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Upload User: andy_li
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Compress-Decompress algrithms
Development Platform:
- /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- os2.c
- OS/2-specific routines for use with Info-ZIP's UnZip 5.1 and later.
- This file contains the OS/2 versions of the file name/attribute/time/etc
- code. Most or all of the routines which make direct use of OS/2 system
- calls (i.e., the non-lowercase routines) are Kai Uwe Rommel's. The read-
- dir() suite was written by Michael Rendell and ported to OS/2 by Kai Uwe;
- it is in the public domain.
- Contains: GetCountryInfo()
- GetFileTime()
- SetFileTime() (TIMESTAMP only)
- stamp_file() (TIMESTAMP only)
- Utime2DosDateTime()
- SetPathAttrTimes()
- SetEAs()
- GetLoadPath()
- opendir()
- closedir()
- readdir()
- [ seekdir() ] not used
- [ telldir() ] not used
- free_dircontents()
- getdirent()
- IsFileSystemFAT()
- do_wild()
- mapattr()
- mapname()
- checkdir()
- isfloppy()
- IsFileNameValid()
- map2fat()
- SetLongNameEA()
- close_outfile()
- check_for_newer()
- dateformat()
- version()
- InitNLS()
- IsUpperNLS()
- ToLowerNLS()
- StringLower()
- DebugMalloc()
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- #include "unzip.h"
- #include "os2acl.h"
- extern ZCONST char Far TruncEAs[];
- /* local prototypes */
- #ifdef TIMESTAMP
- static int SetFileTime(ZCONST char *name, ulg stamp);
- #endif
- #if defined(USE_EF_UT_TIME) || defined(TIMESTAMP)
- static ulg Utime2DosDateTime OF((time_t uxtime));
- #endif
- static int getOS2filetimes OF((__GPRO__
- ulg *pM_dt, ulg *pA_dt, ulg *pC_dt));
- static void SetPathAttrTimes OF((__GPRO__ int flags, int dir));
- static int SetEAs OF((__GPRO__ const char *path,
- void *ef_block));
- static int SetACL OF((__GPRO__ const char *path,
- void *ef_block));
- static int EvalExtraFields OF((__GPRO__ const char *path,
- void *extra_field, unsigned ef_len));
- static int isfloppy OF((int nDrive));
- static int IsFileNameValid OF((const char *name));
- static void map2fat OF((char *pathcomp, char **pEndFAT));
- static int SetLongNameEA OF((char *name, char *longname));
- static void InitNLS OF((void));
- /*****************************/
- /* Strings used in os2.c */
- /*****************************/
- #ifndef SFX
- static char Far CantAllocateWildcard[] =
- "warning: cannot allocate wildcard buffersn";
- #endif
- static char Far Creating[] = " creating: %-22s ";
- static char Far ConversionFailed[] = "mapname: conversion of %s failedn";
- static char Far Labelling[] = "labelling %c: %-22sn";
- static char Far ErrSetVolLabel[] = "mapname: error setting volume labeln";
- static char Far PathTooLong[] = "checkdir error: path too long: %sn";
- static char Far CantCreateDir[] = "checkdir error: cannot create %sn
- unable to process %s.n";
- static char Far DirIsntDirectory[] =
- "checkdir error: %s exists but is not directoryn
- unable to process %s.n";
- static char Far PathTooLongTrunc[] =
- "checkdir warning: path too long; truncatingn %sn
- -> %sn";
- #if (!defined(SFX) || defined(SFX_EXDIR))
- static char Far CantCreateExtractDir[] =
- "checkdir: cannot create extraction directory: %sn";
- #endif
- #ifndef __EMX__
- # if (_MSC_VER >= 600) || defined(__IBMC__)
- # include <direct.h> /* have special MSC/IBM C mkdir prototype */
- # else /* own prototype because dir.h conflicts? */
- int mkdir(const char *path);
- # endif
- # define MKDIR(path,mode) mkdir(path)
- #else
- # define MKDIR(path,mode) mkdir(path,mode)
- #endif
- #ifdef __32BIT__
- USHORT DosDevIOCtl32(PVOID pData, USHORT cbData, PVOID pParms, USHORT cbParms,
- USHORT usFunction, USHORT usCategory, HFILE hDevice)
- {
- ULONG ulParmLengthInOut = cbParms, ulDataLengthInOut = cbData;
- return (USHORT) DosDevIOCtl(hDevice, usCategory, usFunction,
- pParms, cbParms, &ulParmLengthInOut,
- pData, cbData, &ulDataLengthInOut);
- }
- # define DosDevIOCtl DosDevIOCtl32
- #else
- # define DosDevIOCtl DosDevIOCtl2
- #endif
- typedef struct
- {
- ush nID;
- ush nSize;
- ulg lSize;
- }
- #ifdef __32BIT__
- #define DosFindFirst(p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p6)
- DosFindFirst(p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p6, 1)
- #else
- typedef struct
- {
- ULONG oNextEntryOffset;
- BYTE cbName;
- USHORT cbValue;
- CHAR szName[1];
- }
- FEA2, *PFEA2;
- typedef struct
- {
- ULONG cbList;
- FEA2 list[1];
- }
- #define DosQueryCurrentDisk DosQCurDisk
- #define DosQueryFSAttach(p1, p2, p3, p4, p5)
- DosQFSAttach(p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, 0)
- #define DosEnumAttribute(p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p6, p7)
- DosEnumAttribute(p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p6, p7, 0)
- #define DosFindFirst(p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p6)
- DosFindFirst(p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p6, 0)
- #define DosMapCase DosCaseMap
- #define DosSetPathInfo(p1, p2, p3, p4, p5)
- DosSetPathInfo(p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, 0)
- #define DosQueryPathInfo(p1, p2, p3, p4)
- DosQPathInfo(p1, p2, p3, p4, 0)
- #define DosQueryFileInfo DosQFileInfo
- #define DosMapCase DosCaseMap
- #define DosQueryCtryInfo DosGetCtryInfo
- #endif /* !__32BIT__ */
- /*
- * @(#) dir.h 1.4 87/11/06 Public Domain.
- */
- #define A_RONLY 0x01
- #define A_HIDDEN 0x02
- #define A_SYSTEM 0x04
- #define A_LABEL 0x08
- #define A_DIR 0x10
- #define A_ARCHIVE 0x20
- const int attributes = A_DIR | A_HIDDEN | A_SYSTEM;
- extern DIR *opendir(__GPRO__ ZCONST char *);
- extern struct direct *readdir(__GPRO__ DIR *);
- extern void seekdir(DIR *, long);
- extern long telldir(DIR *);
- extern void closedir(DIR *);
- #define rewinddir(dirp) seekdir(dirp, 0L)
- int IsFileSystemFAT(__GPRO__ ZCONST char *dir);
- char *StringLower(char *szArg);
- /*
- * @(#)dir.c 1.4 87/11/06 Public Domain.
- */
- #ifndef S_IFMT
- # define S_IFMT 0xF000
- #endif
- #ifndef SFX
- static char *getdirent(__GPRO__ ZCONST char *);
- static void free_dircontents(struct _dircontents *);
- #endif /* !SFX */
- int GetCountryInfo(void)
- {
- #ifdef __32BIT__
- ULONG cbInfo;
- #else
- USHORT cbInfo;
- #endif
- = ctryc.codepage = 0;
- if ( DosQueryCtryInfo(sizeof(ctryi), &ctryc, &ctryi, &cbInfo) != NO_ERROR )
- return 0;
- return ctryi.fsDateFmt;
- }
- long GetFileTime(ZCONST char *name)
- {
- #ifdef __32BIT__
- #else
- #endif
- USHORT nDate, nTime;
- if ( DosQueryPathInfo((PSZ) name, 1, (PBYTE) &fs, sizeof(fs)) )
- return -1;
- nDate = * (USHORT *) &fs.fdateLastWrite;
- nTime = * (USHORT *) &fs.ftimeLastWrite;
- return ((ULONG) nDate) << 16 | nTime;
- }
- #ifdef TIMESTAMP
- static int SetFileTime(ZCONST char *name, ulg stamp) /* swiped from Zip */
- {
- USHORT fd, ft;
- if (DosQueryPathInfo((PSZ) name, FIL_STANDARD, (PBYTE) &fs, sizeof(fs)))
- return -1;
- fd = (USHORT) (stamp >> 16);
- ft = (USHORT) stamp;
- fs.fdateLastWrite = fs.fdateCreation = * (FDATE *) &fd;
- fs.ftimeLastWrite = fs.ftimeCreation = * (FTIME *) &ft;
- if (DosSetPathInfo((PSZ) name, FIL_STANDARD, (PBYTE) &fs, sizeof(fs), 0))
- return -1;
- return 0;
- }
- int stamp_file(ZCONST char *fname, time_t modtime)
- {
- return SetFileTime(fname, Utime2DosDateTime(modtime));
- }
- #endif /* TIMESTAMP */
- /* The following DOS date/time structures are machine-dependent as they
- * assume "little-endian" byte order. For OS/2-specific code, which
- * is run on x86 CPUs (or emulators?), this assumption is valid; but
- * care should be taken when using this code as template for other ports.
