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Package: [view]
Upload User: hepax88
Upload Date: 2007-01-03
Package Size: 1101k
Code Size: 11k
TCP/IP Stack
Development Platform:
Visual C++
- /*
- * HOP.C -- trace route packets take to a remote host
- *
- * 02-90 -- Katie Stevens (
- * UC Davis, Computing Services
- * Davis, CA
- * 04-90 -- Modified by Phil Karn to use raw IP sockets to read replies
- * 08-90 -- Modified by Bill Simpson to display domain names
- */
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <string.h>
- #include "global.h"
- #include "mbuf.h"
- #include "usock.h"
- #include "socket.h"
- #include "session.h"
- #include "timer.h"
- #include "proc.h"
- #include "netuser.h"
- #include "domain.h"
- #include "commands.h"
- #include "tty.h"
- #include "cmdparse.h"
- #include "ip.h"
- #include "icmp.h"
- #include "udp.h"
- #include "hardware.h"
- #define HOPMAXQUERY 5 /* Max# queries each TTL value */
- static uint16 Hoprport = 32768+666; /* funny port for udp probes */
- #define HOP_HIGHBIT 32768 /* Mask to check ICMP msgs */
- #define HOPTRACE 1 /* Enable HOP tracing */
- #ifdef HOPTRACE
- static int Hoptrace = 0;
- static int hoptrace(int argc,char *argv[],void *p);
- #endif
- static unsigned short Hopmaxttl = 30; /* max attempts */
- static unsigned short Hopmaxwait = 5; /* secs timeout each attempt */
- static unsigned short Hopquery = 3; /* #probes each attempt */
- static int hopcheck(int argc,char *argv[],void *p);
- static int hopttl(int argc,char *argv[],void *p);
- static int hokwait(int argc,char *argv[],void *p);
- static int hopnum(int argc,char *argv[],void *p);
- static int geticmp(int s,uint16 lport,uint16 fport,
- int32 *sender,char *type,char *code);
- static int keychar(int c);
- static struct cmds Hopcmds[] = {
- "check", hopcheck, 2048, 2, "check <host>",
- "maxttl", hopttl, 0, 0, NULL,
- "maxwait", hokwait, 0, 0, NULL,
- "queries", hopnum, 0, 0, NULL,
- #ifdef HOPTRACE
- "trace", hoptrace, 0, 0, NULL,
- #endif
- };
- /* attempt to trace route to a remote host */
- int
- dohop(argc,argv,p)
- int argc;
- char *argv[];
- void *p;
- {
- return subcmd(Hopcmds,argc,argv,p);
- }
- /* Set/show # queries sent each TTL value */
- static int
- hopnum(argc,argv,p)
- int argc;
- char *argv[];
- void *p;
- {
- uint16 r;
- uint16 x = Hopquery;
- r = setshort(&x,"# queries each attempt",argc,argv);
- if ((x <= 0)||(x > HOPMAXQUERY)) {
- printf("Must be 0 < x <= %dn",HOPMAXQUERY);
- return 0;
- } else {
- Hopquery = x;
- }
- return (int)r;
- }
- #ifdef HOPTRACE
- /* Set/show tracelevel */
- static int
- hoptrace(argc,argv,p)
- int argc;
- char *argv[];
- void *p;
- {
- return setbool(&Hoptrace,"HOPCHECK tracing",argc,argv);
- }
- #endif
- /* Set/show maximum TTL value for a traceroute query */
- static int
- hopttl(argc,argv,p)
- int argc;
- char *argv[];
- void *p;
- {
- uint16 r;
- uint16 x = Hopmaxttl;
- r = setshort(&x,"Max attempts to reach host",argc,argv);
- if ((x <= 0)||(x > 255)) {
- printf("Must be 0 < x <= 255n");
- return 0;
- } else {
- Hopmaxttl = x;
- }
- return (int)r;
- }
- /* Set/show #secs until timeout for a traceroute query */
- static int
- hokwait(argc,argv,p)
- int argc;
- char *argv[];
- void *p;
- {
- uint16 r;
- uint16 x = Hopmaxwait;
- r = setshort(&x,"# secs to wait for reply to query",argc,argv);
- if (x <= 0) {
- printf("Must be >= 0n");
- return 0;
- } else {
- Hopmaxwait = x;
- }
- return (int)r;
- }
