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Compress-Decompress algrithms
Development Platform:
- /* Low-level Amiga routines shared between Zip and UnZip.
- *
- * Contains: FileDate()
- * locale_TZ()
- * getenv() [Aztec C only; replaces bad C library versions]
- * setenv() [ditto]
- * tzset() [ditto]
- * gmtime() [ditto]
- * localtime() [ditto]
- * time() [ditto]
- * sendpkt()
- * Agetch()
- *
- * The first nine are used by all Info-ZIP programs except fUnZip.
- * The last two are used by all except the non-CRYPT version of fUnZip.
- * Probably some of the stuff in here is unused by ZipNote and ZipSplit too...
- * sendpkt() is used by Agetch() and FileDate(), and by windowheight() in
- * amiga/amiga.c (UnZip). time() is used only by Zip.
- */
- * 2 Sep 92, Greg Roelofs, Original coding.
- * 6 Sep 92, John Bush, Incorporated into UnZip 5.1
- * 6 Sep 92, John Bush, Interlude "FileDate()" defined, which calls or
- * redefines SetFileDate() depending upon AMIGADOS2 definition.
- * 11 Oct 92, John Bush, Eliminated AMIGADOS2 switch by determining
- * revision via OpenLibrary() call. Now only one version of
- * the program runs on both platforms (1.3.x vs. 2.x)
- * 11 Oct 92, John Bush, Merged with Zip version and changed arg passing
- * to take time_t input instead of struct DateStamp.
- * Arg passing made to conform with utime().
- * 22 Nov 92, Paul Kienitz, fixed includes for Aztec and cleaned up some
- * lint-ish errors; simplified test for AmigaDOS version.
- * 11 Nov 95, Paul Kienitz, added Agetch() for crypt password input and
- * UnZip's "More" prompt -- simplifies crypt.h and avoids
- * use of library code redundant with sendpkt(). Made it
- * available to fUnZip, which does not use FileDate().
- * 22 Nov 95, Paul Kienitz, created a new tzset() that gets the current
- * timezone from the Locale preferences. These exist only under
- * AmigaDOS 2.1 and up, but it is probably correctly set on more
- * Amigas than the TZ environment variable is. We check that
- * only if TZ is not validly set. We do not parse daylight
- * savings syntax except to check for presence vs. absence of a
- * DST part; United States rules are assumed. This is better
- * than the tzset()s in the Amiga compilers' libraries do.
- * 15 Jan 96, Chr. Spieler, corrected the logic when to select low level
- * sendpkt() (when FileDate(), Agetch() or windowheight() is used),
- * and AMIGA's Agetch() (CRYPT, and UnZip(SFX)'s UzpMorePause()).
- * 10 Feb 96, Paul Kienitz, re-fiddled that selection logic again, moved
- * stuff around for clarity.
- * 16 Mar 96, Paul Kienitz, created a replacement localtime() to go with the
- * new tzset(), because Aztec's is hopelessly broken. Also
- * gmtime(), which localtime() calls.
- * 12 Apr 96, Paul Kienitz, daylight savings was being handled incorrectly.
- * 21 Apr 96, Paul Kienitz, had to replace time() as well, Aztec's returns
- * local time instead of GMT. That's why their localtime() was bad,
- * because it assumed time_t was already local, and gmtime() was
- * the one that checked TZ.
- * 23 Apr 96, Chr. Spieler, deactivated time() replacement for UnZip stuff.
- * Currently, the UnZip sources do not make use of time() (and do
- * not supply the working mktime() replacement, either!).
- * 29 Apr 96, Paul Kienitz, created a replacement getenv() out of code that
- * was previously embedded in tzset(), for reliable global test
- * of whether TZ is set or not.
- * 19 Jun 96, Haidinger Walter, re-adapted for current SAS/C compiler.
- * 7 Jul 96, Paul Kienitz, smoothed together compiler-related changes.
- * 4 Feb 97, Haidinger Walter, added set_TZ() for SAS/C.
- * 23 Apr 97, Paul Kienitz, corrected Unix->Amiga DST error by adding
- * mkgmtime() so localtime() could be used.
