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Package: [view]
Upload User: hepax88
Upload Date: 2007-01-03
Package Size: 1101k
Code Size: 16k
TCP/IP Stack
Development Platform:
Visual C++
- /* Internet FTP Server
- * Copyright 1991 Phil Karn, KA9Q
- */
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <ctype.h>
- #include <time.h>
- #ifdef __TURBOC__
- #include <io.h>
- #include <dir.h>
- #endif
- #include "global.h"
- #include "mbuf.h"
- #include "proc.h"
- #include "socket.h"
- #include "dirutil.h"
- #include "commands.h"
- #include "files.h"
- #include "ftp.h"
- #include "ftpserv.h"
- #include "md5.h"
- static void ftpserv(int s,void *unused,void *p);
- static int pport(struct sockaddr_in *sock,char *arg);
- static void ftplogin(struct ftpserv *ftp,char *pass);
- static int sendit(struct ftpserv *ftp,char *command,char *file);
- static int recvit(struct ftpserv *ftp,char *command,char *file);
- /* Command table */
- static char *commands[] = {
- "user",
- "acct",
- "pass",
- "type",
- "list",
- "cwd",
- "dele",
- "name",
- "quit",
- "retr",
- "stor",
- "port",
- "nlst",
- "pwd",
- "xpwd", /* For compatibility with 4.2BSD */
- "mkd ",
- "xmkd", /* For compatibility with 4.2BSD */
- "xrmd", /* For compatibility with 4.2BSD */
- "rmd ",
- "stru",
- "mode",
- "syst",
- "xmd5",
- "xcwd",
- };
- /* Response messages */
- static char banner[] = "220 %s FTP version %s ready at %sn";
- static char badcmd[] = "500 Unknown command '%s'n";
- static char binwarn[] = "100 Warning: type is ASCII and %s appears to be binaryn";
- static char unsupp[] = "500 Unsupported command or optionn";
- static char givepass[] = "331 Enter PASS commandn";
- static char logged[] = "230 Logged inn";
- static char typeok[] = "200 Type %s OKn";
- static char only8[] = "501 Only logical bytesize 8 supportedn";
- static char deleok[] = "250 File deletedn";
- static char mkdok[] = "200 MKD okn";
- static char delefail[] = "550 Delete failed: %sn";
- static char pwdmsg[] = "257 "%s" is current directoryn";
- static char badtype[] = "501 Unknown type "%s"n";
- static char badport[] = "501 Bad port syntaxn";
- static char unimp[] = "502 Command not yet implementedn";
- static char bye[] = "221 Goodbye!n";
- static char nodir[] = "553 Can't read directory "%s": %sn";
- static char cantopen[] = "550 Can't read file "%s": %sn";
- static char sending[] = "150 Opening data connection for %s %sn";
- static char cantmake[] = "553 Can't create "%s": %sn";
- static char writerr[] = "552 Write error: %sn";
- static char portok[] = "200 Port command okayn";
- static char rxok[] = "226 File received OKn";
- static char txok[] = "226 File sent OKn";
- static char noperm[] = "550 Permission deniedn";
- static char noconn[] = "425 Data connection resetn";
- static char lowmem[] = "421 System overloaded, try again latern";
- static char notlog[] = "530 Please log in with USER and PASSn";
- static char userfirst[] = "503 Login with USER first.n";
- static char okay[] = "200 Okn";
- static char syst[] = "215 %s Type: L%d Version: %sn";
- /* Start up FTP service */
- int
- ftpstart(argc,argv,p)
- int argc;
- char *argv[];
- void *p;
- {
- uint16 port;
- if(argc < 2)
