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Package: [view]
Upload User: andy_li
Upload Date: 2007-01-06
Package Size: 1019k
Code Size: 10k
Compress-Decompress algrithms
Development Platform:
- /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- MS-DOS specific configuration section:
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- #ifndef __doscfg_h
- #define __doscfg_h
- #include <dos.h> /* for REGS macro (TC) or _dos_setftime (MSC) */
- #ifdef __TURBOC__ /* includes Power C */
- # include <sys/timeb.h> /* for structure ftime */
- # ifndef __BORLANDC__ /* there appears to be a bug (?) in Borland's */
- # include <mem.h> /* MEM.H related to __STDC__ and far poin- */
- # endif /* ters. (dpk) [mem.h included for memcpy] */
- #endif
- #ifdef WINDLL
- # if (defined(MSC) || defined(__WATCOMC__))
- # include <sys/utime.h>
- # else /* !(MSC || __WATCOMC__) ==> may be BORLANDC, or GNU environment */
- # include <utime.h>
- # endif /* ?(MSC || __WATCOMC__) */
- #endif
- #ifdef __WATCOMC__
- # ifdef __386__
- # ifndef WATCOMC_386
- # define WATCOMC_386
- # endif
- # define __32BIT__
- # undef far
- # define far
- # undef near
- # define near
- /* Get asm routines to link properly without using "__cdecl": */
- # ifndef USE_ZLIB
- # pragma aux crc32 "_*" parm caller [] value [eax] modify [eax]
- # pragma aux get_crc_table "_*" parm caller [] value [eax]
- modify [eax ecx edx]
- # endif /* !USE_ZLIB */
- # else /* !__386__ */
- # ifndef USE_ZLIB
- # pragma aux crc32 "_*" parm caller [] value [ax dx]
- modify [ax cx dx bx]
- # pragma aux get_crc_table "_*" parm caller [] value [ax]
- modify [ax cx dx bx]
- # endif /* !USE_ZLIB */
- # endif /* ?__386__ */
- # ifndef EPIPE
- # define EPIPE -1
- # endif
- # define PIPE_ERROR (errno == EPIPE)
- #endif /* __WATCOMC__ */
- #ifdef __EMX__
- # ifndef __32BIT__
- # define __32BIT__
- # endif
- # define far
- # ifndef HAVE_MKTIME
- # define HAVE_MKTIME
- # endif
- #endif
- #if defined(__GO32__) || defined(__DJGPP__) /* MS-DOS compiler, not OS/2 */
- # ifndef __32BIT__
- # define __32BIT__
- # endif
- # ifndef __GO32__
- # define __GO32__
- # endif
- # ifndef HAVE_MKTIME
- # define HAVE_MKTIME
- # endif
- # include <sys/timeb.h> /* for structure ftime and ftime() */
- # if (defined(__DJGPP__) && (__DJGPP__ > 1))
- # include <unistd.h> /* for prototypes for read/write etc. */
- # include <dir.h> /* for FA_LABEL */
- # if ((__DJGPP__ == 2) && (__DJGPP_MINOR__ == 0))
- # include <libc/dosio.h> /* for _USE_LFN, djgpp 2.0 only */
- # endif
- # define USE_LFN _USE_LFN /* runtime test: support long filenames? */
- # else
- int setmode(int, int); /* not in older djgpp's include files */
- # endif
- #endif
- #ifndef __32BIT__
- # define __16BIT__
- #endif
- #if (defined(M_I86CM) || defined(M_I86LM)) || defined(WINDLL)
- # define MED_MEM
- #endif
- #if (defined(__COMPACT__) || defined(__LARGE__) || defined(__HUGE__))
- # define MED_MEM
- #endif
- #ifdef __16BIT__
- # ifndef MED_MEM
- # define SMALL_MEM
- # endif
- #endif
- #define EXE_EXTENSION ".exe" /* OS/2 has GetLoadPath() function instead */
- #ifdef __16BIT__
- # if defined(MSC) || defined(__WATCOMC__)
- # include <malloc.h>
- # define nearmalloc _nmalloc
- # define nearfree _nfree
- # endif
- # if defined(__TURBOC__) && defined(DYNALLOC_CRCTAB)
- # if defined(__COMPACT__) || defined(__LARGE__) || defined(__HUGE__)
