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Package: [view]
Upload User: hepax88
Upload Date: 2007-01-03
Package Size: 1101k
Code Size: 11k
TCP/IP Stack
Development Platform:
Visual C++
- /* Driver for HAPN-1 8273 card on PC
- * Jon Bloom, KE3Z; adapted from KA9Q's PC-100 driver
- * Modified Rx interrupt routine to prevent lockup
- * John Tanner VK2ZXQ 6th Feb 1988
- * Adapted back into 871225.9 by KA9Q 15 Feb 1988
- */
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <dos.h>
- #include "global.h"
- #include <stdarg.h>
- #include "timer.h"
- #include "mbuf.h"
- #include "iface.h"
- #include "pktdrvr.h"
- #include "netuser.h"
- #include "hapn.h"
- #include "ax25.h"
- #include "trace.h"
- #include "nospc.h"
- #include "proc.h"
- static void cmd_8273(uint16 base,uint8 cmd,int np,...);
- static int hapn_init(struct hapn *hp);
- static int hapn_raw(struct iface *iface,struct mbuf **bpp);
- static int hapn_stop(struct iface *iface);
- static int hcdchk(uint16 base);
- static void hrxint(struct hapn *hp);
- static void hrxgo(struct hapn *hp);
- static void htxint(void *p);
- static struct hapn Hapn[NHAPN];
- static INTERRUPT (*H_handle[])() = { ha0vec };
- static uint16 Nhapn;
- /* send command to the 8273
- * "base" = base port of 8273
- * "cmd" = command byte
- * "np" = number of parameter bytes
- * "p1" = first parameter (parameters are int)
- */
- static void
- cmd_8273(uint16 base, uint8 cmd, int np, ...)
- {
- int p;
- va_list ap;
- while(inportb(base+STA) & CBSY)
- ;
- outportb(base+CMD, cmd);
- va_start(ap,np);
- while(np--){
- while(inportb(base+STA) & CPBF)
- ;
- p = va_arg(ap,int);
- outportb(base+PAR, p);
- }
- va_end(ap);
- }
- /* Start receiver of 8273 */
- static void
- hrxgo(hp)
- register struct hapn *hp;
- {
- cmd_8273(hp->base, GENERAL_RX, 2, hp->bufsiz & 0xff, hp->bufsiz >> 8);
- }
- /* Interrupt service function. Entered with hapn index
- * The "flag" variable is used in this routine to indicate a
- * valid TX or RX interrupt. If an invalid interrupt is detected
- * the 8273 is reset.
- */
- INTERRUPT (far *(haint)(dev))()
- int dev;
- {
- register struct hapn *hp;
- register uint16 base;
- char flag = 0;
- hp = &Hapn[dev];
- base = hp->base;
- /* Check for TX interrupt */
- if(inportb(base+STA) & TXINT){
- flag = 1; /* Valid interrupt, set flag */
- htxint(hp);
- }
- /* Check for RX interrupt */
- if(inportb(base+STA) & RXINT){
- flag = 1; /* Valid interrupt, set flag */
- hrxint(hp);
- }
- /* Check for unknown interrupt */
- if(!flag){
- hp->badint++; /* Increment error counter */
- hapn_init(hp); /* Reinitialise the 8273 */
- }
- return hp->chain ? hp->oldvec : NULL;
- }
- /* RX interrupt service
- * if status register bit "RXIRA" is set, interrupt is final,
- * otherwise, interrupt is data request
- */
- static void
- hrxint(hp)
- register struct hapn *hp;
- {
- struct mbuf *bp;
- register uint16 base;
- unsigned char results[10];
- hp->rxints++;
- base = hp->base;
- if(inportb(base+STA) & RXIRA){
- /* RX result interrupt
- * If the result is a good frame 3 bytes need to be read
- * If an error has occurred only one byte need to be read
- */
- /* Read first result byte and test for good data */
- if((results[0]=(inportb(base + RXI))) == 0xe0){
- /* Good result; read two more result bytes */
- while((inportb(base + STA) & RXIRA) == 0)
- ;
- /* Read second result byte */
- results[1] = inportb(base + RXI);
- /* Wait for third result byte */
- while((inportb(base + STA) & RXIRA) == 0)
- ;
- results[2] = inportb(base + RXI);/* Read it */
- /* Since this frame is ok put it on the queue */
- net_route(hp->iface,&hp->rcvbuf);
- hp->rframes++;
- } else {
- /* Error termination
- * Parse RIC and act accordingly
- * Only one result byte returned on error
- */
- switch(results[0]){
- case CRCERR:
- hp->crcerr++;
- break;
- case ABORT_DET:
- hp->aborts++;
- break;
- case DMA_OVRN:
- hp->dmaorun++;
- break;
- case MEM_OVFL:
- hp->toobig++;
- break;
- case CD_LOSS:
- hp->cdloss++;
- hapn_init(hp); /* 8273 reset on cd error */
- break;
- case RX_ORUN:
- hp->rxorun++;
- break;
- }
- /* Throw rx buffer contents away to start over */
- hp->rcp = hp->rcvbuf->data;
- hp->rcvbuf->cnt = 0;
- }
- /* Restart the receiver */
- cmd_8273(base,RX_DISABLE,0);
- hrxgo(hp);
- } else {
- /* RX data interrupt; allocate new rx buffer if none present */
- if((bp = hp->rcvbuf) == NULL){
- bp = hp->rcvbuf = alloc_mbuf(hp->bufsiz);
- if(bp == NULL){
- /* No memory available */
- hp->nomem++;
- cmd_8273(base, RX_DISABLE, 0);
- hrxgo(hp);
- return;
- }
- /* Init buffer pointer */
- hp->rcp = hp->rcvbuf->data;
- }
- /* Barf if rx data is more than buffer can hold (should never
- * happen since 8273 is also counting bytes).
