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Package: vxwork_src.rar [view]
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Development Platform:
- /* comObjLib.h - template-based COM-object construction library (VxCOM) */
- /* Copyright (c) 1999 Wind River Systems, Inc. */
- /*
- modification history
- --------------------
- 02n,04oct01,dbs add macros to export coclasses in shlibs
- 02m,24sep01,nel SPR#70528. Fix memory leak in CComBSTR.
- 02l,31jul01,dbs allow override of InternalAddRef/Release methods
- 02k,28jun01,dbs use safe inc/dec funcs, remove VxMutex dependency
- 02j,21jun01,dbs make use of VxMutex class
- 02i,09apr01,nel SPR#65606. Correct minor formating errors.
- 02h,28feb01,nel SPR#35792. Add more ATL defs to bring into line with T2.
- 02g,16aug00,nel Add CComBSTR(char *) to CComStr to make MathDemo example work
- under vxworks.
- 02f,30may00,nel Add more variant support
- 02e,28feb00,nel Remove VxComTrack dependency on hard coded idl stuff
- 02d,01feb00,nel Added VxComTrack code and Fix for singleton operation
- 02c,15oct99,dbs fix comments to refer to proper classnames
- 02b,18aug99,dbs remove extraneous ptr-conversion operator in CComPtr
- 02a,13aug99,drm Bux fix.
- 01z,13aug99,dbs fix copy-ctor in CComPtr
- 01y,29jul99,aim changed mutex types to void*
- 01x,28jul99,drm Changing g_defaultServerPriority to g_defaultServerPriority.
- 01w,28jul99,dbs remove PS_CLNT_ASSIGNED enum value
- 01v,26jul99,dbs fix typo in COM_INTERFACE_ENTRY macros
- 01u,30jun99,dbs add const operator-> to CComPtr
- 01t,28jun99,dbs remove obsolete ptrAssign function
- 01s,04jun99,dbs fix registry calls
- 01r,03jun99,dbs remove comSyncLib and VxMutex class
- 01q,26may99,dbs add further ATL compatibility
- 01p,20may99,dbs move class-object functionality into CComCoClass
- class so explicit template instantiation works
- 01o,04may99,dbs check return value of alloc in CreateInstance
- 01n,03may99,drm adding priority scheme support
- 01m,27apr99,dbs add alloc helper funcs
- 01l,23apr99,dbs make mutex publically available thru CComObject methods
- 01k,23apr99,dbs improve QI implementation, remove virtualness,
- enforce locking in CComObject class
- 01j,22apr99,dbs remove potential leaks, remove extraneous debugging
- code (will be replaced with official DEBUG-lib in
- future), simplify locking strategy (we don't need to
- provide a VxNoLock class at all).
- 01i,14apr99,dbs put incr and decr methods into VxMutex class
- 01h,31mar99,dbs add CComPtr and CComBSTR classes
- 01g,03feb99,dbs use STDMETHOD macros
- 01f,20jan99,dbs fix file names - vxcom becomes com
- 01e,11jan99,dbs change classnames to be ATL compatible
- 01d,21dec98,dbs changes for VXCOM
- 01c,15dec98,dbs add singleton support
- 01b,11dec98,dbs simplify registry
- 01a,17nov98,dbs created
- */
- /*
- This file contains template classes for creating COM objects using
- multiple inheritance to implement multiple interfaces. Classes
- created with these templates feature class-factories, thread-safe
- reference counting, etc...
- They are source-level compatible with ATL, and use the same
- COM_MAP() style of interface mapping, although the implementation is
- somewhat different.
