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Package: vxwork_src.rar [view]
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Development Platform:
- /* smPktLib.c - VxWorks shared packet protocol library */
- /* Copyright 1984-2002 Wind River Systems, Inc. */
- /*
- modification history
- --------------------
- 02m,03may02,mas cache flush and volatile fix (SPR 68334); bridge flush fix
- (SPR 68844)
- 02l,24oct01,mas doc update (SPR 71149)
- 02k,09oct01,mas smPktSend: added error checking (SPR 6004), limited interrupt
- retries (SPR 25341), removed all FAST modifiers, code cleanup
- 02j,17oct00,sn replaced NULL with 0 so htonl works
- 02i,21feb99,jdi doc: listed errnos.
- 02h,26aug93,kdl smPktBroadcast() now checks smPktSllPut() status before
- interrupting destination CPU (SPR #2441).
- 02g,13nov92,jcf removed potential bus error during attach.
- 02f,02aug92,kdl Uncommented include of "copyright_wrs.h".
- 02e,24jul92,elh Moved heartbeat from anchor to header.
- 02d,23jun92,elh general cleanup and documentation.
- 02c,02jun92,elh the tree shuffle
- 02b,27may92,elh Made completely independant, changed to use
- offsets, general cleanup.
- 02a,14may92,pme Split to keep only packet passing routines.
- 01e,20feb92,elh Added in ntohl, and htonl for 960, Added USE_OFFSET.
- Extracted and renamed OS specific calls & moved to
- smUtilLib. Also removed function pointers
- shMemIntGenFunc and shMemHwTasFunc.
- made TAS_CHECKS 10 TAS_TRIES 5000.
- modified parameters passed to intGen function.
- 01d,10feb92,kdl+ Changed shMemDetach to flush input queue.
- elh Removed references to OK_WAS{EMPTY, NT_EMPTY}.
- Made shMemSend return an ERROR if packet too large.
- Changed shMemSend to return silently (no
- interrupts generated) if sending to self.
- Misc code review changes.
- 01c,05feb92,elh ansified.
- 01b,27jan92,elh added masterCpu to shared memory anchor.
- changed shMemBeat to take pAnchor as argument.
- changed arguments to shMemIsAlive.
- changed shMemSetup to probe memory.
- changed copyright.
- 01a,15aug90,kdl written.
- */
- /*
- This library contains routines which allow multiple processors
- to communicate over a backplane using shared memory. All
- services for initializing and managing the shared memory are
- provided.
- Data is sent between CPU's via shared memory "packets". A packet
- is simply a data buffer (of configurable size) with a header
- that allows it to be properly identified and manipulated as a node
- in a linked list of packets.
- One CPU node acts as the shared memory master. This CPU initializes
- the shared memory area and sets up the shared memory anchor. These
- steps are performed by the master calling the smPktSetup() routine.
- This routine should be called only by the shared memory master CPU,
- and it should only be called once for a given shared memory region.
- (It is, however, possible to maintain and use multiple separate
- shared memory regions.)
- Once smPktSetup() has completed successfully, there is little functional
- difference between the master CPU and other CPU's using shared memory,
- except that the master is responsible for maintaining the heartbeat in
- the shared memory packet region header.
- The shared memory anchor is a small data structure which is at
- a predetermined location, to allow all CPU's using shared memory to
- find it. The shared memory anchor contains the base offset to the
- actual shared memory region which will be used for inter-processor
- message passing. (This allows the master CPU to dynamically allocate
- the shared memory region.)
- The shared memory anchor does not have to be defined as part of the
- shared memory region which will be used for message passing. However,
- it must be located in a similar address space; the address translation
- constants which CPU boards use to convert local addresses to bus addresses
- must apply equally to the anchor and the regular shared memory region.
- Each CPU, master or non-master, which will use the shared memory region
- must attach itself to the shared memory. The shared memory region must
- have already been initialized by the master CPU calling smPktSetup().
- The first step in attaching to shared memory is for each CPU to allocate and
- initialize a shared memory packet descriptor (SM_PKT_DESC). This structure
- describes the individual CPU's attachment to the shared memory region
- and is used in all subsequent shared memory calls to identify which
- shared memory region is being used. Since the shared memory descriptor
- is used only by the local CPU, it is not necessary for the descriptor
- itself to be located in shared memory. In fact, it is preferable for
- the descriptor to be allocated from the CPU's local memory, since local
- memory is usually more efficient to access.
- The shared memory packet descriptor is initialized by calling the
- smPktInit() routine. This routine takes a number of parameters which
- specify the characteristics of this CPU and its access to shared memory.
- After the shared memory packet descriptor has been initialized, the CPU may
- attach itself to the shared memory region. This is done by calling the
- smPktAttach() routine.
- When smPktAttach() is called, it checks that the shared memory anchor
- contains the special ready value and that the heartbeat is incrementing.
- If either of these conditions is not met, the routine will check
- periodically until either the ready value and incrementing heartbeat
- are recognized or a time limit is reached. For non-master CPU's,
- this limit may be set by changing the global variable, smAliveTimeout.
- The limit is expressed in seconds, with 600 seconds (10 minutes) the
- default. The master CPU will only wait 5 beat periods for a recognized
- heartbeat, since it is the CPU responsible for initializing shared memory
- and incrementing the heartbeat and therefore should not have to wait.
- If the time limit is reached before a valid ready value and heartbeat
- is seen, ERROR is returned and errno is set to S_smPktLib_DOWN .
- Once the CPU has attached itself to the shared memory region, it may
- send packets to other CPU's or receive packets which have been sent to it.
- (Attempts to perform any shared memory operations without first attaching
- successfully will return ERROR, with errno set to S_smPktLib_NOT_ATTACHED .)
- To send a packet to another CPU, an application task must first obtain
- a shared memory packet from the pool of free packets. This is
- done by calling smPktFreeGet(), as follows:
- cs
- status = smPktFreeGet (pSmPktDesc, &pPkt);
- ce
- In this example, <pSmPktDesc> is the address of this CPU's shared memory packet
- descriptor. If status value returned by smPktFreeGet is OK, the address
- of the obtained packet will be placed in <pPkt>. If the packet address is
- NULL, no free packets were available.
- Once a packet has been obtained, the application task must copy the data
- to be sent into the "data" field of the packet structure. The maximum
- number of bytes which may be copied to the packet's data buffer is
- <maxPktBytes>, as specified by the master CPU during smPktSetup. This
- limit may be determined by reading a field in the shared memory packet
- descriptor.
- The application task may set the "type" field in the packet header (SM_PKT_HDR)
- to indicate the specific type of packet being sent. This field is not used
- by smPktLib and may therefore be given any value.
- To send the completed packet, the application task calls smPktSend(),
- as follows:
- cs
- status = smPktSend (pSmPktDesc, destCpu, pPkt);
- ce
- Here, <destCpu> is the number of the destination CPU, and <pPkt> is the
- address of the packet to be sent. If smPktSend() returns a status of OK,
- the packet was successfully queued for the destination CPU.
- If the destination CPU did not previously have any input packets queued to
- it smPktSend() will call the user-provided routine, smUtilIntGen(), to
- interrupt the destination CPU to notify it that a
- packet is available. See "Interrupts," below, for more information.
