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Package: vxwork_src.rar [view]
Upload User: nvosite88
Upload Date: 2007-01-17
Package Size: 4983k
Code Size: 148k
Development Platform:
- /* l_entry.s - Motorola 68040 FP entry points (LIB) */
- /* Copyright 1991-1993 Wind River Systems, Inc. */
- .data
- .globl _copyright_wind_river
- .long _copyright_wind_river
- /*
- modification history
- --------------------
- 01j,28jan97,ms fixed SPR 7822 (bug from 01i check-in - never part of product)
- 01i,31may96,ms updated to mototorola version 2.3
- 01h,21jul93,kdl added .text (SPR #2372).
- 01g,18sep92,kdl restored title line clobbered in 01f checkin.
- 01f,18sep92,kdl changed multi-reg (fpsr/fpcr) saves to use offset USER_FPCR
- instead of USER_FPSR, to reflect actual save order (SPR #1455).
- 01e,23aug92,jcf changed bxxx to jxx.
- 01d,20aug92,kdl added changes from Motorola FPSP v2.2 to correctly save fpcr.
- 01c,26may92,rrr the tree shuffle
- 01b,09jan92,kdl added modification history; general cleanup.
- 01a,15aug91,kdl original version, from Motorola FPSP v2.0.
- */
- /*
- This file contains Motorola FPSP library interface entry points for
- various floating point operations.
- */
- | section 8
- #include "fpsp040L.h"
- | xref __l_tag
- | xref __l_szero
- | xref __l_sinf
- | xref __l_sopr_inf
- | xref __l_sone
- | xref __l_spi_2
- | xref __l_szr_inf
- | xref __l_src_nan
- | xref __l_t_operr
- | xref __l_t_dz2
- | xref __l_snzrinx
- | xref __l_ld_pone
- | xref __l_ld_pinf
- | xref __l_ld_ppi2
- | xref __l_ssincosz
- | xref __l_ssincosi
- | xref __l_ssincosnan
- | xref __l_setoxm1i
- |
- | MONADIC.GEN 1.3 4/30/91
- |
- | MONADIC.GEN --- generic MONADIC template
- |
- | This version saves all registers that will be used by the emulation
- | routines and restores all but FP0 on exit. The FPSR is
- | updated to reflect the result of the operation. Return value
- | is placed in FP0 for single, double and extended results.
- |
- | The package subroutines expect the incoming fpcr to be zeroed
- | since they need extended precision to work properly. The
- /* 'final' fpcr is expected in d1 so that the calculated result */
- | can be properly sized and rounded. Also, if the incoming fpcr
- | has enabled any exceptions, the exception will be taken on the
- | final fmovem in this template.
- |
- | Customizations:
- | 1. Remove the moveml at the entry and exit of
- | each routine if your compiler treats those
- | registers as scratch.
- /* 2. Likewise, don't save FP0/FP1 if they are scratch */
- | registers.
- | 3. Delete handling of the fpsr if you only care about
- | the result.
- | 4. Some (most?) C compilers convert all float arguments
- | to double, and provide no support at all for extended
- | precision so remove the __l_facoss and __l_facosx entry points.
- | 5. Move the result to d0/d1 if the compiler is that old.
- | Copyright (C) Motorola, Inc. 1991
- | All Rights Reserved
- |
- | The copyright notice above does not evidence any
- | actual or intended publication of such source code.
- | xref __l_tag
- | xref __l_sacos
- | xref __l_ld_ppi2
- | xref __l_t_operr
- | xref __l_mon_nan
- | xref __l_sacosd
- .text
- .globl __l_facoss
- __l_facoss:
- link a6,#-LOCAL_SIZE
- moveml d0-d1/a0-a1,a6@(USER_DA)
- fmovemx fp0-fp3,a6@(USER_FP0)
- fmovel fpsr,a6@(USER_FPSR)
- fmovel fpcr,a6@(USER_FPCR)
- fmovel fpcr,d1 /* | user's rounding mode/precision */
- fmovel #0,fpcr | force rounding mode/prec to extended,rn
- |
- | copy, convert and tag input argument
- |
- fmoves a6@(8),fp0
- fmovex fp0,a6@(ETEMP)
- lea a6@(ETEMP),a0
- bsrl __l_tag
- moveb d0,a6@(STAG)
- tstb d0
- jne L_1012
- bsrl __l_sacos | normalized (regular) number
- jra L_1016
- L_1012:
- cmpb #0x20,d0 | zero?
- jne L_1013
- bsrl __l_ld_ppi2
- jra L_1016
- L_1013:
- cmpb #0x40,d0 | infinity?
- jne L_1014
- bsrl __l_t_operr
- jra L_1016
- L_1014:
- cmpb #0x60,d0 | NaN?
- jne L_1015
- bsrl __l_mon_nan
- jra L_1016
- L_1015:
- bsrl __l_sacosd | assuming a denorm...
- L_1016:
- fmovel fpsr,d0 | update status register
- orb a6@(USER_FPSR+3),d0 | add previously accrued exceptions
- fmovel d0,fpsr
- |
- | Result is now in FP0
- |
- moveml a6@(USER_DA),d0-d1/a0-a1
- fmovemx a6@(USER_FP1),fp1-fp3 | note: fp0 not restored
- fmovel a6@(USER_FPCR),fpcr | fpcr restored
- unlk a6
- rts
- .globl __l_facosd
- __l_facosd:
- link a6,#-LOCAL_SIZE
- moveml d0-d1/a0-a1,a6@(USER_DA)
- fmovemx fp0-fp3,a6@(USER_FP0)
- fmovel fpsr,a6@(USER_FPSR)
- fmovel fpcr,a6@(USER_FPCR)
- fmovel fpcr,d1 /* | user's rounding mode/precision */
- fmovel #0,fpcr | force rounding mode/prec to extended,rn
- |
- | copy, convert and tag input argument
- |
- fmoved a6@(8),fp0
- fmovex fp0,a6@(ETEMP)
- lea a6@(ETEMP),a0
- bsrl __l_tag
- moveb d0,a6@(STAG)
- tstb d0
- jne L_1017
- bsrl __l_sacos | normalized (regular) number
- jra L_101B
- L_1017:
- cmpb #0x20,d0 | zero?
- jne L_1018
- bsrl __l_ld_ppi2
- jra L_101B
- L_1018:
- cmpb #0x40,d0 | infinity?
- jne L_1019
- bsrl __l_t_operr
- jra L_101B
- L_1019:
- cmpb #0x60,d0 | NaN?
- jne L_101A
- bsrl __l_mon_nan
- jra L_101B
- L_101A:
- bsrl __l_sacosd | assuming a denorm...
- L_101B:
- fmovel fpsr,d0 | update status register
- orb a6@(USER_FPSR+3),d0 | add previously accrued exceptions
- fmovel d0,fpsr
- |
- | Result is now in FP0
- |
- moveml a6@(USER_DA),d0-d1/a0-a1
- fmovemx a6@(USER_FP1),fp1-fp3 | note: fp0 not restored
- fmovel a6@(USER_FPCR),fpcr | fpcr restored
- unlk a6
- rts
- .globl __l_facosx
- __l_facosx:
- link a6,#-LOCAL_SIZE
- moveml d0-d1/a0-a1,a6@(USER_DA)
- fmovemx fp0-fp3,a6@(USER_FP0)
- fmovel fpsr,a6@(USER_FPSR)
- fmovel fpcr,a6@(USER_FPCR)
- fmovel fpcr,d1 /* | user's rounding mode/precision */
- fmovel #0,fpcr | force rounding mode/prec to extended,rn
- |
- | copy, convert and tag input argument
- |
- fmovex a6@(8),fp0
- fmovex fp0,a6@(ETEMP)
- lea a6@(ETEMP),a0
- bsrl __l_tag
- moveb d0,a6@(STAG)
- tstb d0
- jne L_101C
- bsrl __l_sacos | normalized (regular) number
- jra L_101G
- L_101C:
- cmpb #0x20,d0 | zero?
- jne L_101D
- bsrl __l_ld_ppi2
- jra L_101G
- L_101D:
- cmpb #0x40,d0 | infinity?
- jne L_101E
- bsrl __l_t_operr
- jra L_101G
- L_101E:
- cmpb #0x60,d0 | NaN?
- jne L_101F
- bsrl __l_mon_nan
- jra L_101G
- L_101F:
- bsrl __l_sacosd | assuming a denorm...
- L_101G:
- fmovel fpsr,d0 | update status register
- orb a6@(USER_FPSR+3),d0 | add previously accrued exceptions
- fmovel d0,fpsr
- |
- | Result is now in FP0
- |
- moveml a6@(USER_DA),d0-d1/a0-a1
- fmovemx a6@(USER_FP1),fp1-fp3 | note: fp0 not restored
- fmovel a6@(USER_FPCR),fpcr | fpcr restored
- unlk a6
- rts
- |
- | MONADIC.GEN 1.3 4/30/91
- |
- | MONADIC.GEN --- generic MONADIC template
- |
- | This version saves all registers that will be used by the emulation
- | routines and restores all but FP0 on exit. The FPSR is
- | updated to reflect the result of the operation. Return value
- | is placed in FP0 for single, double and extended results.
- |
- | The package subroutines expect the incoming fpcr to be zeroed
- | since they need extended precision to work properly. The
- /* | 'final' fpcr is expected in d1 so that the calculated result */
- | can be properly sized and rounded. Also, if the incoming fpcr
- | has enabled any exceptions, the exception will be taken on the
- | final fmovem in this template.
- |
- | Customizations:
- | 1. Remove the moveml at the entry and exit of
- | each routine if your compiler treats those
- | registers as scratch.
- /* | 2. Likewise, don't save FP0/FP1 if they are scratch */
- | registers.
- | 3. Delete handling of the fpsr if you only care about
- | the result.
- | 4. Some (most?) C compilers convert all float arguments
- | to double, and provide no support at all for extended
- | precision so remove the __l_fasins and __l_fasinx entry points.
- | 5. Move the result to d0/d1 if the compiler is that old.
- | Copyright (C) Motorola, Inc. 1991
- | All Rights Reserved
- |
- | The copyright notice above does not evidence any
- | actual or intended publication of such source code.
- | xref __l_tag
- | xref __l_sasin
- | xref __l_szero
- | xref __l_t_operr
- | xref __l_mon_nan
- | xref __l_sasind
- .globl __l_fasins
- __l_fasins:
- link a6,#-LOCAL_SIZE
- moveml d0-d1/a0-a1,a6@(USER_DA)
- fmovemx fp0-fp3,a6@(USER_FP0)
- fmovel fpsr,a6@(USER_FPSR)
- fmovel fpcr,a6@(USER_FPCR)
- fmovel fpcr,d1 /* | user's rounding mode/precision */
- fmovel #0,fpcr | force rounding mode/prec to extended,rn
- |
- | copy, convert and tag input argument
- |
- fmoves a6@(8),fp0
- fmovex fp0,a6@(ETEMP)
- lea a6@(ETEMP),a0
- bsrl __l_tag
- moveb d0,a6@(STAG)
- tstb d0
- jne L_1022
- bsrl __l_sasin | normalized (regular) number
- jra L_1026
- L_1022:
- cmpb #0x20,d0 | zero?
- jne L_1023
- bsrl __l_szero
- jra L_1026
- L_1023:
- cmpb #0x40,d0 | infinity?
- jne L_1024
- bsrl __l_t_operr
- jra L_1026
- L_1024:
- cmpb #0x60,d0 | NaN?
- jne L_1025
- bsrl __l_mon_nan
- jra L_1026
- L_1025:
- bsrl __l_sasind | assuming a denorm...
- L_1026:
- fmovel fpsr,d0 | update status register
- orb a6@(USER_FPSR+3),d0 | add previously accrued exceptions
- fmovel d0,fpsr
- |
- | Result is now in FP0
- |
- moveml a6@(USER_DA),d0-d1/a0-a1
- fmovemx a6@(USER_FP1),fp1-fp3 | note: fp0 not restored
- fmovel a6@(USER_FPCR),fpcr | fpcr restored
- unlk a6
- rts
- .globl __l_fasind
- __l_fasind:
- link a6,#-LOCAL_SIZE
- moveml d0-d1/a0-a1,a6@(USER_DA)
- fmovemx fp0-fp3,a6@(USER_FP0)
- fmovel fpsr,a6@(USER_FPSR)
- fmovel fpcr,a6@(USER_FPCR)
- fmovel fpcr,d1 /* | user's rounding mode/precision */
- fmovel #0,fpcr | force rounding mode/prec to extended,rn
- |
- | copy, convert and tag input argument
- |
- fmoved a6@(8),fp0
- fmovex fp0,a6@(ETEMP)
- lea a6@(ETEMP),a0
- bsrl __l_tag
- moveb d0,a6@(STAG)
- tstb d0
- jne L_1027
- bsrl __l_sasin | normalized (regular) number
- jra L_102B
- L_1027:
- cmpb #0x20,d0 | zero?
- jne L_1028
- bsrl __l_szero
- jra L_102B
- L_1028:
- cmpb #0x40,d0 | infinity?
- jne L_1029
- bsrl __l_t_operr
- jra L_102B
- L_1029:
- cmpb #0x60,d0 | NaN?
