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Upload User: hepax88
Upload Date: 2007-01-03
Package Size: 1101k
Code Size: 10k
TCP/IP Stack
Development Platform:
Visual C++
- #ifndef _TCP_H
- #define _TCP_H
- /* TCP implementation. Follows RFC 793 as closely as possible */
- #ifndef _GLOBAL_H
- #include "global.h"
- #endif
- #ifndef _MBUF_H
- #include "mbuf.h"
- #endif
- #ifndef _IFACE_H
- #include "iface.h"
- #endif
- #ifndef _INTERNET_H
- #include "internet.h"
- #endif
- #ifndef _IP_H
- #include "ip.h"
- #endif
- #ifndef _NETUSER_H
- #include "netuser.h"
- #endif
- #ifndef _TIMER_H
- #include "timer.h"
- #endif
- #define DEF_MSS 512 /* Default maximum segment size */
- #define DEF_WND 2048 /* Default receiver window */
- #define RTTCACHE 16 /* # of TCP round-trip-time cache entries */
- #define DEF_RTT 5000 /* Initial guess at round trip time (5 sec) */
- #define MSL2 30 /* Guess at two maximum-segment lifetimes */
- #define MIN_RTO 500L /* Minimum timeout, milliseconds */
- #define TCP_HDR_PAD 70 /* mbuf size to preallocate for headers */
- #define DEF_WSCALE 0 /* Our window scale option */
- #define geniss() ((int32)msclock() << 12) /* Increment clock at 4 MB/sec */
- /* Number of consecutive duplicate acks to trigger fast recovery */
- #define TCPDUPACKS 3
- /* Round trip timing parameters */
- #define AGAIN 8 /* Average RTT gain = 1/8 */
- #define LAGAIN 3 /* Log2(AGAIN) */
- #define DGAIN 4 /* Mean deviation gain = 1/4 */
- #define LDGAIN 2 /* log2(DGAIN) */
- /* TCP segment header -- internal representation
- * Note that this structure is NOT the actual header as it appears on the
- * network (in particular, the offset field is missing).
- * All that knowledge is in the functions ntohtcp() and htontcp() in tcpsubr.c
- */
- #define TCPLEN 20 /* Minimum Header length, bytes */
- #define TCP_MAXOPT 40 /* Largest option field, bytes */
- struct tcp {
- uint16 source; /* Source port */
- uint16 dest; /* Destination port */
- int32 seq; /* Sequence number */
- int32 ack; /* Acknowledgment number */
- uint16 wnd; /* Receiver flow control window */
- uint16 checksum; /* Checksum */
- uint16 up; /* Urgent pointer */
- uint16 mss; /* Optional max seg size */
- uint8 wsopt; /* Optional window scale factor */
- uint32 tsval; /* Outbound timestamp */
- uint32 tsecr; /* Timestamp echo field */
- struct {
- unsigned int congest:1; /* Echoed IP congestion experienced bit */
- unsigned int urg:1;
- unsigned int ack:1;
- unsigned int psh:1;
- unsigned int rst:1;
- unsigned int syn:1;
- unsigned int fin:1;
- unsigned int mss:1; /* MSS option present */
- unsigned int wscale:1; /* Window scale option present */
- unsigned int tstamp:1; /* Timestamp option present */
- } flags;
- };
- /* TCP options */
- #define EOL_KIND 0
- #define NOOP_KIND 1
- #define MSS_KIND 2
- #define MSS_LENGTH 4
- #define WSCALE_KIND 3
- #define WSCALE_LENGTH 3
- #define TSTAMP_KIND 8
- #define TSTAMP_LENGTH 10
- /* Resequencing queue entry */
- struct reseq {
- struct reseq *next; /* Linked-list pointer */
- struct tcp seg; /* TCP header */
- struct mbuf *bp; /* data */
- uint16 length; /* data length */
- char tos; /* Type of service */
- };
- /* These numbers match those defined in the MIB for TCP connection state */
- enum tcp_state {
- };
- /* TCP connection control block */
- struct tcb {
- struct tcb *next; /* Linked list pointer */
- struct connection conn;
- enum tcp_state state; /* Connection state */
- char reason; /* Reason for closing */
- #define NORMAL 0 /* Normal close */
- #define RESET 1 /* Reset by other end */