- */
- typedef union {
- ULONG timevalue; /* combined value, useful for comparisons */
- struct {
- FTIME ft; /* system file time record:
- * USHORT twosecs : 5
- * USHORT minutes : 6;
- * USHORT hours : 5; */
- FDATE fd; /* system file date record:
- * USHORT day : 5
- * USHORT month : 4;
- * USHORT year : 7; */
- } _fdt;
- #if defined(USE_EF_UT_TIME) || defined(TIMESTAMP)
- static ulg Utime2DosDateTime(uxtime)
- time_t uxtime;
- {
- F_DATE_TIME dosfiletime;
- struct tm *t;
- /* round up to even seconds */
- /* round up (down if "up" overflows) to even seconds */
- if (((ulg)uxtime) & 1)
- uxtime = (uxtime + 1 > uxtime) ? uxtime + 1 : uxtime - 1;
- t = localtime(&(uxtime));
- if (t == (struct tm *)NULL) {
- /* time conversion error; use current time instead, hoping
- that localtime() does not reject it as well! */
- time_t now = time(NULL);
- t = localtime(&now);
- }
- if (t->tm_year < 80) {
- dosfiletime._fdt.ft.twosecs = 0;
- dosfiletime._fdt.ft.minutes = 0;
- dosfiletime._fdt.ft.hours = 0;
- = 1;
- dosfiletime._fdt.fd.month = 1;
- dosfiletime._fdt.fd.year = 0;
- } else {
- dosfiletime._fdt.ft.twosecs = t->tm_sec >> 1;
- dosfiletime._fdt.ft.minutes = t->tm_min;
- dosfiletime._fdt.ft.hours = t->tm_hour;
- = t->tm_mday;
- dosfiletime._fdt.fd.month = t->tm_mon + 1;
- dosfiletime._fdt.fd.year = t->tm_year - 80;
- }
- return dosfiletime.timevalue;
- } /* end function Utime2DosDateTime() */
- #endif /* USE_EF_UT_TIME || TIMESTAMP */
- static int getOS2filetimes(__GPRO__ ulg *pM_dt, ulg *pA_dt, ulg *pC_dt)
- {
- #ifdef USE_EF_UT_TIME
- unsigned eb_izux_flg;
- iztimes z_utime;
- #endif
- /* Copy and/or convert time and date variables, if necessary; */
- /* return a flag indicating which time stamps are available. */
- #ifdef USE_EF_UT_TIME
- if (G.extra_field &&
- #ifdef IZ_CHECK_TZ
- G.tz_is_valid &&
- #endif
- ((eb_izux_flg = ef_scan_for_izux(G.extra_field,
- G.lrec.extra_field_length, 0, G.lrec.last_mod_dos_datetime,
- &z_utime, NULL)) & EB_UT_FL_MTIME))
- {
- TTrace((stderr, "getOS2filetimes: UT e.f. modif. time = %lun",
- z_utime.mtime));
- *pM_dt = Utime2DosDateTime(z_utime.mtime);
- if (eb_izux_flg & EB_UT_FL_ATIME) {
- TTrace((stderr, "getOS2filetimes: UT e.f. access time = %lun",
- z_utime.atime));
- *pA_dt = Utime2DosDateTime(z_utime.atime);
- }
- if (eb_izux_flg & EB_UT_FL_CTIME) {
- TTrace((stderr, "getOS2filetimes: UT e.f. creation time = %lun",
- z_utime.ctime));
- *pC_dt = Utime2DosDateTime(z_utime.ctime);
- } else {
- /* no creation time value supplied, set it to modification time */
- *pC_dt = *pM_dt;
- eb_izux_flg |= EB_UT_FL_CTIME;
- }
- return (int)eb_izux_flg;
- }
- #endif /* USE_EF_UT_TIME */
- *pC_dt = *pM_dt = G.lrec.last_mod_dos_datetime;
- TTrace((stderr, "ngetOS2filetimes: DOS dir modific./creation time = %lun",
- *pM_dt));
- }
- static void SetPathAttrTimes(__GPRO__ int flags, int dir)
- {
- HFILE hFile;
- #ifdef __32BIT__
- ULONG nAction;
- #else
- USHORT nAction;
- #endif
- USHORT nLength;
- char szName[CCHMAXPATH];
- ulg Mod_dt, Acc_dt, Cre_dt;
- int gotTimes;
- strcpy(szName, G.filename);
- nLength = strlen(szName);
- if (szName[nLength - 1] == '/')
- szName[nLength - 1] = 0;
- if (dir)
- {
- if ( DosQueryPathInfo(szName, FIL_STANDARD, (PBYTE) &fs, sizeof(fs)) )
- return;
- }
- else
- {
- /* for regular files, open them and operate on the file handle, to
- work around certain network operating system bugs ... */
- if ( DosOpen(szName, &hFile, &nAction, 0, 0,
- return;
- if ( DosQueryFileInfo(hFile, FIL_STANDARD, (PBYTE) &fs, sizeof(fs)) )
- return;
- }
- /* set date/time stamps */
- gotTimes = getOS2filetimes(__G__ &Mod_dt, &Acc_dt, &Cre_dt);
- if (gotTimes & EB_UT_FL_MTIME) {
- fs.fdateLastWrite = ((F_DATE_TIME *)&Mod_dt)->_fdt.fd;
- fs.ftimeLastWrite = ((F_DATE_TIME *)&Mod_dt)->_fdt.ft;
- }
- if (gotTimes & EB_UT_FL_ATIME) {
- fs.fdateLastAccess = ((F_DATE_TIME *)&Acc_dt)->_fdt.fd;
- fs.ftimeLastAccess = ((F_DATE_TIME *)&Acc_dt)->_fdt.ft;
- }
- if (gotTimes & EB_UT_FL_CTIME) {
- fs.fdateCreation = ((F_DATE_TIME *)&Cre_dt)->_fdt.fd;
- fs.ftimeCreation = ((F_DATE_TIME *)&Cre_dt)->_fdt.ft;
- }
- if ( flags != -1 )
- fs.attrFile = flags; /* hidden, system, archive, read-only */
- if (dir)
- {
- DosSetPathInfo(szName, FIL_STANDARD, (PBYTE) &fs, sizeof(fs), 0);
- }
- else
- {
- DosSetFileInfo(hFile, FIL_STANDARD, (PBYTE) &fs, sizeof(fs));
- DosClose(hFile);
- }
- }
- typedef struct
- {
- ULONG cbList; /* length of value + 22 */
- #ifdef __32BIT__
- ULONG oNext;
- #endif
- BYTE fEA; /* 0 */
- BYTE cbName; /* length of ".LONGNAME" = 9 */
- USHORT cbValue; /* length of value + 4 */
- BYTE szName[10]; /* ".LONGNAME" */
- USHORT eaType; /* 0xFFFD for length-preceded ASCII */
- USHORT eaSize; /* length of value */
- }
- static int SetEAs(__GPRO__ const char *path, void *ef_block)
- { /* returns almost-PK errors */
- EFHEADER *pEAblock = (PEFHEADER) ef_block;
- #ifdef __32BIT__
- EAOP2 eaop;
- PFEA2LIST pFEA2list;
- #else
- EAOP eaop;
- PFEA2LIST pFEA2list;
- PFEA2 pFEA2;
- ULONG nLength2;
- #endif
- USHORT nLength;
- char szName[CCHMAXPATH];
- int error;
- if ( ef_block == NULL || pEAblock -> nID != EF_OS2 )
- return PK_OK; /* not an OS/2 extra field: assume OK */
- if ( pEAblock->nSize < 4 || (pEAblock->lSize > 0L && pEAblock->nSize <= 10) )
- return IZ_EF_TRUNC; /* no compressed data! */
- strcpy(szName, path);
- nLength = strlen(szName);
- if (szName[nLength - 1] == '/')
- szName[nLength - 1] = 0;
- if ( (pFEA2list = (PFEA2LIST) malloc((size_t) pEAblock -> lSize)) == NULL )
- return PK_MEM4;
- if ( (error = memextract(__G__ (uch *)pFEA2list, pEAblock->lSize,
- (uch *)(pEAblock+1), (ulg)(pEAblock->nSize - 4))) != PK_OK )
- {
- free(pFEA2list);
- return error;
- }
- #ifdef __32BIT__
- eaop.fpGEA2List = NULL;
- eaop.fpFEA2List = pFEA2list;
- #else
- pFEAlist = (PVOID) pFEA2list;
- pFEA2 = pFEA2list -> list;
- pFEA = pFEAlist -> list;
- do
- {
- nLength2 = pFEA2 -> oNextEntryOffset;
- nLength = sizeof(FEA) + pFEA2 -> cbName + 1 + pFEA2 -> cbValue;
- memcpy(pFEA, (PCH) pFEA2 + sizeof(pFEA2 -> oNextEntryOffset), nLength);
- pFEA2 = (PFEA2) ((PCH) pFEA2 + nLength2);
- pFEA = (PFEA) ((PCH) pFEA + nLength);
- }
- while ( nLength2 != 0 );
- pFEAlist -> cbList = (PCH) pFEA - (PCH) pFEAlist;
- eaop.fpGEAList = NULL;
- eaop.fpFEAList = pFEAlist;
- #endif
- eaop.oError = 0;
- DosSetPathInfo(szName, FIL_QUERYEASIZE, (PBYTE) &eaop, sizeof(eaop), 0);
- if (!uO.tflag && QCOND2)
- Info(slide, 0, ((char *)slide, " (%ld bytes EAs)", pFEA2list -> cbList));
- free(pFEA2list);
- return PK_COOL;
- }
- static int SetACL(__GPRO__ const char *path, void *ef_block)
- { /* returns almost-PK errors */
- EFHEADER *pACLblock = (PEFHEADER) ef_block;
- char *szACL;
- int error;
- if ( ef_block == NULL || pACLblock -> nID != EF_ACL )
- return PK_OK; /* not an OS/2 extra field: assume OK */
