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Package: vxwork_src.rar [view]
Upload User: nvosite88
Upload Date: 2007-01-17
Package Size: 4983k
Code Size: 9k
Development Platform:
- /* smObjLib.h - shared memory object library header */
- /* Copyright 1984-2002 Wind River Systems, Inc. */
- /*
- modification history
- --------------------
- 01l,03may02,mas made global pointers volatile (SPR 68334)
- 01k,01aug94,dvs backed out pme's changes for reserved fields in main data structures.
- 01j,20mar94,pme added reserved fields in main data structures to allow
- compatibility between future versions.
- 01i,29jan93,pme added little endian support
- made smObjLibInit() return STATUS.
- 01h,15oct92,rrr silenced warnings
- 01g,29sep92,pme added version number
- 01f,22sep92,rrr added support for c++
- 01e,11sep92,ajm moved redundant define of DEFAULT_BEATS_TO_WAIT to smLib.h
- 01d,30jul92,pme made SM_LOCK_GIVE() call smLockGive().
- added pre-declaration of smObjTasClearRoutine.
- 01c,24jul92,elh added heartbeat to header.
- 01b,22jul92,pme added S_smObjLib_NO_OBJECT_DESTROY status
- 01a,19jul92,pme added DEFAULT_BEATS_TO_WAIT.
- written.
- */
- #ifndef __INCsmObjLibh
- #define __INCsmObjLibh
- #ifdef __cplusplus
- extern "C" {
- #endif
- #include "vwModNum.h"
- #include "smDllLib.h"
- #include "smLib.h"
- #include "netinet/in.h"
- #include "private/smFixBlkLibP.h"
- #include "private/smMemLibP.h"
- #include "private/smNameLibP.h"
- /* generic status codes */
- #define S_smObjLib_NOT_INITIALIZED (M_smObjLib | 1)
- #define S_smObjLib_NOT_A_GLOBAL_ADRS (M_smObjLib | 2)
- #define S_smObjLib_NOT_A_LOCAL_ADRS (M_smObjLib | 3)
- #define S_smObjLib_SHARED_MEM_TOO_SMALL (M_smObjLib | 4)
- #define S_smObjLib_TOO_MANY_CPU (M_smObjLib | 5)
- #define S_smObjLib_LOCK_TIMEOUT (M_smObjLib | 6)
- #define S_smObjLib_NO_OBJECT_DESTROY (M_smObjLib | 7)
- #define SM_OBJ_MAX_CPU 20 /* absolute maximum number of CPU */
- /* useful shared memory object ids handling macros */
- #define ID_IS_LOCAL(id) ((((UINT32) id) & 1) == 0)
- #define ID_IS_SHARED(id) ((((UINT32) id) & 1) != 0)
- #define SM_OBJ_ID_TO_ADRS(id) (((int)(id)) + smObjPoolMinusOne)
- #define SM_OBJ_ADRS_TO_ID(adrs) (((int)(adrs)) - smObjPoolMinusOne)
- /* local to global and global to local address conversion; local NULL pointer */
- #define GLOB_TO_LOC_ADRS(adrs) (((int)(adrs)) + localToGlobalOffset)
- #define LOC_TO_GLOB_ADRS(adrs) (((int)(adrs)) - localToGlobalOffset)
- #define LOC_NULL ((void *)localToGlobalOffset)
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * SM_OBJ_VERIFY - check the validity of a shared memory object
- *
- * This macro verifies the validity of the specified shared memory object by
- * comparing the id and its verify field.
- *
- * RETURNS: OK or ERROR if invalid shared memory object
- *
- * ERRNO:
- *
- * S_objLib_OBJ_ID_ERROR
- *
- */
- #define SM_OBJ_VERIFY(smObjId)
- (
- ((LOC_TO_GLOB_ADRS ((smObjId))) == ntohl ((smObjId->verify))) ? OK
- :
- (errno = S_objLib_OBJ_ID_ERROR, ERROR)
- )
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * SM_OBJ_LOCK_TAKE - acquire lock access on a shared ressource
- *
- * This macro tries to acquire exclusive access to a shared ressource
- * via a test-and-set on a long word memory location. It uses shMemLockTake
- * with smObjSpinTries tries to get lock using smObjTasRoutine test and
- * set routine (usually sysBusTas).
- *
- */
- #define SM_OBJ_LOCK_TAKE(lockLocalAdrs, pOldLvl)
- (smLockTake ((int *) lockLocalAdrs, smObjTasRoutine,
- smObjSpinTries, (int *) pOldLvl))
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * SM_OBJ_LOCK_GIVE - release lock access on a shared ressource
- *
- * This macro release exclusive access to a shared ressource by clearing
- * a long word memory location.