- If the destination CPU is not attached, ERROR is returned and errno is set
- to S_smPktLib_DEST_NOT_ATTACHED . If the specified destination cpu
- number is out of range (i.e. less than zero or greater than the maximum
- specified during smPktSetup), ERROR is returned and errno is set to
- If the first interrupt fails, a delay of one tick is made and another
- interrupt is attempted. This is repeated up to smPktMaxIntRetries attempts or
- until the interrupt is successful. If not successful, ERROR is returned
- and errno is set to S_smPktLib_INCOMPLETE_BROADCAST so that the caller
- does not try to remove the packet and place it on the free list. Doing
- so would put the packet in both an input list and the free list!
- In some circumstances, it may be desirable to send the same data to
- all CPU nodes using the shared memory region. This may be accomplished
- by using a special "broadcast" mode of smPktSend(). This option sends
- a copy of the same packet data to each attached CPU (except the sender).
- To send a broadcast message, a CPU must first obtain a free shared memory
- packet using smPktFreeGet() as usual. The data area of the packet
- is then filled with the message to be sent, again the same as for sending
- to a single destination.
- Broadcast mode is indicated during smPktSend() by a special value of the
- <destCpu> (destination CPU) parameter. This parameter is set to
- SM_BROADCAST, rather than a particular CPU number.
- When a broadcast message is sent, a separate packet is obtained for each
- attached CPU, the data from the original packet is copied to it, and
- the packet is queued to a particular CPU. Therefore, there must be
- sufficient free packets to send one to each CPU. Broadcast packets are
- sent to destination CPU's in cpu-number order.
- If there are not enough free packets to send a copy to each CPU,
- as many as possible will be sent, but ERROR is returned and errno is
- set to S_smPktLib_INCOMPLETE_BROADCAST . (If there are insufficient
- free packets, the original packet passed during smPktSend() will be
- sent to a destination CPU, to provide as complete a broadcast as
- possible.)
- Broadcast packets are received in the same manner as any other packets.
- Packets are received by calling the smPktRecv() routine. This routine
- will normally be called by an interrupt handler, in response to a
- an interrupt generated by a remote CPU sending a packet. The smPktRecv()
- routine may also be called periodically, in a polling fashion, to check
- for received packets in systems which do not use interrupts to notify
- the receiving CPU.
- To receive a packet, smPktRecv is called as follows:
- cs
- status = smPktRecv (pSmPktDesc, &pPkt);
- ce
- If the returned status is OK, <pPkt> will contain either the address of
- a received packet, or NULL if no input packets were available. A returned
- status of ERROR indicates that an error occurred while attempting to
- obtain received packets.
- A sending CPU will interrupt the destination CPU only if there
- were no packets previously queued for the destination CPU. It is
- therefore important that an interrupt handler which receives packets
- call smPktRecv again after each packet is received, to check for
- additional packets.
- After a packet has been received, it must be explicitly freed by calling
- smPktFreePut().
- The attachment of a CPU to shared memory may be ended by calling
- smPktDetach(). This routine will mark the calling CPU as no longer
- attached. After this, other CPU's may no longer send packets to it.
- The CPU may re-attach itself to the shared memory region by later
- calling smPktAttach(). When re-attaching, the original shared
- memory descriptor may be re-used if the CPU's configuration remains
- the same, or new values may be specified via smPktInit().
- When a packet is sent to a CPU, there must be some method for that CPU
- to be informed that an input packet is available. The preferred method
- is for the sending CPU to be able to interrupt the receiving CPU. This
- will be highly dependent on the specific hardware being used.
- Two types of interrupts are supported, mailbox interrupts and vme
- bus interrupts. Mailbox interrupts are the first preferred
- method (SM_INT_MAILBOX), followed by vme bus interrupts (SM_INT_BUS).
- If interrupts cannot be used, a polling scheme may be employed
- (SM_INT_NONE), but this is much less efficient.
- When a CPU initailizes its shared memory packet descriptor via the
- smPktInit() call, it passes in an interrupt type as well as three
- interrupt arguments. This describes how the cpu wishes to be notified
- of incomming packets. The interrupt types recognized by this library
- are listed in smLib.h. These values may be obtained for any attached CPU by
- calling smPktCpuInfoGet().
- The default interrupt method for a particular target is defined by the
- configuration parameters: SM_INT_TYPE, SM_INT_ARG1, SM_INT_ARG2, SM_INT_ARG3 .
- When a CPU sends a packet to a destination CPU which did not previously
- have any input packets queued to it, the sending CPU will
- interrupt the destination CPU.
- A handler routine which executes in response to such an interrupt
- must call smPktRecv() to obtain the input packet. Since the interrupt
- is generated only for the first packet queued when the input list was
- previously empty, it is important that the handler routine then call
- smPktRecv additional times until no more packets are available.
- If it is not possible to use interrupts to notify receiving CPU's, a
- polling method may be used. The simplest method is for the recieving CPU to
- repeatedly call smPktRecv() to check for input packets. In this case,
- no notification routine is used.
- Two routines are provided to obtain current status information about
- the shared memory region and individual CPU's:
- The smPktInfoGet() routine gets status information which applies to the
- the shared memory region as a whole. It takes as a parameter a pointer
- to a special information structure (SM_PKT_INFO), which it fills before
- returning.
- The smPktCpuInfoGet() routine obtains status information for a single
- CPU. The number of the CPU must be specified during the call to
- smPktCpuInfoGet(). A CPU number of NONE (-1) indicates that information
- on the calling CPU should be returned. The routine takes as a parameter
- a pointer to a special CPU information structure (SM_PKT_CPU_INFO),
- which it fills before returning.
- This file runs under only vxWorks. SunOS is no longer supported.
- Pointers into shared memory are declared 'volatile' so that compiler
- optimization does not disrupt ordering of I/O operations.
- Reading of locking semaphores after updates to shared memory but before
- release of the semaphores is to cause the flushing of any external bus
- bridge read and write FIFOs. Failure to do so can result in erroneous
- reads of shared memory and subsequent deadlock conditions.
