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Package: 3dexplorerTest.rar [view]
Upload User: hkb425
Upload Date: 2007-06-16
Package Size: 34191k
Code Size: 11k
Game Engine
Development Platform:
Visual C++
- // Sprite.cpp: implementation of the CSprite class.
- //
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- #include "stdafx.h"
- #include "Sprite.h"
- #include "input.h"
- #include "audio.h"
- #include "scrmasker.h"
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // Construction/Destruction
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- CSprite::CSprite()
- {
- m_pSoldier=NULL;
- m_pWeapon=NULL;
- m_Health=1;
- m_bFindEnemy=false;
- m_bDangerous=false;
- m_bWounded=false;
- m_bHearShot=false;
- m_bFire=false;
- m_iAlarm=0;
- /////////////model control
- startFrame=0;
- endFrame=39;
- curFrame=0;
- nextFrame=1;
- percent=0;
- interpolation=0.25f;
- bActionFinish=false;
- bDrawWeapon=true;
- curAction=SMF_STAND;
- m_bFire=false;
- }
- CSprite::~CSprite()
- {
- }
- bool CSprite::InitSprite(int id,VERTEX startPos,float rotY,CSMFLoader *pSoldier,CSMFLoader *pWeapon)
- {
- m_nID=id;
- m_pSoldier=pSoldier;
- m_pWeapon=pWeapon;
- startPos.ypos=m_cHmap.GetHeight(startPos.xpos,startPos.zpos);
- startPos.ypos+=(m_pSoldier->m_boundary.maxy-m_pSoldier->m_boundary.miny)/2;
- m_Camera.SetCamera(startPos,rotY);
- m_boundary.minx = m_pSoldier->m_boundary.minx + startPos.xpos;
- m_boundary.maxx = m_pSoldier->m_boundary.maxx + startPos.xpos;
- m_boundary.miny = m_pSoldier->m_boundary.miny + startPos.ypos;
- m_boundary.maxy = m_pSoldier->m_boundary.maxy + startPos.ypos;
- m_boundary.minz = m_pSoldier->m_boundary.minz + startPos.zpos;
- m_boundary.maxz = m_pSoldier->m_boundary.maxz + startPos.zpos;
- m_orgPos=startPos;
- SetSpriteAction(SMF_STAND);
- m_cGunFire.InitGunFire(3.5f,4.0f);
- return true;
- }
- void CSprite::RenderSprite(bool noHarm)
- {
- if(!m_cHmap.IsInFrustum(&m_orgPos))return;
- // if(curAction>=SMF_DEATH1 && bActionFinish)return;
- glPushMatrix();
- glTranslatef(m_orgPos.xpos,m_orgPos.ypos,m_orgPos.zpos);
- glRotatef(m_Camera.m_CamRotY, 0.0f,1.0f,0.0f);
- m_pSoldier->Animate(curFrame,nextFrame,percent);
- if(bDrawWeapon)m_pWeapon->Animate(curFrame,nextFrame,percent);
- glPopMatrix();
- DrawGunFire(noHarm);
- CHeightmap::m_numTriangles += 990 ;
- /*
- glColor3f(1,1,1);
- glBegin(GL_LINES);
- glVertex3f(m_Camera.m_CamPos.xpos,m_Camera.m_CamPos.ypos,m_Camera.m_CamPos.zpos);
- glVertex3f(m_cHmap.m_ViewPos.xpos,m_cHmap.m_ViewPos.ypos-8,m_cHmap.m_ViewPos.zpos);
- glEnd();
- */
- // DrawSMFBoundary();
- }
- void CSprite::UpdateSprite(bool freeze,bool noVisible)
- {
- if(curAction>=SMF_DEATH1 && bActionFinish)return;
