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Package: [view]
Upload User: hepax88
Upload Date: 2007-01-03
Package Size: 1101k
Code Size: 30k
TCP/IP Stack
Development Platform:
Visual C++
- /*
- * Version with Stopwatches
- *
- * 0 - Not used
- * 1 - rx_fsm run time
- * 2 - drtx_active run time (per character tx time)
- *
- * Interface driver for the DRSI board for KA9Q's TCP/IP on an IBM-PC ONLY!
- *
- * Derived from a driver written by Art Goldman, WA3CVG
- * (c) Copyright 1987 All Rights Reserved
- * Permission for non-commercial use is hereby granted provided this notice
- * is retained. For info call: (301) 997-3838.
- *
- * Heavily re-written from the original, a driver for the EAGLE board into
- * a driver for the DRSI PC* Packet adpator. Copyright as original, all
- * amendments likewise providing credit given and notice retained.
- * Stu Phillips - N6TTO, W6/G8HQA (yes Virginia, really !).
- * For info call: (408) 285-4142
- *
- * This driver supports 1 (one) DRSI board.
- *
- * Reformatted and added ANSI-style declarations, integrated into NOS
- * by KA9Q, 10/14/89
- *
- * Latest set of defect fixes added 1/2/90 by N6TTO
- * 1. Made P-PERSIST work properly
- * 2. Fixed UNDERRUN bug when in DEFER state
- * 3. Tx now defers correctly when DCD is high (!)
- *
- * Changed 3/4/90 by N6TTO
- * Changed method of enabling the IRQ to the 8259 to call maskon()
- * instead of clrbit(); change made to allow interrupts > 8 to work
- * on an AT.
- *
- * Changed 11/14/90 by N6TTO
- * Fixed incompatiblity between current NOS memory allocation scheme
- * and changes made to speed up drsi transmit state machine.
- *
- */
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <dos.h>
- #include <time.h>
- #include "global.h"
- #include "mbuf.h"
- #include "iface.h"
- #include "pktdrvr.h"
- #include "netuser.h"
- #include "drsi.h"
- #include "ax25.h"
- #include "trace.h"
- #include "nospc.h"
- #include "z8530.h"
- #include "devparam.h"
- static int32 dr_ctl(struct iface *iface,int cmd,int set,int32 val);
- static int dr_raw(struct iface *iface,struct mbuf **bpp);
- static int dr_stop(struct iface *iface);
- static void dr_wake(struct drchan *hp,int rx_or_tx,
- void (*routine)(struct drchan *),int ticks);
- static int drchanparam(struct drchan *hp);
- static void drexint(struct drchan *hp);
- static void drinitctc(unsigned port);
- static void drrx_active(struct drchan *hp);
- static void drrx_enable(struct drchan *hp);
- static void drtx_active(struct drchan *hp);
- static void drtx_defer(struct drchan *hp);
- static void drtx_downtx(struct drchan *hp);
- static void drtx_flagout(struct drchan *hp);
- static void drtx_idle(struct drchan *hp);
- static void drtx_rrts(struct drchan *hp);
- static void drtx_tfirst(struct drchan *hp);
- static char read_ctc(unsigned port,unsigned reg);
- static void rx_fsm(struct drchan *hp);
- static void tx_fsm(struct drchan *hp);
- static void write_ctc(uint16 port,uint8 reg,uint8 val);
- struct DRTAB Drsi[DRMAX]; /* Device table - one entry per card */
- INTERRUPT (*Drhandle[])(void) = { dr0vec }; /* handler interrupt vector table */
- struct drchan Drchan[2*DRMAX]; /* channel table - 2 entries per card */
- uint16 Drnbr;
- /* Set specified routine to be 'woken' up after specified number
- * of ticks (allows CPU to be freed up and reminders posted);
- */
- static void
- dr_wake(hp, rx_or_tx, routine, ticks)
- struct drchan *hp;
- int rx_or_tx;
- void (*routine)(struct drchan *);
- int ticks;
- {
- hp->w[rx_or_tx].wcall = routine;
- hp->w[rx_or_tx].wakecnt = ticks;
- }
- /* Master interrupt handler. One interrupt at a time is handled.
- * here. Service routines are called from here.