- port = IPPORT_FTP;
- else
- port = atoi(argv[1]);
- return start_tcp(port,"FTP Server",ftpserv,2048);
- }
- static void
- ftpserv(s,n,p)
- int s; /* Socket with user connection */
- void *n;
- void *p;
- {
- struct ftpserv ftp;
- char **cmdp,buf[512],*arg,*cp,*cp1,*file,*mode;
- long t;
- int i;
- struct sockaddr_in socket;
- memset(&ftp,0,sizeof(ftp)); /* Start with clear slate */
- ftp.control = fdopen(s,"r+t");
- sockowner(fileno(ftp.control),Curproc); /* We own it now */
- setvbuf(ftp.control,NULL,_IOLBF,BUFSIZ);
- if(availmem() != 0){
- fprintf(ftp.control,lowmem);
- fclose(ftp.control);
- return;
- }
- fclose(stdin);
- stdin = fdup(ftp.control);
- fclose(stdout);
- stdout = fdup(ftp.control);
- /* Set default data port */
- getpeername(fileno(ftp.control),(struct sockaddr *)&socket,&i);
- socket.sin_port = IPPORT_FTPD;
- ASSIGN(ftp.port,socket);
- logmsg(fileno(ftp.control),"open FTP");
- time(&t);
- cp = ctime(&t);
- if((cp1 = strchr(cp,'n')) != NULL)
- *cp1 = '';
- fprintf(ftp.control,banner,Hostname,Version,cp);
- loop: fflush(ftp.control);
- if((fgets(buf,sizeof(buf),ftp.control)) == NULL){
- /* He closed on us */
- goto finish;
- }
- if(strlen(buf) == 0){
- /* Can't be a legal FTP command */
- fprintf(ftp.control,badcmd,buf);
- goto loop;
- }
- rip(buf);
- /* Translate first word to lower case */
- for(cp = buf;*cp != ' ' && *cp != '';cp++)
- *cp = tolower(*cp);
- /* Find command in table; if not present, return syntax error */
- for(cmdp = commands;*cmdp != NULL;cmdp++)
- if(strncmp(*cmdp,buf,strlen(*cmdp)) == 0)
- break;
- if(*cmdp == NULL){
- fprintf(ftp.control,badcmd,buf);
- goto loop;
- }
- /* Allow only USER, PASS and QUIT before logging in */
- if( == NULL || ftp.path == NULL){
- switch(cmdp-commands){
- case USER_CMD:
- case PASS_CMD:
- case QUIT_CMD:
- break;
- default:
- fprintf(ftp.control,notlog);
- goto loop;
- }
- }
- arg = &buf[strlen(*cmdp)];
- while(*arg == ' ')
- arg++;
- /* Execute specific command */
- switch(cmdp-commands){
- case USER_CMD:
- free(ftp.username);
- ftp.username = strdup(arg);
- fprintf(ftp.control,givepass);
- break;
- case TYPE_CMD:
- switch(arg[0]){
- case 'A':
- case 'a': /* Ascii */
- ftp.type = ASCII_TYPE;
- fprintf(ftp.control,typeok,arg);
- break;
- case 'l':
- case 'L':
- while(*arg != ' ' && *arg != '')
- arg++;
- if(*arg == '' || *++arg != '8'){
- fprintf(ftp.control,only8);
- break;
- }
- ftp.type = LOGICAL_TYPE;
- ftp.logbsize = 8;
- fprintf(ftp.control,typeok,arg);
- break;
- case 'B':
- case 'b': /* Binary */
- case 'I':
- case 'i': /* Image */
- ftp.type = IMAGE_TYPE;
- fprintf(ftp.control,typeok,arg);
- break;
- default: /* Invalid */
- fprintf(ftp.control,badtype,arg);
- break;
- }
- break;
- case QUIT_CMD:
- fprintf(ftp.control,bye);
- goto finish;
- case RETR_CMD:
- file = pathname(,arg);
- switch(ftp.type){
- case IMAGE_TYPE:
- mode = READ_BINARY;
- break;
- case ASCII_TYPE:
- mode = READ_TEXT;
- break;
- }
- if(!permcheck(ftp.path,ftp.perms,RETR_CMD,file)){
- fprintf(ftp.control,noperm);
- } else if((ftp.fp = fopen(file,mode)) == NULL){
- fprintf(ftp.control,cantopen,file,sys_errlist[errno]);
- } else {
- logmsg(fileno(ftp.control),"RETR %s",file);