- if(m_cHmap.m_myHealth<=0)return;
- if(!noVisible)UpdateSpriteState();
- else
- {
- if(curAction!=SMF_STAND)SetSpriteAction(SMF_STAND);
- else
- {
- if(bActionFinish)
- SetSpriteAction(SMF_STAND);
- }
- }
- if(!freeze)UpdateSpriteAction();
- }
- void CSprite::ResetSpriteState()
- {
- m_Health=1;
- bDrawWeapon=true;
- m_bFindEnemy=false;
- m_bDangerous=false;
- m_bWounded=false;
- m_bHearShot=false;
- m_bFire=false;
- m_iAlarm=0;
- m_Camera.SetCameraRotate(float(rand()%360));
- SetSpriteAction(SMF_STAND);
- }
- void CSprite::Injure()
- {
- float harm=0.2f;
- float bias=float(m_cHmap.m_focusPosY)-m_Camera.m_CamPos.ypos;
- if(bias<0)bias=-bias;
- if(bias<2)harm=(2-bias);
- if(harm<0.2f)harm=0.2f;
- if(m_cHmap.m_focusPosY>m_orgPos.ypos)harm=1;
- m_Health-=harm;
- m_bWounded=true;
- }
- void CSprite::Scan()
- {
- VERTEX pos=m_pSoldier->GetPos(SMF_EYE_POS,percent);
- m_Camera.m_CamPos.xpos =m_orgPos.xpos + pos.xpos;
- m_Camera.m_CamPos.ypos =m_orgPos.ypos + pos.ypos;
- m_Camera.m_CamPos.zpos =m_orgPos.zpos + pos.zpos;
- if(m_cHmap.m_bAttack)
- {
- m_bHearShot=true;
- m_iAlarm=1;
- if(m_Camera.GetDistance(VERTEX(float(m_cHmap.m_focusPosX),
- float(m_cHmap.m_focusPosY),
- float(m_cHmap.m_focusPosZ))) < 30 )
- m_bDangerous=true;
- else
- m_bDangerous=false;
- }
- else
- {
- m_bDangerous=false;
- m_bHearShot=false;
- }
- m_distFromViewer=m_cMath.GetDistance(m_Camera.m_CamPos,m_cHmap.m_ViewPos);
- if(m_distFromViewer<25)
- {
- m_bFindEnemy=true;
- m_iAlarm=1;
- return;
- }
- if(m_Camera.IsEnemyInFrustum(m_cHmap.m_ViewPos))
- {
- if(!m_cHmap.CollideCheck(m_Camera.m_CamPos,m_cHmap.m_ViewPos,2))
- {
- if(m_iAlarm>0)
- m_bFindEnemy=true;
- else
- {
- int find=rand()%600;
- int findout;
- if(m_distFromViewer>800)findout=1;
- else if(m_distFromViewer>600)findout=2;
- else if(m_distFromViewer>400)findout=3;
- else if(m_distFromViewer>200)findout=50;
- else findout=600;
- if(find<findout)m_bFindEnemy=true;
- else m_bFindEnemy=false;
- }
- }
- else
- m_bFindEnemy=false;
- }
- if(m_bFindEnemy)m_iAlarm=1;
- }
- void CSprite::UpdateSpriteState()
- {
- if(m_Health<=0)
- {
- if(curAction<SMF_DEATH1)
- {
- SetSpriteAction(SMF_DEATH1+rand()%2);
- int sound=SOUND_DEATH_1+rand()%3;
- CAudio::SetSoundPos(sound,&m_orgPos);
- CAudio::Play(sound,1,false,false);
- }
- m_bFire=false;
- m_Health--;
- return;
- }
- /////////////////////////
- if(m_bWounded)
- {
- m_bWounded=false;
- if(curAction!=SMF_PAIN && curAction!=SMF_CRPAIN)
- {
- int sound=SOUND_PAIN_1+rand()%3;
- CAudio::SetSoundPos(sound,&m_orgPos);
- CAudio::Play(sound,1,false,false);
- }
- if(curAction<SMF_CRSTAND)SetSpriteAction(SMF_PAIN);
- else SetSpriteAction(SMF_CRPAIN);
- return;