- */
- INTERRUPT (far *(drint)(dev))()
- int dev;
- {
- register char st;
- register uint16 pcbase, i;
- struct drchan *hpa,*hpb;
- struct DRTAB *dp;
- dp = &Drsi[dev];
- dp->ints++;
- pcbase = dp->addr;
- hpa = &Drchan[2 * dev];
- hpb = &Drchan[(2 * dev)+1];
- yuk:
- /* Check CTC for timer interrupt */
- st = read_ctc(pcbase, Z8536_CSR3);
- if(st & Z_IP){
- /* Reset interrupt pending */
- write_ctc(pcbase, Z8536_CSR3, Z_CIP|Z_GCB);
- for(i=0;i<=1;i++){
- if(hpa->w[i].wakecnt){
- if(--hpa->w[i].wakecnt == 0){
- (hpa->w[i].wcall)(hpa);
- }
- }
- if(hpb->w[i].wakecnt){
- if(--hpb->w[i].wakecnt == 0){
- (hpb->w[i].wcall)(hpb);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- /* Check the SIO for interrupts */
- /* Read interrupt status register from channel A */
- while((st = read_scc(pcbase+CHANA+CTL,R3)) != 0){
- /* Use IFs to process ALL interrupts pending
- * because we need to check all interrupt conditions
- */
- if(st & CHARxIP){
- /* Channel A Rcv Interrupt Pending */
- rx_fsm(hpa);
- }
- if(st & CHBRxIP){
- /* Channel B Rcv Interrupt Pending */
- rx_fsm(hpb);
- }
- if(st & CHATxIP){
- /* Channel A Transmit Int Pending */
- tx_fsm(hpa);
- }
- if(st & CHBTxIP){
- /* Channel B Transmit Int Pending */
- tx_fsm(hpb);
- }
- if(st & CHAEXT){
- /* Channel A External Status Int */
- drexint(hpa);
- }
- if(st & CHBEXT){
- /* Channel B External Status Int */
- drexint(hpb);
- }
- /* Reset highest interrupt under service */
- write_scc(hpa->base+CTL,R0,RES_H_IUS);
- } /* End of while loop on int processing */
- if(read_ctc(pcbase, Z8536_CSR3) & Z_IP)
- goto yuk;
- return dp->chain ? dp->oldvec : NULL;
- }
- /* DRSI SIO External/Status interrupts
- * This can be caused by a receiver abort, or a Tx UNDERRUN/EOM.
- * Receiver automatically goes to Hunt on an abort.
- *
- * If the Tx Underrun interrupt hits, change state and
- * issue a reset command for it, and return.
- */
- static void
- drexint(hp)
- register struct drchan *hp;
- {
- register int base = hp->base;
- char st;
- int i_state;
- i_state = dirps();
- hp->exints++;
- st = read_scc(base+CTL,R0); /* Fetch status */
- /* Check for Tx UNDERRUN/EOM - only in Transmit Mode */
- /* Note that the TxEOM bit remains set once we go */
- /* back to receive. The following qualifications */
- /* are necessary to prevent an aborted frame causing */
- /* a queued transmit frame to be tossed when in */
- /* DEFER state on transmit. */
- if((hp->tstate != DEFER) && (hp->rstate==0) && (st & TxEOM)){
- if(hp->tstate != UNDERRUN){
- /* This is an unexpected underrun. Discard the current
- * frame (there's no way to rewind), kill the transmitter
- * and return to receive with a wakeup posted to get the
- * next (if any) frame. Any recovery will have to be done
- * by higher level protocols (yuk).
- */
- write_scc(base, R5, Tx8|DTR); /* Tx off now */
- write_scc(base, R1, 0); /* Prevent ext.status int */
- write_scc(base, R0, RES_Tx_P); /* Reset Tx int pending */
- write_scc(base, R0, ERR_RES);
- write_scc(base, R0, RES_EOM_L); /* Reset underrun latch */
- free_p(&hp->sndbuf);
- hp->tstate = IDLE;
- hp->tx_state = drtx_idle;
- dr_wake(hp, TX, tx_fsm, hp->slotime);
- hp->rstate = ENABLE;
- hp->rx_state = drrx_enable;
- drrx_enable(hp);
- }
- }
- /* Receive Mode only
- * This triggers when hunt mode is entered, & since an ABORT
- * automatically enters hunt mode, we use that to clean up
- * any waiting garbage
- */
- if((hp->rstate != IDLE) && (st & BRK_ABRT)){
- if(hp->rcvbuf != NULL){
- hp->rcp = hp->rcvbuf->data;
- hp->rcvbuf->cnt = 0;
- }
- while(read_scc(base,R0) & Rx_CH_AV)
- (void) inportb(base+DATA);
- hp->aborts++;
- hp->rstate = ACTIVE;
- write_scc(base, R0, ERR_RES);
- }
- /* reset external status latch */
- write_scc(base,R0,RES_EXT_INT);
- restore(i_state);
- }
- /* Receive Finite State Machine - dispatcher */
- static void
- rx_fsm(hp)
- struct drchan *hp;
- {
- int i_state;
- i_state = dirps();
- hp->rxints++;
- (*hp->rx_state)(hp);
- restore(i_state);
- }
- /* drrx_enable
- * Receive ENABLE state processor
- */
- static void
- drrx_enable(hp)
- struct drchan *hp;
- {
- register uint16 base = hp->base;
- write_scc(base, R1, INT_ALL_Rx|EXT_INT_ENAB);
- write_scc(base, R15, BRKIE); /* Allow ABORT Int */
- write_scc(base, R14, BRSRC|BRENABL|SEARCH);
