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Hotel software system
Development Platform:
- // Machine generated IDispatch wrapper class(es) created by Microsoft Visual C++
- // NOTE: Do not modify the contents of this file. If this class is regenerated by
- // Microsoft Visual C++, your modifications will be overwritten.
- #include "stdafx.h"
- #include "msdgridctrl2.h"
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // CMsDgridCtrl
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // CMsDgridCtrl properties
- BOOL CMsDgridCtrl::GetAllowDelete()
- {
- BOOL result;
- GetProperty(0x1, VT_BOOL, (void*)&result);
- return result;
- }
- void CMsDgridCtrl::SetAllowDelete(BOOL propVal)
- {
- SetProperty(0x1, VT_BOOL, propVal);
- }
- BOOL CMsDgridCtrl::GetAllowAddNew()
- {
- BOOL result;
- GetProperty(0x2, VT_BOOL, (void*)&result);
- return result;
- }
- void CMsDgridCtrl::SetAllowAddNew(BOOL propVal)
- {
- SetProperty(0x2, VT_BOOL, propVal);
- }
- BOOL CMsDgridCtrl::GetAllowRowSizing()
- {
- BOOL result;
- GetProperty(0x3, VT_BOOL, (void*)&result);
- return result;
- }
- void CMsDgridCtrl::SetAllowRowSizing(BOOL propVal)
- {
- SetProperty(0x3, VT_BOOL, propVal);
- }
- BOOL CMsDgridCtrl::GetAllowUpdate()
- {
- BOOL result;
- GetProperty(0x4, VT_BOOL, (void*)&result);
- return result;
- }
- void CMsDgridCtrl::SetAllowUpdate(BOOL propVal)
- {
- SetProperty(0x4, VT_BOOL, propVal);
- }
- short CMsDgridCtrl::GetAppearance()
- {
- short result;
- GetProperty(DISPID_APPEARANCE, VT_I4, (void*)&result);
- return result;
- }
- void CMsDgridCtrl::SetAppearance(short propVal)
- {
- SetProperty(DISPID_APPEARANCE, VT_I4, propVal);
- }
- short CMsDgridCtrl::GetBorderStyle()
- {
- short result;
- GetProperty(DISPID_BORDERSTYLE, VT_I4, (void*)&result);
- return result;
- }
- void CMsDgridCtrl::SetBorderStyle(short propVal)
- {
- SetProperty(DISPID_BORDERSTYLE, VT_I4, propVal);
- }
- VARIANT CMsDgridCtrl::GetBookmark()
- {
- VARIANT result;
- GetProperty(0x5, VT_VARIANT, (void*)&result);
- return result;
- }
- void CMsDgridCtrl::SetBookmark(const VARIANT& propVal)
- {
- SetProperty(0x5, VT_VARIANT, &propVal);
- }
- short CMsDgridCtrl::GetCol()
- {
- short result;
- GetProperty(0x6, VT_I2, (void*)&result);
- return result;
- }
- void CMsDgridCtrl::SetCol(short propVal)
- {
- SetProperty(0x6, VT_I2, propVal);
- }
- BOOL CMsDgridCtrl::GetColumnHeaders()
- {
- BOOL result;
- GetProperty(0x7, VT_BOOL, (void*)&result);
- return result;
- }
- void CMsDgridCtrl::SetColumnHeaders(BOOL propVal)
- {
- SetProperty(0x7, VT_BOOL, propVal);
- }
- BOOL CMsDgridCtrl::GetCurrentCellVisible()
- {
- BOOL result;
- GetProperty(0x48, VT_BOOL, (void*)&result);
- return result;
- }
- void CMsDgridCtrl::SetCurrentCellVisible(BOOL propVal)
