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Package: [view]
Upload User: andy_li
Upload Date: 2007-01-06
Package Size: 1019k
Code Size: 30k
Compress-Decompress algrithms
Development Platform:
- /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- atari.c
- Atari-specific routines for use with Info-ZIP's UnZip 5.1 and later.
- Contains: readdir()
- do_wild() <-- generic enough to put in fileio.c?
- mapattr()
- mapname()
- checkdir()
- mkdir()
- close_outfile()
- stamp_file() [optional feature]
- version()
- Due to the amazing MiNT library being very, very close to BSD unix's
- library, I'm using the unix.c as a base for this. Note: If you're not
- going to compile this with the MiNT libraries (for GNU C, Turbo C, Pure C,
- Lattice C, or Heat & Serve C), you're going to be in for some nasty work.
- Most of the modifications in this file were made by Chris Herborth
- ( and /should/ be marked with [cjh].
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- #include "unzip.h"
- #include <dirent.h> /* MiNTlibs has dirent [cjh] */
- static int created_dir; /* used in mapname(), checkdir() */
- static int renamed_fullpath; /* ditto */
- #ifndef SFX
- /**********************/
- /* Function do_wild() */ /* for porting: dir separator; match(ignore_case) */
- /**********************/
- char *do_wild(__G__ wildspec)
- __GDEF
- char *wildspec; /* only used first time on a given dir */
- {
- static DIR *dir = (DIR *)NULL;
- static char *dirname, *wildname, matchname[FILNAMSIZ];
- static int firstcall=TRUE, have_dirname, dirnamelen;
- struct dirent *file;
- /* Even when we're just returning wildspec, we *always* do so in
- * matchname[]--calling routine is allowed to append four characters
- * to the returned string, and wildspec may be a pointer to argv[].
- */
- if (firstcall) { /* first call: must initialize everything */
- firstcall = FALSE;
- if (!iswild(wildspec)) {
- strcpy(matchname, wildspec);
- have_dirname = FALSE;
- dir = NULL;
- return matchname;
- }
- /* break the wildspec into a directory part and a wildcard filename */
- if ((wildname = strrchr(wildspec, '/')) == (char *)NULL) {
- dirname = ".";
- dirnamelen = 1;
- have_dirname = FALSE;
- wildname = wildspec;
- } else {
- ++wildname; /* point at character after '/' */
- dirnamelen = wildname - wildspec;
- if ((dirname = (char *)malloc(dirnamelen+1)) == (char *)NULL) {
- Info(slide, 0x201, ((char *)slide,
- "warning: cannot allocate wildcard buffersn"));
- strcpy(matchname, wildspec);
- return matchname; /* but maybe filespec was not a wildcard */
- }
- strncpy(dirname, wildspec, dirnamelen);
- dirname[dirnamelen] = ''; /* terminate for strcpy below */
- have_dirname = TRUE;
- }
- if ((dir = opendir(dirname)) != (DIR *)NULL) {
- while ((file = readdir(dir)) != (struct dirent *)NULL) {
- Trace((stderr, "do_wild: readdir returns %sn", file->d_name));
- if (file->d_name[0] == '.' && wildname[0] != '.')
- continue; /* Unix: '*' and '?' do not match leading dot */
- /* Need something here for TOS filesystem? [cjh] */
- if (match(file->d_name, wildname, 0) && /* 0 == case sens. */
- /* skip "." and ".." directory entries */
- strcmp(file->d_name, ".") && strcmp(file->d_name, "..")) {
- Trace((stderr, "do_wild: match() succeedsn"));
- if (have_dirname) {
- strcpy(matchname, dirname);
- strcpy(matchname+dirnamelen, file->d_name);
- } else
- strcpy(matchname, file->d_name);
- return matchname;
- }
- }
- /* if we get to here directory is exhausted, so close it */
- closedir(dir);
- dir = (DIR *)NULL;
- }
- /* return the raw wildspec in case that works (e.g., directory not
- * searchable, but filespec was not wild and file is readable) */
- strcpy(matchname, wildspec);
- return matchname;
- }
- /* last time through, might have failed opendir but returned raw wildspec */
- if (dir == (DIR *)NULL) {
- firstcall = TRUE; /* nothing left to try--reset for new wildspec */
- if (have_dirname)
- free(dirname);
- return (char *)NULL;
- }
- /* If we've gotten this far, we've read and matched at least one entry
- * successfully (in a previous call), so dirname has been copied into
- * matchname already.
