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Package: 3dexplorerTest.rar [view]
Upload User: hkb425
Upload Date: 2007-06-16
Package Size: 34191k
Code Size: 19k
Game Engine
Development Platform:
Visual C++
- // Heightmap.cpp: implementation of the CHeightmap class.
- //
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- #include "stdafx.h"
- #include "Heightmap.h"
- #include "stdio.h"
- #include "GameSetting.h"
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // Construction/Destruction
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- MOVE_VERTEX * CHeightmap::m_pMovemap=NULL;
- unsigned char * CHeightmap::m_pTmap=NULL;
- CFrustumCull CHeightmap::m_cFrustumCull=CFrustumCull();
- unsigned char * CHeightmap::m_pCovermap=NULL;
- GRID_BIAS * CHeightmap::m_pCoverBias=NULL;
- VERTEX CHeightmap::m_ViewPos=VERTEX(0,0,0);
- float CHeightmap::m_ViewRotX=0;
- float CHeightmap::m_ViewRotY=0;
- int CHeightmap::m_numUser=0;
- int CHeightmap::m_ViewOffsetX=0;
- int CHeightmap::m_ViewOffsetZ=0;
- //////////////focus
- double CHeightmap::m_focusPosX=0;
- double CHeightmap::m_focusPosY=0;
- double CHeightmap::m_focusPosZ=0;
- double CHeightmap::m_distFromFocus=0;
- int CHeightmap::m_focusState=FOCUS_GROUND;
- bool CHeightmap::m_bAttack=false;
- float CHeightmap::m_myHealth=1;
- //////////building
- int CHeightmap::m_numBuilding=0;
- VERTEX *CHeightmap::m_buildingPos=NULL;
- BOUNDARY_3D **CHeightmap::m_bigBndyBuilding=NULL;
- BOUNDARY_3D **CHeightmap::m_smallBndyBuilding=NULL;
- /////////////sprite
- int CHeightmap::m_numSoldier=0;
- VERTEX *CHeightmap::m_soldierPos=NULL;
- float *CHeightmap::m_soldierRot=NULL;
- float *CHeightmap::m_soldierHealth=NULL;
- int CHeightmap::m_numTriangles=0;
- CHeightmap::CHeightmap()
- {
- if(m_numUser==0)
- {
- /////////read terrain map
- if(!ReadTerrainmapFile())
- {
- MessageBox(0, "read heightmap failed", "Error", MB_OK | MB_ICONERROR);
- return ;
- }
- if(!ReadPlantmapFile())
- {
- MessageBox(0, "read plantmap failed", "Error", MB_OK | MB_ICONERROR);
- return ;
- }
- GetMissionSetting();
- m_pMovemap =new MOVE_VERTEX [256*256];
- }
- m_numUser++;
- }
- CHeightmap::~CHeightmap()
- {
- m_numUser--;
- if(m_numUser==0)
- {
- if(m_pTmap!=NULL)
- {
- delete [] m_pTmap;
- m_pTmap=NULL;
- }
- if(m_pCovermap!=NULL)
- {
- delete [] m_pCovermap;
- m_pCovermap=NULL;
- }
- if(m_pCoverBias!=NULL)
- {
- delete [] m_pCoverBias;
- m_pCoverBias=NULL;
- }
- if(m_pMovemap!=NULL)
- {
- delete [] m_pMovemap;
- m_pMovemap=NULL;
- }
- if(m_bigBndyBuilding!=NULL)
- {
- ///// only release pointers
- delete [] m_bigBndyBuilding;
- m_bigBndyBuilding=NULL;
- }
- if(m_smallBndyBuilding!=NULL)
- {
- ///// only release pointers
- delete [] m_smallBndyBuilding;
- m_smallBndyBuilding=NULL;
- }
- if(m_buildingPos!=NULL)
- {
- ///// only release pointers
- delete [] m_buildingPos;
- m_buildingPos=NULL;
- }
- if(m_soldierPos!=NULL)
- {
- ///// only release pointers
- delete [] m_soldierPos;
- m_soldierPos=NULL;
- }
- if(m_soldierRot!=NULL)
- {
