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Package: vxwork_src.rar [view]
Upload User: nvosite88
Upload Date: 2007-01-17
Package Size: 4983k
Code Size: 19k
Development Platform:
- /* util.s - Motorola 68040 FP utility routines (EXC) */
- /* Copyright 1991-1993 Wind River Systems, Inc. */
- .data
- .globl _copyright_wind_river
- .long _copyright_wind_river
- /*
- modification history
- --------------------
- 01f,21jul93,kdl added .text (SPR #2372).
- 01e,23aug92,jcf changed bxxx to jxx.
- 01d,26may92,rrr the tree shuffle
- 01c,10jan92,kdl general cleanup.
- 01b,17dec91,kdl put in changes from Motorola v3.7 (FPSP v2.1):
- handle implied precision in __x_ovf_r_k;
- comment-out __x_check_force routine.
- 01a,15aug91,kdl original version, from Motorola FPSP v2.0;
- changed {byte,word,long}_d{0-7} labels to avoid
- confusion when converting to mit format.
- */
- /*
- utilsa 3.3 4/26/91
- This file contains routines used by other programs.
- __x_ovf_res: used by overflow to force the correct
- result. __x_ovf_r_k, __x_ovf_r_x2, __x_ovf_r_x3 are
- derivatives of this routine.
- __x_get_fline: get user's opcode word
- __x_g_dfmtou: returns the destination format.
- __x_g_opcls: returns the opclass of the float instruction.
- __x_g_rndpr: returns the rounding precision.
- __x_reg_dest: write byte, word, or long data to Dn
- Copyright (C) Motorola, Inc. 1990
- All Rights Reserved
- The copyright notice above does not evidence any
- actual or intended publication of such source code.
- UTIL idnt 2,1 Motorola 040 Floating Point Software Package
- section 8
- */
- #include "fpsp040E.h"
- | xref __x_mem_read
- .globl __x_g_dfmtou
- .globl __x_g_opcls
- .globl __x_g_rndpr
- .globl __x_get_fline
- .globl __x_reg_dest
- |
- | Final result table for __x_ovf_res. Note that the negative counterparts
- | are unnecessary as __x_ovf_res always returns the sign separately from
- | the exponent.
- | | +inf
- EXT_PINF: .long 0x7fff0000,0x00000000,0x00000000,0x00000000
- | | largest +ext
- EXT_PLRG: .long 0x7ffe0000,0xffffffff,0xffffffff,0x00000000
- | | largest magnitude +sgl in ext
- SGL_PLRG: .long 0x407e0000,0xffffff00,0x00000000,0x00000000
- | | largest magnitude +dbl in ext
- DBL_PLRG: .long 0x43fe0000,0xffffffff,0xfffff800,0x00000000
- | | largest -ext
- tblovfl:
- .long EXT_RN
- .long EXT_RZ
- .long EXT_RM
- .long EXT_RP
- .long SGL_RN
- .long SGL_RZ
- .long SGL_RM
- .long SGL_RP
- .long DBL_RN
- .long DBL_RZ
- .long DBL_RM
- .long DBL_RP
- .long error
- .long error
- .long error
- .long error
- | .globl __x_check_force
- |
- | __x_check_force --- check the rounding precision of the instruction
- |
- | This entry point is used by the exception handlers.
- |
- | Check the CMDREG1B or CMDREG3B command word to decide the rounding
- | precision of the instruction.
- |
- | Input: rounding precision in a6@(USER_FPCR).
- | Output: a6@(USER_FPCR) is possibly modified to reflect the
- | rounding precision of the instruction.
- | Register Usage: d0 is scratch register.
