(Field));
- _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_Parameter, __uuidof(_Parameter));
- _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(Parameters, __uuidof(Parameters));
- _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(Command25, __uuidof(Command25));
- _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_Command, __uuidof(_Command));
- _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(ConnectionEventsVt, __uuidof(ConnectionEventsVt));
- _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(RecordsetEventsVt, __uuidof(RecordsetEventsVt));
- _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(ConnectionEvents, __uuidof(IDispatch));
- _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(RecordsetEvents, __uuidof(IDispatch));
- _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(ADOConnectionConstruction15, __uuidof(ADOConnectionConstruction15));
- _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(ADOConnectionConstruction, __uuidof(ADOConnectionConstruction));
- _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_Record, __uuidof(_Record));
- _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(_Stream, __uuidof(_Stream));
- _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(ADORecordConstruction, __uuidof(ADORecordConstruction));
- _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(ADOStreamConstruction, __uuidof(ADOStreamConstruction));
- _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(ADOCommandConstruction, __uuidof(ADOCommandConstruction));
- _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(ADORecordsetConstruction, __uuidof(ADORecordsetConstruction));
- _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(Field15, __uuidof(Field15));
- //
- // Type library items
- //
- enum CursorTypeEnum
- {
- adOpenUnspecified = -1,
- adOpenForwardOnly = 0,
- adOpenKeyset = 1,
- adOpenDynamic = 2,
- adOpenStatic = 3
- };
- enum CursorOptionEnum
- {
- adHoldRecords = 256,
- adMovePrevious = 512,
- adAddNew = 16778240,
- adDelete = 16779264,
- adUpdate = 16809984,
- adBookmark = 8192,
- adApproxPosition = 16384,
- adUpdateBatch = 65536,
- adResync = 131072,
- adNotify = 262144,
- adFind = 524288,
- adSeek = 4194304,
- adIndex = 8388608
- };
- enum LockTypeEnum
- {
- adLockUnspecified = -1,
- adLockReadOnly = 1,
- adLockPessimistic = 2,
- adLockOptimistic = 3,
- adLockBatchOptimistic = 4
- };
- enum ExecuteOptionEnum
- {
- adOptionUnspecified = -1,
- adAsyncExecute = 16,
- adAsyncFetch = 32,
- adAsyncFetchNonBlocking = 64,
- adExecuteNoRecords = 128,
- adExecuteStream = 1024,
- adExecuteRecord = 2048
- };
- enum ConnectOptionEnum
- {
- adConnectUnspecified = -1,
- adAsyncConnect = 16
- };
- enum ObjectStateEnum
- {
- adStateClosed = 0,
- adStateOpen = 1,
- adStateConnecting = 2,
- adStateExecuting = 4,
- adStateFetching = 8
- };
- enum CursorLocationEnum
- {
- adUseNone = 1,
- adUseServer = 2,
- adUseClient = 3,
- adUseClientBatch = 3
- };
- enum DataTypeEnum
- {
- adEmpty = 0,
- adTinyInt = 16,
- adSmallInt = 2,
- adInteger = 3,
- adBigInt = 20,
- adUnsignedTinyInt = 17,
- adUnsignedSmallInt = 18,
- adUnsignedInt = 19,
- adUnsignedBigInt = 21,
- adSingle = 4,
- adDouble = 5,
- adCurrency = 6,
- adDecimal = 14,
- adNumeric = 131,
- adBoolean = 11,
- adError = 10,
- adUserDefined = 132,
- adVariant = 12,
- adIDispatch = 9,
- adIUnknown = 13,
- adGUID = 72,
- adDate = 7,
- adDBDate = 133,
- adDBTime = 134,
- adDBTimeStamp = 135,
- adBSTR = 8,
- adChar = 129,
- adVarChar = 200,
- adLongVarChar = 201,
- adWChar = 130,
- adVarWChar = 202,
- adLongVarWChar = 203,
- adBinary = 128,
- adVarBinary = 204,
- adLongVarBinary = 205,
- adChapter = 136,
- adFileTime = 64,
- adPropVariant = 138,
- adVarNumeric = 139,
- adArray = 8192
- };
- enum FieldAttributeEnum
- {
- adFldUnspecified = -1,
- adFldMayDefer = 2,
- adFldUpdatable = 4,
- adFldUnknownUpdatable = 8,
- adFldFixed = 16,
- adFldIsNullable = 32,
- adFldMayBeNull = 64,
- adFldLong = 128,
- adFldRowID = 256,
- adFldRowVersion = 512,
- adFldCacheDeferred = 4096,
- adFldIsChapter = 8192,
- adFldNegativeScale = 16384,
- adFldKeyColumn = 32768,
- adFldIsRowURL = 65536,
- adFldIsDefaultStream = 131072,
- adFldIsCollection = 262144
- };
- enum EditModeEnum
- {
- adEditNone = 0,
- adEditInProgress = 1,
- adEditAdd = 2,
- adEditDelete = 4
- };
- enum RecordStatusEnum
- {
- adRecOK = 0,
- adRecNew = 1,
- adRecModified = 2,
- adRecDeleted = 4,
- adRecUnmodified = 8,
- adRecInvalid = 16,
- adRecMultipleChanges = 64,
- adRecPendingChanges = 128,
- adRecCanceled = 256,
- adRecCantRelease = 1024,
- adRecConcurrencyViolation = 2048,
- adRecIntegrityViolation = 4096,
- adRecMaxChangesExceeded = 8192,
- adRecObjectOpen = 16384,
- adRecOutOfMemory = 32768,
- adRecPermissionDenied = 65536,
- adRecSchemaViolation = 131072,
- adRecDBDeleted = 262144
- };
- enum GetRowsOptionEnum
- {
- adGetRowsRest = -1
- };
- enum PositionEnum
- {
- adPosUnknown = -1,
- adPosBOF = -2,
- adPosEOF = -3
- };
- enum BookmarkEnum
- {
- adBookmarkCurrent = 0,
- adBookmarkFirst = 1,
- adBookmarkLast = 2
- };
- enum MarshalOptionsEnum
- {
- adMarshalAll = 0,
- adMarshalModifiedOnly = 1
- };
- enum AffectEnum
- {
- adAffectCurrent = 1,
- adAffectGroup = 2,
- adAffectAll = 3,
- adAffectAllChapters = 4
- };
- enum ResyncEnum
- {
- adResyncUnderlyingValues = 1,
- adResyncAllValues = 2
- };
- enum CompareEnum
- {
- adCompareLessThan = 0,
- adCompareEqual = 1,
- adCompareGreaterThan = 2,
- adCompareNotEqual = 3,
- adCompareNotComparable = 4
- };
- enum FilterGroupEnum
- {
- adFilterNone = 0,
- adFilterPendingRecords = 1,
- adFilterAffectedRecords = 2,
- adFilterFetchedRecords = 3,
- adFilterPredicate = 4,
- adFilterConflictingRecords = 5
- };
- enum SearchDirectionEnum
- {
- adSearchForward = 1,
- adSearchBackward = -1
- };
- enum PersistFormatEnum
- {
- adPersistADTG = 0,
- adPersistXML = 1
- };
- enum StringFormatEnum
- {
- adClipString = 2
- };
- enum ConnectPromptEnum
- {
- adPromptAlways = 1,
- adPromptComplete = 2,
- adPromptCompleteRequired = 3,
- adPromptNever = 4
- };
- enum ConnectModeEnum
- {
- adModeUnknown = 0,
- adModeRead = 1,
- adModeWrite = 2,
- adModeReadWrite = 3,
- adModeShareDenyRead = 4,
- adModeShareDenyWrite = 8,
- adModeShareExclusive = 12,
- adModeShareDenyNone = 16,
- adModeRecursive = 4194304
- };
- enum RecordCreateOptionsEnum
- {
- adCreateCollection = 8192,
- adCreateStructDoc = -2147483648,
- adCreateNonCollection = 0,
- adOpenIfExists = 33554432,
- adCreateOverwrite = 67108864,
- adFailIfNotExists = -1
- };
- enum RecordOpenOptionsEnum
- {
- adOpenRecordUnspecified = -1,
- adOpenSource = 8388608,
- adOpenOutput = 8388608,
- adOpenAsync = 4096,
- adDelayFetchStream = 16384,
- adDelayFetchFields = 32768,
- adOpenExecuteCommand = 65536
- };
- enum IsolationLevelEnum
- {
- adXactUnspecified = -1,
- adXactChaos = 16,
- adXactReadUncommitted = 256,
- adXactBrowse = 256,
- adXactCursorStability = 4096,
- adXactReadCommitted = 4096,
- adXactRepeatableRead = 65536,
- adXactSerializable = 1048576,
- adXactIsolated = 1048576
- };
- enum XactAttributeEnum
- {
- adXactCommitRetaining = 131072,
- adXactAbortRetaining = 262144,
- adXactAsyncPhaseOne = 524288,
- adXactSyncPhaseOne = 1048576
- };
- enum PropertyAttributesEnum
- {
- adPropNotSupported = 0,
- adPropRequired = 1,
- adPropOptional = 2,
- adPropRead = 512,
- adPropWrite = 1024
- };
- enum ErrorValueEnum
- {
- adErrProviderFailed = 3000,
- adErrInvalidArgument = 3001,
- adErrOpeningFile = 3002,
- adErrReadFile = 3003,
- adErrWriteFile = 3004,
- adErrNoCurrentRecord = 3021,
- adErrIllegalOperation = 3219,
- adErrCantChangeProvider = 3220,
- adErrInTransaction = 3246,
- adErrFeatureNotAvailable = 3251,
- adErrItemNotFound = 3265,
- adErrObjectInCollection = 3367,
- adErrObjectNotSet = 3420,
- adErrDataConversion = 3421,
- adErrObjectClosed = 3704,
- adErrObjectOpen = 3705,
- adErrProviderNotFound = 3706,
- adErrBoundToCommand = 3707,
- adErrInvalidParamInfo = 3708,
- adErrInvalidConnection = 3709,
- adErrNotReentrant = 3710,
- adErrStillExecuting = 3711,
- adErrOperationCancelled = 3712,
- adErrStillConnecting = 3713,
- adErrInvalidTransaction = 3714,
- adErrNotExecuting = 3715,
- adErrUnsafeOperation = 3716,
- adwrnSecurityDialog = 3717,
- adwrnSecurityDialogHeader = 3718,
- adErrIntegrityViolation = 3719,
- adErrPermissionDenied = 3720,
- adErrDataOverflow = 3721,
- adErrSchemaViolation = 3722,
- adErrSignMismatch = 3723,
- adErrCantConvertvalue = 3724,
- adErrCantCreate = 3725,
- adErrColumnNotOnThisRow = 3726,
- adErrURLDoesNotExist = 3727,
- adErrTreePermissionDenied = 3728,
- adErrInvalidURL = 3729,
- adErrResourceLocked = 3730,
- adErrResourceExists = 3731,
- adErrCannotComplete = 3732,
- adErrVolumeNotFound = 3733,
- adErrOutOfSpace = 3734,
- adErrResourceOutOfScope = 3735,
- adErrUnavailable = 3736,
- adErrURLNamedRowDoesNotExist = 3737,
- adErrDelResOutOfScope = 3738,
- adErrPropInvalidColumn = 3739,
- adErrPropInvalidOption = 3740,
- adErrPropInvalidValue = 3741,
- adErrPropConflicting = 3742,
- adErrPropNotAllSettable = 3743,
- adErrPropNotSet = 3744,
- adErrPropNotSettable = 3745,
- adErrPropNotSupported = 3746,
- adErrCatalogNotSet = 3747,
- adErrCantChangeConnection = 3748,
- adErrFieldsUpdateFailed = 3749,
- adErrDenyNotSupported = 3750,
- adErrDenyTypeNotSupported = 3751,
- adErrProviderNotSpecified = 3753,
- adErrConnectionStringTooLong = 3754
- };
- enum ParameterAttributesEnum
- {
- adParamSigned = 16,
- adParamNullable = 64,
- adParamLong = 128
- };
- enum ParameterDirectionEnum
- {
- adParamUnknown = 0,
- adParamInput = 1,
- adParamOutput = 2,
- adParamInputOutput = 3,
- adParamReturnValue = 4
- };
- enum CommandTypeEnum
- {
- adCmdUnspecified = -1,
- adCmdUnknown = 8,
- adCmdText = 1,
- adCmdTable = 2,
- adCmdStoredProc = 4,
- adCmdFile = 256,
- adCmdTableDirect = 512
- };
- enum EventStatusEnum
- {
- adStatusOK = 1,
- adStatusErrorsOccurred = 2,
- adStatusCantDeny = 3,
- adStatusCancel = 4,
- adStatusUnwantedEvent = 5
- };
- enum EventReasonEnum
- {
- adRsnAddNew = 1,
- adRsnDelete = 2,
- adRsnUpdate = 3,
- adRsnUndoUpdate = 4,
- adRsnUndoAddNew = 5,
- adRsnUndoDelete = 6,
- adRsnRequery = 7,
- adRsnResynch = 8,
- adRsnClose = 9,
- adRsnMove = 10,
- adRsnFirstChange = 11,
- adRsnMoveFirst = 12,
- adRsnMoveNext = 13,
- adRsnMovePrevious = 14,