- *
- */
- #define SM_OBJ_LOCK_GIVE(lockLocalAdrs,oldLvl)
- (smLockGive ((int *) lockLocalAdrs, smObjTasClearRoutine,
- oldLvl))
- /* typedefs */
- #if ((CPU_FAMILY==I960) && (defined __GNUC__))
- #pragma align 1 /* tell gcc960 not to optimize alignments */
- #endif /* CPU_FAMILY==I960 */
- /* shared memory object header located on top of shared memory pool */
- typedef struct sm_obj_mem_hdr /* SM_OBJ_MEM_HDR - shared memory header */
- {
- UINT heartBeat; /* incremented via smObjBeat() */
- BOOL initDone; /* TRUE if initialization done */
- UINT version; /* version number */
- SM_FIX_BLK_PART smTcbPart; /* partition for shared TCB's */
- SM_PARTITION smSemPart; /* partition for shared semaphores */
- SM_PARTITION smNamePart;/* partition for shared names */
- SM_PARTITION smMsgQPart;/* partition for shared msgQ */
- SM_PARTITION smPartPart;/* partition for shared user partitions */
- SM_PARTITION smSysPart; /* default shared system partition */
- SM_OBJ_NAME_DB nameDtb; /* name database header */
- int objCpuTbl; /* smObj descriptor table (offset) */
- int maxSems; /* max number of semaphores */
- int maxMsgQueues; /* max number of messages queues */
- int maxTasks; /* max number of tasks */
- int maxMemParts; /* max number of shared memory partitions */
- int maxNames; /* max number of name of shared objects */
- int curNumSemB; /* current number of binary semaphores */
- int curNumSemC; /* current number of counting semaphores */
- int curNumMsgQ; /* current number of messages queues */
- int curNumTask; /* current number of tasks */
- int curNumPart; /* current number of shared partitions */
- int curNumName; /* current number of names */
- #define smSemPartId (&pSmObjHdr->smSemPart)
- #define smNamePartId (&pSmObjHdr->smNamePart)
- #define smMsgQPartId (&pSmObjHdr->smMsgQPart)
- #define smPartPartId (&pSmObjHdr->smPartPart)
- #define smSystemPartId (&pSmObjHdr->smSysPart)
- typedef struct sm_obj_event_q /* SM_OBJ_EVENT_Q - events input queue */
- {
- UINT32 lock; /* multi processor lock */
- SM_DL_LIST eventList; /* list of smObj events */
- /* per CPU shared memory object Descriptor */
- typedef struct sm_obj_cpu_desc /* SM_OBJ_CPU_DESC */
- {
- int status; /* CPU status - attached/unattached */
- SM_OBJ_EVENT_Q smObjEventQ; /* smObj CPU event queue */
- typedef struct sm_obj_desc /* SM_OBJ_DESC - shared memory object descriptor */
- {
- int status;
- SM_DESC smDesc; /* shared memory descriptor */
- SM_OBJ_MEM_HDR * hdrLocalAdrs; /* smObj memory header local adrs */
- SM_OBJ_CPU_DESC * cpuLocalAdrs; /* smObj cpu descriptor local adrs */
- typedef struct sm_obj_params /* setup parameters */
- {
- BOOL allocatedPool; /* TRUE if shared memory pool is malloced */
- SM_ANCHOR * pAnchor; /* shared memory anchor */
- char * smObjFreeAdrs; /* start address of shared memory pool */
- int smObjMemSize; /* memory size reserved for shared memory */
- int maxCpus; /* max number of CPU in the system */
- int maxTasks; /* max number of tasks using smObj */
- int maxSems; /* max number of shared semaphores */
- int maxMsgQueues; /* max number of shared message queues */
- int maxMemParts; /* max number of shared memory partitions */
- int maxNames; /* max number of name of shared objects */
- #if ((CPU_FAMILY==I960) && (defined __GNUC__))
- #pragma align 0 /* turn off alignment requirement */
- #endif /* CPU_FAMILY==I960 */
- /* variable declarations */
- extern int smObjProcNum; /* processor number */
- extern int smObjPoolMinusOne; /* smObj pool local address - 1 */
- extern int localToGlobalOffset; /* localAdrs - globalAdrs */
- extern FUNCPTR smObjTasRoutine; /* test and set routine */
- extern FUNCPTR smObjTasClearRoutine; /* clear routine */
- extern int smObjSpinTries; /* maximum retries for lock access */
- extern SM_HDR volatile * pSmHdr; /* pointer to shared memory header */
- extern SM_OBJ_MEM_HDR volatile * pSmObjHdr; /* pointer to sm objects header */
- extern SM_OBJ_DESC smObjDesc; /* shared memory object descriptor */
- /* function declarations */
- #if defined(__STDC__) || defined(__cplusplus)
- extern STATUS smObjLibInit (void);
- extern STATUS smObjSetup (SM_OBJ_PARAMS * smObjParams);
- extern void smObjInit (SM_OBJ_DESC * pSmObjDesc, SM_ANCHOR * pAnchor,
- int ticksPerBeat, int smObjMaxTries, int intType,
- int intArg1, int intArg2, int intArg3);
- extern STATUS smObjAttach (SM_OBJ_DESC * pSmObjDesc);
- extern void * smObjLocalToGlobal (void * localAdrs);
- extern void * smObjGlobalToLocal (void * globalAdrs);
- extern void smObjTimeoutLogEnable (BOOL timeoutLogEnable);
- extern void smObjShowInit (void);
- extern STATUS smObjShow (void);
- #else /* __STDC__ */
- extern STATUS smObjLibInit ();
- extern STATUS smObjSetup ();
- extern void smObjInit ();
- extern STATUS smObjAttach ();
- extern void * smObjLocalToGlobal ();
- extern void * smObjGlobalToLocal ();
- extern void smObjTimeoutLogEnable ();
- extern void smObjShowInit ();
- extern STATUS smObjShow ();
- #endif /* __STDC__ */
- #ifdef __cplusplus
- }
- #endif
- #endif /* __INCsmObjLibh */