- /* Turn on rx and enter hunt mode */
- write_scc(base, R3, ENT_HM|RxENABLE|RxCRC_ENAB|Rx8);
- if(hp->rcvbuf != NULL){
- hp->rcvbuf->cnt = 0;
- hp->rcp = hp->rcvbuf->data;
- }
- hp->rstate = ACTIVE;
- hp->rx_state = drrx_active;
- }
- /* drrx_active
- * Receive ACTIVE state processor
- */
- static void
- drrx_active(hp)
- struct drchan *hp;
- {
- register uint16 base = hp->base;
- unsigned char rse,st;
- struct mbuf *bp;
- /* Allocate a receive buffer if not already present */
- if(hp->rcvbuf == NULL){
- bp = hp->rcvbuf = alloc_mbuf(hp->bufsiz);
- if(bp == NULL){
- /* No buffer - abort the receiver */
- write_scc(base, R3, ENT_HM|RxENABLE|RxCRC_ENAB|Rx8);
- /* Clear character from rx buffer in SIO */
- (void) inportb(base+DATA);
- return;
- }
- hp->rcvbuf->cnt = 0;
- hp->rcp = hp->rcvbuf->data;
- }
- st = read_scc(base, R0); /* get interrupt status from R0 */
- rse = read_scc(base,R1); /* get special status from R1 */
- if(st & Rx_CH_AV){
- /* there is a char to be stored
- * read special condition bits before reading the data char
- * (already read above)
- */
- if(rse & Rx_OVR){
- /* Rx overrun - toss buffer */
- hp->rcp = hp->rcvbuf->data; /* reset buffer pointers */
- hp->rcvbuf->cnt = 0;
- hp->rstate = RXERROR; /* set error flag */
- hp->rovers++; /* count overruns */
- } else if(hp->rcvbuf->cnt >= hp->bufsiz){
- /* Too large -- toss buffer */
- hp->toobig++;
- hp->rcp = hp->rcvbuf->data; /* reset buffer pointers */
- hp->rcvbuf->cnt = 0;
- hp->rstate = TOOBIG; /* when set, chars are not stored */
- }
- /* ok, we can store the received character now */
- if((hp->rstate == ACTIVE) && ((st & BRK_ABRT) == 0)){
- *hp->rcp++ = inportb(base+DATA); /* char to rcv buff */
- hp->rcvbuf->cnt++; /* bump count */
- } else {
- /* got to empty FIFO */
- (void) inportb(base+DATA);
- hp->rcp = hp->rcvbuf->data; /* reset buffer pointers */
- hp->rcvbuf->cnt = 0;
- hp->rstate = RXABORT;
- write_scc(base,R0,ERR_RES); /* reset err latch */
- }
- }
- /* The End of Frame bit is ALWAYS associated with a character,
- * usually, it is the last CRC char. Only when EOF is true can
- * we look at the CRC byte to see if we have a valid frame
- */
- if(rse & END_FR){
- hp->rxframes++;
- /* END OF FRAME -- Make sure Rx was active */
- if(hp->rcvbuf->cnt > 0){ /* any data to store */
- /* looks like a frame was received
- * now is the only time we can check for CRC error
- */
- if((rse & CRC_ERR) || (hp->rstate > ACTIVE) ||
- (hp->rcvbuf->cnt < 10) || (st & BRK_ABRT)){
- /* error occurred; toss frame */
- if(rse & CRC_ERR)
- hp->crcerr++; /* count CRC errs */
- hp->rcp = hp->rcvbuf->data;
- hp->rcvbuf->cnt = 0;
- hp->rstate = ACTIVE; /* Clear error state */
- } else {
- /* Here we have a valid frame */
- hp->rcvbuf->cnt -= 2; /* chuck FCS bytes */
- /* queue it in */
- net_route(hp->iface,&hp->rcvbuf);
- hp->enqueued++;
- /* packet queued - reset buffer pointer */
- hp->rcvbuf = NULL;
- } /* end good frame queued */
- } /* end check for active receive upon EOF */
- }
- }
- /*
- * TX finite state machine - dispatcher
- */
- static void
- tx_fsm(hp)
- struct drchan *hp;
- {
- int i_state;
- i_state = dirps();
- if(hp->tstate != DEFER && hp->tstate)
- hp->txints++;
- (*hp->tx_state)(hp);
- restore(i_state);
- }
- /* drtx_idle
- * Transmit IDLE transmit state processor
- */
- static void
- drtx_idle(hp)
- struct drchan *hp;
- {
- register uint16 base;
- /* Tx idle - is there a frame to transmit ? */
- if((hp->sndbuf = dequeue(&hp->sndq)) == NULL){
- /* Nothing to send - return to receive mode
- * Turn Tx off - any trailing flag should have been sent
- * by now
- */
- #ifdef DRSIDEBUG
- printf("Nothing to TXn");
- #endif
- base = hp->base;
- write_scc(base, R5, Tx8|DTR); /* Tx off now */
- write_scc(base, R0, ERR_RES); /* Reset error bits */
- /* Delay for squelch tail before enabling receiver */
- hp->rstate = ENABLE;
- hp->rx_state = drrx_enable;
- dr_wake(hp, RX, rx_fsm, hp->squeldelay);
- } else {
- /* Frame to transmit */
- hp->tstate = DEFER;
- hp->tx_state = drtx_defer;
- drtx_defer(hp);
- }
- }
- /* drtx_defer
- * Transmit DEFER state processor
- */
- static void
- drtx_defer(hp)
- struct drchan *hp;
- {
- register uint16 base = hp->base;
- /* We may have defered a previous tx attempt - in any event...