- adRsnMoveLast = 15
- };
- enum SchemaEnum
- {
- adSchemaProviderSpecific = -1,
- adSchemaAsserts = 0,
- adSchemaCatalogs = 1,
- adSchemaCharacterSets = 2,
- adSchemaCollations = 3,
- adSchemaColumns = 4,
- adSchemaCheckConstraints = 5,
- adSchemaConstraintColumnUsage = 6,
- adSchemaConstraintTableUsage = 7,
- adSchemaKeyColumnUsage = 8,
- adSchemaReferentialContraints = 9,
- adSchemaReferentialConstraints = 9,
- adSchemaTableConstraints = 10,
- adSchemaColumnsDomainUsage = 11,
- adSchemaIndexes = 12,
- adSchemaColumnPrivileges = 13,
- adSchemaTablePrivileges = 14,
- adSchemaUsagePrivileges = 15,
- adSchemaProcedures = 16,
- adSchemaSchemata = 17,
- adSchemaSQLLanguages = 18,
- adSchemaStatistics = 19,
- adSchemaTables = 20,
- adSchemaTranslations = 21,
- adSchemaProviderTypes = 22,
- adSchemaViews = 23,
- adSchemaViewColumnUsage = 24,
- adSchemaViewTableUsage = 25,
- adSchemaProcedureParameters = 26,
- adSchemaForeignKeys = 27,
- adSchemaPrimaryKeys = 28,
- adSchemaProcedureColumns = 29,
- adSchemaDBInfoKeywords = 30,
- adSchemaDBInfoLiterals = 31,
- adSchemaCubes = 32,
- adSchemaDimensions = 33,
- adSchemaHierarchies = 34,
- adSchemaLevels = 35,
- adSchemaMeasures = 36,
- adSchemaProperties = 37,
- adSchemaMembers = 38,
- adSchemaTrustees = 39,
- adSchemaFunctions = 40,
- adSchemaActions = 41,
- adSchemaCommands = 42,
- adSchemaSets = 43
- };
- enum FieldStatusEnum
- {
- adFieldOK = 0,
- adFieldCantConvertValue = 2,
- adFieldIsNull = 3,
- adFieldTruncated = 4,
- adFieldSignMismatch = 5,
- adFieldDataOverflow = 6,
- adFieldCantCreate = 7,
- adFieldUnavailable = 8,
- adFieldPermissionDenied = 9,
- adFieldIntegrityViolation = 10,
- adFieldSchemaViolation = 11,
- adFieldBadStatus = 12,
- adFieldDefault = 13,
- adFieldIgnore = 15,
- adFieldDoesNotExist = 16,
- adFieldInvalidURL = 17,
- adFieldResourceLocked = 18,
- adFieldResourceExists = 19,
- adFieldCannotComplete = 20,
- adFieldVolumeNotFound = 21,
- adFieldOutOfSpace = 22,
- adFieldCannotDeleteSource = 23,
- adFieldReadOnly = 24,
- adFieldResourceOutOfScope = 25,
- adFieldAlreadyExists = 26,
- adFieldPendingInsert = 65536,
- adFieldPendingDelete = 131072,
- adFieldPendingChange = 262144,
- adFieldPendingUnknown = 524288,
- adFieldPendingUnknownDelete = 1048576
- };
- enum SeekEnum
- {
- adSeekFirstEQ = 1,
- adSeekLastEQ = 2,
- adSeekAfterEQ = 4,
- adSeekAfter = 8,
- adSeekBeforeEQ = 16,
- adSeekBefore = 32
- };
- {
- adCriteriaKey = 0,
- adCriteriaAllCols = 1,
- adCriteriaUpdCols = 2,
- adCriteriaTimeStamp = 3
- };
- {
- adPriorityLowest = 1,
- adPriorityBelowNormal = 2,
- adPriorityNormal = 3,
- adPriorityAboveNormal = 4,
- adPriorityHighest = 5
- };
- {
- adRecalcUpFront = 0,
- adRecalcAlways = 1
- };
- {
- adResyncNone = 0,
- adResyncAutoIncrement = 1,
- adResyncConflicts = 2,
- adResyncUpdates = 4,
- adResyncInserts = 8,
- adResyncAll = 15
- };
- enum MoveRecordOptionsEnum
- {
- adMoveUnspecified = -1,
- adMoveOverWrite = 1,
- adMoveDontUpdateLinks = 2,
- adMoveAllowEmulation = 4
- };
- enum CopyRecordOptionsEnum
- {
- adCopyUnspecified = -1,
- adCopyOverWrite = 1,
- adCopyAllowEmulation = 4,
- adCopyNonRecursive = 2
- };
- enum StreamTypeEnum
- {
- adTypeBinary = 1,
- adTypeText = 2
- };
- enum LineSeparatorEnum
- {
- adLF = 10,
- adCR = 13,
- adCRLF = -1
- };
- enum StreamOpenOptionsEnum
- {
- adOpenStreamUnspecified = -1,
- adOpenStreamAsync = 1,
- adOpenStreamFromRecord = 4
- };
- enum StreamWriteEnum
- {
- adWriteChar = 0,
- adWriteLine = 1,
- stWriteChar = 0,
- stWriteLine = 1
- };
- enum SaveOptionsEnum
- {
- adSaveCreateNotExist = 1,
- adSaveCreateOverWrite = 2
- };
- enum FieldEnum
- {
- adDefaultStream = -1,
- adRecordURL = -2
- };
- enum StreamReadEnum
- {
- adReadAll = -1,
- adReadLine = -2
- };
- enum RecordTypeEnum
- {
- adSimpleRecord = 0,
- adCollectionRecord = 1,
- adStructDoc = 2
- };
- struct __declspec(uuid("00000512-0000-0010-8000-00aa006d2ea4"))
- _Collection : IDispatch
- {
- //
- // Property data
- //
- __declspec(property(get=GetCount))
- long Count;
- //
- // Wrapper methods for error-handling
- //
- long GetCount ( );
- IUnknownPtr _NewEnum ( );
- HRESULT Refresh ( );
- //
- // Raw methods provided by interface
- //
- virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Count (
- long * c ) = 0;
- virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw__NewEnum (
- IUnknown * * ppvObject ) = 0;
- virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Refresh ( ) = 0;
- };
- struct __declspec(uuid("00000513-0000-0010-8000-00aa006d2ea4"))
- _DynaCollection : _Collection
- {
- //
- // Wrapper methods for error-handling
- //
- HRESULT Append (
- IDispatch * Object );
- HRESULT Delete (
- const _variant_t & Index );
- //
- // Raw methods provided by interface
- //
- virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Append (
- IDispatch * Object ) = 0;
- virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Delete (
- VARIANT Index ) = 0;
- };
- struct __declspec(uuid("00000534-0000-0010-8000-00aa006d2ea4"))
- _ADO : IDispatch
- {
- //
- // Property data
- //
- __declspec(property(get=GetProperties))
- PropertiesPtr Properties;
- //
- // Wrapper methods for error-handling
- //
- PropertiesPtr GetProperties ( );
- //
- // Raw methods provided by interface
- //
- virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Properties (
- struct Properties * * ppvObject ) = 0;
- };
- struct __declspec(uuid("00000504-0000-0010-8000-00aa006d2ea4"))
- Properties : _Collection
- {
- //
- // Property data
- //
- __declspec(property(get=GetItem))
- PropertyPtr Item[];
- //
- // Wrapper methods for error-handling
- //
- PropertyPtr GetItem (
- const _variant_t & Index );
- //
- // Raw methods provided by interface
- //
- virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Item (
- VARIANT Index,
- struct Property * * ppvObject ) = 0;
- };
- struct __declspec(uuid("00000503-0000-0010-8000-00aa006d2ea4"))
- Property : IDispatch
- {
- //
- // Property data
- //
- __declspec(property(get=GetValue,put=PutValue))
- _variant_t Value;
- __declspec(property(get=GetName))
- _bstr_t Name;
- __declspec(property(get=GetType))
- enum DataTypeEnum Type;
- __declspec(property(get=GetAttributes,put=PutAttributes))
- long Attributes;
- //
- // Wrapper methods for error-handling
- //
- _variant_t GetValue ( );
- void PutValue (
- const _variant_t & pval );
- _bstr_t GetName ( );
- enum DataTypeEnum GetType ( );
- long GetAttributes ( );
- void PutAttributes (
- long plAttributes );
- //
- // Raw methods provided by interface
- //
- virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Value (
- VARIANT * pval ) = 0;
- virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Value (
- VARIANT pval ) = 0;
- virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Name (
- BSTR * pbstr ) = 0;
- virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Type (
- enum DataTypeEnum * ptype ) = 0;
- virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Attributes (
- long * plAttributes ) = 0;
- virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Attributes (
- long plAttributes ) = 0;
- };
- struct __declspec(uuid("00000500-0000-0010-8000-00aa006d2ea4"))
- Error : IDispatch
- {
- //
- // Property data
- //
- __declspec(property(get=GetDescription))
- _bstr_t Description;
- __declspec(property(get=GetNumber))
- long Number;
- __declspec(property(get=GetSource))
- _bstr_t Source;
- __declspec(property(get=GetHelpFile))
- _bstr_t HelpFile;
- __declspec(property(get=GetHelpContext))
- long HelpContext;
- __declspec(property(get=GetSQLState))
- _bstr_t SQLState;
- __declspec(property(get=GetNativeError))
- long NativeError;
- //
- // Wrapper methods for error-handling
- //
- long GetNumber ( );
- _bstr_t GetSource ( );
- _bstr_t GetDescription ( );
- _bstr_t GetHelpFile ( );
- long GetHelpContext ( );
- _bstr_t GetSQLState ( );
- long GetNativeError ( );
- //
- // Raw methods provided by interface
- //
- virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Number (
- long * pl ) = 0;
- virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Source (
- BSTR * pbstr ) = 0;
- virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Description (
- BSTR * pbstr ) = 0;
- virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_HelpFile (
- BSTR * pbstr ) = 0;
- virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_HelpContext (
- long * pl ) = 0;
- virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_SQLState (
- BSTR * pbstr ) = 0;
- virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_NativeError (
- long * pl ) = 0;
- };
- struct __declspec(uuid("00000501-0000-0010-8000-00aa006d2ea4"))
- Errors : _Collection
- {
- //
- // Property data
- //
- __declspec(property(get=GetItem))
- ErrorPtr Item[];
- //
- // Wrapper methods for error-handling
- //
- ErrorPtr GetItem (
- const _variant_t & Index );
- HRESULT Clear ( );
- //
- // Raw methods provided by interface
- //
- virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Item (
- VARIANT Index,
- struct Error * * ppvObject ) = 0;
- virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Clear ( ) = 0;
- };
- struct __declspec(uuid("00000508-0000-0010-8000-00aa006d2ea4"))
- Command15 : _ADO
- {
- //
- // Property data
- //
- __declspec(property(get=GetParameters))
- ParametersPtr Parameters;
- __declspec(property(get=GetActiveConnection,put=PutRefActiveConnection))
- _ConnectionPtr ActiveConnection;
- __declspec(property(get=GetCommandText,put=PutCommandText))
- _bstr_t CommandText;
- __declspec(property(get=GetCommandTimeout,put=PutCommandTimeout))
- long CommandTimeout;
- __declspec(property(get=GetPrepared,put=PutPrepared))
- VARIANT_BOOL Prepared;
- __declspec(property(get=GetCommandType,put=PutCommandType))
- enum CommandTypeEnum CommandType;
- __declspec(property(get=GetName,put=PutName))
- _bstr_t Name;
- //
- // Wrapper methods for error-handling
- //
- _ConnectionPtr GetActiveConnection ( );
- void PutRefActiveConnection (
- struct _Connection * ppvObject );
- void PutActiveConnection (
- const _variant_t & ppvObject );
- _bstr_t GetCommandText ( );
- void PutCommandText (
- _bstr_t pbstr );
- long GetCommandTimeout ( );
- void PutCommandTimeout (
- long pl );
- VARIANT_BOOL GetPrepared ( );
- void PutPrepared (
- VARIANT_BOOL pfPrepared );
- _RecordsetPtr Execute (
- VARIANT * RecordsAffected,