- ///// only release pointers
- delete [] m_soldierRot;
- m_soldierRot=NULL;
- }
- if(m_soldierHealth!=NULL)
- {
- ///// only release pointers
- delete [] m_soldierHealth;
- m_soldierHealth=NULL;
- }
- }
- }
- bool CHeightmap::GetMissionSetting()
- {
- char missionName[64];
- char sINIPath[MAX_PATH];
- wsprintf(missionName,"mission/mission%d.ini",CGameSetting::m_iMissionSelect);
- MakeModulePath(missionName, sINIPath);
- m_numBuilding = GetPrivateProfileInt("Building", "HouseNumber", 1, sINIPath);
- m_buildingPos = new VERTEX[m_numBuilding];
- m_bigBndyBuilding = new BOUNDARY_3D* [m_numBuilding];
- m_smallBndyBuilding = new BOUNDARY_3D* [m_numBuilding];
- char keyName[64];
- for(int i=0;i<m_numBuilding;i++)
- {
- wsprintf(keyName,"House%dX",i+1);
- m_buildingPos[i].xpos=(float)GetPrivateProfileInt("Building", keyName, 1000, sINIPath);
- wsprintf(keyName,"House%dZ",i+1);
- m_buildingPos[i].zpos=(float)GetPrivateProfileInt("Building", keyName, 1000, sINIPath);
- }
- m_numSoldier = GetPrivateProfileInt("Sprite", "SpriteNumber", 1, sINIPath);
- m_soldierPos = new VERTEX[m_numSoldier];
- m_soldierRot = new float [m_numSoldier];
- m_soldierHealth=new float [m_numSoldier];
- for( i=0;i<m_numSoldier;i++)
- {
- wsprintf(keyName,"Sprite%dX",i+1);
- m_soldierPos[i].xpos=(float)GetPrivateProfileInt("Sprite", keyName, 1000, sINIPath);
- wsprintf(keyName,"Sprite%dZ",i+1);
- m_soldierPos[i].zpos=(float)GetPrivateProfileInt("Sprite", keyName, 1000, sINIPath);
- wsprintf(keyName,"Sprite%dRot",i+1);
- m_soldierRot[i] =(float)GetPrivateProfileInt("Sprite", keyName, 0, sINIPath);
- m_soldierHealth[i]=1;
- }
- return true;
- }
- void CHeightmap::UpdateHeightmap()
- {
- m_cFrustumCull.m_ViewerRotate=m_ViewRotY;
- m_cFrustumCull.UpdateFrustumCull();
- /* m_rect.minz=m_cFrustumCull.m_pos[m_upPos].y-2;
- m_rect.maxz=m_cFrustumCull.m_pos[m_downPos].y+2;
- m_rect.minx=m_cFrustumCull.m_pos[minx].x-2;
- m_rect.maxx=m_cFrustumCull.m_pos[maxx].x+2;
- */
- int offsetx,offsetz;
- offsetx=int(m_ViewPos.xpos*0.025f);
- if(offsetx<0)offsetx-=1;
- offsetz=int(m_ViewPos.zpos*0.025f);
- if(offsetz<0)offsetz-=1;
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////
- int x,z;
- int startx;
- int xpos,zpos;
- int uppos=m_cFrustumCull.m_upPos;
- int downpos=m_cFrustumCull.m_downPos;
- for(z=(m_cFrustumCull.m_pos[uppos].y-2);z<(m_cFrustumCull.m_pos[downpos].y+3);z++)
- {
- zpos=((z-128+offsetz)*4)%256;
- if(zpos<0)zpos=256+zpos;
- startx=(( (m_cFrustumCull.m_LeftArray[z]-2) -128+offsetx)*4)%256;
- if(startx<0)startx=256+startx;
- xpos=startx;
- for(x=(m_cFrustumCull.m_LeftArray[z]-2);x<(m_cFrustumCull.m_RightArray[z]+3);x++)
- {
- m_pMovemap[z*256+x].xpos=xpos;
- m_pMovemap[z*256+x].zpos=zpos;
- xpos+=4;
- if(xpos>252)xpos=0;
- }
- }
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////
- m_ViewOffsetX=offsetx*40;
- m_ViewOffsetZ=offsetz*40;
- m_numTriangles=0;
- }
- float CHeightmap::GetHeight(VERTEX *checked)
- {
- POINT point=ConvertToHeightmap(checked);
- float Xpos,Zpos;
- if(checked->xpos<0)
