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Upload User: hepax88
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Code Size: 28k
TCP/IP Stack
Development Platform:
Visual C++
- /*
- * PPPIPCP.C -- negotiate IP parameters
- *
- * This implementation of PPP is declared to be in the public domain.
- *
- * Jan 91
- * Computer Systems Consulting Services
- *
- * Acknowledgements and correction history may be found in PPP.C
- */
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <ctype.h>
- #include <time.h>
- #include "global.h"
- #include "mbuf.h"
- #include "iface.h"
- #include "slhc.h"
- #include "ppp.h"
- #include "pppfsm.h"
- #include "pppipcp.h"
- #include "cmdparse.h"
- #include "files.h"
- #include "trace.h"
- /* These defaults are defined in the PPP RFCs, and must not be changed */
- static struct ipcp_value_s ipcp_default = {
- FALSE, /* no need to negotiate defaults */
- 0L, /* no source address */
- 0L, /* no destination address */
- 0, /* no compression protocol */
- 0, /* no slots */
- 0 /* no slot compression */
- };
- /* for test purposes, accept anything we understand */
- static uint16 ipcp_negotiate = IPCP_N_ADDRESS | IPCP_N_COMPRESS;
- static byte_t option_length[] = {
- 0, /* unused */
- 10, /* address */
- 6 /* compression */
- };
- static int doipcp_local(int argc, char *argv[], void *p);
- static int doipcp_open(int argc, char *argv[], void *p);
- static int doipcp_pool(int argc, char *argv[], void *p);
- static int doipcp_remote(int argc, char *argv[], void *p);
- static int doipcp_address(int argc, char *argv[], void *p);
- static int doipcp_compress(int argc, char *argv[], void *p);
- static int doipcp_default(int argc, char *argv[], void *p);
- static void ipcp_option(struct mbuf **bpp,
- struct ipcp_value_s *value_p,
- byte_t o_type,
- byte_t o_length,
- struct mbuf **copy_bpp);
- static void ipcp_makeoptions(struct mbuf **bpp,
- struct ipcp_value_s *value_p,
- uint16 negotiating);
- static struct mbuf *ipcp_makereq(struct fsm_s *fsm_p);
- static int ipcp_check(struct mbuf **bpp,
- struct ipcp_s *ipcp_p,
- struct ipcp_side_s *side_p,
- struct option_hdr *option_p,
- int request);
- static int ipcp_request(struct fsm_s *fsm_p,
- struct config_hdr *config,
- struct mbuf **data);
- static int ipcp_ack(struct fsm_s *fsm_p,
- struct config_hdr *config,
- struct mbuf **data);
- static int ipcp_nak(struct fsm_s *fsm_p,
- struct config_hdr *config,
- struct mbuf **data);
- static int ipcp_reject(struct fsm_s *fsm_p,
- struct config_hdr *config,
- struct mbuf **data);
- static void ipcp_reset(struct fsm_s *fsm_p);
- static int32 ipcp_addr_idle(int32 addr);
- static int32 ipcp_lookuppeer(char *peerid);
- static int32 ipcp_poolnext(struct ipcp_s *ipcp_p);
- static void ipcp_starting(struct fsm_s *fsm_p);
- static void ipcp_stopping(struct fsm_s *fsm_p);
- static void ipcp_closing(struct fsm_s *fsm_p);
- static void ipcp_opening(struct fsm_s *fsm_p);
- static void ipcp_free(struct fsm_s *fsm_p);
- static struct fsm_constant_s ipcp_constants = {
- "IPcp",
- 0x00FE, /* codes 1-7 recognized */
- IPcp,
- ipcp_free,
- ipcp_reset,
- ipcp_starting,
- ipcp_opening,
- ipcp_closing,
- ipcp_stopping,
- ipcp_makereq,
- ipcp_request,
- ipcp_ack,
- ipcp_nak,
- ipcp_reject,
- };
- /************************************************************************/
- /* "ppp <iface> ipcp" subcommands */
- static struct cmds IPcpcmds[] = {
- "close", doppp_close, 0, 0, NULL,
- "listen", doppp_passive, 0, 0, NULL,