- */
- #ifdef UNIX
- #undef INET
- #endif
- /* includes */
- #include "vxWorks.h"
- #include "sysLib.h"
- #include "taskLib.h"
- #include "cacheLib.h"
- #include "smPktLib.h"
- #include "smLib.h"
- #include "smUtilLib.h"
- /* defines */
- #define SM_LOCK_TAKE(lockLocalAdrs,tasRoutine,numTries,pOldLvl)
- (smLockTake (lockLocalAdrs, tasRoutine, numTries, pOldLvl))
- #define SM_LOCK_GIVE(lockLocalAdrs,tasClearRoutine, oldLvl)
- (smLockGive (lockLocalAdrs, tasClearRoutine, oldLvl))
- #define DEFAULT_TAS_TRIES 5000 /* default tries for test-and-set */
- # define SM_PKT_MAX_INT_RETRIES 5 /* max #retries of interrupt per pkt */
- #endif
- /* Globals */
- int smPktMemSizeDefault = DEFAULT_MEM_SIZE; /* memory size */
- int smPktMaxBytesDefault = DEFAULT_PKT_SIZE; /* max pkt size */
- int smPktMaxInputDefault = DEFAULT_PKTS_MAX; /* max input pkts */
- int smPktMaxCpusDefault = DEFAULT_CPUS_MAX; /* max num CPU's */
- int smPktTasTries = DEFAULT_TAS_TRIES;
- /* times to try test-and-set */
- int smPktMaxIntRetries = SM_PKT_MAX_INT_RETRIES;
- /* max #int retries to attempt per packet */
- /* Forward References */
- #ifdef __STDC__
- (
- SM_SLL_LIST volatile * listLocalAdrs, /* local addr of packet list */
- int baseAddr, /* addr conversion constant */
- FUNCPTR tasRoutine, /* test-and-set routine addr */
- FUNCPTR tasClearRoutine, /* test-and-set routine addr */
- SM_SLL_NODE ** pNodeLocalAdrs /* location to put node addr */
- );
- (
- SM_SLL_LIST volatile * listLocalAdrs, /* local addr of packet list */
- int base, /* base address */
- FUNCPTR tasRoutine, /* test-and-set routine addr */
- FUNCPTR tasClearRoutine, /* test-and-set routine addr */
- SM_SLL_NODE volatile * nodeLocalAdrs, /* local addr of node */
- BOOL * pListWasEmpty /* set to true if adding to
- * empty list */
- );
- LOCAL STATUS smPktBroadcast
- (
- SM_PKT_DESC * pSmPktDesc, /* sh mem pkt descriptor */
- volatile SM_PKT * pPktOrig /* ptr to original packet */
- );
- #else /* __STDC__ */
- LOCAL STATUS smPktSllGet ();
- LOCAL STATUS smPktSllPut ();
- LOCAL STATUS smPktBroadcast ();
- #endif /* __STDC__ */
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * smPktSetup - set up shared memory (master CPU only)
- *
- * This routine should be called only by the master CPU using shared
- * memory. It initializes the specified memory area for use by the
- * shared memory protocol.
- *
- * After the shared memory has been initialized, this and other CPU's
- * may initialize a shared memory packet descriptor to it, using smPktInit(),
- * and then attach to the shared memory area, using smPktAttach().
- *
- * The <anchorLocalAdrs> parameter is the memory address by which the master
- * CPU accesses the shared memory anchor.
- *
- * The <smLocalAdrs> parameter is the memory address by which the master
- * CPU accesses the actual shared memory region to be initialized.
- *
- * The <smSize> parameter is the size, in bytes, of the shared memory
- * region.
- *
- * The shared memory routines must be able to obtain exclusive access to
- * shared data structures. To allow this, a test-and-set operation is
- * used. It is preferable to use a genuine test-and-set instruction, if
- * the hardware being used permits this. If this is not possible, smUtilLib
- * provides a software emulation of test-and-set. The <tasType> parameter
- * specifies what method of test-and-set is to be used.
- *
- * The <maxCpus> parameter specifies the maximum number of CPU's which may
- * use the shared memory region.
- *
- * The <maxPktBytes> parameter specifies the size, in bytes, of the data
- * buffer in shared memory packets. This is the largest amount of data
- * which may be sent in a single packet. If this value is not an exact
- * multiple of 4 bytes, it will be rounded up to the next multiple of 4.
- *
- * The first item in the shared memory area is the shared memory packet
- * header (SM_PKT_MEM_HDR). Following this is an array of CPU
- * descriptors (SM_PKT_CPU_DESC); this table contains one CPU descriptor
- * for each possible CPU, as specified by <maxCpus>.
- * The shared memory area following the cpu table is allocated to the global
- * list of free packets (SM_PKT), used for sending data between CPU's. Note
- * that the shared memory anchor is NOT part of the regular shared memory area.
- *
- * Since the size of each data packet is not pre-determined, the actual size
- * is calculated based on the size of the (fixed) packet header and the
- * data buffer size, specified by <maxPktBytes>.
- *
- * The standard smPktSllPut routine is used to build the free packet list.
- * The software test-and-set routine is always used, regardless of the
- * definition of <tasType>, because no hardware TAS routine has been supplied
- * yet. (That is done during smPktAttach.) Use of any TAS method at this
- * stage is mainly a formality, since no other CPU's are able to attach to
- * the shared memory region.
- *
- *
- *
- * INTERNAL: This routine and smObjSetup can not be called at the same time!!!
- */
- STATUS smPktSetup
- (
- SM_ANCHOR * anchorLocalAdrs, /* local addr of anchor */
- char * smLocalAdrs, /* local addr of sh mem area */
- int smSize, /* size of shared memory area */
- int tasType, /* test and set type */
- int maxCpus, /* max number of cpus */
- int maxPktBytes /* max bytes of packet data */
- )
- {
- SM_ANCHOR volatile * pAnchorv = (SM_ANCHOR volatile *) anchorLocalAdrs;
- SM_PKT_MEM_HDR volatile * smPktHdr; /* local addr of sh mem hdr */
- int pktSize; /* actual size of pkt */
- STATUS status; /* return status */
- SM_PKT volatile * pPkt; /* local addr of free packet */
- int memLeft;
- char temp = 0;
- int base = (int) anchorLocalAdrs;
- int bytesUsed = 0;
- int tmp; /* temp storage */
- /* set up default values for parameters */
- smSize = (smSize == 0) ? smPktMemSizeDefault : smSize;
- maxCpus = (maxCpus == 0) ? smPktMaxCpusDefault : maxCpus;
- maxPktBytes = (maxPktBytes == 0) ? smPktMaxBytesDefault : maxPktBytes;
- maxPktBytes = ((maxPktBytes + sizeof (int) - 1) / sizeof (int)) *
- sizeof (int); /* round up buf to int mult */
- pktSize = (sizeof (SM_PKT_HDR) + maxPktBytes);
- /* pkt size incl data buffer */
- if (smSetup (anchorLocalAdrs, smLocalAdrs, tasType, maxCpus,
- &bytesUsed) == ERROR)
- return (ERROR);
- smSize -= bytesUsed;
- smLocalAdrs += bytesUsed;
- /*
- * Check that shared mem size is big enough to contain:
- * the shared memory packet header, the shared memory packet
- * cpu descriptors and 1 pkt per cpu.
