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Package: GPRS_work.rar [view]
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GPS develop
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- /*
- *********************************************************************************************************
- *
- * (c) Copyright 1992-2002, Jean J. Labrosse, Weston, FL
- * All Rights Reserved
- *
- * File : PC.C
- * By : Jean J. Labrosse
- *********************************************************************************************************
- */
- //change by cmj
- #include "config.h"
- //#include "includes.h"
- /*
- *********************************************************************************************************
- *********************************************************************************************************
- */
- #define DISP_BASE 0xB800 /* Base segment of display (0xB800=VGA, 0xB000=Mono) */
- #define DISP_MAX_X 80 /* Maximum number of columns */
- #define DISP_MAX_Y 25 /* Maximum number of rows */
- #define TICK_T0_8254_CWR 0x43 /* 8254 PIT Control Word Register address. */
- #define TICK_T0_8254_CTR0 0x40 /* 8254 PIT Timer 0 Register address. */
- #define TICK_T0_8254_CTR1 0x41 /* 8254 PIT Timer 1 Register address. */
- #define TICK_T0_8254_CTR2 0x42 /* 8254 PIT Timer 2 Register address. */
- #define TICK_T0_8254_CTR0_MODE3 0x36 /* 8254 PIT Binary Mode 3 for Counter 0 control word. */
- #define TICK_T0_8254_CTR2_MODE0 0xB0 /* 8254 PIT Binary Mode 0 for Counter 2 control word. */
- #define TICK_T0_8254_CTR2_LATCH 0x80 /* 8254 PIT Latch command control word */
- #define VECT_TICK 0x08 /* Vector number for 82C54 timer tick */
- #define VECT_DOS_CHAIN 0x81 /* Vector number used to chain DOS */
- /*
- *********************************************************************************************************
- *********************************************************************************************************
- */
- static INT16U PC_ElapsedOverhead;
- //static jmp_buf PC_JumpBuf; //del by cmj
- //static BOOLEAN PC_ExitFlag; //del by cmj
- //void (*PC_TickISR)(void); //del by cmj
- /*$PAGE*/
- /*
- *********************************************************************************************************
- *
- * Description : This function writes a single character anywhere on the PC's screen. This function
- * writes directly to video RAM instead of using the BIOS for speed reasons. It assumed
- * that the video adapter is VGA compatible. Video RAM starts at absolute address
- * 0x000B8000. Each character on the screen is composed of two bytes: the ASCII character
- * to appear on the screen followed by a video attribute. An attribute of 0x07 displays
- * the character in WHITE with a black background.
- *
- * Arguments : x corresponds to the desired column on the screen. Valid columns numbers are from
- * 0 to 79. Column 0 corresponds to the leftmost column.
- * y corresponds to the desired row on the screen. Valid row numbers are from 0 to 24.
- * Line 0 corresponds to the topmost row.
- * c Is the ASCII character to display. You can also specify a character with a
- * numeric value higher than 128. In this case, special character based graphics
- * will be displayed.
- * color specifies the foreground/background color to use (see PC.H for available choices)
- * and whether the character will blink or not.
- *
- * Returns : None
- *********************************************************************************************************
- */
- void Uart_SendChar(INT8U data)
- {
- while((U0LSR & 0x00000020) == 0);
- U0THR = data;
- }
- //change by cmj
- void PC_DispChar (INT8U x, INT8U y, INT8U c, INT8U color)
- {
- OSSchedLock();
- Uart_SendChar(0xff);
- Uart_SendChar(x);
- Uart_SendChar(y);
- Uart_SendChar(c);
- Uart_SendChar(color);
- OSSchedUnlock();
- }
- //void PC_DispChar (INT8U x, INT8U y, INT8U c, INT8U color)
- //{
- // INT8U far *pscr;
- // INT16U offset;
- // offset = (INT16U)y * DISP_MAX_X * 2 + (INT16U)x * 2; /* Calculate position on the screen */
- // pscr = (INT8U far *)MK_FP(DISP_BASE, offset);
- // *pscr++ = c; /* Put character in video RAM */
- // *pscr = color; /* Put video attribute in video RAM */
- //}
- /*$PAGE*/
- /*
- *********************************************************************************************************
- *
- * Description : This function clears one of the 80 columns on the PC's screen by directly accessing video
- * RAM instead of using the BIOS. It assumed that the video adapter is VGA compatible.
- * Video RAM starts at absolute address 0x000B8000. Each character on the screen is
- * composed of two bytes: the ASCII character to appear on the screen followed by a video
- * attribute. An attribute of 0x07 displays the character in WHITE with a black background.