- # endif
- # endif
- # ifndef nearmalloc
- # define nearmalloc malloc
- # define nearfree free
- # endif
- # if defined(DEBUG) && defined(MSC) && (!defined(_MSC_VER) || _MSC_VER < 600)
- /* for MSC 5.1, prevent macro expansion space overflow in DEBUG mode */
- # endif
- #endif
- /* another stat()/fopen() bug with some 16-bit compilers on Novell drives;
- * very dangerous (silently overwrites executables in other directories)
- */
- /* enables additional test and message code that directs UnZip to fail safely
- * in case the "workaround" enabled above does not work as intended
- */
- /* Some implementations of stat() tend to fail on "." in root directories
- * or on remote (root) directories specified by an UNC network path. This
- * patch of stat() is useful for at least the WATCOM compilers. The
- * stat_bandaid() wrapper detects stat failures on root directories and
- * fills in suitable values.
- */
- # undef SSTAT
- # ifdef WILD_STAT_BUG
- # define SSTAT(path,pbuf) (iswild(path) || stat_bandaid(path,pbuf))
- # else
- # define SSTAT stat_bandaid
- # endif
- int stat_bandaid(const char *path, struct stat *buf);
- #endif
- /* the TIMESTAMP feature is now supported on MSDOS, enable it per default */
- #if (!defined(NOTIMESTAMP) && !defined(TIMESTAMP))
- # define TIMESTAMP
- #endif
- /* check that TZ environment variable is defined before using UTC times */
- #if (!defined(NO_IZ_CHECK_TZ) && !defined(IZ_CHECK_TZ))
- # define IZ_CHECK_TZ
- #endif
- /* The optional "long filename" support available with some MSDOS compiler
- * environments running under VFAT systems (Win95) is controlled with the
- * help of the two preprocessor symbols USE_VFAT and USE_LFN:
- * - USE_VFAT is a compile time switch that selects the long filename
- * semantics in mapname()
- * - USE_LFN is a macro equating to a boolean expression indicating
- * whether long filenames are supported. If available, this
- * macro should make use of a runtime function checking the
- * LFN support.
- *
- * The code in msdos.c distinguishes three cases:
- * 1.) USE_VFAT is not defined:
- * No support of LFN is included; filenames are mapped to 8+3 plain FAT
- * syntax unconditionally.
- * This is achieved by ``#define MAYBE_PLAIN_FAT'' to include the plain
- * FAT name mapping code and by ``#undef USE_LFN'' to disable bypassing
- * of the FAT mapping at runtime.
- * 2.) USE_VFAT is defined:
- * Support for LFN is enabled.
- * a) USE_LFN is undefined:
- * There is no (runtime) check available to distinguish between OS
- * environments that support VFAT extensions and those that do not.
- * In this case, filenames are mapped to the more liberal VFAT LFN
- * syntax unconditionally. The internal switch MAYBE_PLAIN_FAT remains
- * undefined to exclude to "map to plain FAT" code parts.
- * b) USE_LFN is defined (hopefully to a boolean runtime LFN check function):
- * "#define MAYBE_PLAIN_FAT" is applied to include the plain FAT mapping
- * code; the programs checks at runtime whether the OS supports LFN and
- * uses the appropiate mapping syntax.
- */
- /* Some environments, like DJGPP v2, can support long filenames on VFAT
- * systems and DOS 8.3 filenames on FAT systems in the same executable. If
- * such support is available, USE_LFN should be defined to an expression
- * that will return non-zero when long filenames API should be used, zero
- * otherwise.