- VARIANT * Parameters,
- long Options );
- _ParameterPtr CreateParameter (
- _bstr_t Name,
- enum DataTypeEnum Type,
- enum ParameterDirectionEnum Direction,
- const _variant_t & Value = vtMissing );
- ParametersPtr GetParameters ( );
- void PutCommandType (
- enum CommandTypeEnum plCmdType );
- enum CommandTypeEnum GetCommandType ( );
- _bstr_t GetName ( );
- void PutName (
- _bstr_t pbstrName );
- //
- // Raw methods provided by interface
- //
- virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ActiveConnection (
- struct _Connection * * ppvObject ) = 0;
- virtual HRESULT __stdcall putref_ActiveConnection (
- struct _Connection * ppvObject ) = 0;
- virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_ActiveConnection (
- VARIANT ppvObject ) = 0;
- virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_CommandText (
- BSTR * pbstr ) = 0;
- virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_CommandText (
- BSTR pbstr ) = 0;
- virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_CommandTimeout (
- long * pl ) = 0;
- virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_CommandTimeout (
- long pl ) = 0;
- virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Prepared (
- VARIANT_BOOL * pfPrepared ) = 0;
- virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Prepared (
- VARIANT_BOOL pfPrepared ) = 0;
- virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Execute (
- VARIANT * RecordsAffected,
- VARIANT * Parameters,
- long Options,
- struct _Recordset * * ppiRs ) = 0;
- virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_CreateParameter (
- BSTR Name,
- enum DataTypeEnum Type,
- enum ParameterDirectionEnum Direction,
- VARIANT Value,
- struct _Parameter * * ppiprm ) = 0;
- virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Parameters (
- struct Parameters * * ppvObject ) = 0;
- virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_CommandType (
- enum CommandTypeEnum plCmdType ) = 0;
- virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_CommandType (
- enum CommandTypeEnum * plCmdType ) = 0;
- virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Name (
- BSTR * pbstrName ) = 0;
- virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Name (
- BSTR pbstrName ) = 0;
- };
- struct __declspec(uuid("00000515-0000-0010-8000-00aa006d2ea4"))
- Connection15 : _ADO
- {
- //
- // Property data
- //
- __declspec(property(get=GetConnectionString,put=PutConnectionString))
- _bstr_t ConnectionString;
- __declspec(property(get=GetCommandTimeout,put=PutCommandTimeout))
- long CommandTimeout;
- __declspec(property(get=GetConnectionTimeout,put=PutConnectionTimeout))
- long ConnectionTimeout;
- __declspec(property(get=GetVersion))
- _bstr_t Version;
- __declspec(property(get=GetErrors))
- ErrorsPtr Errors;
- __declspec(property(get=GetDefaultDatabase,put=PutDefaultDatabase))
- _bstr_t DefaultDatabase;
- __declspec(property(get=GetIsolationLevel,put=PutIsolationLevel))
- enum IsolationLevelEnum IsolationLevel;
- __declspec(property(get=GetAttributes,put=PutAttributes))
- long Attributes;
- __declspec(property(get=GetCursorLocation,put=PutCursorLocation))
- enum CursorLocationEnum CursorLocation;
- __declspec(property(get=GetMode,put=PutMode))
- enum ConnectModeEnum Mode;
- __declspec(property(get=GetProvider,put=PutProvider))
- _bstr_t Provider;
- __declspec(property(get=GetState))
- long State;
- //
- // Wrapper methods for error-handling
- //
- _bstr_t GetConnectionString ( );
- void PutConnectionString (
- _bstr_t pbstr );
- long GetCommandTimeout ( );
- void PutCommandTimeout (
- long plTimeout );
- long GetConnectionTimeout ( );
- void PutConnectionTimeout (
- long plTimeout );
- _bstr_t GetVersion ( );
- HRESULT Close ( );
- _RecordsetPtr Execute (
- _bstr_t CommandText,
- VARIANT * RecordsAffected,
- long Options );
- long BeginTrans ( );
- HRESULT CommitTrans ( );
- HRESULT RollbackTrans ( );
- HRESULT Open (
- _bstr_t ConnectionString,
- _bstr_t UserID,
- _bstr_t Password,
- long Options );
- ErrorsPtr GetErrors ( );
- _bstr_t GetDefaultDatabase ( );
- void PutDefaultDatabase (
- _bstr_t pbstr );
- enum IsolationLevelEnum GetIsolationLevel ( );
- void PutIsolationLevel (
- enum IsolationLevelEnum Level );
- long GetAttributes ( );
- void PutAttributes (
- long plAttr );
- enum CursorLocationEnum GetCursorLocation ( );
- void PutCursorLocation (
- enum CursorLocationEnum plCursorLoc );
- enum ConnectModeEnum GetMode ( );
- void PutMode (
- enum ConnectModeEnum plMode );
- _bstr_t GetProvider ( );
- void PutProvider (
- _bstr_t pbstr );
- long GetState ( );
- _RecordsetPtr OpenSchema (
- enum SchemaEnum Schema,
- const _variant_t & Restrictions = vtMissing,
- const _variant_t & SchemaID = vtMissing );
- //
- // Raw methods provided by interface
- //
- virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ConnectionString (
- BSTR * pbstr ) = 0;
- virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_ConnectionString (
- BSTR pbstr ) = 0;
- virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_CommandTimeout (
- long * plTimeout ) = 0;
- virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_CommandTimeout (
- long plTimeout ) = 0;
- virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ConnectionTimeout (
- long * plTimeout ) = 0;
- virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_ConnectionTimeout (
- long plTimeout ) = 0;
- virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Version (
- BSTR * pbstr ) = 0;
- virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Close ( ) = 0;
- virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Execute (
- BSTR CommandText,
- VARIANT * RecordsAffected,
- long Options,
- struct _Recordset * * ppiRset ) = 0;
- virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_BeginTrans (
- long * TransactionLevel ) = 0;
- virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_CommitTrans ( ) = 0;
- virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_RollbackTrans ( ) = 0;
- virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Open (
- BSTR ConnectionString,
- BSTR UserID,
- BSTR Password,
- long Options ) = 0;
- virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Errors (
- struct Errors * * ppvObject ) = 0;
- virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_DefaultDatabase (
- BSTR * pbstr ) = 0;
- virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_DefaultDatabase (
- BSTR pbstr ) = 0;
- virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_IsolationLevel (
- enum IsolationLevelEnum * Level ) = 0;
- virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_IsolationLevel (
- enum IsolationLevelEnum Level ) = 0;
- virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Attributes (
- long * plAttr ) = 0;
- virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Attributes (
- long plAttr ) = 0;
- virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_CursorLocation (
- enum CursorLocationEnum * plCursorLoc ) = 0;
- virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_CursorLocation (
- enum CursorLocationEnum plCursorLoc ) = 0;
- virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Mode (
- enum ConnectModeEnum * plMode ) = 0;
- virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Mode (
- enum ConnectModeEnum plMode ) = 0;
- virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Provider (
- BSTR * pbstr ) = 0;
- virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Provider (
- BSTR pbstr ) = 0;
- virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_State (
- long * plObjState ) = 0;
- virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_OpenSchema (
- enum SchemaEnum Schema,
- VARIANT Restrictions,
- struct _Recordset * * pprset ) = 0;
- };
- struct __declspec(uuid("00000550-0000-0010-8000-00aa006d2ea4"))
- _Connection : Connection15
- {
- //
- // Wrapper methods for error-handling
- //
- HRESULT Cancel ( );
- //
- // Raw methods provided by interface
- //
- virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Cancel ( ) = 0;
- };
- struct __declspec(uuid("0000050e-0000-0010-8000-00aa006d2ea4"))
- Recordset15 : _ADO
- {
- //
- // Property data
- //
- __declspec(property(get=GetFields))
- FieldsPtr Fields;
- __declspec(property(get=GetPageSize,put=PutPageSize))
- long PageSize;
- __declspec(property(get=GetPageCount))
- ADO_LONGPTR PageCount;
- __declspec(property(get=GetCursorLocation,put=PutCursorLocation))
- enum CursorLocationEnum CursorLocation;
- __declspec(property(get=GetState))
- long State;
- __declspec(property(get=GetMarshalOptions,put=PutMarshalOptions))
- enum MarshalOptionsEnum MarshalOptions;
- __declspec(property(get=GetCollect,put=PutCollect))
- _variant_t Collect[];
- __declspec(property(get=GetEditMode))
- enum EditModeEnum EditMode;
- __declspec(property(get=GetStatus))
- long Status;
- __declspec(property(get=GetFilter,put=PutFilter))
- _variant_t Filter;
- __declspec(property(get=GetSort,put=PutSort))
- _bstr_t Sort;
- __declspec(property(get=GetAbsolutePosition,put=PutAbsolutePosition))
- PositionEnum_Param AbsolutePosition;
- __declspec(property(get=GetBOF))
- __declspec(property(get=GetBookmark,put=PutBookmark))
- _variant_t Bookmark;
- __declspec(property(get=GetCacheSize,put=PutCacheSize))
- long CacheSize;
- __declspec(property(get=GetCursorType,put=PutCursorType))
- enum CursorTypeEnum CursorType;
- __declspec(property(get=GetadoEOF))
- __declspec(property(get=GetAbsolutePage,put=PutAbsolutePage))
- PositionEnum_Param AbsolutePage;
- __declspec(property(get=GetLockType,put=PutLockType))
- enum LockTypeEnum LockType;
- __declspec(property(get=GetMaxRecords,put=PutMaxRecords))
- ADO_LONGPTR MaxRecords;
- __declspec(property(get=GetRecordCount))
- ADO_LONGPTR RecordCount;
- //
- // Wrapper methods for error-handling
- //
- PositionEnum_Param GetAbsolutePosition ( );
- void PutAbsolutePosition (
- PositionEnum_Param pl );
- void PutRefActiveConnection (
- IDispatch * pvar );
- void PutActiveConnection (
- const _variant_t & pvar );
- _variant_t GetActiveConnection ( );
- _variant_t GetBookmark ( );
- void PutBookmark (
- const _variant_t & pvBookmark );
- long GetCacheSize ( );
- void PutCacheSize (
- long pl );
- enum CursorTypeEnum GetCursorType ( );
- void PutCursorType (
- enum CursorTypeEnum plCursorType );
