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Compiler program
Development Platform:
- package antlr;
- /* ANTLR Translator Generator
- * Project led by Terence Parr at
- * Software rights:
- *
- * $Id: //depot/code/org.antlr/release/antlr-2.7.0/antlr/ $
- */
- import antlr.collections.Stack;
- import antlr.collections.impl.LList;
- import antlr.collections.impl.Vector;
- public class MakeGrammar extends DefineGrammarSymbols {
- protected Stack blocks = new LList(); // track subrules--Stack<BlockContext>
- protected RuleRefElement lastRuleRef;
- protected RuleEndElement ruleEnd; // used if not nested
- protected RuleBlock ruleBlock; // points to block of current rule.
- protected int nested = 0; // nesting inside a subrule
- protected boolean grammarError = false;
- ExceptionSpec currentExceptionSpec = null;
- public MakeGrammar(Tool tool_, String[] args_, LLkAnalyzer analyzer_) {
- super(tool_, args_, analyzer_);
- }
- /** Abort the processing of a grammar (due to syntax errors) */
- public void abortGrammar() {
- String s = "unknown grammar";
- if ( grammar!=null ) {
- s = grammar.getClassName();
- }
- tool.error("aborting grammar '" + s + "' due to errors");
- super.abortGrammar();
- }
- protected void addElementToCurrentAlt(AlternativeElement e) {
- e.enclosingRuleName = ruleBlock.ruleName;
- context().addAlternativeElement(e);
- }
- public void beginAlt(boolean doAutoGen_) {
- super.beginAlt(doAutoGen_);
- Alternative alt = new Alternative();
- alt.setAutoGen(doAutoGen_);
- context().block.addAlternative(alt);
- }
- public void beginChildList() {
- super.beginChildList();
- context().block.addAlternative(new Alternative());
- }
- /** Add an exception group to a rule (currently a no-op) */
- public void beginExceptionGroup() {
- super.beginExceptionGroup();
- if (!(context().block instanceof RuleBlock))
- {
- tool.panic("beginExceptionGroup called outside of rule block");
- }
- }
- /** Add an exception spec to an exception group or rule block */
- public void beginExceptionSpec(Token label) {
- // Hack the label string a bit to remove leading/trailing space.
- if (label != null) {
- label.setText( Tool.stripFront( Tool.stripBack(label.getText(), " nrt"), " nrt") );
- }
- super.beginExceptionSpec(label);
- // Don't check for currentExceptionSpec!=null because syntax errors
- // may leave it set to something.
- currentExceptionSpec = new ExceptionSpec(label);
- }
- public void beginSubRule(Token label, int line, boolean not) {
- super.beginSubRule(label,line, not);
- // we don't know what kind of subrule it is yet.
- // push a dummy one that will allow us to collect the
- // alternatives. Later, we'll switch to real object.
- blocks.push(new BlockContext());
- context().block = new AlternativeBlock(grammar, line, not);
- context().altNum = 0; // reset alternative number
- nested++;
- // create a final node to which the last elememt of each
- // alternative will point.
- context().blockEnd = new BlockEndElement(grammar);
- // make sure end node points to start of block
- context().blockEnd.block = context().block;
- labelElement(context().block, label);
- }
- public void beginTree(int line) throws SemanticException {
- if (!(grammar instanceof TreeWalkerGrammar)) {
- tool.error("Trees only allowed in TreeParser", grammar.getFilename(), line);
- throw new SemanticException("Trees only allowed in TreeParser");
- }
- super.beginTree(line);
- blocks.push(new TreeBlockContext());
- context().block = new TreeElement(grammar, line);
- context().altNum = 0; // reset alternative number
- }
- public BlockContext context() {
- if ( blocks.height()==0 ) {
- return null;
- }
- else {
- return (BlockContext);
- }
- }
- /**Used to build nextToken() for the lexer.
- * This builds a rule which has every "public" rule in the given Vector of
- * rules as it's alternate. Each rule ref generates a Token object.
- * @param g The Grammar that is being processed
- * @param lexRules A vector of lexer rules that will be used to create an alternate block.
- * @param rname The name of the resulting rule.