- */
- if (smSize < (sizeof (SM_PKT_MEM_HDR) +
- (maxCpus * sizeof (SM_PKT_CPU_DESC)) + (maxCpus * pktSize)))
- {
- errno = S_smPktLib_SHARED_MEM_TOO_SMALL;
- return (ERROR); /* not enough sh mem */
- }
- /* Probe beginning and end of shared memory */
- if ((smUtilMemProbe (smLocalAdrs , VX_WRITE, sizeof (char), &temp) != OK) ||
- (smUtilMemProbe (smLocalAdrs + smSize - 1, VX_WRITE, sizeof (char),
- &temp) != OK))
- {
- errno = S_smPktLib_MEMORY_ERROR;
- return (ERROR);
- }
- /* Clear shared memory */
- bzero (smLocalAdrs, smSize);
- /* Fill in header */
- smPktHdr = (SM_PKT_MEM_HDR volatile *) smLocalAdrs;
- smPktHdr->maxPktBytes = htonl (maxPktBytes);/* max size of pkt data buf */
- smPktHdr->pktCpuTbl = htonl (SM_LOCAL_TO_OFFSET ((char *) smPktHdr +
- sizeof (SM_PKT_MEM_HDR),
- base));
- pAnchorv->smPktHeader = htonl (SM_LOCAL_TO_OFFSET (smLocalAdrs, base));
- /* Set up list of free packets */
- pPkt = (SM_PKT *) (smLocalAdrs + sizeof (SM_PKT_MEM_HDR) +
- (maxCpus * sizeof (SM_PKT_CPU_DESC)));
- /* calculate addr of 1st pkt */
- memLeft = smSize - ((int) ((char *) pPkt - smLocalAdrs));
- /* calculate remaining sh mem */
- while (memLeft >= pktSize)
- {
- /* allow one more in free list*/
- smPktHdr->freeList.limit = htonl (ntohl (smPktHdr->freeList.limit) +1);
- /* Add packet to list, always use software test-and-set emulation */
- status = smPktSllPut (&(smPktHdr->freeList), base, smUtilSoftTas, NULL,
- &(pPkt->header.node), NULL);
- if (status == ERROR)
- {
- smPktHdr->freeList.limit = htonl (ntohl (smPktHdr->freeList.limit)
- - 1);
- return (ERROR); /* error adding to free list */
- }
- pPkt = (SM_PKT *) ((char *) pPkt + pktSize);/* advance pkt pointer */
- memLeft -= pktSize; /* decrease mem remaining */
- }
- tmp = smPktHdr->freeList.limit; /* BRIDGE FLUSH [SPR 68334] */
- return (OK); /* shared mem init complete */
- }
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * smPktInit - initialize shared memory packet descriptor
- *
- * This routine initializes a shared memory packet descriptor. The descriptor
- * must have been previously allocated (generally in the CPU's local
- * memory). Once the descriptor has been initialized by this routine,
- * the CPU may attach itself to the shared memory area by calling
- * smPktAttach().
- *
- * Only the shared memory descriptor itself is modified by this routine.
- * No structures in shared memory are affected.
- *
- * The <pSmPktDesc> paramter is the address of the shared memory packet
- * descriptor which is to be initialized; this structure must have
- * already been allocated before smPktInit is called.
- *
- * The <anchorLocalAdrs> parameter is the memory address by which the local
- * CPU may access the shared memory anchor. This address may vary for
- * different CPU's because of address offsets (particularly if the anchor is
- * located in one CPU's dual-ported memory).
- *
- * The <maxInputPkts> parameter specifies the maximum number of incoming
- * shared memory packets which may be queued to this CPU at one time. If
- * a remote CPU attempts to send more packets after this limit is reached,
- * an error will be returned to the remote CPU.
- *
- * The <ticksPerBeat> parameter specifies the frequency of the shared memory
- * heartbeat. The frequency is expressed in terms of how many CPU
- * ticks on the local CPU correspond to one heartbeat period.
- *
- * The <intType>, <intArg1>, <intArg2>, and <intArg3> parameters allow a
- * CPU to announce the method by which it is to be notified of input packets
- * which have been queued to it. Once this CPU has attached to the shared
- * memory region, other CPU's will be able to determine these interrupt
- * parameters by calling smPktCpuInfoGet(). The following interrupt
- * methods are currently recognized by this library: SM_INT_MAILBOX,
- *
- */
- void smPktInit
- (
- SM_PKT_DESC * pSmPktDesc, /* ptr to sh mem packet descr */
- SM_ANCHOR * anchorLocalAdrs, /* local addr of sh mem anchor*/
- int maxInputPkts, /* max queued packets allowed */
- int ticksPerBeat, /* cpu ticks per heartbeat */
- int intType, /* interrupt method */
- int intArg1, /* interrupt argument #1 */
- int intArg2, /* interrupt argument #2 */
- int intArg3 /* interrupt argument #3 */
- )
- {
- if (pSmPktDesc == NULL)
- return; /* don't use null ptr */
- bzero ((char *) pSmPktDesc, sizeof (SM_PKT_DESC));
- smInit (&pSmPktDesc->smDesc, anchorLocalAdrs, ticksPerBeat, intType,
- intArg1, intArg2, intArg3);
- pSmPktDesc->maxInputPkts = (maxInputPkts == 0) ? smPktMaxInputDefault :
- maxInputPkts;
- pSmPktDesc->status = SM_CPU_NOT_ATTACHED; /* initial status */
- }
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * smPktAttach - attach to shared memory
- *
- * This routine "attaches" the local CPU to a shared memory area. The
- * shared memory area is identified by the shared memory packet descriptor
- * whose address specified by <pSmPktDesc>. The descriptor must have
- * already been initialized by calling smPktInit().
- *
- * This routine will complete the attach process only if and when the
- * shared memory has been initialized by the master CPU. To determine
- * this, the shared memory anchor is checked for the proper value
- * (SM_READY_VALUE) in the anchor's ready-value field and a check is made for
- * an active heartbeat. This repeated checking continues until either
- * the ready-value and heartbeat have been verified or a timeout limit
- * is reached. If the shared memory is not recognized as active within
- * the timeout period, this routine returns an error (S_smPktLib_DOWN).
- *
- * The attachment to shared memory may be ended by calling smPktDetach().
- *
- *
- * ERRNO: S_smPktLib_DOWN
- *
- * SEE ALSO: smPktInit()
- */
- STATUS smPktAttach
- (
- SM_PKT_DESC * pSmPktDesc /* packet descriptor */
- )
- {
- SM_PKT_MEM_HDR volatile * pHdr; /* sm pkt header */
- SM_PKT_CPU_DESC volatile * pPktDesc; /* pkt cpu descriptor */
- int cpuNum; /* this cpu's number */
- SM_ANCHOR volatile * pAnchor; /* anchor */
- int beatsToWait;
- SM_DESC * pSmDesc = (SM_DESC *) &pSmPktDesc->smDesc;
- cpuNum = pSmDesc->cpuNum;
- pAnchor = pSmDesc->anchorLocalAdrs;
- /* Check that shared memory is initialized and running */
- /*
- * XXX master CPU should only wait DEFAULT_BEATS_TO_WAIT but we don't
- * know who the master is unless we look in the anchor. The anchor may
- * not be mapped onto the bus, and we will blow up with a BERR if we
- * poke around. So we just wait a long time, even if we are the master.
- * This could be fixed by listing the SM master and local processor
- * numbers in the packet descriptor so that the two could be compared.
- * If equal, we would be the master and no waiting would be necessary.
- */
- if (smIsAlive ((SM_ANCHOR *)pAnchor, (int *)&(pAnchor->smPktHeader),
- pSmDesc->base, beatsToWait, pSmDesc->ticksPerBeat) == FALSE)
- {
- errno = S_smPktLib_DOWN;
- return (ERROR); /* sh memory not active */
- }
- if (smAttach (pSmDesc) == ERROR)
- return (ERROR);
- /* Get local address for shared mem packet header */
- pHdr = SM_OFFSET_TO_LOCAL (ntohl (pAnchor->smPktHeader), pSmDesc->base,
- SM_PKT_MEM_HDR volatile *);
- pSmPktDesc->hdrLocalAdrs = (SM_PKT_MEM_HDR *) pHdr;
- pSmPktDesc->maxPktBytes = ntohl (pHdr->maxPktBytes);
- pSmPktDesc->cpuLocalAdrs = SM_OFFSET_TO_LOCAL (ntohl (pHdr->pktCpuTbl),
- pSmDesc->base,
- pPktDesc = &((pSmPktDesc->cpuLocalAdrs) [cpuNum]);
- /* calculate addr of cpu desc
- * in global table.
