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Package: [view]
Upload User: andy_li
Upload Date: 2007-01-06
Package Size: 1019k
Code Size: 10k
Compress-Decompress algrithms
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- ######################################################################
- #
- # Makefile for Info-ZIP's unzip, unzipsfx, and funzip on BeOS
- #
- # Copyright (c) 1998 Info-ZIP
- # Chris Herborth (
- #
- # This is the new New and Improved Makefile for BeOS; it will:
- #
- # 1) automatically detect your platform (PowerPC or x86) if none is
- # specified; the default compiler is CodeWarrior for PowerPC, or
- # gcc for x86
- #
- # 2) let you cross-compile for the other platform (PowerPC or x86), in
- # theory
- #
- # 3) let you use Metrowerks CodeWarrior (default) or GNU C to build with
- # for either platfor, in theory
- #
- # To choose a specific architecture, define the ARCH environment
- # variable on the make command-line:
- #
- # ARCH=what make -f beos/Makefile
- #
- # where "what" can be "powerpc" or "x86".
- #
- # To choose a specific compiler, define the CC environment variable on
- # the make command-line:
- #
- # CC=compiler make -f beos/Makefile
- #
- # where "compiler" can be "mwcc" or "x86".
- #
- # Of course, you can combine these two:
- #
- # ARCH=powerpc CC=mwcc make -f beos/Makefile
- #
- # or:
- #
- # CC=gcc ARCH=x86 make -f beos/Makefile
- #
- # To automatically install the fresh new unzip, use the "install" target:
- #
- # make -f beos/Makefile install
- ######################################################################
- # Things that don't change:
- SHELL = /bin/sh
- # Punish those of you not running on SMP hardware...
- MAKE = make -j 4 -f beos/Makefile
- AF=$(LOC)
- # UnZipSfx flags
- SL = -o unzipsfx
- SL2 = $(LF2)
- # fUnZip flags
- FL = -o funzip
- FL2 = $(LF2)
- # general-purpose stuff
- CP = cp
- RM = rm -f
- LN = ln -sf
- E =
- O = .o
- M = beos
- # defaults for crc32 stuff and system-dependent headers
- CRC32 = crc32
- OSDEP_H = beos/beos.h
- # object files
- OBJS1 = unzip$O $(CRC32)$O crctab$O crypt$O envargs$O explode$O
- OBJS2 = extract$O fileio$O globals$O inflate$O list$O match$O
- OBJS3 = process$O ttyio$O unreduce$O unshrink$O zipinfo$O
- OBJS = $(OBJS1) $(OBJS2) $(OBJS3) $M$O $(BEOS_MAIN)
- OBJSDLL = $(OBJS) api$O
- OBJX = unzipsfx$O $(CRC32)$O crctab$O crypt$O extract_$O fileio$O globals$O
- inflate$O match$O process_$O ttyio$O $M_$O $(BEOS_MAIN)
- OBJF = funzip$O $(CRC32)$O crypt_$O globals_$O inflate_$O ttyio_$O