- "local", doipcp_local, 0, 0, NULL,
- "open", doipcp_open, 0, 0, NULL,
- "pool", doipcp_pool, 0, 0, NULL,
- "remote", doipcp_remote, 0, 0, NULL,
- "timeout", doppp_timeout, 0, 0, NULL,
- "try", doppp_try, 0, 0, NULL,
- };
- /* "ppp <iface> ipcp {local | remote}" subcommands */
- static struct cmds IPcpside_cmds[] = {
- "address", doipcp_address, 0, 0, NULL,
- "compress", doipcp_compress,0, 0, NULL,
- "default", doipcp_default, 0, 0, NULL,
- };
- int
- doppp_ipcp(argc,argv,p)
- int argc;
- char *argv[];
- void *p;
- {
- register struct iface *ifp = p;
- register struct ppp_s *ppp_p = ifp->edv;
- return subcmd(IPcpcmds, argc, argv, &(ppp_p->fsm[IPcp]));
- }
- static int
- doipcp_local(argc,argv,p)
- int argc;
- char *argv[];
- void *p;
- {
- struct fsm_s *fsm_p = p;
- struct ipcp_s *ipcp_p = fsm_p->pdv;
- return subcmd(IPcpside_cmds, argc, argv, &(ipcp_p->local));
- }
- static int
- doipcp_open(argc,argv,p)
- int argc;
- char *argv[];
- void *p;
- {
- struct fsm_s *fsm_p = p;
- doppp_active( argc, argv, p );
- if ( fsm_p->ppp_p->phase == pppREADY ) {
- fsm_start( fsm_p );
- }
- return 0;
- }
- /* Set a pool of peer addresses for PPP interface */
- static int
- doipcp_pool(argc,argv,p)
- int argc;
- char *argv[];
- void *p;
- {
- struct fsm_s *fsm_p = p;
- struct ipcp_s *ipcp_p = fsm_p->pdv;
- int32 pool_addr;
- int pool_cnt;
- if (argc < 2) {
- if ( ipcp_p->peer_min == 0L ) {
- printf("None");
- } else {
- printf("%s thru ", inet_ntoa(ipcp_p->peer_min));
- printf("%sn", inet_ntoa(ipcp_p->peer_max));
- }
- return 0;
- }
- if ((pool_addr = resolve(argv[1])) == 0L) {
- printf(Badhost,argv[1]);
- }
- /* May specify a consecutive range of addresses; otherwise assume 1 */
- if (argc < 3)
- pool_cnt = 1;
- else
- pool_cnt = (int)strtol( argv[2], NULL, 0 );
- if (pool_cnt <= 0) {
- printf("Pool count %s (%d) must be > 0n");
- return -1;
- }
- ipcp_p->peer_min = pool_addr;
- ipcp_p->peer_max = pool_addr + pool_cnt - 1;
- return 0;
- }
- static int
- doipcp_remote(argc,argv,p)
- int argc;
- char *argv[];
- void *p;
- {
- struct fsm_s *fsm_p = p;
- struct ipcp_s *ipcp_p = fsm_p->pdv;
- return subcmd(IPcpside_cmds, argc, argv, &(ipcp_p->remote));
- }
- /************************************************************************/
- /* Set addresses for PPP interface */
- static int
- doipcp_address(argc,argv,p)
- int argc;
- char *argv[];
- void *p;
- {
- struct ipcp_side_s *side_p = p;
- int32 x32;
- if (argc < 2) {
- printf("%sn", inet_ntoa(side_p->want.address));
- return 0;
- } else if ( stricmp(argv[1],"allow") == 0 ) {
- return bit16cmd( &(side_p->will_negotiate), IPCP_N_ADDRESS,
- "Allow Address", --argc, &argv[1] );
- }
- if ((x32 = resolve(argv[1])) == 0L) {
- printf(Badhost,argv[1]);
- }
- side_p->want.address = x32;
- side_p->want.negotiate |= IPCP_N_ADDRESS;
- return 0;
- }
- /* Set IP compression type for PPP interface */
- static int
- doipcp_compress(argc,argv,p)
- int argc;
- char *argv[];
- void *p;
- {
- struct ipcp_side_s *side_p = p;
- if (argc < 2) {
- if ( side_p->want.negotiate & IPCP_N_COMPRESS ) {
- switch ( side_p->want.compression ) {
- printf("TCP header compression enabled; "
- "Slots = %d, slot compress = %xn",
- side_p->want.slots,
- side_p->want.slot_compress);
- break;
- default:
- printf("0x%04xn", side_p->want.compression);
- break;
- };
- } else {
- printf("Nonen");
- }
- } else if ( stricmp(argv[1],"allow") == 0 ) {
- return bit16cmd( &(side_p->will_negotiate), IPCP_N_COMPRESS,