- */
- pPktDesc->inputList.limit = htonl (pSmPktDesc->maxInputPkts);
- /* max queued count */
- pPktDesc->status = htonl (SM_CPU_ATTACHED);/* mark this cpu as attached */
- pSmPktDesc->status = SM_CPU_ATTACHED; /* also mark sh mem descr */
- cpuNum = pPktDesc->status; /* BRIDGE FLUSH [SPR 68334] */
- return (OK); /* attach complete */
- }
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * smPktFreeGet - get a shared memory packet from free list
- *
- * This routine obtains a shared memory packet. The packet is taken
- * from the global free packet list. No initialization of the packet
- * contents is performed.
- *
- * The address of the obtained packet is placed in the location specified
- * by <ppPkt>. If there were no free packets available, this value will
- * be NULL.
- *
- *
- */
- STATUS smPktFreeGet
- (
- SM_PKT_DESC * pSmPktDesc, /* ptr to shared memory descriptor */
- SM_PKT ** ppPkt /* location to put packet address */
- )
- {
- SM_DESC * pSmDesc = &pSmPktDesc->smDesc;
- /* Check that this cpu is connected to shared memory */
- if (pSmPktDesc->status != SM_CPU_ATTACHED)
- {
- errno = S_smPktLib_NOT_ATTACHED;
- return (ERROR); /* local cpu is not attached */
- }
- /* Get packet from free list */
- return (smPktSllGet (&(pSmPktDesc->hdrLocalAdrs->freeList),
- pSmDesc->base, pSmDesc->tasRoutine,
- pSmDesc->tasClearRoutine, (SM_SLL_NODE **) ppPkt));
- }
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * smPktSend - send a packet via shared memory
- *
- * This routine queues a packet (previously acquired via smPktFreeGet)
- * to be received by another CPU. If the input list for the destination
- * CPU was previously empty and the destination has not specified polling
- * as its interrupt type, this routine will interrupt the destination CPU.
- *
- * If the specified <destCpu> is SM_BROADCAST, a copy of the packet will
- * be sent to each CPU which is attached to the shared memory area (except
- * the sender CPU). If there are not enough free packets to send a copy
- * to each cpu, or if errors occur when sending to one or more destinations,
- * an error (S_smPktLib_INCOMPLETE_BROADCAST) is returned.
- *
- * If ERROR is returned and errno equals S_smPktLib_INCOMPLETE_BROADCAST,
- * the original packet, <pPkt>, was sent to an attached CPU and does not
- * have to be freed. A return code of ERROR combined with any other value
- * of errno indicates that <pPkt> was NOT sent and should be explicitly
- * freed using smPktFreePut(). (A return value of OK indicates that
- * <pPkt> was either sent or freed before this routine returned, and no
- * further action is required.)
- *
- *
- *
- */
- STATUS smPktSend
- (
- SM_PKT_DESC * pSmPktDesc, /* ptr to shared memory descriptor */
- SM_PKT * pPkt, /* local addr of packet to be sent */
- int destCpu /* destination cpu number */
- )
- {
- SM_PKT volatile * pPktv = (SM_PKT volatile *) pPkt;
- STATUS status; /* return status */
- SM_PKT_CPU_DESC volatile * pPktCpuDesc; /* destination cpu pkt descr*/
- SM_CPU_DESC volatile * pCpuDesc; /* destination cpu descr*/
- int i;
- BOOL listWasEmpty; /* list empty */
- SM_DESC * pSmDesc = (SM_DESC *) &pSmPktDesc->smDesc;
- int tmp; /* temp storage */
- /* Check that this cpu is connected to shared memory */
- if (pSmPktDesc->status != SM_CPU_ATTACHED)
- {
- errno = S_smPktLib_NOT_ATTACHED;
- return (ERROR); /* local cpu is not attached */
- }
- /* Check for null pointer */
- if (pPkt == NULL)
- {
- errno = S_smPktLib_INVALID_PACKET;
- return (ERROR); /* null packet address */
- }
- /* Enforce max data length */
- tmp = pPktv->header.nBytes; /* BRIDGE FLUSH [SPR 68334] */
- if (pPktv->header.nBytes > pSmPktDesc->maxPktBytes)
- {
- errno = S_smPktLib_PACKET_TOO_BIG;
- return (ERROR); /* too much data ! */
- }
- /* byte swap info */
- pPktv->header.nBytes = htonl (pPktv->header.nBytes);
- /* Call special routine if doing broadcast */
- if (destCpu == SM_BROADCAST) /* if sending to all cpu's */
- return (smPktBroadcast (pSmPktDesc, pPkt));
- /* Make sure destination cpu is valid and attached */
- if (destCpu < 0 || destCpu >= pSmDesc->maxCpus)
- {
- errno = S_smPktLib_INVALID_CPU_NUMBER;
- return (ERROR); /* cpu number out of range */
- }
- pPktCpuDesc = &((pSmPktDesc->cpuLocalAdrs) [destCpu]);
- pCpuDesc = &((pSmDesc->cpuTblLocalAdrs) [destCpu]);
- /* get addr of cpu descriptor */
- if (ntohl (pPktCpuDesc->status) != SM_CPU_ATTACHED)
- {
- errno = S_smPktLib_DEST_NOT_ATTACHED;
- return (ERROR); /* dest cpu is not attached */
- }
- /* Complete packet header info */
- pPktv->header.srcCpu = htonl (pSmDesc->cpuNum); /* source cpu */
- i = pPktv->header.srcCpu; /* BRIDGE FLUSH [SPR 68334] */
- /* Add this packet to destination cpu's input list */
- status = smPktSllPut (&(pPktCpuDesc->inputList), pSmDesc->base,
- pSmDesc->tasRoutine, pSmDesc->tasClearRoutine,
- &(pPktv->header.node), &listWasEmpty);
- if ((status == OK) && (listWasEmpty) && (destCpu != pSmDesc->cpuNum))
- {
- /* Interrupt destination cpu */
- if ((status = smUtilIntGen ((SM_CPU_DESC *)pCpuDesc, destCpu)) != OK)
- {
- /*
- * Packet put in input list but interrupt failed.
- * This is not an error. It means another interrupt will have
- * to be sent after a short delay. This will be repeated until
- * the interrupt is successful or a timeout occurs.
- * (See SPR 25341, 33771)
- */
- for (i = smPktMaxIntRetries; (status != OK) && (i > 0); --i)
- {
- taskDelay (1);
- status = smUtilIntGen ((SM_CPU_DESC *)pCpuDesc, destCpu);
- }
- /* time out on interrupt generation */
- if (status != OK)
- {
- /* packet still in input list so do NOT delete it */
- }
- }
- }
- return (status);
- }
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * smPktBroadcast - send packet data to all attached CPU's via shared memory
- *
- * This sends a copy of the packet specified by <pPkt> to all CPU's attached
- * to the specified shared memory area (except the sending CPU).
- *
- * This routine attempts to obtain a new packet for each destination CPU,
- * copying the packet contents to each newly-acquired packet. If no new
- * packets are available, this routine will go ahead and send the original
- * packet to the next destination CPU. If there are still more destinations
- * after the original has been sent, an error (S_smPktLib_INCOMPLETE_BROADCAST)
- * is returned. This same error is returned if one or more destinations did
- * not receive the broadcast due to other problems (e.g. the input queue for
- * a destination CPU was full).
