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Package: 3dexplorerTest.rar [view]
Upload User: hkb425
Upload Date: 2007-06-16
Package Size: 34191k
Code Size: 12k
Game Engine
Development Platform:
Visual C++
- // Audio.cpp: implementation of the CAudio class.
- //
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- #include "stdafx.h"
- #include "Audio.h"
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // Construction/Destruction
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- void CSound::
- Set3DPos(float x, float y, float z)
- { ds3DBuffer->SetPosition(x, y, -z, DS3D_IMMEDIATE); }
- //------------------------------------------------------------------//
- //- void CSound::Set3DDistances(float, float) -----------------------//
- //------------------------------------------------------------------//
- //- Sets the max, and minimum distance for a CSound to be heard. -//
- //------------------------------------------------------------------//
- void CSound::
- Set3DDistances(float minDistance, float maxDistance)
- {
- DS3DBUFFER dsBufferParams;
- dsBufferParams.flMinDistance= minDistance; //Sets the minimum distance
- dsBufferParams.flMaxDistance= maxDistance; //Sets the maximum distance
- //Now, set the parameters for our CSound's 3D buffer
- if(ds3DBuffer)
- ds3DBuffer->SetAllParameters(&dsBufferParams, DS3D_IMMEDIATE);
- }
- //------------------------------------------------------------------//
- //- void CSound::Shutdown(void) -------------------------------------//
- //------------------------------------------------------------------//
- //- Shutdown the CSound, I originally had this in the destructor, -//
- //- but it was acting screwy... so I now it has it's own function. -//
- //------------------------------------------------------------------//
- void CSound::
- Shutdown(void)
- {
- if(dmSegment!=NULL)
- {
- dmSegment->Release();
- dmSegment= NULL;
- }
- if(ds3DBuffer!=NULL)
- {
- ds3DBuffer->Release();
- ds3DBuffer= NULL;
- }
- }
- //------------------------------------------------------------------//
- //- bool CAudio::Init(void) ----------------------------------//
- //------------------------------------------------------------------//
- //- Initiates DirectAudio. This function must be called by the -//
- //- programmer, though the shutdown function is automatically -//
- //- called by the destructor (as, not shutting down DAudio -//
- //- correctly can have some bad consequences). -//
- //------------------------------------------------------------------//
- bool CAudio::
- Init(HWND hwnd,unsigned int MaxNumber)
- {
- WCHAR wcharStr[MAX_PATH];
- char pathStr[MAX_PATH];
- CoInitialize(NULL);
- //Create the loader object, load it... and load it good.
- hr= CoCreateInstance(CLSID_DirectMusicLoader, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC,
- IID_IDirectMusicLoader8, (void**)&dmLoader);
- if(FAILED(hr))
- {
- MessageBox(hwnd, "Unable to create main DirectAudio file loader", "ERROR", MB_OK);
- return false;
- }
- //Create the performance object for that.... performance stuff.
