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Package: VC++视频传输.rar [view]
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Visual C++ Books
Development Platform:
Visual C++
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- typedef struct riffspecialdata_t
- { HANDLE hSpecialData;
- HANDLE hData; // Actual data handle (not used anymore)
- DWORD dwSize; // size of data in handle (now size returned in szDataIn)
- DWORD dwExtra; // optional extra data (usually a count)
- char szListType[8]; // Parent list type (usually "WAVE" or "INFO", or "adtl")
- char szType[8]; // Usually a four character code for data, but can be up to 7 chars
- LPSTR szDataIn; // User provided data handle (null to have DLL allocate it - don't do this!)
- DWORD dwSizeIn; // Size of handle passed in
- // "CUE " dwExtra=number of cues, each cue is 8 bytes ([4] name [4] sample offset)
- // "LTXT" dwExtra=number of items, each one is 8 bytes ([4] ltxt len [4] name [4] cue length [4] purpose [n] data)
- // "NOTE" dwExtra=number of strings, each one is n bytes ([4] name [n-4] length zero term)
- // "LABL" dwExtra=number of strings, each one is n bytes ([4] name [n-4] length zero term)
- // "PLST" dwExtra=number if items, each one is 16 bytes ([4] name [4] dwLen [4] dwLoops [4] dwMode)
- typedef struct coolquery_tag
- {char szName[24];
- char szCopyright[80];
- // rate table, bits are set for modes that can be handled
- WORD Quad32; // Quads are 3-D encoded
- WORD Quad16;
- WORD Quad8;
- WORD Stereo8; // rates are from lowest bit:
- WORD Stereo12; // bit 0 set: 5500 (5512.5)
- WORD Stereo16; // bit 1 set: 11025 (11K)
- WORD Stereo24; // bit 2 set: 22050 (22K)
- WORD Stereo32; // bit 3 set: 32075 (32K, or 32000)
- WORD Mono8; // bit 4 set: 44100 (44K)
- WORD Mono12; // bit 5 set: 48000 (48K)
- WORD Mono16; // bit 6 set: 88200 (88K) (future ultra-sonic rates?)
- WORD Mono24; // bit 7 set: 96000 (96K)
- WORD Mono32; // bit 8 set: 132300 (132K)
- // bit 9 set: 176400 (176K)
- DWORD dwFlags;
- char szExt[4];
- long lChunkSize;
- char szExt2[4];
- char szExt3[4];
- char szExt4[4];
- #define R_5500 1
- #define R_11025 2
- #define R_22050 4
- #define R_32075 8
- #define R_44100 16
- #define R_48000 32
- #define R_88200 64
- #define R_96000 128
- #define R_132300 256
- #define R_176400 512
- #define C_VALIDLIBRARY 1152
- // For backwards compatibility, return 1152 from QueryCoolFilter, and support the older FilterReadSpecial,
- // FilterWriteSpecial, FilterCanReadSpecial and FilterCanWriteSpecial calls. If you are not supporing
- // extra information in the files, then just returning 1152 is enough.
- #define QF_RATEADJUSTABLE 0x001 // if can handle non-standard sample rates
- // if not, only rates in bit rate table understood
- #define QF_CANSAVE 0x002
- #define QF_CANLOAD 0x004
- #define QF_UNDERSTANDSALL 0x008 // will read ANYTHING, so it is the last resort if no other
- // formats match
- #define QF_READSPECIALFIRST 0x010 // read special info before trying to read data
- #define QF_READSPECIALLAST 0x020 // read special info after reading data
- #define QF_WRITESPECIALFIRST 0x040 // when writing a file, special info is sent to DLL before data
- #define QF_WRITESPECIALLAST 0x080 // when writing, special info is sent to DLL after data
- #define QF_HASOPTIONSBOX 0x100 // set if options box implemented
- #define QF_NOASKFORCONVERT 0x200 // set to bypass asking for conversion if original in different rate, auto convert
- #define QF_NOHEADER 0x400 // set if this is a raw data format with no header
- #define QF_CANDO32BITFLOATS 0x800 // set if file format can handle 32-bit sample data for input
- #define QF_CANOPENVIRTUAL 0x1000 // Set if data is in Intel 8-bit or 16-bit sample format, or floats
- // and the GetDataOffset() function is implemented
- #define QF_BACKWARDSCOMPATIBLE 0x2000 // Set if you are ALSO including the obsolete functions
- // FilterWriteSpecial, FilterCanWriteSpecial, FilterReadSpecial,
- // and FilterCanReadSpecial
- #define QF_IGNOREMRU 0x4000 // Do not add this to MRU list if opening a file of this format.
- // These definitions are used for backward compatibility!!!!!!!!!
- // Also include the current functins for reading and writing special data for newer versions of
- // Cool Edit.
- // special types are read from and written to DLL in the order below
- // special types (particular to Windows waveforms)
- #define SP_IART 20
- #define SP_ICMT 21
- #define SP_ICOP 22
- #define SP_ICRD 23
- #define SP_IENG 24
- #define SP_IGNR 25
- #define SP_IKEY 26
- #define SP_IMED 27
- #define SP_INAM 28
- #define SP_ISFT 29
- #define SP_ISRC 30
- #define SP_ITCH 31
- #define SP_ISBJ 32
- #define SP_ISRF 33
- #define SP_DISP 34
- #define SP_CUE 40 // returns number of cues of size cue_type
- #define SP_LTXT 41 // returns number of adtl texts of size 8 (4,id and 4,len)
- #define SP_NOTE 42 // returns LO=size, HI=number of strings (sz sz sz...)
- #define SP_LABL 43 // returns LO=size, HI=number of strings (sz sz sz...)
- #define SP_PLST 44 // returns number of playlist entries size play_type
- // For special data, .FLT must implement FilterGetFirstSpecialData and FilterGetNextSpecialData
- typedef DWORD FOURCC; // a four character code
- struct cue_type { DWORD dwName;
- DWORD dwPosition;
- FOURCC fccChunk;
- DWORD dwChunkStart;
- DWORD dwBlockStart;
- DWORD dwSampleOffset;
- };
- struct play_type {DWORD dwName;
- DWORD dwLength;
- DWORD dwLoops;
- };