- * Check DCD in case someone is already transmitting
- * then check to see if we should defer due to P-PERSIST.
- */
- #ifdef DRSIDEBUG
- printf("drtx_defer - checking for DCDn");
- #endif
- if((read_scc(base+CTL, R0) & DCD) > 0){
- /* Carrier detected - defer */
- hp->txdefers++;
- dr_wake(hp, TX, tx_fsm, 10); /* Defer for 100 mS */
- #ifdef DRSIDEBUG
- printf("drtx_defer - TX deferredn");
- #endif
- return;
- }
- #ifdef DRSIDEBUG
- printf("drtx_defer - checking for P-PERSIST backoffn");
- #endif
- /* P-PERSIST is checked against channel 3 of the 8536 which is
- * the free running counter for the 10 mS tick; The counter
- * goes through 0x6000 ticks per 10 mS or one tick every
- * 407 nS - this is pretty random compared to the DOS time of
- * day clock (0x40:0x6C) used by the other (EAGLE) drivers.
- */
- if (hp->persist <= read_ctc(base,Z8536_CC3LSB)) {
- #ifdef DRSIDEBUG
- printf("drtx_defer - BACKOFFn");
- #endif
- hp->txppersist++;
- dr_wake (hp, TX, tx_fsm, hp->slotime);
- return;
- }
- /* No backoff - set RTS and start to transmit frame */
- write_scc(base, R1, 0); /* Prevent external status int */
- write_scc(base, R3, Rx8); /* Turn Rx off */
- hp->rstate = IDLE; /* Mark Rx as idle */
- hp->tstate = RRTS;
- hp->tx_state = drtx_rrts;
- #ifdef DRSIDEBUG
- printf("drtx_defer - wake posted for drtx_rrtsn");
- #endif
- write_scc(base, R9, 0); /* Interrupts off */
- write_scc(base,R5,RTS|Tx8|DTR); /* Turn tx on */
- dr_wake(hp, TX, tx_fsm, 10);
- }
- /* drtx_rrts
- * Transmit RRTS state processor
- */
- static void
- drtx_rrts(hp)
- struct drchan *hp;
- {
- register uint16 base = hp->base;
- write_scc(base, R9, 0); /* Interrupts off */
- write_scc(base,R5,TxCRC_ENAB|RTS|TxENAB|Tx8|DTR); /* Tx now on */
- hp->tstate = TFIRST;
- hp->tx_state = drtx_tfirst;
- #ifdef DRSIDEBUG
- printf("8530 Int status %xn", read_scc(base+CHANA,R3));
- printf("drtx_rrts - Wake posted for TXDELAYn");
- #endif
- dr_wake(hp, TX, tx_fsm, hp->txdelay);
- }
- /* drtx_tfirst
- * Transmit TFIRST state processor
- */
- static void
- drtx_tfirst(hp)
- struct drchan *hp;
- {
- register uint16 base = hp->base;
- char c;
- /* Copy data to a local buffer to save on mbuf overheads
- * during transmit interrupt time.
- */
- hp->drtx_cnt = len_p(hp->sndbuf);
- hp->drtx_tcp = hp->drtx_buffer;
- pullup(&hp->sndbuf, hp->drtx_tcp, hp->drtx_cnt);
- /* Transmit the first character in the buffer */
- c = *hp->drtx_tcp++;
- hp->drtx_cnt--;
- write_scc(base, R0, RES_Tx_CRC); /* Reset CRC */
- write_scc(base, R0, RES_EOM_L); /* Reset underrun latch */
- outportb(base+DATA, c); /* Output first character */
- write_scc(base, R15, TxUIE); /* Allow underrun ints only */
- write_scc(base, R1, TxINT_ENAB|EXT_INT_ENAB); /* Tx/Ext status ints on */
- write_scc(base, R9, MIE|NV); /* master enable */
- hp->tstate = ACTIVE;
- hp->tx_state = drtx_active;
- }
- /* drtx_active
- * Transmit ACTIVE state processor
- */
- static void
- drtx_active(hp)
- struct drchan *hp;
- {
- if(hp->drtx_cnt-- > 0){
- /* Send next character */
- outportb(hp->base+DATA, *hp->drtx_tcp++);
- } else {
- /* No more to send - wait for underrun to hit */
- hp->tstate = UNDERRUN;
- hp->tx_state = drtx_flagout;
- free_p(&hp->sndbuf);
- write_scc(hp->base, R0, RES_EOM_L); /* Send CRC on underrun */
- write_scc(hp->base, R0, RES_Tx_P); /* Reset Tx Int pending */
- }
- }
- /* drtx_flagout
- * Transmit FLAGOUT state processor
- */
- static void
- drtx_flagout(hp)
- struct drchan *hp;
- {
- /* Arrive here after CRC sent and Tx interrupt fires.
