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Package: vxwork_src.rar [view]
Upload User: nvosite88
Upload Date: 2007-01-17
Package Size: 4983k
Code Size: 22k
Development Platform:
- /* dosFsLibP.h - DOS file system private header file */
- /* Copyright 1984-2002 Wind River Systems, Inc. */
- /* modification history
- --------------------
- 01q,03mar02,jkf SPR#29751, added volIsCaseSens to DOS_VOLUME_DESC, orig by chn
- 01p,30nov01,jkf SPR#68203, add updateLastAccessDate boolean to DOS_VOLUME_DESC
- 01o,17nov01,jkf fixing dosFsVolIsFat12 divide error.
- 01n,10nov01,jkf SPR#32178, made dosFsVolDescGet public, moved
- DOS_VOLUME_DESC_ID typedef to public dosFsLib.h
- 01m,30jul01,jkf SPR#69031, common code for both AE & 5.x.
- 01l,13mar01,jkf SPR#34704, adding dosFsVolIsFat12
- 01k,29feb00,jkf removed semLibP.h usage for t3.
- 01j,31aug99,jkf CBIO API overhaul changes.
- 01i,31jul99,jkf added DOS_BOOT_FSTYPE_ID, and DOS_BOOT_FSTYPE_LEN,
- SPR#28272, 28273, 28274, 28275.
- 01h,31jul99,jkf T2 merge, tidiness & spelling.
- 01g,21dec98,mjc changed name of <contigEnd> field in structure <DOS_FILE_HDL>
- to <contigEndPlus1>
- 01f,22nov98,vld field <seekOut> changed to <seekOutPos> in
- DOS_FILE_DESC structure;
- added macros POS_TO_DD_COOKIE() and DD_COOKIE_TO_POS();
- fields <rootStartSec> and <rootNSec> added to
- DOS_DIR_DESC structure
- 01e,23sep98,vld field <bufToDisk> added to CHK_DSK_DESC;
- 01d,17sep98,vld field <activeCopyNum> added to DOS_FAT_DESC;
- changed prototypes of some func ptr fields of DOS_FAT_DESC;
- func ptr field <syncToggle> added to DOS_FAT_DESC;
- added constant DOS_FAT_RAW;
- added constant DOS_FAT_SET_ALL;
- changed prototypes of some function ptrs
- 01c,16sep98,vld definition of DOS_VOL_LABEL_LEN moved to dosFsLib.h
- 01b,02jul98,lrn ready for prerelease
- 01a,22jan98,vld written,
- */
- #ifndef __INCdoFsLibP
- #define __INCdoFsLibP
- #ifdef __cplusplus
- extern "C" {
- #endif
- #include "vxWorks.h"
- #include "private/dosFsVerP.h"
- #include "semLib.h"
- #include "iosLib.h"
- #include "cbioLib.h"
- #include "dirent.h"
- #include "stat.h"
- #include "dosFsLib.h"
- /* defines */
- /* use 64-bit arithmetic */
- #define SIZE64
- #define DOS_FS_MAGIC 0xdfac9723 /* used for verification of vol desc */
- #define SLASH '/'
- #define BACK_SLASH '\'
- #define DOT '.'
- #define SPACE ' '
- /*
- * handlers ID.