- *
- * Arguments : x corresponds to the desired column to clear. Valid column numbers are from
- * 0 to 79. Column 0 corresponds to the leftmost column.
- *
- * color specifies the foreground/background color combination to use
- * (see PC.H for available choices)
- *
- * Returns : None
- *********************************************************************************************************
- */
- //change by cmj
- void PC_DispClrCol (INT8U x, INT8U color)
- {
- INT8U i;
- for (i = 0; i < DISP_MAX_Y; i++)
- {
- PC_DispChar(x, i, ' ', color);
- }
- }
- //void PC_DispClrCol (INT8U x, INT8U color)
- //{
- // INT8U far *pscr;
- // INT8U i;
- // pscr = (INT8U far *)MK_FP(DISP_BASE, (INT16U)x * 2);
- // for (i = 0; i < DISP_MAX_Y; i++) {
- // *pscr++ = ' '; /* Put ' ' character in video RAM */
- // *pscr-- = color; /* Put video attribute in video RAM */
- // pscr = pscr + DISP_MAX_X * 2; /* Position on next row */
- // }
- //}
- /*$PAGE*/
- /*
- *********************************************************************************************************
- *
- * Description : This function clears one of the 25 lines on the PC's screen by directly accessing video
- * RAM instead of using the BIOS. It assumed that the video adapter is VGA compatible.
- * Video RAM starts at absolute address 0x000B8000. Each character on the screen is
- * composed of two bytes: the ASCII character to appear on the screen followed by a video
- * attribute. An attribute of 0x07 displays the character in WHITE with a black background.
- *
- * Arguments : y corresponds to the desired row to clear. Valid row numbers are from
- * 0 to 24. Row 0 corresponds to the topmost line.
- *
- * color specifies the foreground/background color combination to use
- * (see PC.H for available choices)
- *
- * Returns : None
- *********************************************************************************************************
- */
- //change by cmj
- void PC_DispClrRow (INT8U y, INT8U color)
- {
- INT8U i;
- for (i = 0; i < DISP_MAX_X; i++)
- {
- PC_DispChar(i, y, ' ', color);
- }
- }
- //void PC_DispClrRow (INT8U y, INT8U color)
- //{
- // INT8U far *pscr;
- // INT8U i;
- // pscr = (INT8U far *)MK_FP(DISP_BASE, (INT16U)y * DISP_MAX_X * 2);
- // for (i = 0; i < DISP_MAX_X; i++) {
- // *pscr++ = ' '; /* Put ' ' character in video RAM */
- // *pscr++ = color; /* Put video attribute in video RAM */
- // }
- //}
- /*$PAGE*/
- /*
- *********************************************************************************************************
- *
- * Description : This function clears the PC's screen by directly accessing video RAM instead of using
- * the BIOS. It assumed that the video adapter is VGA compatible. Video RAM starts at
- * absolute address 0x000B8000. Each character on the screen is composed of two bytes:
- * the ASCII character to appear on the screen followed by a video attribute. An attribute
- * of 0x07 displays the character in WHITE with a black background.
- *
- * Arguments : color specifies the foreground/background color combination to use
- * (see PC.H for available choices)
- *
- * Returns : None
- *********************************************************************************************************
- */
- //change by cmj
- void PC_DispClrScr (INT8U color)
- {
- INT16U i,j;
- for (i = 0; i < DISP_MAX_Y; i++)
- {
- for (j = 0; j < DISP_MAX_X; j++)
- {
- PC_DispChar(j, i, ' ', color);
- }
- }
- }
- //void PC_DispClrScr (INT8U color)
- //{
- // INT8U far *pscr;
- // INT16U i;
- // pscr = (INT8U far *)MK_FP(DISP_BASE, 0x0000);
- // for (i = 0; i < (DISP_MAX_X * DISP_MAX_Y); i++) { /* PC display has 80 columns and 25 lines */
- // *pscr++ = ' '; /* Put ' ' character in video RAM */
- // *pscr++ = color; /* Put video attribute in video RAM */
- // }
- //}
- /*$PAGE*/
- /*
- *********************************************************************************************************
- *
- * Description : This function writes an ASCII string anywhere on the PC's screen. This function writes
- * directly to video RAM instead of using the BIOS for speed reasons. It assumed that the
- * video adapter is VGA compatible. Video RAM starts at absolute address 0x000B8000. Each
- * character on the screen is composed of two bytes: the ASCII character to appear on the
- * screen followed by a video attribute. An attribute of 0x07 displays the character in
- * WHITE with a black background.
- *
- * Arguments : x corresponds to the desired column on the screen. Valid columns numbers are from
- * 0 to 79. Column 0 corresponds to the leftmost column.
