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Package: vxwork_src.rar [view]
Upload User: nvosite88
Upload Date: 2007-01-17
Package Size: 4983k
Code Size: 41k
Development Platform:
- /*
- ** File: dptarget.c
- ** Version: 1.0.1
- **
- ** Description: Target-side driver functions for NR5xx
- **
- ** Copyright (c) 1996 Applied Microsystems Corporation
- ** All Rights Reserved
- **
- ** Modification History:
- ** 10/04/96, MPH...Created from nrdrive.c
- ** 01/20/97, MPH...Fixed nr_ReadBuf and nr_ProcessMsgs for PPC603
- ** 02/04/97, MS....fixed numerous compiler warnings
- */
- #include "wdb/amc500/dpconfig.h"
- #include "wdb/amc500/dptarget.h"
- #include "wdb/amc500/dualport.h"
- /* Local definitions */
- #define DEBUG_ON False /* Optional: Include nr_TestComm() if True */
- #ifndef NULL
- #define NULL 0
- #endif
- /* Private routines */
- STATIC void nr_WriteInt ( uInt16, uInt32, uInt16 );
- STATIC uInt16 nr_ReadInt ( uInt16, uInt32 );
- STATIC void nr_WriteBuf ( uInt16, uChar*, uInt32, uInt16 );
- STATIC void nr_ReadBuf ( uInt16, uInt32, volatile uChar*, Int16 );
- STATIC Int16 nr_ProcessMsgs ( uInt16 );
- STATIC Int16 nr_PutOOBMsg ( uInt16, uInt16, char*, uInt16 );
- STATIC void nr_Wait ( DpChannel* );
- STATIC void nr_WaitEnd ( void );
- /* Global data */
- STATIC DpChannel channels[DP_MAXCHANNELS];
- STATIC volatile uChar RR_dummy; /* See dptarget.h for explanation */
- STATIC volatile uChar dummy;
- STATIC uChar wait_ftn_buf[MAX_WAIT_FTN_SIZE]; /* For RAM-based wait ftn */
- STATIC Int16 emoffonwrite_set;
- /*
- ** Function: nr_ReadByte
- ** Description: Reads a byte from DP RAM
- ** Note: With caching, we need to use a function
- ** Without caching, we can use a (faster) macro
- ** Warning: Assumes 'cp' is valid
- **
- ** Parameters:
- ** cp pointer-to-channel to read from
- ** addr address for read
- **
- ** Returns:
- ** uChar from DP RAM
- */
- #if( nr_HasCache == True )
- uChar
- nr_ReadByte(DpChannel *cp, uInt32 addr)
- {
- register uChar ch;
- nr_DataCacheOff();
- ch = NR_READ_BYTE( (cp), (addr) );
- nr_DataCacheOn();
- return ch;
- }
- #else /* nr_HasCache == True */
- #define nr_ReadByte(cp,addr) NR_READ_BYTE( (cp), (addr) )
- #endif /* nr_HasCache == True */
- /*
- ** Function: nr_WriteByte
- ** Description: Writes a byte to DP RAM
- ** Note: With caching, we need to use a function
- ** Without caching, we can use a (faster) macro
- ** Warning: Assumes 'cp' is valid
- **
- ** Parameters:
- ** cp pointer-to-channel to write to
- ** addr address for write
- **
- ** Returns:
- ** note
- */
- #if( nr_HasCache == True )
- void
- nr_WriteByte(DpChannel *cp, uInt32 addr, uInt16 val)
- {
- nr_DataCacheOff();
- NR_WRITE_BYTE( (cp), (addr), (val) );
- nr_DataCacheOn();
- }
- #else /* nr_HasCache == True */
- #define nr_WriteByte
- (cp, addr, val) { NR_WRITE_BYTE((cp), (uInt32)(addr), (uInt16)(val)); }
- #endif /* nr_HasCache == True */
- /*
- ** Macro: nr_InROM
- ** Description: Determines if an address is w/in NR emulation RAM
- ** Note: ROMSTART and ROMEND are defined in dpconfig.h
- ** Evaluates to TRUE if address is within NetROM overlay, otherwise FALSE
- */
- #define nr_InROM(adr) ((adr) >= (uInt32)ROMSTART && (adr) < (uInt32)ROMEND)
- /*
- ** Function: nr_ConfigDP
- ** Description: Configure dualport RAM communication structures
- **
- ** Parameters:
- ** base First address of dualport RAM
- ** width Width of ROM(s) emulated: 1-8 bits 2-16 bits 4-32 bits
- ** index Location of pod0 within podgroup
- **
- ** Returns:
- ** Err_BadLength If MAX_WAIT_FTN_SIZE is too small to hold nr_Wait()
- ** Err_NoError Otherwise
- */
- Int16
- nr_ConfigDP( uInt32 base, Int16 width, Int16 index )
- {
- DpChannel *cp;
- Int16 chan;
- uInt32 tmp, pWait, wait_ftn_size;
- /* Calc size of nr_Wait for copy to RAM...will it fit? */
- /* 'wait_ftn_size+3' because of 32bit align code, below */
- wait_ftn_size = (uInt32)((uInt32)nr_WaitEnd - (uInt32)nr_Wait);
- if( wait_ftn_size+3 > MAX_WAIT_FTN_SIZE )
- return Err_BadLength;
- if( wait_ftn_size < 10 ) /* Sanity check */
- return Err_BadLength;
- /* Copy nr_Wait routine to RAM */
- pWait = (uInt32)wait_ftn_buf;
- tmp = (uInt32) wait_ftn_buf & 0x03; /* force 32bit align */
- if(tmp != 0) pWait += (4 - tmp);
- memcpy( (uChar*)pWait, (uChar*)nr_Wait, wait_ftn_size );
- /* Load channel structs */
- for( chan = 0; chan < DP_MAXCHANNELS; chan++ ) {
- /* get a pointer to the channel */
- cp = &channels[chan];
- /* set the addresses for dualport ram */
- cp->dpbase = base + chan * DP_CHAN_SIZE * width;
- cp->dpbase_plus_index = cp->dpbase + index; /* Time saver const */
- cp->width = width;
- cp->index = index;
- /* rr_data_offset includes "index" to speed up RR_xxx macros */
- /* For writes to Pods0-2, rr_data_offset will cause us to read */
- /* from the next Pod. For pod3, we'll read from pod0 area */
- /* This is to avoid reading addresses that the hardware is */
- /* latching for the RR protocol. */
- if( 3 == chan ) {
- cp->rr_enable = base + index + RR_ENABLE_ADR * width;
- cp->rr_disable = base + index + RR_DISABLE_ADR * width;
- }
- else {
- cp->rr_enable = cp->dpbase
- + index + RR_ENABLE_ADR * width;
- cp->rr_disable = cp->dpbase + DP_CHAN_SIZE * width
- + index + RR_DISABLE_ADR * width;
- }
- /* initialize the buffer system */
- cp->txbuf.bufsize = 0;
- cp->txbuf.index = 0;
- cp->rxbuf.bufsize = 0;
- cp->rxbuf.index = (-1);
- /* cp->numaccess = numaccesses; */
- /* initialize the ack counter */
- cp->rxackval = 0;
- /* we can both read and write dualport */
- cp->chanflags = CF_TXVALID | CF_RXVALID | CF_NOWAITIO;
- /* start the receive area after the status/control area */
- cp->rxbase = cp->rxlim = DP_MSGBASE;
- cp->rx = (-1);
- /* start the transmit area after the receive area */
- cp->txbase = cp->tx = (DP_REC_MSGS + 1) * DPM_MSGSIZE;
- cp->oobthresh = 0; /* xxx */
- /* Points to RAM-based wait ftn; used w/ nr_SetMem() */
- cp->wait_nr_done_ptr = (void (*)()) pWait;
- }
- emoffonwrite_set = True; /* Set emulate off on write */
- /* This function will hang on the following line until the
- ** communication channel is up. If you find that the code
- ** is hanging here, either 1) NetROM is not configured correctly for
- ** this debug channel; 2) config_dpram() was called with the wrong
- ** parameters; or 3) the telnet session is not connecting to the
- ** NetROM debug port.