- *
- *
- */
- LOCAL STATUS smPktBroadcast
- (
- SM_PKT_DESC * pSmPktDesc, /* sh mem pkt descriptor */
- SM_PKT volatile * pPktOrig /* ptr to original packet */
- )
- {
- STATUS status; /* return status */
- SM_PKT volatile * pPkt; /* ptr to packet being sent */
- SM_PKT volatile * pPktNew; /* ptr to newly obtained pkt */
- int destCpu; /* destination cpu number */
- SM_CPU_DESC volatile * pCpuDesc; /* destination cpu descriptor*/
- SM_PKT_CPU_DESC volatile * pPktCpuDesc; /* destination cpu descriptor*/
- BOOL destMissed; /* TRUE if a dest was missed */
- BOOL listWasEmpty; /* list added to was empty */
- SM_DESC * pSmDesc = (SM_DESC *) &pSmPktDesc->smDesc;
- pCpuDesc = pSmDesc->cpuTblLocalAdrs;
- pPktCpuDesc = pSmPktDesc->cpuLocalAdrs;
- destMissed = FALSE; /* no destinations missed yet */
- /* Send copy of packet to each attached cpu (except self) */
- for (destCpu = 0; destCpu < pSmDesc->maxCpus; destCpu++)
- {
- if ((ntohl (pPktCpuDesc->status) == SM_CPU_ATTACHED) &&
- (destCpu != pSmDesc->cpuNum))
- {
- if (pPktOrig == NULL) /* if original already used */
- {
- destMissed = TRUE; /* weren't enough free packets*/
- break; /* can't do any more */
- }
- /* Get new packet */
- if (smPktFreeGet (pSmPktDesc, (SM_PKT **)&pPktNew) != OK)
- return (ERROR); /* error getting packet */
- if (pPktNew != NULL) /* if a new pkt was obtained */
- {
- pPkt = pPktNew; /* it is the packet to send */
- pPkt->header.type = pPktOrig->header.type;
- /* copy packet type */
- pPkt->header.nBytes = pPktOrig->header.nBytes;
- /* copy byte count */
- bcopy ((char *)pPktOrig->data, (char *)pPkt->data,
- ntohl (pPkt->header.nBytes));
- /* copy packet data */
- }
- else /* if could not get new pkt */
- {
- pPkt = pPktOrig; /* set up to send original */
- }
- pPkt->header.srcCpu = htonl (pSmDesc->cpuNum);
- /* source cpu number */
- /* Send packet */
- status = smPktSllPut (&(pPktCpuDesc->inputList), pSmDesc->base,
- pSmDesc->tasRoutine, pSmDesc->tasClearRoutine,
- &(pPkt->header.node), &listWasEmpty);
- if ((status == OK) && listWasEmpty) /* if list previously empty */
- {
- /* Interrupt destination CPU */
- if (smUtilIntGen ((SM_CPU_DESC *)pCpuDesc, destCpu) != OK)
- {
- destMissed = TRUE; /* a destination was missed */
- }
- }
- else if (status == ERROR) /* if error sending pkt */
- {
- /*
- * NOTE: We do not return just because an error occurred.
- * The destination cpu's input list may simply have been
- * full, or some other error may have occurred which
- * will not affect the remaining destinations. When
- * this routine ultimately returns, the broadcast will
- * be reported as having been incomplete.
- */
- destMissed = TRUE; /* a destination was missed */
- if (pPkt != pPktOrig) /* if pkt was not the original*/
- {
- /* New packet not sent - return to free pool */
- if (smPktFreePut (pSmPktDesc, (SM_PKT *)pPkt) != OK)
- return (ERROR); /* could not return packet */
- }
- }
- if (pPkt == pPktOrig && status != ERROR)
- { /* if original actually sent */
- pPktOrig = NULL; /* clear pointer to orig pkt */
- }
- } /* end if (attached) */
- pCpuDesc++; /* next cpu descriptor */
- pPktCpuDesc++;
- } /* end for */
- /* Free original packet if it wasn't sent during broadcast */
- if (pPktOrig != NULL)
- {
- if (smPktFreePut (pSmPktDesc, (SM_PKT *)pPktOrig) != OK)
- return (ERROR); /* could not free packet */
- }
- if (destMissed) /* if a destination was missed*/
- {
- return (ERROR); /* broadcast not complete */
- }
- else
- {
- return (OK);
- }
- }
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * smPktFreePut - return a shared memory packet to free list
- *
- * This routine frees a shared memory packet. The packet is placed
- * on the global free packet list. No modification of the packet
- * contents is performed.
- *
- * The address of the packet to be returned is specified in <pPkt>.
- *
- *
- */
- STATUS smPktFreePut
- (
- SM_PKT_DESC * pSmPktDesc, /* ptr to shared memory descriptor */
- SM_PKT * pPkt /* addr of packet to be returned */
- )
- {
- SM_DESC * pSmDesc = &pSmPktDesc->smDesc;
- /* Check that this cpu is connected to shared memory */
- if (pSmPktDesc->status != SM_CPU_ATTACHED)
- {
- errno = S_smPktLib_NOT_ATTACHED;
- return (ERROR); /* local cpu is not attached */
- }
- /* Check for null pointer */
- if (pPkt == NULL)
- {
- errno = S_smPktLib_INVALID_PACKET;
- return (ERROR); /* null packet address */
- }
- /* Return packet to free list */
- return (smPktSllPut (&(pSmPktDesc->hdrLocalAdrs->freeList), pSmDesc->base,
- pSmDesc->tasRoutine, pSmDesc->tasClearRoutine,
- &(pPkt->header.node), NULL));
- }
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * smPktRecv - receive a packet sent via shared memory
- *
- * This routine receives a shared memory packet which was queued to this CPU.
- * This routine should be called in response to an interrupt which notifies
- * this CPU of the packet, or it can be called repeatedly in a polling
- * fashion to check for input packets. (NOTE: An interrupt will be generated
- * only if there previously was not a packet queued to this CPU. Therefore,
- * after a packet is received, this routine should be called again to check
- * for more packets.)
- *
- * Upon return, the location indicated by <ppPkt> will contain the address
- * of the received packet, or NULL if there was none.
- *
- *
- */
- STATUS smPktRecv
- (
- SM_PKT_DESC * pSmPktDesc, /* shared memory descriptor */
- SM_PKT ** ppPkt /* location to put pkt addr */
- )
- {
- SM_PKT_CPU_DESC volatile * pPktCpuDesc;
- STATUS status;
- SM_DESC * pSmDesc = (SM_DESC *) &pSmPktDesc->smDesc;
- int tmp; /* temp storage */
- /* Check that this cpu is connected to shared memory */
- if (pSmPktDesc->status != SM_CPU_ATTACHED)
- {
- errno = S_smPktLib_NOT_ATTACHED;
- return (ERROR); /* local cpu is not attached */
- }
- /* Get packet (if any) from input list */
- pPktCpuDesc = &((pSmPktDesc->cpuLocalAdrs) [pSmDesc->cpuNum]);
- /* get addr of cpu descriptor */
- status = smPktSllGet (&(pPktCpuDesc->inputList), pSmDesc->base,
- pSmDesc->tasRoutine, pSmDesc->tasClearRoutine,
- (SM_SLL_NODE **) ppPkt);
- if ((status == OK) && (*ppPkt != NULL))
- {
- (*ppPkt)->header.nBytes = ntohl ((*ppPkt)->header.nBytes);
- (*ppPkt)->header.srcCpu = ntohl ((*ppPkt)->header.srcCpu);
- tmp = (*ppPkt)->header.srcCpu; /* BRIDGE FLUSH [SPR 68334] */
- }
- return (status);
- }
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * smPktSllGet - get a shared memory node from a singly-linked list
- *
- * This routine attempts to obtain a shared memory node from the
- * specified singly-linked list of nodes. If a node is available,
- * the local address (for this CPU) of the node is placed in the
- * location specified by <pNodeLocalAdrs>. If no node was available
- * from the list, a NULL is placed in this location.