- jne L_102A
- bsrl __l_mon_nan
- jra L_102B
- L_102A:
- bsrl __l_sasind | assuming a denorm...
- L_102B:
- fmovel fpsr,d0 | update status register
- orb a6@(USER_FPSR+3),d0 | add previously accrued exceptions
- fmovel d0,fpsr
- |
- | Result is now in FP0
- |
- moveml a6@(USER_DA),d0-d1/a0-a1
- fmovemx a6@(USER_FP1),fp1-fp3 | note: fp0 not restored
- fmovel a6@(USER_FPCR),fpcr | fpcr restored
- unlk a6
- rts
- .globl __l_fasinx
- __l_fasinx:
- link a6,#-LOCAL_SIZE
- moveml d0-d1/a0-a1,a6@(USER_DA)
- fmovemx fp0-fp3,a6@(USER_FP0)
- fmovel fpsr,a6@(USER_FPSR)
- fmovel fpcr,a6@(USER_FPCR)
- fmovel fpcr,d1 /* | user's rounding mode/precision */
- fmovel #0,fpcr | force rounding mode/prec to extended,rn
- |
- | copy, convert and tag input argument
- |
- fmovex a6@(8),fp0
- fmovex fp0,a6@(ETEMP)
- lea a6@(ETEMP),a0
- bsrl __l_tag
- moveb d0,a6@(STAG)
- tstb d0
- jne L_102C
- bsrl __l_sasin | normalized (regular) number
- jra L_102G
- L_102C:
- cmpb #0x20,d0 | zero?
- jne L_102D
- bsrl __l_szero
- jra L_102G
- L_102D:
- cmpb #0x40,d0 | infinity?
- jne L_102E
- bsrl __l_t_operr
- jra L_102G
- L_102E:
- cmpb #0x60,d0 | NaN?
- jne L_102F
- bsrl __l_mon_nan
- jra L_102G
- L_102F:
- bsrl __l_sasind | assuming a denorm...
- L_102G:
- fmovel fpsr,d0 | update status register
- orb a6@(USER_FPSR+3),d0 | add previously accrued exceptions
- fmovel d0,fpsr
- |
- | Result is now in FP0
- |
- moveml a6@(USER_DA),d0-d1/a0-a1
- fmovemx a6@(USER_FP1),fp1-fp3 | note: fp0 not restored
- fmovel a6@(USER_FPCR),fpcr | fpcr restored
- unlk a6
- rts
- |
- | MONADIC.GEN 1.3 4/30/91
- |
- | MONADIC.GEN --- generic MONADIC template
- |
- | This version saves all registers that will be used by the emulation
- | routines and restores all but FP0 on exit. The FPSR is
- | updated to reflect the result of the operation. Return value
- | is placed in FP0 for single, double and extended results.
- |
- | The package subroutines expect the incoming fpcr to be zeroed
- | since they need extended precision to work properly. The
- /* | 'final' fpcr is expected in d1 so that the calculated result */
- | can be properly sized and rounded. Also, if the incoming fpcr
- | has enabled any exceptions, the exception will be taken on the
- | final fmovem in this template.
- |
- | Customizations:
- | 1. Remove the moveml at the entry and exit of
- | each routine if your compiler treats those
- | registers as scratch.
- /* | 2. Likewise, don't save FP0/FP1 if they are scratch */
- | registers.
- | 3. Delete handling of the fpsr if you only care about
- | the result.
- | 4. Some (most?) C compilers convert all float arguments
- | to double, and provide no support at all for extended
- | precision so remove the __l_fatans and __l_fatanx entry points.
- | 5. Move the result to d0/d1 if the compiler is that old.
- | Copyright (C) Motorola, Inc. 1991
- | All Rights Reserved
- |
- | The copyright notice above does not evidence any
- | actual or intended publication of such source code.
- | xref __l_tag
- | xref __l_satan
- | xref __l_szero
- | xref __l_spi_2
- | xref __l_mon_nan
- | xref __l_satand
- .globl __l_fatans
- __l_fatans:
- link a6,#-LOCAL_SIZE
- moveml d0-d1/a0-a1,a6@(USER_DA)
- fmovemx fp0-fp3,a6@(USER_FP0)
- fmovel fpsr,a6@(USER_FPSR)
- fmovel fpcr,a6@(USER_FPCR)
- fmovel fpcr,d1 /* | user's rounding mode/precision */
- fmovel #0,fpcr | force rounding mode/prec to extended,rn
- |
- | copy, convert and tag input argument
- |
- fmoves a6@(8),fp0
- fmovex fp0,a6@(ETEMP)
- lea a6@(ETEMP),a0
- bsrl __l_tag
- moveb d0,a6@(STAG)
- tstb d0
- jne L_1032
- bsrl __l_satan | normalized (regular) number
- jra L_1036
- L_1032:
- cmpb #0x20,d0 | zero?
- jne L_1033
- bsrl __l_szero
- jra L_1036
- L_1033:
- cmpb #0x40,d0 | infinity?
- jne L_1034
- bsrl __l_spi_2
- jra L_1036
- L_1034:
- cmpb #0x60,d0 | NaN?
- jne L_1035
- bsrl __l_mon_nan
- jra L_1036
- L_1035:
- bsrl __l_satand | assuming a denorm...
- L_1036:
- fmovel fpsr,d0 | update status register
- orb a6@(USER_FPSR+3),d0 | add previously accrued exceptions
- fmovel d0,fpsr
- |
- | Result is now in FP0
- |
- moveml a6@(USER_DA),d0-d1/a0-a1
- fmovemx a6@(USER_FP1),fp1-fp3 | note: fp0 not restored
- fmovel a6@(USER_FPCR),fpcr | fpcr restored
- unlk a6
- rts
- .globl __l_fatand
- __l_fatand:
- link a6,#-LOCAL_SIZE
- moveml d0-d1/a0-a1,a6@(USER_DA)
- fmovemx fp0-fp3,a6@(USER_FP0)
- fmovel fpsr,a6@(USER_FPSR)
- fmovel fpcr,a6@(USER_FPCR)
- fmovel fpcr,d1 /* | user's rounding mode/precision */
- fmovel #0,fpcr | force rounding mode/prec to extended,rn
- |
- | copy, convert and tag input argument
- |
- fmoved a6@(8),fp0
- fmovex fp0,a6@(ETEMP)
- lea a6@(ETEMP),a0
- bsrl __l_tag
- moveb d0,a6@(STAG)
- tstb d0
- jne L_1037
- bsrl __l_satan | normalized (regular) number
- jra L_103B
- L_1037:
- cmpb #0x20,d0 | zero?
- jne L_1038
- bsrl __l_szero
- jra L_103B
- L_1038:
- cmpb #0x40,d0 | infinity?
- jne L_1039
- bsrl __l_spi_2
- jra L_103B
- L_1039:
- cmpb #0x60,d0 | NaN?
- jne L_103A
- bsrl __l_mon_nan
- jra L_103B
- L_103A:
- bsrl __l_satand | assuming a denorm...
- L_103B:
- fmovel fpsr,d0 | update status register
- orb a6@(USER_FPSR+3),d0 | add previously accrued exceptions
- fmovel d0,fpsr
- |
- | Result is now in FP0
- |
- moveml a6@(USER_DA),d0-d1/a0-a1
- fmovemx a6@(USER_FP1),fp1-fp3 | note: fp0 not restored
- fmovel a6@(USER_FPCR),fpcr | fpcr restored
- unlk a6
- rts
- .globl __l_fatanx
- __l_fatanx:
- link a6,#-LOCAL_SIZE
- moveml d0-d1/a0-a1,a6@(USER_DA)
- fmovemx fp0-fp3,a6@(USER_FP0)
- fmovel fpsr,a6@(USER_FPSR)
- fmovel fpcr,a6@(USER_FPCR)
- fmovel fpcr,d1 /* | user's rounding mode/precision */
- fmovel #0,fpcr | force rounding mode/prec to extended,rn
- |
- | copy, convert and tag input argument
- |
- fmovex a6@(8),fp0
- fmovex fp0,a6@(ETEMP)
- lea a6@(ETEMP),a0
- bsrl __l_tag
- moveb d0,a6@(STAG)
- tstb d0
- jne L_103C
- bsrl __l_satan | normalized (regular) number
- jra L_103G
- L_103C:
- cmpb #0x20,d0 | zero?
- jne L_103D
- bsrl __l_szero
- jra L_103G
- L_103D:
- cmpb #0x40,d0 | infinity?
- jne L_103E
- bsrl __l_spi_2
- jra L_103G
- L_103E:
- cmpb #0x60,d0 | NaN?
- jne L_103F
- bsrl __l_mon_nan
- jra L_103G
- L_103F:
- bsrl __l_satand | assuming a denorm...
- L_103G:
- fmovel fpsr,d0 | update status register
- orb a6@(USER_FPSR+3),d0 | add previously accrued exceptions
- fmovel d0,fpsr
- |
- | Result is now in FP0
- |
- moveml a6@(USER_DA),d0-d1/a0-a1
- fmovemx a6@(USER_FP1),fp1-fp3 | note: fp0 not restored
- fmovel a6@(USER_FPCR),fpcr | fpcr restored
- unlk a6
- rts
- |
- | MONADIC.GEN 1.3 4/30/91
- |
- | MONADIC.GEN --- generic MONADIC template
- |
- | This version saves all registers that will be used by the emulation
- | routines and restores all but FP0 on exit. The FPSR is
- | updated to reflect the result of the operation. Return value
- | is placed in FP0 for single, double and extended results.
- |
- | The package subroutines expect the incoming fpcr to be zeroed
- | since they need extended precision to work properly. The
- /* | 'final' fpcr is expected in d1 so that the calculated result */
- | can be properly sized and rounded. Also, if the incoming fpcr
- | has enabled any exceptions, the exception will be taken on the
- | final fmovem in this template.
- |
- | Customizations:
- | 1. Remove the moveml at the entry and exit of
- | each routine if your compiler treats those
- | registers as scratch.
- /* | 2. Likewise, don't save FP0/FP1 if they are scratch */
- | registers.
- | 3. Delete handling of the fpsr if you only care about
- | the result.
- | 4. Some (most?) C compilers convert all float arguments
- | to double, and provide no support at all for extended
- | precision so remove the __l_fatanhs and __l_fatanhx entry points.
- | 5. Move the result to d0/d1 if the compiler is that old.
- | Copyright (C) Motorola, Inc. 1991
- | All Rights Reserved
- |
- | The copyright notice above does not evidence any
- | actual or intended publication of such source code.
- | xref __l_tag
- | xref __l_satanh
- | xref __l_szero
- | xref __l_t_operr
- | xref __l_mon_nan
- | xref __l_satanhd
- .globl __l_fatanhs
- __l_fatanhs:
- link a6,#-LOCAL_SIZE
- moveml d0-d1/a0-a1,a6@(USER_DA)
- fmovemx fp0-fp3,a6@(USER_FP0)
- fmovel fpsr,a6@(USER_FPSR)
- fmovel fpcr,a6@(USER_FPCR)
- fmovel fpcr,d1 /* | user's rounding mode/precision */
- fmovel #0,fpcr | force rounding mode/prec to extended,rn
- |
- | copy, convert and tag input argument
- |
- fmoves a6@(8),fp0
- fmovex fp0,a6@(ETEMP)
- lea a6@(ETEMP),a0
- bsrl __l_tag
- moveb d0,a6@(STAG)
- tstb d0
- jne L_1042
- bsrl __l_satanh | normalized (regular) number
- jra L_1046
- L_1042:
- cmpb #0x20,d0 | zero?
- jne L_1043
- bsrl __l_szero
- jra L_1046
- L_1043:
- cmpb #0x40,d0 | infinity?
- jne L_1044
- bsrl __l_t_operr
- jra L_1046
- L_1044:
- cmpb #0x60,d0 | NaN?
- jne L_1045
- bsrl __l_mon_nan
- jra L_1046
- L_1045:
- bsrl __l_satanhd | assuming a denorm...
- L_1046:
- fmovel fpsr,d0 | update status register
- orb a6@(USER_FPSR+3),d0 | add previously accrued exceptions
- fmovel d0,fpsr
- |
- | Result is now in FP0
- |
- moveml a6@(USER_DA),d0-d1/a0-a1
- fmovemx a6@(USER_FP1),fp1-fp3 | note: fp0 not restored
- fmovel a6@(USER_FPCR),fpcr | fpcr restored
- unlk a6
- rts
- .globl __l_fatanhd
- __l_fatanhd:
- link a6,#-LOCAL_SIZE
- moveml d0-d1/a0-a1,a6@(USER_DA)
- fmovemx fp0-fp3,a6@(USER_FP0)
- fmovel fpsr,a6@(USER_FPSR)
- fmovel fpcr,a6@(USER_FPCR)
- fmovel fpcr,d1 /* | user's rounding mode/precision */
- fmovel #0,fpcr | force rounding mode/prec to extended,rn
- |
- | copy, convert and tag input argument
- |
- fmoved a6@(8),fp0
- fmovex fp0,a6@(ETEMP)
- lea a6@(ETEMP),a0
- bsrl __l_tag
- moveb d0,a6@(STAG)
- tstb d0
- jne L_1047
- bsrl __l_satanh | normalized (regular) number
- jra L_104B
- L_1047:
- cmpb #0x20,d0 | zero?