- */
- while ((file = readdir(dir)) != (struct dirent *)NULL) {
- /* May need special TOS handling here. [cjh] */
- Trace((stderr, "do_wild: readdir returns %sn", file->d_name));
- if (file->d_name[0] == '.' && wildname[0] != '.')
- continue; /* Unix: '*' and '?' do not match leading dot */
- if (match(file->d_name, wildname, 0)) { /* 0 == don't ignore case */
- Trace((stderr, "do_wild: match() succeedsn"));
- if (have_dirname) {
- /* strcpy(matchname, dirname); */
- strcpy(matchname+dirnamelen, file->d_name);
- } else
- strcpy(matchname, file->d_name);
- return matchname;
- }
- }
- closedir(dir); /* have read at least one dir entry; nothing left */
- dir = (DIR *)NULL;
- firstcall = TRUE; /* reset for new wildspec */
- if (have_dirname)
- free(dirname);
- return (char *)NULL;
- } /* end function do_wild() */
- #endif /* !SFX */
- /**********************/
- /* Function mapattr() */
- /**********************/
- int mapattr(__G)
- __GDEF
- {
- ulg tmp = G.crec.external_file_attributes;
- switch (G.pInfo->hostnum) {
- case AMIGA_:
- tmp = (unsigned)(tmp>>17 & 7); /* Amiga RWE bits */
- G.pInfo->file_attr = (unsigned)(tmp<<6 | tmp<<3 | tmp);
- break;
- case UNIX_:
- case VMS_:
- case ACORN_:
- case ATARI_:
- case BEOS_:
- case QDOS_:
- case TANDEM_:
- G.pInfo->file_attr = (unsigned)(tmp >> 16);
- if (G.pInfo->file_attr != 0 || !G.extra_field) {
- return 0;
- } else {
- /* Some (non-Info-ZIP) implementations of Zip for Unix and
- VMS (and probably others ??) leave 0 in the upper 16-bit
- part of the external_file_attributes field. Instead, they
- store file permission attributes in some extra field.
- As a work-around, we search for the presence of one of
- these extra fields and fall back to the MSDOS compatible
- part of external_file_attributes if one of the known
- e.f. types has been detected.
- Later, we might implement extraction of the permission
- bits from the VMS extra field. But for now, the work-around
- should be sufficient to provide "readable" extracted files.
- (For ASI Unix e.f., an experimental remap of the e.f.
- mode value IS already provided!)