- * Post a wake for ENDDELAY
- */
- hp->tstate = UNDERRUN;
- hp->tx_state = drtx_downtx;
- write_scc(hp->base, R9, 0);
- write_scc(hp->base, R0, RES_Tx_P);
- dr_wake(hp, TX, tx_fsm, hp->enddelay);
- }
- /* drtx_downtx
- * Transmit DOWNTX state processor
- */
- static void
- drtx_downtx(hp)
- struct drchan *hp;
- {
- register int base = hp->base;
- /* See if theres anything left to send - if there is, send it ! */
- if((hp->sndbuf = dequeue(&hp->sndq)) == NULL){
- /* Nothing left to send - return to receive */
- write_scc(base, R5, Tx8|DTR); /* Tx off now */
- write_scc(base, R0, ERR_RES); /* Reset error bits */
- hp->tstate = IDLE;
- hp->tx_state = drtx_idle;
- hp->rstate = ENABLE;
- hp->rx_state = drrx_enable;
- drrx_enable(hp);
- } else
- drtx_tfirst(hp);
- }
- /* Write CTC register */
- static void
- write_ctc(base, reg, val)
- uint16 base;
- uint8 reg,val;
- {
- int i_state;
- i_state = dirps();
- /* Select register */
- outportb(base+Z8536_MASTER,reg);
- outportb(base+Z8536_MASTER,val);
- restore(i_state);
- }
- /* Read CTC register */
- static char
- read_ctc(base, reg)
- uint16 base;
- uint8 reg;
- {
- uint8 c;
- uint16 i;
- int i_state;
- i_state = dirps();
- /* Select register */
- outportb(base+Z8536_MASTER,reg);
- /* Delay for a short time to allow 8536 to settle */
- for(i=0;i<100;i++)
- ;
- c = inportb(base+Z8536_MASTER);
- restore(i_state);
- return(c);
- }
- /* Initialize dr controller parameters */
- static int
- drchanparam(hp)
- register struct drchan *hp;
- {
- uint16 tc;
- long br;
- register uint16 base;
- int i_state;
- /* Initialize 8530 channel for SDLC operation */
- base = hp->base;
- i_state = dirps();
- switch(base & 2){
- case 2:
- write_scc(base,R9,CHRA); /* Reset channel A */
- break;
- case 0:
- write_scc(base,R9,CHRB); /* Reset channel B */
- break;
- }
- /* Deselect all Rx and Tx interrupts */
- write_scc(base,R1,0);
- /* Turn off external interrupts (like CTS/CD) */
- write_scc(base,R15,0);
- /* X1 clock, SDLC mode */
- write_scc(base,R4,SDLC|X1CLK); /* SDLC mode and X1 clock */
- /* Now some misc Tx/Rx parameters */
- /* CRC PRESET 1, NRZI Mode */
- write_scc(base,R10,CRCPS|NRZI);
- /* Set up BRG and DPLL multiplexers */
- /* Tx Clk from RTxC. Rcv Clk from DPLL, TRxC pin outputs BRG */
- write_scc(base,R11,RCDPLL|TCRTxCP|TRxCOI|TRxCBR);
- /* Null out SDLC start address */
- write_scc(base,R6,0);
- /* SDLC flag */
- write_scc(base,R7,FLAG);
- /* Set up the Transmitter but don't enable it */
- /* DTR, 8 bit TX chars only - TX NOT ENABLED */
- write_scc(base,R5,Tx8|DTR);
- /* Receiver - initial setup only - more later */
- write_scc(base,R3,Rx8); /* 8 bits/char */
- /* Setting up BRG now - turn it off first */
- write_scc(base,R14,BRSRC); /* BRG off, but keep Pclk source */
- /* set the 32x time constant for the BRG */
- br = hp->speed; /* get desired speed */
- tc = ((XTAL/32)/br)-2; /* calc 32X BRG divisor */
- write_scc(base,R12,tc); /* lower byte */
- write_scc(base,R13,(tc>>8)); /* upper bite */
- /* Time to set up clock control register for RECEIVE mode
- * DRSI has xtal osc going to pclk at 4.9152 Mhz
- * The BRG is sourced from that, and set to 32x clock
- * The DPLL is sourced from the BRG. BRG is fed to the TRxC pin
- * Transmit clock is provided by the BRG externally divided by
- * 32 in the CTC counter 1 and 2.
- * Receive clock is from the DPLL
- */
- /* Following subroutine sets up and ENABLES the receiver */
- drrx_enable(hp);
- /* DPLL from BRG, BRG source is PCLK */
- write_scc(hp->base,R14,BRSRC|SSBR);
- /* SEARCH mode, keep BRG source */
- write_scc(hp->base,R14,BRSRC|SEARCH);
- /* Enable the BRG */
- write_scc(hp->base,R14,BRSRC|BRENABL);
- /* enable the receive interrupts */
- write_scc(hp->base,R1,(INT_ALL_Rx|EXT_INT_ENAB));
- write_scc(hp->base,R15,BRKIE); /* ABORT int */
- write_scc(hp->base,R9,MIE|NV); /* master enable */
- /* Now, turn on the receiver and hunt for a flag */
- write_scc(hp->base,R3,RxENABLE|RxCRC_ENAB|Rx8);
- restore(i_state);
- return 0;
- }
- /*
- * Initialize the CTC (8536)
- * Only the counter/timers are used - the IO ports are un-comitted.
