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Package: linux-2.4.20.tar.gz [view]
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Upload Date: 2013-04-10
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Code Size: 14k
Linux-Unix program
Development Platform:
- /*
- * Linux/PA-RISC Project (
- *
- * Floating-point emulation code
- * Copyright (C) 2001 Hewlett-Packard (Paul Bame) <>
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
- * any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- * Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
- */
- /*
- *
- * File:
- * @(#) pa/spmath/sfsub.c $Revision: 1.1 $
- *
- * Purpose:
- * Single_subtract: subtract two single precision values.
- *
- * External Interfaces:
- * sgl_fsub(leftptr, rightptr, dstptr, status)
- *
- * Internal Interfaces:
- *
- * Theory:
- * <<please update with a overview of the operation of this file>>
- *
- */
- #include "float.h"
- #include "sgl_float.h"
- /*
- * Single_subtract: subtract two single precision values.
- */
- int
- sgl_fsub(
- sgl_floating_point *leftptr,
- sgl_floating_point *rightptr,
- sgl_floating_point *dstptr,
- unsigned int *status)
- {
- register unsigned int left, right, result, extent;
- register unsigned int signless_upper_left, signless_upper_right, save;
- register int result_exponent, right_exponent, diff_exponent;
- register int sign_save, jumpsize;
- register boolean inexact = FALSE, underflowtrap;
- /* Create local copies of the numbers */
- left = *leftptr;
- right = *rightptr;
- /* A zero "save" helps discover equal operands (for later), *
- * and is used in swapping operands (if needed). */
- Sgl_xortointp1(left,right,/*to*/save);
- /*
- * check first operand for NaN's or infinity
- */
- if ((result_exponent = Sgl_exponent(left)) == SGL_INFINITY_EXPONENT)
- {
- if (Sgl_iszero_mantissa(left))
- {
- if (Sgl_isnotnan(right))
- {
- if (Sgl_isinfinity(right) && save==0)
- {
- /*
- * invalid since operands are same signed infinity's
- */
- if (Is_invalidtrap_enabled()) return(INVALIDEXCEPTION);
- Set_invalidflag();
- Sgl_makequietnan(result);
- *dstptr = result;
- return(NOEXCEPTION);
- }
- /*
- * return infinity
- */
- *dstptr = left;
- return(NOEXCEPTION);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- /*
- * is NaN; signaling or quiet?
- */
- if (Sgl_isone_signaling(left))
- {
- /* trap if INVALIDTRAP enabled */
- if (Is_invalidtrap_enabled()) return(INVALIDEXCEPTION);
- /* make NaN quiet */
- Set_invalidflag();
- Sgl_set_quiet(left);
- }
- /*
- * is second operand a signaling NaN?
- */
- else if (Sgl_is_signalingnan(right))
- {
- /* trap if INVALIDTRAP enabled */
- if (Is_invalidtrap_enabled()) return(INVALIDEXCEPTION);
- /* make NaN quiet */
- Set_invalidflag();
- Sgl_set_quiet(right);
- *dstptr = right;
- return(NOEXCEPTION);
- }
- /*
- * return quiet NaN
- */
- *dstptr = left;
- return(NOEXCEPTION);
- }
- } /* End left NaN or Infinity processing */
- /*
- * check second operand for NaN's or infinity
- */
- if (Sgl_isinfinity_exponent(right))
- {
- if (Sgl_iszero_mantissa(right))
- {
- /* return infinity */
- Sgl_invert_sign(right);
- *dstptr = right;
- return(NOEXCEPTION);
- }
- /*
- * is NaN; signaling or quiet?
