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Package: linux-2.4.20.tar.gz [view]
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Linux-Unix program
Development Platform:
- /*
- * m8xx_pcmcia.c - Linux PCMCIA socket driver for the mpc8xx series.
- *
- * (C) 1999-2000 Magnus Damm <>
- * (C) 2001-2002 Montavista Software, Inc.
- * <>
- *
- * "The ExCA standard specifies that socket controllers should provide
- * two IO and five memory windows per socket, which can be independently
- * configured and positioned in the host address space and mapped to
- * arbitrary segments of card address space. " - David A Hinds. 1999
- *
- * This controller does _not_ meet the ExCA standard.
- *
- * m8xx pcmcia controller brief info:
- * + 8 windows (attrib, mem, i/o)
- * + up to two slots (SLOT_A and SLOT_B)
- * + inputpins, outputpins, event and mask registers.
- * - no offset register. sigh.
- *
- * Because of the lacking offset register we must map the whole card.
- * We assign each memory window PCMCIA_MEM_WIN_SIZE address space.
- * Make sure there is (PCMCIA_MEM_WIN_SIZE * PCMCIA_MEM_WIN_NO
- * The i/o windows are dynamically allocated at PCMCIA_IO_WIN_BASE.
- * They are maximum 64KByte each...
- */
- #include <linux/module.h>
- #include <linux/init.h>
- #include <linux/types.h>
- #include <linux/fcntl.h>
- #include <linux/string.h>
- #include <asm/io.h>
- #include <asm/bitops.h>
- #include <asm/segment.h>
- #include <asm/system.h>
- #include <linux/kernel.h>
- #include <linux/errno.h>
- #include <linux/sched.h>
- #include <linux/slab.h>
- #include <linux/timer.h>
- #include <linux/ioport.h>
- #include <linux/delay.h>
- #include <asm/mpc8xx.h>
- #include <asm/8xx_immap.h>
- #include <asm/irq.h>
- #include <pcmcia/version.h>
- #include <pcmcia/cs_types.h>
- #include <pcmcia/cs.h>
- #include <pcmcia/ss.h>
- static int pc_debug = PCMCIA_DEBUG;
- MODULE_PARM(pc_debug, "i");
- #define DEBUG(n, args...) printk(KERN_DEBUG "m8xx_pcmcia: " args);
- #else
- #define DEBUG(n, args...)
- #endif
- #define PCMCIA_INFO(args...) printk(KERN_INFO "m8xx_pcmcia: "args)
- #define PCMCIA_ERROR(args...) printk(KERN_ERR "m8xx_pcmcia: "args)
- static const char *version = "Version 0.05, 14-Apr-2002";
- /* The RPX series use SLOT_B */
- #if defined(CONFIG_RPXCLASSIC) || defined(CONFIG_RPXLITE)
- #endif
- /* The MBX board use SLOT_A */
- #ifdef CONFIG_MBX
- #endif
- /* The FADS860T board use SLOT_A */
- #ifdef CONFIG_FADS
- #endif
- /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
- #define PCMCIA_MEM_WIN_BASE 0xe0000000 /* base address for memory window 0 */
- #define PCMCIA_MEM_WIN_SIZE 0x04000000 /* each memory window is 64 MByte */
- #define PCMCIA_IO_WIN_BASE _IO_BASE /* base address for io window 0 */
- #define PCMCIA_SCHLVL PCMCIA_INTERRUPT /* Status Change Interrupt Level */
- /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
- #define PCMCIA_MEM_WIN_NO 5
- #define PCMCIA_IO_WIN_NO 2
- /* define _slot_ to be able to optimize macros */
- #define _slot_ 0
- #else
- #define _slot_ 1
- #endif
- #define M8XX_BUSFREQ ((((bd_t *)&(__res))->bi_busfreq))
- static int pcmcia_schlvl = PCMCIA_SCHLVL;
- /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
- #define PCMCIA_SOCKET_KEY_5V 1
- /* look up table for pgcrx registers */
- static u_int *m8xx_pgcrx[2] = {
- &((immap_t *)IMAP_ADDR)->im_pcmcia.pcmc_pgcra,
- &((immap_t *)IMAP_ADDR)->im_pcmcia.pcmc_pgcrb
- };
- /*
- * This structure is used to address each window in the PCMCIA controller.
- *
- * Keep in mind that we assume that pcmcia_win_t[n+1] is mapped directly
- * after pcmcia_win_t[n]...
- */
- typedef struct {
- uint br;
- uint or;
- } pcmcia_win_t;
- /*
- * For some reason the hardware guys decided to make both slots share
- * some registers.
- *
- * Could someone invent object oriented hardware ?
- *
- * The macros are used to get the right bit from the registers.
