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Visual C++ Books
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Visual C++
- #include <math.h>
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include "common.h"
- #include "decode.h"
- #include "huffman.h"
- void decode_info(Bit_stream_struc *bs, frame_params *fr_ps)
- {
- layer *hdr = fr_ps->header;
- hdr->version = get1bit(bs);
- hdr->lay = 4-getbits(bs,2);
- hdr->error_protection = !get1bit(bs); /* 错误保护. TRUE/FALSE */
- hdr->bitrate_index = getbits(bs,4);
- hdr->sampling_frequency = getbits(bs,2);
- hdr->padding = get1bit(bs);
- hdr->extension = get1bit(bs);
- hdr->mode = getbits(bs,2);
- hdr->mode_ext = getbits(bs,2);
- hdr->copyright = get1bit(bs);
- hdr->original = get1bit(bs);
- hdr->emphasis = getbits(bs,2);
- }
- void III_get_side_info(Bit_stream_struc *bs, III_side_info_t *si, frame_params *fr_ps)
- {
- int ch, gr, i;
- int stereo = fr_ps->stereo;
- si->main_data_begin = getbits(bs, 9);
- if (stereo == 1)
- si->private_bits = getbits(bs,5);
- else
- si->private_bits = getbits(bs,3);
- for (ch=0; ch<stereo; ch++)
- for (i=0; i<4; i++)
- si->ch[ch].scfsi[i] = get1bit(bs);
- for (gr=0; gr<2; gr++) {
- for (ch=0; ch<stereo; ch++) {
- si->ch[ch].gr[gr].part2_3_length = getbits(bs, 12);
- si->ch[ch].gr[gr].big_values = getbits(bs, 9);
- si->ch[ch].gr[gr].global_gain = getbits(bs, 8);
- si->ch[ch].gr[gr].scalefac_compress = getbits(bs, 4);
- si->ch[ch].gr[gr].window_switching_flag = get1bit(bs);
- if (si->ch[ch].gr[gr].window_switching_flag) {
- si->ch[ch].gr[gr].block_type = getbits(bs, 2);
- si->ch[ch].gr[gr].mixed_block_flag = get1bit(bs);
- for (i=0; i<2; i++)
- si->ch[ch].gr[gr].table_select[i] = getbits(bs, 5);
- for (i=0; i<3; i++)
- si->ch[ch].gr[gr].subblock_gain[i] = getbits(bs, 3);
- /* Set region_count parameters since they are implicit in this case. */
- if (si->ch[ch].gr[gr].block_type == 0) {
- printf("Side info bad: block_type == 0 in split block.n");
- exit(0);
- }
- else if (si->ch[ch].gr[gr].block_type == 2
- && si->ch[ch].gr[gr].mixed_block_flag == 0)
- si->ch[ch].gr[gr].region0_count = 8; /* MI 9; */
- else si->ch[ch].gr[gr].region0_count = 7; /* MI 8; */
- si->ch[ch].gr[gr].region1_count = 20 - si->ch[ch].gr[gr].region0_count;
- }
- else {
- for (i=0; i<3; i++)
- si->ch[ch].gr[gr].table_select[i] = getbits(bs, 5);
- si->ch[ch].gr[gr].region0_count = getbits(bs, 4);
- si->ch[ch].gr[gr].region1_count = getbits(bs, 3);
- si->ch[ch].gr[gr].block_type = 0;
- }
- si->ch[ch].gr[gr].preflag = get1bit(bs);
- si->ch[ch].gr[gr].scalefac_scale = get1bit(bs);
- si->ch[ch].gr[gr].count1table_select = get1bit(bs);
- }
- }
- }
- struct {
- int l[5];
- int s[3];
- } sfbtable = {
- {0, 6, 11, 16, 21},
- {0, 6, 12}
- };
- int slen[2][16]={
- {0, 0, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4},
- {0, 1, 2, 3, 0, 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3, 2, 3}
- };
- struct {
- int l[23];
- int s[14];
- } sfBandIndex[3]= {
- {{0,4,8,12,16,20,24,30,36,44,52,62,74,90,110,134,162,196,238,288,342,418,576},