- * Channels 1 and 2 are linked to provide a /32 counter to convert
- * the SIO BRG to a real clock for Transmit clocking.
- * CTC 3 is left free running on a 10 mS period. It is always polled
- * and therefore all interrupts from the chip are disabled.
- *
- * Updated 02/16/89 by N6TTO
- * Changed to support the use of the second channel on the 8530.
- * Added so that the driver works on the DRSI type 2 PC Adaptor
- * which has 2 1200 bps modems.
- *
- */
- static void
- drinitctc(port)
- unsigned port;
- {
- long i;
- /* Initialize 8536 CTC */
- /* Initialize 8536 */
- /* Start by forcing chip into known state */
- (void) read_ctc(port, Z8536_MICR);
- write_ctc(port, Z8536_MICR, 0x01); /* Reset the CTC */
- for(i=0;i < 1000L; i++) /* Loop to delay */
- ;
- write_ctc(port, Z8536_MICR, 0x00); /* Clear reset and start init seq. */
- /* Wait for chip to come ready */
- while((read_ctc(port, Z8536_MICR)) != 0x02)
- ;
- write_ctc(port, Z8536_MICR, 0xa6); /* MIE|NV|CT_VIS|RJA */
- write_ctc(port, Z8536_MCCR, 0xf4); /* PBE|CT1E|CT2E|CT3E|PAE */
- write_ctc(port, Z8536_CTMS1, 0xe2); /* Continuous,EOE,ECE, Pulse output */
- write_ctc(port, Z8536_CTMS2, 0xe2); /* Continuous,EOE,ECE, Pulse output */
- write_ctc(port, Z8536_CTMS3, 0x80); /* Continuous,Pulse output */
- write_ctc(port, Z8536_CT1MSB, 0x00); /* Load time constant CTC #1 */
- write_ctc(port, Z8536_CT1LSB, 0x10);
- write_ctc(port, Z8536_CT2MSB, 0x00); /* Load time constant CTC #2 */
- write_ctc(port, Z8536_CT2LSB, 0x10);
- write_ctc(port, Z8536_CT3MSB, 0x60); /* Load time constant CTC #3 */
- write_ctc(port, Z8536_CT3LSB, 0x00);
- write_ctc(port, Z8536_IVR, 0x06);
- /* Set port direction bits in port A and B
- * Data is input on bits d1 and d5, output on d0 and d4.
- * The direction is set by 1 for input and 0 for output
- */
- write_ctc(port, Z8536_PDCA, 0x22);
- write_ctc(port, Z8536_PDCB, 0x22);
- write_ctc(port, Z8536_CSR1, Z_GCB|Z_TCB); /* Start CTC #1 running */
- write_ctc(port, Z8536_CSR2, Z_GCB|Z_TCB); /* Start CTC #2 running */
- write_ctc(port, Z8536_CSR3, Z_IE|Z_GCB|Z_TCB); /* Start CTC #3 running */
- }
- /* Attach a DRSI interface to the system
- * argv[0]: hardware type, must be "drsi"
- * argv[1]: I/O address, e.g., "0x300"
- * argv[2]: vector, e.g., "2"
- * argv[3]: mode, must be "ax25"
- * argv[4]: iface label, e.g., "dr0"
- * argv[5]: receiver packet buffer size in bytes
- * argv[6]: maximum transmission unit, bytes
- * argv[7]: iface speed for channel A
- * argv[8]: iface speed for channel B (defaults to same as A if absent)
- * argv[9]: First IP address, optional (defaults to Ip_addr)
- * argv[10]: Second IP address, optional (defaults to Ip_addr)
- */
- int
- dr_attach(argc,argv)
- int argc;
- char *argv[];
- {
- register struct iface *if_pca,*if_pcb;
- struct drchan *hp;
- int dev;
- char *cp;
- /* Quick check to make sure args are good and mycall is set */
- if(setencap(NULL,argv[3]) == -1){
- printf("Mode %s unknown for interface %sn",
- argv[3],argv[4]);
- return -1;
- }
- if(if_lookup(argv[4]) != NULL){
- printf("Interface %s already existsn", argv[4]);
- return -1;
- }
- if(Mycall[0] == ''){
- printf("set mycall firstn");
- return -1;
- }
- /* Note: More than one card can be supported if you give up a COM:
- * port, thus freeing up an IRQ line and port address
- */
- if(Drnbr >= DRMAX){
- printf("Only %d DRSI controller(s) supported right now!n",DRMAX);
- return -1;
- }
- dev = Drnbr++;
- /* Initialize hardware-level control structure */
- Drsi[dev].addr = htoi(argv[1]);
- Drsi[dev].vec = atoi(argv[2]);
