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Package: [view]
Upload User: hepax88
Upload Date: 2007-01-03
Package Size: 1101k
Code Size: 16k
TCP/IP Stack
Development Platform:
Visual C++
- /*
- * PPPPAP.C -- Password Authentication Protocol for PPP
- *
- * This implementation of PPP is declared to be in the public domain.
- *
- * Jan 91
- * Computer Systems Consulting Services
- *
- * Acknowledgements and correction history may be found in PPP.C
- */
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include "global.h"
- #include "mbuf.h"
- #include "proc.h"
- #include "iface.h"
- #include "session.h"
- #include "socket.h"
- #include "ppp.h"
- #include "pppfsm.h"
- #include "ppplcp.h"
- #include "ppppap.h"
- #include "cmdparse.h"
- #include "files.h"
- #include "trace.h"
- #include "main.h"
- static int dopap_user(int argc, char *argv[], void *p);
- static void pap_monitor(int mustask, void *v1, void *v2);
- static void pap_pwdlookup(struct pap_s *pap_p);
- static struct mbuf *pap_makereq(struct fsm_s *fsm_p);
- static int pap_verify(char *username, char *password);
- static void pap_shutdown(struct fsm_s *fsm_p);
- static void pap_opening(struct fsm_s *fsm_p, int flag);
- static int pap_request(struct fsm_s *fsm_p,
- struct config_hdr *hdr,
- struct mbuf **data);
- static int pap_check(struct fsm_s *fsm_p,
- struct config_hdr *hdr,
- struct mbuf **data);
- static void pap_timeout(void *vp);
- static void pap_free(struct fsm_s *fsm_p);
- static struct fsm_constant_s pap_constants = {
- "Pap",
- 0x000E, /* codes 1-3 recognized */
- Pap,
- 0,
- PAP_TIMEOUT * 1000L,
- pap_free,
- fsm_no_action, /* pap_reset, */
- fsm_no_action, /* pap_starting, */
- fsm_no_action, /* pap_opening, */
- fsm_no_action, /* pap_closing, */
- fsm_no_action, /* pap_stopping, */
- pap_makereq,
- fsm_no_check, /* pap_request, */
- fsm_no_check, /* pap_ack, */
- fsm_no_check, /* pap_nak, */
- fsm_no_check, /* pap_reject */
- };
- /****************************************************************************/
- /* "ppp <iface> pap" subcommands */
- static struct cmds Papcmds[] = {
- "timeout", doppp_timeout, 0, 0, NULL,
- "try", doppp_try, 0, 0, NULL,
- "user", dopap_user, 0, 0, NULL,
- };
- int
- doppp_pap(argc,argv,p)
- int argc;
- char *argv[];
- void *p;
- {
- register struct iface *ifp = p;
- register struct ppp_s *ppp_p = ifp->edv;
- return subcmd(Papcmds, argc, argv, &(ppp_p->fsm[Pap]));
- }
- /* Set user/password */
- int
- dopap_user(argc,argv,p)
- int argc;
- char *argv[];
- void *p;
- {
- register struct fsm_s *fsm_p = p;
- register struct pap_s *pap_p = fsm_p->pdv;
- if (argc < 2) {
- printf("%sn",
- (pap_p->username == NULL) ? "None" : pap_p->username);
- return 0;
- }
- free(pap_p->username);
- pap_p->username = NULL;
- free(pap_p->password);
- pap_p->password = NULL;
- if (stricmp(argv[1],"none") != 0) {
- pap_p->username = strdup(argv[1]);
- if (argc > 2) {
- pap_p->password = strdup(argv[2]);
- } else {
- pap_pwdlookup( pap_p );
- }
- }
- return 0;
- }
- /****************************************************************************/
- /* Bring up a session on the console for for the username/password.
- * Return a NULL in either username or password if aborted.