- FieldsPtr GetFields ( );
- enum LockTypeEnum GetLockType ( );
- void PutLockType (
- enum LockTypeEnum plLockType );
- ADO_LONGPTR GetMaxRecords ( );
- void PutMaxRecords (
- ADO_LONGPTR plMaxRecords );
- ADO_LONGPTR GetRecordCount ( );
- void PutRefSource (
- IDispatch * pvSource );
- void PutSource (
- _bstr_t pvSource );
- _variant_t GetSource ( );
- HRESULT AddNew (
- const _variant_t & FieldList = vtMissing,
- const _variant_t & Values = vtMissing );
- HRESULT CancelUpdate ( );
- HRESULT Close ( );
- HRESULT Delete (
- enum AffectEnum AffectRecords );
- _variant_t GetRows (
- long Rows,
- const _variant_t & Start = vtMissing,
- const _variant_t & Fields = vtMissing );
- HRESULT Move (
- ADO_LONGPTR NumRecords,
- const _variant_t & Start = vtMissing );
- HRESULT MoveNext ( );
- HRESULT MovePrevious ( );
- HRESULT MoveFirst ( );
- HRESULT MoveLast ( );
- HRESULT Open (
- const _variant_t & Source,
- const _variant_t & ActiveConnection,
- enum CursorTypeEnum CursorType,
- enum LockTypeEnum LockType,
- long Options );
- HRESULT Requery (
- long Options );
- HRESULT _xResync (
- enum AffectEnum AffectRecords );
- HRESULT Update (
- const _variant_t & Fields = vtMissing,
- const _variant_t & Values = vtMissing );
- PositionEnum_Param GetAbsolutePage ( );
- void PutAbsolutePage (
- PositionEnum_Param pl );
- enum EditModeEnum GetEditMode ( );
- _variant_t GetFilter ( );
- void PutFilter (
- const _variant_t & Criteria );
- ADO_LONGPTR GetPageCount ( );
- long GetPageSize ( );
- void PutPageSize (
- long pl );
- _bstr_t GetSort ( );
- void PutSort (
- _bstr_t Criteria );
- long GetStatus ( );
- long GetState ( );
- _RecordsetPtr _xClone ( );
- HRESULT UpdateBatch (
- enum AffectEnum AffectRecords );
- HRESULT CancelBatch (
- enum AffectEnum AffectRecords );
- enum CursorLocationEnum GetCursorLocation ( );
- void PutCursorLocation (
- enum CursorLocationEnum plCursorLoc );
- _RecordsetPtr NextRecordset (
- VARIANT * RecordsAffected );
- VARIANT_BOOL Supports (
- enum CursorOptionEnum CursorOptions );
- _variant_t GetCollect (
- const _variant_t & Index );
- void PutCollect (
- const _variant_t & Index,
- const _variant_t & pvar );
- enum MarshalOptionsEnum GetMarshalOptions ( );
- void PutMarshalOptions (
- enum MarshalOptionsEnum peMarshal );
- HRESULT Find (
- _bstr_t Criteria,
- ADO_LONGPTR SkipRecords,
- enum SearchDirectionEnum SearchDirection,
- const _variant_t & Start = vtMissing );
- //
- // Raw methods provided by interface
- //
- virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_AbsolutePosition (
- PositionEnum_Param * pl ) = 0;
- virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_AbsolutePosition (
- PositionEnum_Param pl ) = 0;
- virtual HRESULT __stdcall putref_ActiveConnection (
- IDispatch * pvar ) = 0;
- virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_ActiveConnection (
- VARIANT pvar ) = 0;
- virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ActiveConnection (
- VARIANT * pvar ) = 0;
- virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_BOF (
- VARIANT_BOOL * pb ) = 0;
- virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Bookmark (
- VARIANT * pvBookmark ) = 0;
- virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Bookmark (
- VARIANT pvBookmark ) = 0;
- virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_CacheSize (
- long * pl ) = 0;
- virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_CacheSize (
- long pl ) = 0;
- virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_CursorType (
- enum CursorTypeEnum * plCursorType ) = 0;
- virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_CursorType (
- enum CursorTypeEnum plCursorType ) = 0;
- virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_adoEOF (
- VARIANT_BOOL * pb ) = 0;
- virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Fields (
- struct Fields * * ppvObject ) = 0;
- virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_LockType (
- enum LockTypeEnum * plLockType ) = 0;
- virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_LockType (
- enum LockTypeEnum plLockType ) = 0;
- virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_MaxRecords (
- ADO_LONGPTR * plMaxRecords ) = 0;
- virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_MaxRecords (
- ADO_LONGPTR plMaxRecords ) = 0;
- virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_RecordCount (
- ADO_LONGPTR * pl ) = 0;
- virtual HRESULT __stdcall putref_Source (
- IDispatch * pvSource ) = 0;
- virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Source (
- BSTR pvSource ) = 0;
- virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Source (
- VARIANT * pvSource ) = 0;
- virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_AddNew (
- VARIANT FieldList = vtMissing,
- VARIANT Values = vtMissing ) = 0;
- virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_CancelUpdate ( ) = 0;
- virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Close ( ) = 0;
- virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Delete (
- enum AffectEnum AffectRecords ) = 0;
- virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetRows (
- long Rows,
- VARIANT Start,
- VARIANT Fields,
- VARIANT * pvar ) = 0;
- virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Move (
- ADO_LONGPTR NumRecords,
- VARIANT Start = vtMissing ) = 0;
- virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_MoveNext ( ) = 0;
- virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_MovePrevious ( ) = 0;
- virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_MoveFirst ( ) = 0;
- virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_MoveLast ( ) = 0;
- virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Open (
- VARIANT Source,
- VARIANT ActiveConnection,
- enum CursorTypeEnum CursorType,
- enum LockTypeEnum LockType,
- long Options ) = 0;
- virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Requery (
- long Options ) = 0;
- virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw__xResync (
- enum AffectEnum AffectRecords ) = 0;
- virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Update (
- VARIANT Fields = vtMissing,
- VARIANT Values = vtMissing ) = 0;
- virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_AbsolutePage (
- PositionEnum_Param * pl ) = 0;
- virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_AbsolutePage (
- PositionEnum_Param pl ) = 0;
- virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_EditMode (
- enum EditModeEnum * pl ) = 0;
- virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Filter (
- VARIANT * Criteria ) = 0;
- virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Filter (
- VARIANT Criteria ) = 0;
- virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_PageCount (
- ADO_LONGPTR * pl ) = 0;
- virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_PageSize (
- long * pl ) = 0;
- virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_PageSize (
- long pl ) = 0;
- virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Sort (
- BSTR * Criteria ) = 0;
- virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Sort (
- BSTR Criteria ) = 0;
- virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Status (
- long * pl ) = 0;
- virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_State (
- long * plObjState ) = 0;
- virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw__xClone (
- struct _Recordset * * ppvObject ) = 0;
- virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_UpdateBatch (
- enum AffectEnum AffectRecords ) = 0;
- virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_CancelBatch (
- enum AffectEnum AffectRecords ) = 0;
- virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_CursorLocation (
- enum CursorLocationEnum * plCursorLoc ) = 0;
- virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_CursorLocation (
- enum CursorLocationEnum plCursorLoc ) = 0;
- virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_NextRecordset (
- VARIANT * RecordsAffected,
- struct _Recordset * * ppiRs ) = 0;
- virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Supports (
- enum CursorOptionEnum CursorOptions,
- VARIANT_BOOL * pb ) = 0;
- virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Collect (
- VARIANT Index,
- VARIANT * pvar ) = 0;
- virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Collect (
- VARIANT Index,
- VARIANT pvar ) = 0;
- virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_MarshalOptions (
- enum MarshalOptionsEnum * peMarshal ) = 0;
- virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_MarshalOptions (
- enum MarshalOptionsEnum peMarshal ) = 0;
- virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Find (
- BSTR Criteria,
- ADO_LONGPTR SkipRecords,
- enum SearchDirectionEnum SearchDirection,
- VARIANT Start = vtMissing ) = 0;
- };
- struct __declspec(uuid("0000054f-0000-0010-8000-00aa006d2ea4"))
- Recordset20 : Recordset15
- {
- //
- // Property data
- //
- __declspec(property(get=GetDataSource,put=PutRefDataSource))
- IUnknownPtr DataSource;
- __declspec(property(get=GetActiveCommand))
- IDispatchPtr ActiveCommand;
- __declspec(property(get=GetStayInSync,put=PutStayInSync))
- __declspec(property(get=GetDataMember,put=PutDataMember))
- _bstr_t DataMember;
- //
- // Wrapper methods for error-handling
- //
- HRESULT Cancel ( );
- IUnknownPtr GetDataSource ( );
- void PutRefDataSource (
- IUnknown * ppunkDataSource );
- HRESULT _xSave (
- _bstr_t FileName,
- enum PersistFormatEnum PersistFormat );
- IDispatchPtr GetActiveCommand ( );
- void PutStayInSync (
- VARIANT_BOOL pbStayInSync );
- VARIANT_BOOL GetStayInSync ( );
- _bstr_t GetString (
- enum StringFormatEnum StringFormat,
- long NumRows,
- _bstr_t ColumnDelimeter,
- _bstr_t RowDelimeter,
- _bstr_t NullExpr );
- _bstr_t GetDataMember ( );
- void PutDataMember (
- _bstr_t pbstrDataMember );
- enum CompareEnum CompareBookmarks (
- const _variant_t & Bookmark1,
- const _variant_t & Bookmark2 );
- _RecordsetPtr Clone (
- enum LockTypeEnum LockType );
- HRESULT Resync (
- enum AffectEnum AffectRecords,
- enum ResyncEnum ResyncValues );
- //
- // Raw methods provided by interface
- //
- virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Cancel ( ) = 0;
- virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_DataSource (
- IUnknown * * ppunkDataSource ) = 0;
