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Package: [view]
Upload User: hepax88
Upload Date: 2007-01-03
Package Size: 1101k
Code Size: 14k
TCP/IP Stack
Development Platform:
Visual C++
- /* Non pre-empting synchronization kernel, machine-independent portion
- * Copyright 1992 Phil Karn, KA9Q
- */
- #if defined(PROCLOG) || defined(PROCTRACE)
- #include <stdio.h>
- #endif
- #include <dos.h>
- #include <setjmp.h>
- #include "global.h"
- #include "mbuf.h"
- #include "proc.h"
- #include "timer.h"
- #include "socket.h"
- #include "daemon.h"
- #include "hardware.h"
- #include "display.h"
- #ifdef PROCLOG
- FILE *proclog;
- FILE *proctrace;
- #endif
- int Stkchk = 0;
- struct proc *Curproc; /* Currently running process */
- struct proc *Rdytab; /* Processes ready to run (not including curproc) */
- struct proc *Waittab[PHASH]; /* Waiting process list */
- struct proc *Susptab; /* Suspended processes */
- static struct mbuf *Killq;
- struct ksig Ksig;
- int Kdebug; /* Control display of current task on screen */
- static void addproc(struct proc *entry);
- static void delproc(struct proc *entry);
- static void ksig(void *event,int n);
- static int procsigs(void);
- /* Create a process descriptor for the main function. Must be actually
- * called from the main function, and must be called before any other
- * tasking functions are called!
- *
- * Note that standard I/O is NOT set up here.
- */
- struct proc *
- mainproc(char *name)
- {
- register struct proc *pp;
- /* Create process descriptor */
- pp = (struct proc *)callocw(1,sizeof(struct proc));
- /* Create name */
- pp->name = strdup(name);
- #ifndef AMIGA
- pp->stksize = 0;
- #else
- init_psetup(pp);
- #endif
- /* Make current */
- pp->flags.suspend = pp->flags.waiting = 0;
- Curproc = pp;
- #ifdef PROCLOG
- proclog = fopen("proclog",APPEND_TEXT);
- proctrace = fopen("proctrace",APPEND_TEXT);
- #endif
- return pp;
- }
- /* Create a new, ready process and return pointer to descriptor.
- * The general registers are not initialized, but optional args are pushed
- * on the stack so they can be seen by a C function.
- */
- struct proc *
- newproc(
- char *name, /* Arbitrary user-assigned name string */
- unsigned int stksize, /* Stack size in words to allocate */
- void (*pc)(), /* Initial execution address */
- int iarg, /* Integer argument (argc) */
- void *parg1, /* Generic pointer argument #1 (argv) */
- void *parg2, /* Generic pointer argument #2 (session ptr) */
- int freeargs /* If set, free arg list on parg1 at termination */
- ){
- register struct proc *pp;
- int i;
- if(Stkchk)
- chkstk();
- /* Create process descriptor */
- pp = (struct proc *)callocw(1,sizeof(struct proc));
- /* Create name */
- pp->name = strdup(name);
- /* Allocate stack */
- #ifdef AMIGA
- stksize += SIGQSIZE0; /* DOS overhead */
- #endif
- pp->stksize = stksize;
- if((pp->stack = (uint16 *)malloc(sizeof(uint16)*stksize)) == NULL){
- free(pp->name);
- free(pp);
- return NULL;
- }
- /* Initialize stack for high-water check */
- for(i=0;i<stksize;i++)
- pp->stack[i] = STACKPAT;
- /* Do machine-dependent initialization of stack */
- psetup(pp,iarg,parg1,parg2,pc);
- pp->flags.freeargs = freeargs;
- pp->iarg = iarg;
- pp->parg1 = parg1;
- pp->parg2 = parg2;
- /* Inherit creator's input and output sockets */
- pp->input = fdup(stdin);
- pp->output = fdup(stdout);
- /* Add to ready process table */
- pp->flags.suspend = pp->flags.waiting = 0;
- addproc(pp);
- return pp;
- }
- /* Free resources allocated to specified process. If a process wants to kill
- * itself, the reaper is called to do the dirty work. This avoids some
- * messy situations that would otherwise occur, like freeing your own stack.