- */
- if (Sgl_isone_signaling(right))
- {
- /* trap if INVALIDTRAP enabled */
- if (Is_invalidtrap_enabled()) return(INVALIDEXCEPTION);
- /* make NaN quiet */
- Set_invalidflag();
- Sgl_set_quiet(right);
- }
- /*
- * return quiet NaN
- */
- *dstptr = right;
- return(NOEXCEPTION);
- } /* End right NaN or Infinity processing */
- /* Invariant: Must be dealing with finite numbers */
- /* Compare operands by removing the sign */
- Sgl_copytoint_exponentmantissa(left,signless_upper_left);
- Sgl_copytoint_exponentmantissa(right,signless_upper_right);
- /* sign difference selects sub or add operation. */
- if(Sgl_ismagnitudeless(signless_upper_left,signless_upper_right))
- {
- /* Set the left operand to the larger one by XOR swap *
- * First finish the first word using "save" */
- Sgl_xorfromintp1(save,right,/*to*/right);
- Sgl_xorfromintp1(save,left,/*to*/left);
- result_exponent = Sgl_exponent(left);
- Sgl_invert_sign(left);
- }
- /* Invariant: left is not smaller than right. */
- if((right_exponent = Sgl_exponent(right)) == 0)
- {
- /* Denormalized operands. First look for zeroes */
- if(Sgl_iszero_mantissa(right))
- {
- /* right is zero */
- if(Sgl_iszero_exponentmantissa(left))
- {
- /* Both operands are zeros */
- Sgl_invert_sign(right);
- if(Is_rounding_mode(ROUNDMINUS))
- {
- Sgl_or_signs(left,/*with*/right);
- }
- else
- {
- Sgl_and_signs(left,/*with*/right);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- /* Left is not a zero and must be the result. Trapped
- * underflows are signaled if left is denormalized. Result
- * is always exact. */
- if( (result_exponent == 0) && Is_underflowtrap_enabled() )
- {
- /* need to normalize results mantissa */
- sign_save = Sgl_signextendedsign(left);
- Sgl_leftshiftby1(left);
- Sgl_normalize(left,result_exponent);
- Sgl_set_sign(left,/*using*/sign_save);
- Sgl_setwrapped_exponent(left,result_exponent,unfl);
- *dstptr = left;
- /* inexact = FALSE */
- }
- }
- *dstptr = left;
- return(NOEXCEPTION);
- }
- /* Neither are zeroes */
- Sgl_clear_sign(right); /* Exponent is already cleared */
- if(result_exponent == 0 )
- {
- /* Both operands are denormalized. The result must be exact
- * and is simply calculated. A sum could become normalized and a
- * difference could cancel to a true zero. */
- if( (/*signed*/int) save >= 0 )
- {
- Sgl_subtract(left,/*minus*/right,/*into*/result);
- if(Sgl_iszero_mantissa(result))
- {
- if(Is_rounding_mode(ROUNDMINUS))
- {
- Sgl_setone_sign(result);
- }
- else
- {
- Sgl_setzero_sign(result);
- }
- *dstptr = result;
- return(NOEXCEPTION);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- Sgl_addition(left,right,/*into*/result);
- if(Sgl_isone_hidden(result))
- {
- *dstptr = result;
- return(NOEXCEPTION);
- }
- }
- if(Is_underflowtrap_enabled())
- {
- /* need to normalize result */
- sign_save = Sgl_signextendedsign(result);
- Sgl_leftshiftby1(result);
- Sgl_normalize(result,result_exponent);
- Sgl_set_sign(result,/*using*/sign_save);
- Sgl_setwrapped_exponent(result,result_exponent,unfl);
- *dstptr = result;
- /* inexact = FALSE */
- }
- *dstptr = result;
- return(NOEXCEPTION);
- }
- right_exponent = 1; /* Set exponent to reflect different bias
- * with denomalized numbers. */
- }
- else
- {
- Sgl_clear_signexponent_set_hidden(right);
- }
- Sgl_clear_exponent_set_hidden(left);
- diff_exponent = result_exponent - right_exponent;
- /*
- * Special case alignment of operands that would force alignment
- * beyond the extent of the extension. A further optimization
- * could special case this but only reduces the path length for this
- * infrequent case.
- */
- if(diff_exponent > SGL_THRESHOLD)
- {
- diff_exponent = SGL_THRESHOLD;
- }
- /* Align right operand by shifting to right */
- Sgl_right_align(/*operand*/right,/*shifted by*/diff_exponent,
- /*and lower to*/extent);
- /* Treat sum and difference of the operands separately. */
- if( (/*signed*/int) save >= 0 )
- {
- /*
- * Difference of the two operands. Their can be no overflow. A
- * borrow can occur out of the hidden bit and force a post
- * normalization phase.
- */
- Sgl_subtract_withextension(left,/*minus*/right,/*with*/extent,/*into*/result);
- if(Sgl_iszero_hidden(result))
- {
- /* Handle normalization */
- /* A straight foward algorithm would now shift the result
- * and extension left until the hidden bit becomes one. Not
- * all of the extension bits need participate in the shift.
- * Only the two most significant bits (round and guard) are
- * needed. If only a single shift is needed then the guard
- * bit becomes a significant low order bit and the extension
- * must participate in the rounding. If more than a single
- * shift is needed, then all bits to the right of the guard
- * bit are zeros, and the guard bit may or may not be zero. */
- sign_save = Sgl_signextendedsign(result);
- Sgl_leftshiftby1_withextent(result,extent,result);
- /* Need to check for a zero result. The sign and exponent
- * fields have already been zeroed. The more efficient test
- * of the full object can be used.