- |__x_check_force:
- | btst #E3,a6@(E_BYTE) | check for nu exception
- | jeq e1_exc | it is cu exception
- |e3_exc:
- | movew a6@(CMDREG3B),d0 | get the command word
- | andiw #0x00000060,d0 | clear all bits except 6 and 5
- | cmpil #0x00000040,d0
- | jeq f_sgl | force precision is single
- | cmpil #0x00000060,d0
- | jeq f_dbl | force precision is double
- | movew a6@(CMDREG3B),d0 | get the command word again
- | andil #0x7f,d0 | clear all except operation
- | cmpil #0x33,d0
- | jeq f_sglmd | fsglmul or fsgldiv
- | cmpil #0x30,d0
- | jeq f_sglmd
- | rts
- |e1_exc:
- | movew a6@(CMDREG1B),d0 | get command word
- | andil #0x00000044,d0 | clear all bits except 6 and 2
- | cmpil #0x00000040,d0
- | jeq f_sgl | the instruction is force single
- | cmpil #0x00000044,d0
- | jeq f_dbl | the instruction is force double
- | movew a6@(CMDREG1B),d0 | again get the command word
- | andil #0x0000007f,d0 | clear all except the op code
- | cmpil #0x00000027,d0
- | jeq f_sglmd | fsglmul
- | cmpil #0x00000024,d0
- | jeq f_sglmd | fsgldiv
- | rts
- |f_sgl:
- | andib #0x3f,a6@(fpcr_MODE) | single precision
- | orib #0x40,a6@(fpcr_MODE)
- | rts
- |f_dbl:
- | andib #0x3f,a6@(fpcr_MODE)
- | orib #0x80,a6@(fpcr_MODE)
- | rts
- |f_sglmd:
- | andib #0x3f,a6@(fpcr_MODE)
- | rts
- |
- | __x_ovf_r_k --- overflow result calculation
- |
- | This entry point is used by kernel_ex.
- |
- | This forces the destination precision to be extended
- |
- | Input: operand in ETEMP
- | Output: a result is in ETEMP (internal extended format)
- |
- .text
- .globl __x_ovf_r_k
- __x_ovf_r_k:
- lea a6@(ETEMP),a0 | a0 points to source operand
- bclr #sign_bit,a6@(ETEMP_EX)
- sne a6@(ETEMP_SGN) | convert to internal IEEE format
- |
- | __x_ovf_r_x2 --- overflow result calculation
- |
- | This entry point used by x_ovfl. (opclass 0 and 2)
- |
- | Input a0 points to an operand in the internal extended format
- | Output a0 points to the result in the internal extended format
- |
- | This sets the round precision according to the user fpcr unless the
- | instruction is fsgldiv or fsglmul or fsadd, fdadd, fsub, fdsub, fsmul,
- | fdmul, fsdiv, fddiv, fssqrt, fsmove, fdmove, fsabs, fdabs, fsneg, fdneg.
- | If the instruction is fsgldiv of fsglmul, the rounding precision must be
- | extended. If the instruction is not fsgldiv or fsglmul but a force-
- | precision instruction, the rounding precision is then set to the force
- | precision.
- .globl __x_ovf_r_x2
- __x_ovf_r_x2:
- btst #E3,a6@(E_BYTE) | check for nu exception
- jeq ovf_e1_exc | it is cu exception
- ovf_e3_exc:
- movew a6@(CMDREG3B),d0 | get the command word
- andiw #0x00000060,d0 | clear all bits except 6 and 5
- cmpil #0x00000040,d0
- jeq ovff_sgl | force precision is single
- cmpil #0x00000060,d0
- jeq ovff_dbl | force precision is double
- movew a6@(CMDREG3B),d0 | get the command word again
- andil #0x7f,d0 | clear all except operation
- cmpil #0x33,d0
- jeq ovf_fsgl | fsglmul or fsgldiv
- cmpil #0x30,d0
- jeq ovf_fsgl
- jra ovf_fpcr | instruction is none of the above
- | | use fpcr
- ovf_e1_exc:
- movew a6@(CMDREG1B),d0 | get command word
- andil #0x00000044,d0 | clear all bits except 6 and 2
- cmpil #0x00000040,d0
- jeq ovff_sgl | the instruction is force single
- cmpil #0x00000044,d0
- jeq ovff_dbl | the instruction is force double
- movew a6@(CMDREG1B),d0 | again get the command word
- andil #0x0000007f,d0 | clear all except the op code
- cmpil #0x00000027,d0
- jeq ovf_fsgl | fsglmul
- cmpil #0x00000024,d0
- jeq ovf_fsgl | fsgldiv
- jra ovf_fpcr | none of the above, use fpcr
- |
- |
- | Inst is either fsgldiv or fsglmul. Force extended precision.