- * SLOT_A : slot = 0
- * SLOT_B : slot = 1
- */
- #define M8XX_PCMCIA_VS1(slot) (0x80000000 >> (slot << 4))
- #define M8XX_PCMCIA_VS2(slot) (0x40000000 >> (slot << 4))
- #define M8XX_PCMCIA_VS_MASK(slot) (0xc0000000 >> (slot << 4))
- #define M8XX_PCMCIA_VS_SHIFT(slot) (30 - (slot << 4))
- #define M8XX_PCMCIA_WP(slot) (0x20000000 >> (slot << 4))
- #define M8XX_PCMCIA_CD2(slot) (0x10000000 >> (slot << 4))
- #define M8XX_PCMCIA_CD1(slot) (0x08000000 >> (slot << 4))
- #define M8XX_PCMCIA_BVD2(slot) (0x04000000 >> (slot << 4))
- #define M8XX_PCMCIA_BVD1(slot) (0x02000000 >> (slot << 4))
- #define M8XX_PCMCIA_RDY(slot) (0x01000000 >> (slot << 4))
- #define M8XX_PCMCIA_RDY_L(slot) (0x00800000 >> (slot << 4))
- #define M8XX_PCMCIA_RDY_H(slot) (0x00400000 >> (slot << 4))
- #define M8XX_PCMCIA_RDY_R(slot) (0x00200000 >> (slot << 4))
- #define M8XX_PCMCIA_RDY_F(slot) (0x00100000 >> (slot << 4))
- #define M8XX_PCMCIA_MASK(slot) (0xFFFF0000 >> (slot << 4))
- #define M8XX_PGCRX(slot) (*m8xx_pgcrx[slot])
- #define M8XX_PGCRX_CXOE 0x00000080
- #define M8XX_PGCRX_CXRESET 0x00000040
- /* we keep one lookup table per socket to check flags */
- #define PCMCIA_EVENTS_MAX 5 /* 4 max at a time + termination */
- typedef struct {
- u_int regbit;
- u_int eventbit;
- } event_table_t;
- typedef struct socket_info_t {
- void (*handler)(void *info, u_int events);
- void *info;
- u_int slot;
- socket_state_t state;
- struct pccard_mem_map mem_win[PCMCIA_MEM_WIN_NO];
- struct pccard_io_map io_win[PCMCIA_IO_WIN_NO];
- event_table_t events[PCMCIA_EVENTS_MAX];
- } socket_info_t;
- static socket_info_t socket[PCMCIA_SOCKETS_NO];
- static socket_cap_t capabilities = {
- only 16-bit cards,
- memory windows must be
- size-aligned */
- 0x000, /* irq_mask - SIU_LEVEL 7 -> 0 */
- 0x1000, /* map_size - 4K minimum window size */
- 0, /* io_offset - */
- 9, /* pci_irq */
- 0 /* No PCI or CardBus support */
- };
- /*
- * Search this table to see if the windowsize is
- * supported...
- */
- #define M8XX_SIZES_NO 32
- static const u_int m8xx_size_to_gray[M8XX_SIZES_NO] =
- { 0x00000001, 0x00000002, 0x00000008, 0x00000004,
- 0x00000080, 0x00000040, 0x00000010, 0x00000020,
- 0x00008000, 0x00004000, 0x00001000, 0x00002000,
- 0x00000100, 0x00000200, 0x00000800, 0x00000400,
- 0x0fffffff, 0xffffffff, 0xffffffff, 0xffffffff,
- 0x01000000, 0x02000000, 0xffffffff, 0x04000000,
- 0x00010000, 0x00020000, 0x00080000, 0x00040000,
- 0x00800000, 0x00400000, 0x00100000, 0x00200000 };
- /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
- static void m8xx_interrupt(int irq, void *dev, struct pt_regs *regs);
- #define PCMCIA_BMT_LIMIT (15*4) /* Bus Monitor Timeout value */
- /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
- /* board specific stuff: */
- /* voltage_set(), hardware_enable() and hardware_disable() */
- /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
- /* RPX Boards from Embedded Planet */
- #if defined(CONFIG_RPXCLASSIC) || defined(CONFIG_RPXLITE)
- /* The RPX boards seems to have it's bus monitor timeout set to 6*8 clocks.
- * SYPCR is write once only, therefore must the slowest memory be faster
- * than the bus monitor or we will get a machine check due to the bus timeout.