- if(strchr(argv[2],'c') != NULL)
- Drsi[dev].chain = 1;
- else
- Drsi[dev].chain = 0;
- /* Save original interrupt vector */
- Drsi[dev].oldvec = getirq(Drsi[dev].vec);
- /* Set new interrupt vector */
- if(setirq(Drsi[dev].vec,Drhandle[dev]) == -1){
- printf("IRQ %u out of rangen",Drsi[dev].vec);
- Drnbr--;
- }
- /* Initialize the CTC */
- drinitctc(Drsi[dev].addr);
- /* Create iface structures and fill in details */
- if_pca = (struct iface *)callocw(1,sizeof(struct iface));
- if_pcb = (struct iface *)callocw(1,sizeof(struct iface));
- if_pca->addr = if_pcb->addr = Ip_addr;
- if(argc > 9)
- if_pca->addr = resolve(argv[9]);
- if(argc > 10)
- if_pcb->addr = resolve(argv[10]);
- if(if_pca->addr == 0 || if_pcb->addr == 0){
- printf(Noipaddr);
- free(if_pca);
- free(if_pcb);
- return -1;
- }
- /* Append "a" to iface associated with A channel */
- if_pca->name = mallocw((unsigned)strlen(argv[4])+2);
- strcpy(if_pca->name,argv[4]);
- strcat(if_pca->name,"a");
- /* Append "b" to iface associated with B channel */
- if_pcb->name = mallocw((unsigned)strlen(argv[4])+2);
- strcpy(if_pcb->name,argv[4]);
- strcat(if_pcb->name,"b");
- if_pcb->mtu = if_pca->mtu = atoi(argv[6]);
- if_pcb->ioctl = if_pca->ioctl = dr_ctl;
- if_pca->dev = 2*dev; /* dr0a */
- if_pcb->dev = 2*dev + 1; /* dr0b */
- if_pcb->stop = if_pca->stop = dr_stop;
- if_pcb->raw = if_pca->raw = dr_raw;
- setencap(if_pca,argv[3]);
- setencap(if_pcb,argv[3]);
- if(if_pcb->hwaddr == NULL)
- if_pcb->hwaddr = mallocw(sizeof(Mycall));
- memcpy(if_pcb->hwaddr,&Mycall,sizeof(Mycall));
- if(if_pca->hwaddr == NULL)
- if_pca->hwaddr = mallocw(sizeof(Mycall));
- memcpy(if_pca->hwaddr,&Mycall,sizeof(Mycall));
- /* Link em in to the iface chain */
- if_pca->next = if_pcb;
- if_pcb->next = Ifaces;
- Ifaces = if_pca;
- /* set params in drchan table for CHANNEL B */
- hp = &Drchan[2*dev+1]; /* dr1 is offset 1 */
- hp->iface = if_pcb;
- hp->stata = Drsi[dev].addr + CHANA + CTL; /* permanent status */
- hp->statb = Drsi[dev].addr + CHANB + CTL; /* addrs for CHANA/B*/
- if(argc > 8){
- /* Separate speed for channel B */
- hp->speed = (uint16)atoi(argv[8]);
- } else {
- /* Set speed to same as for channel A */
- hp->speed = (uint16)atoi(argv[7]);
- }
- hp->base = Drsi[dev].addr + CHANB;
- hp->bufsiz = atoi(argv[5]);
- hp->drtx_buffer = mallocw(if_pcb->mtu+100);
- hp->tstate = IDLE;
- hp->tx_state = drtx_idle;
- hp->w[RX].wcall = NULL;
- hp->w[RX].wakecnt = 0;
- hp->w[TX].wcall = NULL;
- hp->w[TX].wakecnt = 0;
- /* default KISS Params */
- hp->txdelay = 25; /* 250 Ms */
- hp->persist = 64; /* 25% persistence */
- hp->slotime = 10; /* 100 Ms */
- hp->squeldelay = 20; /* 200 Ms */
- hp->enddelay = 10; /* 100 Ms */
- write_scc(hp->stata,R9,FHWRES); /* Hardware reset */
- /* Disable interrupts with Master interrupt ctrl reg */
- write_scc(hp->stata,R9,0);
- drchanparam(hp);
- /* Initialize buffer pointers */
- hp->rcvbuf = NULL;
- hp->rcvbuf->cnt = 0;
- hp->sndq = NULL;
- /* set params in drchan table for CHANNEL A */
- hp = &Drchan[2*dev]; /* dr0a is offset 0 */
- hp->iface = if_pca;
- hp->speed = (uint16)atoi(argv[7]);
- hp->base = Drsi[dev].addr + CHANA;
- hp->bufsiz = atoi(argv[5]);
- hp->drtx_buffer = mallocw(if_pca->mtu+100);
- hp->tstate = IDLE;
- hp->tx_state = drtx_idle;
- hp->w[RX].wcall = NULL;
- hp->w[RX].wakecnt = 0;
- hp->w[TX].wcall = NULL;
- hp->w[TX].wakecnt = 0;
- /* default KISS Params */
- hp->txdelay = 30; /* 300 Ms */
- hp->persist = 64; /* 25% persistence */
- hp->slotime = 10; /* 100 Ms */
- hp->squeldelay = 20; /* 200 Ms */