- *
- * This routine uses the specified test-and-set function, <tasRoutine>, to
- * obtain exclusive access to the linked list lock. If the lock cannot
- * be acquired within the number of tries specified by the smPktTasTries
- * global variable, this routine will return ERROR.
- *
- * RETURNS: OK, or ERROR if could not acquire list lock.
- *
- */
- (
- SM_SLL_LIST volatile * listLocalAdrs, /* local addr of packet list */
- int baseAddr, /* addr conversion constant */
- FUNCPTR tasRoutine, /* test-and-set routine addr */
- FUNCPTR tasClearRoutine, /* test-and-set routine addr */
- SM_SLL_NODE ** pNodeLocalAdrs /* location to put node addr */
- )
- {
- int oldLvl; /* saved interrupt level */
- int count; /* temp value */
- SM_SLL_NODE volatile * pNode; /* pointer to node */
- /* Take list lock */
- if (SM_LOCK_TAKE ((int *)&(listLocalAdrs->lock), tasRoutine, smPktTasTries,
- &oldLvl) != OK)
- {
- errno = S_smPktLib_LOCK_TIMEOUT;
- return (ERROR); /* can't take lock */
- }
- /* Get first node from list, if any */
- if ((pNode = (SM_SLL_NODE volatile *) ntohl (listLocalAdrs->head)) != NULL)
- {
- pNode = SM_OFFSET_TO_LOCAL ((int) pNode, baseAddr, SM_SLL_NODE *);
- /* convert to local address */
- listLocalAdrs->head = pNode->next; /* next node (if any) is head */
- count = ntohl (listLocalAdrs->count) - 1;
- if (count <= 0) /* if list now empty */
- {
- listLocalAdrs->tail = htonl (0); /* clear tail pointer */
- count = 0;
- }
- listLocalAdrs->count = htonl (count);
- }
- count = listLocalAdrs->limit; /* BRIDGE FLUSH [SPR 68334] */
- /* Release list lock */
- SM_LOCK_GIVE ((int *)&(listLocalAdrs->lock), tasClearRoutine, oldLvl);
- /* Pass node address back to caller */
- *pNodeLocalAdrs = (SM_SLL_NODE *) pNode; /* local node addr, or NULL */
- return (OK);
- }
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * smPktSllPut - add a shared memory node to a singly-linked list
- *
- * This routine attempts to add a shared memory node to the specified
- * singly-linked list. The node to be added is identified by <nodeLocalAdrs>.
- * Unless the list has reached its maximum number of entries, the node
- * will be added at the tail of the list. The bus address of the node is
- * used in the list entry.
- *
- * This routine uses the specified test-and-set function, <tasRoutine>, to
- * obtain exclusive access to the linked list lock. If the lock cannot
- * be acquired within the number of tries specified by the smPktTasTries
- * global variable, this routine will return ERROR.
- *
- * If the list already contains its maximum number of node entries, this
- * routine will return ERROR.
- *
- * If <pListWasEmpty> is non-null and the node is successfully added
- * to the list, this routine will set the BOOL pointed to by
- * <pListWasEmpty> to TRUE if there were no previous nodes in the list.
- *
- * RETURNS: OK, or ERROR if packet ptr is NULL, list full, or could
- * not acquire list lock.
- *
- */
- (
- SM_SLL_LIST volatile * listLocalAdrs, /* local addr of packet list */
- int base, /* base address */
- FUNCPTR tasRoutine, /* test-and-set routine addr */
- FUNCPTR tasClearRoutine, /* test-and-set routine addr */
- SM_SLL_NODE volatile * nodeLocalAdrs, /* local addr of node */
- BOOL * pListWasEmpty /* set to true if adding to
- * empty list */
- )
- {
- int oldLvl; /* saved interrupt level */
- int nodeOff; /* pointer to node */
- SM_SLL_NODE volatile * tailLocalAdrs; /* pointer to list tail node */
- nodeLocalAdrs->next = 0; /* mark node as end of list */
- nodeOff = htonl (SM_LOCAL_TO_OFFSET (nodeLocalAdrs, base));
- /* Take list lock */
- if (SM_LOCK_TAKE ((int *)&(listLocalAdrs->lock), tasRoutine, smPktTasTries,
- &oldLvl) != OK)
- {
- errno = S_smPktLib_LOCK_TIMEOUT;
- return (ERROR); /* can't take lock */
- }
- /* Add node to list */
- if (ntohl (listLocalAdrs->count) >= ntohl (listLocalAdrs->limit))
- {
- SM_LOCK_GIVE ((int *)&(listLocalAdrs->lock), tasClearRoutine, oldLvl);
- errno = S_smPktLib_LIST_FULL;
- return (ERROR); /* list has max nodes already */
- }
- /* if list previously empty */
- if (ntohl (listLocalAdrs->tail) == 0)
- {
- if (pListWasEmpty != NULL)
- *pListWasEmpty = TRUE;
- /* node is new head also */
- listLocalAdrs->head = nodeOff;
- }
- else
- {
- if (pListWasEmpty != NULL)
- *pListWasEmpty = FALSE;
- tailLocalAdrs = SM_OFFSET_TO_LOCAL (ntohl (listLocalAdrs->tail),
- base, SM_SLL_NODE volatile *);
- /* get addr of tail node */
- tailLocalAdrs->next = nodeOff;
- /* link new node to old tail */
- }
- listLocalAdrs->tail = nodeOff;
- /* node is new tail */
- listLocalAdrs->count = ntohl (htonl (listLocalAdrs->count) + 1);
- /* one more node in list */
- nodeOff = listLocalAdrs->limit; /* BRIDGE FLUSH [SPR 68334] */
- /* Release list lock */
- SM_LOCK_GIVE ((int *)&(listLocalAdrs->lock), tasClearRoutine, oldLvl);
- return (OK);
- }
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * smPktDetach - detach CPU from shared memory
- *
- * This routine ends the "attachment" between the calling CPU and
- * the shared memory area specified by <pSmPktDesc>. No further shared
- * memory operations may be performed until a subsequent smPktAttach()
- * is completed.
