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Package: [view]
Upload User: hepax88
Upload Date: 2007-01-03
Package Size: 1101k
Code Size: 9k
TCP/IP Stack
Development Platform:
Visual C++
- /* Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) functions. Sits between IP and
- * Level 2, mapping IP to Level 2 addresses for all outgoing datagrams.
- * Copyright 1991 Phil Karn, KA9Q
- */
- #include "global.h"
- #include "mbuf.h"
- #include "timer.h"
- #include "iface.h"
- #include "enet.h"
- #include "ax25.h"
- #include "icmp.h"
- #include "ip.h"
- #include "arp.h"
- #include "icmp.h"
- static void arp_output(struct iface *iface,enum arp_hwtype hardware,int32 target);
- /* Hash table headers */
- struct arp_tab *Arp_tab[HASHMOD];
- struct arp_stat Arp_stat;
- /* Resolve an IP address to a hardware address; if not found,
- * initiate query and return NULL. If an address is returned, the
- * interface driver may send the packet; if NULL is returned,
- * res_arp() will have saved the packet on its pending queue,
- * so no further action (like freeing the packet) is necessary.
- */
- uint8 *
- res_arp(
- struct iface *iface, /* Pointer to interface block */
- enum arp_hwtype hardware, /* Hardware type */
- int32 target, /* Target IP address */
- struct mbuf **bpp /* IP datagram to be queued if unresolved */
- ){
- register struct arp_tab *arp;
- struct ip ip;
- if((arp = arp_lookup(hardware,target)) != NULL && arp->state == ARP_VALID)
- return arp->hw_addr;
- if(arp != NULL){
- /* Earlier packets are already pending, kick this one back
- * as a source quench
- */
- ntohip(&ip,bpp);
- icmp_output(&ip,*bpp,ICMP_QUENCH,0,NULL);
- free_p(bpp);
- } else {
- /* Create an entry and put the datagram on the
- * queue pending an answer
- */
- arp = arp_add(target,hardware,NULL,0);
- enqueue(&arp->pending,bpp);
- arp_output(iface,hardware,target);
- }
- return NULL;
- }
- /* Handle incoming ARP packets. This is almost a direct implementation of
- * the algorithm on page 5 of RFC 826, except for:
- * 1. Outgoing datagrams to unresolved addresses are kept on a queue
- * pending a reply to our ARP request.
- * 2. The names of the fields in the ARP packet were made more mnemonic.
- * 3. Requests for IP addresses listed in our table as "published" are
- * responded to, even if the address is not our own.
- */
- void
- arp_input(
- struct iface *iface,
- struct mbuf **bpp
- ){
- struct arp arp;
- struct arp_tab *ap;
- struct arp_type *at;
- int i;
- Arp_stat.recv++;
- if(ntoharp(&arp,bpp) == -1) /* Convert into host format */
- return;
- if(arp.hardware >= NHWTYPES){
- /* Unknown hardware type, ignore */
- Arp_stat.badtype++;
- return;
- }
- at = &Arp_type[arp.hardware];
- if(arp.protocol != at->iptype){
- /* Unsupported protocol type, ignore */
- Arp_stat.badtype++;
- return;
- }
- if(arp.hwalen > MAXHWALEN || arp.pralen != sizeof(int32)){
- /* Incorrect protocol addr length (different hw addr lengths
- * are OK since AX.25 addresses can be of variable length)
- */
- Arp_stat.badlen++;
- return;
- }
- if(memcmp(arp.shwaddr,at->bdcst,at->hwalen) == 0){
- /* This guy is trying to say he's got the broadcast address! */
- Arp_stat.badaddr++;
- return;
- }
- /* If this guy is already in the table, update its entry
- * unless it's a manual entry (noted by the lack of a timer)
- */
- ap = NULL; /* ap plays the role of merge_flag in the spec */
- if((ap = arp_lookup(arp.hardware,arp.sprotaddr)) != NULL
- && dur_timer(&ap->timer) != 0){
- ap = arp_add(arp.sprotaddr,arp.hardware,arp.shwaddr,0);
- }
- /* See if we're the address they're looking for */
- if(ismyaddr(arp.tprotaddr) != NULL){
- if(ap == NULL) /* Only if not already in the table */
- arp_add(arp.sprotaddr,arp.hardware,arp.shwaddr,0);
- if(arp.opcode == ARP_REQUEST){
- /* Swap sender's and target's (us) hardware and protocol
- * fields, and send the packet back as a reply
- */
- memcpy(arp.thwaddr,arp.shwaddr,(uint16)arp.hwalen);
- /* Mark the end of the sender's AX.25 address
- * in case he didn't
- */
- if(arp.hardware == ARP_AX25)
- arp.thwaddr[arp.hwalen-1] |= E;
- memcpy(arp.shwaddr,iface->hwaddr,at->hwalen);
- arp.tprotaddr = arp.sprotaddr;
- arp.sprotaddr = iface->addr;
- arp.opcode = ARP_REPLY;
- if((*bpp = htonarp(&arp)) == NULL)
- return;
- if(iface->forw != NULL)
- (*iface->forw->output)(iface->forw,
- arp.thwaddr,iface->forw->hwaddr,at->arptype,bpp);
- else
- (*iface->output)(iface,arp.thwaddr,
- iface->hwaddr,at->arptype,bpp);
- Arp_stat.inreq++;
- } else {
- Arp_stat.replies++;
- }
- } else if(arp.opcode == ARP_REQUEST
- && (ap = arp_lookup(arp.hardware,arp.tprotaddr)) != NULL
- && ap->pub){
- /* Otherwise, respond if the guy he's looking for is
- * published in our table.