- {0,4,8,12,16,22,30,40,52,66,84,106,136,192}},
- {{0,4,8,12,16,20,24,30,36,42,50,60,72,88,106,128,156,190,230,276,330,384,576},
- {0,4,8,12,16,22,28,38,50,64,80,100,126,192}},
- {{0,4,8,12,16,20,24,30,36,44,54,66,82,102,126,156,194,240,296,364,448,550,576},
- {0,4,8,12,16,22,30,42,58,78,104,138,180,192}}
- };
- void III_get_scale_factors(III_scalefac_t *scalefac, III_side_info_t *si, int gr, int ch, frame_params *fr_ps)
- {
- int sfb, i, window;
- struct gr_info_s *gr_info = &(si->ch[ch].gr[gr]);
- if (gr_info->window_switching_flag && (gr_info->block_type == 2)) {
- if (gr_info->mixed_block_flag) { /* MIXED */ /* NEW - ag 11/25 */
- for (sfb = 0; sfb < 8; sfb++)
- (*scalefac)[ch].l[sfb] = hgetbits(
- slen[0][gr_info->scalefac_compress]);
- for (sfb = 3; sfb < 6; sfb++)
- for (window=0; window<3; window++)
- (*scalefac)[ch].s[window][sfb] = hgetbits(
- slen[0][gr_info->scalefac_compress]);
- for (sfb = 6; sfb < 12; sfb++)
- for (window=0; window<3; window++)
- (*scalefac)[ch].s[window][sfb] = hgetbits(
- slen[1][gr_info->scalefac_compress]);
- for (sfb=12,window=0; window<3; window++)
- (*scalefac)[ch].s[window][sfb] = 0;
- }
- else { /* SHORT*/
- for (i=0; i<2; i++)
- for (sfb = sfbtable.s[i]; sfb < sfbtable.s[i+1]; sfb++)
- for (window=0; window<3; window++)
- (*scalefac)[ch].s[window][sfb] = hgetbits(
- slen[i][gr_info->scalefac_compress]);
- for (sfb=12,window=0; window<3; window++)
- (*scalefac)[ch].s[window][sfb] = 0;
- }
- }
- else { /* LONG types 0,1,3 */
- for (i=0; i<4; i++) {
- if ((si->ch[ch].scfsi[i] == 0) || (gr == 0))
- for (sfb = sfbtable.l[i]; sfb < sfbtable.l[i+1]; sfb++)
- (*scalefac)[ch].l[sfb] = hgetbits(
- slen[(i<2)?0:1][gr_info->scalefac_compress]);
- }
- (*scalefac)[ch].l[22] = 0;
- }
- }
- /* 已经在 huffman.c中声明
- struct huffcodetab ht[HTN];
- */
- int huffman_initialized = FALSE;
- void initialize_huffman()
- {
- FILE *fi;
- if (huffman_initialized) return;
- if (!(fi = OpenTableFile("huffdec.txt") )) {
- printf("Please check huffman table 'huffdec.txt'n");
- exit(1);
- }
- if (fi==NULL) {
- fprintf(stderr,"decoder table open errorn");
- exit(3);
- }
- if (read_decoder_table(fi) != HTN) {
- fprintf(stderr,"decoder table read errorn");
- exit(4);
- }
- huffman_initialized = TRUE;
- }
- void III_hufman_decode(long int is[SBLIMIT][SSLIMIT], III_side_info_t *si, int ch, int gr, int part2_start, frame_params *fr_ps)
- {
- int i, x, y;
- int v, w;
- struct huffcodetab *h;
- int region1Start;
- int region2Start;
- int bt = (*si).ch[ch].gr[gr].window_switching_flag && ((*si).ch[ch].gr[gr].block_type == 2);
- initialize_huffman();
- /* 查找区域边界 */
- if ( ((*si).ch[ch].gr[gr].window_switching_flag) &&
- ((*si).ch[ch].gr[gr].block_type == 2) ) {
- /* Region2. */
- region1Start = 36; /* sfb[9/3]*3=36 */
- region2Start = 576; /* No Region2 for short block case. */
- }
- else { /* 查找长块情况下的区域边界. */
- region1Start = sfBandIndex[fr_ps->header->sampling_frequency]
- .l[(*si).ch[ch].gr[gr].region0_count + 1]; /* MI */