- */
- #define PCMCIA_BMT_LIMIT (6*8)
- static int voltage_set(int slot, int vcc, int vpp)
- {
- u_int reg = 0;
- switch(vcc) {
- case 0: break;
- case 33: reg |= BCSR1_PCVCTL4; break;
- case 50: reg |= BCSR1_PCVCTL5; break;
- default: return 1;
- }
- switch(vpp) {
- case 0: break;
- case 33:
- case 50:
- if(vcc == vpp)
- reg |= BCSR1_PCVCTL6;
- else
- return 1;
- break;
- case 120:
- reg |= BCSR1_PCVCTL7;
- default: return 1;
- }
- if(!((vcc == 50) || (vcc == 0)))
- return 1;
- /* first, turn off all power */
- *((uint *)RPX_CSR_ADDR) &= ~(BCSR1_PCVCTL4 | BCSR1_PCVCTL5
- /* enable new powersettings */
- *((uint *)RPX_CSR_ADDR) |= reg;
- return 0;
- }
- #define socket_get(_slot_) PCMCIA_SOCKET_KEY_5V
- #define hardware_enable(_slot_) /* No hardware to enable */
- #define hardware_disable(_slot_) /* No hardware to disable */
- #endif /* CONFIG_RPXCLASSIC */
- /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
- /* FADS Boards from Motorola */
- #if defined(CONFIG_FADS)
- static int voltage_set(int slot, int vcc, int vpp)
- {
- uint reg = 0;
- switch(vcc) {
- case 0: break;
- case 33: reg |= BCSR1_PCCVCC0; break;
- case 50: reg |= BCSR1_PCCVCC1; break;
- default: return 1;
- }
- switch(vpp) {
- case 0: break;
- case 33:
- case 50:
- if(vcc == vpp)
- reg |= BCSR1_PCCVPP1;
- else
- return 1;
- break;
- case 120:
- if ((vcc == 33) || (vcc == 50))
- reg |= BCSR1_PCCVPP0;
- else
- return 1;
- default: return 1;
- }
- /* first, turn off all power */
- /* enable new powersettings */
- *((uint *)BCSR1) |= reg;
- return 0;
- }
- #define socket_get(_slot_) PCMCIA_SOCKET_KEY_5V
- static void hardware_enable(int slot)
- {
- *((uint *)BCSR1) &= ~BCSR1_PCCEN;
- }
- static void hardware_disable(int slot)
- {
- *((uint *)BCSR1) |= BCSR1_PCCEN;
- }
- #endif
- /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
- /* Motorola MBX860 */
- #if defined(CONFIG_MBX)
- static int voltage_set(int slot, int vcc, int vpp)
- {
- unsigned char reg = 0;
- switch(vcc) {
- case 0: break;
- case 33: reg |= CSR2_VCC_33; break;
- case 50: reg |= CSR2_VCC_50; break;
- default: return 1;
- }
- switch(vpp) {
- case 0: break;
- case 33:
- case 50:
- if(vcc == vpp)
- reg |= CSR2_VPP_VCC;
- else
- return 1;
- break;
- case 120:
- if ((vcc == 33) || (vcc == 50))
- reg |= CSR2_VPP_12;
- else
- return 1;
- default: return 1;
- }
- /* first, turn off all power */
- *((unsigned char *)MBX_CSR2_ADDR) &= ~(CSR2_VCC_MASK | CSR2_VPP_MASK);
- /* enable new powersettings */
- *((unsigned char *)MBX_CSR2_ADDR) |= reg;
- return 0;
- }
- #define socket_get(_slot_) PCMCIA_SOCKET_KEY_5V
- #define hardware_enable(_slot_) /* No hardware to enable */
- #define hardware_disable(_slot_) /* No hardware to disable */
- #endif /* CONFIG_MBX */
- /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
- static void m8xx_shutdown(void)
- {
- u_int m;
- pcmcia_win_t *w;
- w = (void *) &((immap_t *)IMAP_ADDR)->im_pcmcia.pcmc_pbr0;
- ((immap_t *)IMAP_ADDR)->im_pcmcia.pcmc_pscr =
- M8XX_PCMCIA_MASK(_slot_);
- ((immap_t *)IMAP_ADDR)->im_pcmcia.pcmc_per
- &= ~M8XX_PCMCIA_MASK(_slot_);
- /* turn off interrupt and disable CxOE */
- /* turn off memory windows */
- for(m = 0; m < PCMCIA_MEM_WIN_NO; m++) {
- w->or = 0; /* set to not valid */
- w++;
- }
- /* turn off voltage */
- voltage_set(_slot_, 0, 0);
- /* disable external hardware */
- hardware_disable(_slot_);
- free_irq(pcmcia_schlvl, NULL);
- }
- /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
- /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
- static u_int pending_events[PCMCIA_SOCKETS_NO];
- static spinlock_t pending_event_lock = SPIN_LOCK_UNLOCKED;
- static void m8xx_pcmcia_bh(void *dummy)
- {
- u_int events;
- int i;
- for (i=0; i < PCMCIA_SOCKETS_NO; i++) {
- spin_lock_irq(&pending_event_lock);
- events = pending_events[i];
- pending_events[i] = 0;
- spin_unlock_irq(&pending_event_lock);
- /*
- SS_DETECT events need a small delay here. The reason for this is that
- the "is there a card" electronics need time to see the card after the
- "we have a card coming in" electronics have seen it.