- Xpos=1+checked->xpos*0.1f-int(checked->xpos*0.1f);
- else
- Xpos=checked->xpos*0.1f-int(checked->xpos*0.1f);
- if(checked->zpos<0)
- Zpos=1+checked->zpos*0.1f-int(checked->zpos*0.1f);
- else
- Zpos=checked->zpos*0.1f-int(checked->zpos*0.1f);
- ///////////////////////
- float ypos;
- float h11,h12,h22,h21;
- float ha,hb;
- //////////check Xpos and Zpos
- ////////////////////////////
- int addx=point.x+1;
- int addy=point.y+1;
- if(addx==256)addx=0;
- if(addy==256)addy=0;
- h11=float(m_pTmap[256*(point.y+0) + (point.x+0)]);
- h12=float(m_pTmap[256*(addy) + (point.x+0)]);
- h21=float(m_pTmap[256*(point.y+0) + addx]);
- h22=float(m_pTmap[256*(addy) + addx]);
- ha=h11+Xpos*(h21-h11);
- hb=h12+Xpos*(h22-h12);
- ypos=ha +Zpos*(hb-ha);
- return ypos;
- }
- float CHeightmap::GetHeight(float xpos,float zpos)
- {
- VERTEX temp=VERTEX(xpos,0,zpos);
- float ypos=GetHeight(&temp);
- return ypos;
- }
- bool CHeightmap::CollideCheck(VERTEX startPos,VERTEX endPos,float step)
- {
- if(CheckTerrainCollide(startPos,endPos,step))return true;
- if(CheckBuildingCollide(startPos,endPos))return true;
- if(CheckTreeCollide(startPos,endPos))return true;
- return false;
- }
- bool CHeightmap::CheckTerrainCollide(VERTEX viewPos,VERTEX objPos,float step)
- {
- if(step<1)step=1;
- float dy=viewPos.ypos-objPos.ypos;
- float dx=viewPos.xpos-objPos.xpos;
- float dz=viewPos.zpos-objPos.zpos;
- int signx,signy,signz;
- if(dx<0)
- {dx=-dx; signx=-1;}
- else
- signx=1;
- if(dy<0)
- {dy=-dy; signy=-1;}
- else
- signy=1;
- if(dz<0)
- {dz=-dz; signz=-1;}
- else
- signz=1;
- float terrainHeight=GetHeight(&viewPos);
- float CurLineHeight=viewPos.ypos;
- float CurZ=viewPos.zpos;
- float CurX=viewPos.xpos;
- VERTEX vertCur;
- if(dz>dx)
- {
- int times=int(dz/step);
- float deltaH=dy/times;
- float deltax=signx*dx/times;
- times++;
- for(int i=0;i<times;i++)
- {
- vertCur.xpos=CurX;
- vertCur.zpos=CurZ;
- vertCur.ypos=CurLineHeight;
- if(vertCur.ypos<GetHeight(vertCur.xpos,vertCur.zpos) ) return true;
- CurLineHeight -= signy*deltaH;
- CurX-=deltax;
- CurZ-=signz*step;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- int times=int(dx/step);
- float deltaH=dy/times;
- float deltaz=signz*dz/times;
- times++;
- for(int i=0;i<times;i++)
- {
- vertCur.xpos=CurX;
- vertCur.zpos=CurZ;
- vertCur.ypos=CurLineHeight;
- if(vertCur.ypos<GetHeight(vertCur.xpos,vertCur.zpos) ) return true;
- CurLineHeight -= signy*deltaH;
- CurZ-=deltaz;
- CurX-=signx*step;
- }
- }
- return false;
- }
- bool CHeightmap::CheckTreeCollide(VERTEX viewPos,VERTEX objPos)
- {
- float dy=viewPos.ypos-objPos.ypos;
- float dx=viewPos.xpos-objPos.xpos;
- float dz=viewPos.zpos-objPos.zpos;
- int signx,signy,signz;
- if(dx<0)
- {dx=-dx; signx=-1;}
- else
- signx=1;
- if(dy<0)
- {dy=-dy; signy=-1;}
- else
- signy=1;
- if(dz<0)
- {dz=-dz; signz=-1;}
- else
- signz=1;
- POINT point;
- int type;
- float distance;
- if(dz>dx)
- {
- float CurZ=float(int(viewPos.zpos)/40)*40;
- if(viewPos.zpos<0)CurZ -=40;