- if (pACLblock->nSize < 4 || (pACLblock->lSize > 0L && pACLblock->nSize <= 10))
- return IZ_EF_TRUNC; /* no compressed data! */
- if ( (szACL = malloc((size_t) pACLblock -> lSize)) == NULL )
- return PK_MEM4;
- if ( (error = memextract(__G__ (uch *)szACL, pACLblock->lSize,
- (uch *)(pACLblock+1), (ulg)(pACLblock->nSize - 4))) != PK_OK )
- {
- free(szACL);
- return error;
- }
- if (acl_set(NULL, path, szACL) == 0)
- if (!uO.tflag && QCOND2)
- Info(slide, 0, ((char *)slide, " (%ld bytes ACL)", strlen(szACL)));
- free(szACL);
- return PK_COOL;
- }
- #ifdef SFX
- char *GetLoadPath(__GPRO)
- {
- #ifdef __32BIT__ /* generic for 32-bit API */
- PTIB pptib;
- PPIB pppib;
- char *szPath;
- DosGetInfoBlocks(&pptib, &pppib);
- szPath = pppib -> pib_pchenv;
- #else /* 16-bit, note: requires large data model */
- SEL selEnv;
- USHORT offCmd;
- char *szPath;
- DosGetEnv(&selEnv, &offCmd);
- szPath = MAKEP(selEnv, 0);
- #endif
- while (*szPath) /* find end of process environment */
- szPath = strchr(szPath, 0) + 1;
- return szPath + 1; /* .exe file name follows environment */
- } /* end function GetLoadPath() */
- #else /* !SFX */
- DIR *opendir(__GPRO__ const char *name)
- {
- struct stat statb;
- DIR *dirp;
- char c;
- char *s;
- struct _dircontents *dp;
- char nbuf[MAXPATHLEN + 1];
- int len;
- strcpy(nbuf, name);
- if ((len = strlen(nbuf)) == 0)
- return NULL;
- if ( ((c = nbuf[len - 1]) == '\' || c == '/') && (len > 1) )
- {
- nbuf[len - 1] = 0;
- --len;
- if ( nbuf[len - 1] == ':' )
- {
- strcpy(nbuf+len, "\.");
- len += 2;
- }
- }
- else
- if ( nbuf[len - 1] == ':' )
- {
- strcpy(nbuf+len, ".");
- ++len;
- }
- /* GRR: Borland and Watcom C return non-zero on wildcards... < 0 ? */
- if (stat(nbuf, &statb) < 0 || (statb.st_mode & S_IFMT) != S_IFDIR)
- {
- Trace((stderr, "opendir: stat(%s) returns negative or not directoryn",
- nbuf));
- return NULL;
- }
- if ( (dirp = malloc(sizeof(DIR))) == NULL )
- return NULL;
- if ( nbuf[len - 1] == '.' && (len == 1 || nbuf[len - 2] != '.') )
- strcpy(nbuf+len-1, "*");
- else
- if ( ((c = nbuf[len - 1]) == '\' || c == '/') && (len == 1) )
- strcpy(nbuf+len, "*");
- else
- strcpy(nbuf+len, "\*");
- /* len is no longer correct (but no longer needed) */
- Trace((stderr, "opendir: nbuf = [%s]n", nbuf));
- dirp -> dd_loc = 0;
- dirp -> dd_contents = dirp -> dd_cp = NULL;
- if ((s = getdirent(__G__ nbuf)) == NULL)
- return dirp;
- do
- {
- if (((dp = malloc(sizeof(struct _dircontents))) == NULL) ||
- ((dp -> _d_entry = malloc(strlen(s) + 1)) == NULL) )
- {
- if (dp)
- free(dp);
- free_dircontents(dirp -> dd_contents);
- return NULL;
- }
- if (dirp -> dd_contents)
- {
- dirp -> dd_cp -> _d_next = dp;
- dirp -> dd_cp = dirp -> dd_cp -> _d_next;
- }
- else
- dirp -> dd_contents = dirp -> dd_cp = dp;
- strcpy(dp -> _d_entry, s);
- dp -> _d_next = NULL;
- dp -> _d_size = G.os2.find.cbFile;
- dp -> _d_mode = G.os2.find.attrFile;
- dp -> _d_time = *(unsigned *) &(G.os2.find.ftimeLastWrite);
- dp -> _d_date = *(unsigned *) &(G.os2.find.fdateLastWrite);
- }
- while ((s = getdirent(__G__ NULL)) != NULL);
- dirp -> dd_cp = dirp -> dd_contents;
- return dirp;
- }
- void closedir(DIR * dirp)
- {
- free_dircontents(dirp -> dd_contents);
- free(dirp);
- }
- struct direct *readdir(__GPRO__ DIR * dirp)
- {
- /* moved to os2data.h so it can be global */
- /* static struct direct dp; */
- if (dirp -> dd_cp == NULL)
- return NULL;
- G.os2.dp.d_namlen = G.os2.dp.d_reclen =
- strlen(strcpy(G.os2.dp.d_name, dirp -> dd_cp -> _d_entry));
- G.os2.dp.d_ino = 0;
- G.os2.dp.d_size = dirp -> dd_cp -> _d_size;
- G.os2.dp.d_mode = dirp -> dd_cp -> _d_mode;
- G.os2.dp.d_time = dirp -> dd_cp -> _d_time;
- G.os2.dp.d_date = dirp -> dd_cp -> _d_date;
- dirp -> dd_cp = dirp -> dd_cp -> _d_next;
- dirp -> dd_loc++;
- return &G.os2.dp;
- }
- #if 0 /* not used in unzip; retained for possibly future use */
- void seekdir(DIR * dirp, long off)
- {
- long i = off;
- struct _dircontents *dp;
- if (off >= 0)
- {
- for (dp = dirp -> dd_contents; --i >= 0 && dp; dp = dp -> _d_next);
- dirp -> dd_loc = off - (i + 1);
- dirp -> dd_cp = dp;
- }
- }
- long telldir(DIR * dirp)
- {
- return dirp -> dd_loc;
- }
- #endif /* 0 */
- static void free_dircontents(struct _dircontents * dp)
- {
- struct _dircontents *odp;
- while (dp)
- {
- if (dp -> _d_entry)
- free(dp -> _d_entry);
- dp = (odp = dp) -> _d_next;
- free(odp);
- }
- }
- static char *getdirent(__GPRO__ ZCONST char *dir)
- {
- int done;
- /* moved to os2data.h so it can be global */
- /* static int lower; */
- if (dir != NULL)
- { /* get first entry */
- G.os2.hdir = HDIR_SYSTEM;
- G.os2.count = 1;
- done = DosFindFirst((PSZ) dir, &G.os2.hdir, attributes,
- &G.os2.find, sizeof(G.os2.find), &G.os2.count);
- G.os2.lower = IsFileSystemFAT(__G__ dir);
- }
- else /* get next entry */
- done = DosFindNext(G.os2.hdir,
- &G.os2.find, sizeof(G.os2.find), &G.os2.count);
- if (done == 0)
- {
- if ( G.os2.lower )
- StringLower(G.os2.find.achName);
- return G.os2.find.achName;
- }
- else
- {
- DosFindClose(G.os2.hdir);
- return NULL;
- }
- }
- int IsFileSystemFAT(__GPRO__ ZCONST char *dir) /* FAT / HPFS detection */
- {
- /* moved to os2data.h so they can be global */
- /* static USHORT nLastDrive=(USHORT)(-1), nResult; */
- ULONG lMap;
- BYTE bData[64];
- char bName[3];
- #ifdef __32BIT__
- ULONG nDrive, cbData;
- #else
- USHORT nDrive, cbData;
- #endif
- /* We separate FAT and HPFS+other file systems here.
- at the moment I consider other systems to be similar to HPFS,
- i.e. support long file names and case sensitive */
- if ( isalpha(dir[0]) && (dir[1] == ':') )
- nDrive = toupper(dir[0]) - '@';
- else
- DosQueryCurrentDisk(&nDrive, &lMap);
- if ( nDrive == G.os2.nLastDrive )
- return G.os2.nResult;
- bName[0] = (char) (nDrive + '@');
- bName[1] = ':';
- bName[2] = 0;
- G.os2.nLastDrive = nDrive;
- cbData = sizeof(bData);
- if ( !DosQueryFSAttach(bName, 0, FSAIL_QUERYNAME, (PVOID) pData, &cbData) )
- G.os2.nResult = !strcmp((char *) (pData -> szFSDName) + pData -> cbName,
- "FAT");
- else
- G.os2.nResult = FALSE;
- /* End of this ugly code */
- return G.os2.nResult;
- } /* end function IsFileSystemFAT() */
- /************************/
- /* Function do_wild() */
- /************************/
- char *do_wild(__G__ wildspec)
- __GDEF
- char *wildspec; /* only used first time on a given dir */
- {
- /* moved to os2data.h so they can be global */
- #if 0
- static DIR *dir = NULL;
- static char *dirname, *wildname, matchname[FILNAMSIZ];
- static int firstcall=TRUE, have_dirname, dirnamelen;
- #endif
- char *fnamestart;
- struct direct *file;
- /* Even when we're just returning wildspec, we *always* do so in
- * matchname[]--calling routine is allowed to append four characters
- * to the returned string, and wildspec may be a pointer to argv[].