- */
- public static RuleBlock createNextTokenRule(Grammar g, Vector lexRules, String rname) {
- // create actual rule data structure
- RuleBlock rb = new RuleBlock(g, rname);
- rb.setDefaultErrorHandler( g.getDefaultErrorHandler() );
- RuleEndElement ruleEnd = new RuleEndElement(g);
- rb.setEndElement(ruleEnd);
- ruleEnd.block = rb;
- // Add an alternative for each element of the rules vector.
- for (int i=0; i<lexRules.size(); i++) {
- RuleSymbol r = (RuleSymbol)lexRules.elementAt(i);
- if (!r.isDefined()) {
- g.tool.error("Lexer rule " + + " is not defined");
- }
- else {
- if ( r.access.equals("public") ) {
- // create a rule ref to lexer rule
- // the Token is a RULE_REF not a TOKEN_REF since the
- // conversion to mRulename has already taken place
- RuleRefElement rr =
- new RuleRefElement(g,
- new CommonToken(ANTLRTokenTypes.RULE_REF, r.getId()),
- GrammarElement.AUTO_GEN_NONE);
- //labelElement(rr, new Token("_rettoken"));
- // rr.setIdAssign("_ttype");
- rr.setLabel("theRetToken");
- rr.enclosingRuleName = "nextToken";
- = ruleEnd;
- Alternative alt = new Alternative(rr);
- alt.setAutoGen(true); // keep text of elements
- rb.addAlternative(alt);
- // Add a reference to the rule used for the alt
- r.addReference(rr);
- }
- }
- }
- rb.setAutoGen(true); // keep text of elements
- rb.prepareForAnalysis();
- //System.out.println(rb);
- return rb;
- }
- /** Return block as if they had typed: "( rule )?" */
- private AlternativeBlock createOptionalRuleRef(String rule, int line) {
- // Make the subrule
- AlternativeBlock blk = new AlternativeBlock(grammar, line, false);
- // Make sure rule is defined
- String mrule = CodeGenerator.lexerRuleName(rule); // can only be a lexer rule!
- if ( !grammar.isDefined(mrule) ) {
- grammar.define(new RuleSymbol(mrule));
- }
- // Make the rule ref element
- Token t = new CommonToken(ANTLRTokenTypes.TOKEN_REF, rule);
- t.setLine(line);
- RuleRefElement rref =
- new RuleRefElement(grammar, t, GrammarElement.AUTO_GEN_NONE);
- rref.enclosingRuleName = ruleBlock.ruleName;
- // Make the end of block element
- BlockEndElement end = new BlockEndElement(grammar);
- end.block = blk; // end block points back to start of blk
- // Make an alternative, putting the rule ref into it
- Alternative alt = new Alternative(rref);
- alt.addElement(end); // last element in alt points to end of block
- // Add the alternative to this block
- blk.addAlternative(alt);
- // create an empty (optional) alt and add to blk
- Alternative optAlt = new Alternative();
- optAlt.addElement(end); // points immediately to end of block
- blk.addAlternative(optAlt);
- blk.prepareForAnalysis();
- return blk;
- }
- public void defineRuleName(Token r,
- String access,
- boolean ruleAutoGen,
- String docComment)
- throws SemanticException
- {
- // if ( Character.isUpperCase(r.getText().charAt(0)) ) {
- if ( r.type == ANTLRTokenTypes.TOKEN_REF ) {
- if (!(grammar instanceof LexerGrammar)) {
- tool.error("Lexical rule "+r.getText()+
- " defined outside of lexer",
- grammar.getFilename(), r.getLine());
- r.setText(r.getText().toLowerCase());
- }
- }
- else {
- if (grammar instanceof LexerGrammar) {
- tool.error("Non-lexical rule "+r.getText()+
- " defined inside of lexer",
- grammar.getFilename(), r.getLine());
- r.setText(r.getText().toUpperCase());
- }
- }
- super.defineRuleName(r, access, ruleAutoGen, docComment);
- String id = r.getText();
- // if ( Character.isUpperCase(id.charAt(0)) ) { // lexer rule?