- {
- SetProperty(0x48, VT_BOOL, propVal);
- }
- BOOL CMsDgridCtrl::GetCurrentCellModified()
- {
- BOOL result;
- GetProperty(0x40, VT_BOOL, (void*)&result);
- return result;
- }
- void CMsDgridCtrl::SetCurrentCellModified(BOOL propVal)
- {
- SetProperty(0x40, VT_BOOL, propVal);
- }
- BOOL CMsDgridCtrl::GetDataChanged()
- {
- BOOL result;
- GetProperty(0x46, VT_BOOL, (void*)&result);
- return result;
- }
- void CMsDgridCtrl::SetDataChanged(BOOL propVal)
- {
- SetProperty(0x46, VT_BOOL, propVal);
- }
- long CMsDgridCtrl::GetDataMode()
- {
- long result;
- GetProperty(0x25, VT_I4, (void*)&result);
- return result;
- }
- void CMsDgridCtrl::SetDataMode(long propVal)
- {
- SetProperty(0x25, VT_I4, propVal);
- }
- LPUNKNOWN CMsDgridCtrl::GetDataSource()
- {
- LPUNKNOWN result;
- GetProperty(0x9, VT_UNKNOWN, (void*)&result);
- return result;
- }
- void CMsDgridCtrl::SetDataSource(LPUNKNOWN propVal)
- {
- SetProperty(0x9, VT_UNKNOWN, propVal);
- }
- float CMsDgridCtrl::GetDefColWidth()
- {
- float result;
- GetProperty(0xa, VT_R4, (void*)&result);
- return result;
- }
- void CMsDgridCtrl::SetDefColWidth(float propVal)
- {
- SetProperty(0xa, VT_R4, propVal);
- }
- BOOL CMsDgridCtrl::GetEditActive()
- {
- BOOL result;
- GetProperty(0x3f, VT_BOOL, (void*)&result);
- return result;
- }
- void CMsDgridCtrl::SetEditActive(BOOL propVal)
- {
- SetProperty(0x3f, VT_BOOL, propVal);
- }
- BOOL CMsDgridCtrl::GetEnabled()
- {
- BOOL result;
- GetProperty(DISPID_ENABLED, VT_BOOL, (void*)&result);
- return result;
- }
- void CMsDgridCtrl::SetEnabled(BOOL propVal)
- {
- SetProperty(DISPID_ENABLED, VT_BOOL, propVal);
- }
- VARIANT CMsDgridCtrl::GetFirstRow()
- {
- VARIANT result;
- GetProperty(0x16, VT_VARIANT, (void*)&result);
- return result;
- }
- void CMsDgridCtrl::SetFirstRow(const VARIANT& propVal)
- {
- SetProperty(0x16, VT_VARIANT, &propVal);
- }
- LPDISPATCH CMsDgridCtrl::GetHeadFont()
- {
- LPDISPATCH result;
- GetProperty(0xb, VT_DISPATCH, (void*)&result);
- return result;
- }
- void CMsDgridCtrl::SetHeadFont(LPDISPATCH propVal)
- {
- SetProperty(0xb, VT_DISPATCH, propVal);
- }
- float CMsDgridCtrl::GetHeadLines()
- {
- float result;
- GetProperty(0xc, VT_R4, (void*)&result);
- return result;
- }
- void CMsDgridCtrl::SetHeadLines(float propVal)
- {
- SetProperty(0xc, VT_R4, propVal);
- }
- OLE_HANDLE CMsDgridCtrl::GetHWnd()
- {
- OLE_HANDLE result;
- GetProperty(DISPID_HWND, VT_I4, (void*)&result);
- return result;
- }
- long CMsDgridCtrl::GetHWndEditor()
- {
- long result;
- GetProperty(0x28, VT_I4, (void*)&result);
- return result;
- }
- BOOL CMsDgridCtrl::GetMarqueeUnique()
- {
- BOOL result;
- GetProperty(0x4a, VT_BOOL, (void*)&result);
- return result;
- }
- void CMsDgridCtrl::SetMarqueeUnique(BOOL propVal)
- {