- */
- while( !nr_ChanReady(chan) ) {}
- /* Request that NetROM synchronize comm buffers with the target */
- nr_Resync(0);
- return Err_NoError;
- }
- /*
- ** Function: nr_SetBlockIO
- ** Description: This ftn affects nr_Getch(), nr_Putch() and nr_GetMsg()
- ** val == 0 --> non-blocking I/O
- ** val != 0 --> blocking I/O
- **
- ** Parameters:
- ** chan channel to configure, 0-3
- ** val 0 for non-blocking, non-zero for blocking
- **
- ** Returns:
- ** Err_BadChan if the chan is invalid (0,1,2,3 are valid on NR5xx)
- ** Err_NoError otherwise
- */
- Int16
- nr_SetBlockIO( uInt16 chan, uInt16 val )
- {
- register DpChannel *cp;
- if( chan >= DP_MAXCHANNELS ) /* Invalid channel! */
- return Err_BadChan;
- /* get a pointer to the channel */
- cp = &channels[chan];
- if(val == 0) {
- cp->chanflags |= CF_NOWAITIO;
- } else {
- cp->chanflags &= ~CF_NOWAITIO;
- }
- return Err_NoError;
- }
- /*
- ** Function: nr_ChanReady
- ** Description: Test to see if a chan is ready to transmit & receive
- **
- ** Parameters:
- ** chan channel to test, 0-3
- **
- ** Returns:
- ** Err_BadChan if chan is invalid (0,1,2,3 are valid on NR5xx)
- ** True if the channel is ready
- ** False if the channel is not ready
- */
- Int16
- nr_ChanReady( uInt16 chan )
- {
- uChar val;
- register DpChannel *cp;
- if( chan >= DP_MAXCHANNELS ) /* Invalid channel! */
- return Err_BadChan;
- /* get a pointer to the channel */
- cp = &channels[chan];
- /* check that the RX channel is active */
- val = nr_ReadByte(cp, DP_RX);
- if(val != nr_ReadByte(cp, DP_RX)) {
- return False;
- } else if(val != 1) {
- return False;
- }
- /* check that the TX channel is active */
- val = nr_ReadByte(cp, DP_TX);
- if(val != nr_ReadByte(cp, DP_TX)){
- return False;
- } else if(val != 1) {
- return False;
- }
- /* Channel is ready */
- return True;
- }
- /*
- ** Function: nr_Poll
- ** Description: check if a character is waiting at the channel
- **
- ** Parameters:
- ** chan channel to poll, 0-3
- **
- ** Returns:
- ** True if there is a character waiting
- ** False if there is NOT a character waiting
- ** Err_BadChan if the chan is invalid (0,1,2,3 are valid on NR5xx)
- */
- Int16
- nr_Poll( uInt16 chan )
- {
- DpChannel *cp;
- BufIo *bp;
- Int16 retval;
- if( chan >= DP_MAXCHANNELS ) /* Invalid channel! */
- return Err_BadChan;
- /* get a pointer to the channel */
- cp = &channels[chan];
- bp = &cp->rxbuf;
- /* see if there is a character in this buffer */
- if(bp->index < 0) {
- /* poll for new buffers */
- nr_ProcessMsgs(chan);
- /* no, check for a new buffer arriving */
- if(cp->rx != (-1) ) {
- retval = True;
- } else {
- retval = False;
- }
- } else {
- retval = True;
- }
- return(retval);
- }
- /*
- ** Function: nr_Getch
- ** Description: Gets one char from channel
- **
- ** Parameters:
- ** chan channel to read from, 0-3
- **
- ** Returns:
- ** Err_WouldBlock if channel is non-blocking and there is no char
- ** Err_BadChan if the chan is invalid
- ** char otherwise
- */
- Int16
- nr_Getch( uInt16 chan )
- {
- DpChannel *cp;
- BufIo *bp;
- Int16 ch;
- if( chan >= DP_MAXCHANNELS ) /* Invalid channel! */
- return Err_BadChan;
- /* get a pointer to the channel */
- cp = &channels[chan];
- bp = &cp->rxbuf;
- /* see if there is a character in this buffer */
- if(bp->index < 0) {
- /* wait for the buffer to become valid */
- while(cp->rx == (-1) ) {
- /* poll for new buffers */
- nr_ProcessMsgs(chan);
- /* did we get a message? */
- if(cp->rx == (-1) ) {
- if(cp->chanflags & CF_NOWAITIO) return Err_WouldBlock;
- nr_YieldCPU();
- }
- }
- /* make sure that the message is ready by reading the flags byte
- * of the next receive msg. */
- bp->flags = nr_ReadInt(chan, cp->rx + DPM_FLAGS);
- /* Re-read the flags because the NetROM may have been modifying
- * them while we read them. */
- if(bp->flags != nr_ReadInt(chan, cp->rx + DPM_FLAGS)) {