- if ( r.type == ANTLRTokenTypes.TOKEN_REF ) { // lexer rule?
- id = CodeGenerator.lexerRuleName(id);
- }
- RuleSymbol rs = (RuleSymbol) grammar.getSymbol(id);
- RuleBlock rb = new RuleBlock(grammar, r.getText(), r.getLine(), ruleAutoGen);
- // Lexer rules do not generate default error handling
- rb.setDefaultErrorHandler(grammar.getDefaultErrorHandler());
- ruleBlock = rb;
- blocks.push(new BlockContext()); // enter new context
- context().block = rb;
- rs.setBlock(rb);
- ruleEnd = new RuleEndElement(grammar);
- rb.setEndElement(ruleEnd);
- nested = 0;
- }
- public void endAlt() {
- super.endAlt();
- if ( nested==0 ) { // all rule-level alts link to ruleEnd node
- addElementToCurrentAlt(ruleEnd);
- }
- else {
- addElementToCurrentAlt(context().blockEnd);
- }
- context().altNum++;
- }
- public void endChildList() {
- super.endChildList();
- // create a final node to which the last elememt of the single
- // alternative will point. Done for compatibility with analyzer.
- // Does NOT point to any block like alternative blocks because the
- // TreeElement is not a block. This is used only as a placeholder.
- BlockEndElement be = new BlockEndElement(grammar);
- be.block = context().block;
- addElementToCurrentAlt(be);
- }
- public void endExceptionGroup() {
- super.endExceptionGroup();
- }
- public void endExceptionSpec() {
- super.endExceptionSpec();
- if (currentExceptionSpec == null)
- {
- tool.panic("exception processing internal error -- no active exception spec");
- }
- if (context().block instanceof RuleBlock)
- {
- // Named rule
- ((RuleBlock)context().block).addExceptionSpec(currentExceptionSpec);
- } else {
- // It must be a plain-old alternative block
- if (context().currentAlt().exceptionSpec != null) {
- tool.error("Alternative already has an exception specification", grammar.getFilename(), context().block.getLine());
- }
- else {
- context().currentAlt().exceptionSpec = currentExceptionSpec;
- }
- }
- currentExceptionSpec = null;
- }
- /** Called at the end of processing a grammar */
- public void endGrammar() {
- if (grammarError) {
- abortGrammar();
- }
- else {
- super.endGrammar();
- }
- }
- public void endRule(String rule) {
- super.endRule(rule);
- BlockContext ctx = (BlockContext) blocks.pop(); // remove scope
- // record the start of this block in the ending node
- ruleEnd.block = ctx.block;
- ruleEnd.block.prepareForAnalysis();
- //System.out.println(ctx.block);
- }
- public void endSubRule() {
- super.endSubRule();
- nested--;
- // remove subrule context from scope stack
- BlockContext ctx = (BlockContext)blocks.pop();
- AlternativeBlock block = ctx.block;
- // If the subrule is marked with ~, check that it is
- // a valid candidate for analysis
- if (
- block.not &&
- !(block instanceof SynPredBlock) &&
- !(block instanceof ZeroOrMoreBlock) &&
- !(block instanceof OneOrMoreBlock)
- )
- {
- if (!analyzer.subruleCanBeInverted(block, grammar instanceof LexerGrammar)) {
- String newline = System.getProperty("line.separator");
- tool.error(
- "This subrule cannot be inverted. Only subrules of the form:"+newline +
- " (T1|T2|T3...) or" + newline +
- " ('c1'|'c2'|'c3'...)" + newline +
- "may be inverted (ranges are also allowed).",
- grammar.getFilename(),
- block.getLine()
- );
- }
- }
- // add the subrule as element if not a syn pred
- if ( block instanceof SynPredBlock ) {
- // record a reference to the recently-recognized syn pred in the
- // enclosing block.
- SynPredBlock synpred = (SynPredBlock)block;
- context().block.hasASynPred = true;
- context().currentAlt().synPred = synpred;
- grammar.hasSyntacticPredicate = true;
- synpred.removeTrackingOfRuleRefs(grammar);
- }
- else {
- addElementToCurrentAlt(block);
- }
- ctx.blockEnd.block.prepareForAnalysis();
- }
- public void endTree() {
- super.endTree();
- BlockContext ctx = (BlockContext) blocks.pop();
- addElementToCurrentAlt(ctx.block); // add new TreeElement to enclosing alt.