- * 28 Apr 97, Christian Spieler, deactivated mkgmtime() definition for ZIP;
- * the Zip sources supply this function as part of util.c.
- * 24 May 97, Haidinger Walter, added time_lib support for SAS/C and moved
- * set_TZ() to time_lib.c.
- * 12 Jul 97, Paul Kienitz, adapted time_lib stuff for Aztec.
- * 26 Jul 97, Chr. Spieler, old mkgmtime() fixed (ydays[] def, sign vs unsign).
- * 30 Dec 97, Haidinger Walter, adaptation for SAS/C using z-stat.h functions.
- * 19 Feb 98, Haidinger Walter, removed alloc_remember, more SAS.C fixes.
- * 23 Apr 98, Chr. Spieler, removed mkgmtime(), changed FileDate to convert to
- * Amiga file-time directly.
- * 24 Apr 98, Paul Kienitz, clip Unix dates earlier than 1978 in FileDate().
- * 02 Sep 98, Paul Kienitz, C. Spieler, always include zip.h to get a defined
- * header inclusion sequence that resolves all header dependencies.
- */
- #ifndef __amiga_filedate_c
- #define __amiga_filedate_c
- #include "zip.h"
- #include <ctype.h>
- #include <errno.h>
- #include <exec/types.h>
- #include <exec/execbase.h>
- #include <exec/memory.h>
- #ifdef AZTEC_C
- # include <libraries/dos.h>
- # include <libraries/dosextens.h>
- # include <clib/exec_protos.h>
- # include <clib/dos_protos.h>
- # include <clib/locale_protos.h>
- # include <pragmas/exec_lib.h>
- # include <pragmas/dos_lib.h>
- # include <pragmas/locale_lib.h>
- # define ESRCH ENOENT
- # define EOSERR EIO
- #endif
- #ifdef __SASC
- # include <stdlib.h>
- # if (defined(_M68020) && (!defined(__USE_SYSBASE)))
- /* on 68020 or higher processors it is faster */
- # define __USE_SYSBASE /* to use the pragma libcall instead of syscall */
- # endif /* to access functions of the exec.library */
- # include <proto/exec.h> /* see SAS/C manual:part 2,chapter 2,pages 6-7 */
- # include <proto/dos.h>
- # include <proto/locale.h>
- # ifdef DEBUG
- # include <sprof.h>
- # endif
- # ifdef MWDEBUG
- # include <stdio.h> /* include both before memwatch.h again just */
- # include <stdlib.h> /* to be safe */
- # include "memwatch.h"
- # endif /* MWDEBUG */
- #endif /* __SASC */
- #include "crypt.h" /* just so we can tell if CRYPT is supported */
- #ifndef FUNZIP
- #ifndef SUCCESS
- # define SUCCESS (-1L)
- # define FAILURE 0L
- #endif
- #define ReqVers 36L /* required library version for SetFileDate() */
- #define ENVSIZE 100 /* max space allowed for an environment var */
- extern struct ExecBase *SysBase;
- #ifndef USE_TIME_LIB
- #ifdef AZTEC_C /* should be pretty safe for reentrancy */
- long timezone = 0; /* already declared SAS/C external */
- int daylight = 0; /* likewise */
- #endif
- int real_timezone_is_set = FALSE; /* set by tzset() */
- #endif /* !USE_TIME_LIB */
- /* prototypes */
- char *getenv(const char *var);
- #ifdef __SASC
- int setenv(const char *var, const char *value, int overwrite);
- /* !!!! We have really got to find a way to operate without this. */
- #endif
- LONG FileDate (char *filename, time_t u[]);
- LONG sendpkt(struct MsgPort *pid, LONG action, LONG *args, LONG nargs);
- int Agetch(void);
- /* prototypes for time replacement functions */
- #ifndef USE_TIME_LIB
- void tzset(void);
- int locale_TZ(void);
- struct tm *gmtime(const time_t *when);
- struct tm *localtime(const time_t *when);
- # ifdef __SASC
- extern void set_TZ(long time_zone, int day_light); /* in time_lib.c */
- # endif
- # ifdef ZIP
- time_t time(time_t *tp);
- # endif
- #endif /* !USE_TIME_LIB */
- /* =============================================================== */
- /***********************/
- /* Function filedate() */
- /***********************/
- /* FileDate() (originally utime.c), by Paul Wells. Modified by John Bush
- * and others (see also sendpkt() comments, below); NewtWare SetFileDate()
- * clone cheaply ripped off from utime().