- }
- if(curAction==SMF_PAIN ||curAction==SMF_CRPAIN)
- {
- if(bActionFinish)
- {
- m_Camera.SetCamera(m_cHmap.m_ViewPos);
- SetSpriteAction(SMF_CRSTAND);
- }
- return;
- }
- ////////////////
- Scan();
- ////////////////////////
- if(curAction==SMF_ATTACK )
- {
- if(m_bDangerous)
- {
- m_Camera.SetCamera(m_cHmap.m_ViewPos);
- SetSpriteAction(SMF_CRATTACK);
- return;
- }
- if(bActionFinish)
- {
- if(m_bFindEnemy)
- {
- m_Camera.SetCamera(m_cHmap.m_ViewPos);
- SetSpriteAction(SMF_ATTACK);
- return;
- }
- else
- {
- SetSpriteAction(SMF_STAND);
- return;
- }
- }
- else
- return;
- }
- if(curAction==SMF_CRATTACK )
- {
- if(bActionFinish)
- {
- if(m_bFindEnemy)
- {
- m_Camera.SetCamera(m_cHmap.m_ViewPos);
- SetSpriteAction(SMF_CRATTACK);
- return;
- }
- else
- {
- SetSpriteAction(SMF_STAND);
- return;
- }
- }
- else
- return;
- }
- if(curAction==SMF_CRSTAND)
- {
- if(m_bFindEnemy)
- {
- m_Camera.SetCamera(m_cHmap.m_ViewPos);
- SetSpriteAction(SMF_CRATTACK);
- return;
- }
- if(m_bHearShot)
- {
- m_Camera.SetCamera(m_cHmap.m_ViewPos);
- }
- if(bActionFinish)
- {
- SetSpriteAction(SMF_STAND);
- return;
- }
- return;
- }
- if(curAction==SMF_STAND)
- {
- if(m_bDangerous)
- {
- m_Camera.SetCamera(m_cHmap.m_ViewPos);
- SetSpriteAction(SMF_CRSTAND);
- return;
- }
- if(m_bFindEnemy)
- {
- m_Camera.SetCamera(m_cHmap.m_ViewPos);
- SetSpriteAction(SMF_ATTACK);
- return;
- }
- if(m_bHearShot)
- {
- m_Camera.SetCamera(m_cHmap.m_ViewPos);
- }
- if(bActionFinish)
- {
- if(m_iAlarm>0)m_iAlarm--;
- else
- {
- float angle=float(rand()%200-80);
- m_Camera.SetCameraRotate(angle);
- }
- SetSpriteAction(SMF_STAND);
- return;
- }
- }
- }
- void CSprite::UpdateSpriteAction()
- {
- /////////////////////////////update action
- percent+=interpolation;
- if(percent>1)
- {
- percent-=1;
- curFrame++;
- nextFrame++;
- if(nextFrame>endFrame)
- {
- nextFrame=endFrame;
- curFrame =endFrame;
- bActionFinish=true;
- }
- }
- ///////////////////////
- }
- /////////////////////////////////////////
- void CSprite::SetSpriteAction(int iAction)
- {
- ////// check
- if(iAction>(m_pSoldier->numAction-1) || iAction<0)iAction=0;
- if(iAction>(m_pWeapon->numAction-1))bDrawWeapon=false;
- else bDrawWeapon=true;
- curAction=iAction;
- ////////////
- startFrame=m_pSoldier->pAction[iAction].startFrame;
- endFrame =m_pSoldier->pAction[iAction].endFrame;
- bActionFinish=false;
- curFrame=startFrame;
- nextFrame=curFrame+1;
- percent=0;
- if(curAction==SMF_ATTACK || curAction==SMF_CRATTACK )m_bFire=true;
- else m_bFire=false;
- }
- bool CSprite::IsInSpriteBoundary(VERTEX pos)
- {
- if(pos.xpos>m_boundary.maxx || pos.xpos<m_boundary.minx)return false;