- jne L_1048
- bsrl __l_szero
- jra L_104B
- L_1048:
- cmpb #0x40,d0 | infinity?
- jne L_1049
- bsrl __l_t_operr
- jra L_104B
- L_1049:
- cmpb #0x60,d0 | NaN?
- jne L_104A
- bsrl __l_mon_nan
- jra L_104B
- L_104A:
- bsrl __l_satanhd | assuming a denorm...
- L_104B:
- fmovel fpsr,d0 | update status register
- orb a6@(USER_FPSR+3),d0 | add previously accrued exceptions
- fmovel d0,fpsr
- |
- | Result is now in FP0
- |
- moveml a6@(USER_DA),d0-d1/a0-a1
- fmovemx a6@(USER_FP1),fp1-fp3 | note: fp0 not restored
- fmovel a6@(USER_FPCR),fpcr | fpcr restored
- unlk a6
- rts
- .globl __l_fatanhx
- __l_fatanhx:
- link a6,#-LOCAL_SIZE
- moveml d0-d1/a0-a1,a6@(USER_DA)
- fmovemx fp0-fp3,a6@(USER_FP0)
- fmovel fpsr,a6@(USER_FPSR)
- fmovel fpcr,a6@(USER_FPCR)
- fmovel fpcr,d1 /* | user's rounding mode/precision */
- fmovel #0,fpcr | force rounding mode/prec to extended,rn
- |
- | copy, convert and tag input argument
- |
- fmovex a6@(8),fp0
- fmovex fp0,a6@(ETEMP)
- lea a6@(ETEMP),a0
- bsrl __l_tag
- moveb d0,a6@(STAG)
- tstb d0
- jne L_104C
- bsrl __l_satanh | normalized (regular) number
- jra L_104G
- L_104C:
- cmpb #0x20,d0 | zero?
- jne L_104D
- bsrl __l_szero
- jra L_104G
- L_104D:
- cmpb #0x40,d0 | infinity?
- jne L_104E
- bsrl __l_t_operr
- jra L_104G
- L_104E:
- cmpb #0x60,d0 | NaN?
- jne L_104F
- bsrl __l_mon_nan
- jra L_104G
- L_104F:
- bsrl __l_satanhd | assuming a denorm...
- L_104G:
- fmovel fpsr,d0 | update status register
- orb a6@(USER_FPSR+3),d0 | add previously accrued exceptions
- fmovel d0,fpsr
- |
- | Result is now in FP0
- |
- moveml a6@(USER_DA),d0-d1/a0-a1
- fmovemx a6@(USER_FP1),fp1-fp3 | note: fp0 not restored
- fmovel a6@(USER_FPCR),fpcr | fpcr restored
- unlk a6
- rts
- |
- | MONADIC.GEN 1.3 4/30/91
- |
- | MONADIC.GEN --- generic MONADIC template
- |
- | This version saves all registers that will be used by the emulation
- | routines and restores all but FP0 on exit. The FPSR is
- | updated to reflect the result of the operation. Return value
- | is placed in FP0 for single, double and extended results.
- |
- | The package subroutines expect the incoming fpcr to be zeroed
- | since they need extended precision to work properly. The
- /* | 'final' fpcr is expected in d1 so that the calculated result */
- | can be properly sized and rounded. Also, if the incoming fpcr
- | has enabled any exceptions, the exception will be taken on the
- | final fmovem in this template.
- |
- | Customizations:
- | 1. Remove the moveml at the entry and exit of
- | each routine if your compiler treats those
- | registers as scratch.
- /* | 2. Likewise, don't save FP0/FP1 if they are scratch */
- | registers.
- | 3. Delete handling of the fpsr if you only care about
- | the result.
- | 4. Some (most?) C compilers convert all float arguments
- | to double, and provide no support at all for extended
- | precision so remove the __l_fcoss and __l_fcosx entry points.
- | 5. Move the result to d0/d1 if the compiler is that old.
- | Copyright (C) Motorola, Inc. 1991
- | All Rights Reserved
- |
- | The copyright notice above does not evidence any
- | actual or intended publication of such source code.
- | xref __l_tag
- | xref __l_scos
- | xref __l_ld_pone
- | xref __l_t_operr
- | xref __l_mon_nan
- | xref __l_scosd
- .globl __l_fcoss
- __l_fcoss:
- link a6,#-LOCAL_SIZE
- moveml d0-d1/a0-a1,a6@(USER_DA)
- fmovemx fp0-fp3,a6@(USER_FP0)
- fmovel fpsr,a6@(USER_FPSR)
- fmovel fpcr,a6@(USER_FPCR)
- fmovel fpcr,d1 /* | user's rounding mode/precision */
- fmovel #0,fpcr | force rounding mode/prec to extended,rn
- |
- | copy, convert and tag input argument
- |
- fmoves a6@(8),fp0
- fmovex fp0,a6@(ETEMP)
- lea a6@(ETEMP),a0
- bsrl __l_tag
- moveb d0,a6@(STAG)
- tstb d0
- jne L_1052
- bsrl __l_scos | normalized (regular) number
- jra L_1056
- L_1052:
- cmpb #0x20,d0 | zero?
- jne L_1053
- bsrl __l_ld_pone
- jra L_1056
- L_1053:
- cmpb #0x40,d0 | infinity?
- jne L_1054
- bsrl __l_t_operr
- jra L_1056
- L_1054:
- cmpb #0x60,d0 | NaN?
- jne L_1055
- bsrl __l_mon_nan
- jra L_1056
- L_1055:
- bsrl __l_scosd | assuming a denorm...
- L_1056:
- fmovel fpsr,d0 | update status register
- orb a6@(USER_FPSR+3),d0 | add previously accrued exceptions
- fmovel d0,fpsr
- |
- | Result is now in FP0
- |
- moveml a6@(USER_DA),d0-d1/a0-a1
- fmovemx a6@(USER_FP1),fp1-fp3 | note: fp0 not restored
- fmovel a6@(USER_FPCR),fpcr | fpcr restored
- unlk a6
- rts
- .globl __l_fcosd
- __l_fcosd:
- link a6,#-LOCAL_SIZE
- moveml d0-d1/a0-a1,a6@(USER_DA)
- fmovemx fp0-fp3,a6@(USER_FP0)
- fmovel fpsr,a6@(USER_FPSR)
- fmovel fpcr,a6@(USER_FPCR)
- fmovel fpcr,d1 /* | user's rounding mode/precision */
- fmovel #0,fpcr | force rounding mode/prec to extended,rn
- |
- | copy, convert and tag input argument
- |
- fmoved a6@(8),fp0
- fmovex fp0,a6@(ETEMP)
- lea a6@(ETEMP),a0
- bsrl __l_tag
- moveb d0,a6@(STAG)
- tstb d0
- jne L_1057
- bsrl __l_scos | normalized (regular) number
- jra L_105B
- L_1057:
- cmpb #0x20,d0 | zero?
- jne L_1058
- bsrl __l_ld_pone
- jra L_105B
- L_1058:
- cmpb #0x40,d0 | infinity?
- jne L_1059
- bsrl __l_t_operr
- jra L_105B
- L_1059:
- cmpb #0x60,d0 | NaN?
- jne L_105A
- bsrl __l_mon_nan
- jra L_105B
- L_105A:
- bsrl __l_scosd | assuming a denorm...
- L_105B:
- fmovel fpsr,d0 | update status register
- orb a6@(USER_FPSR+3),d0 | add previously accrued exceptions
- fmovel d0,fpsr
- |
- | Result is now in FP0
- |
- moveml a6@(USER_DA),d0-d1/a0-a1
- fmovemx a6@(USER_FP1),fp1-fp3 | note: fp0 not restored
- fmovel a6@(USER_FPCR),fpcr | fpcr restored
- unlk a6
- rts
- .globl __l_fcosx
- __l_fcosx:
- link a6,#-LOCAL_SIZE
- moveml d0-d1/a0-a1,a6@(USER_DA)
- fmovemx fp0-fp3,a6@(USER_FP0)
- fmovel fpsr,a6@(USER_FPSR)
- fmovel fpcr,a6@(USER_FPCR)
- fmovel fpcr,d1 /* | user's rounding mode/precision */
- fmovel #0,fpcr | force rounding mode/prec to extended,rn
- |
- | copy, convert and tag input argument
- |
- fmovex a6@(8),fp0
- fmovex fp0,a6@(ETEMP)
- lea a6@(ETEMP),a0
- bsrl __l_tag
- moveb d0,a6@(STAG)
- tstb d0
- jne L_105C
- bsrl __l_scos | normalized (regular) number
- jra L_105G
- L_105C:
- cmpb #0x20,d0 | zero?
- jne L_105D
- bsrl __l_ld_pone
- jra L_105G
- L_105D:
- cmpb #0x40,d0 | infinity?
- jne L_105E
- bsrl __l_t_operr
- jra L_105G
- L_105E:
- cmpb #0x60,d0 | NaN?
- jne L_105F
- bsrl __l_mon_nan
- jra L_105G
- L_105F:
- bsrl __l_scosd | assuming a denorm...
- L_105G:
- fmovel fpsr,d0 | update status register
- orb a6@(USER_FPSR+3),d0 | add previously accrued exceptions
- fmovel d0,fpsr
- |
- | Result is now in FP0
- |
- moveml a6@(USER_DA),d0-d1/a0-a1
- fmovemx a6@(USER_FP1),fp1-fp3 | note: fp0 not restored
- fmovel a6@(USER_FPCR),fpcr | fpcr restored
- unlk a6
- rts
- |
- | MONADIC.GEN 1.3 4/30/91
- |
- | MONADIC.GEN --- generic MONADIC template
- |
- | This version saves all registers that will be used by the emulation
- | routines and restores all but FP0 on exit. The FPSR is
- | updated to reflect the result of the operation. Return value
- | is placed in FP0 for single, double and extended results.
- |
- | The package subroutines expect the incoming fpcr to be zeroed
- | since they need extended precision to work properly. The
- /* | 'final' fpcr is expected in d1 so that the calculated result */
- | can be properly sized and rounded. Also, if the incoming fpcr
- | has enabled any exceptions, the exception will be taken on the
- | final fmovem in this template.
- |
- | Customizations:
- | 1. Remove the moveml at the entry and exit of
- | each routine if your compiler treats those
- | registers as scratch.
- /* | 2. Likewise, don't save FP0/FP1 if they are scratch */
- | registers.
- | 3. Delete handling of the fpsr if you only care about
- | the result.
- | 4. Some (most?) C compilers convert all float arguments
- | to double, and provide no support at all for extended
- | precision so remove the __l_fcoshs and __l_fcoshx entry points.
- | 5. Move the result to d0/d1 if the compiler is that old.
- | Copyright (C) Motorola, Inc. 1991
- | All Rights Reserved
- |
- | The copyright notice above does not evidence any
- | actual or intended publication of such source code.
- | xref __l_tag
- | xref __l_scosh
- | xref __l_ld_pone
- | xref __l_ld_pinf
- | xref __l_mon_nan
- | xref __l_scoshd
- .globl __l_fcoshs
- __l_fcoshs:
- link a6,#-LOCAL_SIZE
- moveml d0-d1/a0-a1,a6@(USER_DA)
- fmovemx fp0-fp3,a6@(USER_FP0)
- fmovel fpsr,a6@(USER_FPSR)
- fmovel fpcr,a6@(USER_FPCR)
- fmovel fpcr,d1 /* | user's rounding mode/precision */
- fmovel #0,fpcr | force rounding mode/prec to extended,rn
- |
- | copy, convert and tag input argument
- |
- fmoves a6@(8),fp0
- fmovex fp0,a6@(ETEMP)
- lea a6@(ETEMP),a0
- bsrl __l_tag
- moveb d0,a6@(STAG)
- tstb d0
- jne L_1062
- bsrl __l_scosh | normalized (regular) number
- jra L_1066
- L_1062:
- cmpb #0x20,d0 | zero?
- jne L_1063
- bsrl __l_ld_pone
- jra L_1066
- L_1063:
- cmpb #0x40,d0 | infinity?
- jne L_1064
- bsrl __l_ld_pinf
- jra L_1066
- L_1064:
- cmpb #0x60,d0 | NaN?
- jne L_1065
- bsrl __l_mon_nan
- jra L_1066
- L_1065:
- bsrl __l_scoshd | assuming a denorm...
- L_1066:
- fmovel fpsr,d0 | update status register
- orb a6@(USER_FPSR+3),d0 | add previously accrued exceptions
- fmovel d0,fpsr
- |
- | Result is now in FP0
- |
- moveml a6@(USER_DA),d0-d1/a0-a1
- fmovemx a6@(USER_FP1),fp1-fp3 | note: fp0 not restored
- fmovel a6@(USER_FPCR),fpcr | fpcr restored
- unlk a6
- rts
- .globl __l_fcoshd
- __l_fcoshd:
- link a6,#-LOCAL_SIZE
- moveml d0-d1/a0-a1,a6@(USER_DA)
- fmovemx fp0-fp3,a6@(USER_FP0)
- fmovel fpsr,a6@(USER_FPSR)
- fmovel fpcr,a6@(USER_FPCR)
- fmovel fpcr,d1 /* | user's rounding mode/precision */
- fmovel #0,fpcr | force rounding mode/prec to extended,rn
- |
- | copy, convert and tag input argument
- |
- fmoved a6@(8),fp0
- fmovex fp0,a6@(ETEMP)
- lea a6@(ETEMP),a0
- bsrl __l_tag
- moveb d0,a6@(STAG)
- tstb d0
- jne L_1067
- bsrl __l_scosh | normalized (regular) number
- jra L_106B
- L_1067:
- cmpb #0x20,d0 | zero?