- #define TIMEOUT 2 /* Excessive retransmissions */
- #define NETWORK 3 /* Network problem (ICMP message) */
- /* If reason == NETWORK, the ICMP type and code values are stored here */
- uint8 type;
- uint8 code;
- /* Send sequence variables */
- struct {
- int32 una; /* First unacknowledged sequence number */
- int32 nxt; /* Next sequence num to be sent for the first time */
- int32 ptr; /* Working transmission pointer */
- int32 wl1; /* Sequence number used for last window update */
- int32 wl2; /* Ack number used for last window update */
- int32 wnd; /* Other end's offered receive window */
- uint16 up; /* Send urgent pointer */
- uint8 wind_scale;/* Send window scale */
- } snd;
- int32 iss; /* Initial send sequence number */
- int32 resent; /* Count of bytes retransmitted */
- int32 cwind; /* Congestion window */
- int32 ssthresh; /* Slow-start threshold */
- int dupacks; /* Count of duplicate (do-nothing) ACKs */
- /* Receive sequence variables */
- struct {
- int32 nxt; /* Incoming sequence number expected next */
- int32 wnd; /* Our offered receive window */
- uint16 up; /* Receive urgent pointer */
- uint8 wind_scale;/* Recv window scale */
- } rcv;
- int32 last_ack_sent; /* Last ack sent for timestamp purposes */
- int32 ts_recent; /* Most recent incoming timestamp */
- int32 irs; /* Initial receive sequence number */
- int32 rerecv; /* Count of duplicate bytes received */
- int32 mss; /* Maximum segment size */
- int32 window; /* Receiver window and send queue limit */
- int32 limit; /* Send queue limit */
- void (*r_upcall)(struct tcb *tcb,int32 cnt);
- /* Call when "significant" amount of data arrives */
- void (*t_upcall)(struct tcb *tcb,int32 cnt);
- /* Call when ok to send more data */
- void (*s_upcall)(struct tcb *tcb,int old,int new);
- /* Call when connection state changes */
- struct { /* Control flags */
- unsigned int force:1; /* We owe the other end an ACK or window update */
- unsigned int clone:1; /* Server-type TCB, cloned on incoming SYN */
- unsigned int retran:1; /* A retransmission has occurred */
- unsigned int active:1; /* TCB created with an active open */
- unsigned int synack:1; /* Our SYN has been acked */
- unsigned int rtt_run:1; /* We're timing a segment */
- unsigned int congest:1; /* Copy of last IP congest bit received */
- int ts_ok:1; /* We're using timestamps */
- int ws_ok:1; /* We're using window scaling */
- } flags;
- char tos; /* Type of service (for IP) */
- int backoff; /* Backoff interval */
- struct mbuf *rcvq; /* Receive queue */
- struct mbuf *sndq; /* Send queue */
- int32 rcvcnt; /* Count of items on rcvq */
- int32 sndcnt; /* Number of unacknowledged sequence numbers on
- * sndq. NB: includes SYN and FIN, which don't
- * actually appear on sndq!
- */
- struct reseq *reseq; /* Out-of-order segment queue */
- struct timer timer; /* Retransmission timer */
- int32 rtt_time; /* Stored clock values for RTT */
- int32 rttseq; /* Sequence number being timed */
- int32 rttack; /* Ack at start of timing (for txbw calc) */
- int32 srtt; /* Smoothed round trip time, milliseconds */
- int32 mdev; /* Mean deviation, milliseconds */
- int32 rtt; /* Last received RTT (for debugging) */
- int user; /* User parameter (e.g., for mapping to an
- * application control block
- */
- int32 quench; /* Count of incoming ICMP source quenches */
- int32 unreach; /* Count of incoming ICMP unreachables */
- int32 timeouts; /* Count of retransmission timeouts */
- int32 lastack; /* Time of last received ack */
