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Package: [view]
Upload User: hepax88
Upload Date: 2007-01-03
Package Size: 1101k
Code Size: 6k
TCP/IP Stack
Development Platform:
Visual C++
- ; Modified from the PE1CHL version to work with NOS.
- ; This file cannot be used with the PE1CHL sources.
- ; 1/21/90
- ; Ken Mitchum, KY3B
- ; SCC interrupt handler for IBM-PC
- include asmglobal.h
- extrn Stktop,Spsave,Sssave,doret:proc,scctim:proc,eoi:proc
- extrn porg:proc
- extrn Sccvecloc,Sccpolltab,Sccmaxvec:byte
- extrn Sccchan:dword
- else
- extrn Sccchan:word
- endif
- dbase dw @Data ; save loc for ds (must be in code segment)
- ; sccvec is the interrupt handler for SCC interrupts using INTACK
- public sccvec
- label sccvec far
- cli ; this code is not re-entrant, so make sure it
- ; is not interrupted. some multi-taskers
- ; intercept interrupt handlers, so be careful!
- cld
- push ds ; save on user stack
- mov ds,cs:dbase
- mov Sssave,ss ; stash user stack context
- mov Spsave,sp
- mov ss,cs:dbase ; set up interrupt stack
- lea sp,Stktop
- push es
- call eoi
- ifndef LARGEDATA
- mov es,ax ; small data assumes ES == DS
- endif
- cld ; in case "movsb" or "movsw" is used
- ; Read SCC interrupt vector and check it
- sccint: mov dx,Sccvecloc
- out dx,al ; Generate INTACK
- jmp short d1 ; Delay
- d1: jmp short d2
- d2: jmp short d3
- d3: in al,dx ; Read the vector
- cmp al,Sccmaxvec ; Check for a legal vector
- jnc clrret ; It should not be >= the maximum
- ; If it is, ignore the interrupt
- ; Extract channel number and status from vector. Determine handler address.
- mov bl,al ; Copy vector (need it later for status)
- shr bl,1 ; Discard least significant bit
- jc clrret ; It should not be a 1
- and bx,7ch ; Isolate channel number (and make word)
- xor bl,04h ; Toggle A/B channel bit
- les si,Sccchan[bx] ; Read address of channel structure
- else
- shr bl,1 ; Discard another bit
- mov si,Sccchan[bx] ; Read address of channel structure
- endif
- ifdef LARGEDATA ; Test for NULL
- push ax
- mov ax,es
- test ax,ax
- pop ax
- jne nn0
- endif
- test si,si ; Test for NULL
- je clrret ; No channel struct, ignore it
- nn0:
- and ax,06h ; Isolate status info from vector
- add ax,ax ; Make index in FAR PTR array
- mov bx,ax ; It must be in BX
- ; Call the handler (defined in C), with Sccchan struct as a parameter
- push es
- push si ; Put channel struct as a parameter
- call dword ptr es:[bx+si] ; Call the handler
- else
- call dword ptr [bx+si] ; Call the handler
- endif
- pop si ; Get channel struct back
- pop es
- ; Reset highest priority interrupt
- mov dx,es:16[si] ; Get control register address
- else
- mov dx,16[si] ; Get control register address
- endif
- mov al,38h ; "Reset Highest IUS" opcode
- out dx,al ; to WR0
- jmp short d4 ; settling delay
- d4: jmp short d5
- d5:
- ; Determine if more interrupt requests are coming in from the SCCs
- jmp sccint ; keep trying until no vector returned
- ; Clear the ISR bit in the PIC and return from interrupt
- clrret:
- mov ax,0 ; clear chain vector value (4/92 KA9Q)
- mov dx,0
- jmp doret ; execute code in pcint.asm
- ; sccvec endproc
- ; sccnovec is the interrupt handler for SCC interrupts using polling
- public sccnovec
- label sccnovec far
- cli ; this code is not re-entrant, so make sure it
- ; is not interrupted. some multi-taskers
- ; intercept interrupt handlers, so be careful!
- push ds ; save on user stack
- mov ds,cs:dbase
- mov Sssave,ss ; stash user stack context
- mov Spsave,sp
- mov ss,cs:dbase ; set up interrupt stack
- lea sp,Stktop
- push es
- call eoi
- ifndef LARGEDATA
- mov es,ax ; small data assumes ES == DS
- endif
- cld ; in case "movsb" or "movsw" is used
- ; Find the SCC generating the interrupt by polling all attached SCCs
- ; reading RR3A (the interrupt pending register)
- sccintnv:
- lea si,Sccpolltab ; Point to polling table
- sccpoll:
- mov dx,[si] ; Get chan A CTRL address
- inc si
- inc si
- test dx,dx ; End of table without finding it
- je clrret ; Then return from interrupt
- mov al,3 ; Select RR3A
- out dx,al
- jmp short d6 ; Delay
- d6: jmp short d7
- d7: jmp short d8
- d8: in al,dx
- test al,al ; Test if a nonzero IP here
- jnz sccip ; Yes, handle it
- inc si ; No, next A CTRL
- inc si
- jmp sccpoll
- ; Read SCC interrupt vector from RR2B, it should always be correct
- ; Extract channel number and status from vector. Determine handler address.
- sccip: mov dx,[si] ; Read B CTRL address
- mov al,2 ; Select RR2B
- out dx,al
- jmp short d9 ; Delay
- d9: jmp short d10
- d10: jmp short d11
- d11: in al,dx ; Read the vector
- mov bl,al ; Copy vector (need it later for status)
- shr bl,1 ; Discard least significant bit
- and bx,7ch ; Isolate channel number (and make word)
- xor bl,04h ; Toggle A/B channel bit
- les si,Sccchan[bx]
- else
- shr bl,1 ; Discard another bit (Sccchan=words)
- mov si,Sccchan[bx] ; Read address of channel structure
- endif
- ifdef LARGEDATA ; Test for NULL
- push ax
- mov ax,es
- test ax,ax
- pop ax
- jne nn1
- endif
- test si,si ; Test for NULL
- je clrret ; No channel struct, ignore it
- nn1:
- and ax,06h ; Isolate status info from vector
- add ax,ax ; Make index in FAR PTR array
- mov bx,ax ; It must be in BX
- ; Call the handler (defined in C), with Sccchan struct as a parameter
- push es
- push si ; Put channel struct as a parameter
- call dword ptr es:[bx+si] ; Call the handler
- else
- call dword ptr [bx+si] ; Call the handler
- endif
- pop si ; Remove parameter from stack
- pop es
- ; Check for more interrupt pending bits
- jmp sccintnv
- ; sccnovec endproc
- end