- jne L_1068
- bsrl __l_ld_pone
- jra L_106B
- L_1068:
- cmpb #0x40,d0 | infinity?
- jne L_1069
- bsrl __l_ld_pinf
- jra L_106B
- L_1069:
- cmpb #0x60,d0 | NaN?
- jne L_106A
- bsrl __l_mon_nan
- jra L_106B
- L_106A:
- bsrl __l_scoshd | assuming a denorm...
- L_106B:
- fmovel fpsr,d0 | update status register
- orb a6@(USER_FPSR+3),d0 | add previously accrued exceptions
- fmovel d0,fpsr
- |
- | Result is now in FP0
- |
- moveml a6@(USER_DA),d0-d1/a0-a1
- fmovemx a6@(USER_FP1),fp1-fp3 | note: fp0 not restored
- fmovel a6@(USER_FPCR),fpcr | fpcr restored
- unlk a6
- rts
- .globl __l_fcoshx
- __l_fcoshx:
- link a6,#-LOCAL_SIZE
- moveml d0-d1/a0-a1,a6@(USER_DA)
- fmovemx fp0-fp3,a6@(USER_FP0)
- fmovel fpsr,a6@(USER_FPSR)
- fmovel fpcr,a6@(USER_FPCR)
- fmovel fpcr,d1 /* | user's rounding mode/precision */
- fmovel #0,fpcr | force rounding mode/prec to extended,rn
- |
- | copy, convert and tag input argument
- |
- fmovex a6@(8),fp0
- fmovex fp0,a6@(ETEMP)
- lea a6@(ETEMP),a0
- bsrl __l_tag
- moveb d0,a6@(STAG)
- tstb d0
- jne L_106C
- bsrl __l_scosh | normalized (regular) number
- jra L_106G
- L_106C:
- cmpb #0x20,d0 | zero?
- jne L_106D
- bsrl __l_ld_pone
- jra L_106G
- L_106D:
- cmpb #0x40,d0 | infinity?
- jne L_106E
- bsrl __l_ld_pinf
- jra L_106G
- L_106E:
- cmpb #0x60,d0 | NaN?
- jne L_106F
- bsrl __l_mon_nan
- jra L_106G
- L_106F:
- bsrl __l_scoshd | assuming a denorm...
- L_106G:
- fmovel fpsr,d0 | update status register
- orb a6@(USER_FPSR+3),d0 | add previously accrued exceptions
- fmovel d0,fpsr
- |
- | Result is now in FP0
- |
- moveml a6@(USER_DA),d0-d1/a0-a1
- fmovemx a6@(USER_FP1),fp1-fp3 | note: fp0 not restored
- fmovel a6@(USER_FPCR),fpcr | fpcr restored
- unlk a6
- rts
- |
- | MONADIC.GEN 1.3 4/30/91
- |
- | MONADIC.GEN --- generic MONADIC template
- |
- | This version saves all registers that will be used by the emulation
- | routines and restores all but FP0 on exit. The FPSR is
- | updated to reflect the result of the operation. Return value
- | is placed in FP0 for single, double and extended results.
- |
- | The package subroutines expect the incoming fpcr to be zeroed
- | since they need extended precision to work properly. The
- /* | 'final' fpcr is expected in d1 so that the calculated result */
- | can be properly sized and rounded. Also, if the incoming fpcr
- | has enabled any exceptions, the exception will be taken on the
- | final fmovem in this template.
- |
- | Customizations:
- | 1. Remove the moveml at the entry and exit of
- | each routine if your compiler treats those
- | registers as scratch.
- /* | 2. Likewise, don't save FP0/FP1 if they are scratch */
- | registers.
- | 3. Delete handling of the fpsr if you only care about
- | the result.
- | 4. Some (most?) C compilers convert all float arguments
- | to double, and provide no support at all for extended
- | precision so remove the __l_fetoxs and __l_fetoxx entry points.
- | 5. Move the result to d0/d1 if the compiler is that old.
- | Copyright (C) Motorola, Inc. 1991
- | All Rights Reserved
- |
- | The copyright notice above does not evidence any
- | actual or intended publication of such source code.
- | xref __l_tag
- | xref __l_setox
- | xref __l_ld_pone
- | xref __l_szr_inf
- | xref __l_mon_nan
- | xref __l_setoxd
- .globl __l_fetoxs
- __l_fetoxs:
- link a6,#-LOCAL_SIZE
- moveml d0-d1/a0-a1,a6@(USER_DA)
- fmovemx fp0-fp3,a6@(USER_FP0)
- fmovel fpsr,a6@(USER_FPSR)
- fmovel fpcr,a6@(USER_FPCR)
- fmovel fpcr,d1 /* | user's rounding mode/precision */
- fmovel #0,fpcr | force rounding mode/prec to extended,rn
- |
- | copy, convert and tag input argument
- |
- fmoves a6@(8),fp0
- fmovex fp0,a6@(ETEMP)
- lea a6@(ETEMP),a0
- bsrl __l_tag
- moveb d0,a6@(STAG)
- tstb d0
- jne L_1072
- bsrl __l_setox | normalized (regular) number
- jra L_1076
- L_1072:
- cmpb #0x20,d0 | zero?
- jne L_1073
- bsrl __l_ld_pone
- jra L_1076
- L_1073:
- cmpb #0x40,d0 | infinity?
- jne L_1074
- bsrl __l_szr_inf
- jra L_1076
- L_1074:
- cmpb #0x60,d0 | NaN?
- jne L_1075
- bsrl __l_mon_nan
- jra L_1076
- L_1075:
- bsrl __l_setoxd | assuming a denorm...
- L_1076:
- fmovel fpsr,d0 | update status register
- orb a6@(USER_FPSR+3),d0 | add previously accrued exceptions
- fmovel d0,fpsr
- |
- | Result is now in FP0
- |
- moveml a6@(USER_DA),d0-d1/a0-a1
- fmovemx a6@(USER_FP1),fp1-fp3 | note: fp0 not restored
- fmovel a6@(USER_FPCR),fpcr | fpcr restored
- unlk a6
- rts
- .globl __l_fetoxd
- __l_fetoxd:
- link a6,#-LOCAL_SIZE
- moveml d0-d1/a0-a1,a6@(USER_DA)
- fmovemx fp0-fp3,a6@(USER_FP0)
- fmovel fpsr,a6@(USER_FPSR)
- fmovel fpcr,a6@(USER_FPCR)
- fmovel fpcr,d1 /* | user's rounding mode/precision */
- fmovel #0,fpcr | force rounding mode/prec to extended,rn
- |
- | copy, convert and tag input argument
- |
- fmoved a6@(8),fp0
- fmovex fp0,a6@(ETEMP)
- lea a6@(ETEMP),a0
- bsrl __l_tag
- moveb d0,a6@(STAG)
- tstb d0
- jne L_1077
- bsrl __l_setox | normalized (regular) number
- jra L_107B
- L_1077:
- cmpb #0x20,d0 | zero?
- jne L_1078
- bsrl __l_ld_pone
- jra L_107B
- L_1078:
- cmpb #0x40,d0 | infinity?
- jne L_1079
- bsrl __l_szr_inf
- jra L_107B
- L_1079:
- cmpb #0x60,d0 | NaN?
- jne L_107A
- bsrl __l_mon_nan
- jra L_107B
- L_107A:
- bsrl __l_setoxd | assuming a denorm...
- L_107B:
- fmovel fpsr,d0 | update status register
- orb a6@(USER_FPSR+3),d0 | add previously accrued exceptions
- fmovel d0,fpsr
- |
- | Result is now in FP0
- |
- moveml a6@(USER_DA),d0-d1/a0-a1
- fmovemx a6@(USER_FP1),fp1-fp3 | note: fp0 not restored
- fmovel a6@(USER_FPCR),fpcr | fpcr restored
- unlk a6
- rts
- .globl __l_fetoxx
- __l_fetoxx:
- link a6,#-LOCAL_SIZE
- moveml d0-d1/a0-a1,a6@(USER_DA)
- fmovemx fp0-fp3,a6@(USER_FP0)
- fmovel fpsr,a6@(USER_FPSR)
- fmovel fpcr,a6@(USER_FPCR)
- fmovel fpcr,d1 /* | user's rounding mode/precision */
- fmovel #0,fpcr | force rounding mode/prec to extended,rn
- |
- | copy, convert and tag input argument
- |
- fmovex a6@(8),fp0
- fmovex fp0,a6@(ETEMP)
- lea a6@(ETEMP),a0
- bsrl __l_tag
- moveb d0,a6@(STAG)
- tstb d0
- jne L_107C
- bsrl __l_setox | normalized (regular) number
- jra L_107G
- L_107C:
- cmpb #0x20,d0 | zero?
- jne L_107D
- bsrl __l_ld_pone
- jra L_107G
- L_107D:
- cmpb #0x40,d0 | infinity?
- jne L_107E
- bsrl __l_szr_inf
- jra L_107G
- L_107E:
- cmpb #0x60,d0 | NaN?
- jne L_107F
- bsrl __l_mon_nan
- jra L_107G
- L_107F:
- bsrl __l_setoxd | assuming a denorm...
- L_107G:
- fmovel fpsr,d0 | update status register
- orb a6@(USER_FPSR+3),d0 | add previously accrued exceptions
- fmovel d0,fpsr
- |
- | Result is now in FP0
- |
- moveml a6@(USER_DA),d0-d1/a0-a1
- fmovemx a6@(USER_FP1),fp1-fp3 | note: fp0 not restored
- fmovel a6@(USER_FPCR),fpcr | fpcr restored
- unlk a6
- rts
- |
- | MONADIC.GEN 1.3 4/30/91
- |
- | MONADIC.GEN --- generic MONADIC template
- |
- | This version saves all registers that will be used by the emulation
- | routines and restores all but FP0 on exit. The FPSR is
- | updated to reflect the result of the operation. Return value
- | is placed in FP0 for single, double and extended results.
- |
- | The package subroutines expect the incoming fpcr to be zeroed
- | since they need extended precision to work properly. The
- /* | 'final' fpcr is expected in d1 so that the calculated result */
- | can be properly sized and rounded. Also, if the incoming fpcr
- | has enabled any exceptions, the exception will be taken on the
- | final fmovem in this template.
- |
- | Customizations:
- | 1. Remove the moveml at the entry and exit of
- | each routine if your compiler treats those
- | registers as scratch.
- /* | 2. Likewise, don't save FP0/FP1 if they are scratch */
- | registers.
- | 3. Delete handling of the fpsr if you only care about
- | the result.
- | 4. Some (most?) C compilers convert all float arguments
- | to double, and provide no support at all for extended
- | precision so remove the __l_fetoxm1s and __l_fetoxm1x entry points.
- | 5. Move the result to d0/d1 if the compiler is that old.
- | Copyright (C) Motorola, Inc. 1991
- | All Rights Reserved
- |
- | The copyright notice above does not evidence any
- | actual or intended publication of such source code.
- | xref __l_tag
- | xref __l_setoxm1
- | xref __l_szero
- | xref __l_setoxm1i
- | xref __l_mon_nan
- | xref __l_setoxm1d
- .globl __l_fetoxm1s
- __l_fetoxm1s:
- link a6,#-LOCAL_SIZE
- moveml d0-d1/a0-a1,a6@(USER_DA)
- fmovemx fp0-fp3,a6@(USER_FP0)
- fmovel fpsr,a6@(USER_FPSR)
- fmovel fpcr,a6@(USER_FPCR)
- fmovel fpcr,d1 /* | user's rounding mode/precision */
- fmovel #0,fpcr | force rounding mode/prec to extended,rn
- |
- | copy, convert and tag input argument
- |
- fmoves a6@(8),fp0
- fmovex fp0,a6@(ETEMP)
- lea a6@(ETEMP),a0
- bsrl __l_tag
- moveb d0,a6@(STAG)
- tstb d0
- jne L_1082
- bsrl __l_setoxm1 | normalized (regular) number
- jra L_1086
- L_1082:
- cmpb #0x20,d0 | zero?
- jne L_1083
- bsrl __l_szero
- jra L_1086
- L_1083:
- cmpb #0x40,d0 | infinity?
- jne L_1084
- bsrl __l_setoxm1i
- jra L_1086
- L_1084:
- cmpb #0x60,d0 | NaN?
- jne L_1085
- bsrl __l_mon_nan
- jra L_1086
- L_1085:
- bsrl __l_setoxm1d | assuming a denorm...