- */
- ush ebID;
- unsigned ebLen;
- uch *ef = G.extra_field;
- unsigned ef_len = G.crec.extra_field_length;
- int r = FALSE;
- while (!r && ef_len >= EB_HEADSIZE) {
- ebID = makeword(ef);
- ebLen = (unsigned)makeword(ef+EB_LEN);
- if (ebLen > (ef_len - EB_HEADSIZE))
- /* discoverd some e.f. inconsistency! */
- break;
- switch (ebID) {
- case EF_ASIUNIX:
- if (ebLen >= (EB_ASI_MODE+2)) {
- G.pInfo->file_attr =
- (unsigned)makeword(ef+(EB_HEADSIZE+EB_ASI_MODE));
- /* force stop of loop: */
- ef_len = (ebLen + EB_HEADSIZE);
- break;
- }
- /* else: fall through! */
- case EF_PKVMS:
- /* "found nondecypherable e.f. with perm. attr" */
- r = TRUE;
- default:
- break;
- }
- ef_len -= (ebLen + EB_HEADSIZE);
- ef += (ebLen + EB_HEADSIZE);
- }
- if (!r)
- return 0;
- }
- /* fall through! */
- /* all remaining cases: expand MSDOS read-only bit into write perms */
- case FS_FAT_:
- case FS_HPFS_:
- case FS_NTFS_:
- case MAC_:
- case TOPS20_:
- default:
- tmp = !(tmp & 1) << 1; /* read-only bit --> write perms bits */
- G.pInfo->file_attr = (unsigned)(0444 | tmp<<6 | tmp<<3 | tmp);
- break;
- } /* end switch (host-OS-created-by) */
- /* for originating systems with no concept of "group," "other," "system": */
- umask( (int)(tmp=umask(0)) ); /* apply mask to expanded r/w(/x) perms */
- G.pInfo->file_attr &= ~tmp;
- return 0;
- } /* end function mapattr() */
- /************************/
- /* Function mapname() */
- /************************/
- /* return 0 if no error, 1 if caution (filename */
- int mapname(__G__ renamed) /* truncated), 2 if warning (skip file because */
- __GDEF /* dir doesn't exist), 3 if error (skip file), */
- int renamed; /* or 10 if out of memory (skip file) */
- { /* [also IZ_VOL_LABEL, IZ_CREATED_DIR] */
- char pathcomp[FILNAMSIZ]; /* path-component buffer */
- char *pp, *cp=(char *)NULL; /* character pointers */
- char *lastsemi=(char *)NULL; /* pointer to last semi-colon in pathcomp */
- int quote = FALSE; /* flags */
- int error = 0;
- register unsigned workch; /* hold the character being tested */
- /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Initialize various pointers and counters and stuff.
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- if (G.pInfo->vollabel)
- return IZ_VOL_LABEL; /* can't set disk volume labels on Atari */
- /* can create path as long as not just freshening, or if user told us */
- G.create_dirs = (!uO.fflag || renamed);
- created_dir = FALSE; /* not yet */
- /* user gave full pathname: don't prepend rootpath */
- renamed_fullpath = (renamed && (*G.filename == '/'));
- if (checkdir(__G__ (char *)NULL, INIT) == 10)
- return 10; /* initialize path buffer, unless no memory */
- *pathcomp = ''; /* initialize translation buffer */
- pp = pathcomp; /* point to translation buffer */
- if (uO.jflag) /* junking directories */
- cp = (char *)strrchr(G.filename, '/');
- if (cp == (char *)NULL) /* no '/' or not junking dirs */
- cp = G.filename; /* point to internal zipfile-member pathname */
- else
- ++cp; /* point to start of last component of path */
- /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Begin main loop through characters in filename.
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- while ((workch = (uch)*cp++) != 0) {
- if (quote) { /* if character quoted, */
- *pp++ = (char)workch; /* include it literally */
- quote = FALSE;
- } else
- switch (workch) {
- case '/': /* can assume -j flag not given */
- *pp = '';
- if ((error = checkdir(__G__ pathcomp, APPEND_DIR)) > 1)
- return error;
- pp = pathcomp; /* reset conversion buffer for next piece */
- lastsemi = (char *)NULL; /* leave directory semi-colons alone */
- break;
- case ';': /* VMS version (or DEC-20 attrib?) */
- lastsemi = pp; /* keep for now; remove VMS ";##" */
- *pp++ = (char)workch; /* later, if requested */
- break;
- case '26': /* control-V quote for special chars */
- quote = TRUE; /* set flag for next character */
- break;
- #ifdef MTS
- case ' ': /* change spaces to underscore under */
- *pp++ = '_'; /* MTS; leave as spaces under Unix */
- break;
- #endif
- default:
- /* allow European characters in filenames: */
- if (isprint(workch) || (128 <= workch && workch <= 254))
- *pp++ = (char)workch;
- } /* end switch */
- } /* end while loop */
- *pp = ''; /* done with pathcomp: terminate it */
- /* if not saving them, remove VMS version numbers (appended ";###") */
- if (!uO.V_flag && lastsemi) {
- pp = lastsemi + 1;
- while (isdigit((uch)(*pp)))
- ++pp;
- if (*pp == '') /* only digits between ';' and end: nuke */
- *lastsemi = '';
- }
- /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Report if directory was created (and no file to create: filename ended
- in '/'), check name to be sure it exists, and combine path and name be-
- fore exiting.
