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Package: threads-2.0.tar.gz [view]
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Linux-Unix program
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- ." Copyright (c) 1999-2000 Orn E. Hansen <>
- ."
- ." Permission is granted to make and distribute verbatim copies of this
- ." manual provided the copyright notice and this permission notice are
- ." preserved on all copies.
- ."
- ." Permission is granted to copy and distribute modified versions of this
- ." manual under the conditions for verbatim copying, provided that the
- ." entire resulting derived work is distributed under the terms of a
- ." permission notice identical to this one
- ."
- .TH THREADS 3 "10 Feb 2000" "Threads 2.0" "Threads C++ Library"
- pthread - An abstract class, to create a threaded program.
- .B #include <thread.h>
- .sp 2
- .B class threaded : public pthread {
- .sp 0
- .B threaded() { };
- .sp 0
- .B ~threaded() { };
- .sp 1
- .B int thread(void *) { // threaded execution happens here };
- .sp 0
- .B }
- The
- .I pthread
- class is a part of the threads C++ library that focuses on
- simplifying program threading.
- By providing an abstract class, like the pthread class, the user is
- presented with a simple method of starting a program threaded and
- is able to select wether the thread is an application by itself or
- merely a thread in one.
- .LP
- The class provides numerous methods to control the thread, that
- is associated with the class. These methods are focused on
- synchronizing the threads execution with the parent thread, and
- providing access to local variables, as well as changes the runtime
- state of the thread itself.
- .LP
- These methods are listed here, with some explanation on how they
- function.
- .TP 12
- .B retval()
- A thread can exeit in two ways, it can do a 'return' from the
- thread function, or do exit through the 'exit' function call. Both
- of which provide a means to return a value. To make the
- library provide similar return means, as the posix threads do,
- it is possible to do a
- .I exit(void *)
- where a pointer to a value is registered as a return value. In
- such cases, the means in accessing the returned value is through
- this method.
- .TP 12
- .B joining()
- This will tell if the thread being executed under the class, will
- join any other process on termination. If this is the case, the
- process id returned, is an id of a process that is suspended and
- will be woken up, when the thread terminates.
- .TP 12
- .B gerrno()
- Each thread has its own errno variable, that the threaded program
- can set to an error value, with the help of
- .B error()
- class method. It is then possible to read this error value, from
- a parallel or parent thread with this method.
- .TP 12
- .B id()
- Each thread, is started with its own process id. This is to make
- certain that they are separable from the main thread, if ever
- needed. This method provides means, to obtain the process id of
- the thread running inside the class.
- .TP 12
- .B signal()
- After having received a signal, either a restart or a suspend
- signal. The thread will store it, for others to retreive and
- examine its state. With this method, the user can see if the
- signal has been suspended or revived.
- .TP 12
- .B signal(int)
- Beyond merely obtaining the signal status, this methd provides
- the means of sending a signal to the thread. It will return the
- signal last processed by the thread, which may not be the signal
- passed to this function.
- .TP 12
- .B canceled()
- This method will report, wether the thread has been canceled with
- the
- .B cancel()
- method.
- .TP 12
- .B detached()
- With this method, parent threads can obtain the status of any
- child threads, to see if they are stilled attached (child threads)
- of it.
- .TP 12
- .B joinable()
- When a thread has been detached, for instance... or it is the
- intention to detach a thread from its parent. It is not desirable
- that it be joined with by other sibling threads. This method
- provides a means to obtain the status of wether the thread is
- joinable by other sibling threads.
- .TP 12
- .B terminated()
- If a thread has terminated, this will return a true value to
- signify a termination state.
- .TP 12
- .B exited()
- If a thread has been exited with the 'exit' call, this will
- signify that status.
- .TP 12
- .B cancelstate()
- This method will tell the current cancelstate of the thread. A
- cancel state can be one of following enumerated items:
- .IP
- .I cancel_enable
- - Cancelations are enabled.
- .sp 0
- .I cancel_disable
- - Cancelations are not allowed.
- .TP 12
- .B canceltype()
- Threads can be canceled in different ways, it can be terminated
- by means of forcing them through the 'exit(-1)' state, upon
- receiving a cancel signal. Or they can be made to jump to a
- predefined location upon receiving that signal. Both of which
- predetermine that the cancel state is
- .I cancel_enable
- and if not, no cancelation will occur.
- .IP
- .I cancel_deferred
- - jump to a user definable location.
- .sp 0
- .I cancel_asynchronous
- - exit through the 'exit' method.
- .TP 12
- .B joining(int)
- This method is provided to tell the thread to join with a given
- process upon termination. The process is assumed to be in slumber,
- and will be revived when the thread exits. It is upon the users
- responsibility to ensure that the process being joined with is
- actually a running process.
- .TP 12
- .B set(cancel_state)
- Change the cancel state, to the given parameter.
- .TP 12
- .B set(cancel_type)
- Change the cancel type, to the given parameter.