- "Allow Compression", --argc, &argv[1] );
- } else if ( stricmp(argv[1],"tcp") == 0
- || stricmp(argv[1],"vj") == 0 ) {
- side_p->want.compression = PPP_COMPR_PROTOCOL;
- if ( argc >= 3 ) {
- side_p->want.slots = strtol(argv[2],NULL,0);
- if ( side_p->want.slots < 1 || side_p->want.slots > 255 ) {
- printf( "slots must be in range 1 to 255" );
- return 1;
- }
- } else {
- side_p->want.slots = IPCP_SLOT_DEFAULT;
- }
- if ( argc >= 4 ) {
- side_p->want.slot_compress = strtol(argv[3],NULL,0);
- } else {
- side_p->want.slot_compress = IPCP_SLOT_COMPRESS;
- }
- side_p->want.negotiate |= IPCP_N_COMPRESS;
- } else if (stricmp(argv[1],"none") == 0) {
- side_p->want.negotiate &= ~IPCP_N_COMPRESS;
- } else {
- printf("allow tcp nonen");
- return 1;
- }
- return 0;
- }
- static int
- doipcp_default(argc,argv,p)
- int argc;
- char *argv[];
- void *p;
- {
- struct ipcp_side_s *side_p = p;
- ASSIGN( side_p->want, ipcp_default );
- return 0;
- }
- /************************************************************************/
- /* E V E N T P R O C E S S I N G */
- /************************************************************************/
- static void
- ipcp_option( bpp, value_p, o_type, o_length, copy_bpp )
- struct mbuf **bpp;
- struct ipcp_value_s *value_p;
- byte_t o_type;
- byte_t o_length;
- struct mbuf **copy_bpp;
- {
- struct mbuf *bp;
- register uint8 *cp;
- register int toss = o_length - OPTION_HDR_LEN;
- if ((bp = alloc_mbuf(o_length)) == NULL) {
- return;
- }
- cp = bp->data;
- *cp++ = o_type;
- *cp++ = o_length;
- switch ( o_type ) {
- cp = put32(cp, value_p->address);
- cp = put32(cp, value_p->other);
- toss -= 8;
- if (PPPtrace & PPP_DEBUG_OPTIONS) {
- trace_log(PPPiface, " making IP source address: %s",
- inet_ntoa(value_p->address));
- trace_log(PPPiface, " making IP destination address %s",
- inet_ntoa(value_p->other));
- }
- #endif
- break;
- cp = put16(cp, value_p->compression);
- toss -= 2;
- trace_log(PPPiface, " making IP compression 0x%04x",
- value_p->compression);
- #endif
- if ( value_p->compression == PPP_COMPR_PROTOCOL ) {
- *cp++ = value_p->slots - 1;
- *cp++ = value_p->slot_compress;
- toss -= 2;
- trace_log(PPPiface, " with IP compression slots %d, flag %x",
- value_p->slots,
- value_p->slot_compress);
- #endif
- }
- break;
- default:
- trace_log(PPPiface, " making unimplemented type %d", o_type);
- #endif
- break;
- };
- while ( toss-- > 0 ) {
- *cp++ = pullchar(copy_bpp);
- }
- bp->cnt += o_length;
- append(bpp, &bp);
- }
- /************************************************************************/
- /* Build a list of options */
- static void
- ipcp_makeoptions(bpp, value_p, negotiating)
- struct mbuf **bpp;
- struct ipcp_value_s *value_p;
- uint16 negotiating;
- {
- register int o_type;
- PPP_DEBUG_ROUTINES("ipcp_makeoptions()");
- for ( o_type = 1; o_type <= IPCP_OPTION_LIMIT; o_type++ ) {
- if (negotiating & (1 << o_type)) {
- ipcp_option( bpp, value_p,
- o_type, option_length[ o_type ], NULL);
- }
- }
- }
- /************************************************************************/
- /* Build a request to send to remote host */
- static struct mbuf *
- ipcp_makereq(fsm_p)
- struct fsm_s *fsm_p;
- {
- struct ipcp_s *ipcp_p = fsm_p->pdv;
- struct mbuf *req_bp = NULL;
- PPP_DEBUG_ROUTINES("ipcp_makereq()");
- ipcp_makeoptions( &req_bp, &(ipcp_p->,
- ipcp_p-> );
- return(req_bp);
- }
- /************************************************************************/
- /* Check the options, updating the working values.
