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Linux-Unix program
Development Platform:
- /*
- * cycx_drv.c Cyclom 2X Support Module.
- *
- * This module is a library of common hardware specific
- * functions used by the Cyclades Cyclom 2X sync card.
- *
- * Author: Arnaldo Carvalho de Melo <>
- *
- * Copyright: (c) 1998-2000 Arnaldo Carvalho de Melo
- *
- * Based on sdladrv.c by Gene Kozin <>
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
- * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version
- * 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- * ============================================================================
- * 1999/11/11 acme set_current_state(TASK_INTERRUPTIBLE), code
- * cleanup
- * 1999/11/08 acme init_cyc2x deleted, doing nothing
- * 1999/11/06 acme back to read[bw], write[bw] and memcpy_to and
- * fromio to use dpmbase ioremaped
- * 1999/10/26 acme use isa_read[bw], isa_write[bw] & isa_memcpy_to
- * & fromio
- * 1999/10/23 acme cleanup to only supports cyclom2x: all the other
- * boards are no longer manufactured by cyclades,
- * if someone wants to support them... be my guest!
- * 1999/05/28 acme cycx_intack & cycx_intde gone for good
- * 1999/05/18 acme lots of unlogged work, submitting to Linus...
- * 1999/01/03 acme more judicious use of data types
- * 1999/01/03 acme judicious use of data types :>
- * cycx_inten trying to reset pending interrupts
- * from cyclom 2x - I think this isn't the way to
- * go, but for now...
- * 1999/01/02 acme cycx_intack ok, I think there's nothing to do
- * to ack an int in cycx_drv.c, only handle it in
- * cyx_isr (or in the other protocols: cyp_isr,
- * cyf_isr, when they get implemented.
- * Dec 31, 1998 acme cycx_data_boot & cycx_code_boot fixed, crossing
- * fingers to see x25_configure in cycx_x25.c
- * work... :)
- * Dec 26, 1998 acme load implementation fixed, seems to work! :)
- * cycx_2x_dpmbase_options with all the possible
- * DPM addresses (20).
- * cycx_intr implemented (test this!)
- * general code cleanup
- * Dec 8, 1998 Ivan Passos Cyclom-2X firmware load implementation.
- * Aug 8, 1998 acme Initial version.
- */
- #include <linux/init.h> /* __init */
- #include <linux/module.h>
- #include <linux/kernel.h> /* printk(), and other useful stuff */
- #include <linux/stddef.h> /* offsetof(), etc. */
- #include <linux/errno.h> /* return codes */
- #include <linux/sched.h> /* for jiffies, HZ, etc. */
- #include <linux/cycx_drv.h> /* API definitions */
- #include <linux/cycx_cfm.h> /* CYCX firmware module definitions */
- #include <linux/delay.h> /* udelay */
- #include <asm/io.h> /* read[wl], write[wl], ioremap, iounmap */
- #define MOD_VERSION 0
- #define MOD_RELEASE 6
- MODULE_AUTHOR("Arnaldo Carvalho de Melo");
- MODULE_DESCRIPTION("Cyclom 2x Sync Card Driver");
- /* Function Prototypes */
- /* Module entry points. These are called by the OS and must be public. */
- int init_module(void);
- void cleanup_module(void);
- /* Hardware-specific functions */
- static int load_cyc2x(cycxhw_t *hw, cfm_t *cfm, u32 len);
- static void cycx_bootcfg(cycxhw_t *hw);
- static int reset_cyc2x(u32 addr);
- static int detect_cyc2x(u32 addr);
- /* Miscellaneous functions */
- static void delay_cycx(int sec);
- static int get_option_index(u32 *optlist, u32 optval);
- static u16 checksum(u8 *buf, u32 len);
- #define wait_cyc(addr) cycx_exec(addr + CMD_OFFSET)
- #define cyc2x_readb(b) readb(b)
- #define cyc2x_readw(b) readw(b)
- #define cyc2x_writeb(b, addr) writeb(b, addr)
- #define cyc2x_writew(w, addr) writew(w, addr)
- #define cyc2x_memcpy_toio(addr, buf, len) memcpy_toio((addr), buf, len)
- #define cyc2x_memcpy_fromio(buf, addr, len) memcpy_fromio(buf, (addr), len)
- /* Global Data */
- /* private data */
- static char modname[] = "cycx_drv";
- static char fullname[] = "Cyclom 2X Support Module";
- static char copyright[] = "(c) 1998-2000 Arnaldo Carvalho de Melo "
- "<>";
- /* Hardware configuration options.