- }
- /** Remember that a major error occured in the grammar */
- public void hasError() {
- grammarError = true;
- }
- private void labelElement(AlternativeElement el, Token label) {
- if ( label != null ) {
- // Does this label already exist?
- for (int i = 0; i < ruleBlock.labeledElements.size(); i++) {
- AlternativeElement altEl = (AlternativeElement)ruleBlock.labeledElements.elementAt(i);
- String l = altEl.getLabel();
- if (l != null && l.equals(label.getText())) {
- tool.error("Label '" + label.getText() + "' has already been defined", grammar.getFilename(), label.getLine());
- return;
- }
- }
- // add this node to the list of labeled elements
- el.setLabel(label.getText());
- ruleBlock.labeledElements.appendElement(el);
- }
- }
- public void noAutoGenSubRule() {
- context().block.setAutoGen(false);
- }
- public void oneOrMoreSubRule() {
- if (context().block.not) {
- tool.error("'~' cannot be applied to (...)* subrule", grammar.getFilename(), context().block.getLine());
- }
- // create the right kind of object now that we know what that is
- // and switch the list of alternatives. Adjust the stack of blocks.
- // copy any init action also.
- OneOrMoreBlock b = new OneOrMoreBlock(grammar);
- setBlock(b,context().block);
- BlockContext old = (BlockContext)blocks.pop(); // remove old scope; we want new type of subrule
- blocks.push(new BlockContext());
- context().block = b;
- context().blockEnd = old.blockEnd;
- context().blockEnd.block = b;
- }
- public void optionalSubRule() {
- if (context().block.not) {
- tool.error("'~' cannot be applied to (...)? subrule", grammar.getFilename(), context().block.getLine());
- }
- // convert (X)? -> (X|) so that we can ignore optional blocks altogether!
- // It already thinks that we have a simple subrule, just add option block.
- beginAlt(false);
- endAlt();
- }
- public void refAction(Token action) {
- super.refAction(action);
- context().block.hasAnAction = true;
- addElementToCurrentAlt(new ActionElement(grammar,action));
- }
- // Only called for rule blocks
- public void refArgAction(Token action) {
- ((RuleBlock)context().block).argAction = action.getText();
- }
- public void refCharLiteral(Token lit, Token label, boolean inverted, int autoGenType, boolean lastInRule) {
- if (!(grammar instanceof LexerGrammar)) {
- tool.error("Character literal only valid in lexer", grammar.getFilename(), lit.getLine());
- return;
- }
- super.refCharLiteral(lit, label, inverted, autoGenType, lastInRule);
- CharLiteralElement cl = new CharLiteralElement((LexerGrammar)grammar, lit, inverted, autoGenType);
- // Generate a warning for non-lowercase ASCII when case-insensitive
- if (
- !((LexerGrammar)grammar).caseSensitive && cl.getType() < 128 &&
- Character.toLowerCase((char)cl.getType()) != (char)cl.getType()
- ) {
- tool.warning("Character literal must be lowercase when caseSensitive=false", grammar.getFilename(), lit.getLine());
- }
- addElementToCurrentAlt(cl);
- labelElement(cl, label);
- // if ignore option is set, must add an optional call to the specified rule.