- * Returns -1 if ran out of data, ACK/NAK/REJ as appropriate.
- */
- static int
- ipcp_check( bpp, ipcp_p, side_p, option_p, request )
- struct mbuf **bpp;
- struct ipcp_s *ipcp_p;
- struct ipcp_side_s *side_p;
- struct option_hdr *option_p;
- int request;
- {
- int toss = option_p->len - OPTION_HDR_LEN;
- int option_result = CONFIG_ACK; /* Assume good values */
- int test;
- switch(option_p->type) {
- side_p->work.address = pull32(bpp);
- side_p->work.other = pull32(bpp);
- toss -= 8;
- if (PPPtrace & PPP_DEBUG_OPTIONS) {
- trace_log(PPPiface, " checking IP source address: %s",
- inet_ntoa(side_p->work.address));
- trace_log(PPPiface, " checking IP destination address %s",
- inet_ntoa(side_p->work.other));
- }
- #endif
- if ( !request ) {
- /* override any undesirable changes */
- if (ipcp_p->remote.want.address != 0L) {
- ipcp_p->
- = ipcp_p->remote.want.address;
- }
- if (ipcp_p->local.want.address != 0L) {
- ipcp_p->
- = ipcp_p->local.want.address;
- }
- break;
- }
- /* Ensure that addresses match */
- if (ipcp_p-> == ipcp_p->remote.want.address) {
- if (ipcp_p->remote.want.address == 0L) {
- /* don't know address either */
- option_result = CONFIG_REJ;
- }
- } else if (ipcp_p->remote.want.address == 0L) {
- ipcp_p-> = ipcp_p->;
- } else {
- ipcp_p-> = ipcp_p->remote.want.address;
- option_result = CONFIG_NAK;
- }
- if (ipcp_p-> == ipcp_p->local.want.address) {
- if (ipcp_p->local.want.address == 0L) {
- /* don't know address either */
- option_result = CONFIG_REJ;
- }
- } else if (ipcp_p->local.want.address == 0L) {
- ipcp_p-> = ipcp_p->;
- } else {
- option_result = CONFIG_NAK;
- ipcp_p-> = ipcp_p->local.want.address;
- }
- break;
- side_p->work.compression = pull16(bpp);
- toss -= 2;
- trace_log(PPPiface, " checking IP compression 0x%04x",
- side_p->work.compression);
- #endif
- /* Check if requested type is acceptable */
- switch ( side_p->work.compression ) {
- if ( (test = pullchar(bpp)) == -1 ) {
- return -1;
- }
- if ( (side_p->work.slots = test + 1) < IPCP_SLOT_LO) {
- side_p->work.slots = IPCP_SLOT_LO;
- option_result = CONFIG_NAK;
- } else if (side_p->work.slots > IPCP_SLOT_HI) {
- side_p->work.slots = IPCP_SLOT_HI;
- option_result = CONFIG_NAK;
- }
- if ( (test = pullchar(bpp)) == -1 ) {
- return -1;
- }
- if ( (side_p->work.slot_compress = test) > 1 ) {
- side_p->work.slot_compress = 1;
- option_result = CONFIG_NAK;
- }
- toss -= 2;
- trace_log(PPPiface, " with IP compression slots %d, flag %x",
- side_p->work.slots,
- side_p->work.slot_compress);
- #endif
- break;
- default:
- if ( side_p->want.negotiate & IPCP_N_COMPRESS ) {
- side_p->work.compression = side_p->want.compression;
- side_p->work.slots = side_p->want.slots;
- side_p->work.slot_compress = side_p->want.slot_compress;
- } else {
- side_p->work.compression = PPP_COMPR_PROTOCOL;
- side_p->work.slots = IPCP_SLOT_DEFAULT;
- side_p->work.slot_compress = IPCP_SLOT_COMPRESS;
- }
- option_result = CONFIG_NAK;
- break;
- };
- break;
- default:
- option_result = CONFIG_REJ;
- break;
- };
- if (option_p->type > IPCP_OPTION_LIMIT
- || !(side_p->will_negotiate & (1 << option_p->type))) {
- option_result = CONFIG_REJ;
- }
- if ( toss < 0 )
- return -1;
- if ( !request && toss > 0 ) {
