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Package: [view]
Upload User: andy_li
Upload Date: 2007-01-06
Package Size: 1019k
Code Size: 10k
Compress-Decompress algrithms
Development Platform:
- /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- helpers.c
- Some useful functions Used by unzip and zip.
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- /*****************************************************************************/
- /* Includes */
- /*****************************************************************************/
- #include "zip.h"
- #include <ctype.h>
- #include <time.h>
- #include "macstuff.h"
- #include "helpers.h"
- #include "pathname.h"
- /*****************************************************************************/
- /* Global Vars */
- /*****************************************************************************/
- extern int noisy;
- extern char MacPathEnd;
- extern char *zipfile; /* filename of the Zipfile */
- extern char *tempzip; /* Temporary zip file name */
- static char argStr[1024];
- static char *argv[MAX_ARGS + 1];
- /*****************************************************************************/
- /* Prototypes */
- /*****************************************************************************/
- /*****************************************************************************/
- /* Macros, typedefs */
- /*****************************************************************************/
- /*
- * ARGH. Mac times are based on 1904 Jan 1 00:00, not 1970 Jan 1 00:00.
- * So we have to diddle time_t's appropriately: add or subtract 66 years'
- * worth of seconds == number of days times 86400 == (66*365 regular days +
- * 17 leap days ) * 86400 == (24090 + 17) * 86400 == 2082844800L seconds.
- * We hope time_t is an unsigned long (ulg) on the Macintosh...
- */
- /*
- This Offset is only used by MacFileDate_to_UTime()
- */
- #define NATIVE_TO_STATS(x) (x) -= (unsigned long)2082844800L
- /*****************************************************************************/
- /* Functions */
- /*****************************************************************************/
- /*
- ** Copy a C string to a Pascal string
- **
- */
- unsigned char *CToPCpy(unsigned char *pstr, char *cstr)
- {
- register char *dptr;
- register unsigned len;
- len=0;
- dptr=(char *)pstr+1;
- while (len<255 && (*dptr++ = *cstr++)!='') ++len;
- *pstr= (unsigned char)len;
- return pstr;
- }
- /*
- ** Copy a Pascal string to a C string
- **
- */
- char *PToCCpy(unsigned char *pstr, char *cstr)
- {
- strncpy(cstr, (char *) &pstr[1], *pstr);
- cstr[pstr[0]] = ''; /* set endmarker for c-string */
- return cstr;
- }
- /*
- ** Alloc memory and init it
- **
- */
- char *StrCalloc(unsigned short size)
- {
- char *strPtr = NULL;
- if ((strPtr = calloc(size, sizeof(char))) == NULL)
- printerr("StrCalloc failed:", -1, size, __LINE__, __FILE__, "");
- return strPtr;
- }
- /*
- ** Release only non NULL pointers
- **
- */
- char *StrFree(char *strPtr)
- {
- if (strPtr != NULL)
- {
- free(strPtr);
- }
- return NULL;
- }
- /*
- ** Return a value in a binary string
- **
- */
- char *sBit2Str(unsigned short value)
- {
- short pos = 0;
- static char str[sizeof(value)*8];
- memset(str, '0', sizeof(value)*8); /* set string-buffer */
- for (pos = sizeof(value)*8; pos != 0; value >>= 1)
- {
- if (value & 01)
- str[pos] = '1';
- else str[pos] = '0';
- pos--;
- }
- str[(sizeof(value)*8)+1] = '';
- return str;
- }
- /*
- ** Parse commandline style arguments
- **
- */
- int ParseArguments(char *s, char ***arg)
- {
- int n = 1, Quote = 0;
- char *p = s, *p1, c;
- argv[0] = GetAppName();
- *arg = argv;
- p1 = (char *) argStr;
- while ((c = *p++) != 0) {
- if (c==' ') continue;
- argv[n++] = p1;
- if (n > MAX_ARGS) /* mm 970404 */
- return (n-1); /* mm 970404 */
- do {
- if (c=='\' && *p++)
- c = *p++;
- else
- if ((c=='"') || (c == ''')) {
- if (!Quote) {
- Quote = c;
- continue;
- }
- if (c == Quote) {
- Quote = 0;
- continue;
- }
- }
- *p1++ = c;
- } while (*p && ((c = *p++) != ' ' || Quote));
- *p1++ = '';
- }
- return n;
- }
- /*
- ** Print commandline style arguments
- **
- */
- void PrintArguments(int argc, char **argv)
- {
- printf("n Arguments:");
- printf("n --------------------------");
- while(--argc >= 0)
- printf("n argc: %d argv: [%s]", argc, &*argv[argc]);
- printf("n --------------------------nn");
- return;
- }
- /*
- ** return some error-msg on file-system
- **
- */
- int PrintUserHFSerr(int cond, int err, char *msg2)
- {
- char *msg;
- if (cond != 0)
- {
- switch (err)
- {
- case -35:
- msg = "No such Volume";
- break;
- case -56:
- msg = "No such Drive";
- break;
- case -37:
- msg = "Bad Volume Name";
- break;
- case -49:
- msg = "File is already open for writing";
- break;
- case -43:
- msg = "Directory/File not found";
- break;
- case -120:
- msg = "Directory/File not found or incomplete pathname";
- break;
- default: return err;
- }
- fprintf(stderr, "nn Error: %s ->%s", msg, msg2);
- exit(err);
- }
- return 0;
- }
- /*
- ** Check mounted volumes and return number of volumes
- ** with the same name.
