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Package: [view]
Upload User: hepax88
Upload Date: 2007-01-03
Package Size: 1101k
Code Size: 5k
TCP/IP Stack
Development Platform:
Visual C++
- /* AX25 link callsign monitoring. Also contains beginnings of
- * an automatic link quality monitoring scheme (incomplete)
- *
- * Copyright 1991 Phil Karn, KA9Q
- */
- #include "global.h"
- #include "mbuf.h"
- #include "iface.h"
- #include "ax25.h"
- #include "ip.h"
- #include "timer.h"
- static struct lq *al_create(struct iface *ifp,uint8 *addr);
- static struct ld *ad_lookup(struct iface *ifp,uint8 *addr,int sort);
- static struct ld *ad_create(struct iface *ifp,uint8 *addr);
- struct lq *Lq;
- struct ld *Ld;
- #ifdef notdef
- /* Send link quality reports to interface */
- void
- genrpt(ifp)
- struct iface *ifp;
- {
- struct mbuf *bp;
- register uint8 *cp;
- int i;
- struct lq *lp;
- int maxentries,nentries;
- maxentries = (Paclen - LQHDR) / LQENTRY;
- if((bp = alloc_mbuf(Paclen)) == NULL)
- return;
- cp = bp->data;
- nentries = 0;
- /* Build and emit header */
- cp = putlqhdr(cp,LINKVERS,Ip_addr);
- /* First entry is for ourselves. Since we're examining the Axsent
- * variable before we've sent this frame, add one to it so it'll
- * match the receiver's count after he gets this frame.
- */
- cp = putlqentry(cp,ifp->hwaddr,Axsent+1);
- nentries++;
- /* Now add entries from table */
- for(lp = lq;lp != NULL;lp = lp->next){
- cp = putlqentry(cp,&lp->addr,lp->currxcnt);
- if(++nentries >= MAXENTRIES){
- /* Flush */
- bp->cnt = nentries*LQENTRY + LQHDR;
- ax_output(ifp,Ax25multi[0],ifp->hwaddr,PID_LQ,bp);
- if((bp = alloc_mbuf(Paclen)) == NULL)
- return;
- cp = bp->data;
- }
- }
- if(nentries > 0){
- bp->cnt = nentries*LQENTRY + LQHDR;
- ax_output(ifp,Ax25multi[0],ifp->hwaddr,LQPID,bp);
- } else {
- free_p(&bp);
- }
- }
- /* Pull the header off a link quality packet */
- void
- getlqhdr(hp,bpp)
- struct lqhdr *hp;
- struct mbuf **bpp;
- {
- hp->version = pull16(bpp);
- hp->ip_addr = pull32(bpp);
- }
- /* Put a header on a link quality packet.
- * Return pointer to buffer immediately following header
- */
- uint8 *
- putlqhdr(cp,version,ip_addr)
- register uint8 *cp;
- uint16 version;
- int32 ip_addr;
- {
- cp = put16(cp,version);
- return put32(cp,ip_addr);
- }
- /* Pull an entry off a link quality packet */
- void
- getlqentry(ep,bpp)
- struct lqentry *ep;
- struct mbuf **bpp;
- {
- pullup(bpp,ep->addr,AXALEN);
- ep->count = pull32(bpp);
- }
- /* Put an entry on a link quality packet
- * Return pointer to buffer immediately following header
- */
- uint8 *
- putlqentry(cp,addr,count)
- uint8 *cp;
- uint8 *addr;
- int32 count;
- {
- memcpy(cp,addr,AXALEN);
- cp += AXALEN;
- return put32(cp,count);
- }
- #endif
- /* Log the source address of an incoming packet */
- void
- logsrc(ifp,addr)
- struct iface *ifp;
- uint8 *addr;
- {
- register struct lq *lp;
- if((lp = al_lookup(ifp,addr,1)) == NULL
- && (lp = al_create(ifp,addr)) == NULL)
- return;
- lp->currxcnt++;
- lp->time = secclock();
- }
- /* Log the destination address of an incoming packet */
- void
- logdest(ifp,addr)
- struct iface *ifp;
- uint8 *addr;
- {
- register struct ld *lp;
- if((lp = ad_lookup(ifp,addr,1)) == NULL
- && (lp = ad_create(ifp,addr)) == NULL)
- return;
- lp->currxcnt++;
- lp->time = secclock();
- }
- /* Look up an entry in the source data base */
- struct lq *
- al_lookup(ifp,addr,sort)
- struct iface *ifp;
- uint8 *addr;
- int sort;
- {
- register struct lq *lp;
- struct lq *lplast = NULL;
- for(lp = Lq;lp != NULL;lplast = lp,lp = lp->next){
- if(addreq(lp->addr,addr) && lp->iface == ifp){
- if(sort && lplast != NULL){
- /* Move entry to top of list */
- lplast->next = lp->next;
- lp->next = Lq;
- Lq = lp;
- }
- return lp;
- }
- }
- return NULL;
- }
- /* Create a new entry in the source database */
- static struct lq *
- al_create(ifp,addr)
- struct iface *ifp;
- uint8 *addr;
- {
- register struct lq *lp;
- lp = (struct lq *)callocw(1,sizeof(struct lq));
- memcpy(lp->addr,addr,AXALEN);
- lp->next = Lq;
- Lq = lp;
- lp->iface = ifp;
- return lp;
- }
- /* Look up an entry in the destination database */
- static struct ld *
- ad_lookup(ifp,addr,sort)
- struct iface *ifp;
- uint8 *addr;
- int sort;
- {
- register struct ld *lp;
- struct ld *lplast = NULL;
- for(lp = Ld;lp != NULL;lplast = lp,lp = lp->next){
- if(lp->iface == ifp && addreq(lp->addr,addr)){
- if(sort && lplast != NULL){
- /* Move entry to top of list */
- lplast->next = lp->next;
- lp->next = Ld;
- Ld = lp;
- }
- return lp;
- }
- }
- return NULL;
- }
- /* Create a new entry in the destination database */
- static struct ld *
- ad_create(ifp,addr)
- struct iface *ifp;
- uint8 *addr;
- {
- register struct ld *lp;
- lp = (struct ld *)callocw(1,sizeof(struct ld));
- memcpy(lp->addr,addr,AXALEN);
- lp->next = Ld;
- Ld = lp;
- lp->iface = ifp;
- return lp;
- }