- */
- if (G.os2.firstcall) { /* first call: must initialize everything */
- G.os2.firstcall = FALSE;
- if (!iswild(wildspec)) {
- strcpy(G.os2.matchname, wildspec);
- G.os2.have_dirname = FALSE;
- G.os2.dir = NULL;
- return G.os2.matchname;
- }
- /* break the wildspec into a directory part and a wildcard filename */
- if ((G.os2.wildname = strrchr(wildspec, '/')) == NULL &&
- (G.os2.wildname = strrchr(wildspec, ':')) == NULL) {
- G.os2.dirname = ".";
- G.os2.dirnamelen = 1;
- G.os2.have_dirname = FALSE;
- G.os2.wildname = wildspec;
- } else {
- ++G.os2.wildname; /* point at character after '/' or ':' */
- G.os2.dirnamelen = G.os2.wildname - wildspec;
- if ((G.os2.dirname = (char *)malloc(G.os2.dirnamelen+1)) == NULL) {
- Info(slide, 1, ((char *)slide,
- LoadFarString(CantAllocateWildcard)));
- strcpy(G.os2.matchname, wildspec);
- return G.os2.matchname; /* but maybe filespec was not a wildcard */
- }
- strncpy(G.os2.dirname, wildspec, G.os2.dirnamelen);
- G.os2.dirname[G.os2.dirnamelen] = ''; /* terminate for strcpy below */
- G.os2.have_dirname = TRUE;
- }
- Trace((stderr, "do_wild: dirname = [%s]n", G.os2.dirname));
- if ((G.os2.dir = opendir(__G__ G.os2.dirname)) != NULL) {
- if (G.os2.have_dirname) {
- strcpy(G.os2.matchname, G.os2.dirname);
- fnamestart = G.os2.matchname + G.os2.dirnamelen;
- } else
- fnamestart = G.os2.matchname;
- while ((file = readdir(__G__ G.os2.dir)) != NULL) {
- Trace((stderr, "do_wild: readdir returns %sn", file->d_name));
- strcpy(fnamestart, file->d_name);
- if (strrchr(fnamestart, '.') == (char *)NULL)
- strcat(fnamestart, ".");
- if (match(fnamestart, G.os2.wildname, 1) && /* 1 == ignore case */
- /* skip "." and ".." directory entries */
- strcmp(fnamestart, ".") && strcmp(fnamestart, "..")) {
- Trace((stderr, "do_wild: match() succeedsn"));
- /* remove trailing dot */
- fnamestart += strlen(fnamestart) - 1;
- if (*fnamestart == '.')
- *fnamestart = '';
- return G.os2.matchname;
- }
- }
- /* if we get to here directory is exhausted, so close it */
- closedir(G.os2.dir);
- G.os2.dir = NULL;
- }
- #ifdef DEBUG
- else {
- Trace((stderr, "do_wild: opendir(%s) returns NULLn", G.os2.dirname));
- }
- #endif /* DEBUG */
- /* return the raw wildspec in case that works (e.g., directory not
- * searchable, but filespec was not wild and file is readable) */
- strcpy(G.os2.matchname, wildspec);
- return G.os2.matchname;
- }
- /* last time through, might have failed opendir but returned raw wildspec */
- if (G.os2.dir == NULL) {
- G.os2.firstcall = TRUE; /* nothing left to try--reset for new wildspec */
- if (G.os2.have_dirname)
- free(G.os2.dirname);
- return (char *)NULL;
- }
- /* If we've gotten this far, we've read and matched at least one entry
- * successfully (in a previous call), so dirname has been copied into
- * matchname already.
- */
- if (G.os2.have_dirname) {
- /* strcpy(G.os2.matchname, G.os2.dirname); */
- fnamestart = G.os2.matchname + G.os2.dirnamelen;
- } else
- fnamestart = G.os2.matchname;
- while ((file = readdir(__G__ G.os2.dir)) != NULL) {
- Trace((stderr, "do_wild: readdir returns %sn", file->d_name));
- strcpy(fnamestart, file->d_name);
- if (strrchr(fnamestart, '.') == (char *)NULL)
- strcat(fnamestart, ".");
- if (match(fnamestart, G.os2.wildname, 1)) { /* 1 == ignore case */
- Trace((stderr, "do_wild: match() succeedsn"));
- /* remove trailing dot */
- fnamestart += strlen(fnamestart) - 1;
- if (*fnamestart == '.')
- *fnamestart = '';
- return G.os2.matchname;
- }
- }
- closedir(G.os2.dir); /* have read at least one dir entry; nothing left */
- G.os2.dir = NULL;
- G.os2.firstcall = TRUE; /* reset for new wildspec */
- if (G.os2.have_dirname)
- free(G.os2.dirname);
- return (char *)NULL;
- } /* end function do_wild() */
- #endif /* !SFX */
- /* scan extra fields for something we happen to know */
- static int EvalExtraFields(__GPRO__ const char *path,
- void *extra_field, unsigned ef_len)
- {
- char *ef_ptr = extra_field;
- int rc = PK_OK;
- while (ef_len >= sizeof(EFHEADER))
- {
- pEFblock = (PEFHEADER) ef_ptr;
- if (pEFblock -> nSize > (ef_len - EB_HEADSIZE))
- return PK_ERR; /* claimed EFblock length exceeds EF size! */
- switch (pEFblock -> nID)
- {
- case EF_OS2:
- rc = SetEAs(__G__ path, ef_ptr);
- break;
- case EF_ACL:
- rc = (uO.X_flag) ? SetACL(__G__ path, ef_ptr) : PK_OK;
- break;
- #if 0
- case EF_IZUNIX:
- case EF_PKUNIX:
- /* handled elsewhere */
- break;
- #endif
- default:
- TTrace((stderr,"EvalExtraFields: unknown extra field block, ID=%dn",
- pEFblock -> nID));
- break;
- }
- ef_ptr += (pEFblock -> nSize + EB_HEADSIZE);
- ef_len -= (pEFblock -> nSize + EB_HEADSIZE);
- if (rc != PK_OK)
- break;
- }
- return rc;
- }
- /************************/
- /* Function mapattr() */
- /************************/
- int mapattr(__G)
- __GDEF
- {
- /* set archive bit (file is not backed up): */
- G.pInfo->file_attr = (unsigned)(G.crec.external_file_attributes | 32) & 0xff;
- return 0;
- }
- /************************/
- /* Function mapname() */
- /************************/
- /*
- * There are presently two possibilities in OS/2: the output filesystem is
- * FAT, or it is HPFS. If the former, we need to map to FAT, obviously, but
- * we *also* must map to HPFS and store that version of the name in extended
- * attributes. Either way, we need to map to HPFS, so the main mapname
- * routine does that. In the case that the output file system is FAT, an
- * extra filename-mapping routine is called in checkdir(). While it should
- * be possible to determine the filesystem immediately upon entry to mapname(),
- * it is conceivable that the DOS APPEND utility could be added to OS/2 some-
- * day, allowing a FAT directory to be APPENDed to an HPFS drive/path. There-
- * fore we simply check the filesystem at each path component.
- *
- * Note that when alternative IFSes become available/popular, everything will
- * become immensely more complicated. For example, a Minix filesystem would
- * have limited filename lengths like FAT but no extended attributes in which
- * to store the longer versions of the names. A BSD Unix filesystem would
- * support paths of length 1024 bytes or more, but it is not clear that FAT
- * EAs would allow such long .LONGNAME fields or that OS/2 would properly
- * restore such fields when moving files from FAT to the new filesystem.
- *
- * GRR: some or all of the following chars should be checked in either
- * mapname (HPFS) or map2fat (FAT), depending: ,=^+'"[]<>|t&
- */
- /* return 0 if no error, 1 if caution (filename */
- int mapname(__G__ renamed) /* truncated), 2 if warning (skip file because */
- __GDEF /* dir doesn't exist), 3 if error (skip file), */
- int renamed; /* or 10 if out of memory (skip file) */
- { /* [also IZ_VOL_LABEL, IZ_CREATED_DIR] */
- char pathcomp[FILNAMSIZ]; /* path-component buffer */
- char *pp, *cp=(char *)NULL; /* character pointers */
- char *lastsemi=(char *)NULL; /* pointer to last semi-colon in pathcomp */
- int quote = FALSE; /* flag: next char is literal */
- int error = 0;
- register unsigned workch; /* hold the character being tested */
- /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Initialize various pointers and counters and stuff.
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- /* can create path as long as not just freshening, or if user told us */
- G.create_dirs = (!uO.fflag || renamed);
- G.os2.created_dir = FALSE; /* not yet */
- G.os2.renamed_fullpath = FALSE;
- G.os2.fnlen = strlen(G.filename);
- /* GRR: for VMS, convert to internal format now or later? or never? */
- if (renamed) {
- cp = G.filename - 1; /* point to beginning of renamed name... */
- while (*++cp)
- if (*cp == '\') /* convert backslashes to forward */
- *cp = '/';
- cp = G.filename;
- /* use temporary rootpath if user gave full pathname */
- if (G.filename[0] == '/') {
- G.os2.renamed_fullpath = TRUE;
- pathcomp[0] = '/'; /* copy the '/' and terminate */
- pathcomp[1] = '';
- ++cp;
- } else if (isalpha(G.filename[0]) && G.filename[1] == ':') {
- G.os2.renamed_fullpath = TRUE;
- pp = pathcomp;
- *pp++ = *cp++; /* copy the "d:" (+ '/', possibly) */
- *pp++ = *cp++;
- if (*cp == '/')
- *pp++ = *cp++; /* otherwise add "./"? */
- *pp = '';
- }
- }
- /* pathcomp is ignored unless renamed_fullpath is TRUE: */
- if ((error = checkdir(__G__ pathcomp, INIT)) != 0) /* init path buffer */
- return error; /* ...unless no mem or vol label on hard disk */
- *pathcomp = ''; /* initialize translation buffer */
- pp = pathcomp; /* point to translation buffer */
- if (!renamed) { /* cp already set if renamed */
- if (uO.jflag) /* junking directories */
- /* GRR: watch out for VMS version... */
- cp = (char *)strrchr(G.filename, '/');
- if (cp == (char *)NULL) /* no '/' or not junking dirs */
- cp = G.filename; /* point to internal zipfile-member pathname */
- else
- ++cp; /* point to start of last component of path */
- }
- /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Begin main loop through characters in filename.