- region2Start = sfBandIndex[fr_ps->header->sampling_frequency]
- .l[(*si).ch[ch].gr[gr].region0_count +
- (*si).ch[ch].gr[gr].region1_count + 2]; /* MI */
- }
- /* 读取大值区域Read bigvalues area. */
- for (i=0; i<(*si).ch[ch].gr[gr].big_values*2; i+=2) {
- if (i<region1Start) h = &ht[(*si).ch[ch].gr[gr].table_select[0]];
- else if (i<region2Start) h = &ht[(*si).ch[ch].gr[gr].table_select[1]];
- else h = &ht[(*si).ch[ch].gr[gr].table_select[2]];
- huffman_decoder(h, &x, &y, &v, &w);
- is[i/SSLIMIT][i%SSLIMIT] = x;
- is[(i+1)/SSLIMIT][(i+1)%SSLIMIT] = y;
- }
- /* Read count1 area. */
- h = &ht[(*si).ch[ch].gr[gr].count1table_select+32];
- while ((hsstell() < part2_start + (*si).ch[ch].gr[gr].part2_3_length ) &&
- ( i < SSLIMIT*SBLIMIT )) {
- huffman_decoder(h, &x, &y, &v, &w);
- is[i/SSLIMIT][i%SSLIMIT] = v;
- is[(i+1)/SSLIMIT][(i+1)%SSLIMIT] = w;
- is[(i+2)/SSLIMIT][(i+2)%SSLIMIT] = x;
- is[(i+3)/SSLIMIT][(i+3)%SSLIMIT] = y;
- i += 4;
- }
- if (hsstell() > part2_start + (*si).ch[ch].gr[gr].part2_3_length)
- { i -=4;
- rewindNbits(hsstell()-part2_start - (*si).ch[ch].gr[gr].part2_3_length);
- }
- /* Dismiss stuffing Bits */
- if ( hsstell() < part2_start + (*si).ch[ch].gr[gr].part2_3_length )
- hgetbits( part2_start + (*si).ch[ch].gr[gr].part2_3_length - hsstell());
- /* Zero out rest. */
- for (; i<SSLIMIT*SBLIMIT; i++)
- is[i/SSLIMIT][i%SSLIMIT] = 0;
- }
- int pretab[22] = {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,2,2,3,3,3,2,0};
- void III_dequantize_sample(long int is[SBLIMIT][SSLIMIT], double xr[SBLIMIT][SSLIMIT], III_scalefac_t *scalefac, struct gr_info_s *gr_info, int ch, frame_params *fr_ps)
- {
- int ss,sb,cb=0,sfreq=fr_ps->header->sampling_frequency;
- int stereo = fr_ps->stereo;
- int next_cb_boundary, cb_begin, cb_width, sign;
- /* choose correct scalefactor band per block type, initalize boundary */
- if (gr_info->window_switching_flag && (gr_info->block_type == 2) )
- if (gr_info->mixed_block_flag)
- next_cb_boundary=sfBandIndex[sfreq].l[1]; /* LONG blocks: 0,1,3 */
- else {
- next_cb_boundary=sfBandIndex[sfreq].s[1]*3; /* pure SHORT block */
- cb_width = sfBandIndex[sfreq].s[1];
- cb_begin = 0;
- }
- else
- next_cb_boundary=sfBandIndex[sfreq].l[1]; /* LONG blocks: 0,1,3 */
- /* apply formula per block type */
- for (sb=0 ; sb < SBLIMIT ; sb++) {
- for (ss=0 ; ss < SSLIMIT ; ss++) {
- if ( (sb*18)+ss == next_cb_boundary) { /* Adjust critical band boundary */
- if (gr_info->window_switching_flag && (gr_info->block_type == 2)) {
- if (gr_info->mixed_block_flag) {
- if (((sb*18)+ss) == sfBandIndex[sfreq].l[8]) {
- next_cb_boundary=sfBandIndex[sfreq].s[4]*3;
- cb = 3;
- cb_width = sfBandIndex[sfreq].s[cb+1] -
- sfBandIndex[sfreq].s[cb];
- cb_begin = sfBandIndex[sfreq].s[cb]*3;
- }
- else if (((sb*18)+ss) < sfBandIndex[sfreq].l[8])
- next_cb_boundary = sfBandIndex[sfreq].l[(++cb)+1];
- else {
- next_cb_boundary = sfBandIndex[sfreq].s[(++cb)+1]*3;
- cb_width = sfBandIndex[sfreq].s[cb+1] -
- sfBandIndex[sfreq].s[cb];
- cb_begin = sfBandIndex[sfreq].s[cb]*3;
- }
- }
- else {