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- if (G.filename[strlen(G.filename) - 1] == '/') {
- checkdir(__G__ G.filename, GETPATH);
- if (created_dir) {
- if (QCOND2) {
- Info(slide, 0, ((char *)slide, " creating: %sn",
- G.filename));
- }
- return IZ_CREATED_DIR; /* set dir time (note trailing '/') */
- }
- return 2; /* dir existed already; don't look for data to extract */
- }
- if (*pathcomp == '') {
- Info(slide, 1, ((char *)slide, "mapname: conversion of %s failedn",
- G.filename));
- return 3;
- }
- checkdir(__G__ pathcomp, APPEND_NAME); /* returns 1 if truncated: care? */
- checkdir(__G__ G.filename, GETPATH);
- return error;
- } /* end function mapname() */
- #if 0 /*========== NOTES ==========*/
- extract-to dir: a:path/
- buildpath: path1/path2/ ... (NULL-terminated)
- pathcomp: filename
- mapname():
- loop over chars in zipfile member name
- checkdir(path component, COMPONENT | CREATEDIR) --> map as required?
- (d:/tmp/unzip/) (disk:[tmp.unzip.)
- (d:/tmp/unzip/jj/) (disk:[tmp.unzip.jj.)
- (d:/tmp/unzip/jj/temp/) (disk:[tmp.unzip.jj.temp.)
- finally add filename itself and check for existence? (could use with rename)
- (d:/tmp/unzip/jj/temp/msg.outdir) (disk:[tmp.unzip.jj.temp]msg.outdir)
- checkdir(name, GETPATH) --> copy path to name and free space
- #endif /* 0 */
- /***********************/
- /* Function checkdir() */
- /***********************/
- int checkdir(__G__ pathcomp, flag)
- __GDEF
- char *pathcomp;
- int flag;
- /*
- * returns: 1 - (on APPEND_NAME) truncated filename
- * 2 - path doesn't exist, not allowed to create
- * 3 - path doesn't exist, tried to create and failed; or
- * path exists and is not a directory, but is supposed to be
- * 4 - path is too long
- * 10 - can't allocate memory for filename buffers
- */
- {
- static int rootlen = 0; /* length of rootpath */
- static char *rootpath; /* user's "extract-to" directory */
- static char *buildpath; /* full path (so far) to extracted file */
- static char *end; /* pointer to end of buildpath ('') */
- # define FN_MASK 7
- # define FUNCTION (flag & FN_MASK)
- /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- APPEND_DIR: append the path component to the path being built and check
- for its existence. If doesn't exist and we are creating directories, do
- so for this one; else signal success or error as appropriate.