- |
- ovf_fsgl:
- clrl d0
- jra __x_ovf_res
- ovff_sgl:
- movel #0x00000001,d0 | set single
- jra __x_ovf_res
- ovff_dbl:
- movel #0x00000002,d0 | set double
- jra __x_ovf_res
- |
- | The precision is in the fpcr.
- |
- ovf_fpcr:
- bfextu a6@(fpcr_MODE){#0:#2},d0 | set round precision
- jra __x_ovf_res
- |
- |
- | __x_ovf_r_x3 --- overflow result calculation
- |
- | This entry point used by x_ovfl. (opclass 3 only)
- |
- | Input a0 points to an operand in the internal extended format
- | Output a0 points to the result in the internal extended format
- |
- | This sets the round precision according to the destination size.
- |
- .globl __x_ovf_r_x3
- __x_ovf_r_x3:
- bsrl __x_g_dfmtou | get dest fmt in d0{1:0}
- | | for fmovout, the destination format
- | | is the rounding precision
- |
- | __x_ovf_res --- overflow result calculation
- |
- | Input:
- | a0 points to operand in internal extended format
- | Output:
- | a0 points to result in internal extended format
- |
- .globl __x_ovf_res
- __x_ovf_res:
- lsll #2,d0 | move round precision to d0{3:2}
- bfextu a6@(fpcr_MODE){#2:#2},d1 | set round mode
- orl d1,d0 | index is fmt:mode in d0{3:0}
- lea tblovfl,a1 | load a1 with table address
- movel a1@(d0:w:4),a1 | use d0 as index to the table
- jmp a1@ | go to the correct routine
- |
- |case DEST_FMT = EXT
- |
- lea EXT_PINF,a1 | answer is +/- infinity
- bset #inf_bit,a6@(FPSR_CC)
- jra set_sign | now go set the sign
- lea EXT_PLRG,a1 | answer is +/- large number
- jra set_sign | now go set the sign
- tstb a0@(LOCAL_SGN) | if negative overflow
- jeq e_rm_pos
- e_rm_neg:
- lea EXT_PINF,a1 | answer is negative infinity
- orl #neginf_mask,a6@(USER_FPSR)
- jra end_ovfr
- e_rm_pos:
- lea EXT_PLRG,a1 | answer is large positive number
- jra end_ovfr
- tstb a0@(LOCAL_SGN) | if negative overflow
- jeq e_rp_pos
- e_rp_neg:
- lea EXT_PLRG,a1 | answer is large negative number
- bset #neg_bit,a6@(FPSR_CC)
- jra end_ovfr
- e_rp_pos:
- lea EXT_PINF,a1 | answer is positive infinity
- bset #inf_bit,a6@(FPSR_CC)
- jra end_ovfr
- |
- |case DEST_FMT = DBL
- |
- lea EXT_PINF,a1 | answer is +/- infinity
- bset #inf_bit,a6@(FPSR_CC)
- jra set_sign
- lea DBL_PLRG,a1 | answer is +/- large number
- jra set_sign | now go set the sign
- tstb a0@(LOCAL_SGN) | if negative overflow
- jeq d_rm_pos
- d_rm_neg:
- lea EXT_PINF,a1 | answer is negative infinity
- orl #neginf_mask,a6@(USER_FPSR)
- jra end_ovfr | inf is same for all precisions (ext,dbl,sgl)
- d_rm_pos:
- lea DBL_PLRG,a1 | answer is large positive number
- jra end_ovfr
- tstb a0@(LOCAL_SGN) | if negative overflow
- jeq d_rp_pos