- int32 txbw; /* Estimate of transmit bandwidth */
- int32 lastrx; /* Time of last received data */
- int32 rxbw; /* Estimate of receive bandwidth */
- };
- /* TCP round-trip time cache */
- struct tcp_rtt {
- int32 addr; /* Destination IP address */
- int32 srtt; /* Most recent SRTT */
- int32 mdev; /* Most recent mean deviation */
- };
- extern struct tcp_rtt Tcp_rtt[];
- extern int (*Kicklist[])();
- /* TCP statistics counters */
- struct tcp_stat {
- uint16 runt; /* Smaller than minimum size */
- uint16 checksum; /* TCP header checksum errors */
- uint16 conout; /* Outgoing connection attempts */
- uint16 conin; /* Incoming connection attempts */
- uint16 resets; /* Resets generated */
- uint16 bdcsts; /* Bogus broadcast packets */
- };
- extern struct mib_entry Tcp_mib[];
- #define tcpRtoAlgorithm Tcp_mib[1].value.integer
- #define tcpRtoMin Tcp_mib[2].value.integer
- #define tcpRtoMax Tcp_mib[3].value.integer
- #define tcpMaxConn Tcp_mib[4].value.integer
- #define tcpActiveOpens Tcp_mib[5].value.integer
- #define tcpPassiveOpens Tcp_mib[6].value.integer
- #define tcpAttemptFails Tcp_mib[7].value.integer
- #define tcpEstabResets Tcp_mib[8].value.integer
- #define tcpCurrEstab Tcp_mib[9].value.integer
- #define tcpInSegs Tcp_mib[10].value.integer
- #define tcpOutSegs Tcp_mib[11].value.integer
- #define tcpRetransSegs Tcp_mib[12].value.integer
- #define tcpInErrs Tcp_mib[14].value.integer
- #define tcpOutRsts Tcp_mib[15].value.integer
- #define NUMTCPMIB 15
- extern struct tcb *Tcbs;
- extern char *Tcpstates[];
- extern char *Tcpreasons[];
- /* In tcpcmd.c: */
- extern int Tcp_tstamps;
- extern int32 Tcp_irtt;
- extern uint16 Tcp_limit;
- extern uint16 Tcp_mss;
- extern int Tcp_syndata;
- extern int Tcp_trace;
- extern uint16 Tcp_window;
- void st_tcp(struct tcb *tcb);
- /* In tcphdr.c: */
- void htontcp(struct tcp *tcph,struct mbuf **data,
- int32 ipsrc,int32 ipdest);
- int ntohtcp(struct tcp *tcph,struct mbuf **bpp);
- /* In tcpin.c: */
- void reset(struct ip *ip,struct tcp *seg);
- void send_syn(struct tcb *tcb);
- void tcp_input(struct iface *iface,struct ip *ip,struct mbuf **bpp,
- int rxbroadcast,int32 said);
- void tcp_icmp(int32 icsource,int32 source,int32 dest,
- uint8 type,uint8 code,struct mbuf **bpp);
- /* In tcpsubr.c: */
- void close_self(struct tcb *tcb,int reason);
- struct tcb *create_tcb(struct connection *conn);
- struct tcb *lookup_tcb(struct connection *conn);
- void rtt_add(int32 addr,int32 rtt);
- struct tcp_rtt *rtt_get(int32 addr);
- int seq_ge(int32 x,int32 y);
- int seq_gt(int32 x,int32 y);
- int seq_le(int32 x,int32 y);
- int seq_lt(int32 x,int32 y);
- int seq_within(int32 x,int32 low,int32 high);
- void settcpstate(struct tcb *tcb,enum tcp_state newstate);
- void tcp_garbage(int red);
- /* In tcpout.c: */
- void tcp_output(struct tcb *tcb);
- /* In tcptimer.c: */
- int32 backoff(int n);
- void tcp_timeout(void *p);
- /* In tcpuser.c: */
- int close_tcp(struct tcb *tcb);
- int del_tcp(struct tcb *tcb);
- int kick(int32 addr);
- int kick_tcp(struct tcb *tcb);
- struct tcb *open_tcp(struct socket *lsocket,struct socket *fsocket,
- int mode,uint16 window,
- void (*r_upcall)(struct tcb *tcb,int32 cnt),
- void (*t_upcall)(struct tcb *tcb,int32 cnt),
- void (*s_upcall)(struct tcb *tcb,int old,int new),
- int tos,int user);
- int32 recv_tcp(struct tcb *tcb,struct mbuf **bpp,int32 cnt);
- void reset_all(void);
- void reset_tcp(struct tcb *tcb);
- long send_tcp(struct tcb *tcb,struct mbuf **bpp);
- char *tcp_port(uint16 n);
- int tcpval(struct tcb *tcb);
- #endif /* _TCP_H */