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Package: [view]
Upload User: hepax88
Upload Date: 2007-01-03
Package Size: 1101k
Code Size: 12k
TCP/IP Stack
Development Platform:
Visual C++
- /*
- * Center for Information Technology Integration
- * The University of Michigan
- * Ann Arbor
- *
- * Dedicated to the public domain.
- * Send questions to
- *
- * BOOTP is documented in RFC 951 and RFC 1048
- * Delinted, ANSIfied and reformatted - 5/30/91 P. Karn
- */
- /*
- * BOOTP (bootstrap protocol) server daemon.
- *
- */
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <systypes.h>
- #include <sysstat.h>
- #include <ctype.h>
- #include <time.h>
- #include "global.h"
- #include "config.h"
- #include "bootp.h"
- #include "cmdparse.h"
- #include "iface.h"
- #include "mbuf.h"
- #include "proc.h"
- #include "socket.h"
- #include "bootpd.h"
- #include "udp.h"
- #include "ip.h"
- #include "arp.h"
- #include "netuser.h"
- void bootpd(struct iface *iface, struct udp_cb *sock, int cnt);
- struct udp_cb *Bootpd_cb = NULL;
- char homedir[64] = ""; /* bootfile homedirectory */
- char defaultboot[64] = ""; /* default file to boot */
- struct host hosts[MHOSTS+1];
- int Nhosts = 0; /* current number of hosts */
- int32 bp_DefaultDomainNS[BP_MAXDNS] = {0};
- struct bootpd_stat Bootpd_stat;
- char *ArpNames[] = {
- "Netrom",
- "Ethernet",
- "AX25",
- "Pronet",
- "Chaos",
- "IEEE 802",
- "ArcNet",
- "AppleTalk"
- };
- /* Routine declarations */
- static int bootpd_recv(struct udp_cb *sock,struct bootp *bootp);
- static void sendreply(struct bootp *bp,struct iface *iface);
- static void vend_fill(uint8 *vend,struct iface *iface,struct host *hp);
- static void vend_print(uint8 *vend);
- static void bootpd_request(struct bootp *rq,struct iface *iface);
- /* The bootp server. */
- void
- bootpd(iface,sock,cnt)
- struct iface *iface;
- struct udp_cb *sock;
- int cnt;
- {
- struct bootp bp_packet;
- while(bootpd_recv(sock, &bp_packet) != -1) {
- if(readtab() == -1) /* maybe re-read bootptab */
- return;
- switch(bp_packet.op) {
- bootpd_request(&bp_packet, iface);
- break;
- /* Replies are not forwarded, left to the gateway */
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- /* A packet has been received, read it into a bootp structure. */
- static int
- bootpd_recv(sock, bootp)
- struct udp_cb *sock;
- struct bootp *bootp;
- {
- struct socket fsock;
- struct mbuf *bp;
- int len;
- /* increment the rcvd cnt */
- Bootpd_stat.rcvd++;
- /* receive the packet */
- len = recv_udp(sock,&fsock,&bp);
- if(len == -1)
- return -1;
- /* check length of packet */
- if(len < sizeof(struct bootp)) {
- Bootpd_stat.bad_size++;
- bootp->op = 0;
- free_p(&bp);
- return -1;
- }
- /* parse the packet */
- pullup (&bp, bootp, sizeof (struct bootp));
- free_p(&bp);
- if(bootp->op != BOOTREPLY && bootp->op != BOOTREQUEST) {
- Bootpd_stat.bad_op++;
- bootp->op = 0;
- return -1;
- }
- bootp->ciaddr.s_addr = (unsigned long) get32 ((uint8 *)&(bootp->ciaddr));
- bootp->giaddr.s_addr = (unsigned long) get32 ((uint8 *)&(bootp->giaddr));
- return 0;
- };
- /*
- * Process BOOTREQUEST packet.
- *
- * (Note, this version of the bootp.c server never forwards
- * the request to another server. In our environment the
- * stand-alone gateways perform that function.)
- *
- * (Also this version does not interpret the hostname field of
- * the request packet; it COULD do a name->address lookup and
- * forward the request there.)
- */
- static void
- bootpd_request (rq, iface)
- struct bootp *rq;
- struct iface *iface;
- {
- struct bootp *rp;
- char path[64], file[64];
- struct host *hp;
- int n;
- time_t tloc;
- int32 ipaddr;
- struct arp_type *at;
- time(&tloc);
- bp_log ("nBootpd request packet received %s", ctime(&tloc));
- /* Forwarding not done here. */
- if(rq->giaddr.s_addr) {
- bp_log (" Dropped, giaddr specifies to be forwarded;n");
- return;
- }
- /* Is a specific host requested? */
- if((strlen(rq->sname) != 0) && (strcmp (Hostname, rq->sname) != 0)) {
- bp_log (" Dropped, sname specifies server '%s'n", rq->sname);
- return;
- }
- /* allocate the reply */
- rp = (struct bootp *) calloc (1, sizeof (struct bootp));
- /* copy for construction */
- memcpy (rp, rq, sizeof (struct bootp) - sizeof (rp->vend));
- rp->op = BOOTREPLY;
- hp = NULL;
- /* If the client doesn't know it's ip address, find one. */
- if(rq->ciaddr.s_addr == 0) {
- /*
- * client doesn't know his IP address,
- * search by hardware address.
