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Package: vxwork_src.rar [view]
Upload User: nvosite88
Upload Date: 2007-01-17
Package Size: 4983k
Code Size: 5k
Development Platform:
- /* binstr.s - Motorola 68040 FP binary/BCD routines (EXC) */
- /* Copyright 1991-1993 Wind River Systems, Inc. */
- .data
- .globl _copyright_wind_river
- .long _copyright_wind_river
- /*
- modification history
- --------------------
- 01e,21jul93,kdl added .text (SPR #2372).
- 01d,23aug92,jcf changed bxxx to jxx.
- 01c,26may92,rrr the tree shuffle
- 01b,10jan92,kdl added modification history; general cleanup.
- 01a,15aug91,kdl original version, from Motorola FPSP v2.0.
- */
- /*
- binstrsa 3.3 12/19/90
- Description: Converts a 64-bit binary integer to bcd.
- Input: 64-bit binary integer in d2:d3, desired length (LEN) in
- d0, and a pointer to start in memory for bcd characters
- in d0. (This pointer must point to byte 4 of the first
- lword of the packed decimal memory string.)
- Output: LEN bcd digits representing the 64-bit integer.
- Algorithm:
- The 64-bit binary is assumed to have a decimal point before
- bit 63. The fraction is multiplied by 10 using a mul by 2
- shift and a mul by 8 shift. The bits shifted out of the
- msb form a decimal digit. This process is iterated until
- LEN digits are formed.
- A1. Init d7 to 1. D7 is the byte digit counter, and if 1, the
- digit formed will be assumed the least significant. This is
- to force the first byte formed to have a 0 in the upper 4 bits.
- A2. Beginning of the loop:
- Copy the fraction in d2:d3 to d4:d5.
- A3. Multiply the fraction in d2:d3 by 8 using bit-field
- extracts and shifts. The three msbs from d2 will go into
- d1.
- A4. Multiply the fraction in d4:d5 by 2 using shifts. The msb
- will be collected by the carry.
- A5. Add using the carry the 64-bit quantities in d2:d3 and d4:d5
- into d2:d3. D1 will contain the bcd digit formed.
- A6. Test d7. If zero, the digit formed is the ms digit. If non-
- zero, it is the ls digit. Put the digit in its place in the
- upper word of d0. If it is the ls digit, write the word
- from d0 to memory.
- A7. Decrement d6 (LEN counter) and repeat the loop until zero.
- Implementation Notes:
- The registers are used as follows:
- d0: LEN counter
- d1: temp used to form the digit
- d2: upper 32-bits of fraction for mul by 8
- d3: lower 32-bits of fraction for mul by 8
- d4: upper 32-bits of fraction for mul by 2
- d5: lower 32-bits of fraction for mul by 2
- d6: temp for bit-field extracts
- d7: byte digit formation word| digit count {0,1}
- a0: pointer into memory for packed bcd string formation
- Copyright (C) Motorola, Inc. 1990
- All Rights Reserved
- The copyright notice above does not evidence any
- actual or intended publication of such source code.
- BINSTR idnt 2,1 Motorola 040 Floating Point Software Package
- section 8
- */
- #include "fpsp040E.h"
- .globl __x_binstr
- .text
- __x_binstr:
- moveml d0-d7,a7@-
- |
- | A1: Init d7
- |
- moveql #1,d7 | init d7 for second digit
- subql #1,d0 | for dbf d0 would have LEN+1 passes
- |
- | A2. Copy d2:d3 to d4:d5. Start loop.
- |
- loop:
- movel d2,d4 | copy the fraction before muls
- movel d3,d5 | to d4:d5
- |
- | A3. Multiply d2:d3 by 8| extract msbs into d1.
- |
- bfextu d2{#0:#3},d1 | copy 3 msbs of d2 into d1
- asll #3,d2 | shift d2 left by 3 places
- bfextu d3{#0:#3},d6 | copy 3 msbs of d3 into d6
- asll #3,d3 | shift d3 left by 3 places
- orl d6,d2 | or in msbs from d3 into d2
- |
- | A4. Multiply d4:d5 by 2| add carry out to d1.
- |
- asll #1,d5 | mul d5 by 2
- roxll #1,d4 | mul d4 by 2
- swap d6 | put 0 in d6 lower word
- addxw d6,d1 | add in extend from mul by 2
- |
- | A5. Add mul by 8 to mul by 2. D1 contains the digit formed.
- |
- addl d5,d3 | add lower 32 bits
- nop | ERRATA FIX #13 (Rev. 1.2 6/6/90)
- addxl d4,d2 | add with extend upper 32 bits
- nop | ERRATA FIX #13 (Rev. 1.2 6/6/90)
- addxw d6,d1 | add in extend from add to d1
- swap d6 | with d6 = 0| put 0 in upper word
- |
- | A6. Test d7 and branch.
- |
- tstw d7 | if zero, store digit # to loop
- jeq first_d | if non-zero, form byte # write
- sec_d:
- swap d7 | bring first digit to word d7b
- aslw #4,d7 | first digit in upper 4 bits d7b
- addw d1,d7 | add in ls digit to d7b
- moveb d7,a0@+ | store d7b byte in memory
- swap d7 | put LEN counter in word d7a
- clrw d7 | set d7a to signal no digits done
- dbf d0,loop | do loop some more!
- jra end_bstr | finished, so exit
- first_d:
- swap d7 | put digit word in d7b
- movew d1,d7 | put new digit in d7b
- swap d7 | put LEN counter in word d7a
- addqw #1,d7 | set d7a to signal first digit done
- dbf d0,loop | do loop some more!
- swap d7 | put last digit in string
- lslw #4,d7 | move it to upper 4 bits
- moveb d7,a0@+ | store it in memory string
- |
- | Clean up and return with result in fp0.
- |
- end_bstr:
- moveml a7@+,d0-d7
- rts
- | end