- String ignore = ruleBlock.getIgnoreRule();
- if ( !lastInRule && ignore!=null ) {
- addElementToCurrentAlt(createOptionalRuleRef(ignore, lit.getLine()));
- }
- }
- public void refCharRange(Token t1, Token t2, Token label, int autoGenType, boolean lastInRule) {
- if (!(grammar instanceof LexerGrammar)) {
- tool.error("Character range only valid in lexer", grammar.getFilename(), t1.getLine());
- return;
- }
- int rangeMin = ANTLRLexer.tokenTypeForCharLiteral(t1.getText());
- int rangeMax = ANTLRLexer.tokenTypeForCharLiteral(t2.getText());
- if (rangeMax < rangeMin) {
- tool.error("Malformed range.", grammar.getFilename(), t1.getLine());
- return;
- }
- // Generate a warning for non-lowercase ASCII when case-insensitive
- if (!((LexerGrammar)grammar).caseSensitive) {
- if (rangeMin < 128 && Character.toLowerCase((char)rangeMin) != (char)rangeMin) {
- tool.warning("Character literal must be lowercase when caseSensitive=false", grammar.getFilename(), t1.getLine());
- }
- if (rangeMax < 128 && Character.toLowerCase((char)rangeMax) != (char)rangeMax) {
- tool.warning("Character literal must be lowercase when caseSensitive=false", grammar.getFilename(), t2.getLine());
- }
- }
- super.refCharRange(t1, t2, label, autoGenType, lastInRule);
- CharRangeElement cr = new CharRangeElement((LexerGrammar)grammar, t1, t2, autoGenType);
- addElementToCurrentAlt(cr);
- labelElement(cr, label);
- // if ignore option is set, must add an optional call to the specified rule.
- String ignore = ruleBlock.getIgnoreRule();
- if ( !lastInRule && ignore!=null ) {
- addElementToCurrentAlt(createOptionalRuleRef(ignore, t1.getLine()));
- }
- }
- public void refTokensSpecElementOption(Token tok,
- Token option,
- Token value) {
- /*
- System.out.println("setting tokens spec option for "+tok.getText());
- System.out.println(option.getText()+","+value.getText());
- */
- TokenSymbol ts = (TokenSymbol)
- grammar.tokenManager.getTokenSymbol(tok.getText());
- if ( ts==null ) {
- tool.panic("cannot find "+tok.getText()+"in tokens {...}");
- }
- if ( option.getText().equals("AST") ) {
- ts.setASTNodeType(value.getText());
- }
- else {
- grammar.tool.error("invalid tokens {...} element option:"+
- option.getText(),
- grammar.getFilename(),
- option.getLine());
- }
- }
- public void refElementOption(Token option, Token value) {
- /*
- System.out.println("setting option for "+context().currentElement());
- System.out.println(option.getText()+","+value.getText());
- */
- AlternativeElement e = context().currentElement();
- if ( e instanceof StringLiteralElement ||
- e instanceof TokenRefElement ||
- e instanceof WildcardElement )
- {
- ((GrammarAtom)e).setOption(option, value);
- }
- else {
- tool.error("cannot use element option ("+option.getText()+
- ") for this kind of element",
- grammar.getFilename(), option.getLine());
- }
- }
- /** Add an exception handler to an exception spec */
- public void refExceptionHandler(Token exTypeAndName, String action) {
- super.refExceptionHandler(exTypeAndName, action);
- if (currentExceptionSpec == null)
- {
- tool.panic("exception handler processing internal error");
- }
- currentExceptionSpec.addHandler(new ExceptionHandler(exTypeAndName, action));
- }
- public void refInitAction(Token action) {
- super.refAction(action);
- context().block.setInitAction(action.getText());
- }
- public void refMemberAction(Token act) {
- grammar.classMemberAction = act.getText();
- }
- public void refPreambleAction(Token act) {
- super.refPreambleAction(act);
- }
- // Only called for rule blocks
- public void refReturnAction(Token returnAction) {
- if (grammar instanceof LexerGrammar) {
- String name = CodeGenerator.lexerRuleName(((RuleBlock)context().block).getRuleName());
- RuleSymbol rs = (RuleSymbol)grammar.getSymbol(name);
- if (rs.access.equals("public")) {
- tool.warning("public Lexical rules cannot specify return type", grammar.getFilename(), returnAction.getLine());
- return;
- }
- }
- ((RuleBlock)context().block).returnAction = returnAction.getText();
- }
- public void refRule(Token idAssign,
- Token r,
- Token label,
- Token args,
- int autoGenType)
- {
- // Disallow parser rule references in the lexer
- if (grammar instanceof LexerGrammar) {
- // if (!Character.isUpperCase(r.getText().charAt(0))) {
- if ( r.type != ANTLRTokenTypes.TOKEN_REF ) {
- tool.error("Parser rule " + r.getText() + " referenced in lexer");
- return;
- }
- if (autoGenType == GrammarElement.AUTO_GEN_CARET) {
- tool.error("AST specification ^ not allowed in lexer", grammar.getFilename(), r.getLine());
- }
- }
- super.refRule(idAssign, r, label, args, autoGenType);
- lastRuleRef = new RuleRefElement(grammar, r, autoGenType);
- if (args != null)
- {
- lastRuleRef.setArgs(args.getText());
- }
- if (idAssign != null)
- {
- lastRuleRef.setIdAssign(idAssign.getText());
- }
- addElementToCurrentAlt(lastRuleRef);
- String id = r.getText();
- // if ( Character.isUpperCase(id.charAt(0)) ) { // lexer rule?