- next_cb_boundary = sfBandIndex[sfreq].s[(++cb)+1]*3;
- cb_width = sfBandIndex[sfreq].s[cb+1] -
- sfBandIndex[sfreq].s[cb];
- cb_begin = sfBandIndex[sfreq].s[cb]*3;
- }
- }
- else /* long blocks */
- next_cb_boundary = sfBandIndex[sfreq].l[(++cb)+1];
- }
- /* Compute overall (global) scaling. */
- xr[sb][ss] = pow( 2.0 , (0.25 * (gr_info->global_gain - 210.0)));
- /* Do long/short dependent scaling operations. */
- if (gr_info->window_switching_flag && (
- ((gr_info->block_type == 2) && (gr_info->mixed_block_flag == 0)) ||
- ((gr_info->block_type == 2) && gr_info->mixed_block_flag && (sb >= 2)) )) {
- xr[sb][ss] *= pow(2.0, 0.25 * -8.0 *
- gr_info->subblock_gain[(((sb*18)+ss) - cb_begin)/cb_width]);
- xr[sb][ss] *= pow(2.0, 0.25 * -2.0 * (1.0+gr_info->scalefac_scale)
- * (*scalefac)[ch].s[(((sb*18)+ss) - cb_begin)/cb_width][cb]);
- }
- else { /* LONG block types 0,1,3 & 1st 2 subbands of switched blocks */
- xr[sb][ss] *= pow(2.0, -0.5 * (1.0+gr_info->scalefac_scale)
- * ((*scalefac)[ch].l[cb]
- + gr_info->preflag * pretab[cb]));
- }
- /* Scale quantized value. */
- sign = (is[sb][ss]<0) ? 1 : 0;
- xr[sb][ss] *= pow( (double) abs(is[sb][ss]), ((double)4.0/3.0) );
- if (sign) xr[sb][ss] = -xr[sb][ss];
- }
- }
- }
- void III_reorder(double xr[SBLIMIT][SSLIMIT], double ro[SBLIMIT][SSLIMIT], struct gr_info_s *gr_info, frame_params *fr_ps)
- {
- int sfreq=fr_ps->header->sampling_frequency;
- int sfb, sfb_start, sfb_lines;
- int sb, ss, window, freq, src_line, des_line;
- for(sb=0;sb<SBLIMIT;sb++)
- for(ss=0;ss<SSLIMIT;ss++)
- ro[sb][ss] = 0;
- if (gr_info->window_switching_flag && (gr_info->block_type == 2)) {
- if (gr_info->mixed_block_flag) {
- for (sb=0 ; sb < 2 ; sb++)
- for (ss=0 ; ss < SSLIMIT ; ss++) {
- ro[sb][ss] = xr[sb][ss];
- }
- for(sfb=3,sfb_start=sfBandIndex[sfreq].s[3],
- sfb_lines=sfBandIndex[sfreq].s[4] - sfb_start;
- sfb < 13; sfb++,sfb_start=sfBandIndex[sfreq].s[sfb],
- (sfb_lines=sfBandIndex[sfreq].s[sfb+1] - sfb_start))
- for(window=0; window<3; window++)
- for(freq=0;freq<sfb_lines;freq++) {
- src_line = sfb_start*3 + window*sfb_lines + freq;
- des_line = (sfb_start*3) + window + (freq*3);
- ro[des_line/SSLIMIT][des_line%SSLIMIT] =
- xr[src_line/SSLIMIT][src_line%SSLIMIT];
- }
- }
- else { /* pure short */
- for(sfb=0,sfb_start=0,sfb_lines=sfBandIndex[sfreq].s[1];
- sfb < 13; sfb++,sfb_start=sfBandIndex[sfreq].s[sfb],
- (sfb_lines=sfBandIndex[sfreq].s[sfb+1] - sfb_start))
- for(window=0; window<3; window++)
- for(freq=0;freq<sfb_lines;freq++) {
- src_line = sfb_start*3 + window*sfb_lines + freq;
- des_line = (sfb_start*3) + window + (freq*3);
- ro[des_line/SSLIMIT][des_line%SSLIMIT] =
- xr[src_line/SSLIMIT][src_line%SSLIMIT];
- }
- }
- }
- else { /*long blocks */
- for (sb=0 ; sb < SBLIMIT ; sb++)
- for (ss=0 ; ss < SSLIMIT ; ss++)
- ro[sb][ss] = xr[sb][ss];
- }
- }
- void III_stereo(double xr[2][SBLIMIT][SSLIMIT], double lr[2][SBLIMIT][SSLIMIT], III_scalefac_t *scalefac, struct gr_info_s *gr_info, frame_params *fr_ps)
- {
- int sfreq = fr_ps->header->sampling_frequency;