- */
- #ifndef USE_VFAT
- # ifdef USE_LFN
- # undef USE_LFN
- # endif
- # ifndef MAYBE_PLAIN_FAT
- # define MAYBE_PLAIN_FAT
- # endif
- #endif
- #ifdef USE_LFN
- # define MAYBE_PLAIN_FAT
- #endif
- /* handlers for OEM <--> ANSI string conversions */
- #ifdef WINDLL
- # if 1
- /* C RTL's file system support assumes OEM-coded strings */
- # ifdef CRTL_CP_IS_ISO
- # undef CRTL_CP_IS_ISO
- # endif
- # ifndef CRTL_CP_IS_OEM
- # define CRTL_CP_IS_OEM
- # endif
- # else
- /* C RTL's file system support assumes ISO-coded strings */
- # ifndef CRTL_CP_IS_ISO
- # define CRTL_CP_IS_ISO
- # endif
- # ifdef CRTL_CP_IS_OEM
- # undef CRTL_CP_IS_OEM
- # endif
- # endif /* ?(code page of 16bit Windows compilers) */
- /* include Win API declarations only in sources where conversion is
- * actually used (skip EXTRACT_C, extract.c includes windll.h instead)
- */
- # if defined(ENVARGS_C) || defined(UNZIP_C) || defined(ZCRYPT_INTERNAL)
- # include <windows.h>
- # endif
- /* use conversion functions of Windows API */
- # ifdef CRTL_CP_IS_ISO
- # define ISO_TO_INTERN(src, dst) {if ((src) != (dst)) strcpy((dst), (src));}
- # define OEM_TO_INTERN(src, dst) OemToAnsi(src, dst)
- # define INTERN_TO_ISO(src, dst) {if ((src) != (dst)) strcpy((dst), (src));}
- # define INTERN_TO_OEM(src, dst) AnsiToOem(src, dst)
- # endif
- # ifdef CRTL_CP_IS_OEM
- # define ISO_TO_INTERN(src, dst) AnsiToOem(src, dst)
- # define OEM_TO_INTERN(src, dst) {if ((src) != (dst)) strcpy((dst), (src));}
- # define INTERN_TO_ISO(src, dst) OemToAnsi(src, dst)
- # define INTERN_TO_OEM(src, dst) {if ((src) != (dst)) strcpy((dst), (src));}
- # endif
- # define _OEM_INTERN(str1) OEM_TO_INTERN(str1, str1)
- # define _ISO_INTERN(str1) ISO_TO_INTERN(str1, str1)
- /* UzpPassword supplies ANSI-coded string regardless of C RTL's native CP */
- # define STR_TO_CP2(dst, src) (AnsiToOem(src, dst), dst)
- /* dummy defines to disable these functions, they are not needed */
- # define STR_TO_ISO
- # define STR_TO_OEM
- #else
- /* use home-brewed conversion functions; internal charset is OEM */
- # ifdef CRTL_CP_IS_ISO
- # undef CRTL_CP_IS_ISO
- # endif
- # ifndef CRTL_CP_IS_OEM
- # define CRTL_CP_IS_OEM
- # endif
- #endif
- /* SCREENLINES macros for 16-bit and djgpp compilers */
- #ifdef __16BIT__
- # define SCREENLINES (int)(*((unsigned char far*)0x00400084L) + 1)
- # define SCREENWIDTH (int)(*(unsigned short far*)0x0040004AL)
- #endif
- #if defined(__GO32__) || defined(__DJGPP__) /* djgpp v1.x and v2.x */
- # include <pc.h>
- # define SCREENLINES ScreenRows()
- # define SCREENWIDTH ScreenCols()
- #endif
- #ifdef __EMX__
- # define SCREENLINES screenlines()
- # define SCREENWIDTH screencolumns()
- int screenlines(void);
- int screencolumns(void);
- #endif
- #endif /* !__doscfg_h */