- /* toss extra bytes in option */
- while( toss-- > 0 ) {
- if ( pullchar(bpp) == -1 )
- return -1;
- }
- }
- return (option_result);
- }
- /************************************************************************/
- /* Check options requested by the remote host */
- static int
- ipcp_request(
- struct fsm_s *fsm_p,
- struct config_hdr *config,
- struct mbuf **data
- ){
- struct ipcp_s *ipcp_p = fsm_p->pdv;
- int32 signed_length = config->len;
- struct mbuf *reply_bp = NULL; /* reply packet */
- int reply_result = CONFIG_ACK; /* reply to request */
- uint16 desired; /* desired to negotiate */
- struct option_hdr option; /* option header storage */
- int option_result; /* option reply */
- PPP_DEBUG_ROUTINES("ipcp_request()");
- ipcp_p-> = FALSE; /* clear flags */
- /* Process options requested by remote host */
- while (signed_length > 0 && ntohopt(&option, data) != -1) {
- if ((signed_length -= option.len) < 0) {
- PPP_DEBUG_CHECKS("IPCP REQ: bad header length");
- free_p(data);
- free_p(&reply_bp);
- return -1;
- }
- if ( ( option_result = ipcp_check( data, ipcp_p,
- &(ipcp_p->remote), &option, TRUE ) ) == -1 ) {
- PPP_DEBUG_CHECKS("IPCP REQ: ran out of data");
- free_p(data);
- free_p(&reply_bp);
- return -1;
- }
- if (PPPtrace & PPP_DEBUG_OPTIONS) {
- trace_log(PPPiface, "IPCP REQ: result %s, option %d, length %d",
- fsmCodes[option_result],
- option.type,
- option.len);
- }
- #endif
- if ( option_result < reply_result ) {
- continue;
- } else if ( option_result > reply_result ) {
- /* Discard current list of replies */
- free_p(&reply_bp);
- reply_bp = NULL;
- reply_result = option_result;
- }
- /* remember that we processed option */
- if ( option_result != CONFIG_REJ
- && option.type <= IPCP_OPTION_LIMIT ) {
- ipcp_p-> |= (1 << option.type);
- }
- /* Add option response to the return list */
- ipcp_option( &reply_bp, &(ipcp_p->,
- option.type, option.len, data );
- }
- /* Now check for any missing options which are desired */
- if ( fsm_p->retry_nak > 0
- && (desired = ipcp_p->remote.want.negotiate
- & ~ipcp_p-> != 0 ) {
- switch ( reply_result ) {
- case CONFIG_ACK:
- free_p(&reply_bp);
- reply_bp = NULL;
- reply_result = CONFIG_NAK;
- /* fallthru */
- case CONFIG_NAK:
- ipcp_makeoptions( &reply_bp, &(ipcp_p->remote.want),
- desired );
- fsm_p->retry_nak--;
- break;
- case CONFIG_REJ:
- /* do nothing */
- break;
- };
- } else if ( reply_result == CONFIG_NAK ) {
- /* if too many NAKs, reject instead */
- if ( fsm_p->retry_nak > 0 )
- fsm_p->retry_nak--;
- else
- reply_result = CONFIG_REJ;
- }
- /* Send ACK/NAK/REJ to remote host */
- fsm_send(fsm_p, reply_result, config->id, &reply_bp);
- free_p(data);
- return (reply_result != CONFIG_ACK);
- }
- /************************************************************************/
- /* Process configuration ACK sent by remote host */
- static int
- ipcp_ack(
- struct fsm_s *fsm_p,
- struct config_hdr *config,
- struct mbuf **data
- ){
- struct mbuf *req_bp;
- int error = FALSE;
- PPP_DEBUG_ROUTINES("ipcp_ack()");
- /* ID field must match last request we sent */
- if (config->id != fsm_p->lastid) {
- free_p(data);
- return -1;
- }
- /* Get a copy of last request we sent */
- req_bp = ipcp_makereq(fsm_p);