- */
- if (events & SS_DETECT)
- mdelay(4);
- if (socket[i].handler)
- socket[i].handler(socket[i].info, events);
- }
- }
- static struct tq_struct m8xx_pcmcia_task = {
- routine: m8xx_pcmcia_bh
- };
- static void m8xx_interrupt(int irq, void *dev, struct pt_regs *regs)
- {
- socket_info_t *s;
- event_table_t *e;
- u_int events, pscr, pipr;
- DEBUG(3,"Interrupt!n");
- /* get interrupt sources */
- pscr = ((immap_t *)IMAP_ADDR)->im_pcmcia.pcmc_pscr;
- pipr = ((immap_t *)IMAP_ADDR)->im_pcmcia.pcmc_pipr;
- s = &socket[0];
- if(s->handler) {
- e = &s->events[0];
- events = 0;
- while(e->regbit) {
- if(pscr & e->regbit)
- events |= e->eventbit;
- e++;
- }
- /*
- * report only if both card detect signals are the same
- * not too nice done,
- * we depend on that CD2 is the bit to the left of CD1...
- */
- if(events & SS_DETECT)
- if(((pipr & M8XX_PCMCIA_CD2(_slot_)) >> 1)
- ^ (pipr & M8XX_PCMCIA_CD1(_slot_)))
- events &= ~SS_DETECT;
- /*
- * I've experienced CD problems with my ADS board.
- * We make an extra check to see if there was a
- * real change of Card detection.
- */
- if((events & SS_DETECT) &&
- ((pipr &
- (M8XX_PCMCIA_CD2(_slot_) | M8XX_PCMCIA_CD1(_slot_)))
- == 0) && (s->state.Vcc | s->state.Vpp)) {
- events &= ~SS_DETECT;
- printk( "CD glitch workaround - CD = 0x%08x!n",
- (pipr & (M8XX_PCMCIA_CD2(_slot_)
- | M8XX_PCMCIA_CD1(_slot_))));
- }
- #endif
- /* call the handler */
- DEBUG(3,"slot %u: events = 0x%02x, pscr = 0x%08x, "
- "pipr = 0x%08xn",
- _slot_, events, pscr, pipr);
- if(events) {
- spin_lock(&pending_event_lock);
- pending_events[0] |= events;
- spin_unlock(&pending_event_lock);
- schedule_task(&m8xx_pcmcia_task);
- }
- }
- /* clear the interrupt sources */
- ((immap_t *)IMAP_ADDR)->im_pcmcia.pcmc_pscr = pscr;
- DEBUG(3,"Interrupt done.n");
- }
- /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
- static u_int m8xx_get_graycode(u_int size)
- {
- u_int k;
- for(k = 0; k < M8XX_SIZES_NO; k++)
- if(m8xx_size_to_gray[k] == size)
- break;
- if((k == M8XX_SIZES_NO) || (m8xx_size_to_gray[k] == -1))
- k = -1;
- return k;
- }
- /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
- static u_int m8xx_get_speed(u_int ns, u_int is_io)
- {
- u_int reg, clocks, psst, psl, psht;
- if(!ns) {
- /*
- * We get called with IO maps setup to 0ns
- * if not specified by the user.
- * They should be 255ns.
- */
- if(is_io)
- ns = 255;
- else
- ns = 100; /* fast memory if 0 */
- }
- /*
- * In PSST, PSL, PSHT fields we tell the controller
- * timing parameters in CLKOUT clock cycles.
- * CLKOUT is the same as GCLK2_50.