- /* read failed on the verify, NetROM must be writing */
- bp->flags = nr_ReadInt(chan, cp->rx + DPM_FLAGS);
- }
- if((bp->flags & DPMSG_READY) == 0) {
- return(Err_WouldBlock);
- }
- /* set up the i/o buffer for the message */
- bp->bufsize = nr_ReadInt(chan, cp->rx + DPM_SIZE);
- if(bp->bufsize > DP_DATA_SIZE) {
- bp->bufsize = DP_DATA_SIZE;
- }
- nr_ReadBuf( chan,
- cp->rx + DPM_DATA,
- bp->buf,
- (Int16)(bp->bufsize) );
- bp->index = 0;
- /* return the buffer */
- nr_WriteInt(chan,cp->rx+DPM_FLAGS,(uInt16)bp->flags & ~DPMSG_READY);
- /* advance the read pointer */
- if(bp->flags & DPMSG_WRAP) {
- cp->rx = cp->rxbase;
- } else {
- cp->rx += DPM_MSGSIZE;
- }
- /* see if there are more messages waiting */
- if(cp->rx == cp->rxlim) {
- cp->rx = (-1);
- }
- }
- /* extract the character */
- ch = (Int16)bp->buf[bp->index++];
- /* check whether we finished the buffer */
- if(bp->index == bp->bufsize) {
- /* invalidate the buffer */
- bp->index = (-1);
- }
- return(ch);
- }
- /*
- ** Function: nr_Putch
- ** Description: send one character via dp protocol
- **
- ** Parameters:
- ** chan channel to write to, 0-3
- **
- ** Returns:
- ** Err_NoError if the char was sent successfully
- ** Err_WouldBlock if we can't send the char
- ** Err_BadChan if the chan is invalid
- */
- Int16
- nr_Putch( uInt16 chan, char ch )
- {
- DpChannel *cp;
- BufIo *bp;
- if( chan >= DP_MAXCHANNELS ) /* Invalid channel! */
- return Err_BadChan;
- /* get a pointer to the channel */
- cp = &channels[chan];
- bp = &cp->txbuf;
- /* if the current tx channel is owned by the target, wait for it */
- bp->flags = nr_ReadInt(chan, cp->tx + DPM_FLAGS);
- if(bp->flags & DPMSG_READY) {
- /* wait for the buffer */
- while(1) {
- bp->flags = nr_ReadInt(chan, cp->tx + DPM_FLAGS);
- if(bp->flags != nr_ReadInt(chan, cp->tx + DPM_FLAGS)) {
- /* read failed on the verify, NetROM must be writing */
- continue;
- }
- if((bp->flags & DPMSG_READY) == 0) break;
- if(cp->chanflags & CF_NOWAITIO) return( Err_WouldBlock );
- nr_YieldCPU();
- }
- /* initialize the buffer structure */
- bp->index = 0;
- bp->bufsize = 0;
- }
- /* write the character into the buffer */
- bp->buf[bp->index++] = ch;
- bp->bufsize++;
- /* if the buffer is full, send it */
- if(bp->index == DP_DATA_SIZE) {
- nr_FlushTX(chan);
- }
- return Err_NoError;
- }
- /*
- ** Function: nr_FlushTX
- ** Description: Transmits any chars pending in this channel
- **
- ** Parameters:
- ** chan channel to flush, 0-3
- **
- ** Returns:
- ** Err_NoError if successful
- ** Err_BadChan if the chan is invalid
- */
- Int16
- nr_FlushTX( uInt16 chan )
- {
- DpChannel *cp;
- BufIo *bp;
- if( chan >= DP_MAXCHANNELS ) /* Invalid channel! */
- return Err_BadChan;
- /* get a pointer to the channel */
- cp = &channels[chan];
- bp = &cp->txbuf;
- /* if we don't own the message or there's nothing in it, just return */
- bp->flags = nr_ReadInt(chan, cp->tx + DPM_FLAGS);
- if((bp->flags & DPMSG_READY) != 0 || bp->index == 0) {
- return Err_NoError;
- }
- /* send the buffer */
- nr_WriteInt(chan, cp->tx + DPM_SIZE, (uInt16)bp->bufsize);
- nr_WriteBuf(chan, bp->buf, cp->tx + DPM_DATA, (Int16) bp->bufsize);
- bp->flags &= DPMSG_WRAP;
- nr_WriteInt(chan, cp->tx + DPM_FLAGS,
- (uInt16)bp->flags | (DPMSG_READY|DPMSG_START|DPMSG_END));
- /* notify NetROM that the buffer is ready */
- dummy = nr_ReadByte(cp, DP_MRI);
- /* advance the msg pointer */
- if(bp->flags & DPMSG_WRAP) {
- cp->tx = cp->txbase;
- } else {
- cp->tx += DPM_MSGSIZE;
- }
- /* clear the buffer structure */
- bp->index = 0;
- bp->bufsize = 0;
- return Err_NoError;
- }
- /*
- ** Function: nr_GetMsg
- ** Description: This routine reads message from dualport ram.
- ** It returns different statuses, depending on whether or not
- ** message data is present, or the message overflows the buffer.
- ** The number of bytes read into the message buffer is changed
- ** by side effect.