- */
- static void
- pap_monitor(unused, v1, v2)
- int unused;
- void *v1;
- void *v2;
- {
- struct iface *iface = v1;
- struct fsm_s *fsm_p = v2;
- struct pap_s *pap_p = fsm_p->pdv;
- char buf[21];
- struct session *sp;
- int wait_code = 0;
- /* Allocate a session control block */
- if((sp = newsession("PPP/PAP",PPPPASS,1)) == NULL){
- printf("Too many sessionsn");
- return;
- }
- while ( !main_exit && wait_code == 0 ) {
- /* get user name */
- if (pap_p->username == NULL) {
- printf ("%s: PPP/PAP Username: ", iface->name);
- fflush(sp->output);
- if (fgets(buf,20,sp->input) != NULL) {
- rip(buf);
- if (strlen(buf) > 0) {
- pap_p->username = strdup(buf);
- }
- }
- } else {
- printf ("%s: PPP/PAP Username: %sn",
- iface->name, pap_p->username);
- fflush(sp->output);
- }
- /* get pass word */
- if (pap_p->username != NULL
- && pap_p->password == NULL) {
- /* turn off echo */
- sp->ttystate.echo = 0;
- printf("%s: PPP/PAP Password: ",iface->name);
- fflush(sp->output);
- if (fgets(buf,20,sp->input) != NULL) {
- rip(buf);
- if ( strlen(buf) > 0 ) {
- pap_p->password = strdup(buf);
- }
- }
- printf("n");
- fflush(sp->output);
- /* Turn echo back on */
- sp->ttystate.echo = 1;
- }
- /* send pap request */
- fsm_sendreq(fsm_p);
- wait_code = kwait ( pap_p );
- /* show ack/nak reply */
- if ( wait_code != EABORT && pap_p->message != NULL ) {
- printf ("%s: PPP/PAP %sn",
- iface->name, pap_p->message );
- }
- printf ( "n" );
- fflush(sp->output);
- }
- /* clean up */
- if ( wait_code != EABORT ) {
- ppause ( 10000L );
- }
- freesession(sp);
- pap_p->pp = NULL;
- }
- /* Check the FTP userfile for this user; get password if available */
- static void
- pap_pwdlookup(pap_p)
- struct pap_s *pap_p;
- {
- char *buf;
- char *password;
- int permission;
- if ( pap_p->username == NULL )
- return;
- if ( (buf = userlookup( pap_p->username, &password, NULL,
- &permission, NULL )) == NULL )
- return;
- /* Check permissions for this user */
- if ( (permission & PPP_PWD_LOOKUP) == 0 ) {
- /* Not in ftpuser file for password lookup */
- free(buf);
- return;
- }
- /* Save the password from this userfile record */
- if ( strlen(password) != 0 )
- pap_p->password = strdup(password);
- free(buf);
- }
- /*******************************************/
- /* Verify user and password sent by remote host */
- static int
- pap_verify(username,password)
- char *username;
- char *password;
- {
- int privs;
- char *path;
- int anony = 0;
- /* Use same login as FTP server */
- path = mallocw(128);
- privs = userlogin(username,password,&path,128,&anony);
- free(path);
- /* Check privs for this user */
- if (privs == -1) {
- trace_log(PPPiface,"PAP: username/password incorrect or not found: %s",
- username);
- return -1;
- }
- if ((privs & PPP_ACCESS_PRIV) == 0) {
- trace_log(PPPiface,"PAP: no permission for PPP access: %s",
- username);
- return -1;
- }
- return 0;
- }
- /****************************************************************************/
- /* Build a request to send to remote host */
- static struct mbuf *
- pap_makereq(fsm_p)
- struct fsm_s *fsm_p;
- {
- struct pap_s *pap_p = fsm_p->pdv;