- if(ftp.type == ASCII_TYPE && isbinary(ftp.fp)){
- fprintf(ftp.control,binwarn,file);
- }
- sendit(&ftp,"RETR",file);
- }
- FREE(file);
- break;
- case STOR_CMD:
- file = pathname(,arg);
- switch(ftp.type){
- case IMAGE_TYPE:
- mode = WRITE_BINARY;
- break;
- case ASCII_TYPE:
- mode = WRITE_TEXT;
- break;
- }
- if(!permcheck(ftp.path,ftp.perms,STOR_CMD,file)){
- fprintf(ftp.control,noperm);
- } else if((ftp.fp = fopen(file,mode)) == NULL){
- fprintf(ftp.control,cantmake,file,sys_errlist[errno]);
- } else {
- logmsg(fileno(ftp.control),"STOR %s",file);
- recvit(&ftp,"STOR",file);
- }
- FREE(file);
- break;
- case PORT_CMD:
- if(pport(&ftp.port,arg) == -1){
- fprintf(ftp.control,badport);
- } else {
- fprintf(ftp.control,portok);
- }
- break;
- #ifndef CPM
- case LIST_CMD:
- file = pathname(,arg);
- if(!permcheck(ftp.path,ftp.perms,RETR_CMD,file)){
- fprintf(ftp.control,noperm);
- } else if((ftp.fp = dir(file,1)) == NULL){
- fprintf(ftp.control,nodir,file,sys_errlist[errno]);
- } else {
- sendit(&ftp,"LIST",file);
- }
- FREE(file);
- break;
- case NLST_CMD:
- file = pathname(,arg);
- if(!permcheck(ftp.path,ftp.perms,RETR_CMD,file)){
- fprintf(ftp.control,noperm);
- } else if((ftp.fp = dir(file,0)) == NULL){
- fprintf(ftp.control,nodir,file,sys_errlist[errno]);
- } else {
- sendit(&ftp,"NLST",file);
- }
- FREE(file);
- break;
- case XCWD_CMD:
- case CWD_CMD:
- file = pathname(,arg);
- if(!permcheck(ftp.path,ftp.perms,RETR_CMD,file)){
- fprintf(ftp.control,noperm);
- FREE(file);
- #ifdef MSDOS
- /* Don'tcha just LOVE %%$#@!! MS-DOS? */
- } else if(strcmp(file,"/") == 0 || access(file,0) == 0){
- #else
- } else if(access(file,0) == 0){ /* See if it exists */
- #endif
- /* Succeeded, record in control block */
- free(;
- = file;
- fprintf(ftp.control,pwdmsg,file);
- } else {
- /* Failed, don't change anything */
- fprintf(ftp.control,nodir,file,sys_errlist[errno]);
- FREE(file);
- }
- break;
- case XPWD_CMD:
- case PWD_CMD:
- fprintf(ftp.control,pwdmsg,;
- break;
- #else
- case LIST_CMD:
- case NLST_CMD:
- case CWD_CMD:
- case XCWD_CMD:
- case XPWD_CMD:
- case PWD_CMD:
- #endif
- case ACCT_CMD:
- fprintf(ftp.control,unimp);
- break;
- case DELE_CMD:
- file = pathname(,arg);
- if(!permcheck(ftp.path,ftp.perms,DELE_CMD,file)){
- fprintf(ftp.control,noperm);
- } else if(unlink(file) == 0){
- logmsg(fileno(ftp.control),"DELE %s",file);
- fprintf(ftp.control,deleok);
- } else {
- fprintf(ftp.control,delefail,sys_errlist[errno]);
- }
- FREE(file);
- break;
- case PASS_CMD:
- if(ftp.username == NULL)
- fprintf(ftp.control,userfirst);
- else
- ftplogin(&ftp,arg);
- break;
- #ifndef CPM
- case XMKD_CMD:
- case MKD_CMD:
- file = pathname(,arg);
- if(!permcheck(ftp.path,ftp.perms,MKD_CMD,file)){
- fprintf(ftp.control,noperm);
- #ifdef __TURBOC__
- } else if(mkdir(file) == 0){
- #else
- } else if(mkdir(file,0777) == 0){
- #endif
- logmsg(fileno(ftp.control),"MKD %s",file);
- fprintf(ftp.control,mkdok);
- } else {
- fprintf(ftp.control,cantmake,file,sys_errlist[errno]);
- }
- FREE(file);
- break;
- case XRMD_CMD:
- case RMD_CMD:
- file = pathname(,arg);
- if(!permcheck(ftp.path,ftp.perms,RMD_CMD,file)){
- fprintf(ftp.control,noperm);
- } else if(rmdir(file) == 0){