- virtual HRESULT __stdcall putref_DataSource (
- IUnknown * ppunkDataSource ) = 0;
- virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw__xSave (
- BSTR FileName,
- enum PersistFormatEnum PersistFormat ) = 0;
- virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ActiveCommand (
- IDispatch * * ppCmd ) = 0;
- virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_StayInSync (
- VARIANT_BOOL pbStayInSync ) = 0;
- virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_StayInSync (
- VARIANT_BOOL * pbStayInSync ) = 0;
- virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetString (
- enum StringFormatEnum StringFormat,
- long NumRows,
- BSTR ColumnDelimeter,
- BSTR RowDelimeter,
- BSTR NullExpr,
- BSTR * pRetString ) = 0;
- virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_DataMember (
- BSTR * pbstrDataMember ) = 0;
- virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_DataMember (
- BSTR pbstrDataMember ) = 0;
- virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_CompareBookmarks (
- VARIANT Bookmark1,
- VARIANT Bookmark2,
- enum CompareEnum * pCompare ) = 0;
- virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Clone (
- enum LockTypeEnum LockType,
- struct _Recordset * * ppvObject ) = 0;
- virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Resync (
- enum AffectEnum AffectRecords,
- enum ResyncEnum ResyncValues ) = 0;
- };
- struct __declspec(uuid("00000555-0000-0010-8000-00aa006d2ea4"))
- Recordset21 : Recordset20
- {
- //
- // Property data
- //
- __declspec(property(get=GetIndex,put=PutIndex))
- _bstr_t Index;
- //
- // Wrapper methods for error-handling
- //
- HRESULT Seek (
- const _variant_t & KeyValues,
- enum SeekEnum SeekOption );
- void PutIndex (
- _bstr_t pbstrIndex );
- _bstr_t GetIndex ( );
- //
- // Raw methods provided by interface
- //
- virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Seek (
- VARIANT KeyValues,
- enum SeekEnum SeekOption ) = 0;
- virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Index (
- BSTR pbstrIndex ) = 0;
- virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Index (
- BSTR * pbstrIndex ) = 0;
- };
- struct __declspec(uuid("00000556-0000-0010-8000-00aa006d2ea4"))
- _Recordset : Recordset21
- {
- //
- // Wrapper methods for error-handling
- //
- HRESULT Save (
- const _variant_t & Destination,
- enum PersistFormatEnum PersistFormat );
- //
- // Raw methods provided by interface
- //
- virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Save (
- VARIANT Destination,
- enum PersistFormatEnum PersistFormat ) = 0;
- };
- struct __declspec(uuid("00000506-0000-0010-8000-00aa006d2ea4"))
- Fields15 : _Collection
- {
- //
- // Property data
- //
- __declspec(property(get=GetItem))
- FieldPtr Item[];
- //
- // Wrapper methods for error-handling
- //
- FieldPtr GetItem (
- const _variant_t & Index );
- //
- // Raw methods provided by interface
- //
- virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Item (
- VARIANT Index,
- struct Field * * ppvObject ) = 0;
- };
- struct __declspec(uuid("0000054d-0000-0010-8000-00aa006d2ea4"))
- Fields20 : Fields15
- {
- //
- // Wrapper methods for error-handling
- //
- HRESULT _Append (
- _bstr_t Name,
- enum DataTypeEnum Type,
- ADO_LONGPTR DefinedSize,
- enum FieldAttributeEnum Attrib );
- HRESULT Delete (
- const _variant_t & Index );
- //
- // Raw methods provided by interface
- //
- virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw__Append (
- BSTR Name,
- enum DataTypeEnum Type,
- ADO_LONGPTR DefinedSize,
- enum FieldAttributeEnum Attrib ) = 0;
- virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Delete (
- VARIANT Index ) = 0;
- };
- struct __declspec(uuid("00000564-0000-0010-8000-00aa006d2ea4"))
- Fields : Fields20
- {
- //
- // Wrapper methods for error-handling
- //
- HRESULT Append (
- _bstr_t Name,
- enum DataTypeEnum Type,
- ADO_LONGPTR DefinedSize,
- enum FieldAttributeEnum Attrib,
- const _variant_t & FieldValue = vtMissing );
- HRESULT Update ( );
- HRESULT Resync (
- enum ResyncEnum ResyncValues );
- HRESULT CancelUpdate ( );
- //
- // Raw methods provided by interface
- //
- virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Append (
- BSTR Name,
- enum DataTypeEnum Type,
- ADO_LONGPTR DefinedSize,
- enum FieldAttributeEnum Attrib,
- VARIANT FieldValue = vtMissing ) = 0;
- virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Update ( ) = 0;
- virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Resync (
- enum ResyncEnum ResyncValues ) = 0;
- virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_CancelUpdate ( ) = 0;
- };
- struct __declspec(uuid("0000054c-0000-0010-8000-00aa006d2ea4"))
- Field20 : _ADO
- {
- //
- // Property data
- //
- __declspec(property(get=GetValue,put=PutValue))
- _variant_t Value;
- __declspec(property(get=GetName))
- _bstr_t Name;
- __declspec(property(get=GetType,put=PutType))
- enum DataTypeEnum Type;
- __declspec(property(get=GetDefinedSize,put=PutDefinedSize))
- ADO_LONGPTR DefinedSize;
- __declspec(property(get=GetOriginalValue))
- _variant_t OriginalValue;
- __declspec(property(get=GetUnderlyingValue))
- _variant_t UnderlyingValue;
- __declspec(property(get=GetActualSize))
- ADO_LONGPTR ActualSize;
- __declspec(property(get=GetPrecision,put=PutPrecision))
- unsigned char Precision;
- __declspec(property(get=GetNumericScale,put=PutNumericScale))
- unsigned char NumericScale;
- __declspec(property(get=GetAttributes,put=PutAttributes))
- long Attributes;
- __declspec(property(get=GetDataFormat,put=PutRefDataFormat))
- IUnknownPtr DataFormat;
- //
- // Wrapper methods for error-handling
- //
- ADO_LONGPTR GetActualSize ( );
- long GetAttributes ( );
- ADO_LONGPTR GetDefinedSize ( );
- _bstr_t GetName ( );
- enum DataTypeEnum GetType ( );
- _variant_t GetValue ( );
- void PutValue (
- const _variant_t & pvar );
- unsigned char GetPrecision ( );
- unsigned char GetNumericScale ( );
- HRESULT AppendChunk (
- const _variant_t & Data );
- _variant_t GetChunk (
- long Length );
- _variant_t GetOriginalValue ( );
- _variant_t GetUnderlyingValue ( );
- IUnknownPtr GetDataFormat ( );
- void PutRefDataFormat (
- IUnknown * ppiDF );
- void PutPrecision (
- unsigned char pbPrecision );
- void PutNumericScale (
- unsigned char pbNumericScale );
- void PutType (
- enum DataTypeEnum pDataType );
- void PutDefinedSize (
- void PutAttributes (
- long pl );
- //
- // Raw methods provided by interface
- //
- virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ActualSize (
- ADO_LONGPTR * pl ) = 0;
- virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Attributes (
- long * pl ) = 0;
- virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_DefinedSize (
- ADO_LONGPTR * pl ) = 0;
- virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Name (
- BSTR * pbstr ) = 0;
- virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Type (
- enum DataTypeEnum * pDataType ) = 0;
- virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Value (
- VARIANT * pvar ) = 0;
- virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Value (
- VARIANT pvar ) = 0;
- virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Precision (
- unsigned char * pbPrecision ) = 0;
- virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_NumericScale (
- unsigned char * pbNumericScale ) = 0;
- virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_AppendChunk (
- VARIANT Data ) = 0;
- virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetChunk (
- long Length,
- VARIANT * pvar ) = 0;
- virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_OriginalValue (
- VARIANT * pvar ) = 0;
- virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_UnderlyingValue (
- VARIANT * pvar ) = 0;
- virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_DataFormat (
- IUnknown * * ppiDF ) = 0;
- virtual HRESULT __stdcall putref_DataFormat (
- IUnknown * ppiDF ) = 0;
- virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Precision (
- unsigned char pbPrecision ) = 0;
- virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_NumericScale (
- unsigned char pbNumericScale ) = 0;
- virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Type (
- enum DataTypeEnum pDataType ) = 0;
- virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_DefinedSize (
- ADO_LONGPTR pl ) = 0;
- virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Attributes (
- long pl ) = 0;
- };
- struct __declspec(uuid("00000569-0000-0010-8000-00aa006d2ea4"))
- Field : Field20
- {
- //
- // Property data
- //
- __declspec(property(get=GetStatus))
- long Status;
- //
- // Wrapper methods for error-handling
- //
- long GetStatus ( );
- //
- // Raw methods provided by interface
- //
- virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Status (
- long * pFStatus ) = 0;
- };
- struct __declspec(uuid("0000050c-0000-0010-8000-00aa006d2ea4"))
- _Parameter : _ADO
- {
- //
- // Property data
- //
- __declspec(property(get=GetValue,put=PutValue))
- _variant_t Value;
- __declspec(property(get=GetName,put=PutName))
- _bstr_t Name;
- __declspec(property(get=GetType,put=PutType))
- enum DataTypeEnum Type;
- __declspec(property(get=GetDirection,put=PutDirection))
- enum ParameterDirectionEnum Direction;
- __declspec(property(get=GetPrecision,put=PutPrecision))
- unsigned char Precision;
- __declspec(property(get=GetNumericScale,put=PutNumericScale))
- unsigned char NumericScale;
- __declspec(property(get=GetSize,put=PutSize))
- __declspec(property(get=GetAttributes,put=PutAttributes))
- long Attributes;
- //
- // Wrapper methods for error-handling
- //
- _bstr_t GetName ( );
- void PutName (
- _bstr_t pbstr );
- _variant_t GetValue ( );
- void PutValue (
- const _variant_t & pvar );
- enum DataTypeEnum GetType ( );
- void PutType (
- enum DataTypeEnum psDataType );
- void PutDirection (
- enum ParameterDirectionEnum plParmDirection );
- enum ParameterDirectionEnum GetDirection ( );
- void PutPrecision (
- unsigned char pbPrecision );
- unsigned char GetPrecision ( );
- void PutNumericScale (
- unsigned char pbScale );
- unsigned char GetNumericScale ( );
- void PutSize (
- ADO_LONGPTR GetSize ( );
- HRESULT AppendChunk (
- const _variant_t & Val );
- long GetAttributes ( );
- void PutAttributes (
- long plParmAttribs );
- //
- // Raw methods provided by interface
- //
- virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Name (
- BSTR * pbstr ) = 0;
- virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Name (
- BSTR pbstr ) = 0;
- virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Value (
- VARIANT * pvar ) = 0;
- virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Value (
- VARIANT pvar ) = 0;
- virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Type (
- enum DataTypeEnum * psDataType ) = 0;
- virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Type (
- enum DataTypeEnum psDataType ) = 0;
- virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Direction (
- enum ParameterDirectionEnum plParmDirection ) = 0;
- virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Direction (
- enum ParameterDirectionEnum * plParmDirection ) = 0;
- virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Precision (
- unsigned char pbPrecision ) = 0;
- virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Precision (
- unsigned char * pbPrecision ) = 0;
- virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_NumericScale (
- unsigned char pbScale ) = 0;
- virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_NumericScale (
- unsigned char * pbScale ) = 0;
- virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Size (
- ADO_LONGPTR pl ) = 0;
- virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Size (
- ADO_LONGPTR * pl ) = 0;
- virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_AppendChunk (
- VARIANT Val ) = 0;
- virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Attributes (
- long * plParmAttribs ) = 0;
- virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Attributes (
- long plParmAttribs ) = 0;
- };
- struct __declspec(uuid("0000050d-0000-0010-8000-00aa006d2ea4"))
- Parameters : _DynaCollection
- {
- //
- // Property data
- //
- __declspec(property(get=GetItem))
- _ParameterPtr Item[];
- //
- // Wrapper methods for error-handling
- //
- _ParameterPtr GetItem (
- const _variant_t & Index );
- //
- // Raw methods provided by interface
- //
- virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Item (
- VARIANT Index,
- struct _Parameter * * ppvObject ) = 0;
- };
- struct __declspec(uuid("0000054e-0000-0010-8000-00aa006d2ea4"))
- Command25 : Command15
- {
- //
- // Property data
- //
- __declspec(property(get=GetState))
- long State;
- //
- // Wrapper methods for error-handling
- //
- long GetState ( );
- HRESULT Cancel ( );
- //
- // Raw methods provided by interface
- //
- virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_State (
- long * plObjState ) = 0;
- virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Cancel ( ) = 0;
- };
- struct __declspec(uuid("b08400bd-f9d1-4d02-b856-71d5dba123e9"))
- _Command : Command25
- {
- //
- // Property data
- //
- __declspec(property(get=GetDialect,put=PutDialect))
- _bstr_t Dialect;
- __declspec(property(get=GetNamedParameters,put=PutNamedParameters))
- VARIANT_BOOL NamedParameters;
- //
- // Wrapper methods for error-handling
- //
- void PutRefCommandStream (
- IUnknown * pvStream );
- _variant_t GetCommandStream ( );
- void PutDialect (
- _bstr_t pbstrDialect );
- _bstr_t GetDialect ( );
- void PutNamedParameters (
- VARIANT_BOOL pfNamedParameters );
- VARIANT_BOOL GetNamedParameters ( );
- //
- // Raw methods provided by interface
- //
- virtual HRESULT __stdcall putref_CommandStream (
- IUnknown * pvStream ) = 0;
- virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_CommandStream (
- VARIANT * pvStream ) = 0;
- virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Dialect (
- BSTR pbstrDialect ) = 0;
- virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Dialect (
- BSTR * pbstrDialect ) = 0;
- virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_NamedParameters (
- VARIANT_BOOL pfNamedParameters ) = 0;
- virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_NamedParameters (
- VARIANT_BOOL * pfNamedParameters ) = 0;
- };
- struct __declspec(uuid("00000402-0000-0010-8000-00aa006d2ea4"))
- ConnectionEventsVt : IUnknown
- {
- //
- // Wrapper methods for error-handling
- //
- HRESULT InfoMessage (
- struct Error * pError,
- enum EventStatusEnum * adStatus,
- struct _Connection * pConnection );
- HRESULT BeginTransComplete (
- long TransactionLevel,
- struct Error * pError,
- enum EventStatusEnum * adStatus,
- struct _Connection * pConnection );
- HRESULT CommitTransComplete (
- struct Error * pError,
- enum EventStatusEnum * adStatus,
- struct _Connection * pConnection );
- HRESULT RollbackTransComplete (
- struct Error * pError,
- enum EventStatusEnum * adStatus,
- struct _Connection * pConnection );
- HRESULT WillExecute (
- BSTR * Source,
- enum CursorTypeEnum * CursorType,
- enum LockTypeEnum * LockType,
- long * Options,
- enum EventStatusEnum * adStatus,
- struct _Command * pCommand,
- struct _Recordset * pRecordset,
- struct _Connection * pConnection );
- HRESULT ExecuteComplete (
- long RecordsAffected,
- struct Error * pError,
- enum EventStatusEnum * adStatus,
- struct _Command * pCommand,
- struct _Recordset * pRecordset,
- struct _Connection * pConnection );
- HRESULT WillConnect (
- BSTR * ConnectionString,
- BSTR * UserID,
- BSTR * Password,
- long * Options,
- enum EventStatusEnum * adStatus,
- struct _Connection * pConnection );
- HRESULT ConnectComplete (
- struct Error * pError,
- enum EventStatusEnum * adStatus,
- struct _Connection * pConnection );
- HRESULT Disconnect (
- enum EventStatusEnum * adStatus,
- struct _Connection * pConnection );
- //
- // Raw methods provided by interface
- //
- virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_InfoMessage (
- struct Error * pError,
- enum EventStatusEnum * adStatus,
- struct _Connection * pConnection ) = 0;
- virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_BeginTransComplete (
- long TransactionLevel,
- struct Error * pError,
- enum EventStatusEnum * adStatus,
- struct _Connection * pConnection ) = 0;
- virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_CommitTransComplete (
- struct Error * pError,
- enum EventStatusEnum * adStatus,
- struct _Connection * pConnection ) = 0;
- virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_RollbackTransComplete (
- struct Error * pError,
- enum EventStatusEnum * adStatus,
- struct _Connection * pConnection ) = 0;
- virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_WillExecute (
- BSTR * Source,
- enum CursorTypeEnum * CursorType,
- enum LockTypeEnum * LockType,
- long * Options,
- enum EventStatusEnum * adStatus,
- struct _Command * pCommand,
- struct _Recordset * pRecordset,
- struct _Connection * pConnection ) = 0;
- virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_ExecuteComplete (
- long RecordsAffected,
- struct Error * pError,
- enum EventStatusEnum * adStatus,
- struct _Command * pCommand,
- struct _Recordset * pRecordset,
- struct _Connection * pConnection ) = 0;
- virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_WillConnect (
- BSTR * ConnectionString,
- BSTR * UserID,
- BSTR * Password,
- long * Options,
- enum EventStatusEnum * adStatus,
- struct _Connection * pConnection ) = 0;
- virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_ConnectComplete (
- struct Error * pError,
- enum EventStatusEnum * adStatus,
- struct _Connection * pConnection ) = 0;
- virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Disconnect (
- enum EventStatusEnum * adStatus,
- struct _Connection * pConnection ) = 0;
- };
- struct __declspec(uuid("00000403-0000-0010-8000-00aa006d2ea4"))
- RecordsetEventsVt : IUnknown
- {
- //
- // Wrapper methods for error-handling
- //
- HRESULT WillChangeField (
- long cFields,
- const _variant_t & Fields,
- enum EventStatusEnum * adStatus,
- struct _Recordset * pRecordset );
- HRESULT FieldChangeComplete (
- long cFields,
- const _variant_t & Fields,
- struct Error * pError,
- enum EventStatusEnum * adStatus,
- struct _Recordset * pRecordset );
- HRESULT WillChangeRecord (
- enum EventReasonEnum adReason,
- long cRecords,
- enum EventStatusEnum * adStatus,
- struct _Recordset * pRecordset );
- HRESULT RecordChangeComplete (
- enum EventReasonEnum adReason,
- long cRecords,
- struct Error * pError,
- enum EventStatusEnum * adStatus,
- struct _Recordset * pRecordset );
- HRESULT WillChangeRecordset (
- enum EventReasonEnum adReason,
- enum EventStatusEnum * adStatus,
- struct _Recordset * pRecordset );
- HRESULT RecordsetChangeComplete (
- enum EventReasonEnum adReason,
- struct Error * pError,
- enum EventStatusEnum * adStatus,
- struct _Recordset * pRecordset );
- HRESULT WillMove (
- enum EventReasonEnum adReason,
- enum EventStatusEnum * adStatus,
- struct _Recordset * pRecordset );
- HRESULT MoveComplete (
- enum EventReasonEnum adReason,
- struct Error * pError,
- enum EventStatusEnum * adStatus,
- struct _Recordset * pRecordset );
- HRESULT EndOfRecordset (
- VARIANT_BOOL * fMoreData,
- enum EventStatusEnum * adStatus,
- struct _Recordset * pRecordset );
- HRESULT FetchProgress (
- long Progress,
- long MaxProgress,
- enum EventStatusEnum * adStatus,
- struct _Recordset * pRecordset );
- HRESULT FetchComplete (
- struct Error * pError,
- enum EventStatusEnum * adStatus,
- struct _Recordset * pRecordset );
- //
- // Raw methods provided by interface
- //
- virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_WillChangeField (
- long cFields,
- VARIANT Fields,
- enum EventStatusEnum * adStatus,
- struct _Recordset * pRecordset ) = 0;
- virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_FieldChangeComplete (
- long cFields,
- VARIANT Fields,
- struct Error * pError,
- enum EventStatusEnum * adStatus,
- struct _Recordset * pRecordset ) = 0;
- virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_WillChangeRecord (
- enum EventReasonEnum adReason,
- long cRecords,
- enum EventStatusEnum * adStatus,
- struct _Recordset * pRecordset ) = 0;
- virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_RecordChangeComplete (
- enum EventReasonEnum adReason,
- long cRecords,
- struct Error * pError,
- enum EventStatusEnum * adStatus,
- struct _Recordset * pRecordset ) = 0;
- virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_WillChangeRecordset (
- enum EventReasonEnum adReason,
- enum EventStatusEnum * adStatus,
- struct _Recordset * pRecordset ) = 0;
- virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_RecordsetChangeComplete (
- enum EventReasonEnum adReason,
- struct Error * pError,
- enum EventStatusEnum * adStatus,
- struct _Recordset * pRecordset ) = 0;
- virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_WillMove (
- enum EventReasonEnum adReason,
- enum EventStatusEnum * adStatus,
- struct _Recordset * pRecordset ) = 0;
- virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_MoveComplete (
- enum EventReasonEnum adReason,
- struct Error * pError,
- enum EventStatusEnum * adStatus,
- struct _Recordset * pRecordset ) = 0;
- virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_EndOfRecordset (
- VARIANT_BOOL * fMoreData,
- enum EventStatusEnum * adStatus,
- struct _Recordset * pRecordset ) = 0;
- virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_FetchProgress (
- long Progress,
- long MaxProgress,
- enum EventStatusEnum * adStatus,
- struct _Recordset * pRecordset ) = 0;
- virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_FetchComplete (
- struct Error * pError,
- enum EventStatusEnum * adStatus,
- struct _Recordset * pRecordset ) = 0;
- };
- struct __declspec(uuid("00000400-0000-0010-8000-00aa006d2ea4"))
- ConnectionEvents : IDispatch
- {
- //
- // Wrapper methods for error-handling
- //
- // Methods:
- HRESULT InfoMessage (
- struct Error * pError,
- enum EventStatusEnum * adStatus,
- struct _Connection * pConnection );
- HRESULT BeginTransComplete (
- long TransactionLevel,
- struct Error * pError,
- enum EventStatusEnum * adStatus,
- struct _Connection * pConnection );
- HRESULT CommitTransComplete (
- struct Error * pError,
- enum EventStatusEnum * adStatus,
- struct _Connection * pConnection );
- HRESULT RollbackTransComplete (
- struct Error * pError,
- enum EventStatusEnum * adStatus,
- struct _Connection * pConnection );
- HRESULT WillExecute (
- BSTR * Source,
- enum CursorTypeEnum * CursorType,
- enum LockTypeEnum * LockType,
- long * Options,
- enum EventStatusEnum * adStatus,
- struct _Command * pCommand,
- struct _Recordset * pRecordset,
- struct _Connection * pConnection );
- HRESULT ExecuteComplete (
- long RecordsAffected,
- struct Error * pError,
- enum EventStatusEnum * adStatus,
- struct _Command * pCommand,
- struct _Recordset * pRecordset,
- struct _Connection * pConnection );
- HRESULT WillConnect (
- BSTR * ConnectionString,
- BSTR * UserID,
- BSTR * Password,
- long * Options,
- enum EventStatusEnum * adStatus,
- struct _Connection * pConnection );
- HRESULT ConnectComplete (
- struct Error * pError,
- enum EventStatusEnum * adStatus,
- struct _Connection * pConnection );
- HRESULT Disconnect (
- enum EventStatusEnum * adStatus,
- struct _Connection * pConnection );
- };
- struct __declspec(uuid("00000266-0000-0010-8000-00aa006d2ea4"))
- RecordsetEvents : IDispatch
- {
- //
- // Wrapper methods for error-handling
- //
- // Methods:
- HRESULT WillChangeField (
- long cFields,
- const _variant_t & Fields,
- enum EventStatusEnum * adStatus,
- struct _Recordset * pRecordset );
- HRESULT FieldChangeComplete (
- long cFields,
- const _variant_t & Fields,
- struct Error * pError,
- enum EventStatusEnum * adStatus,
- struct _Recordset * pRecordset );
- HRESULT WillChangeRecord (
- enum EventReasonEnum adReason,
- long cRecords,
- enum EventStatusEnum * adStatus,
- struct _Recordset * pRecordset );
- HRESULT RecordChangeComplete (
- enum EventReasonEnum adReason,
- long cRecords,
- struct Error * pError,
- enum EventStatusEnum * adStatus,
- struct _Recordset * pRecordset );
- HRESULT WillChangeRecordset (
- enum EventReasonEnum adReason,
- enum EventStatusEnum * adStatus,
- struct _Recordset * pRecordset );
- HRESULT RecordsetChangeComplete (
- enum EventReasonEnum adReason,
- struct Error * pError,
- enum EventStatusEnum * adStatus,
- struct _Recordset * pRecordset );
- HRESULT WillMove (
- enum EventReasonEnum adReason,
- enum EventStatusEnum * adStatus,
- struct _Recordset * pRecordset );
- HRESULT MoveComplete (
- enum EventReasonEnum adReason,
- struct Error * pError,
- enum EventStatusEnum * adStatus,
- struct _Recordset * pRecordset );
- HRESULT EndOfRecordset (
- VARIANT_BOOL * fMoreData,
- enum EventStatusEnum * adStatus,
- struct _Recordset * pRecordset );
- HRESULT FetchProgress (
- long Progress,
- long MaxProgress,
- enum EventStatusEnum * adStatus,
- struct _Recordset * pRecordset );
- HRESULT FetchComplete (
- struct Error * pError,
- enum EventStatusEnum * adStatus,
- struct _Recordset * pRecordset );
- };
- struct __declspec(uuid("00000516-0000-0010-8000-00aa006d2ea4"))
- ADOConnectionConstruction15 : IUnknown
- {
- //
- // Property data
- //
- __declspec(property(get=GetDSO))
- IUnknownPtr DSO;
- __declspec(property(get=GetSession))
- IUnknownPtr Session;
- //
- // Wrapper methods for error-handling
- //
- IUnknownPtr GetDSO ( );
- IUnknownPtr GetSession ( );
- HRESULT WrapDSOandSession (
- IUnknown * pDSO,
- IUnknown * pSession );
- //
- // Raw methods provided by interface
- //
- virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_DSO (
- IUnknown * * ppDSO ) = 0;
- virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Session (
- IUnknown * * ppSession ) = 0;
- virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_WrapDSOandSession (
- IUnknown * pDSO,
- IUnknown * pSession ) = 0;
- };
- struct __declspec(uuid("00000551-0000-0010-8000-00aa006d2ea4"))
- ADOConnectionConstruction : ADOConnectionConstruction15
- {};
- struct __declspec(uuid("00000514-0000-0010-8000-00aa006d2ea4"))
- Connection;
- // [ default ] interface _Connection
- // [ default, source ] dispinterface ConnectionEvents
- struct __declspec(uuid("00000562-0000-0010-8000-00aa006d2ea4"))
- _Record : _ADO
- {
- //
- // Property data
- //
- __declspec(property(get=GetFields))
- FieldsPtr Fields;
- __declspec(property(get=GetState))
- enum ObjectStateEnum State;
- __declspec(property(get=GetMode,put=PutMode))
- enum ConnectModeEnum Mode;
- __declspec(property(get=GetParentURL))
- _bstr_t ParentURL;
- __declspec(property(get=GetRecordType))
- enum RecordTypeEnum RecordType;
- //
- // Wrapper methods for error-handling
- //
- _variant_t GetActiveConnection ( );
- void PutActiveConnection (
- _bstr_t pvar );
- void PutRefActiveConnection (
- struct _Connection * pvar );
- enum ObjectStateEnum GetState ( );
- _variant_t GetSource ( );
- void PutSource (
- _bstr_t pvar );
- void PutRefSource (
- IDispatch * pvar );
- enum ConnectModeEnum GetMode ( );
- void PutMode (
- enum ConnectModeEnum pMode );
- _bstr_t GetParentURL ( );
- _bstr_t MoveRecord (
- _bstr_t Source,
- _bstr_t Destination,
- _bstr_t UserName,
- _bstr_t Password,
- enum MoveRecordOptionsEnum Options,
- _bstr_t CopyRecord (
- _bstr_t Source,
- _bstr_t Destination,
- _bstr_t UserName,
- _bstr_t Password,
- enum CopyRecordOptionsEnum Options,
- HRESULT DeleteRecord (
- _bstr_t Source,
- HRESULT Open (
- const _variant_t & Source,
- const _variant_t & ActiveConnection,
- enum ConnectModeEnum Mode,
- enum RecordCreateOptionsEnum CreateOptions,
- enum RecordOpenOptionsEnum Options,
- _bstr_t UserName,
- _bstr_t Password );
- HRESULT Close ( );
- FieldsPtr GetFields ( );
- enum RecordTypeEnum GetRecordType ( );
- _RecordsetPtr GetChildren ( );
- HRESULT Cancel ( );
- //
- // Raw methods provided by interface
- //
- virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ActiveConnection (
- VARIANT * pvar ) = 0;
- virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_ActiveConnection (
- BSTR pvar ) = 0;
- virtual HRESULT __stdcall putref_ActiveConnection (
- struct _Connection * pvar ) = 0;
- virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_State (
- enum ObjectStateEnum * pState ) = 0;
- virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Source (
- VARIANT * pvar ) = 0;
- virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Source (
- BSTR pvar ) = 0;
- virtual HRESULT __stdcall putref_Source (
- IDispatch * pvar ) = 0;
- virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Mode (
- enum ConnectModeEnum * pMode ) = 0;
- virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Mode (
- enum ConnectModeEnum pMode ) = 0;
- virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ParentURL (
- BSTR * pbstrParentURL ) = 0;
- virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_MoveRecord (
- BSTR Source,
- BSTR Destination,
- BSTR UserName,
- BSTR Password,
- enum MoveRecordOptionsEnum Options,
- BSTR * pbstrNewURL ) = 0;
- virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_CopyRecord (
- BSTR Source,
- BSTR Destination,
- BSTR UserName,
- BSTR Password,
- enum CopyRecordOptionsEnum Options,
- BSTR * pbstrNewURL ) = 0;
- virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_DeleteRecord (
- BSTR Source,
- VARIANT_BOOL Async ) = 0;
- virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Open (
- VARIANT Source,
- VARIANT ActiveConnection,
- enum ConnectModeEnum Mode,
- enum RecordCreateOptionsEnum CreateOptions,
- enum RecordOpenOptionsEnum Options,
- BSTR UserName,
- BSTR Password ) = 0;
- virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Close ( ) = 0;
- virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Fields (
- struct Fields * * ppFlds ) = 0;
- virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_RecordType (
- enum RecordTypeEnum * ptype ) = 0;
- virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetChildren (
- struct _Recordset * * pprset ) = 0;
- virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Cancel ( ) = 0;
- };
- struct __declspec(uuid("00000560-0000-0010-8000-00aa006d2ea4"))
- Record;
- // [ default ] interface _Record
- struct __declspec(uuid("00000565-0000-0010-8000-00aa006d2ea4"))
- _Stream : IDispatch
- {
- //
- // Property data
- //
- __declspec(property(get=GetSize))
- __declspec(property(get=GetEOS))
- __declspec(property(get=GetPosition,put=PutPosition))
- ADO_LONGPTR Position;
- __declspec(property(get=GetType,put=PutType))
- enum StreamTypeEnum Type;
- __declspec(property(get=GetLineSeparator,put=PutLineSeparator))
- enum LineSeparatorEnum LineSeparator;
- __declspec(property(get=GetState))
- enum ObjectStateEnum State;
- __declspec(property(get=GetMode,put=PutMode))
- enum ConnectModeEnum Mode;
- __declspec(property(get=GetCharset,put=PutCharset))
- _bstr_t Charset;
- //
- // Wrapper methods for error-handling