- */
- * This routine chooses between 2 methods to set the file date on AMIGA.
- * Since AmigaDOS 2.x came out, SetFileDate() was available in ROM (v.36
- * and higher). Under AmigaDOS 1.3.x (less than v.36 ROM), SetFileDate()
- * must be accomplished by constructing a message packet and sending it
- * to the file system handler of the file to be stamped.
- *
- * The system's ROM version is extracted from the external system Library
- * base.
- *
- * NOTE: although argument passing conforms with utime(), note the
- * following differences:
- * - Return value is boolean success/failure.
- * - If a structure or array is passed, only the first value
- * is used, which *may* correspond to date accessed and not
- * date modified.
- */
- /* Nonzero if `y' is a leap year, else zero. */
- #define leap(y) (((y) % 4 == 0 && (y) % 100 != 0) || (y) % 400 == 0)
- /* Number of leap years from 1970 to `y' (not including `y' itself). */
- #define nleap(y) (((y) - 1969) / 4 - ((y) - 1901) / 100 + ((y) - 1601) / 400)
- /* Accumulated number of days from 01-Jan up to start of current month. */
- #ifdef ZIP
- static const unsigned short ydays[] =
- { 0, 31, 59, 90, 120, 151, 181, 212, 243, 273, 304, 334, 365 };
- #else
- extern const unsigned short ydays[]; /* in unzip's fileio.c */
- #endif
- LONG FileDate(filename, u)
- char *filename;
- time_t u[];
- {
- LONG SetFileDate(UBYTE *filename, struct DateStamp *pDate);
- LONG sendpkt(struct MsgPort *pid, LONG action, LONG *args, LONG nargs);
- struct MsgPort *taskport;
- BPTR dirlock, lock;
- struct FileInfoBlock *fib;
- LONG pktargs[4];
- UBYTE *ptr;
- long ret;
- struct DateStamp pDate;
- struct tm *ltm;
- int years;
- /* tzset(); */
- /* Amiga file date is based on 01-Jan-1978 00:00:00 (local time):
- * 8 years and 2 leapdays difference from Unix time.
- */
- ltm = localtime(&u[0]);
- years = ltm->tm_year + 1900;
- if (years < 1978)
- pDate.ds_Days = pDate.ds_Minute = pDate.ds_Tick = 0;
- else {
- pDate.ds_Days = (years - 1978) * 365L + (nleap(years) - 2) +
- ((ltm->tm_mon > 1 && leap(years)) ? 1 : 0) +
- ydays[ltm->tm_mon] + (ltm->tm_mday - 1);
- pDate.ds_Minute = ltm->tm_hour * 60 + ltm->tm_min;
- pDate.ds_Tick = ltm->tm_sec * TICKS_PER_SECOND;
- }
- if (SysBase->LibNode.lib_Version >= ReqVers)
- {
- return (SetFileDate(filename,&pDate)); /* native routine at 2.0+ */
- }
- else /* !(SysBase->lib_Version >=ReqVers) */
- {
- if( !(taskport = (struct MsgPort *)DeviceProc(filename)) )
- {
- errno = ESRCH; /* no such process */
- return FAILURE;
- }
- if( !(lock = Lock(filename,SHARED_LOCK)) )
- {
- errno = ENOENT; /* no such file */
- return FAILURE;
- }
- if( !(fib = (struct FileInfoBlock *)AllocMem(
- (long)sizeof(struct FileInfoBlock),MEMF_PUBLIC|MEMF_CLEAR)) )
- {
- errno = ENOMEM; /* insufficient memory */
- UnLock(lock);
- return FAILURE;
- }
- if( Examine(lock,fib)==FAILURE )
- {
- errno = EOSERR; /* operating system error */
- UnLock(lock);
- FreeMem(fib,(long)sizeof(*fib));
- return FAILURE;
- }
- dirlock = ParentDir(lock);
