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Package: [view]
Upload User: hepax88
Upload Date: 2007-01-03
Package Size: 1101k
Code Size: 7k
TCP/IP Stack
Development Platform:
Visual C++
- /* "Dumb terminal" mailbox interface
- * Copyright 1991 Phil Karn, KA9Q
- *
- * May '91 Bill Simpson
- * move to separate file for compilation & linking
- * Sep '91 Bill Simpson
- * minor changes for DTR & RLSD
- */
- #include "global.h"
- #include "mbuf.h"
- #include "timer.h"
- #include "proc.h"
- #include "iface.h"
- #ifndef UNIX
- #include "n8250.h"
- #endif
- #include "asy.h"
- #include "socket.h"
- #include "usock.h"
- #include "telnet.h"
- #include "mailbox.h"
- #include "tipmail.h"
- #include "devparam.h"
- static struct tipcb {
- struct tipcb *next;
- struct proc *proc;
- struct proc *in;
- struct iface *iface;
- int (*rawsave)(struct iface *,struct mbuf **);
- FILE *network;
- int echo;
- struct timer timer;
- } *Tiplist;
- #define NULLTIP (struct tipcb *)0
- static void tip_in(int dev,void *n1,void *n2);
- static void tipidle(void *t);
- unsigned Tiptimeout = 180; /* Default tip inactivity timeout (seconds) */
- /* Input process */
- static void
- tip_in(dev,n1,n2)
- int dev;
- void *n1,*n2;
- {
- struct tipcb *tip;
- struct mbuf *bp;
- char *buf[2], line[MBXLINE];
- int c, ret, pos = 0;
- tip = (struct tipcb *) n1;
- while((c = get_asy(dev)) != -1){
- Asy[dev].iface->lastrecv = secclock();
- ret = 0;
- if(tip->echo == WONT){
- switch(c){
- case 18: /* CTRL-R */
- bp = NULL;
- pushdown(&bp,line,pos);
- pushdown(&bp,"^Rrn",4);
- ret = 1;
- break;
- case 0x7f: /* DEL */
- case 'b':
- bp = NULL;
- if(pos){
- --pos;
- bp = qdata("b b",3);
- }
- ret = 1;
- break;
- case 'r':
- c = 'n'; /* CR => NL */
- case 'n':
- bp = qdata("rn",2);
- break;
- default:
- bp = NULL;
- pushdown(&bp,NULL,1);
- *bp->data = c;
- break;
- }
- asy_send(dev,&bp);
- tip->iface->lastsent = secclock();
- if(ret)
- continue;
- }
- line[pos++] = c;
- if(pos == MBXLINE - 1 || tip->echo == WILL
- || c == 'n'){
- line[pos] = '';
- pos = 0;
- fputs(line,tip->network);
- fflush(tip->network);
- }
- }
- /* get_asy() failed, terminate */
- fclose(tip->network);
- tip->in = tip->proc;
- tip->proc = Curproc;
- buf[1] = Asy[dev].iface->name;
- tip0(2,buf,NULL);
- }
- /* Start mailbox on serial line */
- int
- tipstart(argc,argv,p)
- int argc;
- char *argv[];
- void *p;
- {
- register struct iface *ifp;
- register struct asy *ap;
- struct tipcb *tip;
- struct mbuf *bp;
- char *buf[2];
- int dev, c, cmd, s[2], type = TIP;
- if((ifp = if_lookup(argv[1])) == NULL){
- printf("Interface %s unknownn",argv[1]);
- return 1;
- }
- for(dev=0,ap = Asy;dev < ASY_MAX;dev++,ap++)
- if(ap->iface == ifp)
- break;
- if(dev == ASY_MAX){
- printf("Interface %s not asy portn",argv[1]);
- return 1;
- }
- if(ifp->raw == bitbucket){
- printf("Tip session already active on %sn",argv[1]);
- return 1;
- }
- ksignal(Curproc,0); /* Don't keep the parser waiting */
- chname(Curproc,"Mbox tip");
- tip = (struct tipcb *) callocw(1,sizeof(struct tipcb));
- /* Save output handler and temporarily redirect output to null */
- tip->rawsave = ifp->raw;
- ifp->raw = bitbucket;
- tip->iface = ifp;
- tip->proc = Curproc;
- tip->timer.func = tipidle;
- tip->timer.arg = (void *) tip;
- tip->next = Tiplist;
- Tiplist = tip;
- buf[1] = ifp->name;
- /* Suspend packet input drivers */
- suspend(ifp->rxproc);
- for(;;) {
- /* Wait for DCD to be asserted */
- get_rlsd_asy(dev,1);
- if(socketpair(AF_LOCAL,SOCK_STREAM,0,s) == -1){
- printf("Could not create socket pair, errno %dn",errno);