- */
- memcpy(arp.thwaddr,arp.shwaddr,(uint16)arp.hwalen);
- memcpy(arp.shwaddr,ap->hw_addr,at->hwalen);
- arp.tprotaddr = arp.sprotaddr;
- arp.sprotaddr = ap->ip_addr;
- arp.opcode = ARP_REPLY;
- if((*bpp = htonarp(&arp)) == NULL)
- return;
- if(iface->forw != NULL)
- (*iface->forw->output)(iface->forw,
- arp.thwaddr,iface->forw->hwaddr,at->arptype,bpp);
- else
- (*iface->output)(iface,arp.thwaddr,
- iface->hwaddr,at->arptype,bpp);
- Arp_stat.inreq++;
- } else if(arp.opcode == REVARP_REQUEST){
- for(i=0;i<HASHMOD;i++)
- for(ap = Arp_tab[i];ap != NULL;ap = ap->next)
- if(memcmp(ap->hw_addr,arp.thwaddr,at->hwalen) == 0)
- goto found;
- found: if(ap != NULL && ap->pub){
- memcpy(arp.shwaddr,iface->hwaddr,at->hwalen);
- arp.tprotaddr = ap->ip_addr;
- arp.sprotaddr = iface->addr;
- arp.opcode = REVARP_REPLY;
- if((*bpp = htonarp(&arp)) == NULL)
- return;
- if(iface->forw != NULL)
- (*iface->forw->output)(iface->forw,
- arp.thwaddr,iface->forw->hwaddr,REVARP_TYPE,bpp);
- else
- (*iface->output)(iface,arp.thwaddr,
- iface->hwaddr,REVARP_TYPE,bpp);
- Arp_stat.inreq++;
- }
- }
- }
- /* Add an IP-addr / hardware-addr pair to the ARP table */
- struct arp_tab *
- arp_add(ipaddr,hardware,hw_addr,pub)
- int32 ipaddr; /* IP address, host order */
- enum arp_hwtype hardware; /* Hardware type */
- uint8 *hw_addr; /* Hardware address, if known; NULL otherwise */
- int pub; /* Publish this entry? */
- {
- struct mbuf *bp;
- register struct arp_tab *ap;
- struct arp_type *at;
- unsigned hashval;
- if(hardware >=NHWTYPES)
- return NULL; /* Invalid hardware type */
- at = &Arp_type[hardware];
- if((ap = arp_lookup(hardware,ipaddr)) == NULL){
- /* New entry */
- ap = (struct arp_tab *)callocw(1,sizeof(struct arp_tab));
- ap->hw_addr = mallocw(at->hwalen);
- ap->timer.func = arp_drop;
- ap->timer.arg = ap;
- ap->hardware = hardware;
- ap->ip_addr = ipaddr;
- /* Put on head of hash chain */
- hashval = hash_ip(ipaddr);
- ap->prev = NULL;
- ap->next = Arp_tab[hashval];
- Arp_tab[hashval] = ap;
- if(ap->next != NULL){
- ap->next->prev = ap;
- }
- }
- if(hw_addr == NULL){
- /* Await response */
- ap->state = ARP_PENDING;
- set_timer(&ap->timer,Arp_type[hardware].pendtime * 1000L);
- } else {
- /* Response has come in, update entry and run through queue */
- ap->state = ARP_VALID;
- set_timer(&ap->timer,ARPLIFE*1000L);
- memcpy(ap->hw_addr,hw_addr,at->hwalen);
- ap->pub = pub;
- while((bp = dequeue(&ap->pending)) != NULL)
- ip_route(NULL,&bp,0);
- }
- start_timer(&ap->timer);
- return ap;
- }
- /* Remove an entry from the ARP table */
- void
- arp_drop(p)
- void *p;
- {
- register struct arp_tab *ap;
- ap = (struct arp_tab *)p;
- if(ap == NULL)
- return;
- stop_timer(&ap->timer); /* Shouldn't be necessary */
- if(ap->next != NULL)
- ap->next->prev = ap->prev;
- if(ap->prev != NULL)
- ap->prev->next = ap->next;
- else
- Arp_tab[hash_ip(ap->ip_addr)] = ap->next;
- free_q(&ap->pending);
- free(ap->hw_addr);
- free(ap);
- }
- /* Look up the given IP address in the ARP table */
- struct arp_tab *
- arp_lookup(hardware,ipaddr)
- enum arp_hwtype hardware;
- int32 ipaddr;
- {
- register struct arp_tab *ap;
- for(ap = Arp_tab[hash_ip(ipaddr)]; ap != NULL; ap = ap->next){
- if(ap->ip_addr == ipaddr && ap->hardware == hardware)
- break;
- }
- return ap;
- }
- /* Send an ARP request to resolve IP address target_ip */
- static void
- arp_output(iface,hardware,target)
- struct iface *iface;
- enum arp_hwtype hardware;
- int32 target;
- {
- struct arp arp;
- struct mbuf *bp;
- struct arp_type *at;
- at = &Arp_type[hardware];
- if(iface->output == NULL)
- return;
- arp.hardware = hardware;
- arp.protocol = at->iptype;
- arp.hwalen = at->hwalen;
- arp.pralen = sizeof(int32);
- arp.opcode = ARP_REQUEST;
- memcpy(arp.shwaddr,iface->hwaddr,at->hwalen);
- arp.sprotaddr = iface->addr;
- memset(arp.thwaddr,0,at->hwalen);
- arp.tprotaddr = target;
- if((bp = htonarp(&arp)) == NULL)
- return;
- (*iface->output)(iface,at->bdcst,
- iface->hwaddr,at->arptype,&bp);
- Arp_stat.outreq++;
- }