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Package: vxwork_src.rar [view]
Upload User: nvosite88
Upload Date: 2007-01-17
Package Size: 4983k
Code Size: 11k
Development Platform:
- /* qPriDeltaLib.c - priority queue with relative priority sorting library */
- /* Copyright 1984-1992 Wind River Systems, Inc. */
- #include "copyright_wrs.h"
- /*
- modification history
- --------------------
- 01h,19jul92,pme made qPriDeltaRemove return STATUS.
- 01g,26may92,rrr the tree shuffle
- 01f,19nov91,rrr shut up some ansi warnings.
- 01e,04oct91,rrr passed through the ansification filter
- -changed functions to ansi style
- -changed VOID to void
- -changed copyright notice
- 01d,28sep90,jcf documentation.
- 01c,05jul90,jcf added null routine for calibrateRtn field in Q_CLASS.
- 01b,26jun90,jcf fixed queue class definition.
- 01a,14jun89,jcf written.
- */
- /*
- This library contains routines to manage a priority queue. The queue is
- maintained in priority order with each node key a priority delta to the node
- ahead of it. This queue performs a qPriDeltaPut() operation preportional in
- time with number of nodes in the queue. This queue is used for timer queues.
- This queue complies with the multi-way queue data structures and thus may be
- utilized by any multi-way queue. The priority delta multi-way queue
- class is accessed by the global id qPriDeltaClassId.
- SEE ALSO: qLib.
- */
- #include "vxWorks.h"
- #include "qClass.h"
- #include "qPriDeltaLib.h"
- #include "stdlib.h"
- IMPORT ULONG vxTicks; /* current time in ticks */
- /* forward static functions */
- static STATUS qPriDeltaNullRtn (void);
- /* locals */
- LOCAL Q_CLASS qPriDeltaClass =
- {
- (FUNCPTR)qPriDeltaCreate,
- (FUNCPTR)qPriDeltaInit,
- (FUNCPTR)qPriDeltaDelete,
- (FUNCPTR)qPriDeltaTerminate,
- (FUNCPTR)qPriDeltaPut,
- (FUNCPTR)qPriDeltaGet,
- (FUNCPTR)qPriDeltaRemove,
- (FUNCPTR)qPriDeltaResort,
- (FUNCPTR)qPriDeltaAdvance,
- (FUNCPTR)qPriDeltaGetExpired,
- (FUNCPTR)qPriDeltaKey,
- (FUNCPTR)qPriDeltaNullRtn,
- (FUNCPTR)qPriDeltaInfo,
- (FUNCPTR)qPriDeltaEach,
- &qPriDeltaClass
- };
- /* globals */
- Q_CLASS_ID qPriDeltaClassId = &qPriDeltaClass;
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * qPriDeltaCreate - allocate and initialize a priority delta queue
- *
- * This routine allocates and initializes a priority delta queue by allocating
- * a Q_PRI_HEAD structure from the free memory pool.
- *
- * Pointer to a Q_PRI_HEAD, or
- * NULL if out of memory.
- */
- Q_PRI_HEAD *qPriDeltaCreate (void)
- {
- Q_PRI_HEAD *pQPriHead = (Q_PRI_HEAD *) malloc (sizeof (Q_PRI_HEAD));
- if (pQPriHead == NULL)
- return (NULL);
- qPriDeltaInit (pQPriHead);
- return (pQPriHead);
- }
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * qPriDeltaInit - initialize a priority delta queue
- *
- * This routine initializes the specified priority delta queue.
- */
- STATUS qPriDeltaInit
- (
- Q_PRI_HEAD *pQPriHead
- )
- {
- dllInit (pQPriHead); /* initialize doubly linked list */
- return (OK);
- }
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * qPriDeltaDelete - delete a priority delta queue
- *
- * This routine deallocates memory associated with the queue. All queued
- * nodes are lost.
- *
- * OK, or
- * ERROR if memory cannot be deallocated.