- L_1086:
- fmovel fpsr,d0 | update status register
- orb a6@(USER_FPSR+3),d0 | add previously accrued exceptions
- fmovel d0,fpsr
- |
- | Result is now in FP0
- |
- moveml a6@(USER_DA),d0-d1/a0-a1
- fmovemx a6@(USER_FP1),fp1-fp3 | note: fp0 not restored
- fmovel a6@(USER_FPCR),fpcr | fpcr restored
- unlk a6
- rts
- .globl __l_fetoxm1d
- __l_fetoxm1d:
- link a6,#-LOCAL_SIZE
- moveml d0-d1/a0-a1,a6@(USER_DA)
- fmovemx fp0-fp3,a6@(USER_FP0)
- fmovel fpsr,a6@(USER_FPSR)
- fmovel fpcr,a6@(USER_FPCR)
- fmovel fpcr,d1 /* | user's rounding mode/precision */
- fmovel #0,fpcr | force rounding mode/prec to extended,rn
- |
- | copy, convert and tag input argument
- |
- fmoved a6@(8),fp0
- fmovex fp0,a6@(ETEMP)
- lea a6@(ETEMP),a0
- bsrl __l_tag
- moveb d0,a6@(STAG)
- tstb d0
- jne L_1087
- bsrl __l_setoxm1 | normalized (regular) number
- jra L_108B
- L_1087:
- cmpb #0x20,d0 | zero?
- jne L_1088
- bsrl __l_szero
- jra L_108B
- L_1088:
- cmpb #0x40,d0 | infinity?
- jne L_1089
- bsrl __l_setoxm1i
- jra L_108B
- L_1089:
- cmpb #0x60,d0 | NaN?
- jne L_108A
- bsrl __l_mon_nan
- jra L_108B
- L_108A:
- bsrl __l_setoxm1d | assuming a denorm...
- L_108B:
- fmovel fpsr,d0 | update status register
- orb a6@(USER_FPSR+3),d0 | add previously accrued exceptions
- fmovel d0,fpsr
- |
- | Result is now in FP0
- |
- moveml a6@(USER_DA),d0-d1/a0-a1
- fmovemx a6@(USER_FP1),fp1-fp3 | note: fp0 not restored
- fmovel a6@(USER_FPCR),fpcr | fpcr restored
- unlk a6
- rts
- .globl __l_fetoxm1x
- __l_fetoxm1x:
- link a6,#-LOCAL_SIZE
- moveml d0-d1/a0-a1,a6@(USER_DA)
- fmovemx fp0-fp3,a6@(USER_FP0)
- fmovel fpsr,a6@(USER_FPSR)
- fmovel fpcr,a6@(USER_FPCR)
- fmovel fpcr,d1 /* | user's rounding mode/precision */
- fmovel #0,fpcr | force rounding mode/prec to extended,rn
- |
- | copy, convert and tag input argument
- |
- fmovex a6@(8),fp0
- fmovex fp0,a6@(ETEMP)
- lea a6@(ETEMP),a0
- bsrl __l_tag
- moveb d0,a6@(STAG)
- tstb d0
- jne L_108C
- bsrl __l_setoxm1 | normalized (regular) number
- jra L_108G
- L_108C:
- cmpb #0x20,d0 | zero?
- jne L_108D
- bsrl __l_szero
- jra L_108G
- L_108D:
- cmpb #0x40,d0 | infinity?
- jne L_108E
- bsrl __l_setoxm1i
- jra L_108G
- L_108E:
- cmpb #0x60,d0 | NaN?
- jne L_108F
- bsrl __l_mon_nan
- jra L_108G
- L_108F:
- bsrl __l_setoxm1d | assuming a denorm...
- L_108G:
- fmovel fpsr,d0 | update status register
- orb a6@(USER_FPSR+3),d0 | add previously accrued exceptions
- fmovel d0,fpsr
- |
- | Result is now in FP0
- |
- moveml a6@(USER_DA),d0-d1/a0-a1
- fmovemx a6@(USER_FP1),fp1-fp3 | note: fp0 not restored
- fmovel a6@(USER_FPCR),fpcr | fpcr restored
- unlk a6
- rts
- |
- | MONADIC.GEN 1.3 4/30/91
- |
- | MONADIC.GEN --- generic MONADIC template
- |
- | This version saves all registers that will be used by the emulation
- | routines and restores all but FP0 on exit. The FPSR is
- | updated to reflect the result of the operation. Return value
- | is placed in FP0 for single, double and extended results.
- |
- | The package subroutines expect the incoming fpcr to be zeroed
- | since they need extended precision to work properly. The
- /* | 'final' fpcr is expected in d1 so that the calculated result */
- | can be properly sized and rounded. Also, if the incoming fpcr
- | has enabled any exceptions, the exception will be taken on the
- | final fmovem in this template.
- |
- | Customizations:
- | 1. Remove the moveml at the entry and exit of
- | each routine if your compiler treats those
- | registers as scratch.
- /* | 2. Likewise, don't save FP0/FP1 if they are scratch */
- | registers.
- | 3. Delete handling of the fpsr if you only care about
- | the result.
- | 4. Some (most?) C compilers convert all float arguments
- | to double, and provide no support at all for extended
- | precision so remove the __l_fgetexps and __l_fgetexpx entry points.
- | 5. Move the result to d0/d1 if the compiler is that old.
- | Copyright (C) Motorola, Inc. 1991
- | All Rights Reserved
- |
- | The copyright notice above does not evidence any
- | actual or intended publication of such source code.
- | xref __l_tag
- | xref __l_sgetexp
- | xref __l_szero
- | xref __l_t_operr
- | xref __l_mon_nan
- | xref __l_sgetexpd
- .globl __l_fgetexps
- __l_fgetexps:
- link a6,#-LOCAL_SIZE
- moveml d0-d1/a0-a1,a6@(USER_DA)
- fmovemx fp0-fp3,a6@(USER_FP0)
- fmovel fpsr,a6@(USER_FPSR)
- fmovel fpcr,a6@(USER_FPCR)
- fmovel fpcr,d1 /* | user's rounding mode/precision */
- fmovel #0,fpcr | force rounding mode/prec to extended,rn
- |
- | copy, convert and tag input argument
- |
- fmoves a6@(8),fp0
- fmovex fp0,a6@(ETEMP)
- lea a6@(ETEMP),a0
- bsrl __l_tag
- moveb d0,a6@(STAG)
- tstb d0
- jne L_1092
- bsrl __l_sgetexp | normalized (regular) number
- jra L_1096
- L_1092:
- cmpb #0x20,d0 | zero?
- jne L_1093
- bsrl __l_szero
- jra L_1096
- L_1093:
- cmpb #0x40,d0 | infinity?
- jne L_1094
- bsrl __l_t_operr
- jra L_1096
- L_1094:
- cmpb #0x60,d0 | NaN?
- jne L_1095
- bsrl __l_mon_nan
- jra L_1096
- L_1095:
- bsrl __l_sgetexpd | assuming a denorm...
- L_1096:
- fmovel fpsr,d0 | update status register
- orb a6@(USER_FPSR+3),d0 | add previously accrued exceptions
- fmovel d0,fpsr
- |
- | Result is now in FP0
- |
- moveml a6@(USER_DA),d0-d1/a0-a1
- fmovemx a6@(USER_FP1),fp1-fp3 | note: fp0 not restored
- fmovel a6@(USER_FPCR),fpcr | fpcr restored
- unlk a6
- rts
- .globl __l_fgetexpd
- __l_fgetexpd:
- link a6,#-LOCAL_SIZE
- moveml d0-d1/a0-a1,a6@(USER_DA)
- fmovemx fp0-fp3,a6@(USER_FP0)
- fmovel fpsr,a6@(USER_FPSR)
- fmovel fpcr,a6@(USER_FPCR)
- fmovel fpcr,d1 /* | user's rounding mode/precision */
- fmovel #0,fpcr | force rounding mode/prec to extended,rn
- |
- | copy, convert and tag input argument
- |
- fmoved a6@(8),fp0
- fmovex fp0,a6@(ETEMP)
- lea a6@(ETEMP),a0
- bsrl __l_tag
- moveb d0,a6@(STAG)
- tstb d0
- jne L_1097
- bsrl __l_sgetexp | normalized (regular) number
- jra L_109B
- L_1097:
- cmpb #0x20,d0 | zero?
- jne L_1098
- bsrl __l_szero
- jra L_109B
- L_1098:
- cmpb #0x40,d0 | infinity?
- jne L_1099
- bsrl __l_t_operr
- jra L_109B
- L_1099:
- cmpb #0x60,d0 | NaN?
- jne L_109A
- bsrl __l_mon_nan
- jra L_109B
- L_109A:
- bsrl __l_sgetexpd | assuming a denorm...
- L_109B:
- fmovel fpsr,d0 | update status register
- orb a6@(USER_FPSR+3),d0 | add previously accrued exceptions
- fmovel d0,fpsr
- |
- | Result is now in FP0
- |
- moveml a6@(USER_DA),d0-d1/a0-a1
- fmovemx a6@(USER_FP1),fp1-fp3 | note: fp0 not restored
- fmovel a6@(USER_FPCR),fpcr | fpcr restored
- unlk a6
- rts
- .globl __l_fgetexpx
- __l_fgetexpx:
- link a6,#-LOCAL_SIZE
- moveml d0-d1/a0-a1,a6@(USER_DA)
- fmovemx fp0-fp3,a6@(USER_FP0)
- fmovel fpsr,a6@(USER_FPSR)
- fmovel fpcr,a6@(USER_FPCR)
- fmovel fpcr,d1 /* | user's rounding mode/precision */
- fmovel #0,fpcr | force rounding mode/prec to extended,rn
- |
- | copy, convert and tag input argument
- |
- fmovex a6@(8),fp0
- fmovex fp0,a6@(ETEMP)
- lea a6@(ETEMP),a0
- bsrl __l_tag
- moveb d0,a6@(STAG)
- tstb d0
- jne L_109C
- bsrl __l_sgetexp | normalized (regular) number
- jra L_109G
- L_109C:
- cmpb #0x20,d0 | zero?
- jne L_109D
- bsrl __l_szero
- jra L_109G
- L_109D:
- cmpb #0x40,d0 | infinity?
- jne L_109E
- bsrl __l_t_operr
- jra L_109G
- L_109E:
- cmpb #0x60,d0 | NaN?
- jne L_109F
- bsrl __l_mon_nan
- jra L_109G
- L_109F:
- bsrl __l_sgetexpd | assuming a denorm...
- L_109G:
- fmovel fpsr,d0 | update status register
- orb a6@(USER_FPSR+3),d0 | add previously accrued exceptions
- fmovel d0,fpsr
- |
- | Result is now in FP0
- |
- moveml a6@(USER_DA),d0-d1/a0-a1
- fmovemx a6@(USER_FP1),fp1-fp3 | note: fp0 not restored
- fmovel a6@(USER_FPCR),fpcr | fpcr restored
- unlk a6
- rts
- |
- | MONADIC.GEN 1.3 4/30/91
- |
- | MONADIC.GEN --- generic MONADIC template
- |
- | This version saves all registers that will be used by the emulation
- | routines and restores all but FP0 on exit. The FPSR is
- | updated to reflect the result of the operation. Return value
- | is placed in FP0 for single, double and extended results.
- |
- | The package subroutines expect the incoming fpcr to be zeroed
- | since they need extended precision to work properly. The
- /* | 'final' fpcr is expected in d1 so that the calculated result */
- | can be properly sized and rounded. Also, if the incoming fpcr
- | has enabled any exceptions, the exception will be taken on the
- | final fmovem in this template.
- |
- | Customizations:
- | 1. Remove the moveml at the entry and exit of
- | each routine if your compiler treats those
- | registers as scratch.
- /* | 2. Likewise, don't save FP0/FP1 if they are scratch */
- | registers.
- | 3. Delete handling of the fpsr if you only care about
- | the result.
- | 4. Some (most?) C compilers convert all float arguments
- | to double, and provide no support at all for extended
- | precision so remove the __l_fsins and __l_fsinx entry points.
- | 5. Move the result to d0/d1 if the compiler is that old.
- | Copyright (C) Motorola, Inc. 1991
- | All Rights Reserved
- |
- | The copyright notice above does not evidence any
- | actual or intended publication of such source code.
- | xref __l_tag
- | xref __l_ssin
- | xref __l_szero
- | xref __l_t_operr
- | xref __l_mon_nan
- | xref __l_ssind
- .globl __l_fsins
- __l_fsins:
- link a6,#-LOCAL_SIZE
- moveml d0-d1/a0-a1,a6@(USER_DA)
- fmovemx fp0-fp3,a6@(USER_FP0)
- fmovel fpsr,a6@(USER_FPSR)
- fmovel fpcr,a6@(USER_FPCR)
- fmovel fpcr,d1 /* | user's rounding mode/precision */
- fmovel #0,fpcr | force rounding mode/prec to extended,rn
- |
- | copy, convert and tag input argument
- |
- fmoves a6@(8),fp0
- fmovex fp0,a6@(ETEMP)
- lea a6@(ETEMP),a0
- bsrl __l_tag
- moveb d0,a6@(STAG)
- tstb d0
- jne L_1102
- bsrl __l_ssin | normalized (regular) number
- jra L_1106
- L_1102:
- cmpb #0x20,d0 | zero?
