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Package: [view]
Upload User: hepax88
Upload Date: 2007-01-03
Package Size: 1101k
Code Size: 7k
TCP/IP Stack
Development Platform:
Visual C++
- #ifndef _GLOBAL_H
- #define _GLOBAL_H
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include <string.h>
- /* Global definitions used by every source file.
- * Some may be compiler dependent.
- *
- * This file depends only on internal macros or those defined on the
- * command line, so it may be safely included first.
- */
- #if !defined(AMIGA) && (defined(LATTICE) || defined(MAC) || defined(__TURBOC__))
- /* These compilers require special open modes when reading binary files.
- *
- * "The single most brilliant design decision in all of UNIX was the
- * choice of a SINGLE character as the end-of-line indicator" -- M. O'Dell
- *
- * "Whoever picked the end-of-line conventions for MS-DOS and the Macintosh
- * should be shot!" -- P. Karn's corollary to O'Dell's declaration
- */
- #define READ_BINARY "rb"
- #define WRITE_BINARY "wb"
- #define APPEND_BINARY "ab+"
- #define READ_TEXT "rt"
- #define WRITE_TEXT "wt"
- #define APPEND_TEXT "at+"
- #else
- #define READ_BINARY "r"
- #define WRITE_BINARY "w"
- #define APPEND_BINARY "a+"
- #define READ_TEXT "r"
- #define WRITE_TEXT "w"
- #define APPEND_TEXT "a+"
- #endif
- /* These two lines assume that your compiler's longs are 32 bits and
- * shorts are 16 bits. It is already assumed that chars are 8 bits,
- * but it doesn't matter if they're signed or unsigned.
- */
- typedef long int32; /* 32-bit signed integer */
- typedef unsigned long uint32; /* 32-bit unsigned integer */
- typedef unsigned short uint16; /* 16-bit unsigned integer */
- typedef unsigned char byte_t; /* 8-bit unsigned integer */
- typedef unsigned char uint8; /* 8-bit unsigned integer */
- #define MAXINT16 0xffff /* Largest 16-bit integer */
- #define MAXINT32 0xffffffff /* Largest 32-bit integer */
- #define NBBY 8 /* 8 bits/byte */
- #define HASHMOD 7 /* Modulus used by hash_ip() function */
- /* The "interrupt" keyword is non-standard, so make it configurable */
- #if defined(__TURBOC__) && defined(MSDOS)
- #define INTERRUPT void interrupt
- #else
- #define INTERRUPT void
- #endif
- /* Note that these definitions are on by default if none of the Turbo-C style
- * memory model definitions are on; this avoids having to change them when
- * porting to 68K environments.
- */
- #if !defined(__TINY__) && !defined(__SMALL__) && !defined(__MEDIUM__) && !defined(__GNUC__)
- #define LARGEDATA 1
- #endif
- #if !defined(__TINY__) && !defined(__SMALL__) && !defined(__COMPACT__) && !defined(__GNUC__)
- #define LARGECODE 1
- #endif
- /* Since not all compilers support structure assignment, the ASSIGN()
- * macro is used. This controls how it's actually implemented.