- struct mbuf *req_bp = NULL;
- register uint8 *cp;
- int len;
- PPP_DEBUG_ROUTINES("pap_makereq()");
- if ( pap_p->username == NULL
- || pap_p->password == NULL ) {
- fsm_log( fsm_p, "NULL username or password" );
- return NULL;
- }
- trace_log(PPPiface, " making user id %s", pap_p->username);
- #endif
- /* Get buffer for authenticate request packet */
- len = 2 + strlen(pap_p->username) + strlen(pap_p->password);
- if ((req_bp = alloc_mbuf(len)) == NULL)
- return NULL;
- /* Load user id and password for authenticate packet */
- cp = req_bp->data;
- *cp++ = (uint8)strlen(pap_p->username);
- if ( strlen(pap_p->username) > 0 )
- cp = (uint8 *)stpcpy((char *)cp, pap_p->username);
- *cp++ = (char)strlen(pap_p->password);
- if ( strlen(pap_p->password) > 0 )
- cp = (uint8 *)stpcpy((char *)cp, pap_p->password);
- req_bp->cnt += len;
- return(req_bp);
- }
- /****************************************************************************/
- /* abandon PAP attempt; shutdown LCP layer */
- static void
- pap_shutdown(fsm_p)
- struct fsm_s *fsm_p;
- {
- struct ppp_s *ppp_p = fsm_p->ppp_p;
- PPP_DEBUG_ROUTINES("pap_shutdown()");
- if (PPPtrace > 1)
- fsm_log( fsm_p, "Failed; close connection" );
- fsm_close( &(ppp_p->fsm[Lcp]) );
- }
- /* Configuration negotiation complete */
- static void
- pap_opening(fsm_p, flag)
- struct fsm_s *fsm_p;
- int flag;
- {
- register struct ppp_s *ppp_p = fsm_p->ppp_p;
- fsm_log(fsm_p, "Open");
- stop_timer(&(fsm_p->timer));
- if ( !((fsm_p->flags &= ~flag) & (PPP_AP_LOCAL | PPP_AP_REMOTE)) ) {
- fsm_p->state = fsmOPENED;
- }
- ppp_p->flags &= ~flag;
- ppp_ready(ppp_p);
- }
- /****************************************************************************/
- /* Check request from remote host */
- static int
- pap_request(
- struct fsm_s *fsm_p,
- struct config_hdr *hdr,
- struct mbuf **data
- ){
- struct mbuf *reply_bp;
- int result;
- char *message;
- int mess_length;
- char *username = NULL;
- int userlen;
- char *password = NULL;
- int passwordlen;
- PPP_DEBUG_ROUTINES("pap_request()");
- /* Extract userID/password sent by remote host */
- if ( (userlen = pullchar(data)) != -1 ) {
- register int i;
- register char *cp;
- cp = username = mallocw(userlen+1);
- for ( i = userlen; i-- > 0; ) {
- *cp++ = PULLCHAR(data);
- }
- *cp = '';
- }
- trace_log(PPPiface," checking user: %s", username);
- #endif
- if ( (passwordlen = pullchar(data)) != -1 ) {
- register int i;
- register char *cp;
- cp = password = mallocw(passwordlen+1);
- for ( i = passwordlen; i-- > 0; ) {
- *cp++ = PULLCHAR(data);
- }
- *cp = '';
- }
- trace_log(PPPiface," checking password: %s", password);
- #endif
- if (pap_verify(username,password) == 0) {
- free( fsm_p->ppp_p->peername );
- fsm_p->ppp_p->peername = strdup(username);
- result = CONFIG_ACK;
- message = " Welcome";
- } else {
- result = CONFIG_NAK;
- message = " Invalid username or password";
- }
- /* the space at the beginning of the message is crucial */
- /* it is replaced with the length of the message */
- mess_length = strlen(message);
- reply_bp = qdata(message,mess_length);
- reply_bp->data[0] = (char)(mess_length - 1);