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- int too_long = FALSE;
- /* SHORT_NAMES required for TOS, but it has to co-exist for minix fs... [cjh] */
- #ifdef SHORT_NAMES
- char *old_end = end;
- #endif
- Trace((stderr, "appending dir segment [%s]n", pathcomp));
- while ((*end = *pathcomp++) != '')
- ++end;
- /* SHORT_NAMES required for TOS, but it has to co-exist for minix fs... [cjh] */
- #ifdef SHORT_NAMES /* path components restricted to 14 chars, typically */
- if ((end-old_end) > FILENAME_MAX) /* GRR: proper constant? */
- *(end = old_end + FILENAME_MAX) = '';
- #endif
- /* GRR: could do better check, see if overrunning buffer as we go:
- * check end-buildpath after each append, set warning variable if
- * within 20 of FILNAMSIZ; then if var set, do careful check when
- * appending. Clear variable when begin new path. */
- if ((end-buildpath) > FILNAMSIZ-3) /* need '/', one-char name, '' */
- too_long = TRUE; /* check if extracting directory? */
- if (stat(buildpath, &G.statbuf)) { /* path doesn't exist */
- if (!G.create_dirs) { /* told not to create (freshening) */
- free(buildpath);
- return 2; /* path doesn't exist: nothing to do */
- }
- if (too_long) {
- Info(slide, 1, ((char *)slide,
- "checkdir error: path too long: %sn", buildpath));
- free(buildpath);
- return 4; /* no room for filenames: fatal */
- }
- if (mkdir(buildpath, 0777) == -1) { /* create the directory */
- Info(slide, 1, ((char *)slide,
- "checkdir error: cannot create %sn
- unable to process %s.n", buildpath, G.filename));
- free(buildpath);
- return 3; /* path didn't exist, tried to create, failed */
- }
- created_dir = TRUE;
- } else if (!S_ISDIR(G.statbuf.st_mode)) {
- Info(slide, 1, ((char *)slide,
- "checkdir error: %s exists but is not directoryn
- unable to process %s.n", buildpath, G.filename));
- free(buildpath);
- return 3; /* path existed but wasn't dir */
- }
- if (too_long) {
- Info(slide, 1, ((char *)slide,
- "checkdir error: path too long: %sn", buildpath));
- free(buildpath);
- return 4; /* no room for filenames: fatal */
- }
- *end++ = '/';
- *end = '';
- Trace((stderr, "buildpath now = [%s]n", buildpath));
- return 0;
- } /* end if (FUNCTION == APPEND_DIR) */
- /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- GETPATH: copy full path to the string pointed at by pathcomp, and free
- buildpath.
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- strcpy(pathcomp, buildpath);
- Trace((stderr, "getting and freeing path [%s]n", pathcomp));
- free(buildpath);
- buildpath = end = (char *)NULL;
- return 0;
- }
- /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- APPEND_NAME: assume the path component is the filename; append it and
- return without checking for existence.
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- /* SHORT_NAMES required for TOS, but it has to co-exist for minix fs... [cjh] */
- #ifdef SHORT_NAMES
- char *old_end = end;
- #endif
- Trace((stderr, "appending filename [%s]n", pathcomp));
- while ((*end = *pathcomp++) != '') {
- ++end;
- /* SHORT_NAMES required for TOS, but it has to co-exist for minix fs... [cjh] */
- #ifdef SHORT_NAMES /* truncate name at 14 characters, typically */
- if ((end-old_end) > FILENAME_MAX) /* GRR: proper constant? */
- *(end = old_end + FILENAME_MAX) = '';
- #endif
- if ((end-buildpath) >= FILNAMSIZ) {
- *--end = '';
- Info(slide, 0x201, ((char *)slide,
- "checkdir warning: path too long; truncatingn
- %sn -> %sn", G.filename, buildpath));
- return 1; /* filename truncated */
- }
- }
- Trace((stderr, "buildpath now = [%s]n", buildpath));
- return 0; /* could check for existence here, prompt for new name... */
- }
- /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- INIT: allocate and initialize buffer space for the file currently being
- extracted. If file was renamed with an absolute path, don't prepend the
- extract-to path.
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- /* GRR: for VMS and TOPS-20, add up to 13 to strlen */
- if (FUNCTION == INIT) {
- Trace((stderr, "initializing buildpath to "));
- if ((buildpath = (char *)malloc(strlen(G.filename)+rootlen+1)) ==
- (char *)NULL)
- return 10;
- if ((rootlen > 0) && !renamed_fullpath) {
- strcpy(buildpath, rootpath);
- end = buildpath + rootlen;
- } else {
- *buildpath = '';
- end = buildpath;
- }
- Trace((stderr, "[%s]n", buildpath));
- return 0;
- }
- /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ROOT: if appropriate, store the path in rootpath and create it if neces-
- sary; else assume it's a zipfile member and return. This path segment
- gets used in extracting all members from every zipfile specified on the
- command line.