- if ( r.type == ANTLRTokenTypes.TOKEN_REF ) { // lexer rule?
- id = CodeGenerator.lexerRuleName(id);
- }
- // update symbol table so it knows what nodes reference the rule.
- RuleSymbol rs = (RuleSymbol)grammar.getSymbol(id);
- rs.addReference(lastRuleRef);
- labelElement(lastRuleRef, label);
- }
- public void refSemPred(Token pred) {
- //System.out.println("refSemPred "+pred.getText());
- super.refSemPred(pred);
- //System.out.println("context().block: "+context().block);
- if ( context().currentAlt().atStart() ) {
- context().currentAlt().semPred = pred.getText();
- }
- else {
- ActionElement a = new ActionElement(grammar,pred);
- a.isSemPred = true;
- addElementToCurrentAlt(a);
- }
- //System.out.println("DONE refSemPred "+pred.getText());
- }
- public void refStringLiteral(Token lit, Token label, int autoGenType, boolean lastInRule) {
- super.refStringLiteral(lit, label, autoGenType, lastInRule);
- if (grammar instanceof TreeWalkerGrammar && autoGenType == GrammarElement.AUTO_GEN_CARET) {
- tool.error("^ not allowed in here for tree-walker", grammar.getFilename(), lit.getLine());
- }
- StringLiteralElement sl = new StringLiteralElement(grammar, lit, autoGenType);
- // If case-insensitive, then check each char of the stirng literal
- if (grammar instanceof LexerGrammar && !((LexerGrammar)grammar).caseSensitive) {
- for (int i = 1; i < lit.getText().length()-1; i++) {
- char c = lit.getText().charAt(i);
- if (c < 128 && Character.toLowerCase(c) != c) {
- tool.warning("Characters of string literal must be lowercase when caseSensitive=false", grammar.getFilename(), lit.getLine());
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- addElementToCurrentAlt(sl);
- labelElement(sl, label);
- // if ignore option is set, must add an optional call to the specified rule.
- String ignore = ruleBlock.getIgnoreRule();
- if ( !lastInRule && ignore!=null ) {
- addElementToCurrentAlt(createOptionalRuleRef(ignore, lit.getLine()));
- }
- }
- public void refToken(Token idAssign, Token t, Token label, Token args,
- boolean inverted, int autoGenType, boolean lastInRule) {
- if (grammar instanceof LexerGrammar) {
- // In lexer, token references are really rule references
- if (autoGenType == GrammarElement.AUTO_GEN_CARET) {
- tool.error("AST specification ^ not allowed in lexer", grammar.getFilename(), t.getLine());
- }
- if (inverted) {
- tool.error("~TOKEN is not allowed in lexer", grammar.getFilename(), t.getLine());
- }
- refRule(idAssign, t, label, args, autoGenType);
- // if ignore option is set, must add an optional call to the specified token rule.