- **
- ** Parameters:
- ** chan channel to read from, 0-3
- ** buf buffer to read into
- ** len number of bytes expected, or max bytes for this buffer
- ** bytesread number of bytes actually received (nr_GetMsg will set this)
- **
- ** Returns:
- ** Err_BadChan if the chan is invalid
- ** GM_NODATA only returned when not in blocking I/O mode
- */
- Int16
- nr_GetMsg( uInt16 chan, char* buf, uInt16 len, uInt16* bytesread )
- {
- register DpChannel *cp;
- Int16 done = 0;
- Int16 nbytes = 0;
- register uInt16 flags, size;
- #ifdef VETHER
- Int16 msg_len = 0;
- #endif
- if( chan >= DP_MAXCHANNELS ) /* Invalid channel! */
- return Err_BadChan;
- /* get a pointer to the channel */
- cp = &channels[chan];
- /* look for the whole message */
- while(done == 0) {
- /* wait for the buffer to become valid */
- while(cp->rx == (-1) ) {
- /* poll for new buffers */
- nr_ProcessMsgs(chan);
- /* did we get a message? */
- if(cp->rx == (-1) ) {
- #ifdef VETHER
- if((cp->chanflags & CF_NOWAITIO) || (nbytes == 0)) {
- #else
- if(cp->chanflags & CF_NOWAITIO) {
- #endif
- *bytesread = nbytes;
- return(nbytes == 0 ? GM_NODATA : GM_NOTDONE);
- }
- nr_YieldCPU();
- }
- }
- /* read the status and size of the new message block */
- flags = nr_ReadInt(chan, cp->rx + DPM_FLAGS);
- size = nr_ReadInt(chan, cp->rx + DPM_SIZE);
- #ifdef VETHER
- /* get whole msg len from first pkt of msg */
- if (nbytes == 0) {
- /* if ((flags & DPMSG_START) == 0)
- printf("no START: %04x ", flags & 0xffff); */
- msg_len = (size >> 6) | (flags & DPMSG_1K_BIT);
- size = size & 0x3f;
- }
- #endif
- /* copy data into the buffer */
- if(size > len) {
- *bytesread = nbytes;
- }
- nr_ReadBuf(chan, cp->rx + DPM_DATA, (uChar*)buf, (Int16)size);
- /* return the buffer */
- nr_WriteInt(chan, cp->rx + DPM_FLAGS, flags & ~DPMSG_READY);
- /* update our buffer pointers */
- buf += size;
- nbytes += size;
- len -= size;
- /* advance the read pointer */
- if(flags & DPMSG_WRAP) {
- cp->rx = cp->rxbase;
- } else {
- cp->rx += DPM_MSGSIZE;
- }
- /* see if there are more messages waiting */
- if(cp->rx == cp->rxlim) {
- cp->rx = (-1);
- }
- /* was this the end of the message? */
- if((flags & DPMSG_END) != 0) done = 1;
- }
- *bytesread = nbytes;
- #ifdef VETHER
- if (nbytes != msg_len) {
- /* printf("chan_getmsg: 1st pkt len=%d, got %dn", msg_len, nbytes); */
- return(GM_NOTDONE);
- } else
- #endif
- }
- /*
- ** Function: nr_PutMsg
- ** Description: send a message to NetROM
- **
- ** Parameters:
- ** chan channel to write to, 0-3
- ** buf buffer to xmit
- ** len length of buffer to xmit
- **
- ** Returns:
- ** Err_NoError if the message was sent successfully
- ** Err_NotReady if NetROM is not ready to process messages
- ** Err_BadChan if the chan is invalid
- */
- Int16
- nr_PutMsg( uInt16 chan, char *buf, uInt16 len )
- {
- register DpChannel *cp;
- register Int16 num_sent = 0;
- uInt16 size, num_left = len, ovf_size;
- register uInt16 flags;
- if( chan >= DP_MAXCHANNELS ) /* Invalid channel! */
- return Err_BadChan;
- if( !nr_ChanReady(chan) ) /* NetROM isn't ready to process msgs */
- return Err_NotReady;
- /* get a pointer to the channel */
- cp = &channels[chan];
- while(num_sent < len) {
- /* wait for the buffer */
- while(1) {
- flags = nr_ReadInt(chan, cp->tx + DPM_FLAGS);
- if(flags != nr_ReadInt(chan, cp->tx + DPM_FLAGS)) {
- /* read failed on the verify, NetROM must be writing */
- continue;
- }
- if((flags & DPMSG_READY) == 0)
- break;
- else
- {
- nr_YieldCPU();
- }
- }
- /* get the number of bytes to send in DP struct and overflow */
- if(num_left >= DP_DATA_SIZE) {
- size = DP_DATA_SIZE;
- if (num_left >= MAX_MSG_SIZE)
- ovf_size = MAX_OVF_MSG_SIZE;
- else
- ovf_size = num_left - DP_DATA_SIZE;
- } else {
- size = num_left;
- ovf_size = 0;
- }
- /* fill the currently available DP buffer */
- /* Put full msg size in upper bits of first size field */
- if (num_sent == 0) {
- nr_WriteInt(chan, cp->tx + DPM_SIZE, (len << 6) | size);
- } else
- nr_WriteInt(chan, cp->tx + DPM_SIZE, size);
- nr_WriteBuf(chan, (uChar*)buf, cp->tx + DPM_DATA, size);
- /* get the flags to write */
- flags = (flags & DPMSG_WRAP) | DPMSG_READY;
- if(num_sent == 0) {
- flags |= DPMSG_START;
- /* or in 1K bit of msg len */
- flags = flags | (len & DPMSG_1K_BIT);
- }
- num_sent += size;
- num_left -= size;
- if(num_sent >= len)
- flags |= DPMSG_END;
- nr_WriteInt(chan, cp->tx + DPM_FLAGS, flags);
- /* notify NetROM that the buffer is ready */
- dummy = nr_ReadByte(cp, DP_MRI);
- /* adjust pointers */
- buf += size;
- /* advance the msg pointer */
- if(flags & DPMSG_WRAP) {
- cp->tx = cp->txbase;
- cp->txovf = cp->txovfbase;
- } else {
- cp->tx += DPM_MSGSIZE;
- cp->txovf += MAX_OVF_MSG_SIZE;
- }
- }
- return Err_NoError;
- }
- /*
- ** Function: nr_Resync
- ** Description: Requests that NetROM clear out TX & RX buffers for all chans
- ** Blocks until NetROM is finished
- ** Note: nr_Resync must be paired with nr_ConfigDP; if not,
- ** NetROM and the target will get out of sync
- **
- ** Parameters:
- ** chan channel to use for resync
- **
- ** Returns:
- ** Err_BadChan if channel is not in range 0 <= chan < MAXCHANNELS
- ** Err_NotReady if NetROM is not ready to process requests
- ** Err_NoError otherwise
- */
- Int16
- nr_Resync( uInt16 chan )
- {
- register DpChannel *cp;
- if( chan >= DP_MAXCHANNELS ) /* Invalid channel! */
- return Err_BadChan;
- if( !nr_ChanReady(chan) ) /* Avoid hang if NetROM is not ready */
- return Err_NotReady;
- cp = &channels[chan];
