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Upload Date: 2007-01-17
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Development Platform:
- /* usbHcdLib.c - Implements HCD functional API */
- /* Copyright 2000 Wind River Systems, Inc. */
- /*
- Modification history
- --------------------
- 01e,26jan00,rcb Change <bytesPerFrame> parameter in usbHcdPipeCreate() to
- <bandwidth> and redefined as UINT32.
- 01d,29nov99,rcb Remove obsolete function usbHcdBusReset().
- Increase frame number fields to 32 bits.
- 01c,23nov99,rcb Replace bandwidth alloc/release functions with pipe
- create/destroy functions...generalizes approach for use
- with OHCI HCD.
- 01b,07sep99,rcb Add support for management callback param in attach.
- Add set-bus-state API.
- 01a,09jun99,rcb First.
- */
- /*
- This file implements the functional interface to the HCD.
- */
- /* includes */
- #include "usb/usbPlatform.h"
- #include "string.h"
- #include "usb/usbHcdLib.h" /* our API */
- /* functions */
- /***************************************************************************
- *
- * hrbInit - Initialize an HCD request block
- *
- */
- LOCAL VOID hrbInit
- (
- pHCD_NEXUS pNexus,
- UINT16 function,
- UINT16 totalLen
- )
- {
- memset (pHrb, 0, totalLen);
- if (pNexus != NULL)
- pHrb->handle = pNexus->handle;
- pHrb->function = function;
- pHrb->hrbLength = totalLen;
- }
- /***************************************************************************
- *
- * usbHcdAttach - Attach to the HCD
- *
- * Attempts to connect the caller to the HCD. The <param> value is HCD-
- * implementation-specific. Returns an HCD_CLIENT_HANDLE if the HCD was
- * able to initialize properly. If <pBusCount> is not NULL, also returns
- * number of buses managed through this nexus.
- *
- * <callback> is an optional pointer to a routine which should be invoked
- * if the HCD detects "management events" (e.g., remote wakeup/resume).
- * <callbackParam> is a caller-defined parameter which will be passed to
- * the <callback> routine each time it is invoked.
- *
- * RETURNS: OK, or ERROR if unable to initialize HCD.
- */
- STATUS usbHcdAttach
- (
- HCD_EXEC_FUNC hcdExecFunc, /* HCD's primary entry point */
- pVOID param, /* HCD-specific param */
- USB_HCD_MNGMT_CALLBACK callback,/* management callback */
- pVOID callbackParam, /* parameter to management callback */
- pHCD_NEXUS pNexus, /* nexus will be initialized on return */
- pUINT16 pBusCount
- )
- {
- /* Initialize HRB */
- hrbInit (&hrb.header, NULL, HCD_FNC_ATTACH, sizeof (hrb));
- hrb.param = param;
- hrb.mngmtCallback = callback;
- hrb.mngmtCallbackParam = callbackParam;
- /* Execute HRB */
- s = (*hcdExecFunc) ((pVOID) &hrb);
- /* Return results */
- if (pNexus != NULL)
- {
- pNexus->hcdExecFunc = hcdExecFunc;
- pNexus->handle = hrb.header.handle;
- }
- if (pBusCount != NULL)
- *pBusCount = hrb.busCount;
- return s;
- }
- /***************************************************************************
- *
- * usbHcdDetach - Detach from the HCD
- *
- * Disconnects a caller which has previously attached to an HCD.
- *
- * RETURNS: OK, or ERROR if unable to shutdown HCD.
- */
- STATUS usbHcdDetach
- (
- pHCD_NEXUS pNexus /* client's nexus */
- )
- {
- /* Initialize HRB */
- hrbInit (&hrb.header, pNexus, HCD_FNC_DETACH, sizeof (hrb));
- /* Execute HRB */
- return (*pNexus->hcdExecFunc) ((pVOID) &hrb);
- }
- /***************************************************************************
- *
- * usbHcdSetBusState - sets bus suspend/resume state
- *
- * Sets the state for <bus> no as specified in <busState>. <busState>
- * is a bit mask. Typically, the caller will set USB_BUS_SUSPEND or
- * USB_BUS_RESUME to suspend or resume the indicated bus.