- /* send probes to trace route of a remote host */
- static int
- hopcheck(argc,argv,p)
- int argc;
- char *argv[];
- void *p;
- {
- struct session *sp; /* Session for trace output */
- int s; /* Socket for queries */
- int s1; /* Raw socket for replies */
- struct socket lsocket; /* Local socket sending queries */
- struct socket rsocket; /* Final destination of queries */
- int32 cticks; /* Timer for query replies */
- int32 icsource; /* Sender of last ICMP reply */
- char ictype; /* ICMP type last ICMP reply */
- char iccode; /* ICMP code last ICMP reply */
- int32 lastaddr; /* Sender of previous ICMP reply */
- struct sockaddr_in sock;
- register struct usock *usp;
- register struct sockaddr_in *sinp;
- unsigned char sndttl, q;
- int tracedone = 0;
- int ilookup = 1; /* Control of inverse domain lookup */
- int c;
- extern int optind;
- char *hostname;
- int save_trace;
- int user_reset = 0;
- optind = 1;
- while((c = getopt(argc,argv,"n")) != EOF){
- switch(c){
- case 'n':
- ilookup = 0;
- break;
- }
- }
- hostname = argv[optind];
- /* Allocate a session descriptor */
- if((sp = newsession(Cmdline,HOP,1)) == NULL){
- printf("Too many sessionsn");
- keywait(NULL,1);
- return 1;
- }
- sp->inproc = keychar;
- s = -1;
- /* Setup UDP socket to remote host */
- sock.sin_family = AF_INET;
- sock.sin_port = Hoprport;
- printf("Resolving %s... ",hostname);
- if((sock.sin_addr.s_addr = resolve(hostname)) == 0){
- printf("unknownn",hostname);
- keywait(NULL,1);
- freesession(sp);
- return 1;
- }
- /* Open socket to remote host */
- printf("%s ",psocket((struct sockaddr *)&sock));
- if((s = socket(AF_INET,SOCK_DGRAM,0)) == -1){
- printf("Can't create udp socketn");
- keywait(NULL,1);
- freesession(sp);
- return 1;
- }
- if(connect(s,(struct sockaddr *)&sock,sizeof(sock)) == -1){
- printf("Connect failedn");
- keywait(NULL,1);
- freesession(sp);
- return 1;
- }
- if((s1 = socket(AF_INET,SOCK_RAW,ICMP_PTCL)) == -1){
- printf("Can't create raw socketn");
- keywait(NULL,1);
- close(s);
- freesession(sp);
- return 1;
- }
- printf("n");
- /* turn off icmp tracing while hop-checking */
- save_trace = Icmp_trace;
- Icmp_trace = 0;
- /* Setup structures to send queries */
- /* Retrieve socket details for user socket control block */
- usp = itop(s);
- sinp = (struct sockaddr_in *)usp->name;
- lsocket.address = sinp->sin_addr.s_addr;
- lsocket.port = sinp->sin_port;
- sinp = (struct sockaddr_in *)usp->peername;
- rsocket.address = sinp->sin_addr.s_addr;
- /* Send queries with increasing TTL; start with TTL=1 */
- if (Hoptrace)
- logmsg(s,"HOPCHECK start trace to %sn",sp->name);
- for (sndttl=1; (sndttl < Hopmaxttl); ++sndttl, sinp->sin_port++) {
- /* Increment funny UDP port number each round */
- rsocket.port = sinp->sin_port;
- printf("%3d:",sndttl);
- lastaddr = (int32)0;
- /* Send a round of queries */
- for (q=0; (q < Hopquery); ++q) {
- struct mbuf *bp;
- bp = ambufw(0);
- send_udp(&lsocket,&rsocket,0,sndttl,&bp,0,0,0);
- cticks = msclock();
- kalarm( ((long)Hopmaxwait*1000L) );
- /* Wait for a reply to our query */
- if(geticmp(s1,lsocket.port,rsocket.port,
- &icsource,&ictype,&iccode) == -1){
- if(errno != EALARM){
- user_reset = 1;
- goto done; /* User reset */
- }
- /* Alarm rang, give up waiting for replies */
- printf(" ***");
- continue;
- }
- /* Save #ticks taken for reply */
- cticks = msclock() - cticks;
- /* Report ICMP reply */
- if (icsource != lastaddr) {