- ptr = (UBYTE *)AllocMem(64L,MEMF_PUBLIC);
- strcpy((ptr+1),fib->fib_FileName);
- *ptr = strlen(fib->fib_FileName);
- FreeMem(fib,(long)sizeof(*fib));
- UnLock(lock);
- /* now fill in argument array */
- pktargs[0] = 0;
- pktargs[1] = (LONG)dirlock;
- pktargs[2] = (LONG)&ptr[0] >> 2;
- pktargs[3] = (LONG)&pDate;
- errno = ret = sendpkt(taskport,ACTION_SET_DATE,pktargs,4L);
- FreeMem(ptr,64L);
- UnLock(dirlock);
- return SUCCESS;
- } /* ?(SysBase->lib_Version >= ReqVers) */
- } /* FileDate() */
- char *getenv(const char *var) /* not reentrant! */
- {
- static char space[ENVSIZE];
- struct Process *me = (void *) FindTask(NULL);
- void *old_window = me->pr_WindowPtr;
- char *ret = NULL;
- me->pr_WindowPtr = (void *) -1; /* suppress any "Please insert" popups */
- if (SysBase->LibNode.lib_Version >= ReqVers) {
- if (GetVar((char *) var, space, ENVSIZE - 1, /* GVF_GLOBAL_ONLY */ 0) > 0)
- ret = space;
- } else { /* early AmigaDOS, get env var the crude way */
- BPTR hand, foot, spine;
- int z = 0;
- if (foot = Lock("ENV:", ACCESS_READ)) {
- spine = CurrentDir(foot);
- if (hand = Open((char *) var, MODE_OLDFILE)) {
- z = Read(hand, space, ENVSIZE - 1);
- Close(hand);
- }
- UnLock(CurrentDir(spine));
- }
- if (z > 0) {
- space[z] = '';
- ret = space;
- }
- }
- me->pr_WindowPtr = old_window;
- return ret;
- }
- #ifdef __SASC
- int setenv(const char *var, const char *value, int overwrite)
- {
- struct Process *me = (void *) FindTask(NULL);
- void *old_window = me->pr_WindowPtr;
- int ret = -1;
- me->pr_WindowPtr = (void *) -1; /* suppress any "Please insert" popups */
- if (SysBase->LibNode.lib_Version >= ReqVers)
- ret = !SetVar((char *) var, (char *) value, -1, GVF_GLOBAL_ONLY | LV_VAR);
- else {
- BPTR hand, foot, spine;
- long len = value ? strlen(value) : 0;
- if (foot = Lock("ENV:", ACCESS_READ)) {
- spine = CurrentDir(foot);
- if (len) {
- if (hand = Open((char *) var, MODE_NEWFILE)) {
- ret = Write(hand, (char *) value, len + 1) >= len;
- Close(hand);
- }
- } else
- ret = DeleteFile((char *) var);
- UnLock(CurrentDir(spine));
- }
- }
- me->pr_WindowPtr = old_window;
- return ret;
- }
- #endif /* __SASC */
- #ifndef USE_TIME_LIB
- /* set timezone and daylight to settings found in locale.library */
- int locale_TZ(void)
- {
- struct Library *LocaleBase;
- struct Locale *ll;
- struct Process *me = (void *) FindTask(NULL);
- void *old_window = me->pr_WindowPtr;
- BPTR eh;
- int z, valid = FALSE;
- /* read timezone from locale.library if TZ envvar missing */
- me->pr_WindowPtr = (void *) -1; /* suppress any "Please insert" popups */
- if (LocaleBase = OpenLibrary("locale.library", 0)) {
- if (ll = OpenLocale(NULL)) {
- z = ll->loc_GMTOffset;
- if (z == -300) {
- if (eh = Lock("ENV:sys/locale.prefs", ACCESS_READ))
- UnLock(eh);
- else
- z = 300; /* bug: locale not initialized, default is bogus! */
- } else
- real_timezone_is_set = TRUE;
- timezone = z * 60;
- daylight = (z >= 4*60 && z <= 9*60); /* apply in the Americas */
- valid = TRUE;
- CloseLocale(ll);
