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Package: [view]
Upload User: andy_li
Upload Date: 2007-01-06
Package Size: 1019k
Code Size: 9k
Compress-Decompress algrithms
Development Platform:
- /*----------------------------------------------------------------*
- | envargs - add default options from environment to command line
- |----------------------------------------------------------------
- | Author: Bill Davidsen, original 10/13/91, revised 23 Oct 1991.
- | This program is in the public domain.
- |----------------------------------------------------------------
- | Minor program notes:
- | 1. Yes, the indirection is a tad complex
- | 2. Parentheses were added where not needed in some cases
- | to make the action of the code less obscure.
- |----------------------------------------------------------------
- | UnZip notes: 24 May 92 ("v1.4"):
- | 1. #include "unzip.h" for prototypes (24 May 92)
- | 2. changed ch to type char (24 May 92)
- | 3. added an ifdef to avoid Borland warnings (24 May 92)
- | 4. included Rich Wales' mksargs() routine (for MS-DOS, maybe
- | OS/2? NT?) (4 Dec 93)
- | 5. added alternate-variable string envstr2 (21 Apr 94)
- | 6. added support for quoted arguments (6 Jul 96)
- *----------------------------------------------------------------*/
- #define ENVARGS_C
- #include "unzip.h"
- #ifdef __EMX__ /* emx isspace() returns TRUE on extended ASCII !! */
- # define ISspace(c) ((c) & 0x80 ? 0 : isspace((unsigned)c))
- #else
- # define ISspace(c) isspace((unsigned)c)
- #endif /* ?__EMX__ */
- static int count_args OF((ZCONST char *));
- static void mem_err OF((__GPRO));
- static ZCONST char Far NoMemArguments[] =
- "envargs: cannot get memory for arguments";
- void envargs(__G__ Pargc, Pargv, envstr, envstr2)
- __GDEF
- int *Pargc;
- char ***Pargv;
- ZCONST char *envstr, *envstr2;
- {
- #ifndef RISCOS
- char *getenv();
- #endif
- char *envptr; /* value returned by getenv */
- char *bufptr; /* copy of env info */
- int argc = 0; /* internal arg count */
- register int ch; /* spare temp value */
- char **argv; /* internal arg vector */
- char **argvect; /* copy of vector address */
- /* see if anything in the environment */
- if ((envptr = getenv(envstr)) != (char *)NULL) /* usual var */
- while (ISspace(*envptr)) /* must discard leading spaces */
- envptr++;
- if (envptr == (char *)NULL || *envptr == '')
- if ((envptr = getenv(envstr2)) != (char *)NULL) /* alternate var */
- while (ISspace(*envptr))
- envptr++;
- if (envptr == (char *)NULL || *envptr == '')
- return;
- bufptr = malloc(1 + strlen(envptr));
- if (bufptr == (char *)NULL)
- mem_err(__G);
- #if (defined(WIN32) || defined(WINDLL))
- # ifdef WIN32
- if (IsWinNT()) {
- /* SPC: don't know codepage of 'real' WinNT console */
- strcpy(bufptr, envptr);
- } else {
- /* Win95 environment is DOS and uses OEM character coding */
- OEM_TO_INTERN(envptr, bufptr);
- }
- # else /* !WIN32 */
- /* DOS environment uses OEM codepage */
- OEM_TO_INTERN(envptr, bufptr);
- # endif
- #else /* !(WIN32 || WINDLL) */
- strcpy(bufptr, envptr);
- #endif /* ?(WIN32 || WINDLL) */
- /* count the args so we can allocate room for them */
- argc = count_args(bufptr);
- /* allocate a vector large enough for all args */
- argv = (char **)malloc((argc + *Pargc + 1) * sizeof(char *));
- if (argv == (char **)NULL) {
- free(bufptr);
- mem_err(__G);
- }
- argvect = argv;
- /* copy the program name first, that's always true */
- *(argv++) = *((*Pargv)++);
- /* copy the environment args next, may be changed */
- do {
- #if defined(AMIGA) || defined(UNIX)
- if (*bufptr == '"') {
- char *argstart = ++bufptr;
- *(argv++) = argstart;
- for (ch = *bufptr; ch != '' && ch != '"'; ch = *(++bufptr))
- if (ch == '\' && bufptr[1] != '')
- ++bufptr; /* skip char after backslash */
- if (ch != '')
- *(bufptr++) = ''; /* overwrite trailing " */
- /* remove escape characters */
- while ((argstart = strchr(argstart, '\')) != (char *)NULL) {
- strcpy(argstart, argstart + 1);
- if (*argstart)
- ++argstart;
- }
- } else {
- *(argv++) = bufptr;
- while ((ch = *bufptr) != '' && !ISspace(ch))
- ++bufptr;
- if (ch != '')
- *(bufptr++) = '';
- }
- #else
- #ifdef DOS_FLX_OS2_W32