- hr= CoCreateInstance(CLSID_DirectMusicPerformance, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC,
- IID_IDirectMusicPerformance8, (void**)&dmPerformance);
- if(FAILED(hr))
- {
- MessageBox(hwnd, "Unable to create main DirectAudio performance object", "ERROR", MB_OK);
- Shutdown();
- return false;
- }
- //Initialize the performance with the standard audio path information
- dmPerformance->InitAudio(NULL, NULL, hwnd, DMUS_APATH_DYNAMIC_3D , 64,
- //Create a simple 3D audiopath
- hr= dmPerformance->CreateStandardAudioPath(DMUS_APATH_DYNAMIC_3D,
- 64, TRUE, &dm3DAudioPath);
- if(FAILED(hr))
- {
- MessageBox(hwnd, "Unable to create the DirectAudio audio path", "ERROR", MB_OK);
- Shutdown();
- return false;
- }
- //Retrieve the listener information from our audiopath
- hr= dm3DAudioPath->GetObjectInPath(0, DMUS_PATH_PRIMARY_BUFFER, 0, GUID_NULL, 0,
- IID_IDirectSound3DListener8,
- (void**)&ds3DListener);
- if(FAILED(hr))
- {
- MessageBox(hwnd, "Unable to recieve listener from audio path", "ERROR", MB_OK);
- Shutdown();
- return false;
- }
- //Get the listener information
- dsListenerParams.dwSize= sizeof(DS3DLISTENER);
- ds3DListener->GetAllParameters(&dsListenerParams);
- //Set our default position of listener (since the listener shouldn't be moving all too much
- dsListenerParams.vPosition.x= 0.0f;
- dsListenerParams.vPosition.y= 0.0f;
- dsListenerParams.vPosition.z= 0.0f;
- ds3DListener->SetAllParameters(&dsListenerParams, DS3D_IMMEDIATE);
- //Retrieve the current directory
- GetCurrentDirectory(MAX_PATH, pathStr);
- //Convert the file name to a unicode string... as thats what COM needs
- MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, pathStr, -1, wcharStr, MAX_PATH);
- //Set the search directory
- dmLoader->SetSearchDirectory(GUID_DirectMusicAllTypes, wcharStr, FALSE);
- m_MaxNum=MaxNumber;
- pSound=new CSound[m_MaxNum];
- return true;
- }
- //------------------------------------------------------------------//
- //- void CAudio::DAudioShutdown(void) ------------------------//
- //------------------------------------------------------------------//
- //- Shuts down DirectAudio. This function is called automatically -//
- //- by the CAudio destructor, hence the reason why this -//
- //- function is private. -//
- //------------------------------------------------------------------//
- void CAudio::Shutdown(void)
- {
- for(unsigned int i=0;i < m_MaxNum;i++)
- {
- pSound[i].Shutdown();
- }
- delete [] pSound;
- //Shut down the direct CSound listener(player) information
- if(ds3DListener!=NULL)
- ds3DListener->Release();
- //Shut down the direct music performance information
- if(dmPerformance!=NULL)
- {
- dmPerformance->Stop(NULL, NULL, 0, 0);
- dmPerformance->CloseDown();
- dmPerformance->Release();
- }
- //Shut down the direct music audiopath
- if(dm3DAudioPath!=NULL)
- dm3DAudioPath->Release();
- //Shut down the direct music loader
- if(dmLoader!=NULL)
- dmLoader->Release();
- //Uninitialize COM (*MUST* be done, or you're asking for trouble)
- CoUninitialize();
- }
- //------------------------------------------------------------------//
- //- bool CAudio::Create(CSound*, char*, bool) -----------------//
- //------------------------------------------------------------------//
- //- Use the audio manager to create an individual CSound effect from-//
- //- a file. -//
- //------------------------------------------------------------------//
- bool CAudio::
- Create(unsigned int NumOfSound, char* filename, bool is3DSound)
- {
- if(NumOfSound>(m_MaxNum-1))return false;
- DS3DBUFFER dsBufferParams;
- WCHAR wcharStr[MAX_PATH];
- //Convert the file name to the string that DirectAudio needs
- MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, filename, -1, wcharStr, MAX_PATH);
- //Load the audio segment from a file
- hr= dmLoader->LoadObjectFromFile(CLSID_DirectMusicSegment,
- IID_IDirectMusicSegment8,
- wcharStr,
- (void**)&pSound[NumOfSound].dmSegment);
- if(FAILED(hr))
- {
- return false;
- }
- //Do code specific for 3D CSounds
- if(is3DSound)
- {
- //Get the 3D buffer, and audio path
- hr= dm3DAudioPath->GetObjectInPath(DMUS_PCHANNEL_ALL, DMUS_PATH_BUFFER, 0,
- GUID_NULL, 0, IID_IDirectSound3DBuffer,
- (void**)&pSound[NumOfSound].ds3DBuffer);