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- while ((workch = (uch)*cp++) != 0) {
- if (quote) { /* if character quoted, */
- *pp++ = (char)workch; /* include it literally */
- quote = FALSE;
- } else
- switch (workch) {
- case '/': /* can assume -j flag not given */
- *pp = '';
- if ((error = checkdir(__G__ pathcomp, APPEND_DIR)) > 1)
- return error;
- pp = pathcomp; /* reset conversion buffer for next piece */
- lastsemi = (char *)NULL; /* leave directory semi-colons alone */
- break;
- case ':':
- *pp++ = '_'; /* drive names not stored in zipfile, */
- break; /* so no colons allowed */
- case ';': /* start of VMS version? */
- lastsemi = pp; /* remove VMS version later... */
- *pp++ = ';'; /* but keep semicolon for now */
- break;
- case '26': /* control-V quote for special chars */
- quote = TRUE; /* set flag for next character */
- break;
- case ' ': /* keep spaces unless specifically */
- if (uO.sflag) /* requested to change to underscore */
- *pp++ = '_';
- else
- *pp++ = ' ';
- break;
- default:
- /* allow ASCII 255 and European characters in filenames: */
- if (isprint(workch) || workch >= 127)
- *pp++ = (char)workch;
- } /* end switch */
- } /* end while loop */
- *pp = ''; /* done with pathcomp: terminate it */
- /* if not saving them, remove VMS version numbers (appended "###") */
- if (!uO.V_flag && lastsemi) {
- pp = lastsemi + 1; /* semi-colon was kept: expect #s after */
- while (isdigit((uch)(*pp)))
- ++pp;
- if (*pp == '') /* only digits between ';' and end: nuke */
- *lastsemi = '';
- }
- /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Report if directory was created (and no file to create: filename ended
- in '/'), check name to be sure it exists, and combine path and name be-
- fore exiting.
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- if (G.filename[G.os2.fnlen-1] == '/') {
- checkdir(__G__ G.filename, GETPATH);
- if (G.os2.created_dir) {
- if (!uO.qflag)
- Info(slide, 0, ((char *)slide, LoadFarString(Creating),
- G.filename));
- if (G.extra_field) { /* zipfile extra field has extended attribs */
- int err = EvalExtraFields(__G__ G.filename, G.extra_field,
- G.lrec.extra_field_length);
- if (err == IZ_EF_TRUNC) {
- if (uO.qflag)
- Info(slide, 1, ((char *)slide, "%-22s ", G.filename));
- Info(slide, 1, ((char *)slide, LoadFarString(TruncEAs),
- makeword(G.extra_field+2)-10, "n"));
- } else if (!uO.qflag)
- (*G.message)((zvoid *)&G, (uch *)"n", 1L, 0);
- } else if (!uO.qflag)
- (*G.message)((zvoid *)&G, (uch *)"n", 1L, 0);
- /* set date/time stamps */
- SetPathAttrTimes(__G__ G.pInfo->file_attr & ~A_ARCHIVE, 1);
- return IZ_CREATED_DIR; /* dir time already set */
- } else if (G.extra_field && uO.overwrite_all) {
- /* overwrite EAs of existing directory since user requested it */
- int err = EvalExtraFields(__G__ G.filename, G.extra_field,
- G.lrec.extra_field_length);
- if (err == IZ_EF_TRUNC) {
- Info(slide, 0x421, ((char *)slide, "%-22s ", G.filename));
- Info(slide, 0x401, ((char *)slide, LoadFarString(TruncEAs),
- makeword(G.extra_field+2)-10, "n"));
- }
- /* set date/time stamps (dirs only have creation times) */
- SetPathAttrTimes(__G__ G.pInfo->file_attr & ~A_ARCHIVE, 1);
- }
- return 2; /* dir existed already; don't look for data to extract */
- }
- if (*pathcomp == '') {
- Info(slide, 1, ((char *)slide, LoadFarString(ConversionFailed),
- G.filename));
- return 3;
- }
- checkdir(__G__ pathcomp, APPEND_NAME); /* returns 1 if truncated: care? */
- checkdir(__G__ G.filename, GETPATH);
- Trace((stderr, "mapname returns with filename = [%s] (error = %d)nn",
- G.filename, error));
- if (G.pInfo->vollabel) { /* set the volume label now */
- /* GRR: "VOLUMELABEL" defined for IBM C and emx, but haven't checked MSC... */
- strcpy(FSInfoBuf.szVolLabel, G.filename);
- FSInfoBuf.cch = (BYTE)strlen(FSInfoBuf.szVolLabel);
- if (!uO.qflag)
- Info(slide, 0, ((char *)slide, LoadFarString(Labelling),
- (char)(G.os2.nLabelDrive + 'a' - 1), G.filename));
- if (DosSetFSInfo(G.os2.nLabelDrive, FSIL_VOLSER, (PBYTE)&FSInfoBuf,
- sizeof(VOLUMELABEL)))
- {
- Info(slide, 1, ((char *)slide, LoadFarString(ErrSetVolLabel)));
- return 3;
- }
- return 2; /* success: skip the "extraction" quietly */
- }
- return error;
- } /* end function mapname() */
- /***********************/
- /* Function checkdir() */
- /***********************/
- int checkdir(__G__ pathcomp, flag)
- __GDEF
- char *pathcomp;
- int flag;
- /*
- * returns: 1 - (on APPEND_NAME) truncated filename
- * 2 - path doesn't exist, not allowed to create
- * 3 - path doesn't exist, tried to create and failed; or
- * path exists and is not a directory, but is supposed to be
- * 4 - path is too long
- * 10 - can't allocate memory for filename buffers
- */
- {
- /* moved to os2data.h so they can be global */
- #if 0
- static int rootlen = 0; /* length of rootpath */
- static char *rootpath; /* user's "extract-to" directory */
- static char *buildpathHPFS; /* full path (so far) to extracted file, */
- static char *buildpathFAT; /* both HPFS/EA (main) and FAT versions */
- static char *endHPFS; /* corresponding pointers to end of */
- static char *endFAT; /* buildpath ('') */
- #endif
- # define FN_MASK 7
- # define FUNCTION (flag & FN_MASK)
- /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- APPEND_DIR: append the path component to the path being built and check
- for its existence. If doesn't exist and we are creating directories, do
- so for this one; else signal success or error as appropriate.
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- char *p = pathcomp;
- int longdirEA, too_long=FALSE;
- Trace((stderr, "appending dir segment [%s]n", pathcomp));
- while ((*G.os2.endHPFS = *p++) != '') /* copy to HPFS filename */
- ++G.os2.endHPFS;
- if (IsFileNameValid(G.os2.buildpathHPFS)) {
- longdirEA = FALSE;
- p = pathcomp;
- while ((*G.os2.endFAT = *p++) != '') /* copy to FAT filename, too */
- ++G.os2.endFAT;
- } else {
- longdirEA = TRUE;
- /* GRR: check error return? */
- map2fat(pathcomp, &G.os2.endFAT); /* map, put in FAT fn, update endFAT */
- }
- /* GRR: could do better check, see if overrunning buffer as we go:
- * check endHPFS-G.os2.buildpathHPFS after each append, set warning variable
- * if within 20 of FILNAMSIZ; then if var set, do careful check when
- * appending. Clear variable when begin new path. */
- /* next check: need to append '/', at least one-char name, '' */
- if ((G.os2.endHPFS-G.os2.buildpathHPFS) > FILNAMSIZ-3)
- too_long = TRUE; /* check if extracting dir? */
- #ifdef MSC /* MSC 6.00 bug: stat(non-existent-dir) == 0 [exists!] */
- if (GetFileTime(G.os2.buildpathFAT) == -1 || stat(G.os2.buildpathFAT, &G.statbuf))
- #else
- if (stat(G.os2.buildpathFAT, &G.statbuf)) /* path doesn't exist */
- #endif
- {
- if (!G.create_dirs) { /* told not to create (freshening) */
- free(G.os2.buildpathHPFS);
- free(G.os2.buildpathFAT);
- return 2; /* path doesn't exist: nothing to do */
- }
- if (too_long) { /* GRR: should allow FAT extraction w/o EAs */
- Info(slide, 1, ((char *)slide, LoadFarString(PathTooLong),
- G.os2.buildpathHPFS));
- free(G.os2.buildpathHPFS);
- free(G.os2.buildpathFAT);
- return 4; /* no room for filenames: fatal */
- }
- if (MKDIR(G.os2.buildpathFAT, 0777) == -1) { /* create the directory */
- Info(slide, 1, ((char *)slide, LoadFarString(CantCreateDir),
- G.os2.buildpathFAT, G.filename));
- free(G.os2.buildpathHPFS);
- free(G.os2.buildpathFAT);
- return 3; /* path didn't exist, tried to create, failed */
- }
- G.os2.created_dir = TRUE;
- /* only set EA if creating directory */
- /* GRR: need trailing '/' before function call? */
- if (longdirEA) {
- #ifdef DEBUG
- int e =
- #endif
- SetLongNameEA(G.os2.buildpathFAT, pathcomp);
- Trace((stderr, "APPEND_DIR: SetLongNameEA() returns %dn", e));
- }
- } else if (!S_ISDIR(G.statbuf.st_mode)) {
- Info(slide, 1, ((char *)slide, LoadFarString(DirIsntDirectory),
- G.os2.buildpathFAT, G.filename));
- free(G.os2.buildpathHPFS);
- free(G.os2.buildpathFAT);
- return 3; /* path existed but wasn't dir */
- }
- if (too_long) {
- Info(slide, 1, ((char *)slide, LoadFarString(PathTooLong),
- G.os2.buildpathHPFS));
- free(G.os2.buildpathHPFS);
- free(G.os2.buildpathFAT);
- return 4; /* no room for filenames: fatal */
- }
- *G.os2.endHPFS++ = '/';
- *G.os2.endFAT++ = '/';
- *G.os2.endHPFS = *G.os2.endFAT = '';
- Trace((stderr, "buildpathHPFS now = [%s]n", G.os2.buildpathHPFS));
- Trace((stderr, "buildpathFAT now = [%s]n", G.os2.buildpathFAT));
- return 0;
- } /* end if (FUNCTION == APPEND_DIR) */
- /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- GETPATH: copy full FAT path to the string pointed at by pathcomp (want
- filename to reflect name used on disk, not EAs; if full path is HPFS,
- buildpathFAT and buildpathHPFS will be identical). Also free both paths.