- d_rp_neg:
- lea DBL_PLRG,a1 | answer is large negative number
- bset #neg_bit,a6@(FPSR_CC)
- jra end_ovfr
- d_rp_pos:
- lea EXT_PINF,a1 | answer is positive infinity
- bset #inf_bit,a6@(FPSR_CC)
- jra end_ovfr
- |
- |case DEST_FMT = SGL
- |
- lea EXT_PINF,a1 | answer is +/- infinity
- bset #inf_bit,a6@(FPSR_CC)
- jra set_sign
- lea SGL_PLRG,a1 | anwer is +/- large number
- jra set_sign
- tstb a0@(LOCAL_SGN) | if negative overflow
- jeq s_rm_pos
- s_rm_neg:
- lea EXT_PINF,a1 | answer is negative infinity
- orl #neginf_mask,a6@(USER_FPSR)
- jra end_ovfr
- s_rm_pos:
- lea SGL_PLRG,a1 | answer is large positive number
- jra end_ovfr
- tstb a0@(LOCAL_SGN) | if negative overflow
- jeq s_rp_pos
- s_rp_neg:
- lea SGL_PLRG,a1 | answer is large negative number
- bset #neg_bit,a6@(FPSR_CC)
- jra end_ovfr
- s_rp_pos:
- lea EXT_PINF,a1 | answer is postive infinity
- bset #inf_bit,a6@(FPSR_CC)
- jra end_ovfr
- set_sign:
- tstb a0@(LOCAL_SGN) | if negative overflow
- jeq end_ovfr
- neg_sign:
- bset #neg_bit,a6@(FPSR_CC)
- end_ovfr:
- movew a1@(LOCAL_EX),a0@(LOCAL_EX) | do not overwrite sign
- movel a1@(LOCAL_HI),a0@(LOCAL_HI)
- movel a1@(LOCAL_LO),a0@(LOCAL_LO)
- rts
- |
- |
- error:
- rts
- |
- | __x_get_fline --- get f-line opcode of interrupted instruction
- |
- | Returns opcode in the low word of d0.
- |
- __x_get_fline:
- movel a6@(USER_fpi),a0 | opcode address
- movel #0,a7@- | reserve a word on the stack
- lea a7@(2),a1 | point to low word of temporary
- movel #2,d0 | count
- bsrl __x_mem_read
- movel a7@+,d0
- rts
- |
- | __x_g_rndpr --- put rounding precision in d0{1:0}
- |
- | valid return codes are:
- | 00 - extended
- | 01 - single
- | 10 - double
- |
- | begin
- | get rounding precision (cmdreg3b{6:5})
- | begin
- | case opclass = 011 (move out)
- | get destination format - this is the also the rounding precision
- |
- | case opclass = 0x0
- | if E3
- | *case RndPr(from cmdreg3b{6:5} = 11 then RND_PREC = DBL
- | *case RndPr(from cmdreg3b{6:5} = 10 then RND_PREC = SGL
- | case RndPr(from cmdreg3b{6:5} = 00 | 01
- | use precision from fpcr{7:6}
- | case 00 then RND_PREC = EXT
- | case 01 then RND_PREC = SGL
- | case 10 then RND_PREC = DBL
- | else E1
- | use precision in fpcr{7:6}
- | case 00 then RND_PREC = EXT
- | case 01 then RND_PREC = SGL
- | case 10 then RND_PREC = DBL
- | end
- |
- __x_g_rndpr:
- bsrl __x_g_opcls | get opclass in d0{2:0}
- cmpw #0x0003,d0 | check for opclass 011
- jne op_0x0
- |
- | For move out instructions (opclass 011) the destination format
- | is the same as the rounding precision. Pass results from __x_g_dfmtou.