- UNZIP_H = unzip.h unzpriv.h globals.h $(OSDEP_H)
- # installation
- INSTALL = install
- # on some systems, manext=l and MANDIR=/usr/man/man$(manext) may be appropriate
- manext = 1
- prefix = /boot/home/config
- BINDIR = $(prefix)/bin# where to install executables
- MANDIR = $(prefix)/man/man$(manext)# where to install man pages
- INSTALLEDBIN = $(BINDIR)/funzip$E $(BINDIR)/zipinfo$E $(BINDIR)/unzipsfx$E
- $(BINDIR)/unzip$E
- INSTALLEDMAN = $(MANDIR)/unzip.$(manext) $(MANDIR)/funzip.$(manext)
- $(MANDIR)/unzipsfx.$(manext) $(MANDIR)/zipinfo.$(manext)
- #
- UNZIPS = unzip$E funzip$E unzipsfx$E zipinfo$E
- # this is a little ugly...well, no, it's a lot ugly:
- MANS = unix/unzip.1 unix/unzipsfx.1 unix/zipinfo.1 unix/funzip.1
- DOCS = unzip.doc unzipsfx.doc zipinfo.doc funzip.doc
- ######################################################################
- # Things that change:
- # Select an architecture:
- ifndef ARCH
- MACHINE=$(shell uname -m)
- ifeq "$(MACHINE)" "BePC"
- ARCH=x86
- CC=gcc
- else
- ARCH=powerpc
- CC=mwcc
- endif
- endif
- # Now select compiler flags and whatnot based on the ARCH and CC:
- WHAT=$(ARCH)-$(CC)
- ifeq "$(WHAT)" "powerpc-mwcc"
- CC=mwccppc
- LD=mwccppc
- CF=-w9 -O7 -opt schedule604 -rostr -I. $(LOC)
- LF=-o unzip
- LF2=-warn -L/boot/develop/lib/ppc -lbe -lroot
- BEOS_MAIN=beosmain$O
- endif
- ifeq "$(WHAT)" "powerpc-gcc"
- CC=gcc
- LD=gcc
- CF=-O3 -mcpu=604 -Wall -ansi -I. -I/boot/develop/headers/be/support
- -I/boot/develop/headers/be/storage $(LOC)
- LF=-o unzip
- LF2=-L/boot/develop/lib/ppc -lbe -lroot
- BEOS_MAIN=beosmain$O
- endif
- # This isn't likely to happen for R4 or later...
- ifeq "$(WHAT)" "x86-mwcc"
- CC=mwccx86
- LD=mwccx86
- CF=-O2 -w9 -I. $(LOC)
- LF=-o unzip
- LF2=-warn -L/boot/develop/lib/x86 -lbe -lroot
- BEOS_MAIN=beosmain$O
- endif
- ifeq "$(WHAT)" "x86-gcc"
- CC=gcc
- LD=gcc
- CF=-O3 -mcpu=i586 -Wall -ansi -I. -I/boot/develop/headers/be/support
- -I/boot/develop/headers/be/storage $(LOC)
- LF=-o unzip
- LF2=-L/boot/develop/lib/x86 -lbe -lroot
- BEOS_MAIN=beosmain$O
- endif
- ifndef TARGET
- TARGET=help
- endif
- ######################################################################
- # Helpful targets
- all:
- @echo 'TARGET = $(TARGET)'
- @echo 'ARCH = $(ARCH)'
- @echo 'CC = $(CC)'
- if [ -n "$(TARGET)" ] ; then
- $(MAKE) CC=$(CC) CF="$(CF)" LD="$(LD)"
- LF="$(LF)" LF2="$(LF2)" CCPP="$(CC)" CPPF="$(CF)"
- else
- $(MAKE) help ;
- fi
- help:
- @echo ''
- @echo "This Makefile lets you build Info-ZIP's zip."