- if(FAILED(hr))
- {
- return false;
- }
- //Get the 3D buffer paramters
- dsBufferParams.dwSize= sizeof(DS3DBUFFER);
- pSound[NumOfSound].ds3DBuffer->GetAllParameters(&dsBufferParams);
- //Set some new parameters
- dsBufferParams.dwMode= DS3DMODE_HEADRELATIVE; // relative to the listener
- pSound[NumOfSound].ds3DBuffer->SetAllParameters(&dsBufferParams, DS3D_IMMEDIATE);
- //Set the 3D CSound flag to true
- pSound[NumOfSound].is3DSound = true;
- }
- //Do code specific to non-3D CSounds (background music)
- else
- {
- //Set the 3D buffer to null since we don't need it
- pSound[NumOfSound].ds3DBuffer= NULL;
- //Set the 3D CSound flag to false, since we don't need it either
- pSound[NumOfSound].is3DSound= false;
- }
- return true;
- }
- //------------------------------------------------------------------//
- //- void CAudio::Play(CSound*, DWORD) -------------------------//
- //------------------------------------------------------------------//
- //- Play the CSound, and repeat it numRepeats amount of times. -//
- //------------------------------------------------------------------//
- void CAudio::
- Play(unsigned int NumOfSound, DWORD numRepeats)
- {
- if(NumOfSound>(m_MaxNum-1))return ;
- //Set the number of repeats that we want for the specific CSound
- pSound[NumOfSound].dmSegment->SetRepeats(numRepeats);
- if(pSound[NumOfSound].is3DSound)
- {
- pSound[NumOfSound].dmSegment->Download(dmPerformance);
- //Play the segment using the 3D audio path
- dmPerformance->PlaySegmentEx(pSound[NumOfSound].dmSegment, NULL, NULL,
- NULL, NULL, dm3DAudioPath);
- }
- else
- {
- //Download the segment's performance object
- pSound[NumOfSound].dmSegment->Download(dmPerformance);
- //Play the non-3D CSound segment
- dmPerformance->PlaySegmentEx(pSound[NumOfSound].dmSegment, NULL, NULL,
- }
- }
- //------------------------------------------------------------------//
- //- void CAudio::Stop(CSound*) --------------------------------//
- //------------------------------------------------------------------//
- //- Stop playing the specified CSound. -//
- //------------------------------------------------------------------//
- void CAudio::
- Stop(unsigned int NumOfSound)
- {
- if(NumOfSound>(m_MaxNum-1)) return ;
- dmPerformance->StopEx(pSound[NumOfSound].dmSegment, 0, 0);
- }
- //------------------------------------------------------------------//
- //- void CAudio::SetListenerPos(float, float, float) ---------//
- //------------------------------------------------------------------//
- //- Set the listener's (player's) position in 3D space. -//
- //------------------------------------------------------------------//
- void CAudio::
- SetListenerPos(float x, float y, float z)
- {
- //Get the listener parameters
- dsListenerParams.dwSize= sizeof(DS3DLISTENER);
- ds3DListener->GetAllParameters(&dsListenerParams);
- //Set the listener's position in 3D space
- dsListenerParams.vPosition.x= x;
- dsListenerParams.vPosition.y= y;
- dsListenerParams.vPosition.z= -z;
- //Set all of the new parameters
- ds3DListener->SetAllParameters(&dsListenerParams, DS3D_IMMEDIATE);
- }
- //------------------------------------------------------------------//
- //- void CAudio::SetListenerRolloff(float) -------------------//
- //------------------------------------------------------------------//
- //- Set the listener's CSound volume rolloff with distance. -//
- //------------------------------------------------------------------//
- void CAudio::
- SetListenerRolloff(float rolloff)
- {
- if(ds3DListener)
- ds3DListener->SetRolloffFactor(rolloff, DS3D_IMMEDIATE);
- }
- //------------------------------------------------------------------//
- //- void CAudio::SetListenerOrientation(float, float, float, float, float, float) -//
- //------------------------------------------------------------------//
- //- Set the listener's orientation (you may need to implement a -//
- //- camera class to use this function correctly). -//
- //------------------------------------------------------------------//
- void CAudio::
- SetListenerOrientation(float forwardX, float forwardY, float forwardZ,
- float topX, float topY, float topZ)
- {
- ds3DListener->SetOrientation(forwardX, forwardY, -forwardZ,
- topX, topY, topZ, DS3D_IMMEDIATE);
- }