- /* Overall buffer length should match */
- if (config->len != len_p(req_bp)) {
- PPP_DEBUG_CHECKS("IPCP ACK: buffer length mismatch");
- error = TRUE;
- } else {
- register int req_char;
- register int ack_char;
- /* Each byte should match */
- while ((req_char = pullchar(&req_bp)) != -1) {
- if ((ack_char = pullchar(data)) == -1
- || ack_char != req_char ) {
- PPP_DEBUG_CHECKS("IPCP ACK: data mismatch");
- error = TRUE;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- free_p(&req_bp);
- free_p(data);
- if (error) {
- return -1;
- }
- return 0;
- }
- /************************************************************************/
- /* Process configuration NAK sent by remote host */
- static int
- ipcp_nak(
- struct fsm_s *fsm_p,
- struct config_hdr *config,
- struct mbuf **data
- ){
- struct ipcp_s *ipcp_p = fsm_p->pdv;
- struct ipcp_side_s *local_p = &(ipcp_p->local);
- int32 signed_length = config->len;
- struct option_hdr option;
- int last_option = 0;
- int result;
- PPP_DEBUG_ROUTINES("ipcp_nak()");
- /* ID field must match last request we sent */
- if (config->id != fsm_p->lastid) {
- free_p(data);
- return -1;
- }
- /* First, process in order. Then, process extra "important" options */
- while (signed_length > 0 && ntohopt(&option, data) != -1) {
- if ((signed_length -= option.len) < 0) {
- PPP_DEBUG_CHECKS("IPCP NAK: bad header length");
- free_p(data);
- return -1;
- }
- if ( option.type > IPCP_OPTION_LIMIT ) {
- PPP_DEBUG_CHECKS("IPCP NAK: option out of range");
- } else if ( option.type < last_option
- || !(local_p->work.negotiate & (1 << option.type)) ) {
- if (local_p->work.negotiate & (1 << option.type)) {
- PPP_DEBUG_CHECKS("IPCP NAK: option out of order");
- free_p(data);
- return -1; /* was requested */
- }
- local_p->work.negotiate |= (1 << option.type);
- last_option = IPCP_OPTION_LIMIT + 1;
- } else {
- last_option = option.type;
- }
- if ( ( result = ipcp_check( data, ipcp_p,
- local_p, &option, FALSE ) ) == -1 ) {
- PPP_DEBUG_CHECKS("IPCP NAK: ran out of data");
- free_p(data);
- return -1;
- }
- /* update the negotiation status */
- if ( result == CONFIG_REJ
- && option.type <= IPCP_OPTION_LIMIT ) {
- local_p->work.negotiate &= ~(1 << option.type);
- }
- }
- free_p(data);
- return 0;
- }
- /************************************************************************/
- /* Process configuration reject sent by remote host */
- static int
- ipcp_reject(
- struct fsm_s *fsm_p,
- struct config_hdr *config,
- struct mbuf **data
- ){
- struct ipcp_s *ipcp_p = fsm_p->pdv;
- struct ipcp_side_s *local_p = &(ipcp_p->local);
- int32 signed_length = config->len;
- struct option_hdr option;
- int last_option = 0;
- PPP_DEBUG_ROUTINES("ipcp_reject()");
- /* ID field must match last request we sent */
- if (config->id != fsm_p->lastid) {
- free_p(data);
- return -1;
- }
- /* Process in order, checking for errors */
- while (signed_length > 0 && ntohopt(&option, data) != -1) {
- register int k;
- if ((signed_length -= option.len) < 0) {
- PPP_DEBUG_CHECKS("IPCP REJ: bad header length");
- free_p(data);
- return -1;
- }
- if ( option.type > IPCP_OPTION_LIMIT ) {
- PPP_DEBUG_CHECKS("IPCP REJ: option out of range");
- } else if (option.type < last_option