- * Each handler (FAT, Directory and so on) must have its own
- * identification number in order to be able to distinguish
- * different handler types when selecting handlers
- */
- /* directory handlers */
- #define DOS_DIR_HDLR_MASK (1 << 8) /* dir handlers mask */
- #define DOS_DIROLD_ID (DOS_DIR_HDLR_MASK +1) /* 8.3 and vxLong names */
- /* FAT handlers */
- #define DOS_FAT_HDLR_MASK (1 << 9) /* fat handlers mask */
- /* function arguments */
- /* for directory handler API */
- #define DH_TIME_CREAT 1
- #define DH_TIME_MODIFY (1<<1)
- #define DH_TIME_ACCESS (1<<2)
- #define DH_DELETE (1<<8)
- /* FAT handler API */
- #define FAT_NOT_ALLOC 0
- #define FAT_ALLOC (1<<31)
- #define FH_INCLUDE 0
- #define FH_EXCLUDE 1
- #define FH_FILE_START ((u_int)(-1))
- /* dosFs file system constants */
- #define DOS_BOOT_SEC_NUM 0 /* sector number of boot sector */
- #define DOS_MIN_CLUST 2 /* lowest cluster number used */
- #define DOS_SYS_ID_LEN 8 /* length of system ID string */
- #define DOS_FAT_12BIT_MAX 4085 /* max clusters for 12-bit FAT entries*/
- #define DOS_NFILES_DEFAULT 20 /* default max number of files */
- /* Boot sector offsets */
- /* Because the MS-DOS boot sector format has word data items
- * on odd-byte boundaries, it cannot be represented as a standard C
- * structure. Instead, the following symbolic offsets are used to
- * isolate data items. Non-string data values longer than 1 byte are
- * in "Intel 8086" order.
- *
- * These definitions include fields used by MS-DOS Version 4.0.
- */
- #define DOS_BOOT_JMP 0x00 /* 8086 jump instruction (3 bytes)*/
- #define DOS_BOOT_SYS_ID 0x03 /* system ID string (8 bytes)*/
- #define DOS_BOOT_BYTES_PER_SEC 0x0b /* bytes per sector (2 bytes)*/
- #define DOS_BOOT_SEC_PER_CLUST 0x0d /* sectors per cluster (1 byte) */
- #define DOS_BOOT_NRESRVD_SECS 0x0e /* # of reserved sectors (2 bytes)*/
- #define DOS_BOOT_NFATS 0x10 /* # of FAT copies (1 byte) */
- #define DOS_BOOT_MAX_ROOT_ENTS 0x11 /* max # of root dir entries (2 bytes)*/
- #define DOS_BOOT_NSECTORS 0x13 /* total # of sectors on vol (2 bytes)*/
- #define DOS_BOOT_MEDIA_BYTE 0x15 /* media format ID byte (1 byte) */
- #define DOS_BOOT_SEC_PER_FAT 0x16 /* # of sectors per FAT copy (2 bytes)*/
- #define DOS_BOOT_SEC_PER_TRACK 0x18 /* # of sectors per track (2 bytes)*/
- #define DOS_BOOT_NHEADS 0x1a /* # of heads (surfaces) (2 bytes)*/
- #define DOS_BOOT_NHIDDEN_SECS 0x1c /* # of hidden sectors (4 bytes)*/
- #define DOS_BOOT_LONG_NSECTORS 0x20 /* total # of sectors on vol (4 bytes)*/
- #define DOS_BOOT_DRIVE_NUM 0x24 /* physical drive number (1 byte) */
- #define DOS_BOOT_SIG_REC 0x26 /* boot signature record (1 byte) */
- #define DOS_BOOT_VOL_ID 0x27 /* binary volume ID number (4 bytes)*/
- #define DOS_BOOT_VOL_LABEL 0x2b /* volume label string (11 bytes)*/
- #define DOS_BOOT_FSTYPE_ID 0x36 /* new MS ID, FAT12 or FAT16 */
- #define DOS_BOOT_FSTYPE_LEN 0x08 /* length in bytes of FSTYPE */
- #define DOS_BOOT_FSTYPE_FAT16 "FAT16 " /* FSTYPE_ID FAT16 */
