Windows Develop
Linux-Unix program
Web Server
Browser Client
Ftp Server
Ftp Client
Browser Plugins
Proxy Server
Email Server
Email Client
WEB Mail
Telnet Server
Telnet Client
Search Engine
Sniffer Package capture
Remote Control
TCP/IP Stack
Grid Computing
Cluster Service
Network Security
Game Program
Multimedia program
Graph program
Compiler program
Compress-Decompress algrithms
Crypt_Decrypt algrithms
Mathimatics-Numerical algorithms
Java Develop
assembly language
Other systems
Database system
Embeded-SCM Develop
source in ebook
Delphi VCL
OS Develop
MacOS develop
Upload User: jnzhq888
Upload Date: 2007-01-18
Package Size: 51694k
Code Size: 17k
OS Develop
Development Platform:
- bc (1) - An arbitrary precision calculator language
- cc (1) - C compiler
- cawf, nroff (1) - C version of the nroff-like, Amazingly Workable (text) Formatter
- ref (1) - Display a C function header
- ctags (1) - Generates "tags" and (optionally) "refs" files
- pretty (1) - MINIX pretty printer
- elvrec (1) - Recover the modified version of a file after a crash
- unshar (1) - Remove files from a shell archive
- elvis, ex, vi (1) - The editor
- bsfilt, colcrt (1) - a colcrt-like backspace filter
- acd (1) - a compiler driver
- make (1) - a program for maintaining large programs
- ash, command, getopts, hash, jobs, local, return, setvar, unset (1) - a shell
- fmt (1) - adjust line-length for paragraphs of text
- yacc (1) - an LALR(1) parser generator
- yes (1) - an endless stream of the same word
- patch (1) - apply a diff file to an original
- ar, aal (1) - archivers
- btoa (1) - binary to ascii conversion
- makewhatis (1) - build the whatis(5) database
- passwd, chfn, chsh (1) - change a login password, full name or shell
- chmod (1) - change access mode for files
- chgrp (1) - change group
- chmem (1) - change memory allocation
- diskcheck (1) - check a disk for bad sectors
- pathchk (1) - check pathname
- clr (1) - clear the screen
- cmp (1) - compare two files
- compress, uncompress, zcat (1) - compress a file using modified Lempel-Ziv coding
- sum (1) - compute the checksum and block count of a file
- cat (1) - concatenate files and write them to stdout
- cdiff (1) - context diff
- M, U (1) - conveniently mount and unmount
- unexpand (1) - convert spaces to tabs
- expand (1) - convert tabs to spaces
- lp, lpd (1) - copy a file to the line printer
- wc (1) - count characters, words, and lines in a file
- mkproto (1) - create a MINIX prototype file
- ln, clone (1) - create a link to a file
- uud, uudecode (1) - decode a binary file encoded with uue
- uniq (1) - delete consecutive identical lines in a file
- dd (1) - disk dumper
- cksum (1) - display file checksum and size
- man (1) - display online manual pages
- last (1) - display recent on-line session records
- tee (1) - divert stdin to a file
- ed (1) - editor
- eject (1) - eject removable media
- uue, uuencode (1) - encode a binary file to ASCII (e.g., for mailing)
- expr (1) - evaluate experession
- which (1) - examine $PATH to see which file will be executed
- whereis (1) - examine system directories for a given file
- at, atrun (1) - execute commands at a later time
- true, false (1) - exit with the value true or false
- factor (1) - factor an integer less than 2**31
- flex, lex (1) - fast lexical analyzer generator
- flexdoc (1) - fast lexical analyzer generator
- cp, cpdir (1) - file copy
- find (1) - find files meeting a given condition
- look (1) - find lines in a sorted list
- fgrep (1) - fixed grep
- fold (1) - fold long lines
- width (1) - force all the lines of a file to a given width
- format (1) - format a PC floppy diskette
- gather (1) - gather up the files in a directory for transmission
- tget (1) - get termcap values
- whatis, apropos (1) - give single line descriptions for manual pages
- cgrep (1) - grep and display context
- install (1) - install files
- dhrystone (1) - integer benchmark
- ic (1) - integer calculator
- isodir (1) - list ISO9660 or High Sierra directories
- isoinfo (1) - list an ISO9660 or High Sierra volume descriptor
- dosdir (1) - list an MS-DOS directory [IBM]
- ls (1) - list the contents of a directory
- loadfont (1) - load a font into the video card