- || !(local_p->work.negotiate & (1 << option.type))) {
- PPP_DEBUG_CHECKS("IPCP REJ: option out of order");
- free_p(data);
- return -1;
- }
- for ( k = option.len - OPTION_HDR_LEN; k-- > 0; ) {
- if ( pullchar(data) == -1 ) {
- PPP_DEBUG_CHECKS("IPCP REJ: ran out of data");
- free_p(data);
- return -1;
- }
- }
- last_option = option.type;
- if ( option.type <= IPCP_OPTION_LIMIT ) {
- local_p->work.negotiate &= ~(1 << option.type);
- }
- }
- free_p(data);
- return 0;
- }
- /************************************************************************/
- /* I N I T I A L I Z A T I O N */
- /************************************************************************/
- /* Reset configuration options before request */
- static void
- ipcp_reset(fsm_p)
- struct fsm_s *fsm_p;
- {
- struct ipcp_s *ipcp_p = fsm_p->pdv;
- PPP_DEBUG_ROUTINES("ipcp_reset()");
- ASSIGN( ipcp_p->, ipcp_p->local.want );
- ipcp_p-> = ipcp_p->remote.want.address;
- ipcp_p->local.will_negotiate |= ipcp_p->local.want.negotiate;
- ipcp_p-> = FALSE;
- ipcp_p->remote.will_negotiate |= ipcp_p->remote.want.negotiate;
- }
- /************************************************************************/
- /* After termination */
- static void
- ipcp_stopping(fsm_p)
- struct fsm_s *fsm_p;
- {
- PPP_DEBUG_ROUTINES("ipcp_stopping()");
- }
- /************************************************************************/
- /* Close IPCP */
- static void
- ipcp_closing(fsm_p)
- struct fsm_s *fsm_p;
- {
- struct ipcp_s *ipcp_p = fsm_p->pdv;
- /* free old slhc configuration, if any */
- slhc_free( ipcp_p->slhcp );
- ipcp_p->slhcp = NULL;
- #ifdef notdef
- if (PPPtrace > 1)
- trace_log(PPPiface,"%s PPP/IPCP Drop route to peer (%s)",
- ifp->name,
- inet_ntoa(ipcp_p->;
- rt_drop(ipcp_p->, (unsigned int)32);
- #endif
- }
- /************************************************************************/
- /* configuration negotiation complete */
- static void
- ipcp_opening(fsm_p)
- struct fsm_s *fsm_p;
- {
- struct ipcp_s *ipcp_p = fsm_p->pdv;
- struct iface *ifp = fsm_p->ppp_p->iface;
- int32 address = ipcp_p->;
- int rslots = 0;
- int tslots = 0;
- /* Set our IP address to reflect negotiated option */
- if (address != ifp->addr) {
- /* address not the same as last time */
- if (Ip_addr == 0L) {
- /* no global address */
- Ip_addr = address;
- } else if ( Ip_addr == ifp->addr ) {
- /* global was same as local; must be replaced */
- /* !!! TO DO: reset tcp connections */
- Ip_addr = address;
- }
- ifp->addr = address;
- if (PPPtrace > 1)
- trace_log(PPPiface,"%s PPP/IPCP Setting new IP address: %s",
- ifp->name,
- inet_ntoa(address));
- }
- #ifdef notdef
- rt_add(ipcp_p->, (unsigned int)32, (int32)0,
- ifp, (int32)1, (int32)0, (char)1);
- if (PPPtrace > 1)
- trace_log(PPPiface,"%s PPP/IPCP Add route to peer (%s)",
- ifp->name,
- inet_ntoa(ipcp_p->;
- #endif
- /* free old slhc configuration, if any */
- slhc_free( ipcp_p->slhcp );
- ipcp_p->slhcp = NULL;
- if (ipcp_p-> & IPCP_N_COMPRESS) {
- rslots = ipcp_p->;
- }
- if (ipcp_p-> & IPCP_N_COMPRESS) {
- tslots = ipcp_p->;
- }
- if ( rslots != 0 || tslots != 0 ) {
- ipcp_p->slhcp = slhc_init( rslots, tslots );
- if (PPPtrace > 1)
- trace_log(PPPiface,"%s PPP/IPCP Compression enabled;"