- #define DOS_BOOT_FSTYPE_FAT12 "FAT12 " /* FSTYPE_ID FAT12 */
- #define DOS_BOOT_SYSID_FAT32 "FAT32 " /* FAT32 SYS_ID, */
- #define DOS_BOOT_PART_TBL 0x1be /* first disk partition tbl (16 bytes)*/
- #define DOS_EXT_BOOT_SIG 0x29 /* value written to boot signature */
- /* record to indicate extended */
- /* (DOS v4) boot record in use */
- /* extended FAT32 fields offsets */
- #define DOS32_BOOT_SEC_PER_FAT 0x24 /* sectors per FAT (4 bytes)*/
- #define DOS32_BOOT_EXT_FLAGS 0x28 /* FAT miscellaneous flags (2 bytes)*/
- #define DOS32_BOOT_FS_VERSION 0x2a /* file system version (2 bytes)*/
- #define DOS32_BOOT_ROOT_START_CLUST 0x2c /* root start cluster (4 bytes)*/
- #define DOS32_BOOT_FS_INFO_SEC 0x30 /* file system info sector (2 bytes)*/
- #define DOS32_BOOT_BOOT_BKUP 0x32 /* bkup of boot sector (2 bytes)*/
- #define DOS32_BOOT_RESERVED 0x3a /* reserved area (6 bytes)*/
- #define DOS32_BOOT_BIOS_DRV_NUM 0x40 /* 0x80 for hard disk (1 byte)*/
- #define DOS32_BOOT_SIGNATURE 0x42 /* ')' (0x29) (1 byte)*/
- #define DOS32_BOOT_VOL_ID 0x43 /* binary volume Id (4 bytes*/
- #define DOS32_BOOT_VOL_LABEL 0x47 /* volume label string (11 bytes)*/
- #define DOS32_BOOT_FS_TYPE 0x52 /* string FAT32 */
- #define DOS_BOOT_BUF_SIZE 0x80 /* size of buffer large enough to */
- /* get boot sector data to */
- /* ( without partition table ) */
- #define CHK_MAX_PATH 1024 /* max path in check disk's message */
- /* macros */
- /* endian data conversion macros, disk always L.E. */
- #define DISK_TO_VX_16( pSrc ) (UINT16)(
- ( *((u_char *)(pSrc)+1) << 8 ) |
- ( *(u_char *)(pSrc) ) )
- #define DISK_TO_VX_32( pSrc ) (UINT32)(
- ( *((u_char *)(pSrc)+3)<<24 ) |
- ( *((u_char *)(pSrc)+2)<<16 ) |
- ( *((u_char *)(pSrc)+1)<< 8 ) |
- ( *(u_char *)(pSrc) ) )
- #define VX_TO_DISK_16( src, pDst )
- ( * (u_char *)(pDst) = (src) & 0xff,
- *((u_char *)(pDst) + 1) = ((src)>> 8) & 0xff )
- #define VX_TO_DISK_32( src, pDst )
- ( * (u_char *)(pDst) = (src) & 0xff,
- *((u_char *)(pDst) + 1) = ((src)>> 8) & 0xff,
- *((u_char *)(pDst) + 2) = ((src)>> 16) & 0xff,
- *((u_char *)(pDst) + 3) = ((src)>> 24) & 0xff )
- /* sector macros */
- #define NSECTORS( pVolDesc, off ) ( (off) >> (pVolDesc)->secSizeShift )
- #define OFFSET_IN_SEC( pVolDesc, off )
- ( (off) & ((pVolDesc)->bytesPerSec - 1) )
- /* conversions of sector <-> cluster numbers */
- /* check, if directory is root */
- #define IS_ROOT( pFd )
- ((pFd)->pFileHdl->dirHdl.parDirStartCluster == (u_long) NONE)
- #define ROOT_SET( pFd )
- ((pFd)->pFileHdl->dirHdl.parDirStartCluster = NONE)
- /* FAT entry types, returned by clustValueSet() and clustValueGet() */
- #define DOS_FAT_AVAIL 0x00000001 /* available cluster */
- #define DOS_FAT_EOF 0x00000002 /* end of file's cluster chain */
- #define DOS_FAT_BAD 0x00000004 /* bad cluster (damaged media) */
- #define DOS_FAT_ALLOC 0x00000008 /* allocated cluster */
- #define DOS_FAT_INVAL 0x00000010 /* invalid cluster (illegal value) */