- */
- /* how we want to adjust the timing - in percent */
- #define ADJ 180 /* 80 % longer accesstime - to be sure */
- clocks = ((M8XX_BUSFREQ / 1000) * ns) / 1000;
- clocks = (clocks * ADJ) / (100*1000);
- if(clocks >= PCMCIA_BMT_LIMIT) {
- printk( "Max access time limit reachedn");
- clocks = PCMCIA_BMT_LIMIT-1;
- }
- psst = clocks / 7; /* setup time */
- psht = clocks / 7; /* hold time */
- psl = (clocks * 5) / 7; /* strobe length */
- psst += clocks - (psst + psht + psl);
- reg = psst << 12;
- reg |= psl << 7;
- reg |= psht << 16;
- return reg;
- }
- /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
- static int m8xx_register_callback(unsigned int sock, void (*handler)(void *, unsigned int), void * info)
- {
- socket[sock].handler = handler;
- socket[sock].info = info;
- if (handler == NULL) {
- }
- else {
- }
- return 0;
- }
- /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
- static int m8xx_get_status(unsigned int lsock, u_int *value)
- {
- socket_info_t *s = &socket[lsock];
- u_int pipr, reg;
- pipr = ((immap_t *)IMAP_ADDR)->im_pcmcia.pcmc_pipr;
- *value = ((pipr & (M8XX_PCMCIA_CD1(_slot_)
- | M8XX_PCMCIA_CD2(_slot_))) == 0) ? SS_DETECT : 0;
- *value |= (pipr & M8XX_PCMCIA_WP(_slot_)) ? SS_WRPROT : 0;
- if (s->state.flags & SS_IOCARD)
- *value |= (pipr & M8XX_PCMCIA_BVD1(_slot_)) ? SS_STSCHG : 0;
- else {
- *value |= (pipr & M8XX_PCMCIA_RDY(_slot_)) ? SS_READY : 0;
- *value |= (pipr & M8XX_PCMCIA_BVD1(_slot_)) ? SS_BATDEAD : 0;
- *value |= (pipr & M8XX_PCMCIA_BVD2(_slot_)) ? SS_BATWARN : 0;
- }
- if (s->state.Vcc | s->state.Vpp)
- *value |= SS_POWERON;
- /*
- * Voltage detection:
- * This driver only supports 16-Bit pc-cards.
- * Cardbus is not handled here.
- *
- * To determine what voltage to use we must read the VS1 and VS2 pin.
- * Depending on what socket type is present,
- * different combinations mean different things.
- *
- * Card Key Socket Key VS1 VS2 Card Vcc for CIS parse
- *
- * 5V 5V, LV* NC NC 5V only 5V (if available)
- *
- * 5V 5V, LV* GND NC 5 or 3.3V as low as possible
- *
- * 5V 5V, LV* GND GND 5, 3.3, x.xV as low as possible
- *
- * LV* 5V - - shall not fit into socket
- *
- * LV* LV* GND NC 3.3V only 3.3V
- *
- * LV* LV* NC GND x.xV x.xV (if avail.)
- *
- * LV* LV* GND GND 3.3 or x.xV as low as possible
- *
- * *LV means Low Voltage
- *
- *
- * That gives us the following table:
- *
- * Socket VS1 VS2 Voltage
- *
- * 5V NC NC 5V
- * 5V NC GND none (should not be possible)
- * 5V GND NC >= 3.3V
- * 5V GND GND >= x.xV
- *
- * LV NC NC 5V (if available)
- * LV NC GND x.xV (if available)
- * LV GND NC 3.3V
- * LV GND GND >= x.xV
- *
- * So, how do I determine if I have a 5V or a LV
- * socket on my board? Look at the socket!
- *
- *
- * Socket with 5V key:
- * ++--------------------------------------------+
- * || |
- * || ||
- * || ||
- * | |
- * +---------------------------------------------+
- *
- * Socket with LV key:
- * ++--------------------------------------------+
- * || |
- * | ||
- * | ||
- * | |
- * +---------------------------------------------+
- *
- *
- * With other words - LV only cards does not fit
- * into the 5V socket!
- */
- /* read out VS1 and VS2 */
- reg = (pipr & M8XX_PCMCIA_VS_MASK(_slot_))
- >> M8XX_PCMCIA_VS_SHIFT(_slot_);
- if(socket_get(_slot_) == PCMCIA_SOCKET_KEY_LV) {
- switch(reg) {
- case 1: *value |= SS_3VCARD; break; /* GND, NC - 3.3V only */
- case 2: *value |= SS_XVCARD; break; /* NC. GND - x.xV only */
- };
- }
- DEBUG(3,"GetStatus(%d) = %#2.2xn", lsock, *value);
- return 0;
- }
- /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
- static int m8xx_inquire_socket(unsigned int lsock, socket_cap_t *cap)
- {
- *cap = capabilities;
- return 0;
- }
- /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
- static int m8xx_get_socket(unsigned int lsock, socket_state_t *state)
- {
- *state = socket[lsock].state; /* copy the whole structure */
- DEBUG(3,"GetSocket(%d) = flags %#3.3x, Vcc %d, Vpp %d, "
- "io_irq %d, csc_mask %#2.2xn", lsock, state->flags,
- state->Vcc, state->Vpp, state->io_irq, state->csc_mask);
- return 0;
- }
- /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
- static int m8xx_set_socket(unsigned int lsock, socket_state_t *state)
- {
- socket_info_t *s = &socket[lsock];
- event_table_t *e;
- u_int reg;
- u_long flags;
- DEBUG(3, "SetSocket(%d, flags %#3.3x, Vcc %d, Vpp %d, "
- "io_irq %d, csc_mask %#2.2x)n", lsock, state->flags,
- state->Vcc, state->Vpp, state->io_irq, state->csc_mask);
- /* First, set voltage - bail out if invalid */
- if(voltage_set(_slot_, state->Vcc, state->Vpp))
- return -EINVAL;
- /* Take care of reset... */
- if(state->flags & SS_RESET)
- M8XX_PGCRX(_slot_) |= M8XX_PGCRX_CXRESET; /* active high */
- else
- /* ... and output enable. */
- /* The CxOE signal is connected to a 74541 on the ADS.