- float CurX=viewPos.xpos+(CurZ-viewPos.zpos)*(viewPos.xpos-objPos.xpos)/(viewPos.zpos-objPos.zpos);
- float gridX;
- float deltax=signx*dx*40/dz;
- do
- {
- point=ConvertToPlantmap(CurX,CurZ);
- type=GetPlantType(point.x,point.y);
- if(type>64)
- {
- gridX=float(int(CurX)/40)*40;
- if(CurX<0)gridX-=40;
- distance=m_cMath.GetPointToLineDist2D(viewPos,objPos,
- VERTEX(gridX+m_pCoverBias[64*point.y+point.x].xbias,0,
- CurZ+m_pCoverBias[64*point.y+point.x].zbias));
- if(type==128 && distance<2)return true;
- if(type==192 && distance<1.2f)return true;
- if(type==255 && distance<1)return true;
- }
- CurX-=deltax;
- CurZ-=signz*40;
- if(signz>0 )
- {
- if(CurZ<objPos.zpos)return false;
- }
- else
- {
- if(CurZ>objPos.zpos)return false;
- }
- }while(1);
- }
- else
- {
- float CurX=float(int(viewPos.xpos)/40)*40;
- if(viewPos.xpos<0)CurX -=40;
- float CurZ=viewPos.zpos+(CurX-viewPos.xpos)*(viewPos.zpos-objPos.zpos)/(viewPos.xpos-objPos.xpos);
- float gridZ;
- float deltaz=signz*dz*40/dx;
- do
- {
- point=ConvertToPlantmap(CurX,CurZ);
- type=GetPlantType(point.x,point.y);
- if(type>64)
- {
- gridZ=float(int(CurZ)/40)*40;
- if(CurZ<0)gridZ-=40;
- distance=m_cMath.GetPointToLineDist2D(viewPos,objPos,
- VERTEX(CurX+m_pCoverBias[64*point.y+point.x].xbias,0,
- gridZ+m_pCoverBias[64*point.y+point.x].zbias));
- if(type==128 && distance<2)return true;
- if(type==192 && distance<1.2f)return true;
- if(type==255 && distance<1)return true;
- }
- CurZ-=deltaz;
- CurX-=signx*40;
- if(signx>0 )
- {
- if(CurX<objPos.xpos)return false;
- }
- else
- {
- if(CurX>objPos.xpos)return false;
- }
- }while(1);
- }
- return false;
- }
- bool CHeightmap::CheckBuildingCollide(VERTEX startPos,VERTEX endPos)
- {
- for(int i=0;i<m_numBuilding;i++)
- {
- if(m_cMath.IsLineSegmentCutBy3DBoundary(&startPos,&endPos,m_smallBndyBuilding[i]))
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- }
- bool CHeightmap::CollideTreeBody(VERTEX *check)
- {
- POINT point=ConvertToMovemap(*check);
- int tx,tz;
- tx=m_pMovemap[point.y*256+point.x].xpos;
- tz=m_pMovemap[point.y*256+point.x].zpos;
- if(m_pCovermap[tz*16+tx/4]<65)return false;
- float treex,treez;
- treex=float(m_ViewOffsetX + (point.x-128)*40 + m_pCoverBias[tz*16+tx/4].xbias);
- treez=float(m_ViewOffsetZ + (point.y-128)*40 + m_pCoverBias[tz*16+tx/4].zbias);
- float deltaX=(treex>check->xpos)?(treex-check->xpos):(check->xpos-treex);
- float deltaZ=(treez>check->zpos)?(treez-check->zpos):(check->zpos-treez);
- if(deltaX<4 && deltaZ<4)
- {
- if(deltaX>deltaZ)
- {
- if(treex>check->xpos)check->xpos=treex-4;
- else check->xpos=treex+4;
- }
- else
- {
- if(treez>check->zpos)check->zpos=treez-4;
- else check->zpos=treez+4;
- }
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- }
- bool CHeightmap::CollideBuilding(VERTEX *oldPos,VERTEX *newPos)
- {
- for(int i=0;i<m_numBuilding;i++)
- {
- if(IsInBoundary3D(newPos,m_bigBndyBuilding[i]))
- {
- VERTEX temp=VERTEX(newPos->xpos,newPos->ypos,newPos->zpos);
- newPos->zpos=oldPos->zpos;
- if(!IsInBoundary3D(newPos,m_bigBndyBuilding[i]))