- #define DOS_FAT_RESERV 0x00000020 /* reserved cluster */
- #define DOS_FAT_RAW 0x00000040 /* write raw data, when fat copy */
- /* is used as temporary buffer */
- #define DOS_FAT_SET_ALL 0x00000080 /* fill all bytes of FAT copy with */
- /* a specified value. */
- #define DOS_FAT_ERROR 0x11111111 /* CBIO ERROR */
- /*
- * handlers Id-s. All installed handlers are sorted by
- * Id-s, and are tried on every volume in accordance with that order
- */
- #define DOS_MAX_HDLRS 4 /* max handlers of one type */
- #define DOS_FATALL_HDLR_ID 255 /* dosFsFat16 - supports FAT 12/16/32 */
- /* in a simple manner */
- /* ( without any buffering ) */
- #define DOS_VDIR_HDLR_ID 1 /* dosVDirLib - supports VDIR */
- /* directory structure for all FAT types */
- #define DOS_DIROLD_HDLR_ID 2 /* dosDirOldLib - supports DOS4.0 */
- /* "8.3" names and vxLong names for */
- /* all FAT types */
- /* definition of 64-bit type and macro to check for 32-bit overflowing */
- #ifdef SIZE64
- typedef long long fsize_t;
- #define DOS_IS_VAL_HUGE( val ) ( ( (fsize_t)(val) >> 32 ) != 0 )
- /* test for 32 bit overflowing */
- #define DOS_MAX_FSIZE ( ~((fsize_t)1<<(sizeof(fsize_t)*8-1)) )
- /* max disk/file size */
- #else /* ! SIZE64 */
- typedef u_long fsize_t;
- #define DOS_IS_VAL_HUGE( val ) FALSE
- #define DOS_MAX_FSIZE ( (fsize_t)(-1) ) /* max disk/file size */
- #endif /* SIZE64 */
- /*
- * processing for dd_cookie field in DIR structure(). (see dirent.h)
- * Current position in directory supposed to be always power of 2
- */
- #define POS_TO_DD_COOKIE( pos ) ( ((u_long)(pos)) | 1 )
- #define DD_COOKIE_TO_POS( pDir ) ( ((DIR *)(pDir))->dd_cookie & (~1) )
- /* typedefs */
- /*
- * Directory entry descriptor.
- * This structure is part of file handle and
- * is intended to directory handlers usage.
- */
- typedef struct DOS_DIR_HDL
- {
- u_int parDirStartCluster; /* sector containing parent */
- /* directory entry */
- block_t sector; /* sector containing alias (short name) */
- /* directory entry */
- off_t offset; /* alias (short name) directory entry offset */
- /* in sector */
- block_t lnSector; /* sector containing long name start */
- off_t lnOffset; /* long name offset in sector */
- cookie_t cookie; /* for cache quick access */
- /* implementation private usage */
- u_long dh_Priv1;
- u_long dh_Priv2;
- u_long dh_Priv3;
- u_long dh_Priv4;
- u_char crc; /* crcon directory entry (not used) */
- /*
- * File FAT descriptor.
- * This structure is part of file descriptor and
- * is intended to FAT handlers usage.
- */
- typedef struct DOS_FAT_HDL
- {
- uint32_t lastClust; /* number of last passed cluster in chain */
- uint32_t nextClust; /* contents of <lastClust> entry */
- cookie_t cbioCookie; /* CBIO dev. cookie for last accessed sector */
- uint32_t errCode; /* */
- /*
- * File handle.
- * This structure is shared by all file descriptors (see below).
- * that are opened for the same file.
- * Field <pDirHdl> is filled and used by directory handler.