- int stereo = fr_ps->stereo;
- int ms_stereo = (fr_ps->header->mode == MPG_MD_JOINT_STEREO) &&
- (fr_ps->header->mode_ext & 0x2);
- int i_stereo = (fr_ps->header->mode == MPG_MD_JOINT_STEREO) &&
- (fr_ps->header->mode_ext & 0x1);
- int sfb;
- int i,j,sb,ss,ch,is_pos[576];
- double is_ratio[576];
- /* intialization */
- for ( i=0; i<576; i++ )
- is_pos[i] = 7;
- if ((stereo == 2) && i_stereo )
- { if (gr_info->window_switching_flag && (gr_info->block_type == 2))
- { if( gr_info->mixed_block_flag )
- { int max_sfb = 0;
- for ( j=0; j<3; j++ )
- { int sfbcnt;
- sfbcnt = 2;
- for( sfb=12; sfb >=3; sfb-- )
- { int lines;
- lines = sfBandIndex[sfreq].s[sfb+1]-sfBandIndex[sfreq].s[sfb];
- i = 3*sfBandIndex[sfreq].s[sfb] + (j+1) * lines - 1;
- while ( lines > 0 )
- { if ( xr[1][i/SSLIMIT][i%SSLIMIT] != 0.0 )
- { sfbcnt = sfb;
- sfb = -10;
- lines = -10;
- }
- lines--;
- i--;
- }
- }
- sfb = sfbcnt + 1;
- if ( sfb > max_sfb )
- max_sfb = sfb;
- while( sfb<12 )
- { sb = sfBandIndex[sfreq].s[sfb+1]-sfBandIndex[sfreq].s[sfb];
- i = 3*sfBandIndex[sfreq].s[sfb] + j * sb;
- for ( ; sb > 0; sb--)
- { is_pos[i] = (*scalefac)[1].s[j][sfb];
- if ( is_pos[i] != 7 )
- is_ratio[i] = tan( is_pos[i] * (PI / 12));
- i++;
- }
- sfb++;
- }
- sb = sfBandIndex[sfreq].s[11]-sfBandIndex[sfreq].s[10];
- sfb = 3*sfBandIndex[sfreq].s[10] + j * sb;
- sb = sfBandIndex[sfreq].s[12]-sfBandIndex[sfreq].s[11];
- i = 3*sfBandIndex[sfreq].s[11] + j * sb;
- for ( ; sb > 0; sb-- )
- { is_pos[i] = is_pos[sfb];
- is_ratio[i] = is_ratio[sfb];
- i++;
- }
- }
- if ( max_sfb <= 3 )
- { i = 2;
- ss = 17;
- sb = -1;
- while ( i >= 0 )
- { if ( xr[1][i][ss] != 0.0 )
- { sb = i*18+ss;
- i = -1;
- } else
- { ss--;
- if ( ss < 0 )
- { i--;
- ss = 17;
- }
- }
- }
- i = 0;
- while ( sfBandIndex[sfreq].l[i] <= sb )
- i++;
- sfb = i;
- i = sfBandIndex[sfreq].l[i];
- for ( ; sfb<8; sfb++ )
- { sb = sfBandIndex[sfreq].l[sfb+1]-sfBandIndex[sfreq].l[sfb];
- for ( ; sb > 0; sb--)
- { is_pos[i] = (*scalefac)[1].l[sfb];
- if ( is_pos[i] != 7 )
- is_ratio[i] = tan( is_pos[i] * (PI / 12));
- i++;
- }
- }
- }
- } else
- { for ( j=0; j<3; j++ )
- { int sfbcnt;
- sfbcnt = -1;
- for( sfb=12; sfb >=0; sfb-- )
- { int lines;
- lines = sfBandIndex[sfreq].s[sfb+1]-sfBandIndex[sfreq].s[sfb];
- i = 3*sfBandIndex[sfreq].s[sfb] + (j+1) * lines - 1;
- while ( lines > 0 )
- { if ( xr[1][i/SSLIMIT][i%SSLIMIT] != 0.0 )
- { sfbcnt = sfb;
- sfb = -10;
- lines = -10;
- }
- lines--;
- i--;
- }
- }
- sfb = sfbcnt + 1;
- while( sfb<12 )
- { sb = sfBandIndex[sfreq].s[sfb+1]-sfBandIndex[sfreq].s[sfb];
- i = 3*sfBandIndex[sfreq].s[sfb] + j * sb;
- for ( ; sb > 0; sb--)
- { is_pos[i] = (*scalefac)[1].s[j][sfb];
- if ( is_pos[i] != 7 )
- is_ratio[i] = tan( is_pos[i] * (PI / 12));
- i++;
- }
- sfb++;
- }
- sb = sfBandIndex[sfreq].s[11]-sfBandIndex[sfreq].s[10];
- sfb = 3*sfBandIndex[sfreq].s[10] + j * sb;
- sb = sfBandIndex[sfreq].s[12]-sfBandIndex[sfreq].s[11];
- i = 3*sfBandIndex[sfreq].s[11] + j * sb;
- for ( ; sb > 0; sb-- )
- { is_pos[i] = is_pos[sfb];