- *
- * RETURNS: OK, or ERROR if unable to place bus in specified state
- */
- STATUS usbHcdSetBusState
- (
- pHCD_NEXUS pNexus, /* client's nexus */
- UINT16 busNo, /* bus number */
- UINT16 busState /* desired bus state */
- )
- {
- /* Initialize HRB */
- hrbInit (&hrb.header, pNexus, HCD_FNC_SET_BUS_STATE, sizeof (hrb));
- hrb.busNo = busNo;
- hrb.busState = busState;
- /* Execute HRB */
- return (*pNexus->hcdExecFunc) ((pVOID) &hrb);
- }
- /***************************************************************************
- *
- * usbHcdCurrentFrameGet - Returns current frame number for a bus
- *
- * Returns the current <pFrameNo> and the frame window, <pFrameWindow>
- * for the specified bus.
- *
- * RETURNS: OK, or ERROR if unable to retrieve current frame number.
- */
- STATUS usbHcdCurrentFrameGet
- (
- pHCD_NEXUS pNexus, /* client's nexus */
- UINT16 busNo, /* bus number */
- pUINT32 pFrameNo, /* current frame number */
- pUINT32 pFrameWindow /* size of frame window */
- )
- {
- /* Initialize HRB */
- hrbInit (&hrb.header, pNexus, HCD_FNC_CURRENT_FRAME_GET, sizeof (hrb));
- hrb.busNo = busNo;
- /* Execute HRB */
- s = (*pNexus->hcdExecFunc) ((pVOID) &hrb);
- /* return results */
- if (pFrameNo != NULL)
- *pFrameNo = hrb.frameNo;
- if (pFrameWindow != NULL)
- *pFrameWindow = hrb.frameWindow;
- return s;
- }
- /***************************************************************************
- *
- * usbHcdIrpSubmit - Submits an IRP to the HCD for execution
- *
- * This function passes the <pIrp> to the HCD for scheduling. The function
- * returns as soon as the HCD has queued/scheduled the IRP. The <pIrp>
- * must include a non-NULL <callback> which will be invoked upon IRP
- * completion.
- *
- * RETURNS: OK, or ERROR if unable to submit IRP for transfer.
- */
- STATUS usbHcdIrpSubmit
- (
- pHCD_NEXUS pNexus, /* client's nexus */
- HCD_PIPE_HANDLE pipeHandle, /* pipe to which IRP is directed */
- pUSB_IRP pIrp /* IRP to be executed */
- )
- {
- /* Initialize HRB */
- hrbInit (&hrb.header, pNexus, HCD_FNC_IRP_SUBMIT, sizeof (hrb));
- hrb.pipeHandle = pipeHandle;
- hrb.pIrp = pIrp;
- /* Execute HRB */
- return (*pNexus->hcdExecFunc) ((pVOID) &hrb);
- }
- /***************************************************************************
- *
- * usbHcdIrpCancel - Requests the HCD to cancel a pending IRP
- *
- * This function requests the HCD to cancel the specified <pIrp>. If
- * the IRP can be canceled before it completes execution normally, its
- * result will be set to S_usbHcdLib_IRP_CANCELED and the IRPs callback
- * will be invoked.
- *
- * There is no guarantee that an IRP, once submitted to the HCD, can be
- * canceled before it otherwise completes normally (or times out).
- *
- * RETURNS: OK, or ERROR if unable to cancel transfer.