- " Recv slots = %d, flag = %x;"
- " Xmit slots = %d, flag = %x",
- ifp->name,
- rslots,
- ipcp_p->,
- tslots,
- ipcp_p->;
- }
- }
- /************************************************************************/
- /* Check the address against all other assigned addresses */
- static int32
- ipcp_addr_idle(addr)
- int32 addr;
- {
- struct iface *ifp;
- /* Check if peer IP address is already in use on another interface */
- /* !!! need to look at *remote* address, not local! */
- for (ifp=Ifaces; ifp != NULL; ifp = ifp->next) {
- if (ifp->addr == addr)
- return 0L;
- }
- return addr;
- }
- /************************************************************************/
- /* Assign the next unused address from a pool */
- static int32
- ipcp_poolnext(ipcp_p)
- struct ipcp_s *ipcp_p;
- {
- int32 i = 1L + ipcp_p->peer_max - ipcp_p->peer_min;
- int32 nextaddr = 0L;
- while ( i-- > 0 && nextaddr == 0L ) {
- if (++ipcp_p->local.want.other < ipcp_p->peer_min
- || ipcp_p->local.want.other > ipcp_p->peer_max)
- ipcp_p->local.want.other = ipcp_p->peer_min;
- nextaddr = ipcp_addr_idle(ipcp_p->local.want.other);
- }
- return(nextaddr);
- }
- /************************************************************************/
- /* Check if we have a specific IP address to assign to remote peer host */
- /* !!! TO DO: subnet mask, and routing */
- static int32
- ipcp_lookuppeer(peerid)
- char *peerid;
- {
- char *buf;
- int32 peer_addr = 0L;
- if (peerid == NULL)
- return 0L;
- if ( (buf = userlookup( peerid, NULL, NULL,
- NULL, &peer_addr )) != NULL ) {
- free(buf);
- }
- return(peer_addr);
- }
- /************************************************************************/
- /* Prepare to begin configuration exchange */
- static void
- ipcp_starting(fsm_p)
- struct fsm_s *fsm_p;
- {
- struct ipcp_s *ipcp_p = fsm_p->pdv;
- PPP_DEBUG_ROUTINES("ipcp_starting()");
- /* If not already set, and we know the name of the peer,
- * look in login file for an address
- */
- if ( ipcp_p->remote.want.address == 0L ){
- ipcp_p->remote.want.address
- = ipcp_lookuppeer(fsm_p->ppp_p->peername);
- }
- /* If available, get next address from PPP pool */
- if ((ipcp_p->remote.want.address == 0L)
- && (ipcp_p->peer_min != 0L)) {
- ipcp_p->remote.want.address = ipcp_poolnext(ipcp_p);
- }
- ipcp_p->local.want.address = fsm_p->ppp_p->iface->addr;
- }
- /************************************************************************/
- static void
- ipcp_free(fsm_p)
- struct fsm_s *fsm_p;
- {
- struct ipcp_s *ipcp_p = fsm_p->pdv;
- slhc_free( ipcp_p->slhcp );
- }
- /* Initialize configuration structure */
- void
- ipcp_init(ppp_p)
- struct ppp_s *ppp_p;
- {
- struct fsm_s *fsm_p = &(ppp_p->fsm[IPcp]);
- struct ipcp_s *ipcp_p;
- PPPtrace = ppp_p->trace;
- PPPiface = ppp_p->iface;
- PPP_DEBUG_ROUTINES("ipcp_init()");
- fsm_p->ppp_p = ppp_p;
- fsm_p->pdc = &ipcp_constants;
- fsm_p->pdv =
- ipcp_p = callocw(1,sizeof(struct ipcp_s));
- /* Set option parameters to first request defaults */
- ASSIGN( ipcp_p->local.want, ipcp_default );
- ipcp_p->local.will_negotiate = ipcp_negotiate;
- ASSIGN( ipcp_p->remote.want, ipcp_default );
- ASSIGN( ipcp_p->, ipcp_default);
- ipcp_p->remote.will_negotiate = ipcp_negotiate;
- fsm_init(fsm_p);
- }