- nr_WriteByte( cp, DP_NR_DONE, False ); /* Force flag to False */
- /* Request that NetROM resync the chans */
- do{
- nr_WriteByte(cp, DP_OOBFLAG, OOBFLAG_RESYNC );
- } while( nr_ReadByte(cp, DP_OOBFLAG) != OOBFLAG_RESYNC );
- /* Notify NetROM that the it has something to read */
- dummy = nr_ReadByte(cp, DP_MRI);
- /* Block until NetROM finishes the resync */
- /* If your code hangs here, NetROM is not resyncing when asked to */
- while( False == nr_ReadByte(cp, DP_NR_DONE) ) {}
- return Err_NoError;
- }
- /*
- ** Function: nr_Reset
- ** Description: Requests that NetROM reset the target
- **
- ** Parameters:
- ** chan channel used for reset message
- **
- ** Returns:
- ** Err_NoError if the OOB msg was sent successfully
- ** Err_NotReady if NetROM is not ready to process messages
- ** Err_BadChan if the chan is invalid (0,1,2,3 are valid on NR5xx)
- */
- Int16
- nr_Reset( uInt16 chan )
- {
- return nr_PutOOBMsg(chan, DP_OOB_RESET, NULL, 0);
- }
- /*
- ** Function: nr_IntAck
- ** Description: Acknowledges a previous interrupt to the target
- **
- ** Parameters:
- ** chan channel to acknowledge interrupt on
- **
- ** Returns:
- ** Err_NoError if the OOB msg was sent successfully
- ** Err_NotReady if NetROM is not ready to process messages
- ** Err_BadChan if the chan is invalid (0,1,2,3 are valid on NR5xx)
- */
- Int16
- nr_IntAck( uInt16 chan )
- {
- return nr_PutOOBMsg(chan, DP_OOB_INTACK, NULL, 0);
- }
- /*
- ** Function: nr_Cputs
- ** Description: Puts a string to the NetROM console; the
- ** message won't be transmitted to the host
- **
- ** Parameters:
- ** chan channel to write message through
- ** len length of message, less than 56
- **
- ** Returns:
- ** Err_NoError if the OOB msg was sent successfully
- ** Err_NotReady if NetROM is not ready to process messages
- ** Err_BadChan if the chan is invalid (0,1,2,3 are valid on NR5xx)
- ** Err_BadLength if the "size" of the buffer is too big
- ** Err_BadCommand if the command is invalid
- */
- Int16
- nr_Cputs( uInt16 chan, char *buf, uInt16 len )
- {
- char localbuf[60];
- if(len > 55) return Err_BadLength;
- /* Ensure zero-termination */
- memcpy( (uChar*)localbuf, (uChar*)buf, len );
- localbuf[len] = NULL;
- return nr_PutOOBMsg(chan, DP_OOB_CPUTS, localbuf, len+1);
- }
- #if (READONLY_TARGET == True )
- /*
- ** Function: nr_SetMem
- ** Description: Requests that NetROM set a block of overlay memory
- ** Note: 1. target must run from RAM while NetROM sets the memory
- ** 2. Total msg size = len+6 = len+sizeof(addr)+sizeof(len)
- **
- ** Parameters:
- ** chan channel to write to
- ** addr start address for write
- ** buf data to write
- ** len length of buf; must be less than 54 bytes
- **
- ** Returns:
- ** Err_NoError if successful
- ** Err_BadLength if length is invalid; max block size is 54 bytes
- ** Err_BadChan if the chan is invalid
- ** Err_BadAddress if the address is invalid, i.e. outside ROM
- */
- Int16
- nr_SetMem( uInt16 chan, uInt32 addr, char* buf, uInt16 len )
- {
- DpSetMemBuf setmem_buf;
- register DpChannel *cp;
- uInt16 size;
- if( chan >= DP_MAXCHANNELS ) /* Invalid channel! */
- return Err_BadChan;
- if( len == 0 || len > DP_DATA_SIZE-6 ) /* Invalid length! */
- return Err_BadLength;
- if( !nr_InROM(addr) ) /* Invalid address! */
- return Err_BadAddress;
- addr -= (uInt32)ROMSTART; /* NetROM references addresses from ROMSTART */
- cp = &channels[chan]; /* Get a pointer to the channel */
- setmem_buf.addr = swap32(addr); /* Fix big/little -endian */
- memcpy(, (uChar*)buf, len );
- size = len + 4; /* buf length + sizeof(addr) */
- if(emoffonwrite_set == True) {
- emoffonwrite_set = False;
- }
- /* The following nr_PutOOBMsg call should be atomic
- ** If it is not, make sure that you don't write other messages
- ** to this channel after you've begun the SetMem sequence!
- */
- nr_InterruptsOFF();
- nr_PutOOBMsg(chan, DP_OOB_SETMEM, (char*)&setmem_buf, size);
- nr_InterruptsON();
- return Err_NoError;
- }
- #else /* READONLY_TARGET != True */
- /*
- ** Function: nr_SetMem
- ** Description: Sets a block of overlay memory, up to 54 bytes
- ** This target can write its own memory.
- ** length, channel, and address are checked to
- ** keep this routine consisten with the read-only version
- **
- ** Parameters:
- ** chan channel to write to
- ** addr start address for write
- ** buf data to write
- ** len length of buf; must be less than 54 bytes
- **
- ** Returns:
- ** Err_NoError if successful
- ** Err_BadLength if length is invalid
- ** Err_BadChan if the chan is invalid
- ** Err_BadAddress if the address is invalid, i.e. outside ROM
- */
- Int16
- nr_SetMem( uInt16 chan, uInt32 addr, char *buf, uInt16 len )
- {
- if( !nr_InROM(addr) ) /* Invalid address! */
- return Err_BadAddress;
- if( chan >= DP_MAXCHANNELS ) /* Invalid channel! */
- return Err_BadChan;
- if( len == 0 || len > DP_DATA_SIZE-6 ) /* Invalid length! */
- return Err_BadLength;
- memcpy( (uChar*)addr, (uChar*)buf, (long)len );
- }
- #endif /* READONLY_TARGET == True */
- /*
- ** Function: nr_SetEmOffOnWrite
- ** Parameters:
- **
- ** Description: After calling this, NetROM will set emulation off
- ** before writing to PodMem. See nr_SetMem().
- ** The default, set in nr_ConfigDP(), is
- ** emoffonwrite_set = False.
- ** Returns:
- */
- void
- nr_SetEmOffOnWrite(void)
- {
- emoffonwrite_set = True;
- }
- /*
- ** Function: nr_WriteInt
- ** Description: Writes a uInt16 to dp RAM
- ** Warning: Assumes 'chan' is valid!