- * y corresponds to the desired row on the screen. Valid row numbers are from 0 to 24.
- * Line 0 corresponds to the topmost row.
- * s Is the ASCII string to display. You can also specify a string containing
- * characters with numeric values higher than 128. In this case, special character
- * based graphics will be displayed.
- * color specifies the foreground/background color to use (see PC.H for available choices)
- * and whether the characters will blink or not.
- *
- * Returns : None
- *********************************************************************************************************
- */
- //change by cmj
- void PC_DispStr (INT8U x, INT8U y, const char *s, INT8U color)
- {
- while (*s)
- {
- if (x >= DISP_MAX_X)
- {
- x = 0;
- y++;
- }
- PC_DispChar(x, y, *s++, color);
- x++;
- }
- }
- //void PC_DispStr (INT8U x, INT8U y, INT8U *s, INT8U color)
- //{
- // INT8U far *pscr;
- // INT16U offset;
- // offset = (INT16U)y * DISP_MAX_X * 2 + (INT16U)x * 2; /* Calculate position of 1st character */
- // pscr = (INT8U far *)MK_FP(DISP_BASE, offset);
- // while (*s) {
- // *pscr++ = *s++; /* Put character in video RAM */
- // *pscr++ = color; /* Put video attribute in video RAM */
- // }
- //}
- /*$PAGE*/
- /*
- *********************************************************************************************************
- *
- * Description : This functions returns control back to DOS by doing a 'long jump' back to the saved
- * location stored in 'PC_JumpBuf'. The saved location was established by the function
- * 'PC_DOSSaveReturn()'. After execution of the long jump, execution will resume at the
- * line following the 'set jump' back in 'PC_DOSSaveReturn()'. Setting the flag
- * 'PC_ExitFlag' to TRUE ensures that the 'if' statement in 'PC_DOSSaveReturn()' executes.
- *
- * Arguments : None
- *
- * Returns : None
- *********************************************************************************************************
- */
- //change by cmj
- void PC_DOSReturn (void)
- {
- Reset();
- }
- //void PC_DOSReturn (void)
- //{
- // PC_ExitFlag = TRUE; /* Indicate we are returning to DOS */
- // longjmp(PC_JumpBuf, 1); /* Jump back to saved environment */
- //}
- /*$PAGE*/
- /*
- *********************************************************************************************************
- *
- * Description : This function saves the location of where we are in DOS so that it can be recovered.
- * This allows us to abort multitasking under uC/OS-II and return back to DOS as if we had
- * never left. When this function is called by 'main()', it sets 'PC_ExitFlag' to FALSE
- * so that we don't take the 'if' branch. Instead, the CPU registers are saved in the
- * long jump buffer 'PC_JumpBuf' and we simply return to the caller. If a 'long jump' is
- * performed using the jump buffer then, execution would resume at the 'if' statement and
- * this time, if 'PC_ExitFlag' is set to TRUE then we would execute the 'if' statements and
- * restore the DOS environment.
- *
- * Arguments : None
- *
- * Returns : None
- *********************************************************************************************************
- */
- void PC_DOSSaveReturn (void)
- {
- //change by cmj
- //#if OS_CRITICAL_METHOD == 3 /* Allocate storage for CPU status register */
- // OS_CPU_SR cpu_sr;
- //#endif
- // PC_ExitFlag = FALSE; /* Indicate that we are not exiting yet! */
- // OSTickDOSCtr = 1; /* Initialize the DOS tick counter */
- // PC_TickISR = PC_VectGet(VECT_TICK); /* Get MS-DOS's tick vector */
- // PC_VectSet(VECT_DOS_CHAIN, PC_TickISR); /* Store MS-DOS's tick to chain */
- // setjmp(PC_JumpBuf); /* Capture where we are in DOS */
- // if (PC_ExitFlag == TRUE) { /* See if we are exiting back to DOS */
- // PC_SetTickRate(18); /* Restore tick rate to 18.2 Hz */
- // PC_VectSet(VECT_TICK, PC_TickISR); /* Restore DOS's tick vector */
- // PC_DispClrScr(DISP_FGND_WHITE + DISP_BGND_BLACK); /* Clear the display */
- // exit(0); /* Return to DOS */
- // }
- }
- /*$PAGE*/
- /*
- *********************************************************************************************************
- *
- * Description : This function initialize the elapsed time module by determining how long the START and
- * STOP functions take to execute. In other words, this function calibrates this module
- * to account for the processing time of the START and STOP functions.
- *
- * Arguments : None.
- *
- * Returns : None.