- fsm_send(fsm_p, result, hdr->id, &reply_bp);
- if (result == CONFIG_NAK) {
- if ( fsm_p->retry_nak > 0 ) {
- fsm_p->retry_nak--;
- } else {
- pap_shutdown(fsm_p);
- }
- }
- free_p(data);
- free(username);
- free(password);
- return (result != CONFIG_ACK);
- }
- /* Check acknowledgement from remote host */
- static int
- pap_check(
- struct fsm_s *fsm_p,
- struct config_hdr *hdr,
- struct mbuf **data
- ){
- struct pap_s *pap_p = fsm_p->pdv;
- char *message;
- int mess_length;
- int full_length;
- int len;
- PPP_DEBUG_ROUTINES("pap_check()");
- /* ID field must match last request we sent */
- if (hdr->id != fsm_p->lastid) {
- printf ("id mismatch hdrid=%d, lastid=%dn",
- hdr->id, fsm_p->lastid);
- free_p(data);
- return -1;
- }
- /* Log ASCII message from remote host, if any */
- if ( (mess_length = pullchar(data)) != -1 ) {
- message = mallocw( mess_length+1 );
- full_length = len_p(*data);
- len = pullup(data, message, mess_length);
- message[len] = '';
- free( pap_p->message );
- pap_p->message = message;
- if (PPPtrace) {
- trace_log(PPPiface,"%s PPP/PAP %s %s: %s",
- fsm_p->ppp_p->iface->name,
- (len < mess_length) ? "Short"
- : (mess_length < full_length) ? "Long"
- : "Valid",
- (hdr->code == CONFIG_ACK) ? "Ack" : "Nak",
- message);
- }
- return (len < mess_length || mess_length < full_length);
- }
- free_p(data);
- PPP_DEBUG_CHECKS( "PAP: missing message count" );
- return -1;
- }
- /************************************************************************/
- /* E V E N T P R O C E S S I N G */
- /************************************************************************/
- /* Process incoming packet */
- void
- pap_proc(
- struct fsm_s *fsm_p,
- struct mbuf **bpp
- ){
- struct pap_s *pap_p = fsm_p->pdv;
- struct config_hdr hdr;
- PPPtrace = fsm_p->ppp_p->trace;
- PPPiface = fsm_p->ppp_p->iface;
- if ( ntohcnf(&hdr, bpp) == -1 )
- fsm_log( fsm_p, "short authentication packet" );
- if (PPPtrace > 1)
- trace_log(PPPiface, "%s PPP/%s Recv,"
- " option: %s, id: %d, len: %d",
- fsm_p->ppp_p->iface->name,
- fsm_p->pdc->name,
- fsmCodes[hdr.code],
-, hdr.len);
- hdr.len -= CONFIG_HDR_LEN; /* Length includes envelope */
- trim_mbuf(bpp, hdr.len); /* Trim off padding */
- switch(hdr.code) {
- case CONFIG_REQ:
- if ( pap_request(fsm_p, &hdr, bpp) == 0) {
- pap_opening(fsm_p, PPP_AP_LOCAL);
- }
- break;
- case CONFIG_ACK:
- if (pap_check(fsm_p, &hdr, bpp) == 0) {
- alert ( pap_p->pp, -1 );
- pap_opening(fsm_p, PPP_AP_REMOTE);
- }
- break;
- case CONFIG_NAK:
- if (pap_check(fsm_p, &hdr, bpp) == 0) {
- stop_timer(&(fsm_p->timer));
- /* Must have sent a bad username or password */
- free ( pap_p->username );
- pap_p->username = NULL;
- free ( pap_p->password );
- pap_p->password = NULL;
- ksignal ( pap_p, 1 );
- }
- break;
- default:
- if (PPPtrace)
- trace_log(PPPiface, "%s PPP/Pap Unknown packet type: %d;"
- " dropping packet",
- fsm_p->ppp_p->iface->name,
- hdr.code);
- free_p(bpp);
- break;
- }
- }
- /* Timeout while waiting for reply from remote host */
- static void
- pap_timeout(vp)
- void *vp;
- {
- struct fsm_s *fsm_p = (struct fsm_s *)vp;