- I guess most other boards used the ADS as a reference.
- I tried to control the CxOE signal with SS_OUTPUT_ENA,
- but the reset signal seems connected via the 541.
- If the CxOE is left high are some signals tristated and
- no pullups are present -> the cards act wierd.
- So right now the buffers are enabled if the power is on. */
- if(state->Vcc || state->Vpp)
- M8XX_PGCRX(_slot_) &= ~M8XX_PGCRX_CXOE; /* active low */
- else
- M8XX_PGCRX(_slot_) |= M8XX_PGCRX_CXOE;
- /*
- * We'd better turn off interrupts before
- * we mess with the events-table..
- */
- save_flags(flags);
- cli();
- /*
- * Play around with the interrupt mask to be able to
- * give the events the generic pcmcia driver wants us to.
- */
- e = &s->events[0];
- reg = 0;
- if(state->csc_mask & SS_DETECT) {
- e->eventbit = SS_DETECT;
- reg |= e->regbit = (M8XX_PCMCIA_CD2(_slot_)
- | M8XX_PCMCIA_CD1(_slot_));
- e++;
- }
- if(state->flags & SS_IOCARD) {
- /*
- * I/O card
- */
- if(state->csc_mask & SS_STSCHG) {
- e->eventbit = SS_STSCHG;
- reg |= e->regbit = M8XX_PCMCIA_BVD1(_slot_);
- e++;
- }
- /*
- * If io_irq is non-zero we should enable irq.
- */
- if(state->io_irq) {
- M8XX_PGCRX(_slot_) |=
- mk_int_int_mask(state->io_irq) << 24;
- /*
- * Strange thing here:
- * The manual does not tell us which interrupt
- * the sources generate.
- * Anyhow, I found out that RDY_L generates IREQLVL.
- *
- * We use level triggerd interrupts, and they don't
- * have to be cleared in PSCR in the interrupt handler.
- */
- reg |= M8XX_PCMCIA_RDY_L(_slot_);
- }
- else
- M8XX_PGCRX(_slot_) &= 0x00ffffff;
- }
- else {
- /*
- * Memory card
- */
- if(state->csc_mask & SS_BATDEAD) {
- e->eventbit = SS_BATDEAD;
- reg |= e->regbit = M8XX_PCMCIA_BVD1(_slot_);
- e++;
- }
- if(state->csc_mask & SS_BATWARN) {
- e->eventbit = SS_BATWARN;
- reg |= e->regbit = M8XX_PCMCIA_BVD2(_slot_);
- e++;
- }
- /* What should I trigger on - low/high,raise,fall? */
- if(state->csc_mask & SS_READY) {
- e->eventbit = SS_READY;
- reg |= e->regbit = 0; //??
- e++;
- }
- }
- e->regbit = 0; /* terminate list */
- /*
- * Clear the status changed .
- * Port A and Port B share the same port.
- * Writing ones will clear the bits.
- */
- ((immap_t *)IMAP_ADDR)->im_pcmcia.pcmc_pscr = reg;
- /*
- * Write the mask.
- * Port A and Port B share the same port.
- * Need for read-modify-write.
- * Ones will enable the interrupt.