- return true;
- newPos->zpos=temp.zpos;
- newPos->xpos=oldPos->xpos;
- if(!IsInBoundary3D(newPos,m_bigBndyBuilding[i]))
- return true;
- oldPos->zpos=oldPos->zpos;
- return true;
- }
- }
- return false;
- }
- bool CHeightmap::IsInFrustum(VERTEX *checked)
- {
- POINT point=ConvertToMovemap(*checked);
- return m_cFrustumCull.IsInFrustum(point.x,point.y);
- }
- bool CHeightmap::IsInFrustum(float x,float z)
- {
- POINT point=ConvertToMovemap(VERTEX(x,255,z));
- return m_cFrustumCull.IsInFrustum(point.x,point.y);
- }
- bool CHeightmap::IsInFrustum(BOUNDARY_3D *pBoundary)
- {
- if(IsInFrustum(pBoundary->minx,pBoundary->minz))return true;
- if(IsInFrustum(pBoundary->maxx,pBoundary->minz))return true;
- if(IsInFrustum(pBoundary->maxx,pBoundary->maxz))return true;
- if(IsInFrustum(pBoundary->minx,pBoundary->maxz))return true;
- return false;
- }
- VERTEX CHeightmap::ConvertToWorld(int movemapXPos,int movemapZPos)
- {
- VERTEX position;
- position.xpos=float(m_ViewOffsetX + (movemapXPos-128)*40);
- position.zpos=float(m_ViewOffsetZ + (movemapZPos-128)*40);
- POINT point ; //point in terrain map
- point.x=m_pMovemap[movemapZPos*256+movemapXPos].xpos;
- point.y=m_pMovemap[movemapZPos*256+movemapXPos].zpos;
- position.ypos=m_pTmap[256*point.y + point.x];
- return position;
- }
- POINT CHeightmap::ConvertToHeightmap(VERTEX *pos)
- {
- POINT point;
- if(pos->xpos<0)
- point.x=255+int(pos->xpos*0.1f)%256;
- else
- point.x=int(pos->xpos*0.1f)%256;
- if(pos->zpos<0)
- point.y=255+int(pos->zpos*0.1f)%256;
- else
- point.y=int(pos->zpos*0.1f)%256;
- return point;
- }
- POINT CHeightmap::ConvertToMovemap(VERTEX pos)
- {
- POINT point;
- if(pos.xpos < m_ViewOffsetX)
- point.x=int((pos.xpos-m_ViewOffsetX)*0.025f)+127;
- else
- point.x=int((pos.xpos-m_ViewOffsetX)*0.025f)+128;
- if(pos.zpos<m_ViewOffsetZ)
- point.y=int((pos.zpos-m_ViewOffsetZ)*0.025f)+127;
- else
- point.y=int((pos.zpos-m_ViewOffsetZ)*0.025f)+128;
- if(point.x<0 || point.x>255 )
- {
- POINT p;
- p.x=p.y=0;
- return p;
- }
- if(point.y<0 || point.y>255 )
- {
- POINT p;
- p.x=p.y=0;
- return p;
- }
- return point;
- }
- POINT CHeightmap::ConvertToPlantmap(float worldX,float worldZ)
- {
- POINT point;
- if(worldX<0)
- point.x=63+int(worldX*0.025f)%64;
- else
- point.x=int(worldX*0.025f)%64;
- if(worldZ<0)
- point.y=63+int(worldZ*0.025f)%64;
- else
- point.y=int(worldZ*0.025f)%64;
- return point;
- }
- void CHeightmap::GetFocusPos()
- {
- //////////////// calcau
- float depth[2];
- int xpos=CGameSetting::m_iScrWidth/2;
- int ypos=CGameSetting::m_iScrHeight/2;
- glReadPixels(xpos,ypos,1,1,GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT,GL_FLOAT,depth);
- GLdouble ModelMatrix[16], ProjMatrix[16];
- glGetDoublev(GL_MODELVIEW_MATRIX, ModelMatrix);
- glGetDoublev(GL_PROJECTION_MATRIX, ProjMatrix);
- GLint Viewport[4]={0,0,CGameSetting::m_iScrWidth,CGameSetting::m_iScrHeight};
- gluUnProject(xpos,ypos, depth[0],
- ModelMatrix, ProjMatrix, Viewport,
- &m_focusPosX, &m_focusPosY, &m_focusPosZ);
- double dx=m_ViewPos.xpos-m_focusPosX;