- @echo ''
- @echo 'To build zip for this computer using the default compiler, just do:'
- @echo ''
- @echo ' make -f beos/Makefile'
- @echo ''
- @echo 'To build zip for a specific architecture using a specific'
- @echo 'compiler, do:'
- @echo ''
- @echo ' ARCH=cpu CC=compiler make -f beos/Makefile'
- @echo ''
- @echo 'Where:'
- @echo ' cpu is either "powerpc" or "x86"'
- @echo ' compiler is either "mwcc" or "gcc"'
- @echo ''
- ######################################################################
- # Basic compile instructions and dependencies
- # this is for GNU make; comment out and notify zip-bugs if it causes errors
- .SUFFIXES: .c .o
- # default for compiling C files
- .c.o:
- $(CC) -c $(CF) $*.c
- unzips: $(UNZIPS)
- objs: $(OBJS)
- objsdll: $(OBJSDLL)
- docs: $(DOCS)
- unzipsman: unzips docs
- unzipsdocs: unzips docs
- unzip$E: $(OBJS) beos/unzip.rsc
- $(LD) $(LF) $(LOBJS) $(LF2)
- chmod +x unzip$E
- xres -o unzip$E beos/unzip.rsc
- mimeset -f -all unzip$E
- unzipsfx$E: $(OBJX) beos/unzipsfx.rsc
- $(LD) $(SL) $(LOBJX) $(SL2)
- chmod +x unzipsfx$E
- xres -o unzipsfx$E beos/unzipsfx.rsc
- mimeset -f -all unzipsfx
- funzip$E: $(OBJF)
- $(LD) $(FL) $(OBJF) $(FL2)
- chmod +x funzip$E
- zipinfo$E: unzip$E
- $(LN) unzip$E zipinfo$E
- crc32$O: crc32.c $(UNZIP_H) zip.h
- crctab$O: crctab.c $(UNZIP_H) zip.h
- crypt$O: crypt.c $(UNZIP_H) zip.h crypt.h ttyio.h
- envargs$O: envargs.c $(UNZIP_H)
- explode$O: explode.c $(UNZIP_H)
- extract$O: extract.c $(UNZIP_H) crypt.h
- fileio$O: fileio.c $(UNZIP_H) crypt.h ttyio.h ebcdic.h
- funzip$O: funzip.c $(UNZIP_H) crypt.h ttyio.h tables.h
- globals$O: globals.c $(UNZIP_H)
- inflate$O: inflate.c inflate.h $(UNZIP_H)
- list$O: list.c $(UNZIP_H)
- match$O: match.c $(UNZIP_H)
- process$O: process.c $(UNZIP_H)
- ttyio$O: ttyio.c $(UNZIP_H) zip.h crypt.h ttyio.h
- unreduce$O: unreduce.c $(UNZIP_H)
- unshrink$O: unshrink.c $(UNZIP_H)
- unzip$O: unzip.c $(UNZIP_H) crypt.h version.h consts.h
- zipinfo$O: zipinfo.c $(UNZIP_H)
- crypt_$O: crypt.c $(UNZIP_H) zip.h crypt.h ttyio.h # funzip only
- $(CP) crypt.c crypt_.c
- $(CC) -c $(CF) -DFUNZIP crypt_.c
- $(RM) crypt_.c
- extract_$O: extract.c $(UNZIP_H) crypt.h # unzipsfx only
- $(CP) extract.c extract_.c
- $(CC) -c $(CF) -DSFX extract_.c
- $(RM) extract_.c
- globals_$O: globals.c $(UNZIP_H) # funzip only
- $(CP) globals.c globals_.c
- $(CC) -c $(CF) -DFUNZIP globals_.c
- $(RM) globals_.c
- inflate_$O: inflate.c inflate.h $(UNZIP_H) crypt.h # funzip only
- $(CP) inflate.c inflate_.c
- $(CC) -c $(CF) -DFUNZIP inflate_.c
- $(RM) inflate_.c
- ttyio_$O: ttyio.c $(UNZIP_H) zip.h crypt.h ttyio.h # funzip only
- $(CP) ttyio.c ttyio_.c
- $(CC) -c $(CF) -DFUNZIP ttyio_.c
- $(RM) ttyio_.c
- process_$O: process.c $(UNZIP_H) # unzipsfx only
- $(CP) process.c process_.c
- $(CC) -c $(CF) -DSFX process_.c
- $(RM) process_.c
- beos$O: beos/beos.c $(UNZIP_H) version.h # BeOS only
