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Upload User: jnzhq888
Upload Date: 2007-01-18
Package Size: 51694k
Code Size: 11k
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Development Platform:
- /*
- FIPS - the First nondestructive Interactive Partition Splitting program
- Module check.cpp
- RCS - Header:
- $Header: c:/daten/fips/source/main/RCS/check.cpp 1.4 1995/01/19 00:20:41 schaefer Exp schaefer $
- Copyright (C) 1993 Arno Schaefer
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- (at your option) any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
- Report problems and direct all questions to:
- */
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include "hdstruct.h"
- #include "global.h"
- #include "fipsspec.h"
- #include "input.h"
- /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
- /* Consistency check of root sector / partition table */
- /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
- void fips_partition_table::correct_physical (const drive_geometry &geometry)
- {
- for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
- {
- if (partition_info[i].system)
- {
- physical_sector_no start
- (
- partition_info[i].start_sector_abs,
- geometry
- );
- partition_info[i].start_cylinder = start.cylinder;
- partition_info[i].start_head = start.head;
- partition_info[i].start_sector = start.sector;
- // recalculate 'physical' start sector
- physical_sector_no end
- (
- partition_info[i].start_sector_abs
- + partition_info[i].no_of_sectors_abs
- - 1,
- geometry
- );
- partition_info[i].end_cylinder = end.cylinder;
- partition_info[i].end_head = end.head;
- partition_info[i].end_sector = end.sector;
- // recalculate 'physical' end sector
- }
- }
- }
- void fips_harddrive::check (boolean final_check)
- {
- int i,j,k;
- boolean bootable = false;
- boolean do_correct = false;
- byte *root_sector = harddrive::root_sector->data;
- partition_info *parts = partition_table().partition_info;
- int order[4] = {-1,-1,-1,-1};
- printx ("nChecking root sector ... ");
- if ((root_sector[510] != 0x55) || (root_sector[511] != 0xaa))
- error ("Invalid root sector signature: %02X %02X", root_sector[510], root_sector[511]);
- for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
- {
- if (parts[i].bootable == 0x80)
- {
- if (bootable)
- {
- warning (false, "More than one active partition");
- printx ("Continue (y/n)? ");
- if (ask_yes_no () == 'n') exit (-1);
- }
- else bootable = true;
- }
- else if (parts[i].bootable != 0)
- {
- warning (false, "Invalid active flag: partition %u: %02Xh",i+1,parts[i].bootable);
- // must be 0 or 80h
- printx ("Do you want to set the flag to zero (y/n)? ");
- if (ask_yes_no () == 'y') parts[i].bootable = 0;
- }
- if (parts[i].system)
- {
- if ((parts[i].start_sector == 0) || (parts[i].start_sector > geometry.sectors))
- {
- if (final_check)
- error ("Calculation error: Invalid start sector partition %u: %u", i + 1, parts[i].start_sector);
- infomsg ("Partition table inconsistency");
- do_correct = true;
- }
- if ((parts[i].end_sector == 0) || (parts[i].end_sector > geometry.sectors))
- {
- if (final_check)
- error ("Calculation error: Invalid end sector partition %u: %u", i + 1, parts[i].end_sector);
- if (!do_correct)
- {
- infomsg ("Partition table inconsistency");
- do_correct = true;
- }
- }
- if
- (
- (parts[i].start_head > (geometry.heads - 1)) ||
- (parts[i].end_head > (geometry.heads - 1)) ||
- (parts[i].start_sector_abs !=
- (parts[i].start_cylinder * geometry.heads * geometry.sectors +