- loadkeys (1) - load a keyboard map into the keyboard driver
- login (1) - log into the computer
- host (1) - look up host names using domain server
- mt (1) - magnetic tape control
- mkdir (1) - make a directory
- mkfs (1) - make a file system
- file (1) - make a guess as to a file's type based on contents
- mkfifo (1) - make a named pipe
- mref (1) - make listing and cross reference map of MINIX
- mixer (1) - manipulate mixer settings on a sound card
- mount (1) - mount a file system
- mv (1) - move or rename a file
- od (1) - octal dump
- paste (1) - paste multiple files together
- fsck, fsck1 (1) - perform file system consistency check
- postmort (1) - perform post-mortem on PC Minix core files
- mesg (1) - permit or deny messages
- playwave (1) - play an audio file in MicroSoft PCM wave format
- cdplay (1) - play audio compact disks
- prep (1) - prepare a text file for statistical analysis
- banner (1) - print a banner
- cal (1) - print a calendar
- pr (1) - print a file
- fortune (1) - print a fortune
- whatsnew (1) - print a newly modified file, marking changes
- strings (1) - print all the strings in a binary file
- spell (1) - print all words in a file not present in the dictionary
- whoami (1) - print current user name
- diff (1) - print differences between two files
- traverse (1) - print directory tree under the named directory
- du (1) - print disk usage
- comm (1) - print lines common to two sorted files
- who (1) - print list of currently logged in users
- anm (1) - print name list
- nm (1) - print name list
- date (1) - print or set the date and time
- printenv (1) - print out the current environment
- size (1) - print text, data, and bss size of a program
- echo (1) - print the arguments
- crc (1) - print the checksum of the file data
- termcap (1) - print the current termcap entry
- tty (1) - print the device name of this tty
- head (1) - print the first few lines of a file
- tail (1) - print the last few lines of a file
- id (1) - print the uid and gid
- pwd (1) - print working directory
- ps (1) - process status
- readfs (1) - read a MINIX file system
- readall (1) - read a device quickly to check for bad blocks
- dosread (1) - read a file from an MS-DOS diskette [IBM]
- isoread (1) - read a file in ISO9660 or High Sierra format
- rz (1) - receive a file using the zmodem protocol
- recwave (1) - record an audio file in MicroSoft PCM wave format
- recover (1) - recover files that have been removed.
- treecmp (1) - recursively list differences in two directory trees
- join (1) - relational database operator
- calendar (1) - reminder service
- rcp (1) - remote file copy
- rlogin (1) - remote login
- rsh (1) - remote shell
- remsync (1) - remotely synchronize file trees
- ifdef (1) - remove #ifdefs from a file
- rmdir (1) - remove a directory
- rm (1) - remove a file
- strip (1) - remove symbol table from executable file
- time (1) - report how long a command takes
- df (1) - report on free disk space and i-nodes
- asize (1) - report the size of an object file
- rev (1) - reverse the characters on each line of a file
- grep (1) - search a file for lines containing a given pattern
- cut (1) - select out columns of a file
- sz (1) - send a file using the zmodem protocol
- write (1) - send a message to a logged-in user
- kill (1) - send a signal to a process
- mail (1) - send and receive electronic mail
- stty (1) - set terminal parameters
- sh, ., break, case, cd, continue, eval, exec, exit, export, for, if, read, readonly, set, shift, trap, umask, wait, while (1) - shell
- shar (1) - shell archiver
- svc, ci, co, svclog (1) - shell version control system
- hostaddr (1) - show ethernet address, IP address or hostname
- sort (1) - sort a file of ASCII lines
- split (1) - split a large file into several smaller files
- vol (1) - split input on or combine output from several volumes
- sed (1) - stream editor
- ascii (1) - strip all the pure ASCII lines from a file
- basename, dirname (1) - strip off file prefixes and suffixes
- sleep (1) - suspend execution for a given number of seconds
- modem (1) - switch the modem and getty state
- synctree (1) - synchronize directory trees.