- $(CC) -c $(CF) beos/beos.c
- beosmain$O: beos/beosmain.cpp $(UNZIP_H) version.h # BeOS only
- $(CCPP) -c $(CPPF) beos/beosmain.cpp
- # version() not used by unzipsfx, so no version.h dependency
- beos_$O: beos/beos.c $(UNZIP_H) # unzipsfx only
- $(CP) beos/beos.c beos_.c
- $(CC) -c $(CF) -Ibeos -DSFX beos_.c
- $(RM) beos_.c
- beosmain_$O: beos/beosmain.cpp $(UNZIP_H)
- $(CP) beos/beosmain.cpp beosmain_.cpp
- $(CCPP) -c $(CPPF) -Ibeos -DSFX beosmain_.cpp
- $(RM) beosmain_.cpp
- unzipsfx$O: unzip.c $(UNZIP_H) crypt.h version.h consts.h # unzipsfx only
- $(CP) unzip.c unzipsfx.c
- $(CC) -c $(CF) -DSFX unzipsfx.c
- $(RM) unzipsfx.c
- # this really only works for Unix targets, unless E and O specified on cmd line
- clean:
- -rm -f $(UNZIPS) $(OBJS) $(OBJF) $(OBJX) api$O apihelp$O crc_gcc$O
- unzipstb$O beosmain.o beosmain_.o
- install: all
- $(INSTALL) -m 755 $(UNZIPS) $(BINDIR)
- mimeset -f -all $(BINDIR)/unzip
- mimeset -f -all $(BINDIR)/unzipsfx
- $(RM) $(BINDIR)/zipinfo$E
- $(LN) unzip$E $(BINDIR)/zipinfo$E
- $(RM) $(BINDIR)/zipgrep$E
- $(INSTALL) -m 755 unix/zipgrep $(BINDIR)/zipgrep$E
- $(INSTALL) -m 644 unix/unzip.1 $(MANDIR)/unzip.$(manext)
- $(INSTALL) -m 644 unix/unzipsfx.1 $(MANDIR)/unzipsfx.$(manext)
- $(INSTALL) -m 644 unix/zipinfo.1 $(MANDIR)/zipinfo.$(manext)
- $(INSTALL) -m 644 unix/funzip.1 $(MANDIR)/funzip.$(manext)
- $(INSTALL) -m 644 $(DOCS) $(MANDIR)
- # alternatively, could use zip method: -cd $(BINDIR); rm -f $(UNZIPS) [etc.]
- uninstall:
- TESTZIP = # the test zipfile
- # test some basic features of the build
- test: check
- check: unzips
- @echo ' This is a Unix-specific target. (Just so you know.)'
- @echo ' (Should work ok on BeOS... [cjh])'
- if test ! -f $(TESTZIP); then
- echo " error: can't find test file $(TESTZIP)"; exit 1; fi
- #
- echo " testing extraction"
- ./unzip -b $(TESTZIP) testmake.zipinfo
- if test $? ; then
- echo " error: file extraction from $(TESTZIP) failed"; exit 1; fi
- #
- echo ' testing zipinfo (unzip -Z)'
- ./unzip -Z $(TESTZIP) > testmake.unzip-Z
- if diff testmake.unzip-Z testmake.zipinfo; then ;; else
- echo ' error: zipinfo output doesn't match stored version'; fi
- $(RM) testmake.unzip-Z testmake.zipinfo
- #
- echo ' testing unzip -d exdir option'
- ./unzip -b $(TESTZIP) -d testun
- cat testun/notes
- #
- echo ' testing unzip -o and funzip (ignore funzip warning)'
- ./unzip -boq $(TESTZIP) notes -d testun
- ./funzip < $(TESTZIP) > testun/notes2
- if diff testun/notes testun/notes2; then ;; else
- echo 'error: funzip output disagrees with unzip'; fi
- #
- echo ' testing unzipsfx (self-extractor)'
- cat unzipsfx $(TESTZIP) > testsfx
- $(CHMOD) 0700 testsfx
- ./testsfx -b notes
- if diff notes testun/notes; then ;; else
- echo ' error: unzipsfx file disagrees with unzip'; fi
- $(RM) testsfx notes testun/notes testun/notes2
- rmdir testun
- #
- echo ' testing complete.'