- }
- CloseLibrary(LocaleBase);
- }
- me->pr_WindowPtr = old_window;
- return valid;
- }
- void tzset(void)
- {
- char *p,*TZstring;
- int z,valid = FALSE;
- if (real_timezone_is_set)
- return;
- timezone = 0; /* default is GMT0 which means no offsets */
- daylight = 0; /* from local system time */
- TZstring = getenv("TZ"); /* read TZ envvar */
- if (TZstring && TZstring[0]) { /* TZ exists and has contents? */
- z = 3600;
- for (p = TZstring; *p && !isdigit(*p) && *p != '-'; p++) ;
- if (*p == '-')
- z = -3600, p++;
- if (*p) {
- timezone = 0;
- do {
- while (isdigit(*p))
- timezone = timezone * 10 + z * (*p++ - '0'), valid = TRUE;
- if (*p == ':') p++;
- } while (isdigit(*p) && (z /= 60) > 0);
- }
- while (isspace(*p)) p++; /* probably not needed */
- if (valid) {
- real_timezone_is_set = TRUE;
- daylight = !!*p; /* a DST name part exists */
- }
- }
- if (!valid)
- locale_TZ(); /* read locale.library */
- #ifdef __SASC
- /* Some SAS/C library functions, e.g. stat(), call library */
- /* __tzset() themselves. So envvar TZ *must* exist in order to */
- /* to get the right offset from GMT. XXX WE SHOULD TRY HARD */
- /* find and replace any remaining functions that need this! */
- set_TZ(timezone, daylight);
- #endif /* __SASC */
- }
- struct tm *gmtime(const time_t *when)
- {
- static struct tm tbuf; /* this function is intrinsically non-reentrant */
- static short smods[12] = {31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31};
- long days = *when / 86400;
- long secs = *when % 86400;
- short yell, yday;
- tbuf.tm_wday = (days + 4) % 7; /* 1/1/70 is a Thursday */
- tbuf.tm_year = 70 + 4 * (days / 1461);
- yday = days % 1461;
- while (yday >= (yell = (tbuf.tm_year & 3 ? 365 : 366)))
- yday -= yell, tbuf.tm_year++;
- smods[1] = (tbuf.tm_year & 3 ? 28 : 29);
- tbuf.tm_mon = 0;
- tbuf.tm_yday = yday;
- while (yday >= smods[tbuf.tm_mon])
- yday -= smods[tbuf.tm_mon++];
- tbuf.tm_mday = yday + 1;
- tbuf.tm_isdst = 0;
- tbuf.tm_sec = secs % 60;
- tbuf.tm_min = (secs / 60) % 60;
- tbuf.tm_hour = secs / 3600;
- #ifdef AZTEC_C
- tbuf.tm_hsec = 0; /* this field exists for Aztec only */
- #endif
- return &tbuf;
- }
- struct tm *localtime(const time_t *when)
- {
- struct tm *t;
- time_t localwhen;
- int dst = FALSE, sundays, lastweekday;
- tzset();
- localwhen = *when - timezone;
- t = gmtime(&localwhen);
- /* So far we support daylight savings correction by the USA rule only: */
- if (daylight && t->tm_mon >= 3 && t->tm_mon <= 9) {
- if (t->tm_mon > 3 && t->tm_mon < 9) /* May Jun Jul Aug Sep: yes */
- dst = TRUE;
- else {
- sundays = (t->tm_mday + 6 - t->tm_wday) / 7;
- if (t->tm_wday == 0 && t->tm_hour < 2 && sundays)
- sundays--; /* a Sunday does not count until 2:00am */
- if (t->tm_mon == 3 && sundays > 0) /* first sunday in April */
- dst = TRUE;
- else if (t->tm_mon == 9) {
- lastweekday = (t->tm_wday + 31 - t->tm_mday) % 7;
- if (sundays < (37 - lastweekday) / 7)
- dst = TRUE; /* last sunday in October */
- }
- }
- if (dst) {
- localwhen += 3600;