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- Trace((stderr, "getting and freeing FAT path [%s]n", G.os2.buildpathFAT));
- Trace((stderr, "freeing HPFS path [%s]n", G.os2.buildpathHPFS));
- strcpy(pathcomp, G.os2.buildpathFAT);
- free(G.os2.buildpathFAT);
- free(G.os2.buildpathHPFS);
- G.os2.buildpathHPFS = G.os2.buildpathFAT = G.os2.endHPFS = G.os2.endFAT = (char *)NULL;
- return 0;
- }
- /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- APPEND_NAME: assume the path component is the filename; append it and
- return without checking for existence.
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- char *p = pathcomp;
- int error = 0;
- Trace((stderr, "appending filename [%s]n", pathcomp));
- while ((*G.os2.endHPFS = *p++) != '') { /* copy to HPFS filename */
- ++G.os2.endHPFS;
- if ((G.os2.endHPFS-G.os2.buildpathHPFS) >= FILNAMSIZ) {
- *--G.os2.endHPFS = '';
- Info(slide, 1, ((char *)slide, LoadFarString(PathTooLongTrunc),
- G.filename, G.os2.buildpathHPFS));
- error = 1; /* filename truncated */
- }
- }
- /* GRR: how can longnameEA ever be set before this point??? we don't want
- * to save the original name to EAs if user renamed it, do we?
- *
- * if (!G.os2.longnameEA && ((G.os2.longnameEA = !IsFileNameValid(name)) != 0))
- */
- if (G.pInfo->vollabel || IsFileNameValid(G.os2.buildpathHPFS)) {
- G.os2.longnameEA = FALSE;
- p = pathcomp;
- while ((*G.os2.endFAT = *p++) != '') /* copy to FAT filename, too */
- ++G.os2.endFAT;
- } else {
- G.os2.longnameEA = TRUE;
- if ((G.os2.lastpathcomp = (char *)malloc(strlen(pathcomp)+1)) ==
- (char *)NULL)
- {
- Info(slide, 1, ((char *)slide,
- "checkdir warning: cannot save longname EA: out of memoryn"));
- G.os2.longnameEA = FALSE;
- error = 1; /* can't set .LONGNAME extended attribute */
- } else /* used and freed in close_outfile() */
- strcpy(G.os2.lastpathcomp, pathcomp);
- map2fat(pathcomp, &G.os2.endFAT); /* map, put in FAT fn, update endFAT */
- }
- Trace((stderr, "buildpathHPFS: %snbuildpathFAT: %sn",
- G.os2.buildpathHPFS, G.os2.buildpathFAT));
- return error; /* could check for existence, prompt for new name... */
- } /* end if (FUNCTION == APPEND_NAME) */
- /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- INIT: allocate and initialize buffer space for the file currently being
- extracted. If file was renamed with an absolute path, don't prepend the
- extract-to path.
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- if (FUNCTION == INIT) {
- Trace((stderr, "initializing buildpathHPFS and buildpathFAT to "));
- if ((G.os2.buildpathHPFS = (char *)malloc(G.os2.fnlen+G.os2.rootlen+1)) == (char *)NULL)
- return 10;
- if ((G.os2.buildpathFAT = (char *)malloc(G.os2.fnlen+G.os2.rootlen+1)) == (char *)NULL) {
- free(G.os2.buildpathHPFS);
- return 10;
- }
- if (G.pInfo->vollabel) { /* use root or renamed path, but don't store */
- /* GRR: for network drives, do strchr() and return IZ_VOL_LABEL if not [1] */
- if (G.os2.renamed_fullpath && pathcomp[1] == ':')
- *G.os2.buildpathHPFS = (char)ToLower(*pathcomp);
- else if (!G.os2.renamed_fullpath && G.os2.rootlen > 1 && G.os2.rootpath[1] == ':')
- *G.os2.buildpathHPFS = (char)ToLower(*G.os2.rootpath);
- else {
- ULONG lMap;
- DosQueryCurrentDisk(&G.os2.nLabelDrive, &lMap);
- *G.os2.buildpathHPFS = (char)(G.os2.nLabelDrive - 1 + 'a');
- }
- G.os2.nLabelDrive = *G.os2.buildpathHPFS - 'a' + 1; /* save for mapname() */
- if (uO.volflag == 0 || *G.os2.buildpathHPFS < 'a' || /* no labels/bogus? */
- (uO.volflag == 1 && !isfloppy(G.os2.nLabelDrive))) { /* -$: no fixed */
- free(G.os2.buildpathHPFS);
- free(G.os2.buildpathFAT);
- return IZ_VOL_LABEL; /* skipping with message */
- }
- *G.os2.buildpathHPFS = '';
- } else if (G.os2.renamed_fullpath) /* pathcomp = valid data */
- strcpy(G.os2.buildpathHPFS, pathcomp);
- else if (G.os2.rootlen > 0)
- strcpy(G.os2.buildpathHPFS, G.os2.rootpath);
- else
- *G.os2.buildpathHPFS = '';
- G.os2.endHPFS = G.os2.buildpathHPFS;
- G.os2.endFAT = G.os2.buildpathFAT;
- while ((*G.os2.endFAT = *G.os2.endHPFS) != '') {
- ++G.os2.endFAT;
- ++G.os2.endHPFS;
- }
- Trace((stderr, "[%s]n", G.os2.buildpathHPFS));
- return 0;
- }
- /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ROOT: if appropriate, store the path in rootpath and create it if neces-
- sary; else assume it's a zipfile member and return. This path segment
- gets used in extracting all members from every zipfile specified on the
- command line. Note that under OS/2 and MS-DOS, if a candidate extract-to
- directory specification includes a drive letter (leading "x:"), it is
- treated just as if it had a trailing '/'--that is, one directory level
- will be created if the path doesn't exist, unless this is otherwise pro-
- hibited (e.g., freshening).
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- #if (!defined(SFX) || defined(SFX_EXDIR))
- if (FUNCTION == ROOT) {
- Trace((stderr, "initializing root path to [%s]n", pathcomp));
- if (pathcomp == (char *)NULL) {
- G.os2.rootlen = 0;
- return 0;
- }
- if ((G.os2.rootlen = strlen(pathcomp)) > 0) {
- int had_trailing_pathsep=FALSE, has_drive=FALSE, xtra=2;
- if (isalpha(pathcomp[0]) && pathcomp[1] == ':')
- has_drive = TRUE; /* drive designator */
- if (pathcomp[G.os2.rootlen-1] == '/') {
- pathcomp[--G.os2.rootlen] = '';
- had_trailing_pathsep = TRUE;
- }
- if (has_drive && (G.os2.rootlen == 2)) {
- if (!had_trailing_pathsep) /* i.e., original wasn't "x:/" */
- xtra = 3; /* room for '.' + '/' + 0 at end of "x:" */
- } else if (G.os2.rootlen > 0) { /* need not check "x:." and "x:/" */
- #ifdef MSC /* MSC 6.00 bug: stat(non-existent-dir) == 0 [exists!] */
- if (GetFileTime(pathcomp) == -1 ||
- SSTAT(pathcomp, &G.statbuf) || !S_ISDIR(G.statbuf.st_mode))
- #else
- if (SSTAT(pathcomp, &G.statbuf) || !S_ISDIR(G.statbuf.st_mode))
- #endif
- { /* path does not exist */
- if (!G.create_dirs /* || iswild(pathcomp) */
- ) {
- G.os2.rootlen = 0;
- return 2; /* treat as stored file */
- }
- /* create directory (could add loop here to scan pathcomp
- * and create more than one level, but really necessary?) */
- if (MKDIR(pathcomp, 0777) == -1) {
- Info(slide, 1, ((char *)slide,
- LoadFarString(CantCreateExtractDir), pathcomp));
- G.os2.rootlen = 0; /* path didn't exist, tried to create, */
- return 3; /* failed: file exists, or need 2+ levels */
- }
- }
- }
- if ((G.os2.rootpath = (char *)malloc(G.os2.rootlen+xtra)) == (char *)NULL) {
- G.os2.rootlen = 0;
- return 10;
- }
- strcpy(G.os2.rootpath, pathcomp);
- if (xtra == 3) /* had just "x:", make "x:." */
- G.os2.rootpath[G.os2.rootlen++] = '.';
- G.os2.rootpath[G.os2.rootlen++] = '/';
- G.os2.rootpath[G.os2.rootlen] = '';
- Trace((stderr, "rootpath now = [%s]n", G.os2.rootpath));
- }
- return 0;
- }
- #endif /* !SFX || SFX_EXDIR */
- /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- END: free rootpath, immediately prior to program exit.
