36 Techniques for Android Application Framework Principles and Programming Design
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Detail: Due to the official release of Android version 1.0 and HTC/Android physical phones, this book was immediately revised for the release of Android version 1.0, becoming the third edition of this book\ Almost everyone has heard the story of Yu Gong moving the mountain, but most people tend to focus on Yu Gong and moving the mountain, while neglecting the role of a dustpan. A memorial In the Book of Learning, it is said that the son of a good bow must learn to be a basket. The meaning is that in order to make a good bow, one must first study its mold (i.e. the basket) carefully. Recently, many people have learned that Google has launched an Android mobile platform that has caused a sensation and shocked many people. But almost everyone only cares about how to develop applications on this new platform, neglecting that Android is a framework, which contains hundreds or thousands of "skip" classes (note: base class is the translation of Super Class in mainland China). Based on the spirit of 'the son of a good bow must learn to be a basket'\ The book first teaches you the principles of correctly understanding frameworks (baskets), and then introduces how to use baskets effectively to develop excellent Android applications (good bows). This book is divided into four parts:\ The first article introduces the concept, principles, and characteristics of application frameworks\ Second article: Elaborate on the design techniques of application frameworks. That is, how to build an application framework\ (Note: If your position is to develop applications using the Android framework, you can skip this article and proceed directly to the third article.)\ Chapter 3: Explaining and Practicing 36 Techniques for Android Application Design\ Article 4: Introduce the development process and tools of C components between Android framework and hardware\ The author is not saying that the Android app developer is Yu Gong, but aims to explain the three main roles that need to be divided in the field of mobile software:\ n
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