- */
- reg |= ((immap_t *)IMAP_ADDR)->im_pcmcia.pcmc_per
- & M8XX_PCMCIA_MASK(_slot_);
- ((immap_t *)IMAP_ADDR)->im_pcmcia.pcmc_per = reg;
- restore_flags(flags);
- /* copy the struct and modify the copy */
- s->state = *state;
- return 0;
- }
- /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
- static int m8xx_get_io_map(unsigned int lsock, struct pccard_io_map *io)
- {
- if(io->map >= PCMCIA_IO_WIN_NO)
- return -EINVAL;
- *io = socket[lsock].io_win[io->map]; /* copy the struct */
- DEBUG(3,"GetIOMap(%d, %d) = %#2.2x, %d ns, "
- "%#4.4x-%#4.4xn", lsock, io->map, io->flags,
- io->speed, io->start, io->stop);
- return 0;
- }
- /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
- static int m8xx_set_io_map(unsigned int lsock, struct pccard_io_map *io)
- {
- socket_info_t *s = &socket[lsock];
- pcmcia_win_t *w;
- u_int reg, winnr;
- #define M8XX_SIZE (io->stop - io->start + 1)
- #define M8XX_BASE (PCMCIA_IO_WIN_BASE + io->start)
- DEBUG(3, "SetIOMap(%d, %d, %#2.2x, %d ns, "
- "%#4.4x-%#4.4x)n", lsock, io->map, io->flags,
- io->speed, io->start, io->stop);
- if ((io->map >= PCMCIA_IO_WIN_NO) || (io->start > 0xffff)
- || (io->stop > 0xffff) || (io->stop < io->start))
- return -EINVAL;
- if((reg = m8xx_get_graycode(M8XX_SIZE)) == -1)
- return -EINVAL;
- if(io->flags & MAP_ACTIVE) {
- + (lsock * PCMCIA_IO_WIN_NO) + io->map;
- /* setup registers */
- w = (void *) &((immap_t *)IMAP_ADDR)->im_pcmcia.pcmc_pbr0;
- w += winnr;
- w->or = 0; /* turn off window first */
- w->br = M8XX_BASE;
- reg <<= 27;
- reg |= 0x00018 + (_slot_ << 2);
- reg |= m8xx_get_speed(io->speed, 1);
- if(io->flags & MAP_WRPROT)
- reg |= 0x00000002;
- if(io->flags & (MAP_16BIT | MAP_AUTOSZ))
- reg |= 0x00000040;
- if(io->flags & MAP_ACTIVE)
- reg |= 0x00000001;
- w->or = reg;
- DEBUG(3,"Socket %u: Mapped io window %u at %#8.8x, "
- "OR = %#8.8x.n", lsock, io->map, w->br, w->or);
- }
- /* copy the struct and modify the copy */
- s->io_win[io->map] = *io;
- s->io_win[io->map].flags &= (MAP_WRPROT
- | MAP_16BIT
- return 0;
- }
- /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
- static int m8xx_get_mem_map(unsigned int lsock, struct pccard_mem_map *mem)
- {
- if(mem->map >= PCMCIA_MEM_WIN_NO)
- return -EINVAL;
- *mem = socket[lsock].mem_win[mem->map]; /* copy the struct */
- DEBUG(3, "GetMemMap(%d, %d) = %#2.2x, %d ns, "
- "%#5.5lx-%#5.5lx, %#5.5xn", lsock, mem->map, mem->flags,
- mem->speed, mem->sys_start, mem->sys_stop, mem->card_start);
- return 0;
- }
- /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
- static int m8xx_set_mem_map(unsigned int lsock, struct pccard_mem_map *mem)
- {
- socket_info_t *s = &socket[lsock];
- pcmcia_win_t *w;
- struct pccard_mem_map *old;
- u_int reg, winnr;
- DEBUG(3, "SetMemMap(%d, %d, %#2.2x, %d ns, "
- "%#5.5lx-%#5.5lx, %#5.5x)n", lsock, mem->map, mem->flags,
- mem->speed, mem->sys_start, mem->sys_stop, mem->card_start);
- if ((mem->map >= PCMCIA_MEM_WIN_NO) || (mem->sys_start > mem->sys_stop)
- || ((mem->sys_stop - mem->sys_start) >= PCMCIA_MEM_WIN_SIZE)
- || (mem->card_start >= 0x04000000)
- || (mem->sys_start & 0xfff) /* 4KByte resolution */
- || (mem->card_start & 0xfff))
- return -EINVAL;
- if((reg = m8xx_get_graycode(PCMCIA_MEM_WIN_SIZE)) == -1) {
- printk( "Cannot set size to 0x%08x.n", PCMCIA_MEM_WIN_SIZE);
- return -EINVAL;
- }
- winnr = (lsock * PCMCIA_MEM_WIN_NO) + mem->map;
- /* Setup the window in the pcmcia controller */
- w = (void *) &((immap_t *)IMAP_ADDR)->im_pcmcia.pcmc_pbr0;
- w += winnr;
- reg <<= 27;