- * These are arrays of configuration options used by verification routines.
- * The first element of each array is its size (i.e. number of options).
- */
- static u32 cyc2x_dpmbase_options[] =
- {
- 20,
- 0xA0000, 0xA4000, 0xA8000, 0xAC000, 0xB0000, 0xB4000, 0xB8000,
- 0xBC000, 0xC0000, 0xC4000, 0xC8000, 0xCC000, 0xD0000, 0xD4000,
- 0xD8000, 0xDC000, 0xE0000, 0xE4000, 0xE8000, 0xEC000
- };
- static u32 cycx_2x_irq_options[] = { 7, 3, 5, 9, 10, 11, 12, 15 };
- /* Kernel Loadable Module Entry Points */
- /* Module 'insert' entry point.
- * o print announcement
- * o initialize static data
- *
- * Return: 0 Ok
- * < 0 error.
- * Context: process */
- int __init cycx_drv_init(void)
- {
- printk(KERN_INFO "%s v%u.%u %sn", fullname, MOD_VERSION, MOD_RELEASE,
- copyright);
- return 0;
- }
- /* Module 'remove' entry point.
- * o release all remaining system resources */
- void cycx_drv_cleanup(void)
- {
- }
- /* Kernel APIs */
- /* Set up adapter.
- * o detect adapter type
- * o verify hardware configuration options
- * o check for hardware conflicts
- * o set up adapter shared memory
- * o test adapter memory
- * o load firmware
- * Return: 0 ok.
- * < 0 error */
- EXPORT_SYMBOL(cycx_setup);
- int cycx_setup(cycxhw_t *hw, void *cfm, u32 len)
- {
- unsigned long dpmbase = hw->dpmbase;
- int err;
- /* Verify IRQ configuration options */
- if (!get_option_index(cycx_2x_irq_options, hw->irq)) {
- printk(KERN_ERR "%s: IRQ %d is illegal!n", modname, hw->irq);
- return -EINVAL;
- }
- /* Setup adapter dual-port memory window and test memory */
- if (!hw->dpmbase) {
- printk(KERN_ERR "%s: you must specify the dpm address!n",
- modname);
- return -EINVAL;
- } else if (!get_option_index(cyc2x_dpmbase_options, hw->dpmbase)) {
- printk(KERN_ERR "%s: memory address 0x%lX is illegal!n",
- modname, dpmbase);
- return -EINVAL;
- }
- hw->dpmbase = (u32)ioremap(dpmbase, CYCX_WINDOWSIZE);
- hw->dpmsize = CYCX_WINDOWSIZE;
- if (!detect_cyc2x(hw->dpmbase)) {
- printk(KERN_ERR "%s: adapter Cyclom 2X not found at "
- "address 0x%lX!n", modname, dpmbase);
- return -EINVAL;
- }
- printk(KERN_INFO "%s: found Cyclom 2X card at address 0x%lX.n",
- modname, dpmbase);
- /* Load firmware. If loader fails then shut down adapter */
- err = load_cyc2x(hw, cfm, len);
- if (err)
- cycx_down(hw); /* shutdown adapter */
- return err;
- }
- EXPORT_SYMBOL(cycx_down);
- int cycx_down(cycxhw_t *hw)
- {
- iounmap((u32 *)hw->dpmbase);
- return 0;
- }
- /* Enable interrupt generation. */
- EXPORT_SYMBOL(cycx_inten);
- void cycx_inten(cycxhw_t *hw)
- {
- cyc2x_writeb(0, hw->dpmbase);
- }
- /* Generate an interrupt to adapter's CPU. */
- EXPORT_SYMBOL(cycx_intr);
- void cycx_intr(cycxhw_t *hw)
- {
- cyc2x_writew(0, hw->dpmbase + GEN_CYCX_INTR);
- }
- /* Execute Adapter Command.
- * o Set exec flag.
- * o Busy-wait until flag is reset. */
- EXPORT_SYMBOL(cycx_exec);
- int cycx_exec(u32 addr)
- {
- u16 i = 0;
- /* wait till addr content is zeroed */
- while (cyc2x_readw(addr)) {
- udelay(1000);
- if (++i > 50)
- return -1;
- }
- return 0;
- }
- /* Read absolute adapter memory.