- */
- typedef struct DOS_FILE_HDL
- {
- fsize_t size; /* recent file size */
- u_int deleted : 1, /* file deleted */
- obsolet : 1, /* file was changed, but not closed yet */
- changed : 1, /* file was changed, but not closed yet */
- res : 29;
- /* FAT fields */
- uint32_t startClust; /* file start cluster */
- /* ( 0 - not allocated yet ) */
- uint32_t contigEndPlus1; /* end clust. of contiguous area in file + 1 */
- uint32_t fatSector; /* last modified FAT sector */
- DOS_DIR_HDL dirHdl; /* directory entry descriptor */
- u_short nRef; /* reference count - the number of times */
- /* file is simultaneously opened */
- u_char attrib; /* file attributes */
- /*
- * File descriptor.
- * This structure is allocated every time new file is opened.
- * Fields <curSec>, <nSec>, <cluster> are filled by fat handler
- * via get next cluster operation and then are corrected by other
- * modules in accordance with operation being executed.
- */
- typedef struct DOS_FILE_DESC
- {
- DOS_VOLUME_DESC_ID pVolDesc; /* volume descriptor ptr */
- DOS_FILE_HDL_ID pFileHdl; /* file handle, that is shared */
- /* between file descriptors */
- /* of the same file */
- fsize_t pos; /* current absolute position in file */
- /* for directory: absolute offset from */
- /* from directory start */
- fsize_t seekOutPos; /* save position in case seek passes EOF */
- /* contains 0, if no such seek occurred */
- block_t curSec; /* current data sector */
- u_int nSec; /* number of contiguous sectors */
- cookie_t cbioCookie; /* last accessed sector ptr */
- /* ( is filled by cbio ) */
- u_char accessed; /* file was accessed */
- u_char changed; /* file was changed */
- DOS_FAT_HDL fatHdl;
- u_char openMode; /* open mode ( DRONLY/WRONLY/RDWR ) */
- BOOL busy;
- /*
- * FAT handler descriptor.
- * This structure defines generic FAT handler API.
- * It must be start field in every FAT handler
- * descriptor structure.
- */
- typedef struct DOS_FAT_DESC
- {
- /* interface functions */
- STATUS (*getNext)( DOS_FILE_DESC_ID pFd, u_int allocatePolicy );
- /* get/allocate next cluster for file */
- /* <allocatePolicy> : FAT_NOT_ALLO/FAT_ALLOC/ */
- STATUS (*contigChk)( DOS_FILE_DESC_ID pFd );
- /* check file chain for contiguity */
- STATUS (*truncate)( DOS_FILE_DESC_ID pFd, uint32_t sector,
- uint32_t flag );
- /* truncate chain starting from <sector>, */
- /* <sector> = FH_FILE_START - from file start; */
- /* <flag> : FH_INCLUDE/FH_EXCLUDE */
- STATUS (*seek)( DOS_FILE_DESC_ID pFd, uint32_t startSec, uint32_t nSec );
- /* seek <nSec> sectors starting from */
- /* <startClust>, */
- /* <startClust> = FH_FILE_START - from file start */
- fsize_t (*nFree)( DOS_FILE_DESC_ID pFd );
- /* free bytes on disk */
- STATUS (*contigAlloc)( DOS_FILE_DESC_ID pFd, uint32_t nSec );
- /* allocate <nSec> contiguous first feet chain */
- size_t (*maxContig)( DOS_FILE_DESC_ID pFd );
- /* max free contiguous chain length in sectors */
- void (*volUnmount)( DOS_VOLUME_DESC_ID pVolDesc );
- /* free all resources, that were allocated */
- /* for the volume */
- void (*show)( DOS_VOLUME_DESC_ID pVolDesc );
- /* display handler specific data */
- STATUS (*flush)( DOS_FILE_DESC_ID pFd );
- /* flush all internal FAT handler data that */
- /* belongs to the file */
- void (*syncToggle)( DOS_VOLUME_DESC_ID pVolDesc, BOOL syncEnable );
- /* toggle FAT copies mirroring; synchronize */
- /* FAT copies, when mirror is being enabled */
- STATUS (*clustValueSet)
- (
- uint32_t fatCopyNum, /* FAT copy to use */
- uint32_t clustNum, /* cluster number to set */
- uint32_t value, /* DOS_FAT_AVAIL, DOS_FAT_EOF, */
- /* DOS_FAT_RAW */
- uint32_t nextClust /* next cluster number */
- );
- uint32_t (*clustValueGet)
- (
- uint32_t fatCopyNum, /* FAT copy to use */
- uint32_t clustNum, /* cluster number to check */
- uint32_t * pNextClust /* return cluster value */
- );
- uint8_t activeCopyNum; /* number of active FAT copy */
- /*
- * Directory handler descriptor.