- logmsg(fileno(ftp.control),"RMD %s",file);
- fprintf(ftp.control,deleok);
- } else {
- fprintf(ftp.control,delefail,sys_errlist[errno]);
- }
- FREE(file);
- break;
- case STRU_CMD:
- if(tolower(arg[0]) != 'f')
- fprintf(ftp.control,unsupp);
- else
- fprintf(ftp.control,okay);
- break;
- case MODE_CMD:
- if(tolower(arg[0]) != 's')
- fprintf(ftp.control,unsupp);
- else
- fprintf(ftp.control,okay);
- break;
- case SYST_CMD:
- fprintf(ftp.control,syst,System,NBBY,Version);
- break;
- case XMD5_CMD:
- file = pathname(,arg);
- switch(ftp.type){
- case IMAGE_TYPE:
- mode = READ_BINARY;
- break;
- case ASCII_TYPE:
- mode = READ_TEXT;
- break;
- }
- if(!permcheck(ftp.path,ftp.perms,RETR_CMD,file)){
- fprintf(ftp.control,noperm);
- } else if((ftp.fp = fopen(file,mode)) == NULL){
- fprintf(ftp.control,cantopen,file,sys_errlist[errno]);
- } else {
- uint8 hash[16];
- logmsg(fileno(ftp.control),"XMD5 %s",file);
- if(ftp.type == ASCII_TYPE && isbinary(ftp.fp))
- fprintf(ftp.control,binwarn,file);
- md5hash(ftp.fp,hash,ftp.type == ASCII_TYPE);
- fclose(ftp.fp);
- ftp.fp = NULL;
- fprintf(ftp.control,"200 ");
- for(i=0;i<16;i++)
- fprintf(ftp.control,"%02x",hash[i]);
- fprintf(ftp.control," %sn",file);
- }
- FREE(file);
- break;
- }
- #endif
- goto loop;
- finish:
- logmsg(fileno(ftp.control),"close FTP");
- /* Clean up */
- fclose(ftp.control);
- if( != NULL)
- fclose(;
- if(ftp.fp != NULL)
- fclose(ftp.fp);
- free(ftp.username);
- free(ftp.path);
- free(;
- }
- /* Shut down FTP server */
- int
- ftp0(argc,argv,p)
- int argc;
- char *argv[];
- void *p;
- {
- uint16 port;
- if(argc < 2)
- port = IPPORT_FTP;
- else
- port = atoi(argv[1]);
- return stop_tcp(port);
- }
- static
- int
- pport(sock,arg)
- struct sockaddr_in *sock;
- char *arg;
- {
- int32 n;
- int i;
- n = 0;
- for(i=0;i<4;i++){
- n = atoi(arg) + (n << 8);
- if((arg = strchr(arg,',')) == NULL)
- return -1;
- arg++;
- }
- sock->sin_addr.s_addr = n;
- n = atoi(arg);
- if((arg = strchr(arg,',')) == NULL)
- return -1;
- arg++;
- n = atoi(arg) + (n << 8);
- sock->sin_port = n;
- return 0;
- }
- /* Attempt to log in the user whose name is in ftp->username and password
- * in pass
- */
- static void
- ftplogin(ftp,pass)
- struct ftpserv *ftp;
- char *pass;
- {
- char *path;
- int anony = 0;
- path = mallocw(200);
- if((ftp->perms = userlogin(ftp->username,pass,&path,200,&anony))
- == -1){
- fprintf(ftp->control,noperm);
- free(path);
- return;
- }
- /* Set up current directory and path prefix */
- #if defined(AMIGAGONE)
- ftp->cd = pathname("", path);
- ftp->path = strdup(ftp->cd);
- free(path);
- #else
- ftp->cd = path;
- ftp->path = strdup(path);
- #endif
- fprintf(ftp->control,logged);
- if(!anony)
- logmsg(fileno(ftp->control),"%s logged in",ftp->username);
- else
- logmsg(fileno(ftp->control),"%s logged in, ID %s",ftp->username,pass);
- }
- #ifdef MSDOS
- /* Illegal characters in a DOS filename */
- static char badchars[] = ""[]:|<>+=;,";
- #endif
- /* Return 1 if the file operation is allowed, 0 otherwise */
- int
- permcheck(path,perms,op,file)
- char *path;
- int perms;
- int op;
- char *file;
- {
- #ifdef MSDOS
- char *cp;
- #endif
- if(file == NULL || path == NULL)