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- #if (!defined(SFX) || defined(SFX_EXDIR))
- if (FUNCTION == ROOT) {
- Trace((stderr, "initializing root path to [%s]n", pathcomp));
- if (pathcomp == (char *)NULL) {
- rootlen = 0;
- return 0;
- }
- if ((rootlen = strlen(pathcomp)) > 0) {
- if (pathcomp[rootlen-1] == '/') {
- pathcomp[--rootlen] = '';
- }
- if (rootlen > 0 && (stat(pathcomp, &G.statbuf) ||
- !S_ISDIR(G.statbuf.st_mode))) /* path does not exist */
- {
- if (!G.create_dirs /* || iswild(pathcomp) */ ) {
- rootlen = 0;
- return 2; /* skip (or treat as stored file) */
- }
- /* create the directory (could add loop here to scan pathcomp
- * and create more than one level, but why really necessary?) */
- if (mkdir(pathcomp, 0777) == -1) {
- Info(slide, 1, ((char *)slide,
- "checkdir: cannot create extraction directory: %sn",
- pathcomp));
- rootlen = 0; /* path didn't exist, tried to create, and */
- return 3; /* failed: file exists, or 2+ levels required */
- }
- }
- if ((rootpath = (char *)malloc(rootlen+2)) == (char *)NULL) {
- rootlen = 0;
- return 10;
- }
- strcpy(rootpath, pathcomp);
- rootpath[rootlen++] = '/';
- rootpath[rootlen] = '';
- Trace((stderr, "rootpath now = [%s]n", rootpath));
- }
- return 0;
- }
- #endif /* !SFX || SFX_EXDIR */
- /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- END: free rootpath, immediately prior to program exit.
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- if (FUNCTION == END) {
- Trace((stderr, "freeing rootpathn"));
- if (rootlen > 0) {
- free(rootpath);
- rootlen = 0;
- }
- return 0;
- }
- return 99; /* should never reach */
- } /* end function checkdir() */
- /****************************/
- /* Function close_outfile() */
- /****************************/
- void close_outfile(__G) /* GRR: change to return PK-style warning level */
- __GDEF
- {
- #ifdef USE_EF_UT_TIME
- unsigned eb_izux_flg;
- iztimes zt;
- #endif
- ztimbuf tp;
- /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- If symbolic links are supported, allocate a storage area, put the uncom-
- pressed "data" in it, and create the link. Since we know it's a symbolic
- link to start with, we shouldn't have to worry about overflowing unsigned
- ints with unsigned longs.
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- /* symlinks allowed on minix filesystems [cjh]
- * Hopefully this will work properly... We won't bother to try if
- * MiNT isn't present; the symlink should fail if we're on a TOS
- * filesystem.
- * BUG: should we copy the original file to the "symlink" if the
- * link fails?
- */
- if (G.symlnk) {
- unsigned ucsize = (unsigned)G.lrec.ucsize;
- char *linktarget = (char *)malloc((unsigned)G.lrec.ucsize+1);
- fclose(G.outfile); /* close "data" file... */
- G.outfile = fopen(G.filename, FOPR); /* ...and reopen for reading */
- if (!linktarget || (fread(linktarget, 1, ucsize, G.outfile) !=
- (int)ucsize)) {
- Info(slide, 0x201, ((char *)slide,
- "warning: symbolic link (%s) failedn", G.filename));
- if (linktarget)
- free(linktarget);
- fclose(G.outfile);
- return;
- }
- fclose(G.outfile); /* close "data" file for good... */
- unlink(G.filename); /* ...and delete it */
- linktarget[ucsize] = '';
- if (QCOND2)
- Info(slide, 0, ((char *)slide, "-> %s ", linktarget));
- if (symlink(linktarget, G.filename)) /* create the real link */
- perror("symlink error");
- free(linktarget);
- return; /* can't set time on symlinks */
- }
- fclose(G.outfile);
- /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Convert from MSDOS-format local time and date to Unix-format 32-bit GMT
- time: adjust base year from 1980 to 1970, do usual conversions from
- yy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss to elapsed seconds, and account for timezone and day-
- light savings time differences.