- */
- if(Sgl_iszero(result))
- /* Must have been "x-x" or "x+(-x)". */
- {
- if(Is_rounding_mode(ROUNDMINUS)) Sgl_setone_sign(result);
- *dstptr = result;
- return(NOEXCEPTION);
- }
- result_exponent--;
- /* Look to see if normalization is finished. */
- if(Sgl_isone_hidden(result))
- {
- if(result_exponent==0)
- {
- /* Denormalized, exponent should be zero. Left operand *
- * was normalized, so extent (guard, round) was zero */
- goto underflow;
- }
- else
- {
- /* No further normalization is needed. */
- Sgl_set_sign(result,/*using*/sign_save);
- Ext_leftshiftby1(extent);
- goto round;
- }
- }
- /* Check for denormalized, exponent should be zero. Left *
- * operand was normalized, so extent (guard, round) was zero */
- if(!(underflowtrap = Is_underflowtrap_enabled()) &&
- result_exponent==0) goto underflow;
- /* Shift extension to complete one bit of normalization and
- * update exponent. */
- Ext_leftshiftby1(extent);
- /* Discover first one bit to determine shift amount. Use a
- * modified binary search. We have already shifted the result
- * one position right and still not found a one so the remainder
- * of the extension must be zero and simplifies rounding. */
- /* Scan bytes */
- while(Sgl_iszero_hiddenhigh7mantissa(result))
- {
- Sgl_leftshiftby8(result);
- if((result_exponent -= 8) <= 0 && !underflowtrap)
- goto underflow;
- }
- /* Now narrow it down to the nibble */
- if(Sgl_iszero_hiddenhigh3mantissa(result))
- {
- /* The lower nibble contains the normalizing one */
- Sgl_leftshiftby4(result);
- if((result_exponent -= 4) <= 0 && !underflowtrap)
- goto underflow;
- }
- /* Select case were first bit is set (already normalized)
- * otherwise select the proper shift. */
- if((jumpsize = Sgl_hiddenhigh3mantissa(result)) > 7)
- {
- /* Already normalized */
- if(result_exponent <= 0) goto underflow;
- Sgl_set_sign(result,/*using*/sign_save);
- Sgl_set_exponent(result,/*using*/result_exponent);
- *dstptr = result;
- return(NOEXCEPTION);
- }
- Sgl_sethigh4bits(result,/*using*/sign_save);
- switch(jumpsize)
- {
- case 1:
- {
- Sgl_leftshiftby3(result);
- result_exponent -= 3;
- break;
- }
- case 2:
- case 3:
- {
- Sgl_leftshiftby2(result);
- result_exponent -= 2;
- break;
- }
- case 4:
- case 5:
- case 6:
- case 7:
- {
- Sgl_leftshiftby1(result);
- result_exponent -= 1;
- break;
- }
- }
- if(result_exponent > 0)
- {
- Sgl_set_exponent(result,/*using*/result_exponent);
- *dstptr = result; /* Sign bit is already set */
- return(NOEXCEPTION);
- }
- /* Fixup potential underflows */
- underflow:
- if(Is_underflowtrap_enabled())
- {
- Sgl_set_sign(result,sign_save);
- Sgl_setwrapped_exponent(result,result_exponent,unfl);
- *dstptr = result;
- /* inexact = FALSE */
- }
- /*
- * Since we cannot get an inexact denormalized result,
- * we can now return.
- */
- Sgl_right_align(result,/*by*/(1-result_exponent),extent);
- Sgl_clear_signexponent(result);
- Sgl_set_sign(result,sign_save);
- *dstptr = result;
- return(NOEXCEPTION);
- } /* end if(hidden...)... */
- /* Fall through and round */
- } /* end if(save >= 0)... */
- else
- {
- /* Add magnitudes */
- Sgl_addition(left,right,/*to*/result);
- if(Sgl_isone_hiddenoverflow(result))
- {
- /* Prenormalization required. */
- Sgl_rightshiftby1_withextent(result,extent,extent);
- Sgl_arithrightshiftby1(result);
- result_exponent++;
- } /* end if hiddenoverflow... */
- } /* end else ...sub magnitudes... */
- /* Round the result. If the extension is all zeros,then the result is
- * exact. Otherwise round in the correct direction. No underflow is
- * possible. If a postnormalization is necessary, then the mantissa is
- * all zeros so no shift is needed. */
- round:
- if(Ext_isnotzero(extent))
- {
- inexact = TRUE;
- switch(Rounding_mode())
- {
- case ROUNDNEAREST: /* The default. */
- if(Ext_isone_sign(extent))
- {
- /* at least 1/2 ulp */
- if(Ext_isnotzero_lower(extent) ||
- Sgl_isone_lowmantissa(result))
- {
- /* either exactly half way and odd or more than 1/2ulp */
- Sgl_increment(result);
- }
- }
- break;
- if(Sgl_iszero_sign(result))
- {
- /* Round up positive results */
- Sgl_increment(result);
- }
- break;
- if(Sgl_isone_sign(result))
- {
- /* Round down negative results */
- Sgl_increment(result);
- }
- case ROUNDZERO:;
- /* truncate is simple */
- } /* end switch... */
- if(Sgl_isone_hiddenoverflow(result)) result_exponent++;
- }
- if(result_exponent == SGL_INFINITY_EXPONENT)
- {
- /* Overflow */
- if(Is_overflowtrap_enabled())
- {
- Sgl_setwrapped_exponent(result,result_exponent,ovfl);
- *dstptr = result;
- if (inexact)
- if (Is_inexacttrap_enabled())
- else Set_inexactflag();
- }
- else
- {
- Set_overflowflag();
- inexact = TRUE;
- Sgl_setoverflow(result);
- }
- }
- else Sgl_set_exponent(result,result_exponent);
- *dstptr = result;
- if(inexact)
- if(Is_inexacttrap_enabled()) return(INEXACTEXCEPTION);
- else Set_inexactflag();
- return(NOEXCEPTION);
- }