- uname, arch (1) - system info
- tar (1) - tape archiver
- su (1) - temporarily log in as superuser or another user
- test, [ (1) - test for a condition
- ttt (1) - tic tac toe
- tsort (1) - topological sort [IBM]
- tr (1) - translate character codes
- term (1) - turn PC into a dumb terminal [IBM]
- umount (1) - unmount a mounted file system
- touch (1) - update a file's time of last modification
- finger (1) - user information lookup program
- telnet (1) - user interface to the TELNET protocol
- leave (1) - warn when it is time to go home
- doswrite (1) - write a file onto an MS-DOS diskette [IBM]
- yap, more (1) - yet another pager
- chdir (2) - change current working directory
- brk, sbrk (2) - change data segment size
- chmod (2) - change mode of file
- chown (2) - change owner and group of a file
- chroot (2) - change root directory
- rename (2) - change the name of a file
- reboot (2) - close down the system or reboot
- ioctl (2) - control device
- creat (2) - create a new file
- fork (2) - create a new process
- pipe (2) - create an interprocess communication channel
- setsid, getpgrp (2) - create process group, get process group id
- close (2) - delete a descriptor
- access (2) - determine accessibility of file
- dup, dup2 (2) - duplicate a descriptor
- execve (2) - execute a file
- stat, lstat, fstat (2) - get file status
- getgid, getegid (2) - get group identity
- getpid, getppid (2) - get process identification
- times (2) - get process times
- uname (2) - get system info
- getuid, geteuid (2) - get user identity
- time, stime (2) - get/set date and time
- intro, errno (2) - introduction to system calls and error numbers
- mkdir (2) - make a directory file
- link (2) - make a hard link to a file
- mknod, mkfifo (2) - make a special file
- sigaction, signal (2) - manage signal state and handlers
- sigprocmask (2) - manipulate the signal mask
- fcntl (2) - miscellaneous file descriptor control functions
- mount, umount (2) - mount or umount a file system
- lseek (2) - move read/write pointer
- open (2) - open a file for reading or writing, or create a new file
- ptrace (2) - process trace
- read (2) - read input
- rmdir (2) - remove a directory file
- unlink (2) - remove directory entry
- sigpending (2) - report pending signals
- alarm (2) - schedule signal after specified time
- kill (2) - send signal to a process
- umask (2) - set file creation mode mask
- utime (2) - set file times
- setuid, setgid (2) - set user or group ID's
- pause (2) - stop until signal
- sigsuspend (2) - suspend until signalled
- exit, _exit (2) - terminate a process
- sync (2) - update super-block
- wait, waitpid (2) - wait for process to terminate
- write (2) - write output
- oneC_sum (3) - One's complement internet checksum
- setbuf, setvbuf (3) - assign buffering to a stream
- random, srandom, initstate, setstate (3) - better random number generator; routines for changing generators
- bstring, bcopy, bcmp, bzero, ffs (3) - bit and byte string operations
- fread, fwrite (3) - buffered binary input/output
- termios, tcgetattr, tcsetattr, cfgetispeed, cfgetospeed, cfsetispeed, cfsetospeed, tcsendbreak, tcdrain, tcflush, tcflow (3) - change terminal attributes
- ctype, isalpha, isupper, islower, isdigit, isxdigit, isalnum, isspace, ispunct, isprint, isgraph, iscntrl, isascii, toupper, tolower, toascii (3) - character classification macros
- fclose, fflush (3) - close or flush a stream
- editline (3) - command-line editing library with history
- atof, atoi, atol (3) - convert ASCII to numbers
- ctime, localtime, gmtime, asctime, tzset (3) - convert date and time to ASCII
- directory, opendir, readdir, rewinddir, closedir, telldir, seekdir (3) - directory routines
- execl, execv, execle, execlp, execvp, exec, environ (3) - execute a file
- ttyname (3) - file descriptor to terminal device name
- scanf, fscanf, sscanf, vscanf, vfscanf, vsscanf (3) - formatted input conversion
- printf, fprintf, sprintf, snprintf, vprintf, vfprintf, vsprintf, vsnprintf (3) - formatted output conversion
- abort (3) - generate a fault
- gets, fgets (3) - get a string from a stream
- getc, getchar, fgetc, getw (3) - get character or word from stream
- getcwd (3) - get current working directory pathname
- getlogin (3) - get login name
- g_h_b_n, gethostbyname, gethostbyaddr, gethostent, sethostent, endhostent, herror (3) - get network host entry
- getopt (3) - get option letter from argv
- getgrent, getgrnam, getgrgid, setgrent, endgrent, setgrfile (3) - group file routines
- hton, htons, htonl, ntohs, ntohl (3) - host to network byte order conversion
- popen, pclose (3) - initiate I/O to/from a process
- abs (3) - integer absolute value
- getttyent, getttynam, setttyent, endttyent (3) - interface to /etc/ttytab
- system (3) - issue a shell command
- end, etext, edata (3) - last locations in program
- sigset, sigaddset, sigdelset, sigemptyset, sigfillset, sigismember (3) - manipulate signal sets
- malloc, free, realloc, calloc, alloca (3) - memory allocator
- crypt (3) - one-way password encryption function
- fopen, freopen, fdopen (3) - open a stream