- .TP 12
- .B set(jumps,sigjump_buf *)
- Set either of two possible jump locations, the signal jump or the
- cancel jump, to the jump buffer associated with the method
- call. Possible values for
- .I jumps
- are:
- .IP
- .I cancel_jump
- - When cancel is received.
- .sp 0
- .I signal_jump
- - When restart signal is received
- .TP 12
- .B set(booleans,bool)
- Set any of the boolean values, to the state given. The booleans parameter
- is an enumeration code, for the numerous boolean variables that
- are located inside the class. The ones settable are:
- .IP
- .I set_canceled
- - set the cancel state value.
- .sp 0
- .I set_terminated
- - set the terminated state.
- .sp 0
- .I set_detached
- - set the detached state.
- .sp 0
- .I set_exited
- - set the exited state.
- .TP 12
- .B cancel()
- Send the thread, a cancel signal that will cancel it if cancellation
- is enabled. If the cancel type is deferred, the cancelation will
- jump to a location, that has been previously set with set(jumps,...)
- or exit the thread, if the cancel type is asynchronous.
- .TP 12
- .B suspend()
- This is a static method, that will suspend the calling process until
- a
- .I restart()
- signal is received. Inside this method, cancelations will be ignored
- by the thread, except program exits will terminate the process.
- .TP 12
- .B suspend_with_cancelation()
- This will suspend the process, until a cancelation has been received,
- or the process is revived. Whichever comes first. The method is
- static, and will work on the process that calls it, and not the
- thread associated with the class.
- .TP 12
- .B restart()
- Send a restart signal to a thread, that has been suspended with
- either one of the above methods. This method is not static, which
- means that it will restart the thread associated with the class.
- .TP 12
- .B jump(jumps)
- Make a jump to either of the registered jump locations, for signal
- or cancel jumps. See
- .I set(jumps,sigjump_buf)
- .TP 12
- .B exit(void *)
- The normal posix threads, use a void * as an exit value to return
- to parent threads. This method is provided as an historical means
- for programs that desire to be constructively equivalent to the
- posix treads. The value will be accessable with the
- .I retval()
- method.
- .TP 12
- .B exit(int)
- This way in exiting an application is the one that is usually used
- by a program. It will mark the value passed to the method, as an
- exit value that will be retrievable with the
- .I retcode()
- method.
- .TP 12
- .B exit()
- This will effectively be the same as if calling
- .I exit(0)
- .TP 12
- .B retcode()
- See the method
- .I exit(int)
- For a way to create a value that is retrievable through this method,
- but it will simply obtain the return value, registered by a thread. It
- will only be usable after the thread has terminated.
- .TP 12
- .B running()
- This method will tell the caller, whether the scheduler has the
- thread on running schedule or not. Its not really usable, since
- a zombie process is still on the schedulers list. Use
- .I terminated()
- or
- .I canceled()
- to determine if the program is running or not.
- .TP 12
- .B join()
- This method will suspend the calling process, until the thread
- associated with the call terminates. When it terminates, it will
- send the calling process a restart signal, restoring it to a
- running state and returning from this method.
- .LP
- The next methods, are provided for shared memory and process
- scoping. Process scoping, is when two distinct processes share
- memory or variables for synchronisation.
- .TP 12
- .B set_project(const char *)
- A program that want's to share its resources must have a way for all
- other programs to identify its resources. The way for this to
- happen, is to create a name that will identify it... which is
- upto the user to define. This method provides a way to
- set the name of the programs resources.
- .TP 12
- .B set_permissions(int)
- When resources are shared, the user can define the permissions
- that will be given to other programs. A program can allow others
- to read it's pages, or to read and write them depending on the
- normal unix protection methods for user/gropu/others. The
- parameter passed to this method, is the permissions that should
- be used when creating shared resources.
- .TP 12
- .B shalloc(size_t)
- Allocate a specified amount of shared memory for users use. This
- memory is taken from the systme is pages, where each page is
- of
- size. The memory returned to the user, is only a fragment of this
- page, that is
- .B size_t
- in size. It is recomended that the user keep to the same
- principles with this method, as normally is done with the
- .I malloc()
- system call, as the
- .I threads library
- provides for management of the shared memory.
- .TP 12
- .B shdealloc(void *)
- Return memory retrieved with the above method, back to the
- shared memory pool. This method will collect the shared memory
- page back, and upon receiving a whole free page, it will
- immediately return it back to the system and destroy it
- from the users address space.
- .LP
- The library installs signal handlers for all terminating signals,
- to ensure that shared memory is destroyed when they aren't needed
- anymore.
- .LP
- Suggestions and questions about the threads library should be
- directed to
- .IP
- .LP
- Or, to the specified author below.
- The threads home page is located at:
- .IP
- .LP
- Version 2.0
- Copyright (C) 1999-2000 Orn E. Hansen <>.
- .LP
- Thanks those who reported their suggestions on how to
- improve the threads library.