- */
- STATUS usbHcdIrpCancel
- (
- pHCD_NEXUS pNexus, /* client's nexus */
- pUSB_IRP pIrp /* IRP to be canceled */
- )
- {
- /* Initialize HRB */
- hrbInit (&hrb.header, pNexus, HCD_FNC_IRP_CANCEL, sizeof (hrb));
- hrb.pIrp = pIrp;
- /* Execute HRB */
- return (*pNexus->hcdExecFunc) ((pVOID) &hrb);
- }
- /***************************************************************************
- *
- * usbHcdPipeCreate - create a pipe and calculate / reserve bus bandwidth
- *
- * The USBD calls this function to notify the HCD that it is attempting to
- * create a new pipe. The USBD passes the type of pipe in <transferType>.
- *
- * If the pipe is an interrupt or isochronous pipe, the HCD calculates the
- * amount of time a transfer of a given number of bytes will require on the
- * bus - measured in nanoseconds (10E-9 seconds). The formulas used here are
- * taken from Section 5.9.3 of Revision 1.1 of the USB spec.
- *
- * If enough bus bandwidth is available, then that amount of bandwidth will
- * be reserved by the HCD. Reserved bandwidth must later be released using
- * usbHcdPipeDestroy().
- *
- * <transferType>, <direction>, and <speed> should describe the characteristics
- * of the pipe/transfer as USB_XFRTYPE_xxxx, USB_DIR_xxxx, and USB_SPEED_xxxx,
- * repsectively. <packetSize> is the size of packets to be used.
- *
- * For interrupt pipes, <bandwidth> is the total number of bytes which will
- * be sent each frame. For isochronous pipes, <bandwidth> is the number of
- * bytes per second. <bandwidth> should be 0 for control and bulk pipes.
- *
- * The worst-case transfer time is returned in <pTime>.
- *
- * The HCD will return an HCD_PIPE_HANDLE in <pPipeHandle>. The USBD will use
- * this HCD_PIPE_HANDLE to identify the pipe in the future.
- *
- * RETURNS: OK, or ERROR if unable to reserve bandwdith.
- */
- STATUS usbHcdPipeCreate
- (
- pHCD_NEXUS pNexus, /* client's nexus */
- UINT16 busNo, /* bus number for IRP */
- UINT16 busAddress, /* bus address of USB device */
- UINT16 endpoint, /* endpoint on device */
- UINT16 transferType, /* transfer type */
- UINT16 direction, /* pipe/transfer direction */
- UINT16 speed, /* transfer speed */
- UINT16 maxPacketSize, /* packet size */
- UINT32 bandwidth, /* bandwidth required by pipe */
- UINT16 interval, /* service interval */
- pUINT32 pTime, /* calculated packet time on return */
- pHCD_PIPE_HANDLE pPipeHandle /* HCD pipe handle */
- )
- {
- /* Initialize HRB */
- hrbInit (&hrb.header, pNexus, HCD_FNC_PIPE_CREATE, sizeof (hrb));
- hrb.busNo = busNo;
- hrb.busAddress = busAddress;
- hrb.endpoint = endpoint;
- hrb.transferType = transferType;
- hrb.direction = direction;
- hrb.speed = speed;
- hrb.maxPacketSize = maxPacketSize;
- hrb.bandwidth = bandwidth;
- hrb.interval = interval;
- /* Execute HRB */
- s = (*pNexus->hcdExecFunc) ((pVOID) &hrb);
- /* return results */
- if (pTime != NULL)
- *pTime = hrb.time;
- if (pPipeHandle != NULL)
- *pPipeHandle = hrb.pipeHandle;
- return s;
- }
- /***************************************************************************
- *
- * usbHcdPipeDestroy - destroys pipe and releases previously allocated bandwidth
- *
- * Destroys the pipe identified by <pipeHandle> and releases any bandwidth used
- * by the pipe.
- *
- * RETURNS: OK, or ERROR if HCD fails to destroy pipe.