- */
- at = &Arp_type[rq->htype];
- bp_log (" Resolved by %s addr %sn", ArpNames[rq->htype],
- (*at->format)(bp_ascii, rq->chaddr));
- for(hp = &hosts[0], n = 0 ; n < Nhosts ; n++,hp++)
- if((rq->htype == hp->htype)
- && (memcmp(rq->chaddr, hp->haddr, rq->hlen) == 0))
- break;
- /* If the client wasn't found, assign an IP address */
- if(n == Nhosts) {
- hp = NULL;
- if(da_assign(iface, rq->chaddr, &ipaddr) != 0) {
- free (rp);
- bp_log (" No dynamic addresses available.n");
- return;
- } else {
- put32 ((uint8 *) &(rp->yiaddr), ipaddr);
- bp_log (" Dynamic address assigned: %sn",
- inet_ntoa (ipaddr));
- }
- } else {
- bp_log (" Static address assigned: %sn",
- inet_ntoa (hp->iaddr.s_addr));
- put32 ((uint8 *) &(rp->yiaddr), hp->iaddr.s_addr);
- }
- } else {
- /* search by IP address */
- bp_log (" Resolve by IP addr %sn", inet_ntoa (rq->ciaddr.s_addr));
- for(hp = &hosts[0], n = 0 ; n < Nhosts ; n++,hp++)
- if(rq->ciaddr.s_addr == hp->iaddr.s_addr)
- break;
- if(n == Nhosts) {
- hp = NULL;
- bp_log (" Host not found, default values used.n");
- } else
- bp_log (" Lookup successful.n");
- put32 ((uint8 *) &(rp->ciaddr), rq->ciaddr.s_addr);
- }
- put32 ((uint8 *) &(rp->siaddr), iface->addr);
- /* Determine the bootp file */
- file[0] = 0;
- if(rq->file[0] == 0) { /* if client didn't specify file */
- /* Use the host record file, else the default file */
- if((hp == NULL) || (hp->bootfile[0] == 0))
- strcpy(file, defaultboot);
- else
- strcpy(file, hp->bootfile);
- } else {
- /* use client specified file */
- strcpy(file, rq->file);
- }
- /* If a file is specified, specify the path to the bootp file */
- path[0] = 0;
- if((*homedir != 0) && (*file != 0)) {
- strcpy(path, homedir);
- strcat(path, "/");
- }
- if(file[0] == '/') /* if absolute pathname */
- strcpy(path, file);
- else
- strcat(path, file);
- /* No files are provided here, just return a path. */
- strcpy(rp->file, path);
- /* Fill in the vendor information */
- vend_fill (rp->vend, iface, hp);
- sendreply (rp, iface);
- free (rp);
- };
- /* Print the bootp structure. */
- void
- bootp_print_packet (bp)
- struct bootp *bp;
- {
- bp_log ("Packet op code........................%dn", bp->op);
- bp_log ("hardware address type.................%dn", bp->htype);
- bp_log ("hardware address length...............%dn", bp->hlen);
- bp_log ("client sets to zero...................%dn", bp->hops);
- bp_log ("transaction ID........................%ldn", bp->xid);
- bp_log ("seconds elapsed since client booted...%dn", bp->secs);
- bp_log ("unused................................%dn", bp->unused);
- bp_log ("Client IP address, if known...........%sn",
- inet_ntoa ((int32)bp->ciaddr.s_addr));
- bp_log ("Server supplied IP address............%sn",
- inet_ntoa ((int32)bp->yiaddr.s_addr));
- bp_log ("Server IP address.....................%sn",
- inet_ntoa ((int32)bp->siaddr.s_addr));
- bp_log ("Gateway IP address....................%sn",
- inet_ntoa ((int32)bp->giaddr.s_addr));
- bp_log ("Client hardware address...............%x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%xn",
- bp->chaddr[0], bp->chaddr[1], bp->chaddr[2],
- bp->chaddr[3], bp->chaddr[4], bp->chaddr[5]);
- bp_log ("Server host name......................'%s'n", bp->sname);
- bp_log ("Boot file name........................'%s'n", bp->file);
- vend_print (bp->vend);
- }
- static void
- vend_print (vend)
- uint8 *vend;
- {
- uint8 ch;
- int size;
- uint8 *start;
- int32 *ipaddr;
- int i;
- start = vend;