- */
- #ifndef __INCcomObjLib_h__
- #define __INCcomObjLib_h__
- #include "comCoreLib.h"
- #include "comLib.h"
- #include <stdio.h>
- #define DECLARE_CLASSFACTORY_SINGLETON() enum {singleton=1};
- #define DECLARE_REGISTRY(class, pid, vpid, nid, flags)
- #endif
- #define COMTRACK_ADD_CLS(c)
- #define COMTRACK_ADD_IID(c)
- #else
- #include "comShow.h"
- #define COMTRACK_ADD_CLS(c) if (VxComTrack::theInstance()->addClassInstance ((void *)this, (char *)vxcomGUID2String (GetObjectCLSID ()), #c, m_dwRefCount, GetObjectCLSID ()) != NULL) _qi_impl (IID_IUnknown, NULL)
- #define COMTRACK_ADD_IID(c) VxComTrack::theInstance()->addInterface ((void *)this, (char *)vxcomGUID2String (IID_##c), "IID_"#c, IID_##c)
- #define COMTRACK_UPDATE() VxComTrack::theInstance()->updateClassInstance (this, m_dwRefCount)
- #endif
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //
- // CComObjectRoot - the base class of all the VxDCOM classes. It
- // provides basic IUnknown support, plus support for COM aggregation
- // and reference-counting...
- //
- class CComObjectRoot
- {
- public:
- enum { singleton=0 };
- CComObjectRoot (IUnknown *punk=0)
- : m_dwRefCount (0),
- m_pUnkOuter (punk)
- {
- }
- virtual ~CComObjectRoot ()
- {
- }
- // IUnknown implementation support - these methods provide the
- // basis upon which the IUnknown methods are built...
- ULONG InternalAddRef ()
- {
- ULONG n = comSafeInc (&m_dwRefCount);
- return n;
- }
- ULONG InternalRelease ()
- {
- ULONG n = comSafeDec (&m_dwRefCount);
- if (n)
- return n;
- // Must delete this object, so we temporarily set its
- // ref-count to 1 so we don't get circular destruction
- // chains...
- m_dwRefCount = 1;
- delete this;
- return 0;
- }
- protected:
- long m_dwRefCount; // reference-count
- IUnknown* m_pUnkOuter; // aggregating outer
- };
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //
- // CComClassFactory - implements IClassFactory to allow objects to
- // be created at runtime...
- //
- template <class T> class CComClassFactory
- : public CComObjectRoot,
- public IClassFactory
- {
- enum { singleton_factory=T::singleton };
- public:
- CComClassFactory () {}
- // IUnknown implementation for class-factory
- { return InternalAddRef (); }
- {
- ULONG result = InternalRelease ();
- return result;
- }
- HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE QueryInterface (REFIID riid, void ** ppv)
- {
- if (! ppv)
- return E_POINTER;
- if ((riid == IID_IClassFactory) || (riid == IID_IUnknown))
- {
- *ppv = static_cast<IClassFactory*> (this);
- InternalAddRef ();
- return S_OK;
- }
- *ppv = 0;
- }
- // IClassFactory implementation
- (
- IUnknown* pUnkOuter,
- REFIID riid,
- void** ppv
- );
- { return S_OK; }
- };
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //
- // CComCoClass - represents the 'coclass' or component-object
- // itself. The 'coclass' represents the whole object, not any
- // particular one of its exposed interfaces, and is only required when
- // an object/class must be 'externally' createable via
- // CoCreateinstance(). Hence, the functions required by
- // CComClassFactory and the registration mechanism are wrapped in this
- // template-class. It should be mixed in with the user's class when
- // this functionality is required.
- //
- template <class T, const CLSID* pclsid> class CComCoClass
- {
- typedef CComClassFactory<T> ClassFactory_t;
- public:
- static const CLSID& GetObjectCLSID () { return *pclsid; }
- // classObjectGet - gets the class' class-object (factory)...
- static HRESULT classObjectGet
- (
- REFCLSID clsid,
- REFIID iid,
- void** ppv
- )
- {
- // Validate CLSID
- if (*pclsid != clsid)
- // Create new factory...
- ClassFactory_t* pCF = new ClassFactory_t;
- // Bump up CF ref count to 1
- pCF->AddRef ();
- // QI for requested interface - if successful it will leave
- // ref-count at 2, if not, then it will be 1 still...