- is_ratio[i] = is_ratio[sfb];
- i++;
- }
- }
- }
- } else
- { i = 31;
- ss = 17;
- sb = 0;
- while ( i >= 0 )
- { if ( xr[1][i][ss] != 0.0 )
- { sb = i*18+ss;
- i = -1;
- } else
- { ss--;
- if ( ss < 0 )
- { i--;
- ss = 17;
- }
- }
- }
- i = 0;
- while ( sfBandIndex[sfreq].l[i] <= sb )
- i++;
- sfb = i;
- i = sfBandIndex[sfreq].l[i];
- for ( ; sfb<21; sfb++ )
- { sb = sfBandIndex[sfreq].l[sfb+1] - sfBandIndex[sfreq].l[sfb];
- for ( ; sb > 0; sb--)
- { is_pos[i] = (*scalefac)[1].l[sfb];
- if ( is_pos[i] != 7 )
- is_ratio[i] = tan( is_pos[i] * (PI / 12));
- i++;
- }
- }
- sfb = sfBandIndex[sfreq].l[20];
- for ( sb = 576 - sfBandIndex[sfreq].l[21]; sb > 0; sb-- )
- { is_pos[i] = is_pos[sfb];
- is_ratio[i] = is_ratio[sfb];
- i++;
- }
- }
- }
- for(ch=0;ch<2;ch++)
- for(sb=0;sb<SBLIMIT;sb++)
- for(ss=0;ss<SSLIMIT;ss++)
- lr[ch][sb][ss] = 0;
- if (stereo==2)
- for(sb=0;sb<SBLIMIT;sb++)
- for(ss=0;ss<SSLIMIT;ss++) {
- i = (sb*18)+ss;
- if ( is_pos[i] == 7 ) {
- if ( ms_stereo ) {
- lr[0][sb][ss] = (xr[0][sb][ss]+xr[1][sb][ss])/1.41421356;
- lr[1][sb][ss] = (xr[0][sb][ss]-xr[1][sb][ss])/1.41421356;
- }
- else {
- lr[0][sb][ss] = xr[0][sb][ss];
- lr[1][sb][ss] = xr[1][sb][ss];
- }
- }
- else if (i_stereo ) {
- lr[0][sb][ss] = xr[0][sb][ss] * (is_ratio[i]/(1+is_ratio[i]));
- lr[1][sb][ss] = xr[0][sb][ss] * (1/(1+is_ratio[i]));
- }
- else {
- printf("Error in streo processingn");
- }
- }
- else /* mono , bypass xr[0][][] to lr[0][][]*/
- for(sb=0;sb<SBLIMIT;sb++)
- for(ss=0;ss<SSLIMIT;ss++)
- lr[0][sb][ss] = xr[0][sb][ss];
- }
- double Ci[8]={-0.6,-0.535,-0.33,-0.185,-0.095,-0.041,-0.0142,-0.0037};
- void III_antialias(double xr[SBLIMIT][SSLIMIT], double hybridIn[SBLIMIT][SSLIMIT], struct gr_info_s *gr_info, frame_params *fr_ps)
- {
- static int init = 1;
- static double ca[8],cs[8];
- double bu,bd; /* upper and lower butterfly inputs */
- int ss,sb,sblim;
- if (init) {
- int i;
- double sq;
- for (i=0;i<8;i++) {
- sq=sqrt(1.0+Ci[i]*Ci[i]);
- cs[i] = 1.0/sq;
- ca[i] = Ci[i]/sq;
- }
- init = 0;
- }
- /* clear all inputs */
- for(sb=0;sb<SBLIMIT;sb++)
- for(ss=0;ss<SSLIMIT;ss++)
- hybridIn[sb][ss] = xr[sb][ss];
- if (gr_info->window_switching_flag && (gr_info->block_type == 2) &&
- !gr_info->mixed_block_flag ) return;
- if ( gr_info->window_switching_flag && gr_info->mixed_block_flag &&
- (gr_info->block_type == 2))
- sblim = 1;
- else
- sblim = SBLIMIT-1;
- /* 31 alias-reduction operations between each pair of sub-bands */
- /* with 8 butterflies between each pair */
- for(sb=0;sb<sblim;sb++)
- for(ss=0;ss<8;ss++) {
- bu = xr[sb][17-ss];
- bd = xr[sb+1][ss];
- hybridIn[sb][17-ss] = (bu * cs[ss]) - (bd * ca[ss]);
- hybridIn[sb+1][ss] = (bd * cs[ss]) + (bu * ca[ss]);
- }
- }
- /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- /* */
- /* Function: Calculation of the inverse MDCT */
- /* In the case of short blocks the 3 output vectors are already */
- /* overlapped and added in this modul. */
- /* */
- /* New layer3 */
- /* */
- /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- void inv_mdct(double in[18], double out[36], int block_type)