- **
- ** Parameters:
- ** chan channel to write to
- ** addr start address for write
- ** val data to write
- **
- ** Returns:
- */
- STATIC void
- nr_WriteInt( uInt16 chan, uInt32 addr, register uInt16 val )
- {
- register DpChannel *cp = &channels[chan];
- register uInt16 valLSB = (uInt16)val & 0xFF;
- register uInt16 valMSB = (uInt16)(val >> 8) & 0xFF;
- /* Write in network byte order, LSB first
- ** This avoids writing the message-ready bit before other flags,
- ** which could lead to garbled messages. Make sure that the
- ** write succeeded--NetROM and target may have been in contention.
- */
- do {
- nr_WriteByte(cp, addr + 1, valLSB );
- nr_WriteByte(cp, addr, valMSB );
- } while (val != nr_ReadInt(chan, addr) );
- }
- /*
- ** Function: nr_ReadInt
- ** Description: Reads a uInt16 from DP RAM
- ** Warning: Assumes 'chan' is valid
- **
- ** Parameters:
- ** chan channel to read from
- ** addr start address for read
- **
- ** Returns:
- ** Int16 from DP RAM
- */
- STATIC uInt16
- nr_ReadInt( uInt16 chan, uInt32 addr )
- {
- register uInt16 val;
- register DpChannel *cp = &channels[chan];
- /* read the msb first, in case it contains flags */
- val = (uChar)nr_ReadByte(cp, addr);
- val <<= 8;
- val += (uChar)nr_ReadByte(cp, addr + 1);
- /* return, in host byte order */
- return(val);
- }
- /*
- ** Function: nr_WriteBuf
- ** Description: Copies bytes to dual-port RAM
- ** Warning: Assumes 'chan' is valid
- **
- ** Parameters:
- ** chan channel to write to
- ** src data to write
- ** addr start address for write
- ** len length of buf
- **
- ** Returns:
- */
- STATIC void
- nr_WriteBuf( uInt16 chan, uChar *src, uInt32 addr, uInt16 len )
- {
- register Int16 i;
- register DpChannel *cp = &channels[chan];
- #if (nr_HasCache != True && READONLY_TARGET == False)
- register Int16 inc;
- register volatile uChar *dst;
- #endif
- #if (nr_HasCache == True && READONLY_TARGET == False) /* RW tgt with cache */
- for(i = 0; i < len; i++) {
- nr_WriteByte(cp, addr++, *src);
- src++;
- }
- #elif (READONLY_TARGET == True) /* Read only tgt, either way */
- RR_ENABLE(cp, addr); /* Enable RR & latch start addr */
- for(i = 0; i < len; i++) {
- RR_WRITE_BYTE(cp, *src); /* Write & autoincrement dest addr */
- src++;
- }
- #else /* RW tgt without cache */
- inc = cp->width;
- dst = (volatile uChar *)(cp->dpbase + (cp->width * addr) + cp->index);
- for(i = 0; i < len; i++) {
- *dst = *src;
- dst += inc;
- src++;
- }
- #endif
- }
- /*
- ** Function: nr_ReadBuf
- ** Description: Copies bytes from dualport RAM
- **
- ** Parameters:
- ** chan channel to read from
- ** addr start address for read
- ** buf buffer to read into
- ** len length of buf
- **
- ** Returns:
- */
- STATIC void
- nr_ReadBuf( uInt16 chan, uInt32 addr, volatile uChar *buf, Int16 len )
- {
- register Int16 i;
- volatile uChar ch;
- register DpChannel *cp = &channels[chan];
- for(i = 0; i < len; i++, buf++, addr++) {
- *buf = (ch = nr_ReadByte(cp, addr));
- }
- }
- /*
- ** Function: nr_PutOOBMsg
- ** Description: sends out-of-band message to NetROM
- **
- ** Parameters:
- ** chan channel to write to
- ** cmd command number, see dptarget.h for commands
- ** buf data, if any, required by this command
- ** size size of buf; must be less than 58 bytes
- **
- ** Returns:
- ** Err_NoError if the OOB msg was sent successfully
- ** Err_NotReady if NetROM is not ready to process messages
- ** Err_BadChan if the chan is invalid (0,1,2,3 are valid on NR5xx)
- ** Err_BadLength if the "size" of the buffer is too big
- ** Err_BadCommand if the command is invalid
- */
- STATIC Int16
- nr_PutOOBMsg( uInt16 chan, uInt16 cmd, register char *buf, uInt16 size )
- {
- register DpChannel *cp;
- uInt16 flags;
- if( !nr_ChanReady(chan) ) /* NetROM not ready */
- return Err_NotReady;
- if( chan >= DP_MAXCHANNELS ) /* Invalid channel! */
- return Err_BadChan;
- if( size > DP_DATA_SIZE-2 ) /* Includes cmd and buf */
- return Err_BadLength;
- if( cmd > DP_OOB_MAXCMD ) /* Invalid command! */
- return Err_BadCommand;
- /* get a pointer to the channel */
- cp = &channels[chan];
- /* Wait for the buffer */
- while(1) {
- flags = nr_ReadInt(chan, cp->tx + DPM_FLAGS);
- if(flags != nr_ReadInt(chan, cp->tx + DPM_FLAGS)) {
- /* read failed on the verify, NetROM must be writing */
- continue;
- }
- if((flags & DPMSG_READY) == 0)
- break;
- nr_YieldCPU();
- }
- /* Write size field to DP buf */
- nr_WriteInt(chan, cp->tx + DPM_SIZE, size+sizeof(cmd));
- /* Write out-of-band command number to DP buf */
- nr_WriteInt(chan, cp->tx + DPM_OOB_CMD, cmd);
- if( size > 0 )
- nr_WriteBuf(chan, (uChar*)buf, cp->tx + DPM_OOBDATA, size);
- /* Write flags for OOB msg */
- /* If doing SetMEM, do _not_ set Ready flag! */
- if( DP_OOB_SETMEM != cmd )
- flags |= DPMSG_READY;
- nr_WriteInt(chan, cp->tx + DPM_FLAGS, flags);
- /* Notify NetROM that the buffer is ready, unless it's nr_SetMem */
- /* nr_SetMem will read DP_MRI from a routine in RAM */
- if( DP_OOB_SETMEM != cmd )
- dummy = nr_ReadByte(cp, DP_MRI);
- else
- (*(cp->wait_nr_done_ptr))(cp); /* Wait in RAM until NR is finished */
- /* Advance the msg pointer */
- if(flags & DPMSG_WRAP) {
- cp->tx = cp->txbase;
- cp->txovf = cp->txovfbase;
- } else {
- cp->tx += DPM_MSGSIZE;
- cp->txovf += MAX_OVF_MSG_SIZE;
- }
- return Err_NoError;
- }
- /*
- ** Function: nr_Wait
- ** Note: 1. This ftn must run from RAM
- ** 2. nr_WaitEnd() must be defined immediately after nr_Wait
- ** 3. (2) assumes that the compiler keeps ftns in order
- ** Description: Finishes writing OOB_SetMem msg, waits for NR to
- ** write memory, then exits
- **
- ** Parameters:
- ** cp Pointer to channel to use
- **
- ** Returns:
- */
- STATIC void
- nr_Wait( DpChannel *cp )
- {
- uChar flagsMSB;
- /* Warning: cp is assumed to be valid */
- do{
- nr_WriteByte( cp, DP_NR_DONE, False ); /* Force flag to False */
- } while( nr_ReadByte(cp, DP_NR_DONE) != False );
- /* Finish writing flags: write READY bit */
- /* Assumes Ready-bit is in MSB */
- flagsMSB = nr_ReadByte(cp, cp->tx + DPM_FLAGS);
- flagsMSB |= (DPMSG_READY >> 8);
- nr_WriteByte(cp, cp->tx + DPM_FLAGS, flagsMSB );
- dummy = nr_ReadByte(cp, DP_MRI); /* Ask NR to process messages */
- /* Wait for NetROM to finish the PodMem write
- ** Note: when emulation is OFF, target will see 0xFF in
- ** this location. This is not a problem, because the target
- ** will hang in wait loop, below, until the flag == True.