- /* we do not support backslash-quoting of quotes in quoted
- * strings under DOS_OS2_W32, because backslashes are directory
- * separators and double quotes are illegal in filenames */
- if (*bufptr == '"') {
- *(argv++) = ++bufptr;
- while ((ch = *bufptr) != '' && ch != '"')
- ++bufptr;
- if (ch != '')
- *(bufptr++) = '';
- } else {
- *(argv++) = bufptr;
- while ((ch = *bufptr) != '' && !ISspace(ch))
- ++bufptr;
- if (ch != '')
- *(bufptr++) = '';
- }
- #else
- *(argv++) = bufptr;
- while ((ch = *bufptr) != '' && !ISspace(ch))
- ++bufptr;
- if (ch != '')
- *(bufptr++) = '';
- #endif /* ?DOS_FLX_OS2_W32 */
- #endif /* ?(AMIGA || UNIX) */
- while ((ch = *bufptr) != '' && ISspace(ch))
- ++bufptr;
- } while (ch);
- /* now save old argc and copy in the old args */
- argc += *Pargc;
- while (--(*Pargc))
- *(argv++) = *((*Pargv)++);
- /* finally, add a NULL after the last arg, like Unix */
- *argv = (char *)NULL;
- /* save the values and return */
- *Pargv = argvect;
- *Pargc = argc;
- }
- static int count_args(s)
- ZCONST char *s;
- {
- int count = 0;
- char ch;
- do {
- /* count and skip args */
- ++count;
- #if defined(AMIGA) || defined(UNIX)
- if (*s == '"') {
- for (ch = *(++s); ch != '' && ch != '"'; ch = *(++s))
- if (ch == '\' && s[1] != '')
- ++s;
- if (*s)
- ++s; /* trailing quote */
- } else
- #else
- #ifdef DOS_FLX_OS2_W32
- if (*s == '"') {
- ++s; /* leading quote */
- while ((ch = *s) != '' && ch != '"')
- ++s;
- if (*s)
- ++s; /* trailing quote */
- } else
- #endif /* DOS_FLX_OS2_W32 */
- #endif /* ?(AMIGA || UNIX) */
- while ((ch = *s) != '' && !ISspace(ch)) /* note else-clauses above */
- ++s;
- while ((ch = *s) != '' && ISspace(ch))
- ++s;
- } while (ch);
- return count;
- }
- static void mem_err(__G)
- __GDEF
- {
- perror(LoadFarString(NoMemArguments));
- }
- #ifdef TEST
- main(argc, argv)
- int argc;
- char **argv;
- {
- int i;
- printf("Orig argv: %pn", argv);
- dump_args(argc, argv);
- envargs(__G__ &argc, &argv, "ENVTEST");
- printf(" New argv: %pn", argv);
- dump_args(argc, argv);
- }
- dump_args(argc, argv)
- int argc;
- char *argv[];
- {
- int i;
- printf("nDump %d args:n", argc);
- for (i = 0; i < argc; ++i)
- printf("%3d %sn", i, argv[i]);
- }
- #endif /* TEST */
- #ifdef MSDOS /* DOS_OS2? DOS_OS2_W32? */
- /*
- * void mksargs(int *argcp, char ***argvp)
- *
- * Substitutes the extended command line argument list produced by
- * the MKS Korn Shell in place of the command line info from DOS.
- *
- * The MKS shell gets around DOS's 128-byte limit on the length of
- * a command line by passing the "real" command line in the envi-
- * ronment. The "real" arguments are flagged by prepending a tilde
- * (~) to each one.
- *
- * This "mksargs" routine creates a new argument list by scanning
- * the environment from the beginning, looking for strings begin-
- * ning with a tilde character. The new list replaces the original
- * "argv" (pointed to by "argvp"), and the number of arguments
- * in the new list replaces the original "argc" (pointed to by
- * "argcp").
- *
- * Rich Wales
- */
- void mksargs(argcp, argvp)
- int *argcp;
- char ***argvp;
- {
- #ifndef MSC /* declared differently in MSC 7.0 headers, at least */
- #ifndef __WATCOMC__
- extern char **environ; /* environment */
- #endif
- #endif
- char **envp; /* pointer into environment */
- char **newargv; /* new argument list */
- char **argp; /* pointer into new arg list */
- int newargc; /* new argument count */
- /* sanity check */
- if (environ == NULL || argcp == NULL || argvp == NULL || *argvp == NULL)
- return;
- /* find out how many environment arguments there are */
- for (envp = environ, newargc = 0; *envp != NULL && (*envp)[0] == '~';
- envp++, newargc++)
- ;
- if (newargc == 0)
- return; /* no environment arguments */
- /* set up new argument list */
- newargv = (char **) malloc(sizeof(char **) * (newargc+1));
- if (newargv == NULL)
- return; /* malloc failed */
- for (argp = newargv, envp = environ; *envp != NULL && (*envp)[0] == '~';
- *argp++ = &(*envp++)[1])
- ;
- *argp = NULL; /* null-terminate the list */
- /* substitute new argument list in place of old one */
- *argcp = newargc;
- *argvp = newargv;
- }
- #endif /* MSDOS */