- jne L_1103
- bsrl __l_szero
- jra L_1106
- L_1103:
- cmpb #0x40,d0 | infinity?
- jne L_1104
- bsrl __l_t_operr
- jra L_1106
- L_1104:
- cmpb #0x60,d0 | NaN?
- jne L_1105
- bsrl __l_mon_nan
- jra L_1106
- L_1105:
- bsrl __l_ssind | assuming a denorm...
- L_1106:
- fmovel fpsr,d0 | update status register
- orb a6@(USER_FPSR+3),d0 | add previously accrued exceptions
- fmovel d0,fpsr
- |
- | Result is now in FP0
- |
- moveml a6@(USER_DA),d0-d1/a0-a1
- fmovemx a6@(USER_FP1),fp1-fp3 | note: fp0 not restored
- fmovel a6@(USER_FPCR),fpcr | fpcr restored
- unlk a6
- rts
- .globl __l_fsind
- __l_fsind:
- link a6,#-LOCAL_SIZE
- moveml d0-d1/a0-a1,a6@(USER_DA)
- fmovemx fp0-fp3,a6@(USER_FP0)
- fmovel fpsr,a6@(USER_FPSR)
- fmovel fpcr,a6@(USER_FPCR)
- fmovel fpcr,d1 /* | user's rounding mode/precision */
- fmovel #0,fpcr | force rounding mode/prec to extended,rn
- |
- | copy, convert and tag input argument
- |
- fmoved a6@(8),fp0
- fmovex fp0,a6@(ETEMP)
- lea a6@(ETEMP),a0
- bsrl __l_tag
- moveb d0,a6@(STAG)
- tstb d0
- jne L_1107
- bsrl __l_ssin | normalized (regular) number
- jra L_110B
- L_1107:
- cmpb #0x20,d0 | zero?
- jne L_1108
- bsrl __l_szero
- jra L_110B
- L_1108:
- cmpb #0x40,d0 | infinity?
- jne L_1109
- bsrl __l_t_operr
- jra L_110B
- L_1109:
- cmpb #0x60,d0 | NaN?
- jne L_110A
- bsrl __l_mon_nan
- jra L_110B
- L_110A:
- bsrl __l_ssind | assuming a denorm...
- L_110B:
- fmovel fpsr,d0 | update status register
- orb a6@(USER_FPSR+3),d0 | add previously accrued exceptions
- fmovel d0,fpsr
- |
- | Result is now in FP0
- |
- moveml a6@(USER_DA),d0-d1/a0-a1
- fmovemx a6@(USER_FP1),fp1-fp3 | note: fp0 not restored
- fmovel a6@(USER_FPCR),fpcr | fpcr restored
- unlk a6
- rts
- .globl __l_fsinx
- __l_fsinx:
- link a6,#-LOCAL_SIZE
- moveml d0-d1/a0-a1,a6@(USER_DA)
- fmovemx fp0-fp3,a6@(USER_FP0)
- fmovel fpsr,a6@(USER_FPSR)
- fmovel fpcr,a6@(USER_FPCR)
- fmovel fpcr,d1 /* | user's rounding mode/precision */
- fmovel #0,fpcr | force rounding mode/prec to extended,rn
- |
- | copy, convert and tag input argument
- |
- fmovex a6@(8),fp0
- fmovex fp0,a6@(ETEMP)
- lea a6@(ETEMP),a0
- bsrl __l_tag
- moveb d0,a6@(STAG)
- tstb d0
- jne L_110C
- bsrl __l_ssin | normalized (regular) number
- jra L_110G
- L_110C:
- cmpb #0x20,d0 | zero?
- jne L_110D
- bsrl __l_szero
- jra L_110G
- L_110D:
- cmpb #0x40,d0 | infinity?
- jne L_110E
- bsrl __l_t_operr
- jra L_110G
- L_110E:
- cmpb #0x60,d0 | NaN?
- jne L_110F
- bsrl __l_mon_nan
- jra L_110G
- L_110F:
- bsrl __l_ssind | assuming a denorm...
- L_110G:
- fmovel fpsr,d0 | update status register
- orb a6@(USER_FPSR+3),d0 | add previously accrued exceptions
- fmovel d0,fpsr
- |
- | Result is now in FP0
- |
- moveml a6@(USER_DA),d0-d1/a0-a1
- fmovemx a6@(USER_FP1),fp1-fp3 | note: fp0 not restored
- fmovel a6@(USER_FPCR),fpcr | fpcr restored
- unlk a6
- rts
- |
- | MONADIC.GEN 1.3 4/30/91
- |
- | MONADIC.GEN --- generic MONADIC template
- |
- | This version saves all registers that will be used by the emulation
- | routines and restores all but FP0 on exit. The FPSR is
- | updated to reflect the result of the operation. Return value
- | is placed in FP0 for single, double and extended results.
- |
- | The package subroutines expect the incoming fpcr to be zeroed
- | since they need extended precision to work properly. The
- /* | 'final' fpcr is expected in d1 so that the calculated result */
- | can be properly sized and rounded. Also, if the incoming fpcr
- | has enabled any exceptions, the exception will be taken on the
- | final fmovem in this template.
- |
- | Customizations:
- | 1. Remove the moveml at the entry and exit of
- | each routine if your compiler treats those
- | registers as scratch.
- /* | 2. Likewise, don't save FP0/FP1 if they are scratch */
- | registers.
- | 3. Delete handling of the fpsr if you only care about
- | the result.
- | 4. Some (most?) C compilers convert all float arguments
- | to double, and provide no support at all for extended
- | precision so remove the __l_fsinhs and __l_fsinhx entry points.
- | 5. Move the result to d0/d1 if the compiler is that old.
- | Copyright (C) Motorola, Inc. 1991
- | All Rights Reserved
- |
- | The copyright notice above does not evidence any
- | actual or intended publication of such source code.
- | xref __l_tag
- | xref __l_ssinh
- | xref __l_szero
- | xref __l_sinf
- | xref __l_mon_nan
- | xref __l_ssinhd
- .globl __l_fsinhs
- __l_fsinhs:
- link a6,#-LOCAL_SIZE
- moveml d0-d1/a0-a1,a6@(USER_DA)
- fmovemx fp0-fp3,a6@(USER_FP0)
- fmovel fpsr,a6@(USER_FPSR)
- fmovel fpcr,a6@(USER_FPCR)
- fmovel fpcr,d1 /* | user's rounding mode/precision */
- fmovel #0,fpcr | force rounding mode/prec to extended,rn
- |
- | copy, convert and tag input argument
- |
- fmoves a6@(8),fp0
- fmovex fp0,a6@(ETEMP)
- lea a6@(ETEMP),a0
- bsrl __l_tag
- moveb d0,a6@(STAG)
- tstb d0
- jne L_1112
- bsrl __l_ssinh | normalized (regular) number
- jra L_1116
- L_1112:
- cmpb #0x20,d0 | zero?
- jne L_1113
- bsrl __l_szero
- jra L_1116
- L_1113:
- cmpb #0x40,d0 | infinity?
- jne L_1114
- bsrl __l_sinf
- jra L_1116
- L_1114:
- cmpb #0x60,d0 | NaN?
- jne L_1115
- bsrl __l_mon_nan
- jra L_1116
- L_1115:
- bsrl __l_ssinhd | assuming a denorm...
- L_1116:
- fmovel fpsr,d0 | update status register
- orb a6@(USER_FPSR+3),d0 | add previously accrued exceptions
- fmovel d0,fpsr
- |
- | Result is now in FP0
- |
- moveml a6@(USER_DA),d0-d1/a0-a1
- fmovemx a6@(USER_FP1),fp1-fp3 | note: fp0 not restored
- fmovel a6@(USER_FPCR),fpcr | fpcr restored
- unlk a6
- rts
- .globl __l_fsinhd
- __l_fsinhd:
- link a6,#-LOCAL_SIZE
- moveml d0-d1/a0-a1,a6@(USER_DA)
- fmovemx fp0-fp3,a6@(USER_FP0)
- fmovel fpsr,a6@(USER_FPSR)
- fmovel fpcr,a6@(USER_FPCR)
- fmovel fpcr,d1 /* | user's rounding mode/precision */
- fmovel #0,fpcr | force rounding mode/prec to extended,rn
- |
- | copy, convert and tag input argument
- |
- fmoved a6@(8),fp0
- fmovex fp0,a6@(ETEMP)
- lea a6@(ETEMP),a0
- bsrl __l_tag
- moveb d0,a6@(STAG)
- tstb d0
- jne L_1117
- bsrl __l_ssinh | normalized (regular) number
- jra L_111B
- L_1117:
- cmpb #0x20,d0 | zero?
- jne L_1118
- bsrl __l_szero
- jra L_111B
- L_1118:
- cmpb #0x40,d0 | infinity?
- jne L_1119
- bsrl __l_sinf
- jra L_111B
- L_1119:
- cmpb #0x60,d0 | NaN?
- jne L_111A
- bsrl __l_mon_nan
- jra L_111B
- L_111A:
- bsrl __l_ssinhd | assuming a denorm...
- L_111B:
- fmovel fpsr,d0 | update status register
- orb a6@(USER_FPSR+3),d0 | add previously accrued exceptions
- fmovel d0,fpsr
- |
- | Result is now in FP0
- |
- moveml a6@(USER_DA),d0-d1/a0-a1
- fmovemx a6@(USER_FP1),fp1-fp3 | note: fp0 not restored
- fmovel a6@(USER_FPCR),fpcr | fpcr restored
- unlk a6
- rts
- .globl __l_fsinhx
- __l_fsinhx:
- link a6,#-LOCAL_SIZE
- moveml d0-d1/a0-a1,a6@(USER_DA)
- fmovemx fp0-fp3,a6@(USER_FP0)
- fmovel fpsr,a6@(USER_FPSR)
- fmovel fpcr,a6@(USER_FPCR)
- fmovel fpcr,d1 /* | user's rounding mode/precision */
- fmovel #0,fpcr | force rounding mode/prec to extended,rn
- |
- | copy, convert and tag input argument
- |
- fmovex a6@(8),fp0
- fmovex fp0,a6@(ETEMP)
- lea a6@(ETEMP),a0
- bsrl __l_tag
- moveb d0,a6@(STAG)
- tstb d0
- jne L_111C
- bsrl __l_ssinh | normalized (regular) number
- jra L_111G
- L_111C:
- cmpb #0x20,d0 | zero?
- jne L_111D
- bsrl __l_szero
- jra L_111G
- L_111D:
- cmpb #0x40,d0 | infinity?
- jne L_111E
- bsrl __l_sinf
- jra L_111G
- L_111E:
- cmpb #0x60,d0 | NaN?
- jne L_111F
- bsrl __l_mon_nan
- jra L_111G
- L_111F:
- bsrl __l_ssinhd | assuming a denorm...
- L_111G:
- fmovel fpsr,d0 | update status register
- orb a6@(USER_FPSR+3),d0 | add previously accrued exceptions
- fmovel d0,fpsr
- |
- | Result is now in FP0
- |
- moveml a6@(USER_DA),d0-d1/a0-a1
- fmovemx a6@(USER_FP1),fp1-fp3 | note: fp0 not restored
- fmovel a6@(USER_FPCR),fpcr | fpcr restored
- unlk a6
- rts
- |
- | MONADIC.GEN 1.3 4/30/91
- |
- | MONADIC.GEN --- generic MONADIC template
- |
- | This version saves all registers that will be used by the emulation
- | routines and restores all but FP0 on exit. The FPSR is
- | updated to reflect the result of the operation. Return value
- | is placed in FP0 for single, double and extended results.
- |
- | The package subroutines expect the incoming fpcr to be zeroed
- | since they need extended precision to work properly. The
- /* | 'final' fpcr is expected in d1 so that the calculated result */
- | can be properly sized and rounded. Also, if the incoming fpcr
- | has enabled any exceptions, the exception will be taken on the
- | final fmovem in this template.
- |
- | Customizations:
- | 1. Remove the moveml at the entry and exit of
- | each routine if your compiler treats those
- | registers as scratch.
- /* | 2. Likewise, don't save FP0/FP1 if they are scratch */
- | registers.
- | 3. Delete handling of the fpsr if you only care about
- | the result.
- | 4. Some (most?) C compilers convert all float arguments
- | to double, and provide no support at all for extended
- | precision so remove the __l_ftans and __l_ftanx entry points.
- | 5. Move the result to d0/d1 if the compiler is that old.
- | Copyright (C) Motorola, Inc. 1991
- | All Rights Reserved
- |
- | The copyright notice above does not evidence any
- | actual or intended publication of such source code.
- | xref __l_tag
- | xref __l_stan
- | xref __l_szero
- | xref __l_t_operr
- | xref __l_mon_nan
- | xref __l_stand
- .globl __l_ftans
- __l_ftans:
- link a6,#-LOCAL_SIZE
- moveml d0-d1/a0-a1,a6@(USER_DA)
- fmovemx fp0-fp3,a6@(USER_FP0)
- fmovel fpsr,a6@(USER_FPSR)
- fmovel fpcr,a6@(USER_FPCR)
- fmovel fpcr,d1 /* | user's rounding mode/precision */
- fmovel #0,fpcr | force rounding mode/prec to extended,rn
- |
- | copy, convert and tag input argument
- |
- fmoves a6@(8),fp0
- fmovex fp0,a6@(ETEMP)
- lea a6@(ETEMP),a0
- bsrl __l_tag
- moveb d0,a6@(STAG)
- tstb d0
- jne L_1122
- bsrl __l_stan | normalized (regular) number
- jra L_1126
- L_1122:
- cmpb #0x20,d0 | zero?