- return 0; /* Probably hasn't logged in yet */
- #ifdef MSDOS
- /* Check for characters illegal in MS-DOS file names */
- for(cp = badchars;*cp != '';cp++){
- if(strchr(file,*cp) != NULL)
- return 0;
- }
- #endif
- #ifndef MAC
- /* The target file must be under the user's allowed search path */
- if(strncmp(file,path,strlen(path)) != 0)
- return 0;
- #endif
- switch(op){
- case RETR_CMD:
- /* User must have permission to read files */
- if(perms & FTP_READ)
- return 1;
- return 0;
- case DELE_CMD:
- case RMD_CMD:
- /* User must have permission to (over)write files */
- if(perms & FTP_WRITE)
- return 1;
- return 0;
- case STOR_CMD:
- case MKD_CMD:
- /* User must have permission to (over)write files, or permission
- * to create them if the file doesn't already exist
- */
- if(perms & FTP_WRITE)
- return 1;
- if(access(file,2) == -1 && (perms & FTP_CREATE))
- return 1;
- return 0;
- }
- return 0; /* "can't happen" -- keep lint happy */
- }
- static int
- sendit(ftp,command,file)
- struct ftpserv *ftp;
- char *command;
- char *file;
- {
- long total;
- struct sockaddr_in dport;
- int s;
- s = socket(AF_INET,SOCK_STREAM,0);
- dport.sin_family = AF_INET;
- dport.sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY;
- dport.sin_port = IPPORT_FTPD;
- bind(s,(struct sockaddr *)&dport,SOCKSIZE);
- fprintf(ftp->control,sending,command,file);
- fflush(ftp->control);
- if(connect(s,(struct sockaddr *)&ftp->port,SOCKSIZE) == -1){
- fclose(ftp->fp);
- ftp->fp = NULL;
- close_s(s);
- ftp->data = NULL;
- fprintf(ftp->control,noconn);
- return -1;
- }
- ftp->data = fdopen(s,"r+");
- /* Do the actual transfer */
- total = sendfile(ftp->fp,ftp->data,ftp->type,0);
- if(total == -1){
- /* An error occurred on the data connection */
- fprintf(ftp->control,noconn);
- shutdown(fileno(ftp->data),2); /* Blow away data connection */
- fclose(ftp->data);
- } else {
- fprintf(ftp->control,txok);
- }
- fclose(ftp->fp);
- ftp->fp = NULL;
- fclose(ftp->data);
- ftp->data = NULL;
- if(total == -1)
- return -1;
- else
- return 0;
- }
- static int
- recvit(ftp,command,file)
- struct ftpserv *ftp;
- char *command;
- char *file;
- {
- struct sockaddr_in dport;
- long total;
- int s;
- s = socket(AF_INET,SOCK_STREAM,0);
- dport.sin_family = AF_INET;
- dport.sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY;
- dport.sin_port = IPPORT_FTPD;
- bind(s,(struct sockaddr *)&dport,SOCKSIZE);
- fprintf(ftp->control,sending,command,file);
- fflush(ftp->control);
- if(connect(s,(struct sockaddr *)&ftp->port,SOCKSIZE) == -1){
- fclose(ftp->fp);
- ftp->fp = NULL;
- close_s(s);
- ftp->data = NULL;
- fprintf(ftp->control,noconn);
- return -1;
- }
- ftp->data = fdopen(s,"r+");
- /* Do the actual transfer */
- total = recvfile(ftp->fp,ftp->data,ftp->type,0);
- #ifdef CPM
- if(ftp->type == ASCII_TYPE)
- putc(CTLZ,ftp->fp);
- #endif
- if(total == -1) {
- /* An error occurred while writing the file */
- fprintf(ftp->control,writerr,sys_errlist[errno]);
- shutdown(fileno(ftp->data),2); /* Blow it away */
- fclose(ftp->data);
- } else {
- fprintf(ftp->control,rxok);
- fclose(ftp->data);
- }
- ftp->data = NULL;
- fclose(ftp->fp);
- ftp->fp = NULL;
- if(total == -1)
- return -1;
- else
- return 0;
- }