- ** Flag will equal True after NetROM sets it True and turns
- ** emulation back on.
- **
- ** If your code is hanging here, NetROM is not completing
- ** its write to Pod memory
- */
- while( nr_ReadByte( cp, DP_NR_DONE ) != True ) {}
- }
- /*
- ** Function: nr_WaitEnd
- ** Description: This empty ftn marks the end of nr_Wait()
- ** Note: wait_fnt_end() must be defined immediately after nr_Wait
- **
- ** Parameters:
- **
- ** Returns:
- */
- STATIC void
- nr_WaitEnd( void )
- {
- }
- /*
- ** Function: nr_ProcessMsgs
- ** Description: Processes any messages received from NetROM
- **
- ** Parameters:
- ** chan Channel to process
- **
- ** Returns:
- ** Err_BadChan if the chan is invalid
- ** Err_NoError otherwise
- */
- STATIC Int16
- nr_ProcessMsgs( uInt16 chan )
- {
- register DpChannel *cp;
- register uInt16 flags;
- if( chan >= DP_MAXCHANNELS ) /* Invalid channel! */
- return Err_BadChan;
- /* get a pointer to the channel */
- cp = &channels[chan];
- /* a received message indicator */
- while(cp->rx != cp->rxlim) {
- flags = nr_ReadInt(chan, cp->rxlim + DPM_FLAGS);
- if(flags != nr_ReadInt(chan, cp->rxlim + DPM_FLAGS)) {
- /* NetROM must be writing, try again */
- continue;
- }
- if(flags & DPMSG_READY) {
- /* a new message is ready */
- if(cp->rx == (-1) ) {
- /* record that the message is ready to be read */
- cp->rx = cp->rxlim;
- }
- /* advance the read limit pointer */
- if(flags & DPMSG_WRAP) {
- cp->rxlim = cp->rxbase;
- } else {
- cp->rxlim += DPM_MSGSIZE;
- }
- } else {
- /* no more messages */
- break;
- }
- }
- return Err_NoError;
- }
- #if (DEBUG_ON == True)
- /*
- ** Function: nr_TestComm
- ** Description: Determines if NR Comm is working
- ** Notes:
- ** 1. Tests 1 through 6 test low-level reads & writes to dualport RAM
- ** Before executing the tests, execute a 'fill 0 dpmem' and a
- ** 'tgtreset' on NetROM.
- ** After executing the tests, verify their success by typing
- ** 'di dpmem 0x50 0x80' at the NetROM prompt. Your NetROM display
- ** should look like:
- **
- ** 0050 6e72 5f57 7269 7465 - 4279 7465 0000 0000 nr_WriteByte....
- ** 0060 6e72 5f52 6561 6442 - 7974 6500 0000 0000 nr_ReadByte.....
- ** 0070 6e72 5f57 7269 7465 - 496e 7420 0000 0000 nr_WriteInt ....
- ** 0080 0000 0000 0000 0000 - 0000 0000 0000 0000 ................
- ** 0090 6e72 5f52 6561 6449 - 6e74 2020 0000 0000 nr_ReadInt ....
- ** 00a0 6e72 5f57 7269 7465 - 4275 6600 0000 0000 nr_WriteBuf.....
- ** 00b0 6e72 5f52 6561 6442 - 7566 2000 0000 0000 nr_ReadBuf .....
- **
- ** 2. Tests 7 and higher test higher-level char and msg passing thru DP RAM
- ** for these tests, you'll need to telnet to
- ** the NetROM debugport (1235 is the default)
- ** Example: telnet netrom 1235
- ** The name of the function tested should appear in the telnet window.