- bp_log ("Magic Cookie..........................x%02x%02x%02x%02xn",
- (int) vend[0], (int) vend[1], (int) vend[2], (int) vend[3]);
- vend = vend + 4;
- while(((ch = *vend++) != BOOTP_END) && (vend - start <= 64))
- switch(ch) {
- case BOOTP_PAD: /* They're just padding */
- continue;
- case BOOTP_SUBNET: /* fixed length, 4 octets */
- size = (int) *vend++;
- ipaddr = (int32 *) vend;
- bp_log ("Vend Subnet...........................%sn", inet_ntoa
- (*ipaddr));
- vend += size;
- break;
- size = (int) *vend++;
- bp_log ("Vend Hostname.........................%sn", vend);
- vend += size;
- break;
- case BOOTP_DNS:
- size = (int) *vend++;
- for(i = 0; i < (size / 4); i++) {
- ipaddr = (int32 *) vend;
- bp_log ("Vend DomainNS.........................%sn",
- inet_ntoa (*ipaddr));
- vend += 4;
- }
- break;
- size = (int) *vend++;
- for(i = 0; i < (size / 4); i++) {
- ipaddr = (int32 *) vend;
- bp_log ("Vend Gateway..........................%sn",
- inet_ntoa (*ipaddr));
- vend += 4;
- }
- break;
- default: /* variable field we don't know about */
- size = *vend++;
- vend += size;
- break;
- }
- }
- static void
- vend_fill (vend, iface, hp)
- uint8 *vend;
- struct iface *iface;
- struct host *hp;
- {
- uint8 cookie[5] = {99, 130, 83, 99, 0};
- int len;
- int mod;
- int i;
- uint8 *sizep;
- /* Magic cookie */
- memcpy(vend,cookie,4);
- vend += 4;
- /* Send the iface subnet */
- /* Pad so number falls on word boundry */
- vend++;
- vend++;
- *vend = BOOTP_SUBNET;
- vend++;
- *vend = 4;
- vend++;
- put32 (vend, iface->netmask);
- vend += 4;
- /* Send the DNS */
- if(bp_DefaultDomainNS[0] != 0) {
- /* Pad for allignment */
- vend++;
- vend++;
- *vend = BOOTP_DNS;
- vend++;
- sizep = vend;
- vend++;
- for(i = 0; (i < BP_MAXDNS) && (bp_DefaultDomainNS[i] != 0); i++) {
- put32 (vend, bp_DefaultDomainNS[i]);
- *sizep = *sizep + 4;
- vend += 4;
- }
- }
- /* Send the default gateway */
- if(R_default.iface == iface) {
- vend++;
- vend++;
- *vend = BOOTP_GATEWAY;
- vend++;
- *vend = 4;
- vend++;
- put32 (vend, R_default.gateway);
- vend += 4;
- }
- /* Send the hostname */
- if(hp != NULL) {
- /* Pad so name begins on a word boundry */
- vend++;
- vend++;
- vend++;
- *vend = len = strlen (hp->name) + 1;
- vend++;
- strcpy ((char *)vend, hp->name);
- vend += len;
- /* Pad to a word. */
- mod = 4 - (len % 4);
- for(i = 0; i < mod; i++) {
- *vend = BOOTP_PAD;
- vend++;
- }
- }
- /* Mark the end of the data */
- *vend = BOOTP_END;
- }
- /*
- * Send a reply packet to the client. 'forward' flag is set if we are
- * not the originator of this reply packet.
- */
- static void
- sendreply(bp, iface)
- struct bootp *bp;
- struct iface *iface;
- {
- struct mbuf *buf;
- int32 faddr;
- uint16 length;
- uint8 *cp;
- /*
- * If the client IP address is specified, use that
- * else if gateway IP address is specified, use that
- * else make a temporary arp cache entry for the client's NEW
- * IP/hardware address and use that.
- */
- if(bp->ciaddr.s_addr) {
- faddr = get32 ((uint8 *) &(bp->ciaddr));
- } else {
- faddr = get32 ((uint8 *) &(bp->yiaddr));
- arp_add (faddr, (uint16) bp->htype, bp->chaddr, 0);
- }
- if((buf = qdata (bp, sizeof (struct bootp))) == NULL)
- return;
- pushdown (&buf, NULL,UDPHDR);
- length = sizeof (struct bootp) + UDPHDR;
- cp = buf->data;
- cp = put16 (cp, IPPORT_BOOTPS); /* Source */
- cp = put16 (cp, IPPORT_BOOTPC); /* Dest */
- cp = put16 (cp, length);
- *cp++ = 0;
- *cp = 0;
- ip_send (iface->addr, faddr, UDP_PTCL, 0, 0, &buf, length, 0, 0);
- };