- double dy=m_ViewPos.ypos-m_focusPosY;
- double dz=m_ViewPos.zpos-m_focusPosZ;
- m_distFromFocus= dx*dx+dy*dy+dz*dz;
- }
- bool CHeightmap::IsInBoundary3D(VERTEX *pos, BOUNDARY_3D *boundary)
- {
- if(pos->xpos > boundary->maxx || pos->xpos < boundary->minx )return false;
- if(pos->ypos > boundary->maxy || pos->ypos < boundary->miny )return false;
- if(pos->zpos > boundary->maxz || pos->zpos < boundary->minz )return false;
- return true;
- }
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////
- //////////////////////////////////////////////
- bool CHeightmap::ReadTerrainmapFile()
- {
- m_pTmap=new unsigned char[256*256];
- if(m_pTmap==NULL)return false;
- FILE *fp;
- fp=fopen(CGameSetting::m_strHeightmap,"rb");
- if(!fp)return false;
- fread(&fileheader,sizeof(BITMAPFILEHEADER),1,fp);
- if(fileheader.bfType!=19778)return false;
- fseek(fp,1078,SEEK_SET);
- for(int z=255;z>-1;z--)
- for(int x=0;x<256;x++)
- {
- fread(&m_pTmap[256*z+x],sizeof(unsigned char),1,fp);
- }
- fclose(fp);
- return true;
- }
- bool CHeightmap::ReadPlantmapFile()
- {
- m_pCovermap =new unsigned char[64*64];
- m_pCoverBias=new GRID_BIAS[64*64];
- if(m_pCovermap==NULL)return false;
- if(m_pCoverBias==NULL)return false;
- FILE *fp;
- fp=fopen(CGameSetting::m_strPlantIndex,"rb");
- if(!fp)return false;
- fread(&fileheader,sizeof(BITMAPFILEHEADER),1,fp);
- if(fileheader.bfType!=19778)return false;
- fseek(fp,1078,SEEK_SET);
- for(int z=63;z>-1;z--)
- for(int x=0;x<64;x++)
- {
- fread(&m_pCovermap[64*z+x],sizeof(unsigned char),1,fp);
- }
- fclose(fp);
- /////construct plant position
- for( z=0;z<64;z++)
- for(int x=0;x<64;x++)
- {
- m_pCoverBias[64*z+x].xbias=5+(rand()%30);
- m_pCoverBias[64*z+x].zbias=5+(rand()%30);
- }
- /////////////////////////////
- return true;
- }
- int CHeightmap::GetPosInMovemap(int x,int z)
- {
- return m_pMovemap[(128+z)*256+128+x].zpos*256+m_pMovemap[(128+z)*256+128+x].xpos;
- }
- int CHeightmap::GetPlantType(int mapx,int mapz)
- {
- return m_pCovermap[mapz*64+mapx];
- }
- void CHeightmap::MakeModulePath(char filename[], char sINIPath[])
- {
- // Add the path of the executable to the passed INI filename
- // Buffer to hold the filename
- char sModuleFileName[MAX_PATH];
- // Pass NULL to get the handle of the current module
- HMODULE hModule = GetModuleHandle(NULL);
- // Fill the path into sModuleFileName and get the number of returned chars
- int iNumChars = GetModuleFileName(hModule, sModuleFileName, MAX_PATH);
- // If the path was received
- if (iNumChars)
- {
- // Loop from the last to the first char
- for (int iCurChar=iNumChars-1; iCurChar>=0; iCurChar--)
- {
- // If the current char is a backslash
- if (sModuleFileName[iCurChar] == char('\'))
- {
- // Terminate the the string behind the backslash and
- sModuleFileName[iCurChar+1] = char('');
- break;
- }
- }
- // Append INI filename at the end of the path
- strcat(sModuleFileName, filename);
- // Copy the full path into the destibation
- strcpy(sINIPath, sModuleFileName);
- }
- }