- */
- void
- killproc(struct proc *pp)
- {
- char **argv;
- if(pp == NULL)
- return;
- /* Don't check the stack here! Will cause infinite recursion if
- * called from a stack error
- */
- if(pp == Curproc)
- killself(); /* Doesn't return */
- fclose(pp->input);
- fclose(pp->output);
- /* Stop alarm clock in case it's running */
- stop_timer(&pp->alarm);
- /* Alert everyone waiting for this proc to die */
- ksignal(pp,0);
- /* Remove from appropriate table */
- delproc(pp);
- #ifdef PROCLOG
- fprintf(proclog,"id %p name %s stack %u/%un",pp,
- pp->name,stkutil(pp),pp->stksize);
- fclose(proclog);
- proclog = fopen("proclog",APPEND_TEXT);
- proctrace = fopen("proctrace",APPEND_TEXT);
- #endif
- /* Free allocated memory resources */
- if(pp->flags.freeargs){
- argv = pp->parg1;
- while(pp->iarg-- != 0)
- free(*argv++);
- free(pp->parg1);
- }
- free(pp->name);
- free(pp->stack);
- free(pp);
- }
- /* Terminate current process by sending a request to the killer process.
- * Automatically called when a process function returns. Does not return.
- */
- void
- killself(void)
- {
- struct mbuf *bp = NULL;
- pushdown(&bp,&Curproc,sizeof(Curproc));
- enqueue(&Killq,&bp);
- /* "Wait for me; I will be merciful and quick." */
- for(;;)
- kwait(NULL);
- }
- /* Process used by processes that want to kill themselves */
- void
- killer(int i,void *v1,void *v2)
- {
- struct proc *pp;
- struct mbuf *bp;
- for(;;){
- while(Killq == NULL)
- kwait(&Killq);
- bp = dequeue(&Killq);
- pullup(&bp,&pp,sizeof(pp));
- free_p(&bp);
- if(pp != Curproc) /* We're immortal */
- killproc(pp);
- }
- }
- /* Inhibit a process from running */
- void
- suspend(struct proc *pp)
- {
- if(pp == NULL)
- return;
- if(pp != Curproc)
- delproc(pp); /* Running process isn't on any list */
- pp->flags.suspend = 1;
- if(pp != Curproc)
- addproc(pp); /* kwait will do it for us */
- else
- kwait(NULL);
- }
- /* Restart suspended process */
- void
- resume(struct proc *pp)
- {
- if(pp == NULL)
- return;
- delproc(pp); /* Can't be Curproc! */
- pp->flags.suspend = 0;
- addproc(pp);
- }
- /* Wakeup waiting process, regardless of event it's waiting for. The process
- * will see a return value of "val" from its kwait() call. Must not be
- * called from an interrupt handler.
- */
- void
- alert(struct proc *pp,int val)
- {
- if(pp == NULL)
- return;
- #ifdef notdef
- if(pp->flags.waiting == 0)
- return;
- #endif
- #ifdef PROCTRACE
- logmsg(-1,"alert(%p,%u) [%s]",pp,val,pp->name);
- #endif
- if(pp != Curproc)
- delproc(pp);
- pp->flags.waiting = 0;
- pp->retval = val;
- pp->event = NULL;
- if(pp != Curproc)
- addproc(pp);
- }
- /* Post a wait on a specified event and give up the CPU until it happens. The
- * null event is special: it means "I don't want to block on an event, but let
- * somebody else run for a while". It can also mean that the present process
- * is terminating; in this case the wait never returns.
- *
- * Pwait() returns 0 if the event was signaled; otherwise it returns the
- * arg in an alert() call. Pwait must not be called from interrupt level.
- *
- * Before waiting and after giving up the CPU, kwait() processes the signal
- * queue containing events signaled when interrupts were off. This means
- * the process queues are no longer modified by interrupt handlers,
- * so it is no longer necessary to run with interrupts disabled here. This
- * greatly improves interrupt latencies.
- */
- int
- kwait(void *event)
- {
- register struct proc *oldproc;
- int tmp;
- int i_state;
- if(!istate()){
- stktrace();
- }
- Ksig.kwaits++;
- if(intcontext() == 1){
- /* Pwait must not be called from interrupt context */
- Ksig.kwaitints++;
- return 0;
- }
- /* Enable interrupts, after saving the current state.