- */
- STATUS qPriDeltaDelete
- (
- Q_PRI_HEAD *pQPriHead
- )
- {
- free ((char *) pQPriHead);
- return OK;
- }
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * qPriDeltaTerminate - terminate a priority delta queue
- *
- * This routine terminates a priority delta queue. All queued nodes are lost.
- *
- */
- STATUS qPriDeltaTerminate
- (
- Q_PRI_HEAD *pQPriHead
- )
- {
- return (OK);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * qPriDeltaPut - insert a node into a priority delta queue
- *
- * This routine inserts a node into a priority delta queue. The insertion is
- * based on the priority key. Lower key values are higher in priority.
- */
- void qPriDeltaPut
- (
- Q_PRI_HEAD *pQPriHead,
- Q_PRI_NODE *pQPriNode,
- ULONG key
- )
- {
- pQPriNode->key = key - vxTicks; /* relative queue keeps delta time */
- while (pQNode != NULL) /* empty list? */
- {
- if (pQPriNode->key < pQNode->key)
- {
- /* We've reached the place in the delta queue to insert this task */
- dllInsert (pQPriHead, DLL_PREVIOUS (&pQNode->node),
- &pQPriNode->node);
- /* Now decrement the delta key of the guy behind us. */
- pQNode->key -= pQPriNode->key;
- return; /* we're done */
- }
- pQPriNode->key -= pQNode->key;
- pQNode = (Q_PRI_NODE *) DLL_NEXT (&pQNode->node);
- }
- /* if we fall through, add to end of delta q */
- dllInsert (pQPriHead, (DL_NODE *) DLL_LAST (pQPriHead), &pQPriNode->node);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * qPriDeltaGet - remove and return first node in priority delta queue
- *
- * This routine removes and returns the first node in a priority delta queue. If
- * the queue is empty, NULL is returned.
- *
- * Pointer to first queue node in queue head, or
- * NULL if queue is empty.
- */
- Q_PRI_NODE *qPriDeltaGet
- (
- Q_PRI_HEAD *pQPriHead
- )
- {
- if (DLL_EMPTY (pQPriHead))
- return (NULL);
- return ((Q_PRI_NODE *) dllGet (pQPriHead));
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * qPriDeltaRemove - remove a node from a priority delta queue
- *
- * This routine removes a node from the specified priority delta queue.
- */
- STATUS qPriDeltaRemove
- (
- Q_PRI_HEAD *pQPriHead,
- Q_PRI_NODE *pQPriNode
- )
- {
- Q_PRI_NODE *pNextNode = (Q_PRI_NODE *) DLL_NEXT (&pQPriNode->node);
- if (pNextNode != NULL)
- pNextNode->key += pQPriNode->key; /* add key to next node */
- dllRemove (pQPriHead, &pQPriNode->node);
- return (OK);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * qPriDeltaResort - resort a node to a new position based on a new key
- *
- * This routine resorts a node to a new position based on a new priority key.
- */
- void qPriDeltaResort
- (
- Q_PRI_HEAD *pQPriHead,
- Q_PRI_NODE *pQPriNode,
- ULONG newKey
- )
- {
- qPriDeltaRemove (pQPriHead, pQPriNode);
- qPriDeltaPut (pQPriHead, pQPriNode, newKey);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * qPriDeltaAdvance - advance a queues concept of time
- *
- * Priority delta queues keep nodes prioritized by time-to-fire. The library
- * utilizes this routine to advance time. It is usually called from within a
- * clock-tick interrupt service routine.
- */
- void qPriDeltaAdvance
- (
- Q_PRI_HEAD *pQPriHead
- )
- {
- FAST Q_PRI_NODE *pQPriNode = (Q_PRI_NODE *) DLL_FIRST (pQPriHead);
- if (pQPriNode != NULL)
- pQPriNode->key --;
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * qPriDeltaGetExpired - return a time-to-fire expired node
- *
- * This routine returns a time-to-fire expired node in a priority delta timer
- * queue. Expired nodes result from a qPriDeltaAdvance(2) advancing a node
- * beyond its delay. As many nodes may expire on a single qPriDeltaAdvance(2),
- * this routine should be called within a while loop until NULL is returned.