- */
- if(bp->cnt++ >= hp->bufsiz){
- hp->toobig++;
- cmd_8273(base, RX_DISABLE, 0);
- hrxgo(hp);
- free_p(&bp);
- hp->rcvbuf = NULL;
- return;
- }
- /* Store the received byte */
- *hp->rcp++ = inportb(base+RXD);
- }
- }
- /* test for busy channel (CD active)
- * returns TRUE if channel busy
- */
- static int
- hcdchk(base)
- uint16 base;
- {
- int i_state;
- i_state = dirps();
- cmd_8273(base, READ_A, 0);
- while(!(inportb(base+STA) & CRBF))
- ;
- restore(i_state);
- return((inportb(base+RES) & CD) != 0);
- }
- /* TX interrupt service
- * if status register bit "TXIRA" is set, interrupt is final,
- * otherwise, interrupt is data request
- */
- static void
- htxint(p)
- void *p;
- {
- register struct hapn *hp;
- register uint16 base;
- uint16 len;
- int c;
- int i_state;
- hp = (struct hapn *)p;
- hp->txints++;
- base = hp->base;
- c = 0;
- i_state = dirps();
- if(inportb(base+STA) & TXIRA){ /* TX result interupt */
- hp->tstate = IDLE;
- free_p(&hp->sndbuf);
- hp->sndbuf = NULL;
- /* Read result */
- while((inportb(base+STA) & (TXINT | TXIRA)) != (TXINT | TXIRA))
- ;
- c = inportb(base+TXI);
- /* Test for tx abort */
- switch(c & 0x1f){
- case DMA_URUN:
- hp->t_urun++;
- break;
- case CTS_LOSS:
- hp->ctsloss++;
- break;
- hp->taborts++;
- break;
- }
- }
- switch(hp->tstate){
- case IDLE: /* See if a buffer is ready to be sent */
- if((hp->sndbuf = dequeue(&hp->sndq)) == NULL)
- break;
- case DEFER: /* Busy-channel check */
- if(hp->mode == CSMA && (c & 0x1f) != EARLY_TXI){
- if(hcdchk(base)){
- hp->tstate = DEFER;
- start_timer(&hp->defer);
- break;
- }
- }
- /* Start transmitter */
- stop_timer(&hp->defer);
- len = len_p(hp->sndbuf);
- cmd_8273(base, TX_FRAME, 2, len & 0xff, len >> 8);
- hp->tstate = ACTIVE;
- hp->tframes++;
- break;
- case ACTIVE: /* Get next byte to send */
- if((c = PULLCHAR(&hp->sndbuf)) == -1){
- cmd_8273(base, ABORT_TXF, 0);
- hp->tstate = IDLE;
- } else
- outportb(base+TXD, c);
- break;
- }
- restore(i_state);
- }
- /* Attach a HAPN adaptor to the system
- * argv[0]: hardware type, must be "hapn"
- * argv[1]: I/O address, e.g. "0x310"
- * argv[2]: vector, e.g. "2"
- * argv[3]: mode, must be "ax25i" or "ax25ui"
- * argv[4]: interface name, e.g. "ha0"
- * argv[5]: rx packet buffer size in bytes
- * argv[6]: maximum transmission unit in bytes
- * argv[7]: channel-access mechanism, "csma" or "full"
- * argv[8]: IP address, optional (defaults to Ip_addr)
- */
- int
- hapn_attach(argc, argv,p)
- int argc;
- char *argv[];
- void *p;
- {
- register struct iface *if_h;
- struct hapn *hp;
- int dev, i;
- static struct {
- char *str;
- char type;
- } ch_access [] = { "csma", 0, "full", 1 };
- char *cp;
- int i_state;
- if(Nhapn >= NHAPN){
- printf("Too many HAPN adaptorsn");
- return -1;
- }
- if(if_lookup(argv[4]) != NULL){
- printf("Interface %s already existsn",argv[4]);
- return -1;
- }
- if(setencap(NULL,argv[3]) == -1){
- printf("Mode %s unknown for interface %sn", argv[3], argv[4]);
- return -1;
- }
- if(Mycall[0] == ''){
- printf("set mycall firstn");
- return -1;
- }
- /* Create new interface structure */
- if_h = (struct iface *) callocw(1,sizeof(struct iface));
- /* Set interface address */
- if_h->addr = Ip_addr;
- if(argc > 8)
- if_h->addr = resolve(argv[8]);
- if(if_h->addr == 0){
- printf(Noipaddr);
- free(if_h);
- return -1;
- }
- dev = Nhapn++;
- hp = &Hapn[dev];