- * This minimizes interrupt latency since we may have a lot
- * of work to do. This seems safe, since care has been taken
- * here to ensure that signals from interrupt level are not lost, e.g.,
- * if we're waiting on an event, we post it before we scan the
- * signal queue.
- */
- i_state = istate();
- enable();
- if(Stkchk)
- chkstk();
- if(event != NULL){
- /* Post a wait for the specified event */
- Curproc->event = event;
- Curproc->flags.waiting = 1;
- addproc(Curproc); /* Put us on the wait list */
- }
- /* If the signal queue contains a signal for the event that we're
- * waiting for, this will wake us back up
- */
- procsigs();
- if(event == NULL){
- /* We remain runnable */
- if(Rdytab == NULL){
- /* Nothing else is ready, so just return */
- Ksig.kwaitnops++;
- restore(i_state);
- return 0;
- }
- addproc(Curproc); /* Put us on the end of the ready list */
- }
- /* Look for a ready process and run it. If there are none,
- * loop or halt until an interrupt makes something ready.
- */
- while(Rdytab == NULL){
- /* Give system back to upper-level multitasker, if any.
- * Note that this function enables interrupts internally
- * to prevent deadlock, but it restores our state
- * before returning.
- */
- if(Kdebug)
- debug(" ");
- giveup();
- /* Process signals that occurred during the giveup() */
- procsigs();
- }
- /* Remove first entry from ready list */
- oldproc = Curproc;
- Curproc = Rdytab;
- delproc(Curproc);
- if(Kdebug)
- debug(Curproc->name);
- /* Now do the context switch.
- * This technique was inspired by Rob, PE1CHL, and is a bit tricky.
- *
- * First save the current process's state. Then if
- * this is still the old process, load the new environment. Since the
- * new task will "think" it's returning from the setjmp() with a return
- * value of 1, the comparison with 0 will bypass the longjmp(), which
- * would otherwise cause an infinite loop.
- */
- #ifdef PROCTRACE
- if(strcmp(oldproc->name,Curproc->name) != 0){
- logmsg(-1,"-> %s(%d)",Curproc->name,Curproc->flags.istate);
- }
- #endif
- /* Save old state */
- oldproc->flags.istate = 0;
- if(i_state)
- oldproc->flags.istate = 1;
- if(setjmp(oldproc->env) == 0){
- /* We're still running in the old task; load new task context.
- * The interrupt state is restored here in case longjmp
- * doesn't do it (e.g., systems other than Turbo-C).
- */
- restore(Curproc->flags.istate);
- longjmp(Curproc->env,1);
- }
- /* At this point, we're running in the newly dispatched task */
- tmp = Curproc->retval;
- Curproc->retval = 0;
- /* Also restore the true interrupt state here, in case the longjmp
- * DOES restore the interrupt state saved at the time of the setjmp().
- * This is the case with Turbo-C's setjmp/longjmp.
- */
- restore(Curproc->flags.istate);
- /* If an exception signal was sent and we're prepared, take it */
- if((Curproc->flags.sset) && tmp == Curproc->signo)
- longjmp(Curproc->sig,1);
- /* Otherwise return normally to the new task */
- return tmp;
- }
- void
- ksignal(void *event,int n)
- {
- static void *lastevent;
- if(istate()){
- /* Interrupts are on, just call ksig directly after
- * processing the previously queued signals
- */
- procsigs();
- ksig(event,n);
- return;
- }
- /* Interrupts are off, so quickly queue event */
- Ksig.ksigsqueued++;
- /* Ignore duplicate signals to protect against a mad device driver
- * overflowing the signal queue
- */
- if(event == lastevent && Ksig.nentries != 0){
- Ksig.duksigs++;
- return;
- }
- if(Ksig.nentries == SIGQSIZE){
- /* It's hard to handle this gracefully */
- Ksig.lostsigs++;
- return;
- }
- lastevent = Ksig.wp->event = event;
- Ksig.wp->n = n;
- if(++Ksig.wp >= &Ksig.entry[SIGQSIZE])
- Ksig.wp = Ksig.entry;
- Ksig.nentries++;
- }
- static int
- procsigs(void)
- {
- int cnt = 0;
- int tmp;
- int i_state;
- for(;;){
- /* Atomic read and decrement of entry count */
- i_state = dirps();
- tmp = Ksig.nentries;
- if(tmp != 0)
- Ksig.nentries--;
- restore(i_state);
- if(tmp == 0)
- break;
- ksig(Ksig.rp->event,Ksig.rp->n);
- if(++Ksig.rp >= &Ksig.entry[SIGQSIZE])
- Ksig.rp = Ksig.entry;
- cnt++;
- }
- if(cnt > Ksig.maxentries)
- Ksig.maxentries = cnt; /* Record high water mark */
- return cnt;
- }
- /* Make ready the first 'n' processes waiting for a given event. The ready
- * processes will see a return value of 0 from kwait(). Note that they don't
- * actually get control until we explicitly give up the CPU ourselves through
- * a kwait(). ksig is now called from pwait, which is never called at
- * interrupt time, so it is no longer necessary to protect the proc queues
- * against interrupts. This also helps interrupt latencies considerably.