- HRESULT hr = pCF->QueryInterface (iid, ppv);
- // release one reference - if QI failed this will destroy the
- // factory, but if successful will leave it around...
- pCF->Release ();
- return hr;
- }
- // classRegister - this function is used by the auto-registration
- // macro AUTOREGISTER_COCLASS to add the CLSID to the Registry
- static HRESULT classRegister
- (
- VXDCOMPRIORITYSCHEME scheme, // priority scheme to use
- int priority // priority - not used by all schemes
- )
- {
- int priorityToRegister; // prio to register is determined by sheme
- switch (scheme)
- {
- case PS_DEFAULT:
- // Set priority to system default; ignore priority argument
- priorityToRegister = g_defaultServerPriority;
- break;
- // Set priority to given priority
- priorityToRegister = priority;
- break;
- // Set priority to given priority for cases where the priority
- // is not provided by the client (as in Win32). If the
- // provided priority is < 0, then use the default system
- // priority.
- if (priority < 0)
- priorityToRegister = g_defaultServerPriority;
- else
- {
- if ((priority >=0) && (priority <=255))
- priorityToRegister = priority;
- else
- priorityToRegister = g_defaultServerPriority;
- }
- break;
- default:
- // Unknown or unsupported priority scheme. Return an error.
- return E_UNEXPECTED;
- break;
- }
- // Register the structure against the CLSID
- return comClassRegister (*pclsid,
- &classObjectGet,
- scheme,
- priorityToRegister);
- }
- };
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //
- // wotlQIHelper -- templated on the same implementation class as
- // CComObject, this function provides a type-safe way of invoking
- // the class' _qi_impl() method.
- //
- template <class T>
- HRESULT wotlQIHelper (T* pThis, REFIID riid, void** ppv)
- {
- return pThis->_qi_impl (riid, ppv);
- }
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //
- // CComObject - the main class for creating objects. The class 'T'
- // must derive from CComObjectRoot (in order to gain an IUnknown
- // implementation and other support functionality).
- //
- template <class T> class CComObject : public T
- {
- public:
- // CreateInstance() creates a single instance, no aggregation, no
- // specific COM interface...
- static HRESULT CreateInstance (CComObject<T>** pp);
- // CreateInstance - does the business of creating an instance of
- // the class, and finding the requested interface on it...
- static HRESULT CreateInstance
- (
- IUnknown* punkOuter,
- REFIID riid,
- void** ppv
- )
- {
- // Validate args
- if (!ppv)
- return E_POINTER;
- // Create an instance (refcount will be zero)
- CComObject* pObj = new CComObject;
- if (! pObj)
- // preset return value in case we fail to QI
- *ppv = 0;
- // save aggregate IUnknown ptr
- pObj->m_pUnkOuter = punkOuter;
- // QI for desired interface - if it fails, we must get rid of
- // the recently-allocated instance before returning. If it
- // succeeds, returned interface-ptr will have one ref...
- HRESULT hr = pObj->_qi_impl (riid, ppv);
- if (FAILED (hr))
- delete pObj;
- return hr;
- }
- // over-ride the base-class 'internal_qi' method so we can
- // implement QI via the COM_MAP macros...
- HRESULT internal_qi (REFIID riid, void** ppv)
- {
- return _qi_impl (riid, ppv);
- }
- // IUnknown implementation - these methods are used by each of the
- // multiply-inherited base interfaces as their own IUnknown
- // methods.