- jne L_1123
- bsrl __l_szero
- jra L_1126
- L_1123:
- cmpb #0x40,d0 | infinity?
- jne L_1124
- bsrl __l_t_operr
- jra L_1126
- L_1124:
- cmpb #0x60,d0 | NaN?
- jne L_1125
- bsrl __l_mon_nan
- jra L_1126
- L_1125:
- bsrl __l_stand | assuming a denorm...
- L_1126:
- fmovel fpsr,d0 | update status register
- orb a6@(USER_FPSR+3),d0 | add previously accrued exceptions
- fmovel d0,fpsr
- |
- | Result is now in FP0
- |
- moveml a6@(USER_DA),d0-d1/a0-a1
- fmovemx a6@(USER_FP1),fp1-fp3 | note: fp0 not restored
- fmovel a6@(USER_FPCR),fpcr | fpcr restored
- unlk a6
- rts
- .globl __l_ftand
- __l_ftand:
- link a6,#-LOCAL_SIZE
- moveml d0-d1/a0-a1,a6@(USER_DA)
- fmovemx fp0-fp3,a6@(USER_FP0)
- fmovel fpsr,a6@(USER_FPSR)
- fmovel fpcr,a6@(USER_FPCR)
- fmovel fpcr,d1 /* | user's rounding mode/precision */
- fmovel #0,fpcr | force rounding mode/prec to extended,rn
- |
- | copy, convert and tag input argument
- |
- fmoved a6@(8),fp0
- fmovex fp0,a6@(ETEMP)
- lea a6@(ETEMP),a0
- bsrl __l_tag
- moveb d0,a6@(STAG)
- tstb d0
- jne L_1127
- bsrl __l_stan | normalized (regular) number
- jra L_112B
- L_1127:
- cmpb #0x20,d0 | zero?
- jne L_1128
- bsrl __l_szero
- jra L_112B
- L_1128:
- cmpb #0x40,d0 | infinity?
- jne L_1129
- bsrl __l_t_operr
- jra L_112B
- L_1129:
- cmpb #0x60,d0 | NaN?
- jne L_112A
- bsrl __l_mon_nan
- jra L_112B
- L_112A:
- bsrl __l_stand | assuming a denorm...
- L_112B:
- fmovel fpsr,d0 | update status register
- orb a6@(USER_FPSR+3),d0 | add previously accrued exceptions
- fmovel d0,fpsr
- |
- | Result is now in FP0
- |
- moveml a6@(USER_DA),d0-d1/a0-a1
- fmovemx a6@(USER_FP1),fp1-fp3 | note: fp0 not restored
- fmovel a6@(USER_FPCR),fpcr | fpcr restored
- unlk a6
- rts
- .globl __l_ftanx
- __l_ftanx:
- link a6,#-LOCAL_SIZE
- moveml d0-d1/a0-a1,a6@(USER_DA)
- fmovemx fp0-fp3,a6@(USER_FP0)
- fmovel fpsr,a6@(USER_FPSR)
- fmovel fpcr,a6@(USER_FPCR)
- fmovel fpcr,d1 /* | user's rounding mode/precision */
- fmovel #0,fpcr | force rounding mode/prec to extended,rn
- |
- | copy, convert and tag input argument
- |
- fmovex a6@(8),fp0
- fmovex fp0,a6@(ETEMP)
- lea a6@(ETEMP),a0
- bsrl __l_tag
- moveb d0,a6@(STAG)
- tstb d0
- jne L_112C
- bsrl __l_stan | normalized (regular) number
- jra L_112G
- L_112C:
- cmpb #0x20,d0 | zero?
- jne L_112D
- bsrl __l_szero
- jra L_112G
- L_112D:
- cmpb #0x40,d0 | infinity?
- jne L_112E
- bsrl __l_t_operr
- jra L_112G
- L_112E:
- cmpb #0x60,d0 | NaN?
- jne L_112F
- bsrl __l_mon_nan
- jra L_112G
- L_112F:
- bsrl __l_stand | assuming a denorm...
- L_112G:
- fmovel fpsr,d0 | update status register
- orb a6@(USER_FPSR+3),d0 | add previously accrued exceptions
- fmovel d0,fpsr
- |
- | Result is now in FP0
- |
- moveml a6@(USER_DA),d0-d1/a0-a1
- fmovemx a6@(USER_FP1),fp1-fp3 | note: fp0 not restored
- fmovel a6@(USER_FPCR),fpcr | fpcr restored
- unlk a6
- rts
- |
- | MONADIC.GEN 1.3 4/30/91
- |
- | MONADIC.GEN --- generic MONADIC template
- |
- | This version saves all registers that will be used by the emulation
- | routines and restores all but FP0 on exit. The FPSR is
- | updated to reflect the result of the operation. Return value
- | is placed in FP0 for single, double and extended results.
- |
- | The package subroutines expect the incoming fpcr to be zeroed
- | since they need extended precision to work properly. The
- /* | 'final' fpcr is expected in d1 so that the calculated result */
- | can be properly sized and rounded. Also, if the incoming fpcr
- | has enabled any exceptions, the exception will be taken on the
- | final fmovem in this template.
- |
- | Customizations:
- | 1. Remove the moveml at the entry and exit of
- | each routine if your compiler treats those
- | registers as scratch.
- /* | 2. Likewise, don't save FP0/FP1 if they are scratch */
- | registers.
- | 3. Delete handling of the fpsr if you only care about
- | the result.
- | 4. Some (most?) C compilers convert all float arguments
- | to double, and provide no support at all for extended
- | precision so remove the __l_ftanhs and __l_ftanhx entry points.
- | 5. Move the result to d0/d1 if the compiler is that old.
- | Copyright (C) Motorola, Inc. 1991
- | All Rights Reserved
- |
- | The copyright notice above does not evidence any
- | actual or intended publication of such source code.
- | xref __l_tag
- | xref __l_stanh
- | xref __l_szero
- | xref __l_sone
- | xref __l_mon_nan
- | xref __l_stanhd
- .globl __l_ftanhs
- __l_ftanhs:
- link a6,#-LOCAL_SIZE
- moveml d0-d1/a0-a1,a6@(USER_DA)
- fmovemx fp0-fp3,a6@(USER_FP0)
- fmovel fpsr,a6@(USER_FPSR)
- fmovel fpcr,a6@(USER_FPCR)
- fmovel fpcr,d1 /* | user's rounding mode/precision */
- fmovel #0,fpcr | force rounding mode/prec to extended,rn
- |
- | copy, convert and tag input argument
- |
- fmoves a6@(8),fp0
- fmovex fp0,a6@(ETEMP)
- lea a6@(ETEMP),a0
- bsrl __l_tag
- moveb d0,a6@(STAG)
- tstb d0
- jne L_1132
- bsrl __l_stanh | normalized (regular) number
- jra L_1136
- L_1132:
- cmpb #0x20,d0 | zero?
- jne L_1133
- bsrl __l_szero
- jra L_1136
- L_1133:
- cmpb #0x40,d0 | infinity?
- jne L_1134
- bsrl __l_sone
- jra L_1136
- L_1134:
- cmpb #0x60,d0 | NaN?
- jne L_1135
- bsrl __l_mon_nan
- jra L_1136
- L_1135:
- bsrl __l_stanhd | assuming a denorm...
- L_1136:
- fmovel fpsr,d0 | update status register
- orb a6@(USER_FPSR+3),d0 | add previously accrued exceptions
- fmovel d0,fpsr
- |
- | Result is now in FP0
- |
- moveml a6@(USER_DA),d0-d1/a0-a1
- fmovemx a6@(USER_FP1),fp1-fp3 | note: fp0 not restored
- fmovel a6@(USER_FPCR),fpcr | fpcr restored
- unlk a6
- rts
- .globl __l_ftanhd
- __l_ftanhd:
- link a6,#-LOCAL_SIZE
- moveml d0-d1/a0-a1,a6@(USER_DA)
- fmovemx fp0-fp3,a6@(USER_FP0)
- fmovel fpsr,a6@(USER_FPSR)
- fmovel fpcr,a6@(USER_FPCR)
- fmovel fpcr,d1 /* | user's rounding mode/precision */
- fmovel #0,fpcr | force rounding mode/prec to extended,rn
- |
- | copy, convert and tag input argument
- |
- fmoved a6@(8),fp0
- fmovex fp0,a6@(ETEMP)
- lea a6@(ETEMP),a0
- bsrl __l_tag
- moveb d0,a6@(STAG)
- tstb d0
- jne L_1137
- bsrl __l_stanh | normalized (regular) number
- jra L_113B
- L_1137:
- cmpb #0x20,d0 | zero?
- jne L_1138
- bsrl __l_szero
- jra L_113B
- L_1138:
- cmpb #0x40,d0 | infinity?
- jne L_1139
- bsrl __l_sone
- jra L_113B
- L_1139:
- cmpb #0x60,d0 | NaN?
- jne L_113A
- bsrl __l_mon_nan
- jra L_113B
- L_113A:
- bsrl __l_stanhd | assuming a denorm...
- L_113B:
- fmovel fpsr,d0 | update status register
- orb a6@(USER_FPSR+3),d0 | add previously accrued exceptions
- fmovel d0,fpsr
- |
- | Result is now in FP0
- |
- moveml a6@(USER_DA),d0-d1/a0-a1
- fmovemx a6@(USER_FP1),fp1-fp3 | note: fp0 not restored
- fmovel a6@(USER_FPCR),fpcr | fpcr restored
- unlk a6
- rts
- .globl __l_ftanhx
- __l_ftanhx:
- link a6,#-LOCAL_SIZE
- moveml d0-d1/a0-a1,a6@(USER_DA)
- fmovemx fp0-fp3,a6@(USER_FP0)
- fmovel fpsr,a6@(USER_FPSR)
- fmovel fpcr,a6@(USER_FPCR)
- fmovel fpcr,d1 /* | user's rounding mode/precision */
- fmovel #0,fpcr | force rounding mode/prec to extended,rn
- |
- | copy, convert and tag input argument
- |
- fmovex a6@(8),fp0
- fmovex fp0,a6@(ETEMP)
- lea a6@(ETEMP),a0
- bsrl __l_tag
- moveb d0,a6@(STAG)
- tstb d0
- jne L_113C
- bsrl __l_stanh | normalized (regular) number
- jra L_113G
- L_113C:
- cmpb #0x20,d0 | zero?
- jne L_113D
- bsrl __l_szero
- jra L_113G
- L_113D:
- cmpb #0x40,d0 | infinity?
- jne L_113E
- bsrl __l_sone
- jra L_113G
- L_113E:
- cmpb #0x60,d0 | NaN?
- jne L_113F
- bsrl __l_mon_nan
- jra L_113G
- L_113F:
- bsrl __l_stanhd | assuming a denorm...
- L_113G:
- fmovel fpsr,d0 | update status register
- orb a6@(USER_FPSR+3),d0 | add previously accrued exceptions
- fmovel d0,fpsr
- |
- | Result is now in FP0
- |
- moveml a6@(USER_DA),d0-d1/a0-a1
- fmovemx a6@(USER_FP1),fp1-fp3 | note: fp0 not restored
- fmovel a6@(USER_FPCR),fpcr | fpcr restored
- unlk a6
- rts
- |
- | MONADIC.GEN 1.3 4/30/91
- |
- | MONADIC.GEN --- generic MONADIC template
- |
- | This version saves all registers that will be used by the emulation
- | routines and restores all but FP0 on exit. The FPSR is
- | updated to reflect the result of the operation. Return value
- | is placed in FP0 for single, double and extended results.
- |
- | The package subroutines expect the incoming fpcr to be zeroed
- | since they need extended precision to work properly. The
- /* | 'final' fpcr is expected in d1 so that the calculated result */
- | can be properly sized and rounded. Also, if the incoming fpcr
- | has enabled any exceptions, the exception will be taken on the
- | final fmovem in this template.
- |
- | Customizations:
- | 1. Remove the moveml at the entry and exit of
- | each routine if your compiler treats those
- | registers as scratch.
- /* | 2. Likewise, don't save FP0/FP1 if they are scratch */
- | registers.
- | 3. Delete handling of the fpsr if you only care about
- | the result.
- | 4. Some (most?) C compilers convert all float arguments
- | to double, and provide no support at all for extended
- | precision so remove the __l_ftentoxs and __l_ftentoxx entry points.
- | 5. Move the result to d0/d1 if the compiler is that old.
- | Copyright (C) Motorola, Inc. 1991
- | All Rights Reserved
- |
- | The copyright notice above does not evidence any
- | actual or intended publication of such source code.