- */
- short CheckMountedVolumes(char *FullPath)
- {
- FSSpec volumes[50]; /* 50 Volumes should be enough */
- char VolumeName[257], volume[257];
- short actVolCount, volIndex = 1, VolCount = 0;
- OSErr err;
- int i;
- GetVolumeFromPath(FullPath, VolumeName);
- err = OnLine(volumes, 50, &actVolCount, &volIndex);
- printerr("OnLine:", (err != -35) && (err != 0), err, __LINE__, __FILE__, "");
- for (i=0; i < actVolCount; i++)
- {
- PToCCpy(volumes[i].name,volume);
- if (stricmp(volume, VolumeName) == 0) VolCount++;
- }
- printerr("OnLine: ", (VolCount == 0), VolCount, __LINE__, __FILE__, FullPath);
- return VolCount;
- }
- /*
- ** compares strings, ignoring differences in case
- **
- */
- int stricmp(const char *p1, const char *p2)
- {
- int diff;
- while (*p1 && *p2)
- {
- if (*p1 != *p2)
- {
- if (isalpha(*p1) && isalpha(*p2))
- {
- diff = toupper(*p1) - toupper(*p2);
- if (diff) return diff;
- }
- else break;
- }
- p1++;
- p2++;
- }
- return *p1 - *p2;
- }
- /*
- ** creates an archive file name
- **
- */
- void createArchiveName(char *thePath)
- {
- char *tmpPtr;
- short folderCount = 0;
- char name[256];
- unsigned short pathlen = strlen(thePath);
- for (tmpPtr = thePath; *tmpPtr; tmpPtr++)
- if (*tmpPtr == ':') folderCount++;
- if (folderCount > 1) { /* path contains at least one folder */
- if (pathlen <= 30) thePath[pathlen-2] = 0x0;
- else thePath[pathlen-4] = 0x0;
- strcat(thePath,".zip");
- } else { /* path contains no folder */
- strcpy(name, thePath);
- FindDesktopFolder(thePath);
- if (pathlen <= 30) name[pathlen-2] = 0x0;
- else name[pathlen-4] = 0x0;
- strcat(thePath,name);
- strcat(thePath,".zip");
- }
- }
- /*
- ** finds the desktop-folder on a volume with
- ** largest amount of free-space.
- */
- void FindDesktopFolder(char *Path)
- {
- FSSpec volumes[50]; /* 50 Volumes should be enough */
- short actVolCount, volIndex = 1, VolCount = 0;
- OSErr err;
- short i, foundVRefNum;
- FSSpec spec;
- UnsignedWide freeBytes;
- UnsignedWide totalBytes;
- UnsignedWide MaxFreeBytes;
- err = OnLine(volumes, 50, &actVolCount, &volIndex);
- printerr("OnLine:", (err != -35) && (err != 0), err, __LINE__, __FILE__, "");
- MaxFreeBytes.hi = 0;
- MaxFreeBytes.lo = 0;
- for (i=0; i < actVolCount; i++)
- {
- XGetVInfo(volumes[i].vRefNum,
- volumes[i].name,
- &volumes[i].vRefNum,
- &freeBytes,
- &totalBytes);
- if (MaxFreeBytes.hi < freeBytes.hi) {
- MaxFreeBytes.hi = freeBytes.hi;
- MaxFreeBytes.lo = freeBytes.lo;
- foundVRefNum = volumes[i].vRefNum;
- printf("n1 Path: %s n", Path);
- }
- if ((freeBytes.hi == 0) && (MaxFreeBytes.lo < freeBytes.lo)) {
- MaxFreeBytes.hi = freeBytes.hi;
- MaxFreeBytes.lo = freeBytes.lo;
- foundVRefNum = volumes[i].vRefNum;
- }
- }
- FSpFindFolder(foundVRefNum, kDesktopFolderType,
- kDontCreateFolder,&spec);
- GetFullPathFromSpec(Path, &spec , &err);
- }
- #if (defined(USE_SIOUX) || defined(MACUNZIP_STANDALONE))
- /*
- ** checks the condition and returns an error-msg
- ** this function is for internal use only
- */
- OSErr printerr(const char *msg, int cond, int err, int line, char *file,
- const char *msg2)
- {
- if (cond != 0)
- {
- fprintf(stderr, "nint err: %d: %s %d [%d/%s] {%s}n", clock(), msg, err,
- line, file, msg2);
- }
- return cond;
- }
- /*
- fake-functions:
- Not Implemented for metrowerks SIOUX
- */
- void leftStatusString(char *status)
- {
- status = status;
- }
- void rightStatusString(char *status)
- {
- status = status;
- }
- void DoWarnUserDupVol( char *FullPath )
- {
- char VolName[257];
- GetVolumeFromPath(FullPath, VolName);
- printf("n There are more than one volume that has the same name !!n");
- printf("n Volume: %sn",VolName);
- printf("n This port has one weak point:");
- printf("n It is based on pathnames. As you may be already know:");
- printf("n Pathnames are not unique on a Mac !");
- printf("n MacZip has problems to find the correct location of");
- printf("n the archive or the files.n");
- printf("n My (Big) recommendation: Name all your volumes with an");
- printf("n unique name and MacZip will run without any problem.");
- }
- #endif