- * This structure defines generic directory handler API.
- * It must be start field in every directory handler
- * descriptor structure.
- */
- typedef struct DOS_DIR_DESC
- {
- STATUS (*pathLkup)( DOS_FILE_DESC_ID pFd, void * pPath,
- u_int creatFlags );
- /* lkup path file in directory hierarchy tree */
- STATUS (*readDir)( DOS_FILE_DESC_ID pFd, DIR * pDir,
- /* regular readdir; <pResFd> if not NULL, is */
- /* filled for entry just accepted */
- /* on exit <pdir->dd_coocie> should contain */
- /* POS_TO_DD_COOKIE( pFd->pos ) */
- STATUS (*updateEntry)( DOS_FILE_DESC_ID pFd, u_int flags,
- time_t curTime );
- /* set directory entry values; */
- /* size, start cluster, attributes and so on */
- /* are delivered from file descriptor */
- /* <flags> can be or-ed of */
- /* to encode <curTime> value into correspondence */
- /* field or DH_DELETE for to delete the entry */
- STATUS (*dateGet)( DOS_FILE_DESC_ID pFd, struct stat * pStat );
- /* fill in date-time fields in stat structure */
- STATUS (*volLabel)( DOS_VOLUME_DESC_ID pVolDesc, u_char * label,
- u_int operation );
- /* get/set volume label */
- /* <operation> is one of FIOLABELGET/FIOLABELSET */
- STATUS (*nameChk)( DOS_VOLUME_DESC_ID pVolDesc, u_char * name );
- /* validate name (intended to check disk) */
- void (*volUnmount)( DOS_VOLUME_DESC_ID pVolDesc );
- /* free all resources, that were allocated */
- /* for the volume */
- void (*show)( DOS_VOLUME_DESC_ID pVolDesc );
- /* display handler specific data */
- u_int rootStartSec; /* root directory start sector: */
- /* some value for FAT12/FAT16; */
- /* 0 for FAT32; is filled by dir handler */
- u_int rootNSec; /* sectors per root directory */
- /* some value for FAT12/FAT16; */
- /* 0 for FAT32; is filled by dir handler */
- /* check disk work structure */
- typedef struct CHK_DSK_DESC
- {
- UINT32 * chkFatMap; /* clusters usage map */
- DIR chkDir; /* readdir buffer */
- fsize_t chkTotalFSize; /* total bytes in all files */
- fsize_t chkTotalBytesInLostChains;
- u_int nErrors; /* total number of errors detected */
- UINT32 chkNDirs; /* total directories */
- UINT32 chkNFiles; /* total files */
- UINT32 chkNLostChains; /* total lost chains */
- UINT32 chkNFreeClusts; /* total # of free clusters */
- UINT32 chkNBadClusts; /* total # of bad clusters */
- time_t chkMaxCreatTime;
- time_t chkMaxModifTime;
- time_t chkMaxAccTime;
- BOOL bufToDisk; /* FAT copy used as tmp buffer */
- struct stat stat; /* buffer to accept file statistics */
- u_char chkPath[ CHK_MAX_PATH ]; /* buffer for path strings */
- u_char curPathLev; /* dynamic counter of path levels */
- char chkCurPath[ CHK_MAX_PATH + 256 ];
- /* Volume descriptor */
- typedef struct DOS_VOLUME_DESC
- {
- DEV_HDR devHdr; /* i/o system device header */