- //
- ADO_LONGPTR GetSize ( );
- ADO_LONGPTR GetPosition ( );
- void PutPosition (
- enum StreamTypeEnum GetType ( );
- void PutType (
- enum StreamTypeEnum ptype );
- enum LineSeparatorEnum GetLineSeparator ( );
- void PutLineSeparator (
- enum LineSeparatorEnum pLS );
- enum ObjectStateEnum GetState ( );
- enum ConnectModeEnum GetMode ( );
- void PutMode (
- enum ConnectModeEnum pMode );
- _bstr_t GetCharset ( );
- void PutCharset (
- _bstr_t pbstrCharset );
- _variant_t Read (
- long NumBytes );
- HRESULT Open (
- const _variant_t & Source,
- enum ConnectModeEnum Mode,
- enum StreamOpenOptionsEnum Options,
- _bstr_t UserName,
- _bstr_t Password );
- HRESULT Close ( );
- HRESULT SkipLine ( );
- HRESULT Write (
- const _variant_t & Buffer );
- HRESULT CopyTo (
- struct _Stream * DestStream,
- ADO_LONGPTR CharNumber );
- HRESULT Flush ( );
- HRESULT SaveToFile (
- _bstr_t FileName,
- enum SaveOptionsEnum Options );
- HRESULT LoadFromFile (
- _bstr_t FileName );
- _bstr_t ReadText (
- long NumChars );
- HRESULT WriteText (
- _bstr_t Data,
- enum StreamWriteEnum Options );
- HRESULT Cancel ( );
- //
- // Raw methods provided by interface
- //
- virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Size (
- ADO_LONGPTR * pSize ) = 0;
- virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_EOS (
- VARIANT_BOOL * pEOS ) = 0;
- virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Position (
- ADO_LONGPTR * pPos ) = 0;
- virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Position (
- ADO_LONGPTR pPos ) = 0;
- virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Type (
- enum StreamTypeEnum * ptype ) = 0;
- virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Type (
- enum StreamTypeEnum ptype ) = 0;
- virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_LineSeparator (
- enum LineSeparatorEnum * pLS ) = 0;
- virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_LineSeparator (
- enum LineSeparatorEnum pLS ) = 0;
- virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_State (
- enum ObjectStateEnum * pState ) = 0;
- virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Mode (
- enum ConnectModeEnum * pMode ) = 0;
- virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Mode (
- enum ConnectModeEnum pMode ) = 0;
- virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Charset (
- BSTR * pbstrCharset ) = 0;
- virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Charset (
- BSTR pbstrCharset ) = 0;
- virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Read (
- long NumBytes,
- VARIANT * pval ) = 0;
- virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Open (
- VARIANT Source,
- enum ConnectModeEnum Mode,
- enum StreamOpenOptionsEnum Options,
- BSTR UserName,
- BSTR Password ) = 0;
- virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Close ( ) = 0;
- virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_SkipLine ( ) = 0;
- virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Write (
- VARIANT Buffer ) = 0;
- virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_SetEOS ( ) = 0;
- virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_CopyTo (
- struct _Stream * DestStream,
- ADO_LONGPTR CharNumber ) = 0;
- virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Flush ( ) = 0;
- virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_SaveToFile (
- BSTR FileName,
- enum SaveOptionsEnum Options ) = 0;
- virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_LoadFromFile (
- BSTR FileName ) = 0;
- virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_ReadText (
- long NumChars,
- BSTR * pbstr ) = 0;
- virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_WriteText (
- BSTR Data,
- enum StreamWriteEnum Options ) = 0;
- virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_Cancel ( ) = 0;
- };
- struct __declspec(uuid("00000566-0000-0010-8000-00aa006d2ea4"))
- Stream;
- // [ default ] interface _Stream
- struct __declspec(uuid("00000567-0000-0010-8000-00aa006d2ea4"))
- ADORecordConstruction : IDispatch
- {
- //
- // Property data
- //
- __declspec(property(get=GetRow,put=PutRow))
- IUnknownPtr Row;
- __declspec(property(put=PutParentRow))
- IUnknownPtr ParentRow;
- //
- // Wrapper methods for error-handling
- //
- IUnknownPtr GetRow ( );
- void PutRow (
- IUnknown * ppRow );
- void PutParentRow (
- IUnknown * _arg1 );
- //
- // Raw methods provided by interface
- //
- virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Row (
- IUnknown * * ppRow ) = 0;
- virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Row (
- IUnknown * ppRow ) = 0;
- virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_ParentRow (
- IUnknown * _arg1 ) = 0;
- };
- struct __declspec(uuid("00000568-0000-0010-8000-00aa006d2ea4"))
- ADOStreamConstruction : IDispatch
- {
- //
- // Property data
- //
- __declspec(property(get=GetStream,put=PutStream))
- IUnknownPtr Stream;
- //
- // Wrapper methods for error-handling
- //
- IUnknownPtr GetStream ( );
- void PutStream (
- IUnknown * ppStm );
- //
- // Raw methods provided by interface
- //
- virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Stream (
- IUnknown * * ppStm ) = 0;
- virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Stream (
- IUnknown * ppStm ) = 0;
- };
- struct __declspec(uuid("00000517-0000-0010-8000-00aa006d2ea4"))
- ADOCommandConstruction : IUnknown
- {
- //
- // Property data
- //
- __declspec(property(get=GetOLEDBCommand,put=PutOLEDBCommand))
- IUnknownPtr OLEDBCommand;
- //
- // Wrapper methods for error-handling
- //
- IUnknownPtr GetOLEDBCommand ( );
- void PutOLEDBCommand (
- IUnknown * ppOLEDBCommand );
- //
- // Raw methods provided by interface
- //
- virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_OLEDBCommand (
- IUnknown * * ppOLEDBCommand ) = 0;
- virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_OLEDBCommand (
- IUnknown * ppOLEDBCommand ) = 0;
- };
- struct __declspec(uuid("00000507-0000-0010-8000-00aa006d2ea4"))
- Command;
- // [ default ] interface _Command
- struct __declspec(uuid("00000535-0000-0010-8000-00aa006d2ea4"))
- Recordset;
- // [ default ] interface _Recordset
- // [ default, source ] dispinterface RecordsetEvents
- struct __declspec(uuid("00000283-0000-0010-8000-00aa006d2ea4"))
- ADORecordsetConstruction : IDispatch
- {
- //
- // Property data
- //
- __declspec(property(get=GetRowset,put=PutRowset))
- IUnknownPtr Rowset;
- __declspec(property(get=GetChapter,put=PutChapter))
- ADO_LONGPTR Chapter;
- __declspec(property(get=GetRowPosition,put=PutRowPosition))
- IUnknownPtr RowPosition;
- //
- // Wrapper methods for error-handling
- //
- IUnknownPtr GetRowset ( );
- void PutRowset (
- IUnknown * ppRowset );
- ADO_LONGPTR GetChapter ( );
- void PutChapter (
- ADO_LONGPTR plChapter );
- IUnknownPtr GetRowPosition ( );
- void PutRowPosition (
- IUnknown * ppRowPos );
- //
- // Raw methods provided by interface
- //
- virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Rowset (
- IUnknown * * ppRowset ) = 0;
- virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Rowset (
- IUnknown * ppRowset ) = 0;
- virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Chapter (
- ADO_LONGPTR * plChapter ) = 0;
- virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Chapter (
- ADO_LONGPTR plChapter ) = 0;
- virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_RowPosition (
- IUnknown * * ppRowPos ) = 0;
- virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_RowPosition (
- IUnknown * ppRowPos ) = 0;
- };
- struct __declspec(uuid("00000505-0000-0010-8000-00aa006d2ea4"))
- Field15 : _ADO
- {
- //
- // Property data
- //
- __declspec(property(get=GetValue,put=PutValue))
- _variant_t Value;
- __declspec(property(get=GetName))
- _bstr_t Name;
- __declspec(property(get=GetType))
- enum DataTypeEnum Type;
- __declspec(property(get=GetDefinedSize))
- ADO_LONGPTR DefinedSize;
- __declspec(property(get=GetOriginalValue))
- _variant_t OriginalValue;
- __declspec(property(get=GetUnderlyingValue))
- _variant_t UnderlyingValue;
- __declspec(property(get=GetActualSize))
- ADO_LONGPTR ActualSize;
- __declspec(property(get=GetPrecision))
- unsigned char Precision;
- __declspec(property(get=GetNumericScale))
- unsigned char NumericScale;
- __declspec(property(get=GetAttributes))
- long Attributes;
- //
- // Wrapper methods for error-handling
- //
- ADO_LONGPTR GetActualSize ( );
- long GetAttributes ( );
- ADO_LONGPTR GetDefinedSize ( );
- _bstr_t GetName ( );
- enum DataTypeEnum GetType ( );
- _variant_t GetValue ( );
- void PutValue (
- const _variant_t & pvar );
- unsigned char GetPrecision ( );
- unsigned char GetNumericScale ( );
- HRESULT AppendChunk (
- const _variant_t & Data );
- _variant_t GetChunk (
- long Length );
- _variant_t GetOriginalValue ( );
- _variant_t GetUnderlyingValue ( );
- //
- // Raw methods provided by interface
- //
- virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_ActualSize (
- ADO_LONGPTR * pl ) = 0;
- virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Attributes (
- long * pl ) = 0;
- virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_DefinedSize (
- ADO_LONGPTR * pl ) = 0;
- virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Name (
- BSTR * pbstr ) = 0;
- virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Type (
- enum DataTypeEnum * pDataType ) = 0;
- virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Value (
- VARIANT * pvar ) = 0;
- virtual HRESULT __stdcall put_Value (
- VARIANT pvar ) = 0;
- virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Precision (
- unsigned char * pbPrecision ) = 0;
- virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_NumericScale (
- unsigned char * pbNumericScale ) = 0;
- virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_AppendChunk (
- VARIANT Data ) = 0;
- virtual HRESULT __stdcall raw_GetChunk (
- long Length,
- VARIANT * pvar ) = 0;
- virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_OriginalValue (
- VARIANT * pvar ) = 0;
- virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_UnderlyingValue (
- VARIANT * pvar ) = 0;
- };
- struct __declspec(uuid("0000050b-0000-0010-8000-00aa006d2ea4"))
- Parameter;
- // [ default ] interface _Parameter
- //
- // Wrapper method implementations
- //
- #include "msado15.tli"
- #pragma pack(pop)