- /* Initialize hardware constants */
- hp->base = htoi(argv[1]);
- hp->vec = atoi(argv[2]);
- if(strchr(argv[2],'c') != NULL)
- hp->chain = 1;
- else
- hp->chain = 0;
- /* Save original interrupt vector */
- hp->oldvec = getirq(Hapn[dev].vec);
- /* Set new interrupt vector */
- setirq(hp->vec, H_handle[dev]);
- /* Continue filling interface structure */
- if_h->name = strdup(argv[4]);
- if_h->mtu = atoi(argv[6]);
- if_h->dev = dev;
- if_h->stop = hapn_stop;
- if_h->raw = hapn_raw;
- hp->iface = if_h;
- setencap(if_h,argv[3]);
- if(if_h->hwaddr == NULL)
- if_h->hwaddr = mallocw(AXALEN);
- memcpy(if_h->hwaddr,Mycall,AXALEN);
- /* Link the interface into the interface list */
- if_h->next = Ifaces;
- Ifaces = if_h;
- /* Fill the local data structure */
- hp->bufsiz = atoi(argv[5]);
- for(i = 0; i < (sizeof ch_access / sizeof ch_access[0]); i++)
- if(!strcmp(argv[7], ch_access[i].str))
- hp->mode = ch_access[i].type;
- /* Initialize the hardware */
- i_state = dirps();
- hapn_init(hp);
- /* Initialize the defer timer */
- set_timer(&hp->defer,MSPTICK);
- hp->defer.func = htxint;
- hp->defer.arg = hp;
- /* Enable the interrupt */
- maskon(hp->vec);
- restore(i_state);
- cp = if_name(if_h," tx");
- if_h->txproc = newproc(cp,512,if_tx,0,if_h,NULL,0);
- free(cp);
- return 0;
- }
- /* initialize the HAPN adaptor */
- static int
- hapn_init(hp)
- register struct hapn *hp;
- {
- register uint16 base;
- int i_state;
- i_state = dirps();
- base = hp->base;
- /* Reset the 8273 */
- outportb(base+RST, 1);
- outportb(base+RST, 0);
- inportb(base+TXI); /* Clear any old IR contents */
- inportb(base+RXI);
- /* Select the operating modes */
- cmd_8273(base, SET_XFER, 1, 1);
- cmd_8273(base, SET_MODE, 1, HDLC | EARLY | PREFRM | FLG_STM);
- cmd_8273(base, SET_SERIAL, 1, NRZI);
- cmd_8273(base, SET_B, 1, IRQ_ENB | RTS);
- cmd_8273(base, RST_B, 1, 0xff ^ RTS);
- hrxgo(hp);
- restore(i_state);
- return 0;
- }
- /* shut down the HAPN adaptor */
- static int
- hapn_stop(iface)
- struct iface *iface;
- {
- int dev;
- uint16 base;
- struct hapn *hp;
- dev = iface->dev;
- hp = &Hapn[dev];
- base = hp->base;
- /* Mask off interrupt input */
- maskoff(hp->vec);
- /* Restore original interrupt vector */
- setirq(hp->vec,hp->oldvec);
- /* Reset the 8273 */
- outportb(base+RST, 1);
- outportb(base+RST, 0);
- return 0;
- }
- /* Display adaptor statistics */
- int
- dohapnstat(argc,argv,p)
- int argc;
- char *argv[];
- void *p;
- {
- struct hapn *hp;
- int i;
- if(Nhapn == 0){
- printf("No HAPN adaptor attachedn");
- return 1;
- }
- for(i = 0; i < Nhapn; i++){
- hp = &Hapn[i];
- printf("HAPN %d: rxints: %ld txints: %ld badint: %-5dn", i,
- hp->rxints,hp->txints,hp->badint);
- printf(" receive - frames: %-5d crcerrs: %-5d aborts: %-5d dmaorun: %-5dn",
- hp->rframes,hp->crcerr, hp->aborts, hp->dmaorun);
- printf(" - toobig: %-5d dcdloss: %-5d rxorun: %-5dn",
- hp->toobig,hp->cdloss,hp->rxorun);
- printf(" transmit - frames: %-5d aborts : %-5d uruns : %-5d ctsloss: %-5dn",
- hp->tframes,hp->taborts, hp->t_urun, hp->ctsloss);
- }
- return 0;
- }
- /* Send raw packet on HAPN interface */
- static int
- hapn_raw(
- struct iface *iface,
- struct mbuf **bpp
- ){
- struct hapn *hp;
- hp = &Hapn[iface->dev];
- enqueue(&hp->sndq, bpp);
- /* See if anything being transmitted */
- if(hp->tstate == IDLE)
- htxint(hp);
- return 0;
- }