- String ignore = ruleBlock.getIgnoreRule();
- if ( !lastInRule && ignore!=null ) {
- addElementToCurrentAlt(createOptionalRuleRef(ignore, t.getLine()));
- }
- } else {
- // Cannot have token ref args or assignment outside of lexer
- if (idAssign!= null)
- {
- tool.error("Assignment from token reference only allowed in lexer", grammar.getFilename(), idAssign.getLine());
- }
- if (args != null)
- {
- tool.error("Token reference arguments only allowed in lexer", grammar.getFilename(), args.getLine());
- }
- super.refToken(idAssign, t, label, args, inverted, autoGenType, lastInRule);
- TokenRefElement te = new TokenRefElement(grammar, t, inverted, autoGenType);
- addElementToCurrentAlt(te);
- labelElement(te, label);
- }
- }
- public void refTokenRange(Token t1, Token t2, Token label, int autoGenType, boolean lastInRule) {
- if (grammar instanceof LexerGrammar) {
- tool.error("Token range not allowed in lexer", grammar.getFilename(), t1.getLine());
- return;
- }
- super.refTokenRange(t1, t2, label, autoGenType, lastInRule);
- TokenRangeElement tr = new TokenRangeElement(grammar, t1, t2, autoGenType);
- if (tr.end < tr.begin) {
- tool.error("Malformed range.", grammar.getFilename(), t1.getLine());
- return;
- }
- addElementToCurrentAlt(tr);
- labelElement(tr, label);
- }
- public void refTreeSpecifier(Token treeSpec) {
- context().currentAlt().treeSpecifier = treeSpec;
- }
- public void refWildcard(Token t, Token label, int autoGenType) {
- super.refWildcard(t, label, autoGenType);
- WildcardElement wc = new WildcardElement(grammar, t, autoGenType);
- addElementToCurrentAlt(wc);
- labelElement(wc, label);
- }
- /** Get ready to process a new grammar */
- public void reset() {
- super.reset();
- blocks = new LList();
- lastRuleRef = null;
- ruleEnd = null;
- ruleBlock = null;
- nested = 0;
- currentExceptionSpec = null;
- grammarError = false;
- }
- public void setArgOfRuleRef(Token argAction) {
- super.setArgOfRuleRef(argAction);
- lastRuleRef.setArgs(argAction.getText());
- }
- public static void setBlock(AlternativeBlock b, AlternativeBlock src) {
- b.setAlternatives(src.getAlternatives());
- b.initAction = src.initAction;
- //b.lookaheadDepth = src.lookaheadDepth;
- b.label = src.label;
- b.hasASynPred = src.hasASynPred;
- b.hasAnAction = src.hasAnAction;
- b.warnWhenFollowAmbig = src.warnWhenFollowAmbig;
- b.generateAmbigWarnings = src.generateAmbigWarnings;
- b.line = src.line;
- b.greedy = src.greedy;
- b.greedySet = src.greedySet;
- }
- public void setRuleOption(Token key, Token value) {
- //((RuleBlock)context().block).setOption(key, value);
- ruleBlock.setOption(key, value);
- }
- public void setSubruleOption(Token key, Token value) {
- ((AlternativeBlock)context().block).setOption(key, value);
- }
- public void synPred() {
- if (context().block.not) {
- tool.error("'~' cannot be applied to syntactc predicate", grammar.getFilename(), context().block.getLine());
- }
- // create the right kind of object now that we know what that is
- // and switch the list of alternatives. Adjust the stack of blocks.
- // copy any init action also.
- SynPredBlock b = new SynPredBlock(grammar);
- setBlock(b,context().block);
- BlockContext old = (BlockContext)blocks.pop(); // remove old scope; we want new type of subrule
- blocks.push(new BlockContext());
- context().block = b;
- context().blockEnd = old.blockEnd;
- context().blockEnd.block = b;
- }
- public void zeroOrMoreSubRule() {
- if (context().block.not) {
- tool.error("'~' cannot be applied to (...)+ subrule", grammar.getFilename(), context().block.getLine());
- }
- // create the right kind of object now that we know what that is
- // and switch the list of alternatives. Adjust the stack of blocks.
- // copy any init action also.
- ZeroOrMoreBlock b = new ZeroOrMoreBlock(grammar);
- setBlock(b,context().block);
- BlockContext old = (BlockContext)blocks.pop(); // remove old scope; we want new type of subrule
- blocks.push(new BlockContext());
- context().block = b;
- context().blockEnd = old.blockEnd;
- context().blockEnd.block = b;
- }
- }