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- #ifdef USE_EF_UT_TIME
- eb_izux_flg = (G.extra_field
- #ifdef IZ_CHECK_TZ
- && G.tz_is_valid
- #endif
- ? ef_scan_for_izux(G.extra_field, G.lrec.extra_field_length,
- 0, G.lrec.last_mod_dos_datetime, &zt, NULL)
- : 0);
- if (eb_izux_flg & EB_UT_FL_MTIME) {
- tp.modtime = zt.mtime;
- TTrace((stderr, "nclose_outfile: Unix e.f. modif. time = %ldn",
- tp.modtime));
- } else {
- tp.modtime = dos_to_unix_time(G.lrec.last_mod_dos_datetime);
- }
- if (eb_izux_flg & EB_UT_FL_ATIME) {
- tp.actime = zt.atime;
- TTrace((stderr, "close_outfile: Unix e.f. access time = %ldn",
- tp.actime));
- } else {
- tp.actime = tp.modtime;
- TTrace((stderr, "nclose_outfile: modification/access times = %ldn",
- tp.modtime));
- }
- #else /* !USE_EF_UT_TIME */
- tp.actime = tp.modtime = dos_to_unix_time(G.lrec.last_mod_dos_datetime);
- TTrace((stderr, "nclose_outfile: modification/access times = %ldn",
- tp.modtime));
- #endif /* ?USE_EF_UT_TIME */
- /* set the file's access and modification times */
- if (utime(G.filename, &tp))
- Info(slide, 0x201, ((char *)slide,
- "warning: cannot set the time for %sn", G.filename));
- /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Change the file permissions from default ones to those stored in the
- zipfile.
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- #ifndef NO_CHMOD
- if (chmod(G.filename, 0xffff & G.pInfo->file_attr))
- perror("chmod (file attributes) error");
- #endif
- } /* end function close_outfile() */
- #ifdef TIMESTAMP
- /***************************/
- /* Function stamp_file() */
- /***************************/
- int stamp_file(fname, modtime)
- ZCONST char *fname;
- time_t modtime;
- {
- ztimbuf tp;
- tp.modtime = tp.actime = modtime;
- return (utime(fname, &tp));
- } /* end function stamp_file() */
- #endif /* TIMESTAMP */
- #ifndef SFX
- /************************/
- /* Function version() */
- /************************/
- void version(__G)
- __GDEF
- {
- #ifdef __TURBOC__
- char buf[40];
- #endif
- sprintf((char *)slide, LoadFarString(CompiledWith),
- #ifdef __GNUC__
- "gcc ", __VERSION__,
- #else
- # if 0
- "cc ", (sprintf(buf, " version %d", _RELEASE), buf),
- # else
- # ifdef __TURBOC__
- "Turbo C", (sprintf(buf, " (0x%04x = %d)", __TURBOC__, __TURBOC__), buf),
- # else
- "unknown compiler", "",
- # endif
- # endif
- #endif
- #ifdef __MINT__
- "Atari TOS/MiNT",
- #else
- "Atari TOS",
- #endif
- " (Atari ST/TT/Falcon030)",
- #ifdef __DATE__
- " on ", __DATE__
- #else
- "", ""
- #endif
- );
- (*G.message)((zvoid *)&G, slide, (ulg)strlen((char *)slide), 0);
- } /* end function version() */
- #endif /* !SFX */