- SetProperty(0x4a, VT_BOOL, propVal);
- }
- long CMsDgridCtrl::GetMarqueeStyle()
- {
- long result;
- GetProperty(0x4b, VT_I4, (void*)&result);
- return result;
- }
- void CMsDgridCtrl::SetMarqueeStyle(long propVal)
- {
- SetProperty(0x4b, VT_I4, propVal);
- }
- BOOL CMsDgridCtrl::GetRecordSelectors()
- {
- BOOL result;
- GetProperty(0xd, VT_BOOL, (void*)&result);
- return result;
- }
- void CMsDgridCtrl::SetRecordSelectors(BOOL propVal)
- {
- SetProperty(0xd, VT_BOOL, propVal);
- }
- short CMsDgridCtrl::GetRow()
- {
- short result;
- GetProperty(0xe, VT_I2, (void*)&result);
- return result;
- }
- void CMsDgridCtrl::SetRow(short propVal)
- {
- SetProperty(0xe, VT_I2, propVal);
- }
- long CMsDgridCtrl::GetRowDividerStyle()
- {
- long result;
- GetProperty(0xf, VT_I4, (void*)&result);
- return result;
- }
- void CMsDgridCtrl::SetRowDividerStyle(long propVal)
- {
- SetProperty(0xf, VT_I4, propVal);
- }
- float CMsDgridCtrl::GetRowHeight()
- {
- float result;
- GetProperty(0x10, VT_R4, (void*)&result);
- return result;
- }
- void CMsDgridCtrl::SetRowHeight(float propVal)
- {
- SetProperty(0x10, VT_R4, propVal);
- }
- long CMsDgridCtrl::GetScrollBars()
- {
- long result;
- GetProperty(0x20, VT_I4, (void*)&result);
- return result;
- }
- void CMsDgridCtrl::SetScrollBars(long propVal)
- {
- SetProperty(0x20, VT_I4, propVal);
- }
- long CMsDgridCtrl::GetSelLength()
- {
- long result;
- GetProperty(0x41, VT_I4, (void*)&result);
- return result;
- }
- void CMsDgridCtrl::SetSelLength(long propVal)
- {
- SetProperty(0x41, VT_I4, propVal);
- }
- long CMsDgridCtrl::GetSelStart()
- {
- long result;
- GetProperty(0x42, VT_I4, (void*)&result);
- return result;
- }
- void CMsDgridCtrl::SetSelStart(long propVal)
- {
- SetProperty(0x42, VT_I4, propVal);
- }
- CString CMsDgridCtrl::GetSelText()
- {
- CString result;
- GetProperty(0x43, VT_BSTR, (void*)&result);
- return result;
- }
- void CMsDgridCtrl::SetSelText(LPCTSTR propVal)
- {
- SetProperty(0x43, VT_BSTR, propVal);
- }
- short CMsDgridCtrl::GetSelStartCol()
- {
- short result;
- GetProperty(0x11, VT_I2, (void*)&result);
- return result;
- }
- void CMsDgridCtrl::SetSelStartCol(short propVal)
- {
- SetProperty(0x11, VT_I2, propVal);
- }
- short CMsDgridCtrl::GetSelEndCol()
- {
- short result;
- GetProperty(0x12, VT_I2, (void*)&result);
- return result;
- }
- void CMsDgridCtrl::SetSelEndCol(short propVal)
- {
- SetProperty(0x12, VT_I2, propVal);
- }
- short CMsDgridCtrl::GetSplit()
- {
- short result;
- GetProperty(0x2b, VT_I2, (void*)&result);
- return result;
- }
- void CMsDgridCtrl::SetSplit(short propVal)
- {
- SetProperty(0x2b, VT_I2, propVal);
- }
- short CMsDgridCtrl::GetVisibleCols()
- {
- short result;
- GetProperty(0x21, VT_I2, (void*)&result);
- return result;
- }