- *********************************************************************************************************
- */
- void PC_ElapsedInit(void)
- {
- PC_ElapsedOverhead = 0;
- PC_ElapsedStart();
- PC_ElapsedOverhead = PC_ElapsedStop();
- }
- /*$PAGE*/
- /*
- *********************************************************************************************************
- *
- * Description : This function initialize the PC's Timer #2 to be used to measure the time between events.
- * Timer #2 will be running when the function returns.
- *
- * Arguments : None.
- *
- * Returns : None.
- *********************************************************************************************************
- */
- //change by cmj
- void PC_ElapsedStart(void)
- {
- PC_ElapsedOverhead = T0TC;
- }
- //void PC_ElapsedStart(void)
- //{
- //#if OS_CRITICAL_METHOD == 3 /* Allocate storage for CPU status register */
- // OS_CPU_SR cpu_sr;
- //#endif
- // INT8U data;
- // data = (INT8U)inp(0x61); /* Disable timer #2 */
- // data &= 0xFE;
- // outp(0x61, data);
- // outp(TICK_T0_8254_CWR, TICK_T0_8254_CTR2_MODE0); /* Program timer #2 for Mode 0 */
- // outp(TICK_T0_8254_CTR2, 0xFF);
- // outp(TICK_T0_8254_CTR2, 0xFF);
- // data |= 0x01; /* Start the timer */
- // outp(0x61, data);
- //}
- /*$PAGE*/
- /*
- *********************************************************************************************************
- *
- * Description : This function stops the PC's Timer #2, obtains the elapsed counts from when it was
- * started and converts the elapsed counts to micro-seconds.
- *
- * Arguments : None.
- *
- * Returns : The number of micro-seconds since the timer was last started.
- *
- * Notes : - The returned time accounts for the processing time of the START and STOP functions.
- * - 54926 represents 54926S-16 or, 0.838097 which is used to convert timer counts to
- * micro-seconds. The clock source for the PC's timer #2 is 1.19318 MHz (or 0.838097 uS)
- *********************************************************************************************************
- */
- //change by cmj
- INT16U PC_ElapsedStop(void)
- {
- return ((T0TC - PC_ElapsedOverhead) / (Fpclk / 1000000));
- }
- //INT16U PC_ElapsedStop(void)
- //{
- //#if OS_CRITICAL_METHOD == 3 /* Allocate storage for CPU status register */
- // OS_CPU_SR cpu_sr;
- //#endif
- // INT8U data;
- // INT8U low;
- // INT8U high;
- // INT16U cnts;
- // data = (INT8U)inp(0x61); /* Disable the timer */
- // data &= 0xFE;
- // outp(0x61, data);
- // outp(TICK_T0_8254_CWR, TICK_T0_8254_CTR2_LATCH); /* Latch the timer value */
- // low = inp(TICK_T0_8254_CTR2);
- // high = inp(TICK_T0_8254_CTR2);
- // cnts = (INT16U)0xFFFF - (((INT16U)high << 8) + (INT16U)low); /* Compute time it took for operation */
- // return ((INT16U)((INT32U)cnts * 54926L >> 16) - PC_ElapsedOverhead);
- //}
- /*$PAGE*/
- /*
- *********************************************************************************************************
- *
- * Description: This function obtains the current date and time from the PC.
- *
- * Arguments : s is a pointer to where the ASCII string of the current date and time will be stored.
- * You must allocate at least 21 bytes (includes the NUL) of storage in the return
- * string. The date and time will be formatted as follows:
- *
- *
- * Returns : none
- *********************************************************************************************************
- */
- //change by cmj
- void PC_GetDateTime (char *s)
- {
- INT32U da_year,da_mon,da_day,ti_hour,ti_min,ti_sec;
- ti_sec = SEC;
- ti_min = MIN;
- ti_hour = HOUR;
- da_day = DOM;
- da_mon = MONTH;
- da_year = YEAR;
- sprintf(s, "%04d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d",
- da_year,da_mon,da_day,ti_hour,ti_min,ti_sec);
- }
- //void PC_GetDateTime (char *s)
- //{
- // struct time now;
- // struct date today;
- // gettime(&now);
- // getdate(&today);
- // sprintf(s, "%04d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d",
- // today.da_year,
- // today.da_mon,
- // today.da_day,
- // now.ti_hour,
- // now.ti_min,
- // now.ti_sec);
- //}
- /*$PAGE*/
- /*
- *********************************************************************************************************
- *
- * Description: This function checks to see if a key has been pressed at the keyboard and returns TRUE if
- * so. Also, if a key is pressed, the key is read and copied where the argument is pointing
- * to.