- |
- bsrl __x_g_dfmtou
- rts
- op_0x0:
- btst #E3,a6@(E_BYTE)
- jeq unf_e1_exc | branch to e1 underflow
- unf_e3_exc:
- movel a6@(CMDREG3B),d0 | rounding precision in d0{10:9}
- bfextu d0{#9:#2},d0 | move the rounding prec bits to d0{1:0}
- cmpil #0x2,d0
- jeq unff_sgl | force precision is single
- cmpil #0x3,d0 | force precision is double
- jeq unff_dbl
- movew a6@(CMDREG3B),d0 | get the command word again
- andil #0x7f,d0 | clear all except operation
- cmpil #0x33,d0
- jeq unf_fsgl | fsglmul or fsgldiv
- cmpil #0x30,d0
- jeq unf_fsgl | fsgldiv or fsglmul
- jra unf_fpcr
- unf_e1_exc:
- movel a6@(CMDREG1B),d0 | get 32 bits off the stack, 1st 16 bits
- | | are the command word
- andil #0x00440000,d0 | clear all bits except bits 6 and 2
- cmpil #0x00400000,d0
- jeq unff_sgl | force single
- cmpil #0x00440000,d0 | force double
- jeq unff_dbl
- movel a6@(CMDREG1B),d0 | get the command word again
- andil #0x007f0000,d0 | clear all bits except the operation
- cmpil #0x00270000,d0
- jeq unf_fsgl | fsglmul
- cmpil #0x00240000,d0
- jeq unf_fsgl | fsgldiv
- jra unf_fpcr
- |
- | Convert to return format. The values from cmdreg3b and the return
- | values are:
- | cmdreg3b return precision
- | -------- ------ ---------
- | 00,01 0 ext
- | 10 1 sgl
- | 11 2 dbl
- | Force single
- |
- unff_sgl:
- movel #1,d0 | return 1
- rts
- |
- | Force double
- |
- unff_dbl:
- movel #2,d0 | return 2
- rts
- |
- | Force extended
- |
- unf_fsgl:
- movel #0,d0
- rts
- |
- | Get rounding precision set in fpcr{7:6}.
- |
- unf_fpcr:
- movel a6@(USER_FPCR),d0 | rounding precision bits in d0{7:6}
- bfextu d0{#24:#2},d0 | move the rounding prec bits to d0{1:0}
- rts
- |
- | __x_g_opcls --- put opclass in d0{2:0}
- |
- __x_g_opcls:
- btst #E3,a6@(E_BYTE)
- jeq opc_1b | if set, go to cmdreg1b
- opc_3b:
- clrl d0 | if E3, only opclass 0x0 is possible
- rts
- opc_1b:
- movel a6@(CMDREG1B),d0
- bfextu d0{#0:#3},d0 | shift opclass bits d0{31:29} to d0{2:0}
- rts
- |
- | __x_g_dfmtou --- put destination format in d0{1:0}
- |
- | If E1, the format is from cmdreg1b{12:10}
- | If E3, the format is extended.
- |
- | Dest. Fmt.
- | extended 010 -> 00
- | single 001 -> 01
- | double 101 -> 10
- |
- __x_g_dfmtou:
- btst #E3,a6@(E_BYTE)
- jeq op011
- clrl d0 | if E1, size is always ext
- rts
- op011:
- movel a6@(CMDREG1B),d0
- bfextu d0{#3:#3},d0 | dest fmt from cmdreg1b{12:10}
- cmpb #1,d0 | check for single
- jne not_sgl
- movel #1,d0
- rts
- not_sgl:
- cmpb #5,d0 | check for double
- jne not_dbl
- movel #2,d0
- rts
- not_dbl:
- clrl d0 | must be extended
- rts
- |
- |
- | Final result table for __x_unf_sub. Note that the negative counterparts
- | are unnecessary as __x_unf_sub always returns the sign separately from
- | the exponent.
- | | +zero
- EXT_PZRO: .long 0x00000000,0x00000000,0x00000000,0x00000000
- | | +zero
- SGL_PZRO: .long 0x3f810000,0x00000000,0x00000000,0x00000000
- | | +zero
- DBL_PZRO: .long 0x3c010000,0x00000000,0x00000000,0x00000000
- | | smallest +ext denorm
- EXT_PSML: .long 0x00000000,0x00000000,0x00000001,0x00000000
- | | smallest +sgl denorm
- SGL_PSML: .long 0x3f810000,0x00000100,0x00000000,0x00000000
- | | smallest +dbl denorm
- DBL_PSML: .long 0x3c010000,0x00000000,0x00000800,0x00000000
- |
- | UNF_SUB --- underflow result calculation
- |
- | Input:
- | d0 contains round precision
- | a0 points to input operand in the internal extended format
- |
- | Output:
- | a0 points to correct internal extended precision result.