- short CMsDgridCtrl::GetVisibleRows()
- {
- short result;
- GetProperty(0x13, VT_I2, (void*)&result);
- return result;
- }
- OLE_COLOR CMsDgridCtrl::GetBackColor()
- {
- OLE_COLOR result;
- GetProperty(DISPID_BACKCOLOR, VT_I4, (void*)&result);
- return result;
- }
- void CMsDgridCtrl::SetBackColor(OLE_COLOR propVal)
- {
- SetProperty(DISPID_BACKCOLOR, VT_I4, propVal);
- }
- OLE_COLOR CMsDgridCtrl::GetForeColor()
- {
- OLE_COLOR result;
- GetProperty(DISPID_FORECOLOR, VT_I4, (void*)&result);
- return result;
- }
- void CMsDgridCtrl::SetForeColor(OLE_COLOR propVal)
- {
- SetProperty(DISPID_FORECOLOR, VT_I4, propVal);
- }
- CString CMsDgridCtrl::GetCaption()
- {
- CString result;
- GetProperty(DISPID_CAPTION, VT_BSTR, (void*)&result);
- return result;
- }
- void CMsDgridCtrl::SetCaption(LPCTSTR propVal)
- {
- SetProperty(DISPID_CAPTION, VT_BSTR, propVal);
- }
- LPFONTDISP CMsDgridCtrl::GetFont()
- {
- LPFONTDISP result;
- GetProperty(DISPID_FONT, VT_DISPATCH, (void*)&result);
- return result;
- }
- void CMsDgridCtrl::SetFont(LPFONTDISP propVal)
- {
- SetProperty(DISPID_FONT, VT_DISPATCH, propVal);
- }
- short CMsDgridCtrl::GetLeftCol()
- {
- short result;
- GetProperty(0x17, VT_I2, (void*)&result);
- return result;
- }
- void CMsDgridCtrl::SetLeftCol(short propVal)
- {
- SetProperty(0x17, VT_I2, propVal);
- }
- BOOL CMsDgridCtrl::GetAllowArrows()
- {
- BOOL result;
- GetProperty(0x2f, VT_BOOL, (void*)&result);
- return result;
- }
- void CMsDgridCtrl::SetAllowArrows(BOOL propVal)
- {
- SetProperty(0x2f, VT_BOOL, propVal);
- }
- BOOL CMsDgridCtrl::GetTabAcrossSplits()
- {
- BOOL result;
- GetProperty(0x31, VT_BOOL, (void*)&result);
- return result;
- }
- void CMsDgridCtrl::SetTabAcrossSplits(BOOL propVal)
- {
- SetProperty(0x31, VT_BOOL, propVal);
- }
- long CMsDgridCtrl::GetTabAction()
- {
- long result;
- GetProperty(0x32, VT_I4, (void*)&result);
- return result;
- }
- void CMsDgridCtrl::SetTabAction(long propVal)
- {
- SetProperty(0x32, VT_I4, propVal);
- }
- BOOL CMsDgridCtrl::GetWrapCellPointer()
- {
- BOOL result;
- GetProperty(0x33, VT_BOOL, (void*)&result);
- return result;
- }
- void CMsDgridCtrl::SetWrapCellPointer(BOOL propVal)
- {
- SetProperty(0x33, VT_BOOL, propVal);
- }
- long CMsDgridCtrl::GetApproxCount()
- {
- long result;
- GetProperty(0x51, VT_I4, (void*)&result);
- return result;
- }
- void CMsDgridCtrl::SetApproxCount(long propVal)
- {
- SetProperty(0x51, VT_I4, propVal);
- }
- CString CMsDgridCtrl::GetErrorText()
- {
- CString result;
- GetProperty(0x52, VT_BSTR, (void*)&result);
- return result;
- }
- long CMsDgridCtrl::GetAddNewMode()
- {
- long result;
- GetProperty(0x54, VT_I4, (void*)&result);
- return result;
- }
- CString CMsDgridCtrl::GetText()
- {
- CString result;