- * Transfer data from adapter's memory to data buffer. */
- EXPORT_SYMBOL(cycx_peek);
- int cycx_peek(cycxhw_t *hw, u32 addr, void *buf, u32 len)
- {
- if (len == 1)
- *(u8*)buf = cyc2x_readb(hw->dpmbase + addr);
- else
- cyc2x_memcpy_fromio(buf, hw->dpmbase + addr, len);
- return 0;
- }
- /* Write Absolute Adapter Memory.
- * Transfer data from data buffer to adapter's memory. */
- EXPORT_SYMBOL(cycx_poke);
- int cycx_poke(cycxhw_t *hw, u32 addr, void *buf, u32 len)
- {
- if (len == 1)
- cyc2x_writeb(*(u8*)buf, hw->dpmbase + addr);
- else
- cyc2x_memcpy_toio(hw->dpmbase + addr, buf, len);
- return 0;
- }
- /* Hardware-Specific Functions */
- /* Load Aux Routines */
- /* Reset board hardware.
- return 1 if memory exists at addr and 0 if not. */
- static int memory_exists(u32 addr)
- {
- int tries = 0;
- for (; tries < 3 ; tries++) {
- cyc2x_writew(TEST_PATTERN, addr + 0x10);
- if (cyc2x_readw(addr + 0x10) == TEST_PATTERN)
- if (cyc2x_readw(addr + 0x10) == TEST_PATTERN)
- return 1;
- delay_cycx(1);
- }
- return 0;
- }
- /* Load reset code. */
- static void reset_load(u32 addr, u8 *buffer, u32 cnt)
- {
- u32 pt_code = addr + RESET_OFFSET;
- u16 i; /*, j; */
- for (i = 0 ; i < cnt ; i++) {
- /* for (j = 0 ; j < 50 ; j++); Delay - FIXME busy waiting... */
- cyc2x_writeb(*buffer++, pt_code++);
- }
- }
- /* Load buffer using boot interface.
- * o copy data from buffer to Cyclom-X memory
- * o wait for reset code to copy it to right portion of memory */
- static int buffer_load(u32 addr, u8 *buffer, u32 cnt)
- {
- cyc2x_memcpy_toio(addr + DATA_OFFSET, buffer, cnt);
- cyc2x_writew(GEN_BOOT_DAT, addr + CMD_OFFSET);
- return wait_cyc(addr);
- }
- /* Set up entry point and kick start Cyclom-X CPU. */
- static void cycx_start(u32 addr)
- {
- /* put in 0x30 offset the jump instruction to the code entry point */
- cyc2x_writeb(0xea, addr + 0x30);
- cyc2x_writeb(0x00, addr + 0x31);
- cyc2x_writeb(0xc4, addr + 0x32);
- cyc2x_writeb(0x00, addr + 0x33);
- cyc2x_writeb(0x00, addr + 0x34);
- /* cmd to start executing code */
- cyc2x_writew(GEN_START, addr + CMD_OFFSET);
- }
- /* Load and boot reset code. */
- static void cycx_reset_boot(u32 addr, u8 *code, u32 len)
- {
- u32 pt_start = addr + START_OFFSET;
- cyc2x_writeb(0xea, pt_start++); /* jmp to f000:3f00 */
- cyc2x_writeb(0x00, pt_start++);
- cyc2x_writeb(0xfc, pt_start++);
- cyc2x_writeb(0x00, pt_start++);
- cyc2x_writeb(0xf0, pt_start);
- reset_load(addr, code, len);
- /* 80186 was in hold, go */
- cyc2x_writeb(0, addr + START_CPU);
- delay_cycx(1);
- }
- /* Load data.bin file through boot (reset) interface. */
- static int cycx_data_boot(u32 addr, u8 *code, u32 len)
- {
- u32 pt_boot_cmd = addr + CMD_OFFSET;
- u32 i;
- /* boot buffer lenght */
- cyc2x_writew(CFM_LOAD_BUFSZ, pt_boot_cmd + sizeof(u16));
- cyc2x_writew(GEN_DEFPAR, pt_boot_cmd);
- if (wait_cyc(addr) < 0)
- return -1;
- cyc2x_writew(0, pt_boot_cmd + sizeof(u16));
- cyc2x_writew(0x4000, pt_boot_cmd + 2 * sizeof(u16));
- cyc2x_writew(GEN_SET_SEG, pt_boot_cmd);
- if (wait_cyc(addr) < 0)
- return -1;
- for (i = 0 ; i < len ; i += CFM_LOAD_BUFSZ)