- reg |= _slot_ << 2;
- reg |= m8xx_get_speed(mem->speed, 0);
- if(mem->flags & MAP_ATTRIB)
- reg |= 0x00000010;
- if(mem->flags & MAP_WRPROT)
- reg |= 0x00000002;
- if(mem->flags & MAP_16BIT)
- reg |= 0x00000040;
- if(mem->flags & MAP_ACTIVE)
- reg |= 0x00000001;
- w->or = reg;
- DEBUG(3, "Socket %u: Mapped memory window %u at %#8.8x, "
- "OR = %#8.8x.n", lsock, mem->map, w->br, w->or);
- if(mem->flags & MAP_ACTIVE) {
- mem->sys_stop -= mem->sys_start;
- /* get the new base address */
- mem->sys_start = PCMCIA_MEM_WIN_BASE +
- + mem->card_start;
- mem->sys_stop += mem->sys_start;
- }
- DEBUG(3, "SetMemMap(%d, %d, %#2.2x, %d ns, "
- "%#5.5lx-%#5.5lx, %#5.5x)n", lsock, mem->map, mem->flags,
- mem->speed, mem->sys_start, mem->sys_stop, mem->card_start);
- /* copy the struct and modify the copy */
- old = &s->mem_win[mem->map];
- *old = *mem;
- old->flags &= (MAP_ATTRIB
- | MAP_16BIT
- return 0;
- }
- static int m8xx_sock_init(unsigned int s)
- {
- int i;
- pccard_io_map io = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 1 };
- pccard_mem_map mem = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 };
- DEBUG(3, "sock_init(%d)n", s);
- mem.sys_stop = 0x1000;
- m8xx_set_socket(s, &dead_socket);
- for (i = 0; i < PCMCIA_IO_WIN_NO; i++) {
- = i;
- m8xx_set_io_map(s, &io);
- }
- for (i = 0; i < PCMCIA_MEM_WIN_NO; i++) {
- = i;
- m8xx_set_mem_map(s, &mem);
- }
- return 0;
- }
- static int m8xx_suspend(unsigned int s)
- {
- return(m8xx_set_socket(s, &dead_socket));
- }
- static void m8xx_proc_setup(unsigned int sock, struct proc_dir_entry *base)
- {
- }
- /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
- static struct pccard_operations m8xx_services = {
- &m8xx_sock_init,
- &m8xx_suspend,
- &m8xx_register_callback,
- &m8xx_inquire_socket,
- &m8xx_get_status,
- &m8xx_get_socket,
- &m8xx_set_socket,
- &m8xx_get_io_map,
- &m8xx_set_io_map,
- &m8xx_get_mem_map,
- &m8xx_set_mem_map,
- &m8xx_proc_setup
- };
- static int __init m8xx_init(void)
- {
- servinfo_t serv;
- pcmcia_win_t *w;
- u_int m;
- PCMCIA_INFO("%sn", version);
- CardServices(GetCardServicesInfo, &serv);
- if (serv.Revision != CS_RELEASE_CODE) {
- PCMCIA_ERROR("Card Services release does not match!n");
- return -1;
- }
- " with IRQ %u.n", pcmcia_schlvl);
- /* Configure Status change interrupt */
- if(request_8xxirq(pcmcia_schlvl, m8xx_interrupt, 0,
- "m8xx_pcmcia", NULL)) {
- PCMCIA_ERROR("Cannot allocate IRQ %u for SCHLVL!n",
- pcmcia_schlvl);
- return -1;
- }
- w = (void *) &((immap_t *)IMAP_ADDR)->im_pcmcia.pcmc_pbr0;
- socket[0].slot = _slot_;
- ((immap_t *)IMAP_ADDR)->im_pcmcia.pcmc_pscr =
- M8XX_PCMCIA_MASK(_slot_);
- ((immap_t *)IMAP_ADDR)->im_pcmcia.pcmc_per
- &= ~M8XX_PCMCIA_MASK(_slot_);
- /* connect interrupt and disable CxOE */
- M8XX_PGCRX(_slot_) = M8XX_PGCRX_CXOE |
- (mk_int_int_mask(pcmcia_schlvl) << 16);
- /* intialize the fixed memory windows */
- for(m = 0; m < PCMCIA_MEM_WIN_NO; m++) {
- * (m + 0 * PCMCIA_MEM_WIN_NO));
- w->or = 0; /* set to not valid */
- DEBUG(3,"Socket %u: MemWin %u: Base 0x%08x.n",
- 0, m, w->br);
- w++;
- }
- /* turn off voltage */
- voltage_set(_slot_, 0, 0);
- /* Enable external hardware */
- hardware_enable(_slot_);
- if(register_ss_entry(PCMCIA_SOCKETS_NO, &m8xx_services) != 0) {
- PCMCIA_ERROR("register_ss_entry() failed.n");
- m8xx_shutdown();
- return -ENODEV;
- }
- return 0;
- }
- static void __exit m8xx_exit(void)
- {
- unregister_ss_entry(&m8xx_services);
- m8xx_shutdown();
- }
- module_init(m8xx_init);
- module_exit(m8xx_exit);