- hp->enddelay = 10; /* 100 Ms */
- drchanparam(hp);
- /* Initialize buffer pointers */
- hp->rcvbuf = NULL;
- hp->rcvbuf->cnt = 0;
- hp->sndq = NULL;
- write_scc(hp->base,R9,MIE|NV); /* master interrupt enable */
- /* Enable interrupt in 8259 interrupt controller */
- maskon(Drsi[dev].vec);
- cp = if_name(if_pca," tx");
- if_pca->txproc = newproc(cp,512,if_tx,0,if_pca,NULL,0);
- free(cp);
- cp = if_name(if_pcb," tx");
- if_pcb->txproc = newproc(cp,512,if_tx,0,if_pcb,NULL,0);
- free(cp);
- return 0;
- }
- /* Shut down iface */
- static int
- dr_stop(iface)
- struct iface *iface;
- {
- uint16 dev;
- dev = iface->dev;
- if(dev & 1)
- return 0;
- dev >>= 1; /* Convert back into DRSI number */
- /* Set 8259 interrupt mask (turn off interrupts) */
- maskoff(Drsi[dev].vec);
- /* Restore original interrupt vector */
- setirq(Drsi[dev].vec, Drsi[dev].oldvec);
- Drnbr--;
- /* Force hardware reset */
- write_scc(Drsi[dev].addr + CHANA + CTL,R9,FHWRES);
- /* Reset the CTC */
- (void) read_ctc(Drsi[dev].addr, Z8536_MICR);
- write_ctc(Drsi[dev].addr, Z8536_MICR, 0x01);
- return 0;
- }
- /* Send raw packet on DRSI card */
- static int
- dr_raw(
- struct iface *iface,
- struct mbuf **bpp
- ){
- char kickflag;
- struct drchan *hp;
- int i_state;
- dump(iface,IF_TRACE_OUT,*bpp);
- iface->rawsndcnt++;
- iface->lastsent = secclock();
- hp = &Drchan[iface->dev];
- i_state = dirps();
- kickflag = (hp->sndq == NULL) & (hp->sndbuf == NULL);
- /* clever! flag=1 if something in queue */
- enqueue(&hp->sndq,bpp);
- if(kickflag) /* simulate interrupt to xmit */
- tx_fsm(hp); /* process interrupt */
- restore(i_state);
- return 0;
- }
- /* display DRSI Channel stats */
- int
- dodrstat(argc,argv,p)
- int argc;
- char *argv[];
- void *p;
- {
- struct drchan *hp0, *hp1;
- int i;
- for(i=0; i<DRMAX; i++){
- hp0 = &Drchan[i];
- hp1 = &Drchan[i+1];
- i = Drchan[i].base;
- printf("DRSI Board Statistics - N6TTO 112790.0n");
- printf("--------------------------------------n");
- printf("Channel - %sn", hp0->iface->name);
- printf("Rxints - %8ld Txints - %8ld Exints - %8ldn",
- hp0->rxints, hp0->txints, hp0->exints);
- printf("Enqued - %8ld Crcerr - %8ld Aborts - %8ldn",
- hp0->enqueued, hp0->crcerr, hp0->aborts);
- printf("RFrames - %8ld Rxovers - %8ld TooBig - %8ldn",
- hp0->rxframes, hp0->rovers, hp0->toobig);
- printf("Txdefer - %8ld Txppers - %8ld Nomem - %8ldn",
- hp0->txdefers, hp0->txppersist, hp0->nomem);
- printf("Tx state %8d Rx state %8dnn",hp0->tstate,hp0->rstate);
- printf("Channel - %sn", hp1->iface->name);
- printf("Rxints - %8ld Txints - %8ld Exints - %8ldn",
- hp1->rxints, hp1->txints, hp1->exints);
- printf("Enqued - %8ld Crcerr - %8ld Aborts - %8ldn",
- hp1->enqueued, hp1->crcerr, hp1->aborts);
- printf("RFrames - %8ld Rxovers - %8ld TooBig - %8ldn",
- hp1->rxframes, hp1->rovers, hp1->toobig);
- printf("Txdefer - %8ld Txppers - %8ld Nomem - %8ldn",
- hp1->txdefers, hp1->txppersist, hp1->nomem);
- printf("Tx state %8d Rx state %8dn",hp1->tstate,hp1->rstate);
- }
- return 0;
- }
- /* Subroutine to set kiss params in channel tables */
- static int32
- dr_ctl(iface,cmd,set,val)
- struct iface *iface;
- int cmd;
- int set;
- int32 val;
- {
- struct drchan *hp;
- hp = &Drchan[iface->dev];
- switch(cmd){
- if(set)
- hp->txdelay = val;
- return hp->txdelay;
- if(set)
- hp->persist = val;
- return hp->persist;
- if(set)
- hp->slotime = val;
- return hp->slotime;
- if(set)
- hp->squeldelay = val;
- return hp->squeldelay;
- if(set)
- hp->enddelay = val;
- return hp->enddelay;
- return hp->speed;
- }
- return -1;
- }