- {
- if (m_pUnkOuter)
- return m_pUnkOuter->AddRef ();
- return InternalAddRef ();
- }
- {
- if (m_pUnkOuter)
- return m_pUnkOuter->Release ();
- return InternalRelease ();
- }
- HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE QueryInterface (REFIID riid, void ** ppv)
- {
- if (m_pUnkOuter)
- return m_pUnkOuter->QueryInterface (riid, ppv);
- return wotlQIHelper<T> (this, riid, ppv);
- }
- private:
- static DWORD m_dwRegToken;
- };
- template <class T>
- HRESULT CComObject<T>::CreateInstance (CComObject<T>** pp)
- {
- if (0 != pp)
- {
- *pp = new CComObject<T> ();
- if (0 != *pp)
- return S_OK;
- }
- return E_POINTER;
- }
- template <class T> DWORD CComObject<T>::m_dwRegToken;
- template <class T>
- HRESULT CComClassFactory<T>::CreateInstance
- (
- IUnknown* pUnkOuter,
- REFIID riid,
- void** ppv
- )
- {
- static IUnknown* m_punkTheInstance = 0;
- if (singleton_factory)
- {
- if (pUnkOuter)
- if (! m_punkTheInstance)
- {
- hr = CComObject<T>::CreateInstance
- (0, IID_IUnknown, (void**) &m_punkTheInstance);
- if (FAILED (hr))
- return hr;
- // This is a singleton so we will never want to delete it,
- // therefore we increment the ref count.
- AddRef ();
- }
- return m_punkTheInstance->QueryInterface (riid, ppv);
- }
- return CComObject<T>::CreateInstance (pUnkOuter, riid, ppv);
- }
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //
- // CComPtr -- a smart-ptr class (like that of ATL) for holding COM
- // interface pointers, and performing automatic ref-counting. We don't
- // provide the CComQIPtr class.
- //
- template <class Itf> class CComPtr
- {
- Itf* m_ptr;
- public:
- CComPtr () : m_ptr (0) {}
- CComPtr (Itf* p) : m_ptr (p)
- {
- if (m_ptr)
- m_ptr->AddRef ();
- }
- CComPtr (const CComPtr<Itf>& sp) : m_ptr (sp.m_ptr)
- {
- if (m_ptr)
- m_ptr->AddRef ();
- }
- ~CComPtr ()
- {
- if (m_ptr)
- m_ptr->Release ();
- m_ptr = 0;
- }
- void Release ()
- {
- if (m_ptr)
- m_ptr->Release ();
- m_ptr = 0;
- }
- operator Itf* () const
- {
- return m_ptr;
- }
- Itf** operator& ()
- {
- return &m_ptr;
- }
- Itf* operator-> ()
- {
- return m_ptr;
- }
- const Itf* operator-> () const
- {
- return m_ptr;
- }
- Itf* operator= (Itf* p)
- {
- if (p)
- p->AddRef ();
- if (m_ptr)
- m_ptr->Release ();
- m_ptr = p;
- return m_ptr;
- }
- Itf* operator= (const CComPtr<Itf>& sp)
- {
- if (sp.m_ptr)
- sp.m_ptr->AddRef ();
- if (m_ptr)
- m_ptr->Release ();
- m_ptr = sp.m_ptr;
- return m_ptr;
- }
- bool operator! () const
- {
- return (m_ptr == 0);
- }
- void Attach (Itf *p2)
- {
- if (0 != m_ptr)
- {
- m_ptr->Release ();
- }
- m_ptr = p2;
- }
- Itf *Detach()
- {
- Itf *pt = m_ptr;
- m_ptr = 0;
- return pt;
- }
- HRESULT CopyTo (Itf **ppT)
- {
- if (0 == ppT)
- {
- return E_POINTER;
- }
- *ppT = m_ptr;
- if (0 != p)
- {
- p->AddRef ();
- }
- return S_OK;
- }
- };
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //
- // CComBSTR -- a class that wraps up the BSTR data type...