- struct rr *save_rrlp, *rrlp;
- if(lastaddr != (int32)0)
- printf("n ");
- printf(" %-15s",inet_ntoa(icsource));
- if(ilookup){
- for(rrlp = save_rrlp = inverse_a(icsource);
- rrlp != NULL;
- rrlp = rrlp->next){
- if(rrlp->rdlength > 0){
- switch(rrlp->type){
- case TYPE_PTR:
- printf(" %s", rrlp->;
- goto got_name;
- case TYPE_A:
- printf(" %s", rrlp->name);
- goto got_name;
- }
- #ifdef notdef
- if(rrlp->next != NULL)
- printf("n%20s"," ");
- #endif
- }
- }
- got_name: ;
- free_rr(save_rrlp);
- }
- lastaddr = icsource;
- }
- printf(" (%ld ms)",cticks);
- #ifdef HOPTRACE
- if (Hoptrace)
- logmsg(s,
- "(hopcheck) ICMP from %s (%ldms) %s %s",
- inet_ntoa(icsource),
- cticks,
- Icmptypes[ictype],
- ((ictype == ICMP_TIME_EXCEED)?Exceed[iccode]:Unreach[iccode]));
- #endif
- /* Check type of reply */
- if (ictype == ICMP_TIME_EXCEED)
- continue;
- /* Reply was: destination unreachable */
- switch(iccode) {
- ++tracedone;
- break;
- ++tracedone;
- printf(" !N");
- break;
- ++tracedone;
- printf(" !H");
- break;
- ++tracedone;
- printf(" !P");
- break;
- ++tracedone;
- printf(" !F");
- break;
- ++tracedone;
- printf(" !S");
- break;
- ++tracedone;
- printf(" !A");
- break;
- default:
- printf(" !?");
- break;
- }
- }
- /* Done with this round of queries */
- kalarm((long)0);
- printf("n");
- /* Check if we reached remote host this round */
- if (tracedone != 0)
- break;
- }
- /* Done with traceroute */
- done: close(s);
- s = -1;
- close(s1);
- if(user_reset)
- printf("n"); /* May have been in middle of line */
- printf("traceroute done: ");
- Icmp_trace = save_trace;
- if(user_reset){
- printf("user abortn");
- } else if (sndttl >= Hopmaxttl) {
- printf("!! maximum TTL exceededn");
- } else if ((icsource == rsocket.address)
- &&(iccode == ICMP_PORT_UNREACH)) {
- printf("normal (%s %s)n",
- Icmptypes[ictype],Unreach[iccode]);
- } else {
- printf("!! %s %sn",
- Icmptypes[ictype],Unreach[iccode]);
- }
- #ifdef HOPTRACE
- if (Hoptrace)
- logmsg(s,"HOPCHECK to %s done",sp->name);
- #endif
- keywait(NULL,1);
- freesession(sp);
- return 0;
- }
- /* Hop check session keyboard upcall routine -- handles ^C */
- static int
- keychar(c)
- int c;
- {
- switch(c){
- case CTLC:
- alert(Current->proc,EABORT);
- return 0;
- }
- return 1;
- }
- /* Read raw network socket looking for ICMP messages in response to our
- * UDP probes
- */
- static int
- geticmp(s,lport,fport,sender,type,code)
- int s;
- uint16 lport;
- uint16 fport;
- int32 *sender;
- char *type,*code;
- {
- int size;
- struct icmp icmphdr;
- struct ip iphdr;
- struct udp udphdr;
- struct mbuf *bp;
- struct sockaddr_in sock;
- for(;;){
- size = sizeof(sock);
- if(recv_mbuf(s,&bp,0,(struct sockaddr *)&sock,&size) == -1)
- return -1;
- /* It's an ICMP message, let's see if it's interesting */
- ntohicmp(&icmphdr,&bp);
- if((icmphdr.type != ICMP_TIME_EXCEED ||
- icmphdr.code != ICMP_TTL_EXCEED)
- && icmphdr.type != ICMP_DEST_UNREACH){
- /* We're not interested in these */
- free_p(&bp);
- continue;
- }
- ntohip(&iphdr,&bp);
- if(iphdr.protocol != UDP_PTCL){
- /* Not UDP, so can't be interesting */
- free_p(&bp);
- continue;
- }
- ntohudp(&udphdr,&bp);
- if(udphdr.dest != fport || udphdr.source != lport){
- /* Not from our hopcheck session */
- free_p(&bp);
- continue;
- }
- /* Passed all of our checks, so return it */
- *sender = sock.sin_addr.s_addr;
- *type = icmphdr.type;
- *code = icmphdr.code;
- free_p(&bp);
- return 0;
- }
- }