- parts[i].start_head * geometry.sectors + parts[i].start_sector - 1)) ||
- // physical start sector does not match logical start sector
- ((parts[i].start_sector_abs + parts[i].no_of_sectors_abs - 1) !=
- (parts[i].end_cylinder * geometry.heads * geometry.sectors +
- parts[i].end_head * geometry.sectors + parts[i].end_sector - 1))
- // physical end sector does not match logical end sector
- )
- {
- if (final_check)
- error ("Calculation error: Inconsistent table entry for partition %u", i + 1);
- if (!do_correct)
- {
- infomsg ("Partition table inconsistency");
- do_correct = true;
- }
- }
- for (j = 0; j < 4; j++) // insert partition in ordered table
- {
- if (order[j] == -1)
- {
- order[j] = i;
- break;
- }
- else if (parts[i].start_sector_abs < parts[order[j]].start_sector_abs)
- {
- for (k=3;k>j;k--) order[k] = order[k-1];
- order[j] = i;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- else // system = 0
- {
- for (j = 0; j < 16; j++)
- {
- if (root_sector[0x1be + 16 * i + j] != 0)
- {
- warning (false, "Invalid partition entry: partition %u", i+1);
- printx ("Do you want to delete this entry (y/n)? ");
- if (ask_yes_no () == 'y')
- {
- parts[i].bootable = 0;
- parts[i].start_head = 0;
- parts[i].start_cylinder = 0;
- parts[i].start_sector = 0;
- parts[i].end_head = 0;
- parts[i].end_cylinder = 0;
- parts[i].end_sector = 0;
- parts[i].start_sector_abs = 0;
- parts[i].no_of_sectors_abs = 0;
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if (do_correct)
- {
- pr_partition_table.correct_physical (geometry);
- printx ("nPartition table adapted to the current drive geometry:nn");
- pr_partition_table.print();
- }
- if (!bootable && number == 0x80) warning (true, "No active partition");
- for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
- {
- if ((k = order[i]) != -1) // valid partition
- {
- if ((parts[k].end_sector != geometry.sectors) || (parts[k].end_head != (geometry.heads - 1)))
- warning (true, "Partition does not end on cylinder boundary: partition %u", k + 1);
- if (i != 0) if ((parts[k].start_sector != 1) || (parts[k].start_head != 0))
- warning (true, "Partition does not begin on cylinder boundary: partition %u", k + 1);
- if (i < 3) if ((j = order[i + 1]) != -1) // following valid partition
- {
- if ((parts[k].start_sector_abs + parts[k].no_of_sectors_abs) > parts[j].start_sector_abs)
- error ("Overlapping partitions: %u and %u", k + 1, j + 1);
- if ((parts[k].start_sector_abs + parts[k].no_of_sectors_abs) < parts[j].start_sector_abs)
- warning (true, "Free space between partitions: %u and %u", k + 1, j + 1);
- }
- }
- }
- printx ("OKn");
- }
- void fips_partition::check (void)
- {
- printx ("Checking boot sector ... ");
- byte *boot_sector = partition::boot_sector->data;
- if (boot_sector[0] == 0xeb)
- {
- if (boot_sector[2] != 0x90)
- error ("Invalid jump instruction in boot sector: %02X %02X %02X", boot_sector[0], boot_sector[1], boot_sector[2]);
- }
- else if (boot_sector[0] != 0xe9)
- error ("Invalid jump instruction in boot sector: %02X %02X %02X", boot_sector[0], boot_sector[1], boot_sector[2]);
- if ((boot_sector[510] != 0x55) || (boot_sector[511] != 0xaa))
- error ("Invalid boot sector: %02X %02X", boot_sector[510], boot_sector[511]);
- if (bpb().bytes_per_sector != 512)
- error ("Can't handle number of bytes per sector: %u",bpb().bytes_per_sector);
- switch (bpb().sectors_per_cluster)
- {
- case 1:case 2:case 4:case 8:case 16:case 32:case 64:case 128: break;
- default:
- error ("Number of sectors per cluster must be a power of 2: actually it is %u",bpb().sectors_per_cluster);
- }
- if (bpb().reserved_sectors != 1)
- {
- warning (false, "Number of reserved sectors should be 1: actually it is %u",bpb().reserved_sectors);
- if (ask_correction () == 'y') bpb().reserved_sectors = 1;
- }
- if (bpb().no_of_fats != 2)
- error ("Partition must have 2 FATs: actually it has %u",bpb().no_of_fats);
- if (bpb().no_of_rootdir_entries % 16)
- {
- warning (false, "Number of root directory entries must be multiple of 16: actually it is %u",bpb().no_of_rootdir_entries);
- printx ("Do you want to set the number to the next multiple of 16 (y/n)? ");
- if (ask_yes_no () == 'y')
- bpb().no_of_rootdir_entries += (16 - bpb().no_of_rootdir_entries % 16);
- }
- if (bpb().no_of_rootdir_entries == 0)
- error ("Number of root directory entries must not be zero");
- if (bpb().media_descriptor != 0xf8)
- {
- warning (false, "Wrong media descriptor byte in boot sector: %02X",bpb().media_descriptor);
- if (ask_correction () == 'y') bpb().media_descriptor = 0xf8;
- }
- if (bpb().sectors_per_fat > 256)
- {
- warning (false, "FAT too large: %u sectors",bpb().sectors_per_fat);
- printx ("Continue (y/n)? ");
- if (ask_yes_no () == 'n') exit (-1);
- }
- if (bpb().sectors_per_fat < (info().no_of_clusters + 1) / 256 + 1)
- {
- warning (false, "FAT too small: %u sectors (should be %u)",bpb().sectors_per_fat, (unsigned int) ((info().no_of_clusters + 1) / 256 + 1));
- printx ("Continue (y/n)? ");
- if (ask_yes_no () == 'n') exit (-1);
- }
- if (bpb().sectors_per_track != drive->geometry.sectors)
- {
- warning (false, "Sectors per track incorrect: %u instead of %u",bpb().sectors_per_track,(int) drive->geometry.sectors);
- if (ask_correction () == 'y') bpb().sectors_per_track = drive->geometry.sectors;
- }
- if (bpb().drive_heads != drive->geometry.heads)
- {
- warning (false, "Number of drive heads incorrect: %u instead of %u",bpb().drive_heads,(int) drive->geometry.heads);
- if (ask_correction () == 'y') bpb().drive_heads = drive->geometry.heads;
- }
- if (bpb().hidden_sectors != partition_info->start_sector_abs)
- error ("Number of hidden sectors incorrect: %lu instead of %lu",bpb().hidden_sectors,partition_info->start_sector_abs);
- if (info().no_of_clusters <= 4084)
- error ("12-bit FAT not supported: number of clusters is %u",(int) info().no_of_clusters);
- if (bpb().no_of_sectors)
- {
- if (partition_info->no_of_sectors_abs > 0xffff)
- error ("Number of sectors (short) must be zero");
- if (bpb().no_of_sectors != partition_info->no_of_sectors_abs)
- error ("Number of sectors (short) does not match partition info:n%u instead of %lu",bpb().no_of_sectors,partition_info->no_of_sectors_abs);
- if (partition_info->system != 4)
- {
- warning (true, "Wrong system indicator byte: %u instead of 4",partition_info->system);
- if (ask_correction () == 'y') partition_info->system = 4;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- if (bpb().no_of_sectors_long != partition_info->no_of_sectors_abs)
- error ("Number of sectors (long) does not match partition info:n%lu instead of %lu",bpb().no_of_sectors_long,partition_info->no_of_sectors_abs);
- if (bpb().signature != 0x29)
- {
- warning (false, "Wrong signature: %02Xh",bpb().signature);
- if (ask_correction () == 'y') bpb().signature = 0x29;
- }
- if (partition_info->system != 6)
- {
- warning (true, "Wrong system indicator byte: %u instead of 6",partition_info->system);
- if (ask_correction () == 'y') partition_info->system = 6;
- }
- }
- printx ("OKn");
- }