- tip0(2,buf,p);
- return 1;
- }
- tip->echo = WONT;
- tip->network = fdopen(s[0],"r+t");
- newproc("mbx_incom",2048,mbx_incom,s[1],(void *)type,NULL,0);
- set_timer(&tip->timer,Tiptimeout*1000);
- start_timer(&tip->timer);
- /* Now fork into two paths, one rx, one tx */
- tip->in = newproc("Mbox tip in",
- 256,tip_in,dev,(void *)tip,NULL,0);
- while((c = getc(tip->network)) != -1) {
- if(c == IAC){ /* ignore most telnet options */
- if((cmd = getc(tip->network)) == -1)
- break;
- if(cmd > 250 && cmd < 255) {
- if((c = getc(tip->network)) == -1)
- break;
- switch(cmd){
- case WILL:
- if(c == TN_ECHO) {
- tip->echo = cmd;
- cmd = DO;
- }
- else
- cmd = DONT;
- break;
- case WONT:
- if(c == TN_ECHO)
- tip->echo = cmd;
- cmd = DONT;
- break;
- case DO:
- case DONT:
- cmd = WONT;
- break;
- }
- fprintf(tip->network,"%c%c%c",IAC,cmd,c);
- fflush(tip->network);
- }
- continue;
- }
- if(c == 'n')
- bp = qdata("rn",2);
- else {
- bp = NULL;
- pushdown(&bp,NULL,1);
- *bp->data = c;
- }
- asy_send(dev,&bp);
- ifp->lastsent = secclock();
- }
- fclose(tip->network);
- killproc(tip->in);
- tip->in = NULL;
- kwait(itop(s[1])); /* let mailbox terminate, if necessary */
- stop_timer(&tip->timer);
- /* Tell line to go down */
- ifp->ioctl(ifp,PARAM_DOWN,TRUE,0L);
- /* Wait for DCD to be dropped */
- get_rlsd_asy(dev,0);
- }
- }
- int
- tip0(argc,argv,p)
- int argc;
- char *argv[];
- void *p;
- {
- register struct iface *ifp;
- struct tipcb *tip, *prev = NULLTIP;
- struct proc *proc;
- if((ifp = if_lookup(argv[1])) == NULL){
- printf("Interface %s unknownn",argv[1]);
- return 1;
- }
- for(tip = Tiplist; tip != NULLTIP; prev = tip, tip = tip->next)
- if(tip->iface == ifp) {
- if(prev != NULLTIP)
- prev->next = tip->next;
- else
- Tiplist = tip->next;
- proc = tip->proc;
- fclose(tip->network);
- ifp->raw = tip->rawsave;
- resume(ifp->rxproc);
- stop_timer(&tip->timer);
- killproc(tip->in);
- free(tip);
- killproc(proc);
- return 0;
- }
- return 0;
- }
- static void
- tipidle(t)
- void *t;
- {
- struct tipcb *tip;
- static char *msg = "You have been idle too long. Please hang up.rn";
- struct mbuf *bp;
- tip = (struct tipcb *) t;
- if(secclock() - tip->iface->lastrecv < Tiptimeout){
- set_timer(&tip->timer,(Tiptimeout-secclock() *
- tip->iface->lastrecv)*1000);
- start_timer(&tip->timer);
- return;
- }
- bp = qdata(msg,strlen(msg));
- asy_send(tip->iface->dev,&bp);
- tip->iface->lastsent = secclock();
- fclose(tip->network);
- }
- static int Stelnet = -1;
- /* Start up Telnet server */
- int
- telnet1(argc,argv,p)
- int argc;
- char *argv[];
- void *p;
- {
- struct sockaddr_in lsocket;
- int s;
- int type;
- if(Stelnet != -1){
- return 0;
- }
- ksignal(Curproc,0); /* Don't keep the parser waiting */
- chname(Curproc,"Telnet listener");
- lsocket.sin_family = AF_INET;
- lsocket.sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY;
- if(argc < 2)
- lsocket.sin_port = IPPORT_TELNET;
- else
- lsocket.sin_port = atoi(argv[1]);
- Stelnet = socket(AF_INET,SOCK_STREAM,0);
- bind(Stelnet,(struct sockaddr *)&lsocket,sizeof(lsocket));
- listen(Stelnet,1);
- for(;;){
- if((s = accept(Stelnet,NULL,(int *)NULL)) == -1)
- break; /* Service is shutting down */
- if(availmem() != 0){
- shutdown(s,1);
- } else {
- /* Spawn a server */
- type = TELNET;
- newproc("mbox",2048,mbx_incom,s,(void *)type,NULL,0);
- }
- }
- return 0;
- }
- /* Stop telnet server */
- int
- telnet0(argc,argv,p)
- int argc;
- char *argv[];
- void *p;
- {
- close_s(Stelnet);
- Stelnet = -1;
- return 0;
- }