- | xref __l_tag
- | xref __l_stentox
- | xref __l_ld_pone
- | xref __l_szr_inf
- | xref __l_mon_nan
- | xref __l_stentoxd
- .globl __l_ftentoxs
- __l_ftentoxs:
- link a6,#-LOCAL_SIZE
- moveml d0-d1/a0-a1,a6@(USER_DA)
- fmovemx fp0-fp3,a6@(USER_FP0)
- fmovel fpsr,a6@(USER_FPSR)
- fmovel fpcr,a6@(USER_FPCR)
- fmovel fpcr,d1 /* | user's rounding mode/precision */
- fmovel #0,fpcr | force rounding mode/prec to extended,rn
- |
- | copy, convert and tag input argument
- |
- fmoves a6@(8),fp0
- fmovex fp0,a6@(ETEMP)
- lea a6@(ETEMP),a0
- bsrl __l_tag
- moveb d0,a6@(STAG)
- tstb d0
- jne L_1142
- bsrl __l_stentox | normalized (regular) number
- jra L_1146
- L_1142:
- cmpb #0x20,d0 | zero?
- jne L_1143
- bsrl __l_ld_pone
- jra L_1146
- L_1143:
- cmpb #0x40,d0 | infinity?
- jne L_1144
- bsrl __l_szr_inf
- jra L_1146
- L_1144:
- cmpb #0x60,d0 | NaN?
- jne L_1145
- bsrl __l_mon_nan
- jra L_1146
- L_1145:
- bsrl __l_stentoxd | assuming a denorm...
- L_1146:
- fmovel fpsr,d0 | update status register
- orb a6@(USER_FPSR+3),d0 | add previously accrued exceptions
- fmovel d0,fpsr
- |
- | Result is now in FP0
- |
- moveml a6@(USER_DA),d0-d1/a0-a1
- fmovemx a6@(USER_FP1),fp1-fp3 | note: fp0 not restored
- fmovel a6@(USER_FPCR),fpcr | fpcr restored
- unlk a6
- rts
- .globl __l_ftentoxd
- __l_ftentoxd:
- link a6,#-LOCAL_SIZE
- moveml d0-d1/a0-a1,a6@(USER_DA)
- fmovemx fp0-fp3,a6@(USER_FP0)
- fmovel fpsr,a6@(USER_FPSR)
- fmovel fpcr,a6@(USER_FPCR)
- fmovel fpcr,d1 /* | user's rounding mode/precision */
- fmovel #0,fpcr | force rounding mode/prec to extended,rn
- |
- | copy, convert and tag input argument
- |
- fmoved a6@(8),fp0
- fmovex fp0,a6@(ETEMP)
- lea a6@(ETEMP),a0
- bsrl __l_tag
- moveb d0,a6@(STAG)
- tstb d0
- jne L_1147
- bsrl __l_stentox | normalized (regular) number
- jra L_114B
- L_1147:
- cmpb #0x20,d0 | zero?
- jne L_1148
- bsrl __l_ld_pone
- jra L_114B
- L_1148:
- cmpb #0x40,d0 | infinity?
- jne L_1149
- bsrl __l_szr_inf
- jra L_114B
- L_1149:
- cmpb #0x60,d0 | NaN?
- jne L_114A
- bsrl __l_mon_nan
- jra L_114B
- L_114A:
- bsrl __l_stentoxd | assuming a denorm...
- L_114B:
- fmovel fpsr,d0 | update status register
- orb a6@(USER_FPSR+3),d0 | add previously accrued exceptions
- fmovel d0,fpsr
- |
- | Result is now in FP0
- |
- moveml a6@(USER_DA),d0-d1/a0-a1
- fmovemx a6@(USER_FP1),fp1-fp3 | note: fp0 not restored
- fmovel a6@(USER_FPCR),fpcr | fpcr restored
- unlk a6
- rts
- .globl __l_ftentoxx
- __l_ftentoxx:
- link a6,#-LOCAL_SIZE
- moveml d0-d1/a0-a1,a6@(USER_DA)
- fmovemx fp0-fp3,a6@(USER_FP0)
- fmovel fpsr,a6@(USER_FPSR)
- fmovel fpcr,a6@(USER_FPCR)
- fmovel fpcr,d1 /* | user's rounding mode/precision */
- fmovel #0,fpcr | force rounding mode/prec to extended,rn
- |
- | copy, convert and tag input argument
- |
- fmovex a6@(8),fp0
- fmovex fp0,a6@(ETEMP)
- lea a6@(ETEMP),a0
- bsrl __l_tag
- moveb d0,a6@(STAG)
- tstb d0
- jne L_114C
- bsrl __l_stentox | normalized (regular) number
- jra L_114G
- L_114C:
- cmpb #0x20,d0 | zero?
- jne L_114D
- bsrl __l_ld_pone
- jra L_114G
- L_114D:
- cmpb #0x40,d0 | infinity?
- jne L_114E
- bsrl __l_szr_inf
- jra L_114G
- L_114E:
- cmpb #0x60,d0 | NaN?
- jne L_114F
- bsrl __l_mon_nan
- jra L_114G
- L_114F:
- bsrl __l_stentoxd | assuming a denorm...
- L_114G:
- fmovel fpsr,d0 | update status register
- orb a6@(USER_FPSR+3),d0 | add previously accrued exceptions
- fmovel d0,fpsr
- |
- | Result is now in FP0
- |
- moveml a6@(USER_DA),d0-d1/a0-a1
- fmovemx a6@(USER_FP1),fp1-fp3 | note: fp0 not restored
- fmovel a6@(USER_FPCR),fpcr | fpcr restored
- unlk a6
- rts
- |
- | MONADIC.GEN 1.3 4/30/91
- |
- | MONADIC.GEN --- generic MONADIC template
- |
- | This version saves all registers that will be used by the emulation
- | routines and restores all but FP0 on exit. The FPSR is
- | updated to reflect the result of the operation. Return value
- | is placed in FP0 for single, double and extended results.
- |
- | The package subroutines expect the incoming fpcr to be zeroed
- | since they need extended precision to work properly. The
- /* | 'final' fpcr is expected in d1 so that the calculated result */
- | can be properly sized and rounded. Also, if the incoming fpcr
- | has enabled any exceptions, the exception will be taken on the
- | final fmovem in this template.
- |
- | Customizations:
- | 1. Remove the moveml at the entry and exit of
- | each routine if your compiler treats those
- | registers as scratch.
- /* | 2. Likewise, don't save FP0/FP1 if they are scratch */
- | registers.
- | 3. Delete handling of the fpsr if you only care about
- | the result.
- | 4. Some (most?) C compilers convert all float arguments
- | to double, and provide no support at all for extended
- | precision so remove the __l_ftwotoxs and __l_ftwotoxx entry points.
- | 5. Move the result to d0/d1 if the compiler is that old.
- | Copyright (C) Motorola, Inc. 1991
- | All Rights Reserved
- |
- | The copyright notice above does not evidence any
- | actual or intended publication of such source code.
- | xref __l_tag
- | xref __l_stwotox
- | xref __l_ld_pone
- | xref __l_szr_inf
- | xref __l_mon_nan
- | xref __l_stwotoxd
- .globl __l_ftwotoxs
- __l_ftwotoxs:
- link a6,#-LOCAL_SIZE
- moveml d0-d1/a0-a1,a6@(USER_DA)
- fmovemx fp0-fp3,a6@(USER_FP0)
- fmovel fpsr,a6@(USER_FPSR)
- fmovel fpcr,a6@(USER_FPCR)
- fmovel fpcr,d1 /* | user's rounding mode/precision */
- fmovel #0,fpcr | force rounding mode/prec to extended,rn
- |
- | copy, convert and tag input argument
- |
- fmoves a6@(8),fp0
- fmovex fp0,a6@(ETEMP)
- lea a6@(ETEMP),a0
- bsrl __l_tag
- moveb d0,a6@(STAG)
- tstb d0
- jne L_1152
- bsrl __l_stwotox | normalized (regular) number
- jra L_1156
- L_1152:
- cmpb #0x20,d0 | zero?
- jne L_1153
- bsrl __l_ld_pone
- jra L_1156
- L_1153:
- cmpb #0x40,d0 | infinity?
- jne L_1154
- bsrl __l_szr_inf
- jra L_1156
- L_1154:
- cmpb #0x60,d0 | NaN?
- jne L_1155
- bsrl __l_mon_nan
- jra L_1156
- L_1155:
- bsrl __l_stwotoxd | assuming a denorm...
- L_1156:
- fmovel fpsr,d0 | update status register
- orb a6@(USER_FPSR+3),d0 | add previously accrued exceptions
- fmovel d0,fpsr
- |
- | Result is now in FP0
- |
- moveml a6@(USER_DA),d0-d1/a0-a1
- fmovemx a6@(USER_FP1),fp1-fp3 | note: fp0 not restored
- fmovel a6@(USER_FPCR),fpcr | fpcr restored
- unlk a6
- rts
- .globl __l_ftwotoxd
- __l_ftwotoxd:
- link a6,#-LOCAL_SIZE
- moveml d0-d1/a0-a1,a6@(USER_DA)
- fmovemx fp0-fp3,a6@(USER_FP0)
- fmovel fpsr,a6@(USER_FPSR)
- fmovel fpcr,a6@(USER_FPCR)
- fmovel fpcr,d1 /* | user's rounding mode/precision */
- fmovel #0,fpcr | force rounding mode/prec to extended,rn
- |
- | copy, convert and tag input argument
- |
- fmoved a6@(8),fp0
- fmovex fp0,a6@(ETEMP)
- lea a6@(ETEMP),a0
- bsrl __l_tag
- moveb d0,a6@(STAG)
- tstb d0
- jne L_1157
- bsrl __l_stwotox | normalized (regular) number
- jra L_115B
- L_1157:
- cmpb #0x20,d0 | zero?
- jne L_1158
- bsrl __l_ld_pone
- jra L_115B
- L_1158:
- cmpb #0x40,d0 | infinity?
- jne L_1159
- bsrl __l_szr_inf
- jra L_115B
- L_1159:
- cmpb #0x60,d0 | NaN?
- jne L_115A
- bsrl __l_mon_nan
- jra L_115B
- L_115A:
- bsrl __l_stwotoxd | assuming a denorm...
- L_115B:
- fmovel fpsr,d0 | update status register
- orb a6@(USER_FPSR+3),d0 | add previously accrued exceptions
- fmovel d0,fpsr
- |
- | Result is now in FP0
- |
- moveml a6@(USER_DA),d0-d1/a0-a1
- fmovemx a6@(USER_FP1),fp1-fp3 | note: fp0 not restored
- fmovel a6@(USER_FPCR),fpcr | fpcr restored
- unlk a6
- rts
- .globl __l_ftwotoxx
- __l_ftwotoxx:
- link a6,#-LOCAL_SIZE
- moveml d0-d1/a0-a1,a6@(USER_DA)
- fmovemx fp0-fp3,a6@(USER_FP0)
- fmovel fpsr,a6@(USER_FPSR)
- fmovel fpcr,a6@(USER_FPCR)
- fmovel fpcr,d1 /* | user's rounding mode/precision */
- fmovel #0,fpcr | force rounding mode/prec to extended,rn
- |
- | copy, convert and tag input argument
- |
- fmovex a6@(8),fp0
- fmovex fp0,a6@(ETEMP)
- lea a6@(ETEMP),a0
- bsrl __l_tag
- moveb d0,a6@(STAG)
- tstb d0
- jne L_115C
- bsrl __l_stwotox | normalized (regular) number
- jra L_115G
- L_115C:
- cmpb #0x20,d0 | zero?
- jne L_115D
- bsrl __l_ld_pone
- jra L_115G
- L_115D:
- cmpb #0x40,d0 | infinity?
- jne L_115E
- bsrl __l_szr_inf
- jra L_115G
- L_115E:
- cmpb #0x60,d0 | NaN?
- jne L_115F
- bsrl __l_mon_nan
- jra L_115G
- L_115F:
- bsrl __l_stwotoxd | assuming a denorm...
- L_115G:
- fmovel fpsr,d0 | update status register
- orb a6@(USER_FPSR+3),d0 | add previously accrued exceptions
- fmovel d0,fpsr
- |
- | Result is now in FP0
- |
- moveml a6@(USER_DA),d0-d1/a0-a1
- fmovemx a6@(USER_FP1),fp1-fp3 | note: fp0 not restored
- fmovel a6@(USER_FPCR),fpcr | fpcr restored
- unlk a6
- rts
- |
- | MONADIC.GEN 1.3 4/30/91
- |
- | MONADIC.GEN --- generic MONADIC template
- |
- | This version saves all registers that will be used by the emulation
- | routines and restores all but FP0 on exit. The FPSR is
- | updated to reflect the result of the operation. Return value
- | is placed in FP0 for single, double and extended results.
- |
- | The package subroutines expect the incoming fpcr to be zeroed
- | since they need extended precision to work properly. The
- /* | 'final' fpcr is expected in d1 so that the calculated result */
- | can be properly sized and rounded. Also, if the incoming fpcr
- | has enabled any exceptions, the exception will be taken on the
- | final fmovem in this template.
- |
- | Customizations:
- | 1. Remove the moveml at the entry and exit of
- | each routine if your compiler treats those
- | registers as scratch.
- /* | 2. Likewise, don't save FP0/FP1 if they are scratch */