- * NULL is returned when there are no expired nodes.
- *
- * Pointer to first queue node in queue head, or
- * NULL if queue is empty.
- */
- Q_PRI_NODE *qPriDeltaGetExpired
- (
- Q_PRI_HEAD *pQPriHead
- )
- {
- FAST Q_PRI_NODE *pQPriNode = (Q_PRI_NODE *) DLL_FIRST (pQPriHead);
- if (pQPriNode != NULL)
- {
- if (pQPriNode->key != 0)
- pQPriNode = NULL;
- else
- qPriDeltaRemove (pQPriHead, pQPriNode); /* get off delay list */
- }
- return (pQPriNode);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * qPriDeltaKey - return the key of a node
- *
- * This routine returns the key of a node currently in a priority delta queue.
- *
- * Node's key.
- *
- */
- ULONG qPriDeltaKey
- (
- Q_PRI_NODE *pQPriNode /* node to get key for */
- )
- {
- FAST ULONG sum = 0;
- while (pQPriNode != NULL)
- {
- sum += pQPriNode->key;
- pQPriNode = (Q_PRI_NODE *) DLL_PREVIOUS (&pQPriNode->node);
- }
- return (sum); /* return key */
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * qPriDeltaInfo - gather information on a priority delta queue
- *
- * This routine fills up to maxNodes elements of a nodeArray with nodes
- * currently in a multi-way queue. The actual number of nodes copied to the
- * array is returned. If the nodeArray is NULL, then the number of nodes in
- * the priority delta queue is returned.
- *
- * Number of node pointers copied into the nodeArray, or
- * Number of nodes in multi-way queue if nodeArray is NULL
- */
- int qPriDeltaInfo
- (
- Q_PRI_HEAD *pQPriHead, /* priority queue to gather list for */
- FAST int nodeArray[], /* array of node pointers to be filled in */
- FAST int maxNodes /* max node pointers nodeArray can accomodate */
- )
- {
- FAST int *pElement = nodeArray;
- if (nodeArray == NULL) /* NULL node array means return count */
- return (dllCount (pQPriHead));
- while ((pQNode != NULL) && (--maxNodes >= 0))
- {
- *(pElement++) = (int)pQNode; /* fill in table */
- pQNode = (Q_PRI_NODE *) DLL_NEXT (&pQNode->node); /* next node */
- }
- return (pElement - nodeArray); /* return count of active tasks */
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * qPriDeltaEach - call a routine for each node in a queue
- *
- * This routine calls a user-supplied routine once for each node in the
- * queue. The routine should be declared as follows:
- * .CS
- * BOOL routine (pQNode, arg)
- * Q_PRI_NODE *pQNode; /@ pointer to a queue node @/
- * int arg; /@ arbitrary user-supplied argument @/
- * .CE
- * The user-supplied routine should return TRUE if qPriDeltaEach (2) is to
- * continue calling it for each entry, or FALSE if it is done and
- * qPriDeltaEach can exit.
- *
- * RETURNS: NULL if traversed whole queue, or pointer to Q_PRI_NODE that
- * qPriDeltaEach stopped on.
- */
- Q_PRI_NODE *qPriDeltaEach
- (
- Q_PRI_HEAD *pQHead, /* queue head of queue to call routine for */
- FUNCPTR routine, /* the routine to call for each table entry */
- int routineArg /* arbitrary user-supplied argument */
- )
- {
- while ((pQNode != NULL) && ((* routine) (pQNode, routineArg)))
- pQNode = (Q_PRI_NODE *) DLL_NEXT (&pQNode->node);
- return (pQNode); /* return node we ended with */
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * qPriDeltaNullRtn - nop that returns OK
- *
- * This routine does nothing and returns OK. It is used to by the queue class
- * structure for unsupported functions.
- */
- LOCAL STATUS qPriDeltaNullRtn (void)
- {
- return (OK);
- }