- {
- int i,m,N,p;
- double tmp[12],sum;
- static double win[4][36];
- static int init=0;
- static double COS[4*36];
- if(init==0){
- /* type 0 */
- for(i=0;i<36;i++)
- win[0][i] = sin( PI/36 *(i+0.5) );
- /* type 1*/
- for(i=0;i<18;i++)
- win[1][i] = sin( PI/36 *(i+0.5) );
- for(i=18;i<24;i++)
- win[1][i] = 1.0;
- for(i=24;i<30;i++)
- win[1][i] = sin( PI/12 *(i+0.5-18) );
- for(i=30;i<36;i++)
- win[1][i] = 0.0;
- /* type 3*/
- for(i=0;i<6;i++)
- win[3][i] = 0.0;
- for(i=6;i<12;i++)
- win[3][i] = sin( PI/12 *(i+0.5-6) );
- for(i=12;i<18;i++)
- win[3][i] =1.0;
- for(i=18;i<36;i++)
- win[3][i] = sin( PI/36*(i+0.5) );
- /* type 2*/
- for(i=0;i<12;i++)
- win[2][i] = sin( PI/12*(i+0.5) ) ;
- for(i=12;i<36;i++)
- win[2][i] = 0.0 ;
- for (i=0; i<4*36; i++)
- COS[i] = cos(PI/(2*36) * i);
- init++;
- }
- for(i=0;i<36;i++)
- out[i]=0;
- if(block_type == 2){
- N=12;
- for(i=0;i<3;i++){
- for(p= 0;p<N;p++){
- sum = 0.0;
- for(m=0;m<N/2;m++)
- sum += in[i+3*m] * cos( PI/(2*N)*(2*p+1+N/2)*(2*m+1) );
- tmp[p] = sum * win[block_type][p] ;
- }
- for(p=0;p<N;p++)
- out[6*i+p+6] += tmp[p];
- }
- }
- else{
- N=36;
- for(p= 0;p<N;p++){
- sum = 0.0;
- for(m=0;m<N/2;m++)
- sum += in[m] * COS[((2*p+1+N/2)*(2*m+1))%(4*36)];
- out[p] = sum * win[block_type][p];
- }
- }
- }
- void III_hybrid(double fsIn[SSLIMIT], double tsOut[SSLIMIT], int sb, int ch, struct gr_info_s *gr_info, frame_params *fr_ps)
- /* fsIn:freq samples per subband in */
- /* tsOut:time samples per subband out */
- {
- int ss;
- double rawout[36];
- static double prevblck[2][SBLIMIT][SSLIMIT];
- static int init = 1;
- int bt;
- if (init) {
- int i,j,k;
- for(i=0;i<2;i++)
- for(j=0;j<SBLIMIT;j++)
- for(k=0;k<SSLIMIT;k++)
- prevblck[i][j][k]=0.0;
- init = 0;
- }
- bt = (gr_info->window_switching_flag && gr_info->mixed_block_flag &&
- (sb < 2)) ? 0 : gr_info->block_type;
- inv_mdct( fsIn, rawout, bt);
- /* overlap addition */
- for(ss=0; ss<SSLIMIT; ss++) {
- tsOut[ss] = rawout[ss] + prevblck[ch][sb][ss];
- prevblck[ch][sb][ss] = rawout[ss+18];
- }
- }
- /*************************************************************
- /*
- /* Pass the subband sample through the synthesis window
- /*
- /**************************************************************/
- /* create in synthesis filter */
- void create_syn_filter(double filter[64][SBLIMIT])
- {
- register int i,k;
- for (i=0; i<64; i++)
- for (k=0; k<32; k++) {
- if ((filter[i][k] = 1e9*cos((double)((PI64*i+PI4)*(2*k+1)))) >= 0)
- modf(filter[i][k]+0.5, &filter[i][k]);
- else
- modf(filter[i][k]-0.5, &filter[i][k]);
- filter[i][k] *= 1e-9;
- }
- }
- /***************************************************************
- /*
- /* Window the restored sample
- /*
- /***************************************************************/
- /* read in synthesis window */
- void read_syn_window(double window[HAN_SIZE])
- {
- int i,j[4];
- FILE *fp;
- double f[4];
- char t[150];
- if (!(fp = OpenTableFile("dewindow.txt") )) {