- GetProperty(0x0, VT_BSTR, (void*)&result);
- return result;
- }
- void CMsDgridCtrl::SetText(LPCTSTR propVal)
- {
- SetProperty(0x0, VT_BSTR, propVal);
- }
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // CMsDgridCtrl operations
- void CMsDgridCtrl::AboutBox()
- {
- InvokeHelper(0xfffffdd8, DISPATCH_METHOD, VT_EMPTY, NULL, NULL);
- }
- LPDISPATCH CMsDgridCtrl::GetColumns(const VARIANT& Index)
- {
- LPDISPATCH result;
- static BYTE parms[] =
- InvokeHelper(0x8, DISPATCH_PROPERTYGET, VT_DISPATCH, (void*)&result, parms,
- &Index);
- return result;
- }
- LPDISPATCH CMsDgridCtrl::GetSplits(const VARIANT& Index)
- {
- LPDISPATCH result;
- static BYTE parms[] =
- InvokeHelper(0x23, DISPATCH_PROPERTYGET, VT_DISPATCH, (void*)&result, parms,
- &Index);
- return result;
- }
- VARIANT CMsDgridCtrl::GetSelBookmarks(const VARIANT& Index)
- {
- VARIANT result;
- static BYTE parms[] =
- InvokeHelper(0x15, DISPATCH_PROPERTYGET, VT_VARIANT, (void*)&result, parms,
- &Index);
- return result;
- }
- short CMsDgridCtrl::ColContaining(float X)
- {
- short result;
- static BYTE parms[] =
- VTS_R4;
- InvokeHelper(0x18, DISPATCH_METHOD, VT_I2, (void*)&result, parms,
- X);
- return result;
- }
- VARIANT CMsDgridCtrl::GetBookmark(long RowNum)
- {
- VARIANT result;
- static BYTE parms[] =
- VTS_I4;
- InvokeHelper(0x19, DISPATCH_METHOD, VT_VARIANT, (void*)&result, parms,
- RowNum);
- return result;
- }
- void CMsDgridCtrl::ReBind()
- {
- }
- VARIANT CMsDgridCtrl::RowBookmark(short RowNum)
- {
- VARIANT result;
- static BYTE parms[] =
- VTS_I2;
- InvokeHelper(0x1b, DISPATCH_METHOD, VT_VARIANT, (void*)&result, parms,
- RowNum);
- return result;
- }
- short CMsDgridCtrl::RowContaining(float Y)
- {
- short result;
- static BYTE parms[] =
- VTS_R4;
- InvokeHelper(0x1c, DISPATCH_METHOD, VT_I2, (void*)&result, parms,
- Y);
- return result;
- }
- float CMsDgridCtrl::RowTop(short RowNum)
- {
- float result;
- static BYTE parms[] =
- VTS_I2;
- InvokeHelper(0x1d, DISPATCH_METHOD, VT_R4, (void*)&result, parms,
- RowNum);
- return result;
- }
- void CMsDgridCtrl::Scroll(long Cols, long Rows)
- {
- static BYTE parms[] =
- VTS_I4 VTS_I4;
- InvokeHelper(0x1e, DISPATCH_METHOD, VT_EMPTY, NULL, parms,
- Cols, Rows);
- }
- void CMsDgridCtrl::Refresh()
- {
- }
- LPDISPATCH CMsDgridCtrl::CaptureImage()
- {
- LPDISPATCH result;
- InvokeHelper(0x24, DISPATCH_METHOD, VT_DISPATCH, (void*)&result, NULL);
- return result;
- }
- void CMsDgridCtrl::ClearSelCols()
- {
- }
- void CMsDgridCtrl::ClearFields()
- {
- }
- void CMsDgridCtrl::HoldFields()
- {
- }
- short CMsDgridCtrl::SplitContaining(float X, float Y)
- {
- short result;
- static BYTE parms[] =
- VTS_R4 VTS_R4;
- InvokeHelper(0x53, DISPATCH_METHOD, VT_I2, (void*)&result, parms,
- X, Y);
- return result;
- }