- */
- STATUS usbHcdPipeDestroy
- (
- pHCD_NEXUS pNexus, /* client's nexus */
- HCD_PIPE_HANDLE pipeHandle /* pipe to be destroyed */
- )
- {
- /* Initialize HRB */
- hrbInit (&hrb.header, pNexus, HCD_FNC_PIPE_DESTROY, sizeof (hrb));
- hrb.pipeHandle = pipeHandle;
- /* Execute HRB */
- return (*pNexus->hcdExecFunc) ((pVOID) &hrb);
- }
- /***************************************************************************
- *
- * usbHcdPipeModify - modify characteristics of an existing pipe
- *
- * Two characteristics of a pipe, the device's USB bus address and the
- * maximum packet size, may change after a pipe is first created. Typically,
- * this will happen only with the default control pipe for a given device,
- * which must be created before issuing SET_ADDRESS to the device and before
- * reading the device descriptor to determine the maximum packet size supported
- * by the default control endpoint. The USBD will typically use this function
- * to update either the <busAddress> or the <maxPacketSize> for the indicated
- * <pipeHandle>. If either <busAddress> or <maxPacketSize> is 0, then the
- * corresponding pipe attribute remains unchanged.
- *
- * RETURNS: OK, or ERROR if HCD fails to modify pipe
- */
- STATUS usbHcdPipeModify
- (
- pHCD_NEXUS pNexus, /* client's nexus */
- HCD_PIPE_HANDLE pipeHandle, /* pipe to be modified */
- UINT16 busAddress, /* new bus address or 0 */
- UINT16 maxPacketSize /* new max packet size or 0 */
- )
- {
- /* Initialize HRB */
- hrbInit (&hrb.header, pNexus, HCD_FNC_PIPE_MODIFY, sizeof (hrb));
- hrb.pipeHandle = pipeHandle;
- hrb.busAddress = busAddress;
- hrb.maxPacketSize = maxPacketSize;
- /* Execute HRB */
- return (*pNexus->hcdExecFunc) ((pVOID) &hrb);
- }
- /***************************************************************************
- *
- * usbHcdSofIntervalGet - retrieves SOF interval for a bus
- *
- * Returns the SOF interval for <busNo> in <pSofInterval>. The SOF
- * interval is expressed in terms of high-speed bit times, and is typically
- * close to 12,000.
- *
- * RETURNS: OK, or ERROR if HCD failed to retrieve SOF interval
- */
- STATUS usbHcdSofIntervalGet
- (
- pHCD_NEXUS pNexus, /* client's nexus */
- UINT16 busNo, /* bus number */
- pUINT16 pSofInterval /* bfr to receive SOF interval */
- )
- {
- /* Initialize HRB */
- hrbInit (&hrb.header, pNexus, HCD_FNC_SOF_INTERVAL_GET, sizeof (hrb));
- hrb.busNo = busNo;
- /* Execute HRB */
- s = (*pNexus->hcdExecFunc) ((pVOID) &hrb);
- /* return results */
- if (pSofInterval != NULL)
- *pSofInterval = hrb.sofInterval;
- return s;
- }
- /***************************************************************************
- *
- * usbHcdSofIntervalSet - sets SOF interval for a bus
- *
- * Sets the SOF interval for <busNo> to <sofInterval>. <sofInterval>
- * must express the new SOF interval in terms of high-speed bit times, and
- * should be in the neighborhood of 12,000. Certain HCD implementations
- * may impose narrower or wider limits on the allowable <sofInterval>.
- *
- * RETURNS: OK, or ERROR if HCD failed to set SOF interval.
- */
- STATUS usbHcdSofIntervalSet
- (
- pHCD_NEXUS pNexus, /* client's nexus */
- UINT16 busNo, /* bus number */
- UINT16 sofInterval /* new SOF interval */
- )
- {
- /* Initialize HRB */
- hrbInit (&hrb.header, pNexus, HCD_FNC_SOF_INTERVAL_SET, sizeof (hrb));
- hrb.busNo = busNo;
- hrb.sofInterval = sofInterval;
- /* Execute HRB */
- return (*pNexus->hcdExecFunc) ((pVOID) &hrb);
- }
- /* End of file. */