- */
- static void
- ksig(
- void *event, /* Event to signal */
- int n /* Max number of processes to wake up */
- ){
- register struct proc *pp;
- struct proc *pnext;
- unsigned int hashval;
- int cnt = 0;
- Ksig.ksigs++;
- if(Stkchk)
- chkstk();
- if(event == NULL){
- Ksig.ksignops++;
- return; /* Null events are invalid */
- }
- /* n == 0 means "signal everybody waiting for this event" */
- if(n == 0)
- n = 65535;
- hashval = phash(event);
- for(pp = Waittab[hashval];n != 0 && pp != NULL;pp = pnext){
- pnext = pp->next;
- if(pp->event == event){
- #ifdef PROCTRACE
- logmsg(-1,"ksignal(%p,%u) wake %p [%s]",event,n,
- pp,pp->name);
- #endif
- delproc(pp);
- pp->flags.waiting = 0;
- pp->retval = 0;
- pp->event = NULL;
- addproc(pp);
- n--;
- cnt++;
- }
- }
- for(pp = Susptab;n != 0 && pp != NULL;pp = pnext){
- pnext = pp->next;
- if(pp->event == event){
- #ifdef PROCTRACE
- logmsg(-1,"ksignal(%p,%u) wake %p [%s]",event,n,
- pp,pp->name);
- #endif /* PROCTRACE */
- delproc(pp);
- pp->flags.waiting = 0;
- pp->event = 0;
- pp->retval = 0;
- addproc(pp);
- n--;
- cnt++;
- }
- }
- if(cnt == 0)
- Ksig.ksignops++;
- else
- Ksig.ksigwakes += cnt;
- }
- /* Rename a process */
- void
- chname(struct proc *pp,char *newname)
- {
- free(pp->name);
- pp->name = strdup(newname);
- }
- /* Remove a process entry from the appropriate table */
- static void
- delproc(struct proc *entry) /* Pointer to entry */
- {
- if(entry == NULL)
- return;
- if(entry->next != NULL)
- entry->next->prev = entry->prev;
- if(entry->prev != NULL){
- entry->prev->next = entry->next;
- } else {
- if(entry->flags.suspend){
- Susptab = entry->next;
- } else if(entry->flags.waiting){
- Waittab[phash(entry->event)] = entry->next;
- } else { /* Ready */
- Rdytab = entry->next;
- }
- }
- }
- /* Append proc entry to end of appropriate list */
- static void
- addproc(struct proc *entry) /* Pointer to entry */
- {
- register struct proc *pp;
- struct proc **head;
- if(entry == NULL)
- return;
- if(entry->flags.suspend){
- head = &Susptab;
- } else if(entry->flags.waiting){
- head = &Waittab[phash(entry->event)];
- } else { /* Ready */
- head = &Rdytab;
- }
- entry->next = NULL;
- if(*head == NULL){
- /* Empty list, stick at beginning */
- entry->prev = NULL;
- *head = entry;
- } else {
- /* Find last entry on list */
- for(pp = *head;pp->next != NULL;pp = pp->next)
- ;
- pp->next = entry;
- entry->prev = pp;
- }
- }