- t = gmtime(&localwhen); /* crude but effective */
- t->tm_isdst = 1;
- }
- }
- return t;
- }
- # ifdef ZIP
- time_t time(time_t *tp)
- {
- time_t t;
- struct DateStamp ds;
- DateStamp(&ds);
- t = ds.ds_Tick / TICKS_PER_SECOND + ds.ds_Minute * 60
- + (ds.ds_Days + 2922) * 86400;
- t = mktime(gmtime(&t));
- /* gmtime leaves ds in the local timezone, mktime converts it to GMT */
- if (tp) *tp = t;
- return t;
- }
- # endif /* ZIP */
- #endif /* !USE_TIME_LIB */
- #endif /* !FUNZIP */
- #if CRYPT || !defined(FUNZIP)
- /* sendpkt.c
- * by A. Finkel, P. Lindsay, C. Sheppner
- * returns Res1 of the reply packet
- */
- /*
- #include <exec/types.h>
- #include <exec/memory.h>
- #include <libraries/dos.h>
- #include <libraries/dosextens.h>
- #include <proto/exec.h>
- #include <proto/dos.h>
- */
- LONG sendpkt(struct MsgPort *pid, LONG action, LONG *args, LONG nargs);
- LONG sendpkt(pid,action,args,nargs)
- struct MsgPort *pid; /* process identifier (handler message port) */
- LONG action, /* packet type (desired action) */
- *args, /* a pointer to argument list */
- nargs; /* number of arguments in list */
- {
- struct MsgPort *replyport, *CreatePort(UBYTE *, long);
- void DeletePort(struct MsgPort *);
- struct StandardPacket *packet;
- LONG count, *pargs, res1;
- replyport = CreatePort(NULL,0L);
- if( !replyport ) return(0);
- packet = (struct StandardPacket *)AllocMem(
- (long)sizeof(struct StandardPacket),MEMF_PUBLIC|MEMF_CLEAR);
- if( !packet )
- {
- DeletePort(replyport);
- return(0);
- }
- packet->sp_Msg.mn_Node.ln_Name = (char *)&(packet->sp_Pkt);
- packet->sp_Pkt.dp_Link = &(packet->sp_Msg);
- packet->sp_Pkt.dp_Port = replyport;
- packet->sp_Pkt.dp_Type = action;
- /* copy the args into the packet */
- pargs = &(packet->sp_Pkt.dp_Arg1); /* address of 1st argument */
- for( count=0; count<nargs; count++ )
- pargs[count] = args[count];
- PutMsg(pid,(struct Message *)packet); /* send packet */
- WaitPort(replyport);
- GetMsg(replyport);
- res1 = packet->sp_Pkt.dp_Res1;
- FreeMem((char *)packet,(long)sizeof(*packet));
- DeletePort(replyport);
- return(res1);
- } /* sendpkt() */
- #endif /* CRYPT || !FUNZIP */
- #if CRYPT || (defined(UNZIP) && !defined(FUNZIP))
- /* Agetch() reads one raw keystroke -- uses sendpkt() */
- int Agetch(void)
- {
- LONG sendpkt(struct MsgPort *pid, LONG action, LONG *args, LONG nargs);
- struct Task *me = FindTask(NULL);
- struct CommandLineInterface *cli = BADDR(((struct Process *) me)->pr_CLI);
- BPTR fh = cli->cli_StandardInput; /* this is immune to < redirection */
- void *conp = ((struct FileHandle *) BADDR(fh))->fh_Type;
- char longspace[8];
- long *flag = (long *) ((ULONG) &longspace[4] & ~3); /* LONGWORD ALIGNED! */
- UBYTE c;
- *flag = 1;
- sendpkt(conp, ACTION_SCREEN_MODE, flag, 1); /* assume success */
- Read(fh, &c, 1);
- *flag = 0;
- sendpkt(conp, ACTION_SCREEN_MODE, flag, 1);
- if (c == 3) /* ^C in input */
- Signal(me, SIGBREAKF_CTRL_C);
- return c;
- }
- #endif /* CRYPT || (UNZIP && !FUNZIP) */
- #endif /* __amiga_filedate_c*/