- *
- *
- */
- STATUS smPktDetach
- (
- SM_PKT_DESC * pSmPktDesc, /* ptr to shared mem descriptor */
- BOOL noFlush /* true if input queue should not
- * be flushed */
- )
- {
- SM_PKT_CPU_DESC volatile * pPktCpuDesc; /* cpu descriptor */
- SM_PKT volatile * pPkt; /* pointer to input packet */
- SM_DESC * pSmDesc = (SM_DESC *) &pSmPktDesc->smDesc;
- int tmp; /* temp storage */
- /* Check that this cpu is connected to shared memory */
- if (pSmPktDesc->status != SM_CPU_ATTACHED)
- {
- errno = S_smPktLib_NOT_ATTACHED;
- return (ERROR); /* local cpu is not attached */
- }
- if (smDetach (pSmDesc) == ERROR)
- return (ERROR);
- /* get addr of cpu descriptor */
- pPktCpuDesc = (SM_PKT_CPU_DESC volatile *) &((pSmPktDesc->cpuLocalAdrs)
- [pSmDesc->cpuNum]);
- pPktCpuDesc->status = htonl (SM_CPU_NOT_ATTACHED);/* mark as not attached */
- pSmPktDesc->status = SM_CPU_NOT_ATTACHED; /* also mark sh mem descr */
- tmp = pPktCpuDesc->status; /* BRIDGE FLUSH [SPR 68334] */
- if (noFlush == FALSE) /* flush input queue */
- {
- {
- if (smPktSllGet (&(pPktCpuDesc->inputList), pSmDesc->base,
- pSmDesc->tasRoutine, pSmDesc->tasClearRoutine,
- (SM_SLL_NODE **) &pPkt) != OK)
- return (ERROR); /* error getting input packet */
- if (pPkt == NULL)
- break; /* no more input packets */
- if (smPktSllPut (&(pSmPktDesc->hdrLocalAdrs->freeList),
- pSmDesc->base, pSmDesc->tasRoutine,
- pSmDesc->tasClearRoutine,
- &(pPkt->header.node), NULL) != OK)
- return (ERROR); /* error adding to free list */
- }
- }
- return (OK);
- }
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * smPktInfoGet - get current status information about shared memory
- *
- * This routine obtains various pieces of information which describe the
- * current state of the shared memory area specified by <pSmPktDesc>. The
- * current information is returned in a special data structure, SM_PKT_INFO,
- * whose address is specified by <pInfo>. The structure must have been
- * allocated before this routine is called.
- *
- * RETURNS: OK, or ERROR if this CPU is not attached to shared memory area.
- *
- */
- STATUS smPktInfoGet
- (
- SM_PKT_DESC * pSmPktDesc, /* shared memory descriptor */
- SM_PKT_INFO * pInfo /* info structure to fill */
- )
- {
- SM_PKT_MEM_HDR volatile * pHdr; /* shared memory header */
- SM_PKT_CPU_DESC volatile * pCpuDesc; /* cpu descriptor */
- int ix; /* index variable */
- int tmp; /* temp storage */
- /* Check that this cpu is connected to shared memory */
- if (pSmPktDesc->status != SM_CPU_ATTACHED)
- {
- errno = S_smPktLib_NOT_ATTACHED;
- return (ERROR); /* local cpu is not attached */
- }
- if (smInfoGet (&(pSmPktDesc->smDesc), &(pInfo->smInfo)) == ERROR)
- return (ERROR);
- /* Use local address to get info from shared memory packet header */
- pHdr = (SM_PKT_MEM_HDR volatile *) pSmPktDesc->hdrLocalAdrs;
- tmp = pHdr->maxPktBytes; /* PCI bridge bug [SPR 68844]*/
- pInfo->maxPktBytes = ntohl (pHdr->maxPktBytes);/* max data bytes per pkt */
- pInfo->totalPkts = ntohl (pHdr->freeList.limit);/* total number */
- pInfo->freePkts = ntohl (pHdr->freeList.count);/* number free */
- /* Get count of attached cpu's starting with first cpu table entry */
- pCpuDesc = (SM_PKT_CPU_DESC volatile *) pSmPktDesc->cpuLocalAdrs;
- pInfo->attachedCpus = 0;
- for (ix = 0; ix < pInfo->smInfo.maxCpus; ix++)
- {
- if (ntohl (pCpuDesc->status) == SM_CPU_ATTACHED)
- pInfo->attachedCpus++;
- pCpuDesc++; /* next entry */
- }
- return (OK);
- }
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * smPktCpuInfoGet - get information about a single CPU using shared memory
- *
- * This routine obtains a variety of information describing the CPU specified
- * by <cpuNum>. If <cpuNum> is NONE (-1), this routine returns information
- * about the local (calling) CPU. The information is returned in a special
- * structure, SM_PKT_CPU_INFO, whose address is specified by <pCpuInfo>. (The
- * structure must have been allocated before this routine is called.)
- *
- *
- */
- STATUS smPktCpuInfoGet
- (
- SM_PKT_DESC * pSmPktDesc, /* pkt descriptor */
- int cpuNum, /* cpu to get info about */
- SM_PKT_CPU_INFO * pCpuInfo /* structure to fill */
- )
- {
- SM_PKT_CPU_DESC volatile * pCpuDesc; /* ptr to cpu descriptor */
- int tmp; /* temp storage */
- /* Check that the local cpu is connected to shared memory */
- if (pSmPktDesc->status != SM_CPU_ATTACHED)
- {
- errno = S_smPktLib_NOT_ATTACHED;
- return (ERROR); /* local cpu is not attached */
- }
- if (cpuNum == NONE)
- cpuNum = pSmPktDesc->smDesc.cpuNum;
- if (smCpuInfoGet (&(pSmPktDesc->smDesc), cpuNum,
- &(pCpuInfo->smCpuInfo)) == ERROR)
- return (ERROR);
- /* get address of cpu descr */
- pCpuDesc = (SM_PKT_CPU_DESC volatile *)&(pSmPktDesc->cpuLocalAdrs[cpuNum]);
- tmp = pCpuDesc->status; /* PCI bridge bug [SPR 68844]*/
- pCpuInfo->status = ntohl (pCpuDesc->status);/* attached or not attached */
- /* Get packet counts */
- pCpuInfo->inputPkts = ntohl (pCpuDesc->inputList.count);
- /* current pkts in input queue*/
- pCpuInfo->maxInputPkts = ntohl (pCpuDesc->inputList.limit);
- /* max pkts allowed in queue */
- /*
- * XXX - free list counts - for future use when cpu's have free lists...
- *
- * pCpuInfo->freePkts = ntohl (pCpuDesc->freeList.count);
- * pCpuInfo->totalPkts = ntohl (pCpuDesc->freeList.limit);
- *
- */
- pCpuInfo->freePkts = 0; /* (future use) */
- return (OK);
- }
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * smPktBeat - increment packet heartbeat in shared memory anchor
- *
- * This routine increments the shared memory packet "heartbeat". The heartbeat
- * is used by processors using the shared memory packet library to
- * confirm that the shared memory network is active. The shared memory
- * area whose heartbeat is to be incremented is specifed by <pSmPktHdr>, which
- * is the address of a shared memory packet header region in which the heartbeat
- * count is maintained.
- *
- * This routine should be called periodically by the master CPU.
- *
- */
- void smPktBeat
- (
- SM_PKT_MEM_HDR * pSmPktHdr /* ptr to sm packet header */
- )
- {
- SM_PKT_MEM_HDR volatile * pPktHdrv = (SM_PKT_MEM_HDR volatile *) pSmPktHdr;
- int tmp; /* temp storage */
- /* Increment heartbeat */
- tmp = pPktHdrv->heartBeat; /* PCI bridge bug [SPR 68844]*/
- pPktHdrv->heartBeat = htonl (ntohl (pPktHdrv->heartBeat) + 1);
- tmp = pPktHdrv->heartBeat; /* BRIDGE FLUSH [SPR 68334] */
- }