- |
- tblunf:
- .long uEXT_RN
- .long uEXT_RZ
- .long uEXT_RM
- .long uEXT_RP
- .long uSGL_RN
- .long uSGL_RZ
- .long uSGL_RM
- .long uSGL_RP
- .long uDBL_RN
- .long uDBL_RZ
- .long uDBL_RM
- .long uDBL_RP
- .long uDBL_RN
- .long uDBL_RZ
- .long uDBL_RM
- .long uDBL_RP
- .globl __x_unf_sub
- __x_unf_sub:
- lsll #2,d0 | move round precision to d0{3:2}
- bfextu a6@(fpcr_MODE){#2:#2},d1 | set round mode
- orl d1,d0 | index is fmt:mode in d0{3:0}
- lea tblunf,a1 | load a1 with table address
- movel a1@(d0:w:4),a1 | use d0 as index to the table
- jmp a1@ | go to the correct routine
- |
- |case DEST_FMT = EXT
- |
- uEXT_RN:
- lea EXT_PZRO,a1 | answer is +/- zero
- bset #z_bit,a6@(FPSR_CC)
- jra uset_sign | now go set the sign
- uEXT_RZ:
- lea EXT_PZRO,a1 | answer is +/- zero
- bset #z_bit,a6@(FPSR_CC)
- jra uset_sign | now go set the sign
- uEXT_RM:
- tstb a0@(LOCAL_SGN) | if negative underflow
- jeq ue_rm_pos
- ue_rm_neg:
- lea EXT_PSML,a1 | answer is negative smallest denorm
- bset #neg_bit,a6@(FPSR_CC)
- jra end_unfr
- ue_rm_pos:
- lea EXT_PZRO,a1 | answer is positive zero
- bset #z_bit,a6@(FPSR_CC)
- jra end_unfr
- uEXT_RP:
- tstb a0@(LOCAL_SGN) | if negative underflow
- jeq ue_rp_pos
- ue_rp_neg:
- lea EXT_PZRO,a1 | answer is negative zero
- oril #negz_mask,a6@(USER_FPSR)
- jra end_unfr
- ue_rp_pos:
- lea EXT_PSML,a1 | answer is positive smallest denorm
- jra end_unfr
- |
- |case DEST_FMT = DBL
- |
- uDBL_RN:
- lea DBL_PZRO,a1 | answer is +/- zero
- bset #z_bit,a6@(FPSR_CC)
- jra uset_sign
- uDBL_RZ:
- lea DBL_PZRO,a1 | answer is +/- zero
- bset #z_bit,a6@(FPSR_CC)
- jra uset_sign | now go set the sign
- uDBL_RM:
- tstb a0@(LOCAL_SGN) | if negative overflow
- jeq ud_rm_pos
- ud_rm_neg:
- lea DBL_PSML,a1 | answer is smallest denorm negative
- bset #neg_bit,a6@(FPSR_CC)
- jra end_unfr
- ud_rm_pos:
- lea DBL_PZRO,a1 | answer is positive zero
- bset #z_bit,a6@(FPSR_CC)
- jra end_unfr
- uDBL_RP:
- tstb a0@(LOCAL_SGN) | if negative overflow
- jeq ud_rp_pos
- ud_rp_neg:
- lea DBL_PZRO,a1 | answer is negative zero
- oril #negz_mask,a6@(USER_FPSR)
- jra end_unfr
- ud_rp_pos:
- lea DBL_PSML,a1 | answer is smallest denorm negative
- jra end_unfr
- |
- |case DEST_FMT = SGL
- |
- uSGL_RN:
- lea SGL_PZRO,a1 | answer is +/- zero
- bset #z_bit,a6@(FPSR_CC)
- jra uset_sign
- uSGL_RZ:
- lea SGL_PZRO,a1 | answer is +/- zero
- bset #z_bit,a6@(FPSR_CC)
- jra uset_sign
- uSGL_RM:
- tstb a0@(LOCAL_SGN) | if negative overflow
- jeq us_rm_pos
- us_rm_neg:
- lea SGL_PSML,a1 | answer is smallest denorm negative
- bset #neg_bit,a6@(FPSR_CC)
- jra end_unfr
- us_rm_pos:
- lea SGL_PZRO,a1 | answer is positive zero
- bset #z_bit,a6@(FPSR_CC)
- jra end_unfr
- uSGL_RP:
- tstb a0@(LOCAL_SGN) | if negative overflow
- jeq us_rp_pos
- us_rp_neg:
- lea SGL_PZRO,a1 | answer is negative zero
- oril #negz_mask,a6@(USER_FPSR)
- jra end_unfr
- us_rp_pos:
- lea SGL_PSML,a1 | answer is smallest denorm positive
- jra end_unfr
- uset_sign:
- tstb a0@(LOCAL_SGN) | if negative overflow
- jeq end_unfr
- uneg_sign:
- bset #neg_bit,a6@(FPSR_CC)
- end_unfr:
- movew a1@(LOCAL_EX),a0@(LOCAL_EX) | be careful not to overwrite sign
- movel a1@(LOCAL_HI),a0@(LOCAL_HI)
- movel a1@(LOCAL_LO),a0@(LOCAL_LO)
- rts
- |
- | __x_reg_dest --- write byte, word, or long data to Dn
- |
- |
- | Input:
- | L_SCR1: Data
- | d1: data size and dest register number formatted as:
- |
- | 32 5 4 3 2 1 0
- | -----------------------------------------------
- | | 0 | Size | Dest Reg # |
- | -----------------------------------------------
- |
- | Size is:
- | 0 - Byte
- | 1 - Word
- | 2 - Long/Single
- |
- pregdst:
- .long __byte_d0
- .long __byte_d1
- .long __byte_d2
- .long __byte_d3
- .long __byte_d4
- .long __byte_d5
- .long __byte_d6
- .long __byte_d7
- .long __word_d0
- .long __word_d1
- .long __word_d2
- .long __word_d3
- .long __word_d4
- .long __word_d5
- .long __word_d6
- .long __word_d7
- .long __long_d0
- .long __long_d1
- .long __long_d2
- .long __long_d3
- .long __long_d4
- .long __long_d5
- .long __long_d6
- .long __long_d7
- __x_reg_dest:
- lea pregdst,a0
- movel a0@(d1:w:4),a0
- jmp a0@
- __byte_d0:
- moveb a6@(L_SCR1),a6@(USER_D0+3)
- rts
- __byte_d1:
- moveb a6@(L_SCR1),a6@(USER_D1+3)
- rts
- __byte_d2:
- moveb a6@(L_SCR1),d2
- rts
- __byte_d3:
- moveb a6@(L_SCR1),d3
- rts
- __byte_d4:
- moveb a6@(L_SCR1),d4
- rts
- __byte_d5:
- moveb a6@(L_SCR1),d5
- rts
- __byte_d6:
- moveb a6@(L_SCR1),d6
- rts
- __byte_d7:
- moveb a6@(L_SCR1),d7
- rts
- __word_d0:
- movew a6@(L_SCR1),a6@(USER_D0+2)
- rts
- __word_d1:
- movew a6@(L_SCR1),a6@(USER_D1+2)
- rts
- __word_d2:
- movew a6@(L_SCR1),d2
- rts
- __word_d3:
- movew a6@(L_SCR1),d3
- rts
- __word_d4:
- movew a6@(L_SCR1),d4
- rts
- __word_d5:
- movew a6@(L_SCR1),d5
- rts
- __word_d6:
- movew a6@(L_SCR1),d6
- rts
- __word_d7:
- movew a6@(L_SCR1),d7
- rts
- __long_d0:
- movel a6@(L_SCR1),a6@(USER_D0)
- rts
- __long_d1:
- movel a6@(L_SCR1),a6@(USER_D1)
- rts
- __long_d2:
- movel a6@(L_SCR1),d2
- rts
- __long_d3:
- movel a6@(L_SCR1),d3
- rts
- __long_d4:
- movel a6@(L_SCR1),d4
- rts
- __long_d5:
- movel a6@(L_SCR1),d5
- rts
- __long_d6:
- movel a6@(L_SCR1),d6
- rts
- __long_d7:
- movel a6@(L_SCR1),d7
- rts
- | end