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- if (FUNCTION == END) {
- Trace((stderr, "freeing rootpathn"));
- if (G.os2.rootlen > 0) {
- free(G.os2.rootpath);
- G.os2.rootlen = 0;
- }
- return 0;
- }
- return 99; /* should never reach */
- } /* end function checkdir() */
- /***********************/
- /* Function isfloppy() */ /* more precisely, is it removable? */
- /***********************/
- static int isfloppy(nDrive)
- int nDrive; /* 1 == A:, 2 == B:, etc. */
- {
- uch ParmList[1] = {0};
- uch DataArea[1] = {0};
- char Name[3];
- HFILE handle;
- #ifdef __32BIT__
- ULONG rc;
- ULONG action;
- #else
- USHORT rc;
- USHORT action;
- #endif
- Name[0] = (char) (nDrive + 'A' - 1);
- Name[1] = ':';
- Name[2] = 0;
- rc = DosOpen(Name, &handle, &action, 0L, FILE_NORMAL, FILE_OPEN,
- if (rc == ERROR_NOT_READY) /* must be removable */
- return TRUE;
- else if (rc) { /* other error: do default a/b heuristic instead */
- Trace((stderr, "error in DosOpen(DASD): guessing...n", rc));
- return (nDrive == 1 || nDrive == 2)? TRUE : FALSE;
- }
- rc = DosDevIOCtl(DataArea, sizeof(DataArea), ParmList, sizeof(ParmList),
- DosClose(handle);
- if (rc) { /* again, just check for a/b */
- Trace((stderr, "error in DosDevIOCtl category IOCTL_DISK, function "
- "DSK_BLOCKREMOVABLEn (rc = 0x%04x): guessing...n", rc));
- return (nDrive == 1 || nDrive == 2)? TRUE : FALSE;
- } else {
- return DataArea[0] ? FALSE : TRUE;
- }
- } /* end function isfloppy() */
- static int IsFileNameValid(const char *name)
- {
- HFILE hf;
- #ifdef __32BIT__
- ULONG uAction;
- #else
- USHORT uAction;
- #endif
- switch( DosOpen((PSZ) name, &hf, &uAction, 0, 0, FILE_OPEN,
- {
- return FALSE;
- case NO_ERROR:
- DosClose(hf);
- default:
- return TRUE;
- }
- }
- /**********************/
- /* Function map2fat() */
- /**********************/
- static void map2fat(pathcomp, pEndFAT)
- char *pathcomp, **pEndFAT;
- {
- char *ppc = pathcomp; /* variable pointer to pathcomp */
- char *pEnd = *pEndFAT; /* variable pointer to buildpathFAT */
- char *pBegin = *pEndFAT; /* constant pointer to start of this comp. */
- char *last_dot = (char *)NULL; /* last dot not converted to underscore */
- int dotname = FALSE; /* flag: path component begins with dot */
- /* ("." and ".." don't count) */
- register unsigned workch; /* hold the character being tested */
- /* Only need check those characters which are legal in HPFS but not
- * in FAT: to get here, must already have passed through mapname.
- * (GRR: oops, small bug--if char was quoted, no longer have any
- * knowledge of that.) Also must truncate path component to ensure
- * 8.3 compliance...
- */
- while ((workch = (uch)*ppc++) != 0) {
- switch (workch) {
- case '[': /* add '"' '+' ',' '=' ?? */
- case ']':
- *pEnd++ = '_'; /* convert brackets to underscores */
- break;
- case '.':
- if (pEnd == *pEndFAT) { /* nothing appended yet... */
- if (*ppc == '') /* don't bother appending a */
- break; /* "./" component to the path */
- else if (*ppc == '.' && ppc[1] == '') { /* "../" */
- *pEnd++ = '.'; /* add first dot, unchanged... */
- ++ppc; /* skip second dot, since it will */
- } else { /* be "added" at end of if-block */
- *pEnd++ = '_'; /* FAT doesn't allow null filename */
- dotname = TRUE; /* bodies, so map .exrc -> _.exrc */
- } /* (extra '_' now, "dot" below) */
- } else if (dotname) { /* found a second dot, but still */
- dotname = FALSE; /* have extra leading underscore: */
- *pEnd = ''; /* remove it by shifting chars */
- pEnd = *pEndFAT + 1; /* left one space (e.g., .p1.p2: */
- while (pEnd[1]) { /* __p1 -> _p1_p2 -> _p1.p2 when */
- *pEnd = pEnd[1]; /* finished) [opt.: since first */
- ++pEnd; /* two chars are same, can start */
- } /* shifting at second position] */
- }
- last_dot = pEnd; /* point at last dot so far... */
- *pEnd++ = '_'; /* convert dot to underscore for now */
- break;
- default:
- *pEnd++ = (char)workch;
- } /* end switch */
- } /* end while loop */
- *pEnd = ''; /* terminate buildpathFAT */
- /* NOTE: keep in mind that pEnd points to the end of the path
- * component, and *pEndFAT still points to the *beginning* of it...
- * Also note that the algorithm does not try to get too fancy:
- * if there are no dots already, the name either gets truncated
- * at 8 characters or the last underscore is converted to a dot
- * (only if more characters are saved that way). In no case is
- * a dot inserted between existing characters.
- */
- if (last_dot == (char *)NULL) { /* no dots: check for underscores... */
- char *plu = strrchr(pBegin, '_'); /* pointer to last underscore */
- if (plu == (char *)NULL) { /* no dots, no underscores: truncate at 8 */
- *pEndFAT += 8; /* chars (could insert '.' and keep 11...) */
- if (*pEndFAT > pEnd)
- *pEndFAT = pEnd; /* oops...didn't have 8 chars to truncate */
- else
- **pEndFAT = '';
- } else if (MIN(plu - pBegin, 8) + MIN(pEnd - plu - 1, 3) > 8) {
- last_dot = plu; /* be lazy: drop through to next if-block */
- } else if ((pEnd - *pEndFAT) > 8) {
- *pEndFAT += 8; /* more fits into just basename than if */
- **pEndFAT = ''; /* convert last underscore to dot */
- } else
- *pEndFAT = pEnd; /* whole thing fits into 8 chars or less */
- }
- if (last_dot != (char *)NULL) { /* one dot (or two, in the case of */
- *last_dot = '.'; /* "..") is OK: put it back in */
- if ((last_dot - pBegin) > 8) {
- char *p, *q;
- int i;
- p = last_dot;
- q = last_dot = pBegin + 8;
- for (i = 0; (i < 4) && *p; ++i) /* too many chars in basename: */
- *q++ = *p++; /* shift ".ext" left and */
- *q = ''; /* truncate/terminate it */
- *pEndFAT = q;
- } else if ((pEnd - last_dot) > 4) { /* too many chars in extension */
- *pEndFAT = last_dot + 4;
- **pEndFAT = '';
- } else
- *pEndFAT = pEnd; /* filename is fine; point at terminating zero */
- if ((last_dot - pBegin) > 0 && last_dot[-1] == ' ')
- last_dot[-1] = '_'; /* NO blank in front of '.'! */
- }
- } /* end function map2fat() */
- static int SetLongNameEA(char *name, char *longname)
- {
- EAOP eaop;
- FEALST fealst;
- eaop.fpFEAList = (PFEALIST) &fealst;
- eaop.fpGEAList = NULL;
- eaop.oError = 0;
- strcpy((char *) fealst.szName, ".LONGNAME");
- strcpy((char *) fealst.szValue, longname);
- fealst.cbList = sizeof(fealst) - CCHMAXPATH + strlen((char *) fealst.szValue);
- fealst.cbName = (BYTE) strlen((char *) fealst.szName);
- fealst.cbValue = sizeof(USHORT) * 2 + strlen((char *) fealst.szValue);
- #ifdef __32BIT__
- fealst.oNext = 0;
- #endif
- fealst.fEA = 0;
- fealst.eaType = 0xFFFD;
- fealst.eaSize = strlen((char *) fealst.szValue);
- return DosSetPathInfo(name, FIL_QUERYEASIZE,
- (PBYTE) &eaop, sizeof(eaop), 0);
- }
- /****************************/
- /* Function close_outfile() */
- /****************************/
- /* GRR: need to return error level!! */
- void close_outfile(__G) /* only for extracted files, not directories */
- __GDEF
- {
- fclose(G.outfile);
- /* set extra fields, both stored-in-zipfile and .LONGNAME flavors */
- if (G.extra_field) { /* zipfile extra field may have extended attribs */
- int err = EvalExtraFields(__G__ G.filename, G.extra_field,
- G.lrec.extra_field_length);
- if (err == IZ_EF_TRUNC) {
- if (uO.qflag)
- Info(slide, 1, ((char *)slide, "%-22s ", G.filename));
- Info(slide, 1, ((char *)slide, LoadFarString(TruncEAs),
- makeword(G.extra_field+2)-10, uO.qflag? "n" : ""));
- }
- }
- if (G.os2.longnameEA) {
- #ifdef DEBUG
- int e =
- #endif
- SetLongNameEA(G.filename, G.os2.lastpathcomp);
- Trace((stderr, "close_outfile: SetLongNameEA() returns %dn", e));
- free(G.os2.lastpathcomp);
- }
- /* set date/time and permissions */
- SetPathAttrTimes(__G__ G.pInfo->file_attr, 0);
- } /* end function close_outfile() */
- /******************************/
- /* Function check_for_newer() */
- /******************************/
- int check_for_newer(__G__ filename) /* return 1 if existing file newer or equal; */
- __GDEF
- char *filename; /* 0 if older; -1 if doesn't exist yet */
- {
- ulg existing, archive;
- #ifdef USE_EF_UT_TIME
- iztimes z_utime;
- #endif
- if ((existing = (ulg)GetFileTime(filename)) == (ulg)-1)
- return DOES_NOT_EXIST;
- #ifdef USE_EF_UT_TIME
- if (G.extra_field &&
- #ifdef IZ_CHECK_TZ
- G.tz_is_valid &&
- #endif
- (ef_scan_for_izux(G.extra_field, G.lrec.extra_field_length, 0,
- G.lrec.last_mod_dos_datetime, &z_utime, NULL)
- {
- TTrace((stderr, "check_for_newer: using Unix extra field mtimen"));
- archive = Utime2DosDateTime(z_utime.mtime);
- } else {
- archive = G.lrec.last_mod_dos_datetime;
- }
- #else /* !USE_EF_UT_TIME */
- archive = G.lrec.last_mod_dos_datetime;
- #endif /* ?USE_EF_UT_TIME */
- return (existing >= archive);
- } /* end function check_for_newer() */
- #ifndef SFX
- /*************************/
- /* Function dateformat() */
- /*************************/
- int dateformat()
- {
- /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- For those operating systems which support it, this function returns a value
- which tells how national convention says that numeric dates are displayed.