- **
- ** Parameters:
- ** chan Channel to test, 0-3
- ** lastTest See tests, below to select
- ** endian 0 for Intel (little-endian), 1 for Motorola (big-endian)
- **
- ** Returns:
- ** Err_BadChan if chan is invalid
- ** Err_NoError otherwise
- */
- Int16 nr_TestComm( uInt16 chan, uInt16 lastTest, uInt16 endian )
- {
- Int32 i,j;
- uChar ch;
- uChar testNum = 1;
- static char *wb_buf = "nr_WriteByte";
- static char *rb_buf = "nr_ReadByte";
- static char *wi_buf[2] = {"rnW_iretnI t", "nr_WriteInt "}; /* intel, mot */
- static char *ri_buf[2] = {"rnR_aeIdtn ", "nr_ReadInt "}; /* intel, mot */
- static char *wbuf = "nr_WriteBuf";
- static char *rbuf = "nr_ReadBuf ";
- static char *putch_buf = "rnnnnr_Putchrn";
- static char putmsg_buf[1024] = "rnnr_PutMsgrn";
- char* getch_buf = "rnnr_Getch testrn";
- char* getmsg_buf = "rnnr_GetMsg testrn";
- char* query_buf = "Type a message, then press <ret> rn";
- char buf[81];
- uInt16 bytesread;
- DpChannel *cp;
- BufIo *bp;
- if( chan >= DP_MAXCHANNELS ) /* Invalid channel! */
- return Err_BadChan;
- /* get a pointer to the channel */
- cp = &channels[chan];
- bp = &cp->txbuf;
- /* Test 1
- ** Test nr_ConfigDP params & nr_WriteByte
- ** Write 'nr_WriteByte ' to DPRAM, starting at DP_BASE + 0x50
- ** Assuming your hardware is correctly installed, and
- ** this test fails, either you are calling nr_ConfigP with the
- ** wrong parameters, or your NetROM is not set up correctly
- */
- for(i=0; i<strlen(wb_buf); i++) {
- nr_WriteByte(cp, 0x50+i, wb_buf[i]);
- }
- if(testNum++ >= lastTest) return Err_NoError;
- /* Test 2
- ** Test nr_ReadByte macro
- ** Read nr_WriteByte, convert, write nr_ReadByte
- */
- for(i=0; i<strlen(rb_buf); i++ ) {
- ch = nr_ReadByte(cp, 0x50+i) + rb_buf[i] - wb_buf[i];
- nr_WriteByte(cp, 0x60+i, ch);
- }
- if(testNum++ >= lastTest) return Err_NoError;
- /* Test 3
- ** Test nr_WriteInt ftn
- ** Write 'nr_WriteInt'
- */
- for(i=0; i<strlen(wi_buf[endian]); i+=2) {
- nr_WriteInt(chan, 0x70+i, *(uInt16*)(&wi_buf[endian][i] ));
- }
- if(testNum++ >= lastTest) return Err_NoError;
- /* Test 4
- ** Test nr_ReadInt ftn
- ** Read nr_WriteInt, convert, write as nr_ReadInt
- */
- for(i=0; i<strlen(wi_buf[endian]); i+=2) {
- j = nr_ReadInt(chan, 0x70+i)
- + *(uInt16*)(&ri_buf[endian][i])
- - *(uInt16*)(&wi_buf[endian][i]);
- nr_WriteInt(chan, 0x90+i, j );
- }
- if(testNum++ >= lastTest) return Err_NoError;
- /* Test 5
- ** Test nr_WriteBuf ftn
- ** Write 'nr_WriteBuf'
- */
- nr_WriteBuf( chan, (uChar*)wbuf, 0xA0, strlen(wbuf) );
- if(testNum++ >= lastTest) return Err_NoError;
- /* Test 6
- ** Test nr_ReadBuf ftn
- ** Read 'nr_WriteBuf', convert, then write 'nr_ReadBuf'
- */
- nr_ReadBuf( 0, 0xA0, (uChar*)buf, sizeof(buf) );
- for(i=0; i<strlen(rbuf); i++ )
- rbuf[i] = buf[i] + rbuf[i] - wbuf[i];
- nr_WriteBuf( 0, (uChar*)rbuf, 0xB0, strlen(rbuf) );
- if(testNum++ >= lastTest) return Err_NoError;
- /* Test 7
- ** Test nr_Putch ftn and nr_FlushTX ftn
- ** Send the chars 'n' 'r' '_' 'P' 'u' 't' 'c' 'h' to the NR debug port
- ** Do you see 'nr_Putch' on the debug window?
- */
- for( i=0; i<strlen(putch_buf); i++)
- nr_Putch(chan, putch_buf[i]);
- nr_FlushTX(0);
- if(testNum++ >= lastTest) return Err_NoError;
- /* Test 8
- ** Test nr_PutMsg ftn
- ** Send the message "nr_PutMsgrn"
- */
- nr_PutMsg( chan, putmsg_buf, strlen(putmsg_buf) );
- if(testNum++ >= lastTest) return Err_NoError;
- /* Test 9
- ** Test nr_OOBMsg ftn via nr_Cputs
- ** You will see "nr_Cputs working" in the NetROM console window on NR5xx
- ** On NR4xx, OOB msgs pass thru like normal in-band msgs
- */
- nr_Cputs( chan, "nr_Cputsrn", 10 );
- if(testNum++ >= lastTest) return Err_NoError;
- /* Test A
- ** Test nr_GetMsg ftn
- ** Get user input, then echo.
- */
- nr_SetBlockIO(chan, True);
- nr_PutMsg(chan, getmsg_buf, strlen(getmsg_buf) );
- nr_PutMsg(chan, query_buf, strlen(query_buf) );
- nr_GetMsg(chan, buf, 80, &bytesread );
- nr_PutMsg(chan, buf, bytesread );
- if(testNum++ >= lastTest) return Err_NoError;
- /* Test B
- ** Test nr_Getch ftn
- ** Get user input, then echo.
- */
- nr_PutMsg(chan, getch_buf, strlen(getch_buf) );
- nr_PutMsg(chan, query_buf, strlen(query_buf) );
- do{
- ch = nr_Getch(chan);
- if(ch > 0)nr_Putch(chan, ch);
- }while( ch != 'n' );
- nr_FlushTX(chan);
- if(testNum++ >= lastTest) return Err_NoError;
- /* Test C
- ** Test nr_SetMem ftn
- ** Write "SetMem"
- ** Note: Move address so that SetMem writes to regular podmem,
- ** NOT dualport RAM! Don't stomp code or data!
- */
- nr_SetMem( 0, ROMSTART + 0x2000, "SetMem", 6 );
- if(testNum++ >= lastTest) return Err_NoError;
- /* Test D
- ** Stress test nr_PutMsg ftn
- ** Send 1k buffer 100 times
- */
- nr_PutMsg(0, "rn*** nr_PutMsg Stress Test ***rnrn", 36);
- for(j=0; j<=1023; j++) {
- if( (j%2) ) putmsg_buf[j] = ' ';
- else putmsg_buf[j] = 0x08; /* BS */
- }
- putmsg_buf[0] = ' '; putmsg_buf[1] = '[';
- putmsg_buf[6] = ']'; putmsg_buf[7] = ' ';
- for(i=1; i <= 9000; i++) {
- int a,b,c,d;
- a = i/1000;
- b = (i - a*1000)/100;
- c = (i - a*1000 - b*100)/10;
- d = (i - a*1000 - b*100 - c*10);
- putmsg_buf[2] = '0' + a;
- putmsg_buf[3] = '0' + b;
- putmsg_buf[4] = '0' + c;
- putmsg_buf[5] = '0' + d;
- nr_PutMsg( chan, putmsg_buf, 1024);
- }
- return Err_NoError;
- }
- #else /* DEBUG_ON */
- Int16 nr_TestComm( uInt16 chan, uInt16 lastTest, uInt16 endian )
- {
- return -1;
- }
- #endif /* DEBUG_ON */