- //
- class CComBSTR
- {
- BSTR m_str;
- public:
- CComBSTR () : m_str (0) {}
- explicit CComBSTR (int nSize, LPCOLESTR sz = 0)
- {
- m_str = ::SysAllocStringLen (sz, nSize);
- }
- CComBSTR (const char * pstr)
- {
- OLECHAR * wsz = new OLECHAR [(strlen (pstr) + 1) * 2];
- comAsciiToWide (wsz, pstr, strlen (pstr) + 1);
- m_str = ::SysAllocString (wsz);
- delete [] wsz;
- }
- explicit CComBSTR (LPCOLESTR psz)
- {
- m_str = ::SysAllocString (psz);
- }
- explicit CComBSTR (const CComBSTR& src)
- {
- m_str = src.Copy ();
- }
- CComBSTR& operator= (const CComBSTR& cbs);
- CComBSTR& operator= (LPCOLESTR pSrc);
- ~CComBSTR()
- {
- Empty ();
- }
- unsigned int Length () const
- {
- return ::SysStringLen (m_str);
- }
- operator BSTR () const
- {
- return m_str;
- }
- BSTR* operator& ()
- {
- return &m_str;
- }
- BSTR Copy() const
- {
- return ::SysAllocStringLen (m_str, ::SysStringLen (m_str));
- }
- void Attach (BSTR src)
- {
- m_str = src;
- }
- BSTR Detach ()
- {
- BSTR s = m_str;
- m_str = 0;
- return s;
- }
- void Empty ()
- {
- if (m_str)
- ::SysFreeString (m_str);
- m_str = 0;
- }
- bool operator! () const
- {
- return (m_str == NULL);
- }
- void Append (const CComBSTR& cbs)
- {
- Append (cbs.m_str, ::SysStringLen (cbs.m_str));
- }
- void Append (LPCOLESTR lpsz)
- {
- Append (lpsz, ::comWideStrLen (lpsz));
- }
- void AppendBSTR (BSTR bs)
- {
- Append (bs, ::SysStringLen (bs));
- }
- void Append (LPCOLESTR lpsz, int nLen);
- CComBSTR& operator+= (const CComBSTR& cbs)
- {
- AppendBSTR (cbs.m_str);
- return *this;
- }
- };
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //
- // CComVariant support
- //
- class CComVariant : public tagVARIANT
- {
- // Constructors
- public:
- CComVariant()
- {
- ::VariantInit(this);
- }
- ~CComVariant()
- {
- Clear();
- }
- CComVariant(const VARIANT& varSrc)
- {
- ::VariantInit(this);
- InternalCopy(&varSrc);
- }
- CComVariant(const CComVariant& varSrc)
- {
- ::VariantInit(this);
- InternalCopy(&varSrc);
- }
- CComVariant(BSTR bstrSrc)
- {
- ::VariantInit(this);
- *this = bstrSrc;
- }
- CComVariant(LPCOLESTR lpszSrc)
- {
- ::VariantInit(this);
- *this = lpszSrc;
- }
- CComVariant(bool bSrc)
- {
- ::VariantInit(this);
- vt = VT_BOOL;
- }
- CComVariant(int nSrc)
- {
- ::VariantInit(this);
- vt = VT_I4;
- lVal = nSrc;
- }
- CComVariant(BYTE nSrc)
- {
- ::VariantInit(this);
- vt = VT_UI1;
- bVal = nSrc;
- }
- CComVariant(short nSrc)
- {
- ::VariantInit(this);
- vt = VT_I2;
- iVal = nSrc;
- }
- CComVariant(long nSrc, VARTYPE vtSrc = VT_I4)
- {
- ::VariantInit(this);
- vt = vtSrc;
- lVal = nSrc;
- }
- CComVariant(float fltSrc)
- {
- ::VariantInit(this);
- vt = VT_R4;
- fltVal = fltSrc;
- }
- CComVariant(double dblSrc)
- {
- ::VariantInit(this);
- vt = VT_R8;
- dblVal = dblSrc;
- }
- CComVariant(CY cySrc)
- {
- ::VariantInit(this);
- vt = VT_CY;
- cyVal = cySrc;
- }
- CComVariant(IUnknown* pSrc)
- {
- ::VariantInit(this);
- vt = VT_UNKNOWN;
- punkVal = pSrc;
- if (punkVal != NULL)
- {
- punkVal->AddRef();
- }
- }
- CComVariant& operator=(const CComVariant& varSrc)
- {
- InternalCopy(&varSrc);
- return *this;
- }
- CComVariant& operator=(const VARIANT& varSrc)
- {
- InternalCopy(&varSrc);
- return *this;
- }
- CComVariant& operator=(BSTR bstrSrc);
- CComVariant& operator=(LPCOLESTR lpszSrc);