- *
- * Arguments : c is a pointer to where the read key will be stored.
- *
- * Returns : TRUE if a key was pressed
- * FALSE otherwise
- *********************************************************************************************************
- */
- //change by cmj
- BOOLEAN PC_GetKey (INT16S *c)
- {
- if ((U0LSR & 0x00000001) != 0)
- {
- *c = U0RBR;
- return (TRUE);
- }
- else
- {
- *c = 0x00;
- return (FALSE);
- }
- }
- //BOOLEAN PC_GetKey (INT16S *c)
- //{
- // if (kbhit()) { /* See if a key has been pressed */
- // *c = (INT16S)getch(); /* Get key pressed */
- // return (TRUE);
- // } else {
- // *c = 0x00; /* No key pressed */
- // return (FALSE);
- // }
- //}
- /*$PAGE*/
- /*
- *********************************************************************************************************
- *
- * Description: This function is called to change the tick rate of a PC.
- *
- * Arguments : freq is the desired frequency of the ticker (in Hz)
- *
- * Returns : none
- *
- * Notes : 1) The magic number 2386360 is actually twice the input frequency of the 8254 chip which
- * is always 1.193180 MHz.
- * 2) The equation computes the counts needed to load into the 8254. The strange equation
- * is actually used to round the number using integer arithmetic. This is equivalent to
- * the floating point equation:
- *
- * 1193180.0 Hz
- * count = ------------ + 0.5
- * freq
- *********************************************************************************************************
- */
- //del by cmj
- //void PC_SetTickRate (INT16U freq)
- //{
- //#if OS_CRITICAL_METHOD == 3 /* Allocate storage for CPU status register */
- // OS_CPU_SR cpu_sr;
- //#endif
- // INT16U count;
- // if (freq == 18) { /* See if we need to restore the DOS frequency */
- // count = 0;
- // } else if (freq > 0) {
- /* Compute 8254 counts for desired frequency and ... */
- /* ... round to nearest count */
- // count = (INT16U)(((INT32U)2386360L / freq + 1) >> 1);
- // } else {
- // count = 0;
- // }
- // outp(TICK_T0_8254_CWR, TICK_T0_8254_CTR0_MODE3); /* Load the 8254 with desired frequency */
- // outp(TICK_T0_8254_CTR0, count & 0xFF); /* Low byte */
- // outp(TICK_T0_8254_CTR0, (count >> 8) & 0xFF); /* High byte */
- //}
- /*$PAGE*/
- /*
- *********************************************************************************************************
- *
- * Description: This function reads the pointer stored at the specified vector.
- *
- * Arguments : vect is the desired interrupt vector number, a number between 0 and 255.
- *
- * Returns : The address of the Interrupt handler stored at the desired vector location.
- *********************************************************************************************************
- */
- //del by cmj
- //void *PC_VectGet (INT8U vect)
- //{
- //#if OS_CRITICAL_METHOD == 3 /* Allocate storage for CPU status register */
- // OS_CPU_SR cpu_sr;
- //#endif
- // INT16U *pvect;
- // INT16U off;
- // INT16U seg;
- // pvect = (INT16U *)MK_FP(0x0000, vect * 4); /* Point into IVT at desired vector location */
- // off = *pvect++; /* Obtain the vector's OFFSET */
- // seg = *pvect; /* Obtain the vector's SEGMENT */
- // return (MK_FP(seg, off));
- //}
- /*
- *********************************************************************************************************
- *
- * Description: This function sets an interrupt vector in the interrupt vector table.
- *
- * Arguments : vect is the desired interrupt vector number, a number between 0 and 255.
- * isr is a pointer to a function to execute when the interrupt or exception occurs.
- *
- * Returns : none
- *********************************************************************************************************
- */
- //del by cmj
- //void PC_VectSet (INT8U vect, void (*isr)(void))
- //{
- //#if OS_CRITICAL_METHOD == 3 /* Allocate storage for CPU status register */
- // OS_CPU_SR cpu_sr;
- //#endif
- // INT16U *pvect;
- // pvect = (INT16U *)MK_FP(0x0000, vect * 4); /* Point into IVT at desired vector location */
- // *pvect++ = (INT16U)FP_OFF(isr); /* Store ISR offset */
- // *pvect = (INT16U)FP_SEG(isr); /* Store ISR segment */
- //}
- //add by cmj
- INT8U random(INT8U seed)
- {
- uint16 temp;
- temp = rand();
- temp = temp % seed;
- return temp;
- }
- /*********************************************************************************************************
- ** End Of File
- ********************************************************************************************************/