- getpwent, getpwnam, getpwuid, setpwent, endpwent, setpwfile (3) - password file routines
- assert (3) - program verification
- ungetc (3) - push character back into input stream
- puts, fputs (3) - put a string on a stream
- putc, putchar, fputc, putw (3) - put character or word on a stream
- qsort (3) - quicker sort
- rand, srand (3) - random number generator
- getpass (3) - read a password
- fseek, ftell, rewind (3) - reposition a stream
- resolver, res_query, res_search, res_mkquery, res_send, res_init, dn_comp, dn_expand (3) - resolver routines
- curses (3) - screen/window management library
- stdio (3) - standard buffered input/output package
- ferror, feof, clearerr, fileno (3) - stream status inquiries
- string, strcat, strncat, strcmp, strncmp, strcpy, strncpy, strlen, index, rindex (3) - string operations
- string, strcat, strncat, strcmp, strncmp, strcpy, strncpy, strlen, strchr, strrchr, strerror, memcmp, memcpy, memmove, memchr, memset, index, rindex (3) - string operations
- sleep (3) - suspend execution for interval
- termcap, tgetent, tgetnum, tgetflag, tgetstr, tgoto, tputs (3) - terminal independent operation routines
- exit, atexit (3) - terminate a process after flushing any pending output
- ttyslot, fttyslot (3) - utmp slot number
- getenv (3) - value for environment name
- stdarg (3) - variable argument list
- ip, eth, psip, udp, tcp (4) - Internet Protocol server devices and definitions
- sd, st, sg (4) - SCSI hard disk / tape / generic
- dev (4) - device files in /dev
- fd (4) - floppy disk
- lp (4) - line printer
- mtio (4) - magnetic tape commands
- console, keyboard, log (4) - system console
- tty, termios (4) - terminals
- hd (4) - winchester hard disk
- resolv.conf (5) - Domain Name System resolver configuration
- TZ (5) - Time zone environment variable
- whatis (5) - database of online manual pages
- dir (5) - directory layout
- ethers (5) - ethernet address to hostname database
- hosts (5) - hostname to IP address database
- keymap (5) - keyboard maps
- fstab, mtab (5) - list of file systems to mount, mounted file system table.
- utmp, wtmp (5) - logged in users, login and logout history
- resolver (5) - resolver configuration file
- ttytab (5) - table of login terminals
- termcap (5) - terminal capability data base
- rhosts, hosts.equiv (5) - trusted remote users or hosts
- passwd, group, shadow (5) - user and group databases, shadow passwords
- advent, adventure (6) - an exploration game
- hier (7) - file system hierarchy
- man (7) - nroff macro package for manual pages
- ascii (7) - the ASCII character set.
- environ (7) - user environment
- ftpd, in.ftpd, setup.anonftp (8) - DARPA Internet File Transfer Protocol server
- elvprsv (8) - Preserve the the modified version of a file after a crash.
- inet (8) - TCP/IP server
- halt (8) - abruptly stop the system
- adduser (8) - add a new user to the system
- backup (8) - backup files
- chown (8) - change owner
- checkhier (8) - check the directory hierarchy
- cron (8) - clock daemon
- srccrc (8) - compute CRC checksums of the entire source tree
- add_route (8) - configure IP routing.
- ifconfig (8) - configure a TCP/IP device
- mknod (8) - create a special file
- sync (8) - flush the cache to disk
- boot (8) - from power on to the login prompt
- shutdown (8) - graciously close the system down
- init (8) - grandparent of all processes
- ncheck (8) - i-node to name converter
- usage (8) - installing and using Minix
- irdpd (8) - internet router discovery protocol daemon
- repartition (8) - load a partition table
- monitor, edparams (8) - load and start Minix, modify boot parameters
- mkdist (8) - make a Minix distribution
- installboot (8) - make a device bootable
- partition (8) - make a partition table
- MAKEDEV, DESCRIBE (8) - make/describe device files
- nonamed (8) - not a name daemon, but acts like one
- fdisk (8) - partition a hard disk [IBM]
- part (8) - partition table editor
- pwdauth (8) - password authentication program
- update (8) - periodically write the buffer cache to disk
- inodes (8) - print i-node information
- printroot (8) - print the name of the root device on standard output
- badblocks (8) - put a list of bad blocks in a file
- readclock (8) - read the real time clock [IBM PC/AT and AMIGA]
- reboot (8) - reboot the system immediately
- rlogind, in.rld (8) - remote login server
- rshd (8) - remote shell server
- fingerd, in.fingerd (8) - remote user information server
- rarpd (8) - reverse address resolution protocol daemon
- s_n_d, set_net_default (8) - select the default TCP/IP network
- pr_routes (8) - show IP routing.
- getty (8) - system login banner
- screendump (8) - write current console screen to standard output
- elle (9) - ELLE Looks Like Emacs
- mined (9) - MINIX editor
- as (9) - assembler
- elvis (9) - clone of the Berkeley vi editor
- dis88 (9) - disassembler [IBM]
- de (9) - disk editor
- m4 (9) - macro processor
- awk (9) - pattern matching language
- indent (9) - reformat the layout of a program
- roff (9) - text formatter
- kermit (9) - transfer a file using the kermit protocol