- Return values are DF_YMD, DF_DMY and DF_MDY.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- switch (GetCountryInfo()) {
- case 0:
- return DF_MDY;
- case 1:
- return DF_DMY;
- case 2:
- return DF_YMD;
- }
- return DF_MDY; /* default if error */
- } /* end function dateformat() */
- /************************/
- /* Function version() */
- /************************/
- void version(__G)
- __GDEF
- {
- int len;
- #if defined(__IBMC__) || defined(__WATCOMC__) || defined(_MSC_VER)
- char buf[80];
- #endif
- len = sprintf((char *)slide, LoadFarString(CompiledWith),
- #if defined(__GNUC__)
- # ifdef __EMX__ /* __EMX__ is defined as "1" only (sigh) */
- "emx+gcc ", __VERSION__,
- # else
- "gcc/2 ", __VERSION__,
- # endif
- #elif defined(__IBMC__)
- "IBM ",
- # if (__IBMC__ < 200)
- (sprintf(buf, "C Set/2 %d.%02d", __IBMC__/100,__IBMC__%100), buf),
- # elif (__IBMC__ < 300)
- (sprintf(buf, "C Set++ %d.%02d", __IBMC__/100,__IBMC__%100), buf),
- # else
- (sprintf(buf, "Visual Age C++ %d.%02d", __IBMC__/100,__IBMC__%100), buf),
- # endif
- #elif defined(__WATCOMC__)
- "Watcom C", (sprintf(buf, " (__WATCOMC__ = %d)", __WATCOMC__), buf),
- #elif defined(__TURBOC__)
- # ifdef __BORLANDC__
- "Borland C++",
- # if (__BORLANDC__ < 0x0460)
- " 1.0",
- # elif (__BORLANDC__ == 0x0460)
- " 1.5", /* from Kai Uwe: three less than DOS */
- # else
- " 2.0", /* (__BORLANDC__ == 0x0500)? */
- # endif
- # else
- "Turbo C", /* these are probably irrelevant */
- # if (__TURBOC__ >= 661)
- "++ 1.0 or later",
- # elif (__TURBOC__ == 661)
- " 3.0?",
- # elif (__TURBOC__ == 397)
- " 2.0",
- # else
- " 1.0 or 1.5?",
- # endif
- # endif
- #elif defined(MSC)
- "Microsoft C ",
- # ifdef _MSC_VER
- (sprintf(buf, "%d.%02d", _MSC_VER/100, _MSC_VER%100), buf),
- # else
- "5.1 or earlier",
- # endif
- #else
- "unknown compiler", "",
- #endif /* ?compilers */
- "OS/2",
- /* GRR: does IBM C/2 identify itself as IBM rather than Microsoft? */
- #if (defined(MSC) || (defined(__WATCOMC__) && !defined(__386__)))
- # if defined(M_I86HM) || defined(__HUGE__)
- " (16-bit, huge)",
- # elif defined(M_I86LM) || defined(__LARGE__)
- " (16-bit, large)",
- # elif defined(M_I86MM) || defined(__MEDIUM__)
- " (16-bit, medium)",
- # elif defined(M_I86CM) || defined(__COMPACT__)
- " (16-bit, compact)",
- # elif defined(M_I86SM) || defined(__SMALL__)
- " (16-bit, small)",
- # elif defined(M_I86TM) || defined(__TINY__)
- " (16-bit, tiny)",
- # else
- " (16-bit)",
- # endif
- #else
- " 2.x/3.x (32-bit)",
- #endif
- #ifdef __DATE__
- " on ", __DATE__
- #else
- "", ""
- #endif
- );
- (*G.message)((zvoid *)&G, slide, (ulg)len, 0);
- /* MSC can't handle huge macro expansions */
- /* temporary debugging code for Borland compilers only */
- /* __TCPLUSPLUS__, __BCPLUSPLUS__ not defined for v1.5 */
- #if (defined(__TURBOC__) && defined(DEBUG))
- Info(slide, 0, ((char *)slide, "t(__TURBOC__ = 0x%04x = %d)n", __TURBOC__,
- __TURBOC__));
- #ifdef __BORLANDC__
- Info(slide, 0, ((char *)slide, "t(__BORLANDC__ = 0x%04x)n",__BORLANDC__));
- #else
- Info(slide, 0, ((char *)slide, "tdebug(__BORLANDC__ not defined)n"));
- #endif
- #endif /* __TURBOC__ && DEBUG */
- } /* end function version() */
- #endif /* !SFX */
- /* This table can be static because it is pseudo-constant */
- static unsigned char cUpperCase[256], cLowerCase[256];
- static BOOL bInitialized=FALSE;
- /* Initialize the tables of upper- and lowercase characters, including
- handling of country-dependent characters. */
- static void InitNLS(void)
- {
- unsigned nCnt, nU;
- if (bInitialized == FALSE) {
- bInitialized = TRUE;
- for ( nCnt = 0; nCnt < 256; nCnt++ )
- cUpperCase[nCnt] = cLowerCase[nCnt] = (unsigned char) nCnt;
- = cc.codepage = 0;
- DosMapCase(sizeof(cUpperCase), &cc, (PCHAR) cUpperCase);
- for ( nCnt = 0; nCnt < 256; nCnt++ ) {
- nU = cUpperCase[nCnt];
- if (nU != nCnt && cLowerCase[nU] == (unsigned char) nU)
- cLowerCase[nU] = (unsigned char) nCnt;
- }
- for ( nCnt = 'A'; nCnt <= 'Z'; nCnt++ )
- cLowerCase[nCnt] = (unsigned char) (nCnt - 'A' + 'a');
- }
- }
- int IsUpperNLS(int nChr)
- {
- return (cUpperCase[nChr] == (unsigned char) nChr);
- }
- int ToLowerNLS(int nChr)
- {
- return cLowerCase[nChr];
- }
- char *StringLower(char *szArg)
- {
- unsigned char *szPtr;
- for ( szPtr = (unsigned char *) szArg; *szPtr; szPtr++ )
- *szPtr = cLowerCase[*szPtr];
- return szArg;
- }
- #if defined(__IBMC__) && defined(__DEBUG_ALLOC__)
- void DebugMalloc(void)
- {
- _dump_allocated(0); /* print out debug malloc memory statistics */
- }
- #endif
- #if defined(REENTRANT) && defined(USETHREADID)
- ulg GetThreadId(void)
- {
- PTIB pptib; /* Address of a pointer to the
- Thread Information Block */
- PPIB pppib; /* Address of a pointer to the
- Process Information Block */
- DosGetInfoBlocks(&pptib, &pppib);
- return pptib->tib_ptib2->tib2_ultid;
- }
- #endif /* defined(REENTRANT) && defined(USETHREADID) */
- void os2GlobalsCtor(__GPRO)
- {
- G.os2.nLastDrive = (USHORT)(-1);
- G.os2.firstcall = TRUE;
- #ifdef OS2DLL
- G.os2.rexx_mes = "0";
- #endif
- InitNLS();
- }