- */
- #ifdef NOSTRUCTASSIGN /* Version for old compilers that don't support it */
- #define ASSIGN(a,b) memcpy((char *)&(a),(char *)&(b),sizeof(b);
- #else /* Version for compilers that do */
- #define ASSIGN(a,b) ((a) = (b))
- #endif
- /* Define null object pointer in case stdio.h isn't included */
- #ifndef NULL
- /* General purpose NULL pointer */
- #define NULL 0
- #endif
- /* standard boolean constants */
- #define FALSE 0
- #define TRUE 1
- #define NO 0
- #define YES 1
- #define CTLA 0x1
- #define CTLB 0x2
- #define CTLC 0x3
- #define CTLD 0x4
- #define CTLE 0x5
- #define CTLF 0x6
- #define CTLG 0x7
- #define CTLH 0x8
- #define CTLI 0x9
- #define CTLJ 0xa
- #define CTLK 0xb
- #define CTLL 0xc
- #define CTLM 0xd
- #define CTLN 0xe
- #define CTLO 0xf
- #define CTLP 0x10
- #define CTLQ 0x11
- #define CTLR 0x12
- #define CTLS 0x13
- #define CTLT 0x14
- #define CTLU 0x15
- #define CTLV 0x16
- #define CTLW 0x17
- #define CTLX 0x18
- #define CTLY 0x19
- #define CTLZ 0x1a
- #define BELL CTLG
- #define BS CTLH
- #define TAB CTLI
- #define LF CTLJ
- #define FF CTLL
- #define CR CTLM
- #define XON CTLQ
- #define XOFF CTLS
- #define ESC 0x1b
- #define DEL 0x7f
- /* string equality shorthand */
- #define STREQ(x,y) (strcmp(x,y) == 0)
- /* Extract a short from a long */
- #define hiword(x) ((uint16)((x) >> 16))
- #define loword(x) ((uint16)(x))
- /* Extract a byte from a short */
- #define hibyte(x) ((unsigned char)((x) >> 8))
- #define lobyte(x) ((unsigned char)(x))
- /* Extract nibbles from a byte */
- #define hinibble(x) (((x) >> 4) & 0xf)
- #define lonibble(x) ((x) & 0xf)
- /* Various low-level and miscellaneous functions */
- int availmem(void);
- void *callocw(unsigned nelem,unsigned size);
- int32 clock();
- int dirps(void);
- void free(void *);
- #define FREE(p) {free(p); p = NULL;}
- int getopt(int argc,char *argv[],char *opts);
- void getrand(unsigned char *buf,int len);
- int htob(char c);
- int htoi(char *);
- int readhex(uint8 *,char *,int);
- long htol(char *);
- char *inbuf(uint16 port,char *buf,uint16 cnt);
- uint16 hash_ip(int32 addr);
- int istate(void);
- void logmsg(int s,char *fmt, ...);
- int ilog2(uint16 x);
- void *ltop(long);
- void *malloc(size_t nb);
- void *mallocw(size_t nb);
- int memcnt(uint8 *buf,uint8 c,int size);
- void memxor(uint8 *,uint8 *,unsigned int);
- char *outbuf(uint16 port,char *buf,uint16 cnt);
- int32 rdclock(void);
- void restore(int);
- void rip(char *);
- char *smsg(char *msgs[],unsigned nmsgs,unsigned n);
- void stktrace(void);
- #if !defined __TURBOC__
- char *strdup(const char *);
- #endif
- int urandom(unsigned int n);
- int wildmat(char *s,char *p,char **argv);
- #ifdef AZTEC
- #define rewind(fp) fseek(fp,0L,0);
- #endif
- #if defined(__TURBOC__) && defined(MSDOS)
- #define movblock(so,ss,do,ds,c) movedata(ss,so,ds,do,c)
- #else
- /* General purpose function macros already defined in turbo C */
- #ifndef min
- #define min(x,y) ((x)<(y)?(x):(y)) /* Lesser of two args */
- #endif
- #ifndef max
- #define max(x,y) ((x)>(y)?(x):(y)) /* Greater of two args */
- #endif
- #ifdef MSDOS
- #define MK_FP(seg,ofs) ((void far *)
- (((unsigned long)(seg) << 16) | (unsigned)(ofs)))
- #endif
- #endif /* __TURBOC __ */
- #ifdef AMIGA
- /* super kludge de WA3YMH */
- #ifndef fileno
- #include <stdio.h>
- #endif
- #define fclose(fp) amiga_fclose(fp)
- extern int amiga_fclose(FILE *);
- extern FILE *tmpfile(void);
- extern char *sys_errlist[];
- extern int errno;
- #endif
- /* Externals used by getopt */
- extern int optind;
- extern char *optarg;
- /* Threshold setting on available memory */
- extern int32 Memthresh;
- /* System clock - count of ticks since startup */
- extern int32 Clock;
- /* Various useful strings */
- extern char Badhost[];
- extern char Nospace[];
- extern char Notval[];
- extern char *Hostname;
- extern char Version[];
- extern char Whitespace[];
- /* Your system's end-of-line convention */
- extern char Eol[];
- /* Your system OS - set in files.c */
- extern char System[];
- /* Your system's temp directory */
- extern char *Tmpdir;
- extern unsigned Nfiles; /* Maximum number of open files */
- extern unsigned Nsock; /* Maximum number of open sockets */
- extern void (*Gcollect[])();
- #endif /* _GLOBAL_H */