- if (buffer_load(addr, code + i,
- MIN(CFM_LOAD_BUFSZ, (len - i))) < 0) {
- printk(KERN_ERR "%s: Error !!n", modname);
- return -1;
- }
- return 0;
- }
- /* Load code.bin file through boot (reset) interface. */
- static int cycx_code_boot(u32 addr, u8 *code, u32 len)
- {
- u32 pt_boot_cmd = addr + CMD_OFFSET;
- u32 i;
- /* boot buffer lenght */
- cyc2x_writew(CFM_LOAD_BUFSZ, pt_boot_cmd + sizeof(u16));
- cyc2x_writew(GEN_DEFPAR, pt_boot_cmd);
- if (wait_cyc(addr) < 0)
- return -1;
- cyc2x_writew(0x0000, pt_boot_cmd + sizeof(u16));
- cyc2x_writew(0xc400, pt_boot_cmd + 2 * sizeof(u16));
- cyc2x_writew(GEN_SET_SEG, pt_boot_cmd);
- if (wait_cyc(addr) < 0)
- return -1;
- for (i = 0 ; i < len ; i += CFM_LOAD_BUFSZ)
- if (buffer_load(addr, code + i,MIN(CFM_LOAD_BUFSZ,(len - i)))) {
- printk(KERN_ERR "%s: Error !!n", modname);
- return -1;
- }
- return 0;
- }
- /* Load adapter from the memory image of the CYCX firmware module.
- * o verify firmware integrity and compatibility
- * o start adapter up */
- static int load_cyc2x(cycxhw_t *hw, cfm_t *cfm, u32 len)
- {
- int i, j;
- cycx_header_t *img_hdr;
- u8 *reset_image,
- *data_image,
- *code_image;
- u32 pt_cycld = hw->dpmbase + 0x400;
- u16 cksum;
- /* Announce */
- printk(KERN_INFO "%s: firmware signature="%s"n", modname,
- cfm->signature);
- /* Verify firmware signature */
- if (strcmp(cfm->signature, CFM_SIGNATURE)) {
- printk(KERN_ERR "%s:load_cyc2x: not Cyclom-2X firmware!n",
- modname);
- return -EINVAL;
- }
- printk(KERN_INFO "%s: firmware version=%un", modname, cfm->version);
- /* Verify firmware module format version */
- if (cfm->version != CFM_VERSION) {
- printk(KERN_ERR "%s:%s: firmware format %u rejected! "
- "Expecting %u.n",
- modname, __FUNCTION__, cfm->version, CFM_VERSION);
- return -EINVAL;
- }
- /* Verify firmware module length and checksum */
- cksum = checksum((u8*)&cfm->info, sizeof(cfm_info_t) +
- cfm->info.codesize);
- /*
- FIXME cfm->info.codesize is off by 2
- if (((len - sizeof(cfm_t) - 1) != cfm->info.codesize) ||
- */
- if (cksum != cfm->checksum) {
- printk(KERN_ERR "%s:%s: firmware corrupted!n",
- modname, __FUNCTION__);
- printk(KERN_ERR " cdsize = 0x%x (expected 0x%lx)n",
- len - sizeof(cfm_t) - 1, cfm->info.codesize);
- printk(KERN_ERR " chksum = 0x%x (expected 0x%x)n",
- cksum, cfm->checksum);
- return -EINVAL;
- }
- /* If everything is ok, set reset, data and code pointers */
- img_hdr = (cycx_header_t*)(((u8*)cfm) + sizeof(cfm_t) - 1);
- printk(KERN_INFO "%s:%s: image sizesn", __FUNCTION__, modname);
- printk(KERN_INFO " reset=%lun", img_hdr->reset_size);
- printk(KERN_INFO " data=%lun", img_hdr->data_size);
- printk(KERN_INFO " code=%lun", img_hdr->code_size);
- #endif
- reset_image = ((u8 *)img_hdr) + sizeof(cycx_header_t);
- data_image = reset_image + img_hdr->reset_size;
- code_image = data_image + img_hdr->data_size;
- /*---- Start load ----*/
- /* Announce */
- printk(KERN_INFO "%s: loading firmware %s (ID=%u)...n", modname,
- cfm->descr[0] ? cfm->descr : "unknown firmware",
- cfm->info.codeid);
- for (i = 0 ; i < 5 ; i++) {