- struct pap_s *pap_p = fsm_p->pdv;
- PPPtrace = fsm_p->ppp_p->trace;
- PPPiface = fsm_p->ppp_p->iface;
- fsm_log( fsm_p, "Timeout" );
- if (fsm_p->retry > 0) {
- free ( pap_p->message );
- pap_p->message = strdup("Request timeout");
- ksignal ( pap_p, 1 );
- } else {
- free ( pap_p->message );
- pap_p->message = strdup("Request retry exceeded");
- ksignal ( pap_p, 1 );
- kwait ( NULL );
- fsm_log(fsm_p, "Request retry exceeded");
- pap_shutdown(fsm_p);
- }
- }
- /************************************************************************/
- /* I N I T I A L I Z A T I O N */
- /************************************************************************/
- void
- pap_down(fsm_p)
- struct fsm_s *fsm_p;
- {
- struct pap_s *pap_p = fsm_p->pdv;
- if ( pap_p == NULL )
- return;
- PPPtrace = fsm_p->ppp_p->trace;
- PPPiface = fsm_p->ppp_p->iface;
- fsm_log(fsm_p, "Down");
- fsm_p->flags = FALSE;
- switch ( fsm_p->state ) {
- case fsmREQ_Sent:
- stop_timer(&(fsm_p->timer));
- alert ( pap_p->pp, EABORT );
- /* fallthru */
- case fsmOPENED:
- case fsmLISTEN:
- case fsmTERM_Sent:
- fsm_p->state = fsmCLOSED;
- break;
- case fsmCLOSED:
- /* Already closed; nothing to do */
- break;
- };
- }
- static void
- pap_free(fsm_p)
- struct fsm_s *fsm_p;
- {
- struct pap_s *pap_p = fsm_p->pdv;
- free( pap_p->username );
- free( pap_p->password );
- free( pap_p->message );
- }
- /* Initialize configuration structure */
- void
- pap_init(ppp_p)
- struct ppp_s *ppp_p;
- {
- struct fsm_s *fsm_p = &(ppp_p->fsm[Pap]);
- struct timer *t;
- PPPtrace = ppp_p->trace;
- PPPiface = ppp_p->iface;
- PPP_DEBUG_ROUTINES("pap_init()");
- if (fsm_p->pdv != NULL)
- return; /* already initialized */
- fsm_p->ppp_p = ppp_p;
- fsm_p->pdc = &pap_constants;
- fsm_p->pdv = callocw(1,sizeof(struct pap_s));
- fsm_p->try_req = fsm_p->pdc->try_req;
- fsm_p->try_nak = fsm_p->pdc->try_nak;
- fsm_p->try_terminate = fsm_p->pdc->try_terminate;
- fsm_p->state = fsmCLOSED;
- fsm_p->retry = fsm_p->try_req;
- fsm_p->retry_nak = fsm_p->try_nak;
- /* Initialize timer */
- t = &(fsm_p->timer);
- t->func = (void (*)())pap_timeout;
- t->arg = (void *)fsm_p;
- set_timer(t, fsm_p->pdc->timeout);
- fsm_timer(fsm_p);
- stop_timer(t);
- }
- /* Initialize state machine for local */
- int
- pap_local(ppp_p)
- struct ppp_s *ppp_p;
- {
- struct fsm_s *fsm_p = &(ppp_p->fsm[Pap]);
- PPPtrace = ppp_p->trace;
- PPP_DEBUG_ROUTINES("pap_local()");
- fsm_p->state = fsmLISTEN;
- fsm_p->flags |= PPP_AP_LOCAL;
- ppp_p->flags |= PPP_AP_LOCAL;
- fsm_p->retry = fsm_p->try_req;
- return 0;
- }
- /* Initialize state machine for remote */
- int
- pap_remote(ppp_p)
- struct ppp_s *ppp_p;
- {
- struct fsm_s *fsm_p = &(ppp_p->fsm[Pap]);
- struct pap_s *pap_p = fsm_p->pdv;
- char *ifn;
- PPPtrace = ppp_p->trace;
- PPP_DEBUG_ROUTINES("pap_remote()");
- fsm_p->state = fsmREQ_Sent;
- fsm_p->flags |= PPP_AP_REMOTE;
- ppp_p->flags |= PPP_AP_REMOTE;
- /* build a process/session to monitor user/password progress */
- ifn = if_name( ppp_p->iface, " PAP" );
- pap_p->pp = newproc( ifn,
- 512, pap_monitor, 0, ppp_p->iface, fsm_p, 0);
- free( ifn );
- return 0;
- }