- u_int magic; /* control magic number */
- /* DOS_FS_MAGIC */
- BOOL mounted; /* volume mounted */
- CBIO_DEV_ID pCbio; /* cached I/O device handle */
- DOS_DIR_DESC_ID pDirDesc; /* directory handler descriptor ptr */
- DOS_FAT_DESC_ID pFatDesc; /* FAT handler descriptor ptr */
- SEM_ID devSem; /* device mutual semaphore, */
- SEM_ID shortSem; /* protect very short operations, */
- /* such as allocation of file */
- /* descriptor */
- DOS_FILE_DESC_ID pFdList; /* file descriptors array */
- DOS_FILE_HDL_ID pFhdlList; /* file handles array */
- SEM_ID * pFsemList; /* file semaphores array */
- /* -- boot sector data -- */
- u_int bootSecNum; /* number of sector containing boot */
- /* information */
- UINT32 volId; /* volume Id */
- UINT32 secPerFat; /* sectors per FAT copy */
- UINT32 nHiddenSecs; /* hiden sectors (unused tail) */
- UINT32 totalSec; /* total number of sectors */
- UINT16 bytesPerSec;
- UINT16 secPerClust;
- UINT16 nReservedSecs; /* reserved sectors (ahead first fat copy) */
- UINT8 nFats; /* number of FAT copies */
- UINT32 nFatEnts; /* number of entries in FAT */
- char bootVolLab[ DOS_VOL_LABEL_LEN]; /* volume label */
- /* -- -- */
- enum { FAT12, FAT16, FAT32 } fatType;
- u_int dataStartSec; /* sector number of the start */
- /* cluster (DOS_MIN_CLUCT) */
- u_short maxFiles; /* maximum open files in a time */
- u_short nBusyFd; /* number of fd-s in use */
- u_short volIdOff; /* offset of volume Id field */
- /* in boot sector */
- u_short volLabOff; /* offset of volume label field */
- /* in boot sector */
- u_char secSizeShift; /* log2( bytesPerSect ) */
- /* check disk fields */
- u_char autoChk; /* autocheck on mount level */
- u_char autoChkVerb; /* autocheck verbosity */
- u_char chkLevel; /* check disk progress level */
- u_char chkVerbLevel; /* check disk verbosity level */
- FUNCPTR fatVolMount;
- BOOL updateLastAccessDate; /* SPR#68203 */
- BOOL volIsCaseSens; /* Make SPR#29751 fix switchable */
- typedef struct DOS_HDLR_DESC
- {
- u_int id; /* unique handler Id */
- /* 0 - 256 reserved by implementation */
- STATUS (*mountRtn)( DOS_VOLUME_DESC_ID pVolDesc, void * arg );
- void * arg; /* handler dependent argument */
- /* function pointers to chk and fmt handlers */
- IMPORT STATUS (*dosFsChkRtn)( DOS_FILE_DESC_ID pFd ); /* check disk routine */
- IMPORT STATUS (*dosFsVolFormatRtn)( void * dev, int opt,
- FUNCPTR pPromptFunc );
- /* handler lists for fat and dir handlers */
- IMPORT DOS_HDLR_DESC dosFatHdlrsList[];
- IMPORT DOS_HDLR_DESC dosDirHdlrsList[];
- /* forward declarations */
- IMPORT STATUS dosFsHdlrInstall( DOS_HDLR_DESC_ID hdlrsList,
- DOS_HDLR_DESC_ID hdlr );
- IMPORT int dosFsVolIsFat12 (u_char * pBootBuf); /* pick fat12 or fat16 */
- #ifdef __cplusplus
- }
- #endif
- #endif /* __INCdoFsLibP */