- /* Reset Cyclom hardware */
- if (!reset_cyc2x(hw->dpmbase)) {
- printk(KERN_ERR "%s: dpm problem or board not foundn",
- modname);
- return -EINVAL;
- }
- /* Load reset.bin */
- cycx_reset_boot(hw->dpmbase, reset_image, img_hdr->reset_size);
- /* reset is waiting for boot */
- cyc2x_writew(GEN_POWER_ON, pt_cycld);
- delay_cycx(1);
- for (j = 0 ; j < 3 ; j++)
- if (!cyc2x_readw(pt_cycld))
- goto reset_loaded;
- else
- delay_cycx(1);
- }
- printk(KERN_ERR "%s: reset not started.n", modname);
- return -EINVAL;
- reset_loaded:
- /* Load data.bin */
- if (cycx_data_boot(hw->dpmbase, data_image, img_hdr->data_size)) {
- printk(KERN_ERR "%s: cannot load data file.n", modname);
- return -EINVAL;
- }
- /* Load code.bin */
- if (cycx_code_boot(hw->dpmbase, code_image, img_hdr->code_size)) {
- printk(KERN_ERR "%s: cannot load code file.n", modname);
- return -EINVAL;
- }
- /* Prepare boot-time configuration data */
- cycx_bootcfg(hw);
- /* kick-off CPU */
- cycx_start(hw->dpmbase);
- /* Arthur Ganzert's tip: wait a while after the firmware loading...
- seg abr 26 17:17:12 EST 1999 - acme */
- delay_cycx(7);
- printk(KERN_INFO "%s: firmware loaded!n", modname);
- /* enable interrupts */
- cycx_inten(hw);
- return 0;
- }
- /* Prepare boot-time firmware configuration data.
- * o initialize configuration data area
- From async.doc - V_3.4.0 - 07/18/1994
- - As of now, only static buffers are available to the user.
- So, the bit VD_RXDIRC must be set in 'valid'. That means that user
- wants to use the static transmission and reception buffers. */
- static void cycx_bootcfg(cycxhw_t *hw)
- {
- /* use fixed buffers */
- cyc2x_writeb(FIXED_BUFFERS, hw->dpmbase + CONF_OFFSET);
- }
- /* Detect Cyclom 2x adapter.
- * Following tests are used to detect Cyclom 2x adapter:
- * to be completed based on the tests done below
- * Return 1 if detected o.k. or 0 if failed.
- * Note: This test is destructive! Adapter will be left in shutdown
- * state after the test. */
- static int detect_cyc2x(u32 addr)
- {
- reset_cyc2x(addr);
- return memory_exists(addr);
- }
- /* Miscellaneous */
- /* Get option's index into the options list.
- * Return option's index (1 .. N) or zero if option is invalid. */
- static int get_option_index(u32 *optlist, u32 optval)
- {
- int i = 1;
- for (; i <= optlist[0]; ++i)
- if (optlist[i] == optval)
- return i;
- return 0;
- }
- /* Reset adapter's CPU. */
- static int reset_cyc2x(u32 addr)
- {
- cyc2x_writeb(0, addr + RST_ENABLE);
- delay_cycx(2);
- cyc2x_writeb(0, addr + RST_DISABLE);
- delay_cycx(2);
- return memory_exists(addr);
- }
- /* Delay */
- static void delay_cycx(int sec)
- {
- set_current_state(TASK_INTERRUPTIBLE);
- schedule_timeout(sec*HZ);
- }
- /* Calculate 16-bit CRC using CCITT polynomial. */
- static u16 checksum(u8 *buf, u32 len)
- {
- u16 crc = 0;
- u16 mask, flag;
- for (; len; --len, ++buf)
- for (mask = 0x80; mask; mask >>= 1) {
- flag = (crc & 0x8000);
- crc <<= 1;
- crc |= ((*buf & mask) ? 1 : 0);
- if (flag)
- crc ^= 0x1021;
- }
- return crc;
- }
- module_init(cycx_drv_init);
- module_exit(cycx_drv_cleanup);
- /* End */