- printf("Please check synthesis window table 'dewindow.txt'n");
- exit(1);
- }
- for (i=0;i<512;i+=4) {
- fgets(t, 150, fp);
- sscanf(t,"D[%d] = %lf D[%d] = %lf D[%d] = %lf D[%d] = %lfn",
- j, f,j+1,f+1,j+2,f+2,j+3,f+3);
- if (i==j[0]) {
- window[i] = f[0];
- window[i+1] = f[1];
- window[i+2] = f[2];
- window[i+3] = f[3];
- }
- else {
- printf("Check index in synthesis window tablen");
- exit(1);
- }
- fgets(t,150,fp);
- }
- fclose(fp);
- }
- int SubBandSynthesis (double *bandPtr, int channel, short *samples)
- {
- register int i,j,k;
- register double *bufOffsetPtr, sum;
- static int init = 1;
- typedef double NN[64][32];
- static NN *filter;
- typedef double BB[2][2*HAN_SIZE];
- static BB *buf;
- static int bufOffset[2] = {64,64};
- static double *window;
- int clip = 0; /* count & return how many samples clipped */
- if (init) {
- buf = (BB *) mem_alloc(sizeof(BB),"BB");
- filter = (NN *) mem_alloc(sizeof(NN), "NN");
- create_syn_filter(*filter);
- window = (double *) mem_alloc(sizeof(double) * HAN_SIZE, "WIN");
- read_syn_window(window);
- init = 0;
- }
- /* if (channel == 0) */
- bufOffset[channel] = (bufOffset[channel] - 64) & 0x3ff;
- bufOffsetPtr = &((*buf)[channel][bufOffset[channel]]);
- for (i=0; i<64; i++) {
- sum = 0;
- for (k=0; k<32; k++)
- sum += bandPtr[k] * (*filter)[i][k];
- bufOffsetPtr[i] = sum;
- }
- /* S(i,j) = D(j+32i) * U(j+32i+((i+1)>>1)*64) */
- /* samples(i,j) = MWindow(j+32i) * bufPtr(j+32i+((i+1)>>1)*64) */
- for (j=0; j<32; j++) {
- sum = 0;
- for (i=0; i<16; i++) {
- k = j + (i<<5);
- sum += window[k] * (*buf) [channel] [( (k + ( ((i+1)>>1) <<6) ) +
- bufOffset[channel]) & 0x3ff];
- }
- {
- /*long foo = (sum > 0) ? sum * SCALE + 0.5 : sum * SCALE - 0.5; */
- long foo = sum * SCALE;
- if (foo >= (long) SCALE) {samples[j] = SCALE-1; ++clip;}
- else if (foo < (long) -SCALE) {samples[j] = -SCALE; ++clip;}
- else samples[j] = foo;
- }
- }
- return(clip);
- }
- void out_fifo(short pcm_sample[2][SSLIMIT][SBLIMIT], int num, frame_params *fr_ps, int done, FILE *outFile, unsigned long *psampFrames)
- {
- int i,j,l;
- int stereo = fr_ps->stereo;
- int sblimit = fr_ps->sblimit;
- static short int outsamp[1600];
- static long k = 0;
- if (!done)
- for (i=0;i<num;i++) for (j=0;j<SBLIMIT;j++) {
- (*psampFrames)++;
- for (l=0;l<stereo;l++) {
- if (!(k%1600) && k) {
- fwrite(outsamp,2,1600,outFile);
- k = 0;
- }
- outsamp[k++] = pcm_sample[l][i][j];
- }
- }
- else {
- fwrite(outsamp,2,(int)k,outFile);
- k = 0;
- }
- }
- void buffer_CRC(Bit_stream_struc *bs, unsigned int *old_crc)
- {
- *old_crc = getbits(bs, 16);
- }
- extern int bitrate[3][15];
- extern double s_freq[4];
- /* Return the number of slots for main data of current frame, */
- int main_data_slots(frame_params fr_ps)
- {
- int nSlots;
- nSlots = (144 * bitrate[2][fr_ps.header->bitrate_index])
- / s_freq[fr_ps.header->sampling_frequency];
- if (fr_ps.header->padding) nSlots++;
- nSlots -= 4;
- if (fr_ps.header->error_protection)
- nSlots -= 2;
- if (fr_ps.stereo == 1)
- nSlots -= 17;
- else
- nSlots -=32;
- return(nSlots);
- }