- CComVariant& operator=(bool bSrc);
- CComVariant& operator=(int nSrc);
- CComVariant& operator=(BYTE nSrc);
- CComVariant& operator=(short nSrc);
- CComVariant& operator=(long nSrc);
- CComVariant& operator=(float fltSrc);
- CComVariant& operator=(double dblSrc);
- CComVariant& operator=(CY cySrc);
- CComVariant& operator=(IUnknown* pSrc);
- bool operator==(const VARIANT& varSrc);
- bool operator!=(const VARIANT& varSrc) {return !operator==(varSrc);}
- HRESULT Clear()
- {
- return ::VariantClear(this);
- }
- HRESULT Copy(const VARIANT* pSrc)
- {
- return ::VariantCopy(this, const_cast<VARIANT*>(pSrc));
- }
- HRESULT Attach(VARIANT* pSrc);
- HRESULT Detach(VARIANT* pDest);
- HRESULT ChangeType(VARTYPE vtNew, const VARIANT* pSrc = NULL);
- HRESULT InternalClear();
- void InternalCopy(const VARIANT* pSrc);
- };
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //
- // Macros for making QueryInterface work.
- //
- // The COM_MAP macros define a function called _qi_impl() which does
- // runtime casts to obtain the requested interface pointer.
- //
- // Other than that, the layout of the COM_MAP in the user's class is
- // identical to an ATL map, but only allows for COM_INTERFACE_ENTRY
- // and COM_INTERFACE_ENTRY_IID entries, not any of the other more
- // fanciful types.
- //
- // The default IUnknown is always the first COM_INTERFACE_ENTRY in the
- // table, so (by definition) this must be derived from IUnknown or the
- // static_cast() will fail...
- //
- #define BEGIN_COM_MAP(cls) HRESULT _qi_impl (REFIID riid, void** ppv) {
- #define COM_INTERFACE_ENTRY(itf)
- if (ppv == NULL)
- {COMTRACK_ADD_IID (itf);} else {
- if ((IID_##itf == riid) || (IID_IUnknown == riid)) {
- *ppv = static_cast<itf*> (this);
- InternalAddRef ();
- return S_OK; } }
- #define COM_INTERFACE_ENTRY_IID(iid,itf)
- if (ppv == NULL)
- {COMTRACK_ADD_IID (itf);} else {
- if (riid == iid) {
- *ppv = static_cast<itf*> (this);
- InternalAddRef ();
- return S_OK; }}
- #define END_COM_MAP()
- if (ppv != 0) *ppv = 0;
- return E_NOINTERFACE; }
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //
- //
- // This macro must be included in the object-implementation C++ source
- // file after the object's class definition. It associates the C++
- // class 'cls' with the CLSID and registers the module
- // name in the VxRegistry, against the object's CLSID.
- //
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- #define AUTOREGISTER_COCLASS(cls,priorityScheme, priority)
- struct cls ## _autoreg {
- cls ## _autoreg () {
- CComObject<cls>::classRegister (priorityScheme,
- priority); } };
- static cls ## _autoreg __autoreg_ ## cls;
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //
- //
- // Macros for exporting coclasses from shared-libraries. They should
- // be used like so:-
- //
- //
- // where CoMyClass is a coclass (i.e. inherits CComCoClass) and thus
- // has a static method 'classObjectGet' conforming to the typedef
- // PFN_GETCLASSOBJECT as defined in comCoreLib.h
- //
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- extern "C" HRESULT DllGetClassObject
- (REFCLSID clsid, REFIID iid, void** ppv) {
- #define EXPORT_COCLASS(coclass)
- if (clsid == coclass::GetObjectCLSID ())
- { return coclass::classObjectGet (clsid, iid, ppv); }
- #endif /* __INCcomObjLib_h__ */