- if(pos.ypos>m_boundary.maxy || pos.ypos<m_boundary.miny)return false;
- if(pos.zpos>m_boundary.maxz || pos.zpos<m_boundary.minz)return false;
- return true;
- }
- void CSprite::DrawGunFire(bool noHarm)
- {
- if(!m_bFire)return;
- m_bFire=false;
- CAudio::SetSoundPos(SOUND_GUN_RIFLE,&m_orgPos);
- CAudio::Play(SOUND_GUN_RIFLE,1,false,false);
- VERTEX pos=m_pWeapon->GetPos(SMF_GUN_MOUTH,percent);
- float rotate=m_Camera.m_CamRotY*0.0174533f;
- float xpos= pos.xpos*cosf(rotate)+pos.zpos*sinf(rotate);
- float zpos=-pos.xpos*sinf(rotate)+pos.zpos*cosf(rotate);
- glPushMatrix();
- glTranslatef(m_orgPos.xpos + xpos,
- m_orgPos.ypos + pos.ypos,
- m_orgPos.zpos + zpos);
- glRotatef(m_cHmap.m_ViewRotY, 0.0f,1.0f,0.0f);
- glRotatef(-m_cHmap.m_ViewRotX, 1.0f,0.0f,0.0f);
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- m_cGunFire.DrawGunFire();
- //////////////end draw
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- glPopMatrix();
- int hit=rand()%14;
- float dist=m_cMath.GetDistance(m_Camera.m_CamPos,m_cHmap.m_ViewPos);
- int hitDist;
- if(dist>600)hitDist=3;
- else if(dist>300)hitDist=4;
- else if(dist>100)hitDist=6;
- else if(dist>50)hitDist=8;
- else hitDist=10;
- if(hit<hitDist)
- {
- if(noHarm)return;
- int sound=SOUND_PAIN_1+rand()%3;
- CAudio::SetSoundPos(sound,&m_cHmap.m_ViewPos);
- CAudio::Play(sound,1,false,false);
- CScrMasker::SprayBlood();
- m_cHmap.m_myHealth-=0.15f+float(rand()%10)*0.01f;
- }
- else
- {
- if(hit>8)
- CAudio::Play(SOUND_BULLET_WHIZ,1,false,false);
- }
- }
- void CSprite::DrawSMFBoundary()
- {
- glDisable(GL_TEXTURE_2D);
- glColor3f(1,1,1);
- glBegin(GL_LINE_STRIP);
- glVertex3f(m_boundary.minx,m_boundary.miny,m_boundary.minz);
- glVertex3f(m_boundary.maxx,m_boundary.miny,m_boundary.minz);
- glVertex3f(m_boundary.maxx,m_boundary.miny,m_boundary.maxz);
- glVertex3f(m_boundary.minx,m_boundary.miny,m_boundary.maxz);
- glVertex3f(m_boundary.minx,m_boundary.miny,m_boundary.minz);
- glVertex3f(m_boundary.minx,m_boundary.maxy,m_boundary.minz);
- glVertex3f(m_boundary.maxx,m_boundary.maxy,m_boundary.minz);
- glVertex3f(m_boundary.maxx,m_boundary.maxy,m_boundary.maxz);
- glVertex3f(m_boundary.minx,m_boundary.maxy,m_boundary.maxz);
- glVertex3f(m_boundary.minx,m_boundary.maxy,m_boundary.minz);
- glEnd();
- glBegin(GL_LINES);
- glVertex3f(m_boundary.maxx,m_boundary.miny,m_boundary.minz);
- glVertex3f(m_boundary.maxx,m_boundary.maxy,m_boundary.minz);
- glVertex3f(m_boundary.maxx,m_boundary.miny,m_boundary.maxz);
- glVertex3f(m_boundary.maxx,m_boundary.maxy,m_boundary.maxz);
- glVertex3f(m_boundary.minx,m_boundary.miny,m_boundary.maxz);
- glVertex3f(m_boundary.minx,m_boundary.maxy,m_boundary.maxz);
- glEnd();
- glColor3f(1,1,1);
- }